Rosacea: how to get rid of them. Rosacea on the face (rosacea): causes and treatment

Valentina Sergeevna asks:

How to cure rosacea using folk remedies?

In the treatment of rosacea folk remedies should be given special attention. The fact is that in some cases they can fully replace a number of medications in treatment rosacea. In particular, we're talking about about ointments and cosmetic creams for local application. The action of most of these drugs is aimed at disinfecting the surface of the skin, nourishing tissues and accelerating regenerative processes. Many medicinal plants, used in folk medicine, have a similar effect.

Here, however, it should be noted that rosacea or rosacea is a disease that cannot be cured only folk remedies. They can only become a full-fledged component of complex treatment. In most cases, a parallel course of antibiotics and physiotherapeutic procedures will be required. The problem is that rosacea is not ordinary acne which often worries teenagers. The pathological process is based on dilation of facial vessels and a serious disorder of local metabolism. At improper treatment may occur in the skin structural changes. After this, neither folk remedies nor other medications will be able to eliminate cosmetic defect. This will require surgery.

Due to the seriousness of the disease, it is advisable to consult with your doctor which folk remedies are best to use during treatment. Only a specialist who has thoroughly studied the disease in a particular patient can determine this. The fact is that the disease has many possible reasons. Depending on them different patients the same remedy can be used in different ways. In addition, you need to use it correctly folk recipes in combination with antibiotics. When self-medicating, their actions often overlap each other, which leads to a decrease in overall efficiency treatment.

The most common folk remedies used in the treatment of rosacea are:

  • A mixture of potatoes and honey. For cooking this tool you will need 100 ml potato juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. These two components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. A mixture of potatoes and honey is applied to the face in the evenings for 20 - 30 minutes. It is advisable to continue the course of treatment for 2 weeks, even if the acne begins to disappear after the first one. If the symptoms do not disappear, the two-week course is repeated after a break of 5–7 days.

  • Grated carrots. To combat acne and rosacea, you can use carrot pulp. It consists of raw finely grated carrots with boiled water. The amount of water is determined by eye. The main criterion is the consistency of the mixture. It should be convenient for applying the mask. It is recommended to use this remedy 1 – 2 times a day for several weeks.

  • Aloe juice. To obtain aloe juice, you need to rinse the leaves of the plant well with boiled water. The product is not prepared immediately. The washed leaves should be kept in a cool, dark place for 10 days. After this, the leaves are finely chopped and the juice is squeezed out directly. They need to wipe the skin of the face 2 – 3 times a day. This remedy is good against symptoms of rosacea such as inflammation, irritation and dry skin.

  • Tatarnik prickly. The herb prickly tartar can be used for treatment acne both externally and internally. In both cases it is necessary to obtain the juice of this plant. The technology for its preparation is similar to the preparation of aloe juice. In addition to wiping the face, take 1 teaspoon of tartar juice 3 times a day after meals.

  • Infusion of white lily. The infusion of white lily is made with alcohol or vodka. For this you need fresh petals of the plant. They are filled with alcohol base in a ratio of 1 to 1. The infusion lasts 2 weeks. After this, wipe the skin with the product before going to bed.

  • Fir oil. Fir oil can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is applied to a clean cotton swab and wiped over the face. This eliminates dry skin, which is observed in many patients, and promotes the healing of minor skin defects. Fir oil is not recommended for use in intense purulent processes.

  • Raspberry leaves. Raspberry leaves can be used to treat rosacea in the form of an ointment. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 part of the juice fresh leaves raspberries with 5 parts base ( butter or Vaseline). The product is applied to the face once a day. It is also not recommended for use in acute purulent processes.

  • Sage tea. Sage infusion is prepared from the leaves of the plant. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of leaves with 1 glass of boiling water. After this, the mixture is infused, wrapped, for 30 minutes. After straining the resulting infusion, you can add half a teaspoon of honey to it. After the honey has dissolved and a homogeneous solution has formed, the product is used three times a day in the form of lotions on the facial skin.

  • Garlic. Finely chopped garlic cloves are crushed until juice is obtained and mixed with the pulp again. After this you can add boiled water to obtain a mushy consistency. The product is applied to the face in the form of a mask for 10 – 15 minutes.
All of the above remedies effectively combat the visible manifestations of the disease - acne, redness, and roughening of the facial skin. However, even with good results the effect will be temporary. After some time, rosacea symptoms will return. For complete treatment of rosacea, a course of antibiotic therapy must be carried out in parallel. It is advisable to regularly visit your doctor throughout the course in order to make timely adjustments to treatment.
Find out more on this topic:
  • Hepatoprotectors – folk remedies, herbal teas, drugs with proven effectiveness. List of the best hepatoprotective herbs. Recipes for tinctures and decoctions, recommendations for use.

Rosacea, or simply rosacea, is a pathology of the facial skin, manifested by redness of the skin in the cheeks and nose (less often on the forehead and chin), as well as the appearance of purulent abscesses and other rashes. As a result, the skin in the affected area becomes bright red (due to strong expansion blood vessels), then a bluish tint appears.

Rosacea: reasons

The exact causes of this disease have not yet been established. During the research it was revealed that due to disturbances in the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems and digestive organs There is a change in the functioning of the capillaries, which leads to the occurrence of rosacea. Women over the age of thirty (perimenopausal) are often affected by pathology. However, representatives of the fair sex can experience such rashes on the face at a younger age. The causes of the pathology may be: alcohol abuse, long stay in the sun or, conversely, in the cold, regular consumption of spicy foods.

Rosacea: symptoms

Rosacea, as already mentioned, is manifested by redness of the skin on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. Over time, small bulges appear in places of redness, which then transform into ulcers (acne, pimples). In some cases, the rash may spread from the face to the shoulders and back. Rosacea on

the late stages of their manifestation are characterized by thickening of the skin in the affected areas. Vasodilation may occur and formation vascular network. Half of the patients also experience eye damage, manifested by dryness, redness, pain, a gritty sensation, and lacrimation. To prevent complications, treatment for rosacea should begin as early as early stage. And to do this, you should not ignore the first signs of pathology: redness of the skin on the face when drinking hot drinks, alcohol, or spicy food. If left untreated, rosacea can become serious. skin diseases, for example rhinophyma.

Rosacea: diagnosis

The pathology is diagnosed based on an examination of the patient by a dermatologist. It is important to exclude other skin diseases during diagnosis. Thus, rosacea is characterized by the absence of comedones and blackheads on the skin, which are signs of acne. In addition, it should be excluded perioral dermatitis, staphylococcal infection. This can be done with additional research.

Rosacea: treatment

It should be said right away that therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Many people believe that rosacea is treated in the same way as regular teenage acne. However, this opinion is wrong. For treatment, creams, ointments, and cold lotions are used to relieve redness and destroy germs and bacteria. When will it be stopped inflammatory process, you can proceed to the treatment of dilated vascular walls. For this purpose, methods such as photo-, electrocoagulation, laser coagulation. Therapy may take from several weeks to several months. By the way, rosacea cannot be completely cured; the disease may appear again, but with proper facial care and proper treatment, stable remission can be achieved.

The appearance of rosacea on the face, and sometimes on the human body, occurs for several reasons. Dermatologists cannot determine which of them is primary. At the onset of the disease, many patients do not pay attention to the formation of certain changes in the skin. But later it becomes impossible to ignore them. Seeing a dermatologist is the only right way.

Rosacea – chronic disease, which among professionals is called rosacea. Red spots appear on the face, capillaries are visible, then lumps and rashes. The formation of rosacea can be confused with regular acne. In fact, these are two completely different problems.

This complication is usually encountered by residents of northern countries who have white skin, blond or red hair. People with sensitive skin are also at risk of the disease. According to statistics, a tenth of the population suffers from this disease. The main contingent is women who have crossed the 30-year mark. The disease also affects men and sometimes occurs in newborns.

Rosacea is determined by the dilation of blood vessels that are located on the nose, chin, cheeks, then inflamed nodules and cysts form. Most often this happens in cases:

  • consumption of drinks containing alcohol (cognac, whiskey), smoking;
  • temperature changes (usually when they come from a cold street to a warm house);
  • visits to the sauna, bathhouse, solarium;
  • emotional outburst in mood;
  • facial cleansing with scrubs, cosmetics with acids;
  • eating food with a large number spices;
  • allergic manifestations.

During the course of the disease, the condition of the skin changes and sebum secretion increases. Demodex mites may appear, which complicates pathological process. Although previously it was precisely this that scientists considered to be the cause of rosacea.

Against the backdrop of the following internal diseases The body may also develop a pink rash:

  • ailments of the stomach and intestines;
  • weakened immunity;
  • imbalance endocrine system;
  • medicines;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Clinical signs and stages of pathology

Rosacea, or rosacea, develops gradually, going from mild condition to a heavier one. There are several stages:

  1. Prodromal stage. The disease begins with transient redness of the face and dilation of blood vessels in the form of hot flashes. This happens due to sharp drop temperature, drinking alcohol in small quantities, as well as dishes with spices. In this case, the affected skin has clear boundaries, the spots look like flames. Such manifestations last a short time.
  2. First stage. If you do not pay attention to the occasional redness of the facial skin, then at the next stage they become permanent. Visible spider veins- the so-called rosacea. Skin changes cover the nose, cheeks, chin, and less often spread to the neck, chest, and back. Increases fat secretion. The patient begins to independently fight its excess, using care products with aggressive components. As a result, the water balance is disrupted, the surface of the face begins to peel off, and sebum is secreted with even greater intensity.
  3. Second stage. Against the background of a reddened face, tubercles and lumps form, which then turn into blackheads and pimples with purulent contents. The face looks aesthetically unattractive. The rash brings suffering to the patient due to pain.
  4. Third stage. This is the most difficult period, which is rare. It is mainly the male population that suffers from the disease. Against the background of these symptoms, skin changes occur. It swells and becomes inflamed, and on the nose and ears grows and thickens. Redness takes on shades blue. The only way to get rid of the pathology is through surgery.

    The disease progresses in waves: exacerbations are replaced by remissions. The weakening of the inflammatory process at each subsequent stage becomes shorter and shorter. In the second and third stages, remissions are no longer observed.


In severe cases, damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes occurs, which is manifested by pain, dryness, sensation foreign body. Eye diseases such as keratitis and blepharitis cause blurred vision.

Here's a video about experts talking about rosacea:


When examining a patient, a dermatologist accurately determines the disease and its stage. To assign correct treatment rosacea on later, carry out additional tests:

The absence of comedones and blackheads allows the doctor to exclude diseases such as acne or acne. Presence of the previously mentioned subcutaneous mite requires adjustment taking into account the complication.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of rosacea on the face is complex. Home methods are supported with medication. At the beginning of the disease, taking medicines minimal. As you progress, the appointments increase.

Traditional methods

At the first stage, the disease proceeds so unnoticed that patients do not attach importance to short-term redness of the skin. Although treatment during this period is most favorable, symptoms disappear quickly. It is enough to change your lifestyle, adjust your diet and choose the right means facial care, namely:

  • exclude visiting the bathhouse, solarium, sauna;
  • limit direct sunlight on exposed skin;
  • remove foods with a lot of spices from your diet;
  • do not consume hot foods and drinks;
  • do not use abrasive facial care products;
  • wash with water at room temperature;
  • exclude visiting gym, running, skiing.

At this stage of treatment, the doctor recommends applying tea, chamomile, and calendula lotions to the skin. They have a calming effect and reduce sebum secretion. Prescribed drugs that contain vitamins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries: A, B, C, PP, - or nicotinic acid. These substances also tidy up the nervous system.

As the disease progresses, it becomes more difficult to treat rosacea due to the persistent inflammatory process. Removing it is the main task of a dermatologist. Antibacterial gels are prescribed: Metronidazole, Metrogyl, as well as compositions with an antibiotic. They relieve inflammation and cool painful skin. An ointment based on corticosteroids, for example, Sinaflan, works similarly. She is prescribed for short term in the event that the patient has not previously taken medications of a similar nature.

Modern technologies

When the inflammatory process is stopped, treatment begins vascular changes. In this case, cold therapy, such as cryomassage, is useful.

To the capillaries and small vessels They act with electricity, using electrocoagulation, and use photo and laser treatment. During these procedures, excess vessels are blocked by cauterization and gradually dissolved. The impact of the laser pulse is short-term and targeted, so nearby tissues are not injured. After the procedure, burns, redness, and swelling are not visible on the skin. Already after the first session it is visible positive result, but in advanced cases several procedures are required.

Contraindications to laser therapy:

  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy.

Rosacea cannot be completely cured. If the patient consults a dermatologist on time, completes a therapeutic course, and subsequently follows the doctor’s recommendations, then a relapse of the disease will not occur. In advanced cases, the patient has scars and cicatrices on his face.

Folk recipes

You can treat rosacea by using tips from traditional medicine. By themselves, they are effective in the initial period of the disease, when you can use anti-inflammatory and soothing lotions and washes based on medicinal herbs.

When the disease develops, traditional medicine is used as concomitant treatment, along with pharmaceutical compounds. At home, both lotions and means for oral administration are prepared.

Traditional medicine suggests treating rosacea with the following recipes:

  1. According to patient reviews, cranberry juice has proven itself well. A piece of gauze is soaked in liquid and covered the face for 40 minutes once a day. Repeat until redness disappears.
  2. Cabbage juice, which is diluted with water, is moistened with cotton swabs and applied to painful areas for 15 minutes every day for a month.
  3. A spoonful of rosehip is poured into a glass of boiling water. After cooling, soak a piece of gauze in the solution and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. This procedure is repeated several times a day.
  4. Fresh cucumber is grated and aloe juice is added. The paste is applied to the entire face and left for half an hour. Wash off with water at room temperature. The mask is repeated 2-3 times a week for a month.
  5. A decoction is prepared from nettle for oral administration. Take 2 tbsp. l. leaves pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take 100 ml before meals 3 times a day.
  6. Apply alcohol tincture low concentration propolis for application to affected areas at night for a month.
  7. Drink green tea at least three times a day.

Prevention of rosacea

For those who have achieved lasting remission and those at risk, it is recommended to follow the following simple rules:

  • do not overcool or overheat;
  • avoid tanning both under the sun and in a solarium;
  • be responsible when choosing the amount of physical activity;
  • stick to proper nutrition, remove fatty, fried, spicy foods from the diet, add vegetable and fermented milk products;
  • Avoid drinking coffee, chocolate, and alcohol;
  • A face care cream should have a high degree of protection from sun rays.

These tips will help you avoid the onset of this dangerous disease. In order for your skin to always be healthy and beautiful, you need to react to the occurrence of symptoms and start treatment on time. Otherwise the struggle will be difficult and long.

Rosacea is a problem that is more relevant for middle-aged women. Treatment should include systemic medications, local remedies and physiotherapy.

Rosacea on the face (or rosacea) is a chronic skin disease characterized by the formation of dense rash elements (papules, pustules), severe redness of skin areas and expansion of the vascular network. Over time epithelial tissue is replaced by connective tissue, ugly scars are formed. If rosacea occurs on the face, the treatment will be quite long, complex and complex, since the reliable causes of this disease are not fully known.

The causes of rosacea are the complex effects of a number of external and internal factors. Among them the most significant:

  • chronic diseases digestive system(gastritis, enteritis);
  • chronic pathology of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, decreased adrenal function);
  • unbalanced diet ( overuse alcoholic drinks, meat dishes and spices, carbonated drinks, citrus fruits);
  • age and gender (rosacea occurs more often on the face in women than in men over the age of 40);
  • ethnic group (this type of facial rash never occurs in representatives of the Negroid race);
  • disturbance of local blood flow (congestion in the venous network of the face);
  • humoral changes immune system(increased concentration of all types of immunoglobulins).

Currently, the above reasons are considered by some doctors to be secondary, and the influence of the opportunistic mite Demodex folliculorum is considered more significant. When compiling individual plan treatment should take into account all the most significant causes of acne in this particular case. Treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at improving the functioning of internal organs.

It is highly undesirable to treat this variant of acne on the face on your own. It should be understood that it is impossible to cleanse the skin using only local medications without affecting the actual causes of the disease. In addition, the choice of any cosmetics, periodic uncontrolled attempts to wipe acne elements with them usually lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin on the face, as well as attempts to mechanically clean the skin. Launched forms Rosacea is much more difficult to treat and stop acne from spreading to previously healthy areas.

Local treatment

To successfully treat rosacea on the skin of the face, you need to avoid mechanical influence, that is, the so-called cleansing by a cosmetologist in this case is strictly contraindicated. The combination and duration of use of various lotions, ointments and creams is determined by the stage of the disease.

Lotions made from decoctions of medicinal herbs (marshmallow root, St. John's wort, sage, string, chamomile) and even ordinary green or black tea are quite effective for this type of acne. This therapy has a cooling effect and constricts small blood vessels.

It is necessary to wipe the skin several times a day (1-3 times) with smooth and gentle movements. For lotions, you should use a bandage or gauze, not a reusable sponge.

In order to influence infectious causes Rosacea are used:

  • preparations containing sulfur compounds;
  • 10% benzyl benzoate suspension;
  • Spregal spray;
  • ointments and creams containing trichopolum;
  • antibiotics wide range effects (Metronidazole, Tetracyclines);
  • acne with purulent contents can be cured with azelaic acid.

With this type of acne, you should not wipe your face with alcohol-containing solutions and lotions, as this causes unwanted blood flow to the skin. Treatment with local agents containing glucocorticosteroids (Flucinar, Prednisolone ointment) is not effective in this case.

All topical remedies must be used for a sufficiently long time (weeks or even months) in accordance with the dosage and frequency of administration in order to successfully treat rosacea.

Systemic application

Systemic treatment is intended to target internal reasons Rosacea. Such treatment includes: antibiotics, retinoids and glucocorticoids.

Antimicrobial drugs, namely antibiotics of the tetracycline group (Tetracycline itself, Doxycycline), macrolides (Erythromycin, Roxithromycin) and metronidazole (Ornidazole) are prescribed to cleanse the sick person’s body of excess amounts of Demodex folliculorum mites and other opportunistic flora, as well as their metabolic products . Well antimicrobial therapy for rosacea it is quite long, in some cases it is 10-12 weeks.

Whenever side effects antimicrobial therapy, treatment should be continued, but it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug, and also include complex therapy pancreatic enzymes (Pancreatin) and hepatoprotectors (milk thistle, essential phospholipids). These components will also help cleanse the body of toxic products.

In case of multiple acne over a large area, it is necessary to treat the person with drugs from the retinoid group. These products help normalize the process of natural exfoliation of the skin, cleanse the skin of excess sebum, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Retinoids are effective only with long-term (up to six months) use; their effect continues even after discontinuation of the drug.

Rosacea disappears quite quickly with the use of systemic glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) in short courses.

With pronounced depressive changes in the character of a sick person, sedatives are needed to plant based(St. John's wort, motherwort, valerian).


For rosacea, physiotherapy helps to clear the skin, which can be used at any stage of the disease, regardless of drug therapy. Rosacea is reduced and gradually disappears when used:

  • exposure to long-wave laser;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryotherapy.

The techniques used constrict blood vessels, reduce blood flow to the face, and have an anti-inflammatory and cooling effect. Almost the same physical therapy options help eliminate or reduce scars formed at the site of the pustular elements of the rash.

To quickly and permanently clear the skin of rosacea, you need to start therapy in the early stages of the disease, treat acne using local and systemic medications, following all medical prescriptions.

Rosaceachronic disease, which affects human skin, which is also commonly called rosacea . The main symptom of this disease is redness of the skin and the formation of rashes on the skin of the face. These can be tubercles, pustules. The disease develops in certain stages, which gradually move from one to another. The disease is most often observed in women who are already 30 years old, but in some cases it may begin earlier. Most often develops in people with fair skin and red hair. According to specialist research, this disease affects approximately a tenth of people.

The disease is often also called “acne rosacea”. At a certain stage of development, the disease resembles some symptoms, so it is important that the diagnosis be carried out by a specialist dermatologist. After all, the patient’s recovery depends on how adequate the treatment of rosacea is.

Stages of rosacea

At the first stage of the disease, a person experiences periodic flushes of blood to the face at the moment when he consumes very hot food, as well as alcohol, citrus fruits, and spices with a bright taste and aroma. The development of this stage of the disease requires compliance with certain important recommendations: you need to eat only warm food, you should not abuse alcohol or spicy food. The first stage of the disease requires avoiding saunas, steam baths, tanning in a solarium, and staying under sun rays. It is also necessary to take care of your skin more carefully: in particular, it is worth choosing mild remedy for washing, suitable for a specific skin type. The use of nourishing creams with a heavy consistency is not suitable at this stage. You can stop the tide with the help of thermal water, washing which effectively stops the pathological reaction of blood vessels.

At the second stage of the disease, persistent redness is already observed on the patient’s face. And sometimes spider veins even appear. At this stage, it is necessary to adhere to a more strict diet, categorically avoid visiting a bathhouse or sauna, and hide from the sun. Equally important is deep good sleep, you can also take sedatives medicines( , ). Don't forget about skin care.

At the third stage of the disease, rashes appear on the skin, looking like pustules and small nodules. In this case, a person often makes a mistake by undertaking those treatment methods that are practiced for acne. As a result, there is no improvement, and some procedures may even provoke some deterioration of the condition. Therefore, it is important to correctly establish the diagnosis, after which the doctor prescribes the correct complex therapy.

The fourth and final stage of the disease most often develops in male patients. In this case there is hyperplasia connective tissue and sebaceous glands (a phenomenon called rhinophyma ). At the fourth stage, the size of the nose increases and it takes on an asymmetrical shape. At the same time, bluish spots appear on the skin, and spider veins become larger. The fourth stage of the disease can only be eliminated through surgery.

Causes of Rosacea

The trigger point of the disease is the pathological reaction of the blood vessels, as a result of which inflammation develops. Such phenomena are typical for those people who have high reactivity of skin vessels, as well as for people with high sensitivity skin to solar radiation and other features of the location of blood vessels in the skin.

But before today there is no information about the exact reasons that provoke the development of this disease. People who have rosacea experience expansion of the superficial arteries skin as a response to the influence of those irritants that do not cause such consequences in healthy people.

At one time, the cause of this disease was considered to be infection with a microscopic mite -. He lives in sebaceous glands hair follicles on the skin of a person's face. However, modern experts claim that this microscopic mite is present even in healthy people and does not have an initial effect on the development of rosacea.

According to another theory, the disease occurs against the background gastritis under the influence of bacteria, which provokes its development. In addition, the use of certain medications has a certain effect, including - corticosteroid ointments .

Thus, among the factors that influence the development of rosacea, it should be noted illnesses gastrointestinal tract , endocrine disorders , malfunctions immune system . Exacerbation of the disease is possible when a person stays in rooms with too hot or cold temperature air, as well as as a consequence of emotional shocks and outbursts.

Symptoms of rosacea

Rosacea manifested by a number of specific signs. First of all, the patient experiences the main symptoms of rosacea - significant redness of the face, which mainly extends to the center of the face, forehead, chin, cheeks, chin, nose. Sometimes redness also affects the cheeks and chin. Against the background of reddened skin, rashes sometimes appear on the face in the form of pink papules . After some time, they change, turning into ulcers. Sometimes lumps appear in the area of ​​redness, which are more characteristic of last stage diseases. Another characteristic feature– dilated blood vessels and the presence of a vascular network on the skin. About half of the patients also develop eye damage, in which the patient is bothered by dryness, pain, and a feeling of a foreign body in the eyes.

Feelings of itching, burning, and tightness of the skin are possible. Rosacea treatment prescribed depending on the stage and manifestations of the disease. Sometimes the doctor also recommends parallel treatment with folk remedies as an auxiliary method.

Diagnosis of rosacea

In most cases, a doctor can diagnose the disease after external examination sick. But in some cases, microflora research is practiced skin faces, and general condition vessels. To determine what kind of skin disease is occurring, it is carried out laboratory tests blood.

If a doctor discovers a demodex mite on the skin of the face, then this diagnosis is not yet a basis for determining whether the patient has rosacea or demodicosis.

Rosacea treatment

Due to the possibility of the disease progressing to more serious stages, which are very difficult to treat later, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time and take measures to eliminate it. However, to this day there are no drugs or methods that can completely and quickly relieve a patient from this disease.

Therapy begins with eliminating those factors that provoke the development of the disease. The patient is recommended to follow a diet that completely excludes all foods that cause redness. For people suffering from this disease, coffee, canned food, and vinegar are harmful. You should not eat some fruits: doctors do not advise eating pears, grapes, tangerines. At the same time, lean meat and fish, vegetables, herbs, legumes, and dairy products are beneficial. Sunbathing should also be excluded for the period of treatment.

General treatment of the disease must be carried out comprehensively, requiring the intervention of a therapist and an endocrinologist. For treatment, drugs of the imidazole group are most often used ( trichopolum , metronidazole ). Such drugs enhance the protective and regenerative properties of the intestinal and gastric mucosa. If the patient develops diseases during the development, the doctor may prescribe an appointment. In this case, treatment is practiced methicycline , metacycline , etc. If the patient has persistent papular rosacea effective medicine counts .

In addition, vitamins are actively used in the process of complex treatment. IN vitamin complexes, used to treat such patients must necessarily include , . If the disease is combined with a variety of allergic reactions, then desensitizing therapy is prescribed: taking antihistamines, sodium thiosulfate. If eye damage occurs during the development of the disease, then in this case the patient must be examined by an ophthalmologist. The patient is prescribed treatment antihistamines, internal administration, instillation hydrocortisone drops in the eyes.

Every patient must understand that this disease is chronic, so even with complex treatment the symptoms of the disease will not disappear immediately. It takes at least a few weeks for them to subside.



Traditional methods of treatment

Some folk recipes can be used to treat this disease. So, cranberry juice has long been used for this, which is suitable for face lotions. You should soak a cloth in the juice and hold this lotion on your face for 40 minutes. After this, you need to wash and dry your skin with a towel. The procedure is done once a day. When manifested allergic reaction the juice is diluted with warm boiled water. Gradually, after reducing the intensity of the redness, lotions can be done less frequently - once every few days.

One more thing effective remedy traditional medicine - propolis. At night, you just need to wipe your face with a swab thoroughly moistened in a five percent propolis tincture. In the morning, a film will appear on the skin of the face, which is carefully wiped off with a cotton swab soaked in vodka. Such procedures must be done within a month. After this time, the procedure is carried out using a ten percent propolis tincture for another month.

You can also prepare a decoction, which is consumed as tea, half a glass several times a day. It contains nettle, horsetail, stems young plant burdock.

From time to time, you can use face masks to treat rosacea. A mask made from fresh aloe juice, half diluted with water, is effective. Gauze soaked in this solution should be kept on the face for about 20 minutes. Similarly, you can make a mask from half-diluted fresh cabbage juice. Such masks can be done once every two days for a month and a half.

Prevention of rosacea

To prevent the development of the disease, you should very carefully follow all the rules of personal hygiene, and be sure to promptly treat all associated ailments. You should not allow excesses in nutrition, abusing hot, spicy foods, alcohol. On hot days sunny days Be sure to use high-quality sunscreen for your skin. Hypothermia and irritation of the facial skin with low-quality cosmetics should not be allowed.