How to administer glycerin suppositories. Glycerin suppositories for constipation are a gentle and effective time-tested remedy. How the drug works

Normal bowel movements are an indicator of health. Experts call stool retention for two or more days constipation or constipation. Frequent stressful situations, insufficient fluid intake, a sedentary lifestyle, taking certain medications - all this and much more can trigger the development of a pathological process.

In children, the causes may be related to intestinal immaturity, as well as the introduction of new foods to the diet. And sometimes the whole reason lies in nervous disorders from shocks, for example, separation from the mother. In a healthy person, the frequency of bowel movements depends on nutrition, lifestyle and existing habits.

Those who suffer from constipation often complain of a constant feeling of nausea, fatigue, bad taste in the mouth, decreased appetite, and bloating. Stool retention threatens the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia. This is due to poor absorption of nutrients due to constant use of laxatives.

Normal digestion is the result of a healthy diet, adequate fluid intake and a healthy lifestyle. But when constipation has already occurred, first the intestines should be helped to empty, and only then proceed to preventive measures.

Glycerin suppositories for constipation act quickly and effectively; they are approved for use at any age, from infants to the elderly. Despite the fact that suppositories do help with constipation, using them as self-medication is unacceptable.

Prescription of drugs is carried out by a qualified doctor. Before use, it is important to read the instructions and follow their instructions. So, how do glycerin suppositories work? Can they be used by pregnant women? These and many other questions will be answered in this article.

Instructions for use

Suppositories with glycerin are a laxative for topical use. Unlike medications for constipation, which are used orally, these suppositories act much faster. This is not only a highly effective, but also a safe remedy, since it acts directly in the problem area without spreading throughout the body.

The drug is a transparent soft suppository, which is sold at the pharmacy in ten pieces. The dosage is different for adults and children. The active component of the drug is glycerol. The active component softens fecal stones and stimulates peristalsis by irritating receptors in the intestinal mucosa.

Within 10–15 minutes after using Glycerin, a laxative effect will occur

How much do candles cost? Suppositories with an adult dosage can be purchased for 150–180 rubles. Children's suppositories are a little cheaper; the drug can be found for 120–150 rubles. The effect of glycerin is due to its ability to irritate the rectal mucosa, resulting in reflex stimulation of peristalsis.

If the stool becomes very hard, glycerin suppositories may not be effective. In this case, they can even cause harm, since dense feces can injure the mucous membrane of the anus.

Indications for use

  • constipation of any etiology (cause);
  • delay during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • postoperative period;
  • hemorrhoids (during the lull of the acute process);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • forced limitation of mobility.

How to use?

Suppositories should be stored in the refrigerator. Take them out a few minutes before using to allow them to come to room temperature. The instructions say that you should light a candle after breakfast, although if necessary, this can be done at any time of the day. The main thing is that you have the opportunity to go to the toilet later. The effect usually occurs within ten to twenty minutes.

Important! Don't forget that if you go to the toilet right away, only a candle will come out. Try to hold the suppository for as long as possible so that it better softens the stool.

The urge to defecate may also occur over the next few hours. For prolonged constipation, the use of two suppositories may be necessary. Also, the dosage may increase if the candle is used by a person with large weight. For newborns, the suppository is divided into two or even four parts.

You can use glycerin suppositories for constipation only once a day

Contraindications and side effects

There are restrictions in connection with the use of suppositories, these include:

  • proctitis – inflammation of the rectum;
  • neoplasms in the intestines;
  • anal fissures;
  • hypersensitivity to glycerol;
  • acute hemorrhoids.

Important! You should not use the medicine before taking a stool test, as it may affect the results.

No side effects were observed with single use. Long-term and regular use is associated with the risk of the following unpleasant symptoms: irritation, burning sensation, and the intestines refuse to work on their own.

Glycerin acts as a lubricant for the inner surface of the intestines, allowing stool to pass out easily and painlessly

Constipation in pregnant women

Constipation in pregnant women is a common phenomenon, this is explained by the early production of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the muscles of the internal organs. This serves as a warning against uterine hypertonicity and premature birth. But a side effect of progesterone is a weakening of intestinal motility.

In later stages, constipation is associated with the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs and causes disruption of their functioning. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to use suppositories during pregnancy can be answered unequivocally - yes! The period of bearing a child is not a contraindication to the use of glycerin suppositories. During a normal pregnancy, doctors may prescribe one suppository in the morning.

Caution never hurts, especially during pregnancy. Do not forget that active stimulation of intestinal contractions can cause premature birth. However, you should use suppositories with great caution in the early stages, when vital organs and systems are developing, or it is better to abandon them altogether. In exceptional cases, pregnant women are prescribed a children's dosage.

Constipation in a child

Stool retention in childhood can be associated with a large number of reasons: lack of body weight, insufficient physical activity, lack of fiber in food, lactose deficiency, rickets. Glycerin suppositories have a simple composition.

Apart from glycerin and acids, there are no other components in suppositories. Glycerol, in combination with other acids, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects.

Glycerin suppositories are used for constipation in children, as they are a hypoallergenic remedy.

Long-term use of suppositories can cause irritation and inflammation of the rectum. Also, long-term use can be addictive, and then it will be difficult for the child to go to the toilet on his own without the use of suppositories.

Important! Glycerin suppositories can be used even by newborns, since they are not absorbed by the intestinal walls and do not enter the systemic bloodstream.

Introducing suppositories to newborns is a rather labor-intensive process. Children are mobile and may interfere with the administration of the suppository. Be sure to wash your hands before the procedure.

The child should be placed on his back with his legs tucked toward his stomach. Then, in a smooth motion, inject the product with the rounded end forward.

Then hold the legs in such a position so that the candle passes deeper through the rectum and dissolves well. If it is not possible to insert the suppository in the supine position, place the child on his side, bend his knees and press him to his stomach. Baby suppositories usually begin to work within twenty minutes.


Let's consider popular analogues of glycerin suppositories:

  • Glycelax. Helps resolve isolated cases of constipation. The drug has an irritating effect on the rectal mucosa, causing a reflex activation of peristalsis. Glicex contains glycerol, which provides a laxative effect. The drug also acts like an ointment, moisturizing the sphincter area. This helps prevent pain during bowel movements.
  • Glycerol. The active component of the drug, as in the previous case, is glycerol. The product has not only a laxative, but also a dermatoprotective and dehydrating effect. Doctors usually prescribe two suppositories twenty minutes after breakfast. Treatment is stopped after intestinal function has returned to normal.
  • Microlax. Used to combat constipation in newborns. Microlax is used in the form of microenemas. This is a combination product that contains three active ingredients. Sodium citrate is necessary to dissolve hardened stool. Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate is a coating agent that prevents caking. Sorbitol enhances the therapeutic effect of the first two substances and facilitates the evacuation of feces.
  • Duphalac. This is a lactulose-based laxative. Duphalac eliminates constipation by stimulating peristalsis and influencing the consistency of stool. Among other things, Duphalac is also a probiotic that stimulates the production of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora. The drug is used internally. The syrup can be consumed undiluted or diluted with water. Use the product once a day, preferably at the same time.
  • Portalak. This is another lactulose-based laxative. Portalac normalizes the consistency of stool and promotes its rapid elimination. It is taken orally with food or immediately after breakfast. Portalac is prescribed even to children under one year old. Along with this, patients should drink plenty of natural water.

Glycerin suppositories can be used even for constipation in infants

Or stool retention is a common occurrence in children in the first years of life. If the problem is episodic or very rare, you can not contact your doctor, but eliminate constipation yourself by including fermented milk products and necessary vegetables in your child’s diet. It’s another matter if constipation becomes systematic. In this case, a special diet will not solve the problem and you will have to resort to laxatives, and in severe cases, seek help from a qualified specialist - a gastroenterologist. Glycerin suppositories are best for constipation, but you need to read the instructions before use.

Glycerin suppositories for children are a laxative drug that is freely sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Doctors often prescribe these suppositories to infants whose stool retention occurs due to a change in diet, for example, the transition from breastfeeding to solid or artificial nutrition.

Children switched to artificial feeding not only defecate less often, but have harder stools. These changes are due to the introduction of solid foods into the baby's diet. During normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nutrients and water are sucked out of food that enters the intestines, and the remainder is excreted from the body in the form of feces.

In order for the stool to be soft, the excreted products must contain the required amount of water. In addition, for a problem-free withdrawal there should be no disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (lower intestines) function ineffectively or when there is insufficient water, constipation occurs.

Glycerin suppositories and their uses

When stool is delayed, the density of feces changes, therefore, its elimination becomes more difficult, which reduces the frequency of bowel movements. In this situation, children's glycerin suppositories will be a good remedy. In addition, this drug will help children who are afraid to go to the toilet.

Medicine - “Glycerin suppositories” is used to provoke bowel movements in children. The medicine is used as follows: a suppository is inserted into the rectum with clean hands and pushed as deep as possible.

Glycerin suppositories independently lubricate the rectum, so additional lubrication is not required during drug administration.

Then the buttocks are squeezed for two to three minutes so that the glycerin dissolves quickly and prevents reflexive expulsion. Before administering the medicine, the baby is placed on his left side, with his legs bent at the knees. Infants are given candles while lying on their back, with their legs tucked to their stomach.

In addition, suppositories provide painless passage of feces, which is especially good in cases where the baby has a feeling of fear associated with constipation and pain during bowel movements. If you have a child in your family, then in addition to brilliant green, peroxide, and antipyretics, your home medicine cabinet should also contain glycerin suppositories.

Glycerin suppositories, reviews of the drug

Reviews about this product are only positive. Suppositories are effective for stool retention and, unlike most, do not cause discomfort or pain. When seeking qualified help, doctors often prescribe Suppositoria Glycerini or Suppositoria cum Glycerino. These suppositories can be used for newborn babies, since in addition to glycerin, they contain stearic acid and sodium carbonate.

Glycerin suppositories, laxative dosage and contraindications

Due to the fact that glycerin suppositories can be bought without a prescription, pay attention to the packaging, there should be a mark for children, because in addition to children, manufacturers produce equally effective suppositories for adults.

The daily norm of a laxative for a child is 1 suppository.

The instructions for the drug confirm that the components of the suppositories are selected so that the drug instantly melts under the influence of the child’s body temperature.

The remains of the suppositories leave the body with soft feces. Before purchasing laxative suppositories for a newborn, carefully read the package insert, which provides detailed information about the drug.

The instructions indicate that glycerin products have virtually no contraindications or side effects. Exceptions that will lead to refusal of the medicine are individual intolerance or the child’s excessive sensitivity to the components of the suppositories.

The video will teach you how to place a candle (including glycerin) correctly:

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Glycerin suppositories are an affordable and easily used remedy that is prescribed for constipation and hemorrhoids for children, adolescents and adults.


Visually, the drug is a torpedo-shaped candle, inside of which there may be an air rod.

The color of the product depends on the batch and manufacturer, the following options are allowed:

  • transparency;
  • yellowish-brown tint;
  • translucent with slight haze.

If there is slight softening or sweating of the contour packaging, the drug retains its pharmaceutical properties.


Suppositories with glycerin consist of the following substances:

  1. Glycerol. Available in several dosages, the amount of substance is 1.24 or 2.11 g.
  2. Stearic acid. Harmless unless used uncontrolled. Has a mild laxative effect.
  3. Polyethylene oxide 400. Absolutely harmless. Promotes the dissolution of glycerin. It is incompatible with some drugs, in particular amidopyrine, thymol, tannin, phenol.
  4. Sodium carbonate decahydrate. An inorganic compound used to bind an active substance.

There is a low probability that the patient is allergic to stearic acid or glycerin.

Release form and application

The product is a suppository that is inserted through the anus into the rectum. May be refrigerated before use. This property is used in situations where glycerin suppositories are prescribed for hemorrhoids.

Pack of 10 pcs. Cardboard box. The candles are packed in blisters of 5 pieces.


Glycerin suppositories are used for constipation of various etiologies and for difficulty defecating. It is permissible to use during pregnancy and lactation.

When melting, a glycerin suppository gently envelops the mucous membrane and inflamed hemorrhoidal cones. This allows you to reduce the negative impact of feces on them.

Glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth are prescribed as an additional medicine that complements drugs whose action is aimed at healing existing foci of inflammation.

Due to the mild principle of action of Glycerin suppositories, they can be used to relieve constipation in children.

Parents are very concerned about the question of how long it takes for Glycerin suppositories to start working? The first reaction will occur after 15 minutes.

It is not advisable to give them to a child under 3 months old. There is a high probability of developing an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of redness of the anus, burning in the anus.

The drug does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system. It is possible to drive vehicles, since there is no decrease in alertness.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of Glycerin suppositories indicate that the product is prescribed to combat constipation and to prevent its occurrence in people who are strictly prohibited from physically straining the abdominal muscles during bowel movements.

Prescribe with caution if long-term therapy is necessary, since systemic administration of the drug leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the intestine.

The drug is intended for one-time relief from constipation. In case of frequent absence of bowel movements, which is systemic in nature, other means are resorted to.

In proctology, the product is prescribed to people with grade 2-3 hemorrhoids. Before insertion, the suppositories can be very cool, even frozen.

It is necessary to place the suppository in the freezer compartment 15-20 minutes before its immediate administration. You cannot store candles for a long time at sub-zero temperatures.

The official instructions list hemorrhoids as a disease for which the use of Glycerin suppositories is prohibited. In reality, this is a relative contraindication.

The introduction of a suppository can reduce the irritating effect of stagnant feces on hemorrhoids. Pre-chilling or freezing brings an additional feeling of improvement in overall health.

Features of application

Inserting rectal suppositories into the anus in the presence of external hemorrhoids can be difficult.

Often, to facilitate passage of the anus, it is lubricated with Vaseline or other products containing mineral oils - this is strictly prohibited, since glycerin reacts with substances of this group.

To facilitate administration, you can use only natural oils of plant origin.


Systematic use of rectal suppositories with glycerin is prohibited. With long-term use, complications in the form of impaired rectal function are recorded. Therefore, when intestinal motility normalizes, rectal Glycerin suppositories are stopped.

The official instructions that come with the drug indicate that it should not be prescribed for hemorrhoids. In fact, a contraindication is in situations where the buds are excessively inflamed, bleeding and cracked.

In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, glycerin suppositories are prescribed by almost all proctologists. This is an affordable medicine that replaces expensive analogues.

Unconditional contraindications include the presence of the following diseases:

  • benign, malignant neoplasms of the intestine;
  • hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug;
  • proctitis;
  • paraproctitis.


There is a division of negative reactions into two categories. The first includes the development of a systemic disorder in the intestines.

With constant use of Glycerin suppositories, the intestinal muscles cease to function normally. As a result, this leads to the fact that without laxatives, bowel movements do not occur.

Therefore, Glycerin suppositories after childbirth are prescribed only as a one-time aid. If their action is aimed at reducing the pressure of feces on internal hemorrhoids, it is necessary to take into account the high probability of developing complications.

The second group includes such manifestations as allergic reactions and discomfort in the anus.

Initially, a negative reaction manifests itself in the form of a burning or itching sensation.

Painful sensations appear approximately 15-20 minutes after the administration of glycerin for hemorrhoids.


Uncontrolled use of suppositories increases the risk of developing allergic reactions.

If you experience discomfort, you need to do a cleansing enema with an oil solution. This is done several times to completely flush out glycerin and stearic acid from the intestines.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug does not change its pharmacological properties for two years after release. Must be stored in a protected place out of reach of children. The temperature should not exceed +25 degrees.

At home, the best option is the top shelves on the refrigerator door.

If it is necessary to transport the drug in summer at high temperatures outside, it must be cooled as much as possible, but not frozen.


There are medications on sale whose effect on the human body is almost the same as that of Glycerin suppositories. Some of them are generics. That is, they contain the same active substance.

For comparison, purchasing Glycerin suppositories will cost from 120 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the amount of the active substance.

The drugs in the line will help cope with constipation. When purchasing them, you should take into account that their purpose is to treat hemorrhoids. The laxative effect is a concomitant effect. The cost ranges from 310 rubles and above.

Bisacodyl is a rectal suppository with a pronounced laxative effect. Cost in pharmacies from 37 rubles. The price of the drug is significantly lower than that of Glycerin suppositories. But there are also more disadvantages. Cannot be used during pregnancy.

Despite the fact that suppositories with glycerin are sold without a doctor's prescription, their uncontrolled use is unacceptable. Consultation with a proctologist or therapist is required.

By refusing foods that are healthy for the body, exhausting ourselves with diets for external attractiveness, we forget about the inner beauty and healthy functioning of the body. A lack of beneficial elements contained in vegetables and fruits, unhealthy diets and a sedentary lifestyle cause constipation. Glycerin suppositories for constipation will help to cope with a delicate and intimate problem.

You can experience a number of sufferings and discomfort with constipation no less than with any other ailment.

Glycerin suppositories will solve the problem and make life easier. Let's consider the spectrum of action, applications and composition.

Suppositories with glycerin A transparent, non-solid medicine, for rectal use, acts as a local laxative.
Compound Sold in cardboard packaging, inside there are 10 suppositories sealed in a shell. Depending on age, suppositories are divided into children and adults. The difference lies in the size and dosage of glycerol (distilled glycerin): 2.25 g of glycerol for an adult and 1.24 g for a child.

In addition to glycerol, the composition includes a number of auxiliary components: stearic acid, macrogum, calcium carbonate.

  • clear/slightly cloudy color;
  • odorless;
  • melt at a temperature of 34 C˚ and above.;
  • has a laxative effect;
  • does not harm the intestinal mucosa;
  • acts softly and delicately;
  • Shelf life: 2 years if stored correctly. Suitable temperature range 15 C˚ - 25 C˚;
  • When using, put it in the refrigerator so that the candle does not melt right in your hands.
Action The action of the suppository is to irritate the receptors of the rectum, leading to contraction of the walls, increased formation of mucus flow, and easier passage of feces through the intestines. The candle is activated 10 minutes after administration. The time varies depending on the severity of the disease. If after 10 minutes there is no action, do not worry. The drug will let you know within 24 hours after use.
Dignity Glycerin is an effective laxative and is valued for its ease of use, simple composition and the absence of a large number of auxiliary components.

Instructions for use

The official instructions included with glycerin suppositories for constipation will coordinate and answer your questions. Before using a laxative, familiarize yourself with the positions: composition, indications, contraindications, how to use and how long the drug takes to work.

The use of rectal suppositories for difficulties in bowel movement requires following the following sequence of actions:

  1. Reduce the temperature of your hands, cool them in cool water. It will help the suppository not to grow in your hand and maintain its shape. You need to cool the candle in the refrigerator.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly and disinfect.
  3. Unpack the drug. Use a knife or scissors to unpack.
  4. For easy penetration inside, first lubricate the candle with vegetable oil and moisten the anus with water. Vaseline will not work!
  5. Choose a comfortable (horizontal) position and pull your knees towards your chest, relax.
  6. Introduce the drug smoothly, as deep as possible into the rectum, do not rush. Remember to remain relaxed throughout the process. By straining, you complicate the process and the procedure is painful.
  7. Align your legs, hold your buttocks with your hands for the first 5 minutes so that the candle does not leak out.
  8. Stay in a horizontal position for 15-30 minutes.
  9. After a while, get up.

The causes of constipation are varied: age-related and functional, psychogenic and others, including due to the characteristics of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Rectal suppositories are used as a prophylaxis to avoid constipation in patients who have contraindications to physical efforts resulting from modification: pathogenic hemorrhoids, previous myocardial infarction, etc.

Purpose for several types of constipation:

Functional disorders of fecal excretion Reason: decreased intestinal motility, impaired sensitivity of nerve endings.
Psychogenic constipation A problem of a psychological nature (impossibility of emptying outside the walls of the house).
Age-related changes in the body Impaired bowel function due to age.
Regular bowel problems Reason: sedentary lifestyle.
Constipation caused by antibiotics Reason: disturbance of intestinal microflora and predisposition to constipation.

Glycerin provokes an irritating effect on the intestines 15-30 minutes after administration of the suppository. But each organism is individual and the time after which devastation occurs is different.

In some cases, the desire to evacuate appears immediately after the suppository penetrates, in others it takes time - more than 30 minutes. If you do not know how the body will react, it is recommended to administer the suppository in the morning, after breakfast, at least one hour before leaving home.

It’s easier to find out how long it takes for glycerin to take effect in children. The desired result is achieved a few minutes after ingestion of the drug. Pediatricians are inclined to believe that the laxative effect in babies occurs after 5-10 minutes.

The intestinal mucosa of children is sensitive, glycerin begins to irritate immediately.

Effective against constipation

Inexpensive glycerin suppositories are a safe and effective way to combat constipation in adults and children. For quick and gentle results, doctors recommend using rectal medications. Before use, consult a doctor; there is a possible risk of side effects, and significant contraindications may be a reason to refrain from using anal suppositories.

Glycerin for constipation in pregnant women is prescribed with virtually no fear. Expectant mothers should not be afraid of the drug during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The medicine is hypoallergenic, but there are cases of intolerance to the constituent components. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

Most people are satisfied with the medicine, which is confirmed by positive reviews on the Internet.

The anti-constipation agent has a fast-acting effect. The shell of the candle, after administration, dissolves, the absorption process begins, and the active substances begin to act. The irritating effect of the product on the intestines makes it “work”, and by diluting the feces, it promotes excretion. An adult will want to visit the toilet within 30 minutes. In young children the process accelerates. It won't take long to see the results. After 5-10 minutes you can go to the restroom.


When buying a medicine at a pharmacy, read the contraindications included in the instructions.

Contraindications for the use of glycerin suppositories:

  • painful feelings in the abdominal area;
  • hypersensitivity to irritants;
  • neoplasms of the rectum;
  • inflammatory pathological process of the rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis);
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • presence of anal fissures;
  • diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Use is contraindicated for “cologenic” constipation (feces are retained above the rectum). Suppositories are also ineffective in cases of internal scars, tumors and other mechanical obstacles.

Do not delay the use of suppositories in children. The “help” of suppositories turns in the opposite direction, provoking irritation with inflammation of the rectum. Due to complications with addiction, it will be difficult for the child to defecate on his own.

Rectal glycerin suppositories (suppositories) is a local laxative, an effective and safe means of aiding bowel movements. Glycerin suppositories are prescribed for all types of constipation, as well as to facilitate bowel movements in patients after perineal surgery.

When inserted into the rectum, the suppository dissolves under the influence of body temperature. Glycerol is the active substance of the drug, coats the intestinal walls, softens dense feces, and facilitates their movement. Reduces tension during defecation. The drug acts on the rectal mucosa and activates peristalsis.

Instructions for use

The optimal time to administer a laxative is 15 minutes after a meal.

  1. Wash your hands and, if possible, wear a rubber glove or fingertip.
  2. Remove the candle from its packaging. For easier administration, it can be slightly moistened with cool water. Cream and oil are prohibited.
  3. Lie on your left side, bend your knees and bring them slightly towards your stomach, relax.
  4. Carefully insert the suppository with the pointed end into the anus.
  5. To prevent the candle from slipping out, squeeze your buttocks together and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

The drug completely dissolves after half an hour, but sometimes the desire to empty the intestines arises earlier. The less often you use rectal suppositories, the faster they begin to act.

Advantages and disadvantages of glycerin suppositories

Advantages Flaws
  • affordable price - a package of 10 suppositories costs from 150 to 200 rubles in pharmacies;
  • safety – the drug is not absorbed from the intestines and has no harmful effects on the body;
  • predictable effect - defecation usually occurs half an hour after administration of the drug, which gives the person the opportunity to plan the day.
  • stains underwear - a small amount of product may be released from the anus;
  • is addictive - with systematic use, the effectiveness of the drug decreases;
  • has contraindications and side effects;
  • weakens the effect of other rectal medications - maintain an interval between medications of at least an hour.


Side effects

Patients usually tolerate glycerin suppositories well. Undesirable effects are rare:

  • local allergic reactions;
  • burning and itching upon insertion;
  • catarrhal proctitis;
  • with prolonged use, dystrophy of the intestinal mucosa develops, and the natural mechanism of defecation is disrupted.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do glycerin suppositories begin to work?

The time for the onset of action of the drug depends on the individual sensitivity of rectal receptors. In some patients, the first urge to defecate occurs within 5-10 minutes after the administration of the suppository. It takes at least half an hour for the candle to completely dissolve.

How long does it work on adults?

During bowel movements, the drug is excreted in the feces, so after defecation the effect of glycerin ceases.

Are glycerin suppositories addictive?

With prolonged and uncontrolled use of rectal suppositories, the sensitivity of rectal receptors decreases. The physiological regulation of bowel movements is weakened.

How often can you use glycerin suppositories?

The recommended dose is 1 suppository once a day. The duration of use of the drug in each specific case is determined by the doctor. When used independently, stop treatment immediately after bowel movements are restored.

Whycandles cannot help?

Glycerol facilitates the removal of dense feces that have filled the rectal ampulla. The medicine will not help with obstruction in other parts of the intestine. The most common reasons for the lack of effect: spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

Can glycerin suppositories be used for pregnant women?

The drug is approved for use during pregnancy. It is non-toxic and safe for the body of a woman and the unborn child. However, irritation of the rectum sometimes increases the tone of the uterus. Before using rectal suppositories, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the doctor will recommend another laxative drug.

Alternative drugs

Suppositories with glycerin are an aid for difficult bowel movements. The main methods of preventing and treating constipation: diet correction, optimal drinking regimen, lifestyle changes.