Sexually transmitted diseases in women - signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. STDs: modern classification and diagnostic methods

Venereal diseases transmitted sexually and can occur as in acute form, and become chronic. Need to know first symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise the consequences may be the most unexpected.

Almost everyone venereal diseases incubation period lasts 7-10 days, after which the first signs appear. By the way, it is worth knowing that during oral and anal sex, infections are also transmitted. The first sign that an infection has been acquired through oral sex is a sore throat. If you get an infection during anal sex, the first sign is inflammation of the rectum.

It is important to know that if a person did not pay attention to first symptoms of the disease, it goes into chronic stage, after which the patient becomes a carrier of infections without realizing it.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases


This is a disease that occurs after bacteria such as chlamydia enter the body. The disease is transmitted only sexually. In men, the first signs of chlamydia are pain in the lower abdomen and stabbing pains during the process of urination. In women, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs occurs, as well as inflammation of the cervix.


This disease is popularly called gonorrhea. It is also transmitted sexually, regardless of the type of sex. It should be noted that gonorrhea has a clear severe symptoms. In men, pus may leak from the penis, and pain may also occur during urination, which is similar to a burning sensation. The anus may be inflamed, and the stool often contains blood. Women may experience infrequent bleeding, which is often confused with menstruation. The discharge becomes pink or bright yellow. Pain may occur during sexual intercourse. However, you need to know that if a pregnant woman has gonorrhea, she can transmit the virus to the child. Undoubtedly, this is not fatal for the baby, but it still entails various negative consequences.


This is one of the most dangerous venereal diseases which, if left untreated, can lead to fatal outcome. Need to know that syphilis sexually transmitted through any sexual contact. The catch of the disease lies in the fact that it can for a long time pass through the body asymptomatically. That is why doctors recommend after spontaneous unprotected sex take tests 10 days after the act and after 3 months.

Primary symptoms syphilis- this is a general sluggish state of health, discharge, both in men and women, pain in groin area.

At the first signs of this venereal disease, it is necessary to urgently contact a venereologist, since sometimes tests alone are not enough to identify diseases and it is necessary to undergo additional treatment. If you sound the alarm in a timely manner, any venereal diseases curable without any consequences.

Sexually transmitted diseases is a group of infectious diseases, predominantly sexually transmitted. IN medical practice The abbreviation STI or STD is often used. It is important to understand that all sexually transmitted diseases are STIs, but among STIs there are also other infections transmitted by blood contact (, viral hepatitis) or in another way. What pathology is dangerous for men and what should you know about sexually transmitted diseases?

Sexually transmitted diseases are sexually transmitted infections

Traditionally, sexually transmitted diseases include the following conditions:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • HPV infection;
  • genital herpes;
  • CMV infection;
  • mycoplasma infection caused by Mycoplasma genitalium.

The photo shows a rash due to candidiasis

External manifestations of ureaplasmosis

Infection caused by Mycoplasma hominis

A special position is occupied by urogenital candidiasis, ureaplasma and mycoplasma infections caused by Mycoplasma hominis. The causative agents of these diseases are present in the body of almost every person and belong to normal microflora. They can be transmitted sexually, but are not considered an STI. Despite this, these infections are usually studied together with classic STDs, since they often accompany chlamydia, trichomoniasis and other infectious diseases.

Rare sexually transmitted diseases:

  • inguinal granuloma;
  • lymphogranuloma venereum;
  • chancroid;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • phthiriasis (a disease caused by pubic louse).

Transmission routes

The main route of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases is sexual. There are several important aspects to consider:

  1. Transmission of infection is possible through any type of sex. Highest probability infection occurs through oral-sexual contact.
  2. Sharing different sex toys significantly increases the risk of infection.
  3. The likelihood of infection increases if personal hygiene rules are not followed before and after sex.
  4. The causative agent of the disease can be in semen, on mucous membranes, in saliva, in blood (less often in urine). Transmission of infection to in rare cases possible through a kiss.
  5. Most pathogenic microorganisms are not resistant to external environment, however, this does not completely exclude contact-household path transfers. You can become infected through shared towels or linen, when visiting a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool.

Common symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases

Absolutely any man can become infected with an STI, regardless of age and social status. A single unprotected sexual contact is enough to acquire a whole bunch of unpleasant diseases. The insidiousness of sexually transmitted diseases in men is that many STIs are asymptomatic or have vague symptoms. Subsequently, the infection becomes chronic, which leads to the development of serious complications up to erectile dysfunction and infertility.

Each infection has its own specific symptoms, however, there are also general signs, thanks to which you can suspect problems in the body:

  • unusual discharge from the penis (gray-white, yellow, green, curdled), accompanied by the appearance unpleasant odor;
  • itching or burning;
  • dysuric phenomena: frequent and/or painful urination, burning sensation when emptying the bladder;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin of the genitals or other parts of the body;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, perineum, lower back;
  • the appearance of ulcers, erosions, warts and other unknown elements on the skin of the genital organs;
  • pain during sex;
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  • increase in body temperature.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should consult a urologist or dermatovenerologist.

A Brief Overview of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Knowing how a particular disease manifests itself, you can notice in time dangerous symptoms and develop optimal survey tactics taking into account all available data. Among the common sexually transmitted diseases are the following:

Gonorrhea (gonococcal infection)

Pathogen: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus).

Oropharyngeal lesions due to gonorrhea

Gonorrhea can affect the conjunctiva of the eyes

Incubation period (time from infection to the onset of first symptoms): 3-7 days.

Target organs: mucous membranes of the urethra, testicle and epididymis, rectum, spermatic cord, bladder, ureter, kidneys. Possible damage to the oropharynx and conjunctiva.


  • copious purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • itching and burning in the urethral area;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain during sex.

The disease is characterized purulent discharge, but can also be asymptomatic

Half of the men have an asymptomatic course of the disease. For others, the first symptom is difficulty urinating and the appearance of pathological discharge from the urethra.

Diagnostic methods:

Treatment regimen: antibiotics to which gonococcus is sensitive (mainly cephalosporins and aminoglycosides).


Pathogen: Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis).

Incubation period: 1-4 weeks.

Target organs: urethra, bladder, seminal vesicles, prostate.


  • mucous membranes yellowish discharge from the urethra;
  • itching and burning when urinating;
  • pain in the perineum, radiating to the rectum;
  • pain during sex;
  • erosions on the skin of the penis.

The photo shows a lesion of the skin of the penis with Trichomonas

When it first enters the body, Trichomonas always causes development. Symptoms of prostatitis and vesiculitis appear later. In 50% of men, trichomoniasis is asymptomatic.

Diagnostic methods:

  • smear microscopy;
  • bacteriological culture (for asymptomatic cases);

Treatment regimen: antiprotozoal drugs (metronidazole and analogues).

Chlamydia (chlamydial infection)

Pathogen: Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia).

Incubation period: 2-4 weeks

Target organs: urethra, testicles and epididymis, anorectal region, oropharynx, conjunctiva, joints.

Chlamydia affects the genitourinary system, joints and conjunctiva of the eyes


  • scanty mucopurulent discharge;
  • burning, itching and pain when urinating;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

In the vast majority of cases, chlamydia is asymptomatic. The disease can make itself felt in the initial stages in the form of protracted, sluggish urethritis with the appearance of characteristic discharge. Pain and other symptoms are not too pronounced.

In the photo there is chlamydia infection in the oral mucosa

Chlamydia infection of the penis

Affected conjunctiva of the eyes with chlamydia

Diagnostic methods: PCR.

Treatment regimen: antibacterial drugs(macrolides, tetracyclines).


Pathogen: Treponema pallidum(treponema pallidum).

Incubation period: 2-8 weeks (possibly from 8 to 190 days).

Target organs: mucous membranes of the genital organs, skin, internal organs, nervous system.

The first symptom of syphilis is the appearance of hard chancre - an ulcer at the site of the primary introduction of treponema. The ulcer does not hurt, does not bother, and heals on its own within 3-6 weeks. This stage is called primary syphilis.

Chancroid in primary syphilis

Multiple rashes are a sign of secondary syphilis

8 weeks after the first symptoms, the onset of skin rash, increased body temperature. This is how it manifests itself secondary syphilis. In the absence of therapy, it is possible to develop tertiary syphilis with significant damage to the skin, bones and joints, internal organs and nervous system.

Tertiary syphilis is characterized by external manifestations damage to internal organs, joints and nervous system

Diagnostic methods: serological studies to detect antibodies to Treponema pallidum.

Treatment regimen: antibacterial drugs (penicillins, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, macrolides).

Genital herpes and CVM infection

Causative agent: virus herpes simplex Types 1 and 2 / .

Incubation period: 20-60 days.

Target organs: mucous membrane of the genital organs, urinary tract, oral cavity, eye.

Herpetic rashes on the genitals

Photo of herpes on the penis


  • rashes on the genitals (small grouped blisters filled with transparent contents);
  • itching and pain in the area of ​​the rash;
  • manifestations of general intoxication (fever, chills, headache, weakness).

Noted chronic course diseases with periods of exacerbation and remission. It is impossible to completely get rid of the virus. After symptoms subside, the disease progresses to hidden form. In the body, HSV and CMV persist throughout life.

Genital herpes affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urinary tract

Diagnostic methods: PCR, ELISA.

Treatment regimen: antivirals(acyclovir), drugs to enhance immunity.

Ureaplasma infection

Pathogen: Ureaplasma urealyticum(). It is a representative of normal microflora.

Target organs: urethra and other parts of the urinary system.

Ureaplasmosis affects the urinary system

Ureaplasma urealyticum - the causative agent of ureaplasmosis


  • scanty mucopurulent discharge from the urethra;
  • itching, pain and burning when urinating;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain and discomfort in the perineum, rectum;
  • pain during sex.

Diagnostic methods: bacteriological culture (diagnostic titer above 10 4 CFU/ml).

Treatment regimen: antibiotics from the macrolide group only if ureaplasma is detected in high titer and symptoms of the disease are present.

Mycoplasma infection

Pathogen: Mycoplasma genitalium ( pathogen, refers to STIs), Mycoplasma hominis (a representative of normal microflora).

Target organs: urethra and other organs of the urinary system.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis are similar to those of ureaplasmosis

The symptoms are similar to those of ureaplasma infection.

Diagnostic methods: bacteriological culture (titer above 10 4 CFU/ml) for M. hominis, PCR for M. genitalium.

Treatment regimen: antibiotics from the macrolide group only if M. genitalium (in any titer) or M. Hominis (in high titer) is detected and in the presence of symptoms of the disease.

Urogenital candidiasis

Pathogen: yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (representative of normal microflora).

Target organs: glans penis, skin of the anogenital area.

The photo shows a lesion of the glans penis with Candida fungus


  • itching and burning in the anogenital area;
  • redness and swelling of the affected area;
  • white coating on the penis;
  • curdled discharge;
  • burning when urinating.

Diagnostic methods: microscopic examination, bacteriological culture (diagnostic titer above 10 3 CFU/ml), PCR.

Treatment regimen: antifungal drugs.

What to do?

When the first signs of a sexually transmitted disease appear, you must:

  1. Avoid sexual contact to prevent transmission of infection.
  2. Contact a urologist or dermatovenerologist.
  3. Pass full examination from a specialist.

Since the doctor cannot determine the disease by eye, he prescribes the following tests:

If damage to the pelvic organs is suspected, an ultrasound scan is prescribed. Further tactics will depend on the results obtained.

Principles of therapy

When choosing a specific drug, the doctor adheres to certain rules:

The course of treatment is selected after identifying the pathogen

  1. The treatment regimen is selected taking into account the identified causative agent of the disease.
  2. The course of treatment can last from 7 to 14 days or more. You should not interrupt the course of therapy on your own - this risks the development of drug resistance and relapse of the disease.
  3. In the case of an STI, both sexual partners are treated. Otherwise, there is no point in therapy, since re-infection will occur after intimacy.
  4. Sexual contacts are excluded during treatment.
  5. After therapy, mandatory monitoring is indicated. After 14 days, a repeat examination is carried out. If the pathogen is present in the body, the treatment regimen changes.
  6. During treatment, it is necessary to observe, change linen daily, and monitor the cleanliness of towels.
  7. Particular attention is paid to enhancing immunity with medications and non-drug methods (rational nutrition, physical activity, hardening).

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases includes avoiding casual sex and using a condom. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. You should also see a doctor if your partner has an STI.

Timely diagnosis and treatment will help get rid of the disease and prevent the development of dangerous complications.

Today, STDs in women are widespread. This is due, first of all, to the frequent absence of clear symptoms. In addition, this is facilitated by the high sexual activity of the population. An undetected and untreated disease becomes chronic and negatively affects reproductive function and health.

It is advisable for women who lead and often change partners to be regularly examined by a venereologist for STDs. A condom and other means of contraception do not completely protect against infection, although they significantly reduce the likelihood of infection.

In women they can be very minor. Therefore, if there has been casual sexual contact or a holiday romance, you need to undergo a full examination, even if nothing worries you. If there are symptoms, then you should go to the doctor immediately.

It is important to understand that chronic disease is much more difficult to get rid of. It will periodically worsen, ultimately leading to irreversible consequences. The main ones are infertility, various pathologies fetus and even its death.

Besides, chronic inflammation leads to changes in the mucosa, the functioning of the affected organ is disrupted. Over time, the uterus, appendages, urethra, and bladder are involved in the process. They appear to intensify during examination and sex. The inflammatory process contributes to the development of cancer. The role of HSV and HPV in the occurrence of malignant processes of the cervix has been proven.

So, the signs of STDs in women:

  • unusual vaginal discharge (change in color, smell, quantity);
  • itching, burning, redness, soreness, swelling of the genitals;
  • and increased frequency of urges;
  • the appearance of ulcers, rashes, and blisters on the genitals;
  • pain during examination and sexual intercourse;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back.

If such manifestations occur, then this is a reason to visit a doctor. However, similar symptoms are also observed during inflammation caused by opportunistic flora, that is, microorganisms that are normally present in small quantities in the body. Often multiple infections occur, which is why it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Even an experienced doctor will not be able to identify the pathogen during examination. He will definitely take tests. Today, culture and PCR are widely used.

The most common STDs in women are chlamydia, HPV, trichomoniasis, syphilis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, and HIV. Also today, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis and candidiasis are often found. They can also be transmitted sexually, but are classified as opportunistic. You can get sick without sex.

To detect STDs in women, it is effective to use PCR. This method is very accurate and allows you to detect a microorganism even if only a few of its DNA are present in the preparation.

To identify the pathogen from the opportunistic flora, it is better to do cultures, since its quantity is important, and not the fact of its presence in the genitals. In addition, drugs to which the identified pathogen is sensitive are usually immediately selected.

In addition, blood can be tested for the presence of antibodies to microorganisms. In this case, the body's reaction to the pathogen is checked. IgG and IgM titers are usually determined, which help to assess whether there is a primary infection, a latent course or an exacerbation chronic process.

Thus, STDs in women can have clear symptoms or not show yourself in any way for a long time. They are especially dangerous during pregnancy and can even cause fetal death. Experts recommend regular screening for STDs, but this is especially necessary before conception. Their chronic forms difficult to treat, lead to infertility, pelvic pain, cancer and the spread of inflammation to the entire genitourinary system.

Unfortunately, many people today pay very little attention to their health. They seek help from a doctor only when they have serious complications or symptoms, and before that they did not pay attention to health problems or tried to cure themselves. As a result, many diseases are detected already in an advanced stage, although if they were identified in a timely manner, treatment would not cause much difficulty.

Moreover, this applies to sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, you need to know the main signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What are the features of sexually transmitted diseases?

Diseases that transmitted sexually, very insidious. The incubation time of some diseases ranges from 2 weeks to six months. Thus, a person can be a carrier and be completely unaware of it. Many men who go to a sexually transmitted disease clinic are “100%” confident in their partners, and only after examining the woman with whom they had sexual intercourse is the source of infection determined.

One more thing the insidiousness of venereological diseases consists of the transition from the acute phase to the chronic phase. In other words, the infection may unexpectedly stop bothering the patient, creating the illusion of healing (a miraculous recovery). In this case, the risk of infection to an unknowing partner increases.

There are several main signs that accompany STDs:

For various diseases, which are sexually transmitted, have their own characteristics.

Main venereal diseases and their signs

The World Health Organization identifies more than 40 sexually transmitted diseases. Only a few of them pose the greatest danger to our country.

AIDS: consequences and symptoms

Probably only small children are not afraid of HIV disease. Adult people They know about this disease, they have an idea of ​​​​the protective barriers of contraception, but the number of infected people is rapidly increasing.

Much of this can be explained long incubation period, sometimes more than one year. Thus, a person can for a long time not know about the presence of AIDS and infect their partners. External symptoms AIDS:

  • Weakening immune system not only causes constant colds, but also the development of malignant tumors.
  • The disease is often accompanied by a skin rash different colors, fungal infections on the genitals and in the oral cavity.
  • IN initial stage The development of HIV infection is very similar to influenza: painful sensations in bones and muscles, causeless and sharp rise temperature.

A man infected with AIDS quickly gets tired and complains of a constant loss of strength. To establish a diagnosis blood test required for HIV infection. In addition, when you are sexually active with various partners, you need to have blood tests at least twice a year. This will make it possible to carry out treatment in the first stages and increase the likelihood of suppressing the virus. Be attentive to your health, do not forget that mortality from AIDS has increased by 8% over the past year.

Chlamydia: symptoms and description

This venereal disease has an incubation period of about one month. At the initial stage of development, during weakening of the body, characterized by pneumonia, cystitis, arthritis, conjunctiva. The man, instead of being examined, begins to treat these diseases on his own, allowing the virus to get stronger.

Subsequently, chlamydia manifests itself in patients with the following symptoms:

If you have at least one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Many men are shy visit a sexually transmitted disease clinic, they themselves use loading doses antibiotics, in the hope of self-medication. This is a huge mistake. Unpleasant symptoms may actually go away, but the virus will remain in the body. Over time, it will manifest itself with even greater force than at the beginning.

Trichomoniasis: features of the disease in men

The peculiarity of this venereal disease is its mild severity initial symptoms. Yes and the incubation time is quite long, up to a month. It is impossible to independently determine when the disease developed: weakened immunity reduces resistance to pathogens, and viruses are often activated simultaneously. As a result clinical picture becomes mixed, and a sexually transmitted disease can be diagnosed only based on the results of examinations.

Signs in men with trichomoniasis:

If not produce timely treatment , then these symptoms gradually subside and the man calms down. Moreover, he remains a carrier of the virus and poses a great danger to his partner.

One more unpleasant moment This sexually transmitted disease is prostate cancer, its likelihood of occurrence increases significantly. Trichomoniasis provokes the appearance of urethritis, prostatitis, and infertility in men.

Treatment consists in taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, application of antimicrobial drugs. Along with the treatment of the man himself, his partner is also examined.

Gonorrhea in men: description and signs

This venereal the disease may lurk in a man’s body for a week, and only then manifest itself. Moreover, the gonorrhoea, which is what this virus is popularly called, manifests itself more pronouncedly in men than in women. What signs to look out for:

In some situations the symptoms described above are not clearly expressed, may be completely absent and appear several weeks after infection, but in a more complicated form. During attempts at self-treatment, the illusion of recovery occurs, but in reality, sexually transmitted disease in men transforms into a chronic stage, which is very difficult to cure.

Syphilis in men: signs and consequences

One of the most ancient venereal diseases, which people can still become infected with during sexual intercourse. The insidiousness and danger of this virus lies in the fact that it occurs in two stages, and the first stage often does not have pronounced symptoms.

To begin with, on the head or penis a small ulcer forms(chancre). The other most likely places of its formation are the oral cavity or lips, and anus. Considering that the incubation time of syphilis can last up to a month, most men simply cannot associate the formation of an ulcer with unprotected sexual contact, which has passed a long time ago. Often, chancre is accepted by men only as an ordinary abrasion. However, along with the defeat skin The lymph nodes begin to become inflamed.

If you ignored the symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease at the first stage, the disease moves to the next stage. At this stage, the symptoms are already more pronounced:

Disease accompanied by constant weakness , attacks of headache, the infected man quickly begins to get tired and cannot cope with his usual work. The danger of this virus lies in the fact that it does not end with the signs described above. If treatment is not carried out, then the third stage begins:

  • the central nervous system is “loose”;
  • changes begin in everyone internal organs;
  • The musculoskeletal system is affected.

For syphilis more than a quarter of all patients die. It is for this reason that this virus is also called “slow death”. Immunomodulatory drugs and antibiotics are used to treat syphilis. Symptomatic treatment is provided.

Today, medicine can cope with this venereal disease in the first two stages, but is absolutely powerless against the third.

Ureaplasmosis: description and signs

This venereal disease, like the one described above, has an incubation period. At weak immunity Symptoms appear already on the 5th day, with stronger ones – a month later. Key signs to look out for:

Sometimes, when infection occurs during oral sex, the first sign is a sore throat. The danger of a severe stage of ureaplasmosis is the appearance inflammatory process in organs genitourinary system, which leads to the development of prostatitis, as well as infertility.

Is self-treatment possible?

Understand the reasons why men don't want to see a doctor, quite simple. This includes fear of publicity, since it will be necessary to report partners with whom you had sexual contact. That's why most patients are looking for folk recipes, be wary of asking friends about treatment options. Treatment begins at home. In this case, lotions, decoctions and herbs, heavy doses of antibiotics and absolutely savage methods are used.

The result is the illusion of recovery. Viruses are simple take on a secretive, chronic stage and for a certain time they do not show themselves in any way. Moreover, the man is a carrier of the disease, infects his partners, and risks himself encountering serious symptoms of an uncured venereal disease.

If you have identified at least one of the above signs and at the same time you clearly know that you had unprotected sexual intercourse relatively recently - be sure to consult a doctor. Do not forget that you will not cure the disease on your own. Even when you don’t care about your health, think about the people close to you who you can infect.

How many times have they told the world, but things are still going wrong - it is with a quote from two well-known fables that one can most vividly characterize the situation with sexually transmitted diseases in Russia. According to the Ministry of Health, chlamydia is second only to influenza in terms of prevalence. Why is this happening? What are the first signs of sexually transmitted diseases? Are there reliable methods of treatment and prevention? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. For convenience, the material is supplemented with video and photos.

Features of sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted infections are insidious. The incubation period of some of them ranges from several weeks to 2 months. That is, a person can be a carrier and be completely unaware of it. Most men who contact the dermatovenerological clinic are confident in their partner “100%”, and only after examining the woman with whom they had sexual contact is the source of infection identified.

Another insidiousness of venereological diseases is the transition from acute stage into chronic. In other words, the virus may unexpectedly stop causing concern to the patient, creating the illusion of recovery (miraculous healing). This increases the risk of infecting an unsuspecting partner.

What are the main signs associated with STDs? There are several of them:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pain and stinging when urinating;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the genital organ;
  • more frequent urge to urination;
  • inflammation of adjacent lymph nodes.

For various diseases sexually transmitted diseases have their own symptoms.

Main venereal diseases and their symptoms

The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies over 30 diseases that are sexually transmitted. For Russia, only a few of them pose the greatest danger. We will consider the signs, including pictures, and treatment features below.

AIDS - signs and consequences

HIV infection is not something to be afraid of, except for small children. Adults know about the disease and have an idea of ​​protection, but the number of infected people is growing rapidly. This is largely due to the long incubation period, up to several years. That is, a person can long time not suspect that he has AIDS and infect other people. External signs, characteristic of AIDS:

  1. IN initial stage The manifestations of HIV infection are strikingly similar to the flu: a sharp, causeless rise in temperature, painful sensations in the muscles and bones.
  2. Often the disease is accompanied by rashes of different colors on the skin, fungal infections in the mouth and genitals.
  3. A weakened immune system is not only fraught with endless colds, but also the development of cancerous tumors.

A person with AIDS complains of a constant loss of strength and gets tired quickly. To make a diagnosis, blood tests for HIV are required. Moreover, if you are sexually active with different partners, you must undergo such tests at least twice a year. This will allow you to start treatment already at early stages and increase the likelihood of infection suppression. Be attentive to your health, remember that mortality from AIDS in recent years increased by 7.4%.

Read also: Ulcers on the penis: causes and treatment

Chlamydia - description and first signs

This venereal disease has an incubation period of up to a month. At the very beginning of development, at the moment of weakening of the body, it manifests itself as cystitis, pneumonia, conjunctiva, arthritis. The patient, instead of undergoing an examination, begins to independently treat these diseases, allowing the infection to get stronger. In the future, chlamydia manifests itself in men with the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature to 37.5 C;
  • constant weakness fatigue after physical activity;
  • mucous discharge from the urethra, often mixed with pus and an unpleasant odor;
  • an admixture of blood during ejaculation or urination, the processes themselves are accompanied by itching and pain;
  • redness of the head of the penis near the opening of the urethra;
  • pain in the lower back, knees, hip joints.

If you have at least one sign, you should consult a doctor. Most men are embarrassed to visit a dermatovenerology office and take loading doses of antibiotics on their own, hoping for self-medication. This is a big mistake. Really, unpleasant symptoms may pass, but the infection will remain in the body. Later it will manifest itself with greater force than the first time.

Trichomoniasis - features of its course in men

The insidiousness of this venereological disease lies in the weak severity of the first signs. And the incubation period is quite long, up to 3 weeks. It is impossible to independently understand when a disease appears: weakening of the body reduces resistance to pathogens, often they are activated simultaneously. As a result, the clinical picture is mixed and venereal disease only based on research results.

What are the main signs that the body signals about trichomoniasis?

There are several of them:

  • mild pain when urinating, pain or burning;
  • urge to urinate morning time, but there is no urine;
  • mucous discharge in a small amount (literally a few drops).

If treatment is not started, the symptoms gradually disappear and the patient calms down. At the same time, he remains a carrier of the infection and poses a danger to the sexual partner. To others unpleasant consequence this sexually transmitted disease is cancer prostate gland, the probability of occurrence of which increases by 2 times. Trichomoniasis provokes the development of prostatitis, urethritis and infertility in men.

Treatment consists of antibiotics wide range action, application antimicrobial compounds. Simultaneously with the treatment of the man himself, an examination of his regular sexual partner is carried out.

Gonorrhea in men - signs and characteristics

A sexually transmitted disease can hide in the body for a week, and only then manifest itself. At the same time, gonorrhoea, which is what people call this infection, is more pronounced in men than in women.

What symptoms should you pay attention to:

  1. The most characteristic is mild itching when urinating. It does not cause any particular concern; it is often compared to a “tickle.”
  2. Feeling of heat inside the head and at its end.
  3. The opening of the urethra may stick together; the sick man notices swelling in this place and slight redness.
  4. Often, especially in the morning, you may notice discharge gray with an unpleasant odor.

In some cases, the described symptoms are minor, may be absent altogether and appear several weeks after infection, but in a more severe form. At self-treatment There is an appearance of recovery, but in fact the venereal disease in men enters a chronic stage, which is difficult to cure.

Syphilis - symptoms and consequences for men

One of the most ancient sexually transmitted diseases, which is still infected by people through sexual intercourse. The danger and insidiousness of the infection lies in the fact that it occurs in two stages, and the first often does not have pronounced symptoms.