Information input devices: keyboard, manipulators, scanner. Input devices for graphic, audio information and others. Purpose, classification, design, characteristics. Keyboard. Manipulative information input devices

The variety of peripheral input devices is determined by the input principle and the type of input information.
Input devices can be divided into two main classes:
- with keyboard inputs , in which manual input is carried out from the keyboard;
- with direct input , in which data is read directly by computer devices.
In turn, among devices with direct data input, subclasses of devices are distinguished: manipulators, touch devices, scanners, speech recognition devices.


The standard input device is the keyboard. It contains a standard set alphanumeric keys and some additional keys - control keys (Esc, Alt, etc.) and function (F1 - F12), cursor keys(indicated by arrows), and also small numeric keypad. Control of the entered data is carried out on the monitor screen.
Cursor is a glowing symbol on the monitor screen indicating the position at which the next character entered from the keyboard will be displayed. All characters typed on the keyboard are immediately displayed on the monitor at the cursor position. The keyboard contains a built-in microcontroller(local control device), which performs the following functions:

  • sequentially polls the keys, reading the entered signal and generating a binary scan code for the key;
  • controls the keyboard indicator lights;
  • Conducts internal diagnostics of faults;
  • interacts with the central processor through the keyboard I/O port.

The keyboard has built-in buffer- small intermediate memory where entered characters are placed. If the buffer overflows, pressing a key will be accompanied by a sound signal - this means that the character was not entered (rejected). The keys of the alphanumeric field can additionally be marked with letters of the national alphabet. The keyboard is supported by special programs built into the BIOS, as well as keyboard driver, which provides the ability to work in the national alphabet mode, control the speed of the keyboard, etc.

Typically a 101-104 key American standard keyboard is used. In addition to the keyboard, the keyboard can be membrane and sensory.

In the modern computer market, ergonomic keyboards and wrist pads are very popular, providing the most comfortable working conditions. Different models of ergonomic keyboards have:

  • V-shaped and separated in the middle, the angle between the parts can be smoothly changed at will;
  • large palm rests that support your hands in a straight position;
  • membrane silent replacement for keys;
  • touchpad, finger movement on which replaces mouse manipulation.


Manipulators directly enter information by indicating with a cursor on the monitor screen a command or location for data entry. Manipulators, as a rule, are connected to the communication port (COM1-COM4).
There are manipulators: mouse, trackball, joystick, etc.


The mouse is the most common type of pointing device. The mouse body contains buttons for performing actions and a ball for moving it around the mouse pad. The movement of the mouse is reflected on the monitor screen by moving the mouse pointer.
The quality of a mouse is determined by its resolution, which is measured by the number of dots per inch - dpi (dot per inch). This characteristic determines how accurately the cursor will move across the screen. The resolution of mice is usually about 600 dpi. This means that when you move the mouse 1 inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm), the mouse pointer on the screen moves 600 points.
Nowadays, optical mice, which have no mechanical parts, are widespread. A light source located inside the mouse illuminates the surface, and the reflected light is captured by a photodetector and converted into cursor movement on the screen.


A trackball is a small box with a ball built into the top of the body. The user rotates the ball with his hand and moves the cursor accordingly. Unlike a mouse, a trackball does not require free space near the computer; it can be built into the body of the machine.


A joystick is a control stick and is most commonly used in computer games. Joysticks control cursor movement on the screen. In order to meet ergonomic requirements, the shape of the joystick handle is shaped to follow the relief of the hand when grasping the handle. The modern joystick market is very diverse. Created for leisure, it is being improved, and working with it more and more accurately recreates the conditions of the simulated situation. Among the latest models, the most successful is a joystick with force feedback on events occurring on the screen. For example, if during the game you are driving a car on a bumpy road under enemy bullets, then the joystick shakes in your hand and you feel the bullets hitting the car.

Touch input devices

The principle of data input in touch devices is similar to the principle of input in coordinating manipulators.

Touch pad

A touch pad, a class of coordinate devices, is a mousepad without a mouse. In this case, the cursor is controlled by simply moving your finger across the mat. The absence of mechanical parts ensures unprecedented durability of such devices. Despite the compact size of the mat, full-screen cursor control and a resolution of 1000 dpi are provided.

Touch screen

A touch, tactile screen is a surface that is covered with a special layer. This device allows you to select an action or command by touching the screen with your finger. The touch screen is easy to use, especially when you need quick access to information. You may see such input devices in banking computers, airports, and in military and industrial applications.

Light pen

A light pen has a light-sensitive element at its tip. The contact of the pen with the screen closes the photoelectric circuit and determines where data is entered or corrected. The light pen is used in various design and design systems.

Graphic tablet, digitizer

A graphics tablet, digitizer, is used to enter drawings or drawings into a computer. The image is converted into digital data, hence the name of the device from the English word digit, which means “digit”. The conditions for creating an image are close to real ones; it is enough to use a special pen or finger to make a drawing on a special surface. The results of the digitizer are reproduced on the monitor screen and, if necessary, can be printed on paper. Digitizers are usually used by architects and designers.


Devices for scanning images, texts, and drawings have become widespread these days. The term "scanning" comes from the English verb to scan, which means "to look closely."

The scanner recognizes the image and automatically creates an electronic copy of it, which can be saved in the computer's memory. Distinctive features of scanners:

  • color recognition depth: black and white, grayscale, color;
  • Optical resolution, or scanning accuracy, is measured in dots per inch (dpi) and determines the number of dots the scanner can detect in each inch; standard resolutions - 400, 600, 1200 dpi;
  • software: trainable scanners have handwriting samples for recognizing handwritten text, intelligent scanners learn themselves;
  • design: manual, page (sheet) and tablet.

Important scanner characteristics also include scanning time and the maximum size of the scanned document.

Scanners are widely used in publishing, design systems, and animation. Scanners are indispensable when creating illustrative materials for presentations, documents, and advertising.

OCR devices

Character recognition devices include, for example, terminals in large department stores. They are equipped with a variety of devices for reading barcodes, special symbols and marks to determine the conditions for purchasing goods. The read information is converted, displayed on a screen or a paper receipt, and transmitted via communication lines to the main, more powerful computer.

Speech recognition devices

Using a regular microphone, a person's speech is entered into a computer and converted into a digital code. Most speech recognition systems can be tuned to the characteristics of the human voice. This is realized by comparing the spoken word with patterns previously recorded in the computer's memory. Some systems can detect the same words spoken by different people. However, the list of these words is limited. The best systems recognize up to 30 thousand words and adapt to individual voices.

  • What are the differences between an ergonomic keyboard and a regular one?
  • What devices form the class of manipulators?
  • What are the main characteristics of the mouse?
  • Indicate the characteristic features of touch input devices.
  • What are the main characteristics of scanners?
  • What are speech recognition devices?



    "Brotherly State University"




    by discipline




    st. gr. K-09:


    Ph.D., Associate Professor: P.A. Fedyaev

    Bratsk 2010


    1 Information input devices……………………………………….….5

    1.1 Keyboard………………………………………………………………………………5

    1.2 Manipulators………………………………………………………..6

    1.2.1 Mouse………………………………………………………………………………..6

    1.2.2 Trackball……………………………………………………………...8

    1.2.3 Joystick………………………………………………………...….9

    1.2.4 Touchpad…………………………………………………………….....9

    1.2.5 Trackpoint……………………………………………………….…12

    1.3 Scanner……………………………………………………………………………….14

    1.4 Digitizer……………………………………………………………...15

    2 WINDOWS operating system……………………………………..17

    2.1 Viewing files…………………………………………………….…17

    2.1.1 Automation tools for input and editing…………………18

    2.2 EXCEL spreadsheet processor…………………………………………18

    2.2.1 Entering the table name and headings……………………………..18

    3 PC block diagram………………………………………………....…20

    3.1 PC internal devices………………………………………….…20

    3.2 External PC devices……………………………………………..26

    4 Description of actions………………………………………………………..33


    List of references……………………………………………………………...37



    The IBM PC was launched in 1981 and quickly became
    won enormous popularity among users. IBM PC and compatibles
    These computers now make up the majority of the fleet of professional PCs in the world.

    A personal computer includes the following devices:

    A processor that performs computer control, calculations, etc.;

    A keyboard that allows you to enter character information into a computer;

    Monitor (or display) for displaying text and graphic information;
    - drives (or drives) for floppy magnetic disks, used for reading and writing information on floppy magnetic disks (floppy disks);
    - a hard magnetic disk drive designed for reading and writing information onto a non-removable hard magnetic disk (hard drive).
    In addition, a printer can be connected to the computer for printing
    some text and graphic information; mouse - device, facilitate-
    for entering information into a computer and other manipulating devices.
    Input devices include the following devices: keyboard, scanner, digitizer, speech input device, mouse, ball, joystick, light pen, and

    The purpose of the course work is to study the design and operating principles of information input devices, printing devices of personal computers and familiarize themselves with their main characteristics and software.

    Coursework objectives:

    · understand what information input devices are;

    · become familiar with some of the functions of WINDOWS, WORD and EXCEL.

    Goals and objectives determined the structure of the course work. It consists of six sections, ten subsections, introduction, conclusion, appendix and list of references.

    1 Input devices

    1.1 Keyboard

    The keyboard is the main device for entering information into a computer. In the technical aspect, a computer keyboard is a set of mechanical sensors that sense pressure on the keys and close a certain electrical circuit in one way or another. There are currently two common types of keyboards:

    With mechanical switches;

    With membrane switches.

    In the first case, the sensor represents a traditional mechanism with precious metal contacts, and in the second, thin silver-plated sheets of plastic, between which there is, for example, a conductive liquid with a small air gap. It's no surprise that less expensive membrane switch keyboards have become more common. But their keys are designed for several million keystrokes.

    Inside the keyboard body, in addition to the key sensors, there are electronic decryption circuits. The keyboard controller, with the help of which the keyboard interacts with other components of the computer, is located directly on the system board (with the exception of older models of XT and AT 286 computers, in which the controller was implemented as a separate chip). The basic principle of how a keyboard works with a controller is to scan the key switches. The closing and opening of any of these switches (i.e., pressing or releasing any of the 101 or 104 keys) corresponds to a unique digital code - a one-byte scan code.

    The attractiveness of a particular keyboard mainly depends on the location of the keys, tactile sensations and the force when pressing the key. Regardless of the technology used, the force required to press a key is about 200...500 N, and the working stroke is about 4 mm.

    The most common key layout (keyboard layout) is QWERTY. There are about 60 keys with letters, numbers, punctuation and other symbols, and about 40 more keys for controlling the computer and executing programs. The cursor control keys are duplicated, as well as the Ctrl, Alt, - (Win) keys. Function keys F1...F12 are placed in the top row.

    Figure 1 – Keyboard

    1.2 Manipulators

    1.2.1 Mouse

    The second, but no less important tool for controlling a computer and entering information is undoubtedly the mouse. The desire to eliminate the unproductive frequent repeated pressing of certain keys, especially when operating in the environment of many programs, arose among hardware developers immediately after the mass distribution of personal computers began. The prototype of the “mouse” was developed by the American D. Engelbart back in the 60s of the 20th century. However, the manipulator received its real embodiment (in a significantly simplified form) only in the 1980s. in personal computers Xerox, Apple, later IBM.

    Figure 2 – Mouse manipulator

    A mouse is a device designed to provide ease of use with modern software. The essence of program management often comes down to combining the mouse cursor on the screen with the corresponding command buttons on the screen and pressing one of the two mouse buttons (usually even one is enough). It is clear that the movements of the “mouse” body correspond to the movements of the “mouse” cursor on the screen, which creates the illusion of “an extension of the hand on the screen” and ensures simple control and ease of mastering the computer.

    A mouse is an electronic-mechanical device that is used to remotely control a cursor on a monitor screen. A rubber ball is placed inside the mouse. When you move the mouse on a smooth surface, the ball rotates. Its rotation is transmitted to two rollers, the axes of which are perpendicular to each other. The rollers are equipped with discs with slots. On one side of the disk there is a small light source (LED), and on the other side there is a light receiver (phototransistor). When the disks rotate, the beam of light coming from the LED to the phototransistor is interrupted, resulting in pulses (signals) appearing at the phototransistor. These signals are transmitted via wires to a computer, where they are processed.

    The computer mouse continues to evolve: optical mice (without a ball, and therefore do not get dirty) and wireless mice (via infrared remote control ports), waterproof mice and many other interesting developments have appeared.

    1.2.2 Trackball

    Trackball(English) trackball) - a pointing device for entering information about relative movement for a computer. Similar to a mouse in terms of operation and functions. The trackball is functionally an inverted mechanical (ball) mouse. The ball is located on the top or side, and the user can rotate it with the palm or fingers without moving the body of the device. Despite the external differences, the trackball and the mouse are structurally similar - when moving, the ball rotates a pair of rollers or, in a more modern version, it is scanned by optical motion sensors (as in an optical mouse).

    Figure 3 – Trackball

    1.2.3 Joystick

    An information input device, which is a manipulator through which you can set the screen coordinates of a graphic object; can also serve as a keyboard. The joystick is a handle, by tilting which you can set the direction in a two-dimensional plane. On the handle, as well as in the platform on which it is mounted, there are usually buttons and switches for various purposes. In addition to the X and Y coordinate axes, it is also possible to change the Z coordinate by rotating the handle around the axis, having a second handle, an additional wheel, etc.

    The joystick is widely used in computer games, but can also be used for other purposes. By analogy with this device, a joystick is a playful name for the control handle of industrial mechanisms and vehicles (airplanes, etc.).

    The keyboard is the main device for entering information into a computer. In the technical aspect, a computer keyboard is a set of mechanical sensors that sense pressure on the keys and close a certain electrical circuit in one way or another. There are currently two common types of keyboards:

    with mechanical switches;

    with membrane switches.

    In the first case, the sensor represents a traditional mechanism with contacts made of precious metal, and in the second, thin silver-plated sheets of plastic, between which there is, for example, a conductive liquid with a small air gap. It's no surprise that less expensive membrane switch keyboards have become more common. But their keys are designed for several million keystrokes.

    Inside the keyboard body, in addition to the key sensors, there are electronic decryption circuits. The keyboard controller, with the help of which the keyboard interacts with other components of the computer, is located directly on the system board (with the exception of older models of XT and AT 286 computers, in which the controller was implemented as a separate chip). The basic principle of how a keyboard works with a controller is to scan the key switches. The closing and opening of any of these switches (i.e., pressing or releasing any of the 101 or 104 keys) is associated with a unique digital code - a one-byte scan code.

    The attractiveness of a particular keyboard mainly depends on the location of the keys, tactile sensations and the force when pressing the key. The most common key layout (keyboard layout) is QWERTY. There are about 60 keys with letters, numbers, punctuation and other symbols, and about 40 more keys for controlling the computer and executing programs. The cursor control keys are duplicated, as well as the Ctrl, Alt, and I (Win) keys. Function keys F1...F12 are placed in the top row.

    Some modern keyboards have special keys that serve to comply with energy saving standards (Sleep, etc.), as well as the “Fn/Key+” function key, which allows you to use the F1...F12 function keys in multimedia programs. Recently, keyboards have begun to appear that, along with multimedia keys, also have quick control keys in Internet applications. The design of the keyboards is also improving.

    Mouse manipulator

    An equally important tool for controlling a computer and entering information is undoubtedly the mouse. The desire to eliminate the unproductive frequent repeated pressing of certain keys, especially when operating in the environment of many programs, arose among hardware developers immediately after the mass distribution of personal computers began.

    A mouse is a device designed to provide ease of use with modern software. The essence of program management often comes down to combining the mouse cursor on the screen with the corresponding command buttons on the screen and pressing one of the two mouse buttons (usually even one is enough). It is clear that the movements of the “mouse” body correspond to the movements of the “mouse” cursor on the screen, which creates the illusion of “an extension of the hand on the screen” and ensures simple control and ease of mastering the computer.

    A mouse is an electronic-mechanical device that is used to remotely control a cursor on a monitor screen. A rubber ball is placed inside the mouse. When you move the mouse on a smooth surface, the ball rotates. Its rotation is transmitted to two rollers, the axes of which are perpendicular to each other. The rollers are equipped with discs with slots. On one side of the disk there is a small light source (LED), and on the other side there is a light receiver (phototransistor). When the disks rotate, the beam of light coming from the LED to the phototransistor is interrupted, resulting in pulses (signals) appearing at the phototransistor. These signals are transmitted via wires to a computer, where they are processed.

    The computer mouse continues to develop: optical mice (without a ball, and therefore do not get dirty) and wireless mice (via infrared remote control ports), waterproof mice and many other interesting developments have appeared.

    The mouse and trackball are still the most common control devices. The trackball is mainly used in portable computers (laptops), where the use of a traditional mouse is difficult.

    A trackball is like an inverted “mouse”, the body of which is built into the body of the computer itself or in which the ball is moved to the top, and the slightly enlarged ball rotates in place. The trackball has the same buttons as the mouse.

    In subnotebooks, so-called touchpads are sometimes used - unique small sensitive areas along which you should move ... your finger. However, such devices require certain skills.

    The global computer industry is constantly seeking to improve input devices. There is a Keiboard mouse with an unusual design that should be called a “mouse-keyboard”. It is a device made in the form of a remote control or mobile phone. Thanks to its unusual shape, the “mouse” has a full set of keys, like on a mobile phone, which makes it possible to type small texts with one hand. According to the developer, this mouse should appeal to fans of computer games. In addition, with its help it is convenient to manage various applications, including multimedia applications.

    In addition to ten keys for entering text, the mouse has spacebar, Backspace, Del, Esc, Tab and Enter keys. The device has all the functions of a regular mouse and has a scroll key.



    Input devices


    Power supply


    For a computer to operate, it is necessary to exchange information between RAM and external devices. This exchange is called “input-output”.

    For each external device in the computer there is an electronic circuit that controls it. This circuit is called a controller, or adapter (from the English “controller” - “controller”, “manager”). There is a disk drive controller, a monitor controller, a printer controller, etc. Some controllers can control several devices at once.

    One of the controllers that is present in almost every computer is the I/O port controller. These ports are of the following types:

    · parallel (designated LPT1-LPT4), printers are usually connected to them;

    · serial (COM1-COM3), through which a mouse, modem, etc. are usually connected;

    · usb – port (digital devices, electronic device - flash memory, etc.)

    This is an in-machine electronic clock. The timer is connected to an autonomous power source - a battery and continues to work when the machine is disconnected from the network.

    2.3 Data input/output devices, their types and main characteristics

    The keyboard is the main device for entering information into a personal computer. Currently, there are a large number of types of keyboards, differing mainly in ergonomic qualities. Additional devices are built into the keyboard, such as a microphone, speaker system, touchpad, etc. The keyboard can be equipped with additional keys, for example Start, for use on computers with the Windows operating system. Despite these innovations, the main purpose of the keyboard is to enter character information. The keyboard contains 101 or more keys (mobile computers have significantly fewer keys).

    A mouse is a manipulator designed for the convenience of entering information into a computer. The mouse does not replace the keyboard. The mouse has become widespread on computers that use graphical software shells. The mouse has two or three buttons. A two-button wash may have a special wheel (scrolling) between the keys for quickly viewing multi-page information. The rocking middle button has the same purpose. Mechanical mice use a ball that transmits mouse movement to special sensors. An optical mouse allows you to achieve more precise positioning. The mouse can be connected to a computer via a serial COM port, PS/2 port, or USB port. The last option is preferable. Wireless mice operating in the infrared range or radio frequencies are also used.

    Joystick - a lever manipulator for entering coordinate information.

    Trackball is an inverted mouse with an enlarged ball that must be rotated with your finger.

    Trackpoint is a small joystick that is usually located in the center of the keyboard. Controlled by pressing your finger.

    A touchpad is a pad that is sensitive to finger pressure.


    Nowadays, the main widespread device for entering information into a computer is the keyboard (keyboard device). It implements interactive communication between the user and the PC:

    Entering user commands to provide access to PC resources;

    Recording, adjusting and debugging programs;

    Entering data and commands in the process of solving a problem.

    The MFII keyboard standard has now been adopted. Conventionally, we can distinguish five groups of keys that carry their own functional meaning:

    · a group of alphanumeric keys is intended for entering character information. Each key can operate in several modes (registers) and, accordingly, can be used to enter several characters;

    · a group of function keys (from F1 and F12) defining. Functions of the currently running program:

    · service keys: Shift, Enter, Ctrl, Alt, Tab, Esc, Back space, Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause/Brear;

    · two groups of cursor control keys. A cursor is a screen element that indicates the location for entering character information. One group, the arrow keys, moves the cursor in the direction indicated by the arrow. The other has the following keys: Page Up/Page Down – moves the cursor one page up or down.

    Home and End – move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.

    Insert – switches insertion and replacement modes.

    Delete – designed to delete characters located to the right of

    current cursor position;

    · a group of keys on a small numeric keypad or additional panel is mainly intended for entering numbers. However, they can also duplicate cursor control keys. The transition from one mode of their use to another is carried out by pressing the Num Lock key.

    This classification is strictly conditional, since in reality, depending on the program being executed, almost any key can perform both functional and service duties, and can also be blocked by the program. Therefore, the description of each software product must have a section outlining the functions of the keyboard.


    It is used to enter data or single commands selected from menus or text messages of graphical shells displayed on the monitor screen.

    The mouse is connected to the computer using a special cord and requires special software support.

    To operate the mouse, you need a flat surface; for this purpose, rubber mats (Mouse Pad) are used.

    Because you cannot enter a series of commands into the computer using a mouse. Therefore, the mouse and keyboard are not interchangeable devices. The purpose of graphical shells is to provide initialization of many commands without lengthy typing of them from the keyboard. This reduces the likelihood of typos and saves time. On an object in the form of a textgram, a menu item or symbol is selected and initialized by clicking the mouse button. Of course, when typing or performing certain functions, using the mouse may be irrational if, for example, these functions are performed by pressing function keys.

    Nowadays there is also an optical mouse, where the signal is transmitted using a mouse beam to a special mousepad and analyzed electronically. So far, the tailless (cableless) infrared mouse (the principle of its operation is similar to the operation of remote controls) and the radio mouse are less common.


    In portable PCs (Lapton, Notebook), the mouse is usually replaced with a special ball built into the keyboard on a stand with two keys on the sides, called a trackball.

    The principle of its operation is the same as the principle of the mouse. Despite the presence of a trackball, a laptop PC user can also use a regular mouse.


    Hand-held manipulators also include a joystick, which is a movable handle with one or two buttons that have the same purpose as the mouse keys.

    This input device is most common in the field of computer games. Game consoles use digital joysticks, while computers use analog joysticks. An analog joystick has many advantages over a digital joystick, the most important being greater control accuracy and the absence of the need to use a special card and adapter to connect to a computer.

    Light pen

    To enter drawings into a PC, a so-called light pen can be used. It is used relatively rarely, since it is suitable for working with large objects, but is very unreliable when selecting small objects.

    The light pen was further developed when it was used together with a digitizer (digitizer), where the pen simply writes, then special programs convert handwritten text or drawing into digital code. Professional light pens can determine line thickness, pen pressure, and other parameters.


    Is the standard input device for professional graphic work. Using software, the hand movement is converted into vector graphics format. The digitizer is capable of determining and processing absolutely precise coordinates, which is inaccessible to other input devices.


    Optical scanners are used to directly read graphic information from paper or other media into a PC. The scanned image is read and converted into digital form by elements of a special device: CCD chips. There are many types and models of scanners. Which one to choose depends on the tasks for which the scanner is intended. The simplest scanners recognize only two colors: black and white. These scanners are used to read bar codes.

    Handheld scanners - the simplest and cheapest. The main disadvantage is that the person himself moves the scanner around the object, and the quality of the resulting image depends on the skill and steadiness of the hand. Another drawback is the small scanning bandwidth, which makes reading wide originals difficult.

    Drum scanners used in professional printing activities. The principle is that the original on the drum is illuminated by a light source, and photosensors convert the reflected radiation into a digital value.

    Sheet scanners. Their main difference from the previous two is that during scanning, a ruler with CCD elements is fixedly fixed, and the sheet with the scanned image moves relative to it using special rollers.

    Flatbed scanners. This is the most common type for professional work today. The object to be scanned is placed on a glass sheet, the image is read line by line at a uniform speed by a reading head with CCD sensors located at the bottom. The flatbed scanner can be equipped with a special slide attachment device for scanning transparencies and negatives.

    Slide scanners used for scanning micro images.

    Projection scanners. A relatively new direction. A color projection scanner is a powerful multifunctional tool for inputting any color images, including three-dimensional ones, into a computer. It can easily replace a camera.

    Nowadays, scanners have another application - reading handwritten texts, which are then converted into ASC II codes by special character recognition programs and can subsequently be processed by text editors.

    Digital camera

    A digital camera is used to input video images into a computer.

    The operating principle is similar to that described for scanners. Although the camera has photo optics similar to those of a camera, there is no need for photographic film, just like a projection scanner. The image scanned by the camera is immediately received and converted into digital form. Rapid progress and reduction in prices for related equipment are expected in this area.


    Used to input audio information (speech) into the computer. Microphones come in two modifications - attached to headphones and independent devices. The entered information is saved as sound files.

    Related information.