Complete characteristics of the Siamese cat breed. How long do Siamese cats live?

This is one of the most famous breeds, people revere her for her refined figure, beautiful eyes, the magical sound of a velvety voice, a soft, flexible character, etc. With proper care, these animals will live long enough. This article tells you how long they live siamese cats and cats, and what contributes to this.

Breed Features

The homeland of Siamese cats is Thailand, which several centuries ago was called “Siam”. These graceful pets were first brought to England. A cat of the named breed has ears, a tail, paws, and a face that are more dark color than other parts of the body. The lifespan of Siamese cats depends on many factors.

It is noteworthy that at birth the kitten is completely white and only with time acquires dark spots. It's also interesting that Previously, Siamese cats were considered to have strabismus normal occurrence , and now - serious defect. This also applies to the crease in the tail.


Difficult to install average duration life of a four-fingered domestic inhabitant.

With good treatment and care, a Siamese cat lives a very long time, more than 10, and if you're lucky, even more than 20 years.

Representatives can live the same amount of time British breed. It happens that an animal dies 2-3 years after birth, it all depends on the lifestyle, health and atmosphere in which it lives.

The life expectancy of a Siamese cat is affected by:

  • heredity. Long or short life directly related to the genetic characteristics of the genus;
  • care. Good food, hygiene care and the love of the owner/mistress will give the pet longevity;
  • quality treatment. Regular disease prevention and timely medical care.


One of the most important aspects of cat longevity is good health. Pure breeds are more likely to various diseases than mixed. Pets can suffer from a variety of diseases, including urolithiasis, kidney disease and eye disease. All of these diseases affect the life of a pet.

It is almost impossible to give a clear answer to the question “how many years do Siamese cats live?” We can only say that on average, Siamese cats live longer than males. The most important thing is that the pet is always in good condition . To do this, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations veterinary clinic, create a daily menu, regular walks on fresh air, receive attention and sincere love.

All these actions are actually completely easy, perhaps unnecessary in some places, but it is thanks to them that the Siamese cat will live a long life at home, experiencing love and tenderness for its owners. In such an atmosphere, Siamese cats can live 23 years, if not more.

Siamese cats live an average of 20 years if he is forced to move more often and given more attention. Even in old age, an animal should not be left to chance and allowed to sleep all day long. We need to create a motivating environment for them so that they themselves want to run around the house and play. At home, Siamese cats live a very long time if there is care and sincere love around them.

Cats are the most popular pets in the world. In addition to their appearance, these animals also differ in character. Some do not leave their owners, others try to avoid their cuddling and attention. Speaking of cat character, attention should be paid to representatives Siamese breed. This animal, which has human habits, is very different from most domestic felines. What character advantages and disadvantages do Siamese cats have and how should you treat them?

The description of cats should start from the exterior. The dominant coat color of the animal is white or cream. The tail, paws, nose and ears are gray, black, or red point (red and red). The eyes are blue, the ears are medium-sized, regular in shape, and the tail is long. The muzzle is short and decorated with long white whiskers. The breed comes from Thailand and is a short-haired domestic cat. The appearance is memorable and it is impossible to confuse the animal with a representative of another breed. But the exterior of the Siamese cat is not so interesting as its behavior.

The note! Because of big size eyes and their pronounced blue color, many may think that Siamese cats are cross-eyed. Their wide-set eyes create this illusion.

Animal character

A person with a Siamese cat should be prepared for its loud meowing. The animal has a clear voice, and many cat lovers consider this a unique feature of the breed.

The pet becomes attached to its owner. He loves attention and affection, but has bad character traits. The Thai cat is harmful and touchy. If you offend him in some way, he will not let you sleep at night, he may start going out of the litter box and ignoring his owner. If you decide to get a Siamese cat, be prepared to treat him like a child. But most often, the cat takes root in the family and gives love and affection to all its members.

The Siamese breed is jealous and vindictive and will not get along with another breed, especially if the latter takes all the attention of its owners. She begins to get angry, hisses, and can scratch her owner, another pet, and even a child. If you get a cat from Thailand, then you can forget about other domestic animals (especially parrots and hamsters). In the event that you limit yourself to keeping only a Siamese animal, this furry beast will give you love and devotion. She will become true friend for you and even for children who will not give rest to the animal.

The note! In terms of temperament, the Siamese breed is similar to mixed-breed cats, although the latter have a brighter and more magnificent exterior.

Pets from Thailand are incredibly smart. Many call them the smartest animals among the entire class of cats. This makes it easier to raise a cat, and also allows you to teach the animal a number of tricks and commands, if the owner has time for this. Animals instantly become accustomed to the tray and a single feeding place.

Siamese cats love attention. If an animal has become attached to its owner, it will not leave him even a step, therefore, the owner of such a cat must have an independent work schedule in order to spend as much time as possible with the pet. Otherwise, “Thais” become depressed, their activity and appetite decrease, which sometimes leads to serious illnesses.

The note! If your Siamese cat's activity has decreased or she has stopped eating, the animal is most likely sick. To check this, just look at it. If the eyes are red it is a clear sign illness and the animal needs the help of a specialist.

The last thing worth mentioning is the animal's maternal instincts. Like any other feline species, young females become very attached to newborns, this is natural. So is the Siamese cat, she painfully endures parting with kittens, but as long as they feed on her milk. After the babies begin to eat “adult” food, they can be safely separated from their mother.

Interesting fact! If you cross a Siamese cat with a Canadian Sphynx, you will get a new breed - the Oriental. It will differ from the Sphynx by its thin hair, and from the Thai pet by its long muzzle and ears.


Despite the character description, many consider Siamese cats to be cruel animals due to their temperament. This gave rise to absurd rumors. A cat from Thailand can kill a person. A cat is aggressive if it is treated with hostility, but it will not go beyond scratches.

In the worst case, the Siamese cat began to ignore the owner, but did not chew carotid artery, as many people like to say. Siamese cat strangles a man! Rave! A similar situation It's hard to even imagine. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of this breed evoke ambiguous feelings, but still, this a pet, like any other breed. If you read somewhere that a Siamese cat strangled its owner or a purr from Thailand killed its owner, this is nonsense. If the breed of domestic cats were even slightly dangerous to human life, it would not be bred or sold.

The note! Of course, tragic incidents have happened to cats, but this does not apply to a specific breed. And there were cases of murder, but death at the “hands” of a cat is one case in a billion. More often, hungry pets licked the exposed parts of the body of the dead, even their owners.

The character of Siamese cats lies in 8 points:

  1. Animals love attention. No matter how old a cat is, she always needs affection and careful care.
  2. Animals cannot tolerate competitors. “Thais” can be called the most jealous pets among cats.
  3. Cats are touchy and can become depressed without proper attention from their owner.
  4. Siamese are loud animals, their meowing is a clear sign of indignation.
  5. These are the most intelligent pets among cats. They learn quickly and are able to follow a variety of commands.
  6. Animals have a hard time being separated from their offspring until the latter stops nursing.
  7. The Siamese cat breed is the most faithful. Quickly becomes attached to the owner.
  8. Cats from Thailand are absolutely safe and get along well with all family members.

It is very important to take this information into account if you intend to acquire such a pet. With the Siamese breed, the main thing is attention and patience.

Siamese cats are one of the most common breeds in the world. Pets are loved by breeders all over to the globe. And although cats have a capricious character, the owner is captivated by their grace, beauty and downright feminine spontaneity in communication and behavior. For the sake of the blue-eyed, gray-black beauty, you can endure it.

But, unfortunately, beauty does not last forever and many owners are interested in the question of how long do Siamese cats live at home? Let's try to understand the issue and find out what is needed to maximize the extension of a cat's difficult life.

Breed Features

The historical homeland of Siamese cats is sunny Thailand. Having attracted the attention of the British who were in the country, cats with gray-black coats migrated to Foggy Albion. Thus began the breed’s ascent to feline Olympus.

The new owners were captivated by the beauty and grace of the animal. The whiskers, paws, tail and muzzle of the Siamese (or Thai) breed aroused the admiration of anyone who had the honor of having an audience with a foreign guest.

In their homeland, Siamese cats were considered almost gods. Commoners were forbidden to look at them on pain of death. Siamese cats lived in the temples and chambers of the emperor. Moreover, peasants often considered them guides to the world of spirits.

ATTENTION! Previously, strabismus in Siamese cats was considered the norm and even gave a zest, but now it is considered a serious omission and requires the intervention of a specialist.

A crease in the tail is also considered a sign of an unhealthy animal. It is worth noting that kittens from Siamese cats are born completely white. Small and clumsy, they look like snowflakes that have never been seen in their historical homeland.

At home, Thai beauties and handsome men demand increased attention and they get very offended when their owners don’t have time to scratch the purr behind the ear.

The situation can be improved if you make friends with soft toys or other animals. Contrary to popular belief about the aggressiveness of Siamese cats, we can say that they are incredibly kind and sympathetic creatures.

They easily find language with dogs, although they take a long time to rub in and sniff, especially with huge dogs. Don’t be surprised when the royal Thai cat sniffs a huge bullmastiff, and he condescendingly licks her with his large, rough tongue.

Although Siamese cats do not communicate well with their relatives, they are jealous of their owner and are not ready to share shelter and food with others.

Siamese cats have a lot of energy, they are incredibly active, and they love to sleep at heights. Of course, if it is warm and soft there. Some royals prefer to sleep directly on their owners, and very unceremoniously jump on their sides or backs. or the victim's clothing. Moreover, the host can become extreme (but there was nothing to change!) or the guest, so that it would be discouraging.

Duration and lifestyle

Of course, it is impossible to measure the life expectancy of Siamese cats with one hundred percent certainty. Much depends on lifestyle and health. There have been cases when pets did not live to see a year. But fortunately, with due care and modern medicine O similar problems you can practically not think. Let's go through the main factors that influence the life expectancy of a pet.

  • Living conditions of the cat. At home, Siamese cats live for 5 or even 10 years. Street cats They live in aggressive conditions, the constant struggle and hunt for the best piece of meat is exhausting. We can say that modern megacities with huge amounts of landfills will provide cats with food for many years to come, but this is not so.
  • The quality of food leaves much to be desired; expired and bad food is often found. Lack of attention, worries also negatively affect the cat’s well-being. Apartment, and better housethe best choice for the obstinate Siamese cat, where she can relax and feel safe.
  • Quality food. The second point smoothly follows from the first point. But let’s pay attention to the correct, so to speak, diet. What to feed a Thai cat? Natural food or dry food? Much depends on the capabilities of the owners. Of course, only cheap dry food does not help healthy image life.
  • At natural food, exclude fish and food from the table. The diet can and should be changed to adapt food to individual characteristics body. And if, nevertheless, the owner decides to feed the Siamese cat with dry food, he must provide an acceptable amount of clean fresh water.
  • Cat hygiene. Cats are incredibly clean animals. They can wash and lick themselves a hundred times a day. But this does not relieve responsibility for those we have tamed. A bath (at least once every two weeks, depending on the pet’s resistance), a pedicure (trimming nails is not a tribute to beauty, but a concern for health), trips to the veterinarian (a scheduled trip to the veterinarian, examination, vaccinations and pills).
  • Competent prevention And Attentive attitude to the needs of the pet will increase life expectancy significantly.
  • Heredity. A factor that can only be influenced indirectly. Of course, having bought a purebred, expensive Siamese cat, there is a risk bad heredity is reduced to a minimum, but no one is immune from deception or unexpected illness.
  • In fairness, we note that the disease does not arise out of nowhere. That's why Special attention pay attention to the pedigree, appearance, the behavior of a Siamese cat when purchasing. This will save a lot of nerves and money in the future.

Given good living conditions, a Siamese cat is ready to please its owner for a very long time. Maximum term life is up to 20(!) years. Of course, these are isolated cases, almost exceptions, but the pursuit of a goal will always bear fruit.

It's no secret that the most important aspect longevity stands for good health. And if bad habits do not affect the pet’s health (although the myth about valerian is extremely tenacious!), then an indifferent and even disregardful attitude will bear its unpleasant fruits:

  1. Movement- one of the main tips for extending the life of a pet. Active games in the fresh air, hunting Stuffed Toys or annoying rodents (in a private home) or simply running a race and playing mischief with children will greatly prolong the life of a Siamese cat.
  2. Don't overfeed your pet. And the point here is not at all about caring for the figure. Obesity will lead to a passive lifestyle, apathy and long sleep(although cats are notorious couch potatoes!).
  3. Oral examination. Cats are miniature predators. After a hearty lunch, pieces of food can get stuck in your teeth, which harm the integrity of your gums. Inspect your pet periodically to eliminate it in time. unpleasant smell due to mouth or tongue coating.
  4. Prevention of fleas and worms. If you have the slightest complaints, bloating, or bad bowel movements, contact your veterinarian.
  5. Private birth. Pregnancy is a huge stress for the body of a Siamese cat. And although they last relatively short, they can be difficult. This depends on the number of kittens, the physical and moral condition of the cat, the quality of food, care and attention.
  6. The frequency of births more than once a year adversely affects the life expectancy of a cat. Siamese cats usually live longer than cats because the latter wear out the body much more during childbirth.
  7. Sterilization or castration. Surgical intervention increases the lifespan of cats to an average of 5 years.

Owning a Siamese cat is an important and responsible step. The owner should weigh all the pros and cons before purchasing or transferring an animal from friends. As you know, beauty requires careful attention and patience. But if you decide to take such a difficult step, then the Siamese princess will definitely reciprocate.

If a new resident has appeared in your house, then you will immediately have a number of questions. How long do Siamese cats live at home, and what is the best way to prolong their life?

In the video above 20 year old Siamese cat!

How long do Siamese cats live at home?

Siamese domestic cats can live 12–18 years.

However, if you correctly prepare a diet for your pet, if you do periodic examinations at the veterinarian, then the Siamese cat is capable live 20 or more years .

What affects the lifespan of Siamese cats?

Visit your veterinarian regularly.

If you want your pet to delight you with its presence for as long as possible, then you should follow a few rules or tips:

Siamese cats live an order of magnitude longer than female cats. This is due to the fact that cats, due to stress and tension during pregnancy and childbirth, exhaust the body more than cats.


Proper care and maintenance will allow the cat to live a long and happy life.

It directly depends on the person how many years his Siamese cat will live at home.

If you are planning to get a Siamese pet, then you should think about whether you are able to provide him with proper care. Do everything you can to improve your cat's living conditions, and she will definitely live a long and happy life next to you.

Video about Siamese cats

Today we will find out how long Siamese cats live. Pets, as a rule, live longer than their homeless relatives. The reason is simple - good conditions guarantee of longevity for pets.

Siamese cats have always been considered long-lived among other felines. Animals of this breed are valued for their charm, aristocracy, Blue eyes, timbre of voice, good manners. Of course, the main source of longevity will be proper care for the animal, its proper nutrition.

You can often hear on the Internet, on TV, in newspapers and magazines amazing fact about the life of Siamese cats who lived to be 20 or more years old. The Siamese cat breed originated in Thailand, which was formerly called "Siam". Some royal families used Siamese to perform certain rituals. Thai cats originated from bengal cats. Now there are about 40 varieties of “Bengals”.

Blue-eyed representatives cat world They weigh about 3-4 kilograms, have a pointed muzzle, and long thin paws. Siamese cats love attention, care, and especially love to talk to people. They are also considered the smartest pets among other felines.

The Siamese appeared in the west in the late 18th century, when it was first brought to England. The cats were famous for their special color - the tail, paws, and head were noticeably darker than the main coat. Siamese have short fur and require minimal grooming. Simple brushing and occasional bathing will be enough.

Thai cats are unpretentious when it comes to food, but a rich diet of the animal will have a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole. Siamese cats get along well with children, although in a specific way. They will not allow their territory and rights to be infringed.

Long-lived cats

Siamese cats are also known for their longevity. Representatives of this Asian breed live on average from 15 to 20 years, but there have been cases where Siamese lived up to 30 years. Unfortunately, like other members of the cat family, many pets die before reaching the age of 15. Siamese cats can live a long, rich life, but they can die before their time, it all depends on the pet’s owners and the pet’s quality of life. They say that Thai cats are not ready to survive loneliness; they die for this reason. Such exotic pet should be given a lot of attention. The main criteria that will lead to longevity of the Siamese:

  • quality care, visits to veterinary clinics;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • love, care of the owners.

State general health, undoubtedly, is the main factor in the longevity of any animal. Pedigree cats are usually more prone to diseases and disorders than mixed-breed or mongrel cats. Accordingly, such pets require additional, more careful care. Asian cat breeds are often susceptible to diseases such as:

  • glaucoma;
  • labored breathing;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • strabismus;
  • renal failure.

The secret to the longevity of Siamese breeds

It is impossible to predict how long your cat will live. A responsible owner will always check the health of his pet with a veterinarian, give vitamins to his pet, and carry out timely treatment. The secret of the long life of the Siamese is love and need for his family, that is, his owners. Cats can be as loyal as dogs. Love and attention, as they say, can save you from any illness. Of course, Siamese, like other cats, count on you very much, and in return for your warmth and care they will give you their devotion and boundless love.