How to induce labor in the hospital? How is the process of labor stimulation in the maternity hospital and at home in the last weeks of pregnancy, what are its pros and cons

Saint Petersburg

Hello dear readers! Today I have a long read for those who need to understand the issues of labor induction. Surprisingly, many women do not know anything about this until they encounter it in childbirth. Others, even after giving birth with stimulation, do not always realize that it has taken place. And really, is it important for a woman to know about it?

In this article I will tell you in what cases and how to stimulate labor in the maternity hospital? Is it really safe, as claimed on the medical portals? And is it always necessary?

Types of stimulation


Disconnection of membranes. The doctor inserts a finger into the pregnant woman's vagina and separates the membrane that connects the wall of the uterus to the amniotic membrane. Due to this, the hormone prostaglandin is produced, which is able to induce childbirth. Not the most pleasant procedure, I will tell you.

Foley cathetermechanical way stimulation of maturation and disclosure of the cervix when filled with water in a can inserted into cervical canal. It exfoliates the fetal bladder from the lower segment of the uterus, as a result of which the synthesis of arachidonic acid and prostaglandins is stimulated.

Amniotomy. It's a puncture amniotic sac performed using a special plastic hook. Is the most real operation. The doctor punctures the bladder and slowly drains the amniotic fluid. This method is used very rarely. Authors of modern scientific works and they say that there are practically no indications for amniotomy.

I came across a video from an interview with Michel Auden (the famous French obstetrician-gynecologist), where he says that he does not understand why amniotomy is used in Russia. He had 15,000 women in labor and not a single amniotomy. These words made me think, and you?


Laminaria. These are sticks made from seaweed, 2-3 mm in diameter, 6-7 mm long. They contribute to a fairly gentle effect on the cervix, stimulating the production of prostaglandins and the expansion of the cervix.

Most researchers consider the introduction of kelp a medical manipulation. This procedure requires vaginal speculums, bullet forceps, a forceps, or uterine "dressing" forceps specifically designed for the insertion of kelp. At the moment of listing the devices, I faint.


Miracle pill. Contains synthetic antigestagens that stimulate the contractility of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus). They are also accepted for emergency contraception or expulsion of the fetus. In the hospital and in the antenatal department, pills are often offered for women who, according to doctors, are overstaying their pregnancy (and this is already at 40-41 weeks), and the birth process starts within a day. If not, then offer another one. In fact, urgent delivery (i.e., on time) in the period of 38-42 weeks. In addition, there is no guarantee that the pill will work.

The tendency of doctors to stimulate labor after the 40th week is explained by the risk of placental aging, discoloration of amniotic fluid due to filling with toxins, and fetal hypoxia. Key moment that there is a risk, but not the fact that it will be justified.


Synthetic hormones: oxytocin (affects the contractility of the uterus) and prostaglandin (responsible for increasing the width of the uterus).

Natural oxytocin and prostaglandin, the hormones that trigger the process of childbirth, are produced by complex biochemical processes in the body and by the action of other hormones. The introduction of synthetic hormones creates conditions for pathological childbirth, because the work of the body is devalued.

In addition, the administration of oxytocin is usually carried out intravenously, and the woman has to lie under a drip, and lying position, perhaps the most "painful" option for experiencing contractions.

Prostaglandins are administered vaginally in the form of suppositories or gels and are considered the most in a safe way from all types of stimulation.

Indications for labor induction:

  • pathology during pregnancy requiring early delivery;
  • the absence of contractions 12-24 hours after the outflow of amniotic fluid. There is a risk of infection to the fetus;
  • a long gestation period, it is also overwearing.

Contraindications for labor induction:

  • Caesarean section in previous births. Stimulation of labor can provoke a rupture of the uterus along the seam.
  • Incorrect position of the fetus, placenta previa, covering the opening of the uterus.
  • The discrepancy between the size of the head of the child and the pelvis of the woman.
  • Unsatisfactory condition of the fetus.
  • Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy.
  • Infectious disease of the uterus.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • High blood pressure in a woman.

Risk to the child

In the work of professor d.m.s. G.A.Savitsky and Ph.D. A.G. Savitsky (the book "Biomechanics of physiological and pathological labor pains") describes the effect on the fetus of the introduced oxytocin. In short, after the administration of the drug, the woman in labor experienced a premature outflow of water, after the myometrium of the uterus was in good shape for about 30 minutes, i.e. during the duration of oxytocin. This means that for half an hour the child was in a state of hypoxia ( oxygen starvation).

The saddest thing is that at the time of birth, the effect of oxytocin is already imperceptible, and the condition of the newborn baby can be assessed with a high score. However, for irreversible disorders in the CNS (central nervous system) the child of these thirty minutes may well be enough. On the tone of the uterus, the central nervous system and the blood circulation of the fetus, all types of stimulation can have the same effect.

With artificially induced contractions, the fetal head does not have time to prepare, take the correct position for the passage of the pelvic bones, which leads to injuries, as well as ruptures of the perineum in a woman.

When labor is stimulated, the head of the fetus is compressed so quickly that it rises sharply intracranial pressure, venous outflow and arterial blood flow in the brain are disturbed, areas of cerebral edema, ischemia and hemorrhage appear.
Nikolsky A.V. (candidate of medical sciences, doctor the highest category) wrote:

"Artificially induced pathological course birth process dangerous, first of all, by circulatory disorders and birth trauma of the fetus, which leads to damage to the fetal central nervous system. In mild cases, up to a year of life in a child, a neurologist will reveal a syndrome of neuro-reflex excitability, sleep disturbances, muscular dystonia, autonomic dysfunction(unreasonable regurgitation, etc.), normotensive hydrocephalus, clubfoot, etc., after a year - a delay speech development, hyperactivity and attention deficit, walking on tiptoes, etc. In severe cases - epileptic syndrome, hyperkinesis, cerebral palsy, autism syndrome, delay mental development and etc."

The main cause of damage to the central nervous system in a newborn child is the stimulation of labor.

There is also a psychological aspect. According to Galina Eltonskaya (Scientific Director of the Center for Maternity "Mom's House", curator of motherhood, instructor in motherhood, member of EATA), the very first stage of separation from the mother is birth. Condition of painless separation: gradual actions, according to age.

So, the stimulation of childbirth is, in fact, the expulsion of an unprepared fetus. The child is not given the opportunity to make the decision to separate. This is, in fact, a ban on feelings. And too early.

Who is to blame and what to do?

You know, dear readers, this article was not easy for me. Induction of labor seems to me a cruel interference with the natural process. And at first, apart from scolding the doctors, nothing else came to mind. But in fact, there are also explanations for such actions.

Maternity hospitals cannot be called traditional institutions - they appeared about a hundred years ago, and at first women gave birth there with pathological childbirth, women from the lower strata of society. The conclusion suggests itself that doctors were taught to conduct childbirth with complications.

It seems to be less and less healthy women, so they are not able to give birth on their own for the most part.
Conducting the process according to the birth plan, which is calculated and predictable almost by the minute, is much more convenient than following the natural biorhythm of a woman and a child.

In essence, this way of doing childbirth is in progress at the request of the women themselves. This is due to the lack of knowledge and unpreparedness of expectant mothers for childbirth and motherhood. The process seems to be a terrible test, for the passage of which it is necessary to call on an army of doctors armed with all the achievements of modern medicine.

Weak labor activity, which is the cause of stimulation, in many cases is nothing more than a reaction to the stress caused by the hospital environment. Released adrenaline blocks oxytocin (as M. Auden says: oxytocin is a modest hormone). In mammals, this mechanism operates as defensive reaction: if there is an unforeseen danger nearby, the female will suspend childbirth until she is in a calm environment.

Doctors believe in what they are doing. They are taught from old textbooks and they sincerely believe in conservative methods of child care (fortunately, not all). Besides, oh psychological aspect few people speak. Because psychology as a science in our country is only gaining momentum. In Stalin's time, psychology was generally banned, and only recently they began to talk about feelings and emotions. I personally know several obstetrician-gynecologists who gave birth and raised (raise) their children with stimulation, anesthesia and other “charms”, the dangers of which have been repeatedly spoken about by supporters of natural childbirth.

I propose to share the responsibility for the intervention of doctors in the process of childbirth. On the one hand, this is a mother who should prepare for childbirth, on the other hand, a doctor who should have priority healthy childbirth, without interference.

What can you do for your part

When you are already in childbirth, and you don’t know anything about it, you can only rely on the professionalism and experience of the doctor. But while you are pregnant, you have the opportunity to make informed choices and take steps to ensure a successful delivery.

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This article was prepared with the support of mother art consultant Evgenia Starkova. You can ask her a question on the topic of the article in the comments, or using the form feedback.

Sincerely yours, Elena Kalashnikova

They do not come on their own, and medical indications force doctors to stimulate their onset. Stimulation labor activity- a phrase that all pregnant women are afraid of. Let's see if it's scary.

Stimulation of labor in the maternity hospital

The most common scenario for the development of events in the stimulation of labor is the hospitalization of a woman in the department of pathology of pregnancy. It is there, after examination and examination, that a decision is made on the indications, timing and methods of stimulation.

Indications for labor induction

The reasons why obstetricians are forced to provoke the onset of labor are divided into maternal and fetal.

Mother's reasons:

  1. The presence of complications of pregnancy, in which its continuation is dangerous for the life and health of a woman: preeclampsia, eclampsia, severe gestational diabetes mellitus, liver damage, coagulopathy caused by pregnancy;
  2. Aggravation chronic diseases in severe form: bronchial asthma, diabetes, arterial hypertension, kidney disease, cardiovascular pathology;
  3. Increasing polyhydramnios;
  4. Pathological preliminary period, when the general state women, her dream;
  5. Acute situations: acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, cerebral aneurysm, trauma, bleeding. Although in this case such stimulation of labor does not occur. Doctors in such situations go for early delivery by caesarean section, as sometimes the bill goes not for hours, but for minutes;
  6. Postponed pregnancy over 42 weeks by the date of the last menstruation.

There are fewer fetal causes:

  1. Hemolytic disease of the newborn with Rhesus conflict;
  2. Intrauterine infection of the fetus and amniotic membranes;
  3. Fetal growth retardation good results CTG and biophysical profile of the fetus.

If the child, for one reason or another, suffers in utero, it is preferable not to have an excessive load of artificially provoked childbirth, but to have an operative delivery. On stimulation of labor in the interests of the fetus go only after thorough examination its methods of ultrasound, dopplerometry and CTG.

Methods of stimulation of labor activity

Initially, one or another method of labor stimulation is chosen based on the readiness of the pregnant woman's body for childbirth. With good readiness of the birth canal, "mature" cervix, you can use:

  1. Laminaria sticks. This is a fairly ancient method in obstetrics. Laminaria are dried and pressed in the form of pencils. seaweed. Several of these sticks are inserted into the ajar cervix. In a humid environment, the algae swell and mechanically open the cervix, stimulating the onset of labor;
  2. Balloon dilatation of the cervix is ​​similar to the previous method. Instead of laminaria, special balloons are used for mechanical stimulation, gradually filling them with air or liquid;
  3. Amniotomy or artificial opening of the fetal bladder. With the discharge of amniotic fluid, the volume of the uterine cavity decreases, the fetal head descends and presses on the lower segment of the uterus. These factors provoke the onset of labor.

Preparations for stimulating labor

If the woman's body is not ready for childbirth, the cervix is ​​immature to use non-drug methods impossible and even dangerous. In such cases, more thorough preparation of the woman and the use of special preparations are necessary:

  1. Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland and is directly responsible for uterine contractions during childbirth. The introduction of oxytocin intravenously or in the form of tablets will provoke the onset of labor. However, with an immature cervix, the use of this drug is unjustified. More about;
  2. Preparations of the prostaglandin group (Prostin, Prepidil and others). It's biologically active substances, contributing to the softening, disclosure and maturation of the cervix. This group of drugs is the best for the preparation and stimulation of labor. Prostaglandins are available as injections, tablets, vaginal and cervical gels;
  3. mifepristone - relatively new drug to stimulate labor activity. Its action is to block progesterone receptors. Progesterone, whose main function is to maintain pregnancy, stops working. Pregnancy is left without hormonal support, and labor begins.

Labor induction at home

In cases where the term of childbirth has already passed, but both mother and child feel well, the need for active actions no. The doctor lets the pregnant woman go home, where she immediately rushes in search of folk methods to speed up the onset of the cherished day. There are many of these methods, some of them have medical roots and common sense, while some of them are completely devoid of them and even dangerous.

Dangerous methods include hot baths, taking alcoholic beverages, lifting weights, jumping, taking decoctions of unknown herbs and dietary supplements, any vaginal manipulations at home.

Of the permitted ways to speed up the onset of childbirth:

  1. Exercises, which include the notorious climbing stairs and washing floors. No harm, no benefit any moderate physical activity cannot bring. But systematic yoga, swimming or aerobics for pregnant women are very useful for muscle development, correct breathing, weight control and development of the generic dominant.
  2. Castor oil or the well-known castor oil is considered a panacea for inducing labor. There is a grain of common sense in this. Castor oil has a hormone-like effect and can help ripen the cervix when used regularly, such as in suppositories. The laxative effect of castor oil can have the effect of rhodostimulation only when the birth canal is ready. Similar action also has a cleansing enema.
  3. Sex life is perhaps the most scientifically based way to induce labor. The semen contains the same prostaglandins that were discussed. With regular sexual activity, the action of these substances on the cervix and its mechanical irritation contribute to the onset of labor.

Before using any of these "grandmother's" methods, be sure to check with your doctor if he allows such experiments in your particular case.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for website

Useful video:

You live in anticipation of a magical moment - the birth of your baby. The expected due date has already arrived, but the baby is in no hurry to be born. Doubts, fears and insecurities appear in the head. What to do? How

Before we commit, let's figure out what's what. So, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. Timely delivery is considered from 38 to 42 weeks. Of course, some doctors try not to delay until the last minute, because it negatively affects the development of the child. Therefore, usually for a period of 41 weeks, medical stimulation of labor is performed. .

Stimulation of the birth process is carried out by a doctor only after a comprehensive and thorough examination, which includes:

  1. Control over the movements of the child. Movements should be regular and constant.
  2. Ultrasound control. The amount of amniotic fluid and the general condition of the fetus are assessed.
  3. CTG control. The contractile features of the uterus and the well-being of the fetus are assessed.
  4. Doppler indicators allow you to assess the state of blood flow in the umbilical cord and the maturity of the placenta.
  5. Blood study. Determined by a pregnant woman. With a post-term pregnancy, the level of hormones (progesterone, estriol, lactogen) is below normal. A fairly informative indicator is the level of hCG.

If during the examination all indicators are normal, then, accordingly, the pregnancy develops properly.

Indications for artificial induction of labor

  1. A delayed pregnancy is dangerous for the baby. The aging placenta cannot provide good nutrition essential substances and saturate the fetus with oxygen. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs. In addition, they become denser, so the risk of birth injury increases. Aspiration of amniotic fluid may occur, in other words, they begin to linger in the lungs, which can lead to irreparable consequences.
  2. Suspension or complete cessation of labor activity. This is characterized by the cessation of marriage and insufficient opening of the cervix. These moments, observing childbirth, the doctor notices.
  3. Premature detachment of the placenta.
  4. Rhesus - conflict. If the treatment has an insufficient effect, and the antibody titer is constantly increasing.

What methods are used to induce labor?

Oxytocin - is used for weak labor and artificial induction of labor. Basically, the drug is administered as an injection. Its action does not affect the readiness to open the cervix. Usually the drug is used in combination with antispasmodic drugs.

Prostaglandins are hormones that stimulate smooth muscles and the cervix to deliver. The introduction of suppositories or a viscous gel containing these hormones into the vagina is quite popular.

Amniotomy - autopsy process amniotic sac. This method is carried out during the examination and absolutely does not affect the condition of the fetus. Labor induction by amniotomy is the most safe method affecting uterine activity.

How to induce labor on your own so as not to “pass” your due date?

It is believed that it is the baby that produces the hormones oxytocin and prostaglandins, which, entering the mother's blood, begin to stimulate labor activity. Perhaps a lack of hormones or a failure of the chain of reactions contribute to the inhibition of childbirth.

Let's look at how self-stimulation of labor is carried out.

  1. A decoction of raspberry leaves. This tool is recognized official medicine. The decoction contracts the muscles of the uterus and pelvis.
  2. Nipple massage. Such massage promotes the release of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.
  3. Unprotected intercourse. Sperm contains prostaglandins that soften the muscles of the uterus and contribute to the onset of labor.
  4. Enema. With the help of a simple procedure, you can push the already prepared uterus to the birth process.
  5. Exercise stress. Long walks, light gymnastics, washing windows and washing floors without using a mop help open the uterus and tone its muscles. But, excessive loads- harmful.

It should be noted that labor induction is artificial process which carries a certain risk. Such childbirth is always more painful than natural, and the baby experiences severe stress in the process. Of course, there are also serious cases when additional stimulation is simply necessary. But if future mom will tune in and be mentally ready for childbirth, then she, most likely, simply will not need stimulation.

After the 37th week of pregnancy, the moment of the natural birth of the child comes. However, this does not always go smoothly. Sometimes it is necessary to induce contractions with the help of surgical or medical intervention. Labor induction is carried out only by a doctor when labor begins spontaneously and then stops: the woman can no longer give birth. This article describes methods and techniques for safely inducing labor in a hospital or at home.

What is labor induction

The procedure of labor stimulation is the birth of a child as a result of contractions caused by artificial way. It is carried out to stimulate the labor activity of a pregnant woman according to the doctor's indications. It is aimed at ensuring the opening of the cervix of the woman in labor. If birth canal before the start of delivery are closed or not fully ready, then such labor activity is called weak. For this procedure, both medicines and natural ways which are described below.

Artificial Methods

There are several artificial methods birth stimulation. The first is transcervical. The essence of the method is that a catheter with a solid rod is inserted into the cervical canal. Then it is replaced with a needle. It is used to pierce the amniotic membrane to remove some of the amniotic fluid. After that, a highly concentrated sodium chloride solution or a 20% glucose solution is injected inside. This method is not used on women who suffer from high blood pressure or kidney disease.

The next way is transabdominal. It is not used if the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus. The method consists in the fact that doctors inject saline solutions with ultrasound determination of the location of the placenta. It is used in case of injury or bleeding. In the amnion ( inner part placenta) are administered saline solution, after taking some amniotic fluid. Unfortunately, in this case, the child does not survive, as the saline solution kills him. After a couple of days, artificial labor is performed.

Artificial childbirth is also carried out by expanding the cervical canal, after which the fetal bladder is opened. Induction of labor can occur if the woman in labor has contraindications to hypertonic solutions. There are also medicinal methods, which contribute to the opening of the cervix and the contraction of its muscles. However, the stimulation of labor with drugs is used in extreme cases, when other manipulations are contraindicated for the mother. After such a procedure, there is a risk of consequences.

natural stimulation

If artificial induction of labor is not suitable for a woman, the doctor or obstetrician suggests breaking through the membranes. This manual separation amnions from the wall of the uterus. The doctor inserts a finger into the cervix and with the help of gentle movements separates the membrane from the wall. There is also a rupture of the water bladder with the help of an amniotic hook. There are options for natural stimulation of labor at home, but more on that later.

Why is labor induction dangerous?

By itself, the stimulation of childbirth can not only harm the child, but also the woman. Any type of stimulation is carried out only with the permission of a doctor who is familiar with the medical indications of the patient. Complications occur frequently. In the following sections, you will learn about the dangers of induction during childbirth in the clinic, how it can harm the mother or newborn baby, and why such a procedure can be dangerous.

Pain during contractions

In order to stimulate childbirth, a woman can be injected with synthetic hormones, which cause severe pain than during natural labor. Such pain passes quickly, does not cause the release of painkillers into the blood. During normal labor activity, they are produced by the female body. At the first stage of stimulation, gels or balloons can be injected that cause painful contractions. Painful discomfort is also caused by vaginal examinations. Read on to find out how to stimulate contractions on your own.

Uncomfortable body position

In the case of using droppers, doctors put the woman in the most uncomfortable and ineffective positions that prevent the birth of a child - lying on her back, on her side or standing on all fours. In such positions, unpleasant discomfort occurs, which can intensify. This interferes with the process of labor, and the pain of contractions increases markedly.

Oxygen starvation of the fetus

Stimulation of labor can lead to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus (fetal hypoxia). This is a violation of the intensity of blood supply. Such a problem does not sum up in the development of the child. The diagnosis is “removed” after 3 months, when the child develops as it should, no deviations are observed. In some cases, labor with stimulation can lead to disruption of the functioning of the baby's heart system. However, we can fix that.

Indications for labor induction

Labor is stimulated in several medical indications. The most common cause use of stimulants - gestational age (more than 41 weeks). In such cases, natural stimulants can be used, which can also be used at home. This procedure is done to reduce the risk of a caesarean section. It is used if the child is large.

With multiple pregnancies, when babies simply cannot appear in the usual way, stimulation is also prescribed. If the mother has kidney disease, thyroid gland, gestational diabetes, increased blood pressure, then doctors prescribe stimulation. This method is also used for prolapse of the umbilical cord. Doctors want to avoid complications during and after the birth process.

How to stimulate labor in the hospital

IN maternity ward obstetricians and doctors stimulate labor activity different methods. Doctors determine methods of stimulation for certain indications and situations. They can use pills, injections, autopsy fetal membrane administer oxytocin or prostaglandin. Such methods have advantages and disadvantages, which you will learn about in the following sections.

Preparations for stimulating labor

Drugs in our time have become increasingly used to speed up labor in certain cases. They are used in order to cause a minimum of physical damage to the fetus during the process. If you want to use during childbirth medications and not others more dangerous methods, then you can discuss this with your attending gynecologist.


The substance oxytocin is a synthesized analogue of the hormone that the pituitary gland produces. It stimulates contraction muscle fibers uterus, which helps with weak labor activity, postpartum hemorrhage and to stimulate lactation. Available as a solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. The disadvantage of this drug is that a woman cannot move normally while under the connected drip system.

Doses are selected for each woman individually - each body reacts differently. The drug does not affect the readiness of the cervix to dilate, therefore, when oxytocin acts, it appears labor pain. Can be taken with antispasmodics. This drug not used if the birth of a child is undesirable through normal childbirth, at wrong position baby, individual intolerance components, the presence of scars on the uterus and others. Side effect - can lead to hypoxia.


Miropristone is a medicine used to interrupt uterine pregnancy in the early stages (up to 42 days) and for artificial induction of labor. analogue this tool is Pencrofton. Both drugs are used for confirmed ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy that occurred while using intrauterine or hormonal contraceptives. It is contraindicated in:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • porphyria;
  • anemia;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • smoking;
  • acute inflammatory pathology female reproductive system.

birth control pills

A popular method by which the uterus "ripens" is the use of prostaglandin hormones. They stimulate delivery by acting on the cervix, causing structural changes. They are used in the slow course of labor, the reason for which lies in the immaturity of the uterus, its resistance. Next, consider the pros and cons of such hormones.


Hormones have beneficial effect on the reproductive system women. They stimulate smooth muscles, fallopian tubes, uterus and cervix. The drug causes painful contractions that help a woman give birth faster. Available in the form of tablets that have side effects. The tool works in much the same way as Oxytocin. Among side effects note nausea, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and more. They cost a little more. Tablets are used for artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages.

Detachment of amniotic membranes

Prenatal stimulation detachment of the membranes is performed only by a gynecologist or midwife during a gynecological examination. From lower divisions uterus near the internal pharynx of the cervix gently exfoliate the amniotic membranes. used this procedure several times until the woman's labor activity begins. It is rarely used, only in extreme cases and as prescribed by a doctor.

Puncture of the amniotic sac

Amniotomy is performed exclusively in the process of delivery. It is not used today, because there is a risk of infection of the child with various infections. Rarely, when other methods cannot be used, a puncture of the amniotic sac is used. At the same time, it is used when the cervix is ​​softened, using special tool for puncture of the fetal bladder.

Foley catheter

To use this method, you need to consult a specialist. Upon inspection, the size that suits you is determined. Please note that the caterer is introduced in the hospital by doctors, it is forbidden to do this at home. It will harm the baby and the mother. It is rarely used and only when available. medical indications for application. Foley catheter is contraindicated in:

  • inflammatory process in the cervix (cervitis);
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (vaginitis);
  • rupture of the fetal bladder;
  • low placenta previa.

Stimulation of labor activity at home

Not infrequently, girls do not want to use various medications, lie down on operating table so they discuss possible ways stimulation during childbirth at home with your gynecologist. Such an independent solution comes to mind the fastest. If folk methods you don't want to apply either, you can choose from methods such as late-term sex, prenatal gymnastics, nipple massage, and castor oil. If you don't know how to induce labor yourself at home, the following sections will help you.

Sex in late pregnancy

During sex, oxytocin is produced, which helps speed up labor. Male sperm contains prostaglandins, which promote maturation and expansion of the uterus. Unfortunately, this method is used only when the water has not broken, because this can infect the placenta. sexual contact prohibited if you have a low placenta previa.

Labor induction exercises

small physical exercise is also a natural stimulant of childbirth. Walking slowly down the street every day will help you bring on contractions as soon as possible. We recommend that you climb the stairs over the step, dance and slowly rotate your hips. It is forbidden to lift weights, use strength exercises on the trainers. Another option would be mopping without a mop.

The advantage of using such methods is that the cervix softens and smoothes faster, which causes a quick delivery in a woman. However, this method will harmful women with preeclampsia, indications for caesarean section, for up to 40 weeks, chronic diseases that are not related to pregnancy in any way. Before use this method consult with your gynecologist.

Nipple massage

Special nipple massage helps female body produce the hormone oxytocin. It stimulates the contraction of the uterus, which helps to start labor faster. It also helps a woman get used to unpleasant sensations, after all, after birth, the child will “bite” your chest. When massaging the nipples, the same feeling is felt. Massage is done several times a day for 15 minutes. Nipples need to be lightly pinched and stroked.

Castor oil to speed up labor

Castor oil has been used in the past to induce bowel movements, since castor oil has a laxative effect. Today it is sold in the form of candles. Castor oil stimulates the contraction of the intestines and uterus. However, if you use a dose a little higher, diarrhea sets in, which can lead to dehydration. Such action may lead to real danger. It's better to put a couple of drops castor oil on bread and eat with tea.


When the pregnancy becomes overdue, it is necessary to hasten the birth of the child - stimulation of labor in stationary conditions is safe and effective procedure. In order for our readers to have a rough idea of ​​what awaits them in the maternity hospital, what manipulations and preparations, we have prepared this material.

How to understand that the body is ready for childbirth

A woman will not understand this on her own. She may often have preparatory contractions - but this is not at all a sign of cervical readiness for childbirth. The most important thing is that it is mature enough. In this case, childbirth will be as safe, comfortable and natural as possible.

But in last years doctors observe such a trend that in women, especially primiparas and those with various chronic diseases and obstetric pathologies, by the expected date of birth, the cervix is ​​completely unprepared for disclosure. This is also due to hormonal imbalance, too much high progesterone- a hormone that prolongs pregnancy. Doctors use this information for drug stimulation of labor activity, it is carried out exclusively in the maternity hospital, since very serious drugs are used for this, which are not sold freely in pharmacies.

But besides this kind of drug preparation, other methods are also used. We will describe them in our material. But back to our neck.

At 39-40 weeks, all women are waiting for gynecological examination in antenatal clinic or maternity hospital in order to determine the degree of maturity of the cervix. If the cervix is ​​not at all mature, you need to take measures to prepare it now, otherwise you will face great difficulties in childbirth, and possibly C-section.

On examination, the doctor pays attention to the length of the cervix (he can determine the length of its exclusively vaginal part, but this is quite enough), the degree of its openness, softness. If the neck is closed, dense and long - it's time to take action. Many women think that an examination to diagnose the condition of the cervix is ​​optional (because it is very painful), and that an ultrasound with a measurement of its length with a vaginal probe is enough. But it's not. To be ready for childbirth, it is important to feel the cervix. Yes, it's a little painful. But whether it will still be in childbirth ... Try to relax during the examination, and pain will be minimal.

How to induce labor with antispasmodics

Experienced women know that in the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to use antispasmodics as little as possible, since they most likely will not become a prophylaxis. premature birth with frequent hypertonicity, but, on the contrary, they will be provoked. The thing is that antispasmodics relax muscles, reduce their tone, including this applies to a very dense cervix.

The most effective and well-known substance used for this purpose in Russia is Hyoscine butylbromide - this is a drug familiar to many under the name "Buscopan". Can be administered from 38-39 weeks as rectal suppositories for prenatal preparation cervix. Many studies and statistics prove their effectiveness. For most expectant mothers who used Buscopan before childbirth, their first period proceeded quickly and easily, the cervix opened without problems. Also, "Buscopan" is sometimes prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections, but already in a hospital setting.

In second place in terms of efficiency are rectal suppositories with a beauty They have antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Well reduce the tone of organs abdominal cavity. Assign 1-2 candles per day.

And, finally, "Papaverine Hydrochloride" (rectal suppositories) and "No-shpa" (Droverin) - inside and intramuscularly. More weak drugs for almost natural stimulation of childbirth, which, among other things, has an effect that lowers blood pressure.

If all this does not help or time is already running out, more serious measures are taken in the hospital. Read about them below.

Induction of labor with a Foley catheter

The Foley catheter is a urological instrument, but it has long been "chosen" by obstetrician-gynecologists, who dilate the cervix with it. Cheap and cheerful, as they say. And it can be carried out in any maternity hospital remote from civilization. This is a method for mechanical action on the cervix.

A catheter is inserted into the woman's cervical canal. The procedure is not painful, but can be a little uncomfortable. Further, it is filled with 30-60 grams of liquid. This causes the cervix to dilate. And if the effect is persistent, then within 12-24 hours the catheter itself falls out, and the cervix, dilated by 3-4 cm, is mature enough for doctors to begin active stimulation of labor. Unfortunately, contractions after such a mechanical effect on the neck do not always appear themselves. A pregnant woman is pierced with an amniotic sac and, if necessary, put a dropper with "Oxytocin".

The Foley catheter is rarely used by modern maternity hospitals to stimulate labor, since after it there is a high risk of weak labor and caesarean section. In addition, there is almost always a need for other types of stimulation.

Preparing the cervix with kelp

It's like a Foley catheter, a mechanical way to dilate the cervix. But it is preferred. Laminaria are common seaweeds, or rather two of their species, used in obstetrics. These algae in the form of several sticks, the doctor introduces into the cervical canal of a woman. There they are saturated with moisture and increase in volume during the day by about 3-5 times, thereby slowly expanding the cervix. The length of one stick is 6-7 cm, and the initial diameter is 2-3 mm. The length of the kelp does not change under the influence of moisture. Only volume grows.

Disadvantages for stimulating labor laminaria have the following:

  • severe pain that occurs in many women during the introduction of algae into the cervical canal;
  • discomfort during the entire time they are there;
  • sometimes the sticks move into the vagina, making them useless;
  • it takes a lot of time to achieve the effect - about a day;
  • there is a risk of infection of the uterus and allergies to algae.

But all these complications are quite rare, so kelp is one of the most commonly used means of induction (stimulation) of childbirth by obstetricians.

Labor induction gel

The gel contains prostaglandins - substances that cause labor. Yes, exactly the ones contained in male sperm. After all, it is not in vain that they say that sex during a long pregnancy often provokes childbirth.

However, prostaglandin medicinal product should only be used under conditions maternity hospital because it has a number of side effects. For example, blurred vision, drowsiness, tinnitus, change heart rate, dizziness, jumps blood pressure etc. Prostaglandins have a lot of contraindications in the form of chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, asthma, glaucoma, etc.

Prostaglandins are prescribed for an immature cervix. Enter intramuscularly or in the form of a gel. The second option is preferable, as it is effective at low doses. Usually, the gel begins to be administered a day before the expected birth. And the onset of labor is stimulated by amniotomy (puncture of the amniotic sac) and oxytocin.

The gel is quite effective, but sometimes it does not work ... For example, it is ineffective at a gestational age of less than 37 weeks (sometimes there is a need for stimulation for such early term), obesity in future mother, over 30 years of age.

How is the stimulation of labor with pills in the hospital

Mifepristone is a so-called antiprogestogen drug. It is used not only to induce labor, but also abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy, emergency contraception, and in some countries for the treatment of uterine fibroids.

For stimulation in the maternity hospital, mifepristone (miropriston) tablets are given, which the woman takes only in the presence of a doctor. This drug is strictly prescription and quite dangerous if you use it yourself in violation of the instructions. Since mifepristone is used for medical termination of pregnancy, all expectant mothers who want to keep a child, at least until 40 weeks - full-term, should stay away from it.

The scheme of taking the drug is as follows: 1 tablet of the drug with a dosage of 200 mg is taken on the first day and exactly 24 hours later another tablet is taken. How long after the second dose does mifepristone induce labor in women? Usually within 2 days, maximum within 3 days. If, after this time, the birth canal remains immature, the woman is given vaginal prostaglandins (gel). Although in this case there are often failures and a caesarean section has to be done, since time is “running out”, and the cervix does not ripen in any way.