How to understand and what to do if a hamster dies - signs of impending death. What are the diseases of rather cute and cute rodents - hamsters?

If you decide to get a hamster, remember that they do not live long - about two to three years, after which they inevitably die. But under the influence of certain factors, the animal may die earlier. However, not every owner knows what to do and how to help their pet.

The death of a small rodent can occur by various reasons. Among the most common are:

If you feed your hamster incorrectly, it can hasten its demise.

A hamster can die for various reasons. If he has been with you for three years and is becoming more lethargic every day, it is obvious that he is dying due to his age. The table shows the average life expectancy of different hamsters:

In this case, death is associated with wear and tear of the heart and blood vessels. The heart rate of these tiny creatures is one hundred and eighty beats per minute. You can imagine the mode in which their heart functions. And if the animal is constantly exposed to stress, it works even faster. Because of this, the heart muscle wears out, so an old hamster may die, even if all other organs are healthy.

The most common cause of death is old age

Poor vascular condition can lead to hemorrhages in the brain, resulting in paralysis. In this case, the rodent is still alive, but is not able to run, play or move around. In such a situation, you must make a responsible decision: euthanize your pet or continue caring for it.

The death of an animal can be expected or sudden, accompanied by screams or silence. How can you tell if your hamster is dying? To do this, you need to carefully monitor your pet to notice signs of illness or approaching old age.


If you are attentive to the little hamster, you will know all its habits and habits. Thanks to this, in an unusual situation you will immediately see changes. Usually the animal is active at night and a little less during the day. If he seems sleepy and refuses to play, it is most likely an illness. But do not forget about seasonal hibernation during periods of prolonged cold weather.

Knowing your hamster's habits, you can notice changes in behavior

Another warning sign– changes in eating habits. A healthy animal regularly wants to eat and often wakes up to eat. Decreased or lack of appetite is a reason to visit the veterinarian.

External inspection

If you suspect something is wrong, carefully examine your pet. If the fur under the tail is constantly wet, he suffers from diarrhea. In turn, it is a symptom of infection or helminth infestation. Timely treatment will help save the animal's life.

Check your pet regularly

Upon examination, you may find swelling, abscesses, redness - all this is a sign skin diseases. If you gently pull the skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, in a healthy animal it will quickly return to its previous position. If this is not the case, we're talking about about severe dehydration. Normally, a rodent's fur is thick and shiny. If it falls out and becomes dull, the pet is getting old or sick. The muzzle and eyes can tell about an infection, a cold, or inflammation of the cheek pouches.

Other signs

When a pet gets sick, he begins to cry, and over time his voice turns into a fading wheeze. If an animal falls, it can damage its spine - in this case, the body will go limp and death will occur within an hour. Paralysis can be identified by immobility. Impossibility independent movement will inevitably lead to death.

Paralysis can lead to sudden death

At protracted illness or old age to recognize imminent death possible by the following manifestations:

  • lethargy and unsociability;
  • sudden weight loss and refusal to eat;
  • blurred eyes;
  • dullness and hair loss.

As a hamster approaches old age, it becomes less active. At first he will run on the wheel less and less. Over time, you can notice his clumsiness and slow movements. In old age, the animal's legs weaken, which makes it difficult for it to even support its own weight, and it constantly falls.

Elderly hamster

An aging rodent stops climbing the bars, and if it accidentally turns over on its back, it will not be possible for a long time to return to its normal position. The wool loses its attractiveness, falls out and becomes dull. Sometimes owners don't even notice how their pet has aged. He just dies one day.

If you suspect that your pet is about to die, be sure to try to save it.

In old age and oncological diseases this is impossible to do, the only thing in your power is to alleviate the animal’s suffering. But if alarming symptoms observed in a young rodent, the situation is completely correctable. Required condition For this, urgent consultation with a qualified specialist is required. The sooner the animal is examined by a veterinarian, the greater the chance of success.

The animal must be examined by a veterinarian

If the hamster does die, you need to make sure that it is really death and not paralysis or sound sleep. The main signs are absence of pulse and breathing. Checking them is very simple: hold the mirror close to the nose: if it fogs up, the animal is still alive. To determine the heartbeat, take the baby in your arms. Similarly, you can determine the temperature - from dead body no heat comes out. The fact of death can also be confirmed by the rigidity of the rodent.

In order for your hamster to live happily ever after or die of old age, you need to properly care for it. Compliance simple rules will help prolong your pet's life:

  1. Feed the animal correctly. The diet should not contain spicy, fatty and sour foods, as well as stale foods.
  2. Clean cages regularly to minimize the risk of bacterial infection.
  3. Remove all sources of stress and danger – electrical appliances, other animals – away.
  4. Don't disrupt your pet's routine and don't force him to play if he doesn't want to.
  5. Do not bathe the animal unless absolutely necessary and do not place the cage in drafts.
  6. Do not cross rodents too early - when early birth the female may die.
  7. Pay more attention to your pet, surround it with love and care.
  8. Take your hamster to the veterinarian periodically.

The lifespan of a hamster is direct, so give him the opportunity to run around. Select a wide cage and install a wheel in it. Additionally, you can buy a labyrinth where your pet can have fun if necessary.

Clean the cage regularly and make sure your hamster always has something to eat and drink.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your pet dies. If you want to get a rodent or other animal again, thoroughly wash the cage and all the furniture and pour boiling water over it several times. This is the only way to kill all germs and bacteria.

How to bury a hamster

After your pet's death, you need to choose an appropriate burial option. To do this, you can contact your veterinary service and inquire about cremation. They will also tell you if there are animal cemeteries in the city. If there are none, find out where pet owners bury their pets themselves and for free. You should not bury the animal in the park or near the house. Stray dogs They tear up such graves. In addition, such actions are prohibited by law.

Many owners bury their friends in the forest or in their summer cottage. The last option is considered one of the best. You can take a small box as an impromptu coffin, and mark the burial place with stones and plant flowers. Anything left behind by your hamster must be thoroughly disinfected.

How to cope with loss

Both children and adults quickly become attached to the hamster and dream that it will live for a very long time. Unfortunately, due to physiological characteristics this is impossible. The death of a pet, especially if it is sudden, causes suffering to a person. Children are especially worried.

If your hamster dies, don't blame yourself. If the cause is old age or severe illness, it was inevitable. Try to switch your thoughts to something else. Think about how happy your pet was and how loved he was by everyone in the family. No one can know in advance how long a hamster will live and how to extend this period. The only thing you can do is to take care of the animal as best as possible. From the first day of his stay in your home, surround him with attention and care, keep his cage clean, feed him properly and provide opportunities for physical activity. In this case, the hamster will live its allotted time and will delight you with its good mood.

Even with correct content With systematic care, animals live from 1.5 to 2.5–3 years. However, there are many factors that can accelerate death. small pet. And it’s not always possible to understand why hamsters die and how to help your pet. Why do hamsters die? How to understand that a dzhungarik is dying? What to do if your hamster dies?

Main causes of death

If the rodent does not receive proper attention from you, if the rules of care and maintenance are violated, the life expectancy of Djungarian and Syrian hamsters is significantly reduced. In some cases, the death of the animal may occur at the age of 5–6 months.

Do not forget that hamsters are very delicate, fragile and gentle creatures, and every year it becomes more difficult for them to resist the effects of unfavorable factors. Considering that many parents buy hamsters as pets for their children, death little friend may cause severe disorder or even psychological trauma in a child. Therefore, you need to know why hamsters die, the main causes and signs of their death.

Causes of death of hamsters:

Female hamsters often die during pregnancy and childbirth due to the fact that during this period the body of small pets becomes maximally vulnerable to the effects of adverse factors. Besides, it's too early pregnancy at 3–4 months it can kill your pet.

A great danger to the lives of Dzungarians and Syrians is prolonged overheating, hypothermia, and sudden changes temperature conditions, high humidity. The health of rodents is negatively affected by drafts, dampness, and cold. Do not forget that hamsters are heat-loving animals, and low temperatures can cause coma and death. This is especially dangerous for small hamsters.

In the room where the pet's cage is located, the temperature should be between 22–25 degrees Celsius. Prolonged hypothermia leads to slowdown, disruption metabolic processes, promotes development colds which represent mortal danger for small animals.

You need to understand that the lifespan of pet rodents directly depends on the quality of care.

Wrong diet

Hamsters are quite voracious omnivorous creatures. They happily eat everything that the owner offers. At the same time, we should not forget that Djungarians often have digestive problems. The intestines of these pets occupy almost 70% of the total weight. Therefore, the products from our table (sausages, smoked meats, salty, spicy foods, fatty varieties hard cheeses) should absolutely not be given to hamsters.

Digestive disorder in hamsters, inflammation digestive tract can be caused by moldy feed, wet grass, excessive eating of soft food, lack of fiber.

You should not treat your rodent to foods that will cause digestive disorders. blockage, acute inflammation The gastrointestinal tract can cause the early death of your beloved hamster.


Hamsters are very susceptible to stress. A rude, disrespectful attitude towards an animal, unsanitary conditions in a cage, a monotonous diet, lack of toys, entertainment, an improperly equipped cage, other pets in the house or overly aggressive relatives can cause severe emotional shock that a small pet may simply not withstand. Do not forget that stress greatly weakens the body of animals, regardless of their species.

The heart of rodents beats 180 beats per minute, so it wears out quickly.

Severe stress and fear can cause cardiac arrest in a small pet. In addition, hamsters can have a stroke. Due to hemorrhage, the rodent is paralyzed, but death does not occur immediately.

Diseases and injuries

You can recognize that a hamster is dying by its changed behavior. Dzungarik becomes lethargic, inactive, and reluctant to be held. Possible loss of coordination of movements, muscle spasms. The pet has dull, tousled fur and a dull look. Before death, the rodent can be completely paralyzed. There may be other symptoms that indicate illness (cough, difficulty breathing, vomiting, upset stomach). Moreover, if all the hamsters in the cage died, one of the most probable causes- acute viral, bacterial infection.

Hamsters often die due to improper treatment. Almost all human medications are deadly to small rodents. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. Consult your veterinarian. Only a ratologist or veterinarian will be able to select adequate therapy for a sick hamster.

One more common reason death of hamsters - severe injuries, bruises incompatible with life, which a hamster can receive due to improper arrangement of the home, in case of escaping from the cage and falling from high altitude. Careless handling also shortens the life of pets. For example, while playing with a pet, a child may accidentally squeeze the hamster too much or drop it from a height, which will lead to a fracture and cause spinal injury and internal hemorrhage.

It is also worth noting that when several pets are kept together, they can get injured in fights with their relatives. Don't forget that hamsters are territorial animals, and if you keep several hamsters in one cage, they will constantly fight. Strong individuals will injure weak relatives. In this case, the pet may receive injuries or injuries that are incompatible with life.

Death from old age: how hamsters die

The main cause of natural death of all hamsters without exception is age-related changes in the body (wear and tear of the myocardium, blood vessels). Unfortunately, nature has given rodents a rather short life span, and all animals, without exception, die of old age. You can tell that a hamster is dying of old age by its changed behavior.

Signs of aging:

  • cloudy, unclear look;
  • decreased activity;
  • decreased appetite, refusal to feed;
  • poor condition fur;
  • the appearance of bald spots, bald spots on the neck and head.

Before death, the hamster eats less, stops stocking up, does not spend time on the running wheel or drum, has little interest in the outside world, and almost all the time sits motionless in the corner of the cage or does not leave its house. The pet moves slowly, very carefully.

If you see your hamster dying, try to save it. Of course, if he has cancer or old age, it is impossible to help the rodent.

The death of a hamster can be confused with paralysis, sound sleep. Therefore, do not rush to bury the rodent. Make sure the pet is really dead. If the animal is dead, it will have no pulse, no breathing, and the body will be cold.

It is difficult even for a veterinarian to determine exactly when death from old age will occur. But still, in order for the retirement period to be as favorable as possible for the rodent, the owners must surround their little pet with affection, attention and care.

What to do if your hamster doesn't move? What could be the reasons? Hamsters can hibernate and during hibernation their heart rate and breathing rate drop. Sometimes it is even difficult to tell whether the hamster is sleeping, or whether the reason is different. If you find that your hamster is not moving, here is what to do.


How to tell if your hamster is hibernating

    Think about how unexpected this happened. Has your hamster been feeling unwell? lately? Maybe he has lost his appetite or started drinking more than usual? Have you noticed that your hamster's stool has changed? What weight did he lose? That he became less mobile and stopped running in a wheel? If you have noticed these signs frequently lately, the cause of immobility is most likely death.

    • But if recently the hamster was completely healthy, but suddenly became completely motionless, most likely the hamster is simply hibernating.
  1. Important role The age of the hamster plays a role. How old is your pet? Average duration The lifespan of rodents is 18-24 months; very few hamsters live to 36 months. If the hamster is already old, the risk of it dying increases.

    Pay attention to the ambient temperature. Hamster hibernation largely depends on temperature. If the air temperature in the room is above 20 degrees Celsius, then hibernation is unlikely to be the cause of immobility. If the room is hot, pay attention to whether the hamster's cage is located near the air conditioner. Air conditioners make the room very cold, which can cause the hamster to hibernate. Therefore, even in stuffy room there is a chance that your hamster is simply fast asleep.

    Think about whether the hamster has enough food and whether he has enough light. Hamsters hibernate during difficult times when there are not enough resources to survive. This is usually due to harsh winters, low temperatures, short days and lack of food.

    How to tell if your hamster is hibernating

    1. Watch your hamster carefully for a while and try to see whether he is breathing or not. If possible, get close to it and look at it for a few minutes. Remember that the hamster's entire body has gone into hibernation and slowed down, so breathing may be almost unnoticeable.

      • Observe the hamster for more than two minutes. In 2 minutes you may not notice signs of life and not see if the hamster is breathing. Then you may mistakenly think that the hamster is dead.
    2. Feel if your hamster's heart is beating. If you can't see if your hamster is breathing, try feeling its heartbeat. It may slow down significantly, but will still be present. A hibernating hamster can feel as few as four beats per minute, or one beat every 15 seconds.

      • It will be difficult for you to feel the heart of a hamster due to the small size of the animal. To do this, put a large and index finger one hand on both sides chest hamster (behind the elbows). Apply a little pressure, but not too much. Wait a bit. After some time, you may feel a slight tremor at your fingertips.
    3. A hamster's body temperature is not an indicator of its life/death. Don't worry if your hamster suddenly seems cold to you. This doesn't mean he's dead. During hibernation, all processes in the body slow down and body temperature decreases.

    How to wake a hamster from hibernation

    1. To awaken your hamster from hibernation, take him to a room where the air temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius. After 2-3 days the hamster should wake up on its own.

      • If your hamster has not woken up after 2-3 days, look to see if it shows any signs of death, such as a foul odor or rigor mortis. If your hamster is hibernating, it will smell as usual.
      • Experts recommend this method of awakening because it is the closest to natural conditions, the body gradually awakens itself. Therefore, the risk of any violations due to a “quick reboot” of the body is sharply reduced.
      • Fill your hamster's feeder and water bowl with food and water in advance.

There are several reasons why rodents refuse to eat:
1. Clogged or inflamed cheek pouches, dental problems.
2. Poisoning.
3. Infectious diseases affecting intestinal function.

Your actions:
Examine the hamster yourself, pay attention to its droppings, change its diet, and show it to a specialist.

- Why does a hamster have yellow teeth?

The tooth enamel of hamsters is not white, like that of humans, but yellowish. If the teeth are completely yellow, this may indicate that the animal is old or that the food the hamster eats contains dyes.

- Why do the hamster have red eyes?

This is a type of mutation that most often occurs in rodents with white and light fur. This is normal and does not require treatment.

- Why does the hamster sleep all the time?

Hamsters are nocturnal rodents, so they sleep almost all day. Sleep norm is 15-18 hours, if the hamster sleeps more, consult a doctor.

- Why doesn’t the hamster drink water?

If the hamster gets enough juicy food(fruits or vegetables), it usually does not need water. But no matter what the hamster eats, there should always be fresh, clean water in the cage.

- Why does a hamster squeak in its sleep?

The squeaking may be from pain, or it may simply be uncontrollable sounds (not dangerous).

Your actions:
If the squeak is repeated constantly, then it is better to show the hamster to a doctor.

- Why does a hamster eat its babies?

There are several reasons for this:
1. Natural selection (cubs with various developmental defects, i.e. not viable offspring).
2. Lack of protein in the diet.
3. Young female (weak maternal instinct).
4. The mother and cubs are often disturbed (they pick up the cubs, look into the house, change the bedding ahead of time, etc.).

Your actions:
1. Select a male more carefully (from another litter, not a close relative).
2. Increase the amount of protein in your diet.
3. Avoid getting pregnant too early.
4. Do not disturb the mother and her cubs. The bedding is changed on the 7-10th day of the cubs' life (you will have to endure the unpleasant smell).

- Why do hamsters run in a wheel?

Hamsters run on a wheel because they need movement and sometimes a cage alone is not enough for them. The wheel must be at least 18 cm in size and is intended specifically for hamsters.

- Why do hamsters stink (smell)?

Unpleasant smell can come from both the hamster and the bedding. If your hamster's urine begins to smell very strongly, then most likely he has problems with his kidneys or bacterial disease. An unpleasant odor can come from spoiled hamster food. Bad breath may be due to clogged or inflamed cheek pouches.

Your actions:
1. Change the filler.
2. Change food.
3. In other situations, an examination by a specialist is necessary.

- Why do hamsters fight?

In nature, hamsters live alone. When two hamsters meet, a fight may occur, as the rodents defend their territory. If you introduce a newbie to a hamster, then a fight in such a situation is inevitable, because... the old-timer will defend his territory (cell) from the newcomer. If hamsters are left in a cage, sooner or later, the stronger one will bite the weaker one. Keeping several individuals (especially of the same sex) together in one cage is undesirable.

- Why do hamsters bite?

Hamsters can bite out of fear, as well as in defense. Imagine yourself in the place of a hamster. Without your consent, the giant roughly grabs you and begins to squeeze you. Will you like it? The same thing happens with a hamster. He squeaks and defends himself as best he can.

Your actions:
The hamster should be tamed gradually. Some individuals are not tamed immediately. Every animal has its own individual character. It may also be that your hamster will remain wild, no matter how hard they try to tame it.

- Why can’t a hamster have cabbage?

Hamsters should not be given cabbage due to the enzymes it contains. When cabbage is digested, it is released in the intestines increased amount gases, which causes the hamster to develop bloating and intestinal obstruction. If bloated, give your hamster a couple of drops dill water(sold in pharmacies for babies) or a decoction of dill seeds.