Staffordshire Terrier dog. American Staffordshire Terrier: breed description, price Blue Staff

Amstaff, aka American Staffordshire Terrier, worldwide famous breed dogs with a controversial reputation. Some consider him a nanny for children, others an evil fighting dog. In a sense, both sides are right. Amstaff is universal, it can be trained in almost any specialty, but above all it is an athlete and companion that is suitable for experienced dog breeders, people with strong character and a steady hand.

The Amstaff descended from a pit bull, which was bred by crossing terriers, old-style bulldogs and some other breeds. But first things first.

Bulldogs have existed in Great Britain for a very long time, they were used for hunting, and then used for bull baiting and dog fighting. It’s just that in the 18th century they were significantly different from modern ones. These were well-proportioned, agile dogs that stood on straight legs. medium length. It remains to be seen which terriers took part in the selection. controversial issue. Most likely in every region of England it was different breeds. Birmingham is a mix of English white terrier and gave rise to a breed that is widely popular and known as the Bull Terrier. And it appeared in Staffordshire. The latter were actively exported to the USA and already at the end of the 19th century became widely known overseas as the Pit Bull Terrier or the American Pit Bull Terrier.

In 1898, American pit bull breeder Shaunsey Bennett founded the United Kennel Club, which began registering first fighting and then hunting dogs. Bennett paid attention to working qualities; an important condition was the presence of a game in dogs, a desire to fight and win. But over time, more and more owners began to appear who did not want to come into contact with fighting in one way or another and saw their pets exclusively as companions. They contacted the dog breeders association and asked for registration rights. The AKC was ready to open a stud book for the American Pit Bull Terrier, but on the condition that the name of the breed would be changed. In 1936, the American Kennel Club recognized pit bulls under the name American Staffordshire Terrier. A standard was written for the breed. The goal of selection was now to breed human-friendly, sporting companion dogs that would conform in appearance to the developed standard.

Thus, the breeds and the Staffordshire Terrier were divided, but this division can only be called conditional, since to this day their lines often intersect with each other, and some dogs have double registration in one association; they are registered as pit bulls, and in the other as Amstaffs.

Video review of the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) breed

What should Amstaff look like according to the standard?

The appearance of the Amstaff speaks without words of power, confidence and fortitude: the physique is compact, the look is straightforward, attentive, steel muscles roll under the dry skin. The dog stands firmly on even, strong legs, wide cheekbones, back and croup, massive chest - all this gives the impression of reliability and solidity. Ideal height: 43-46 cm for females and 46-48 cm for males.

The skull is almost square in shape. The muzzle is of medium length, the stop is sharp, the bridge of the nose is rounded. The jaws are well defined and very strong. The lips are dense, not saggy. The cheekbones are sharply expressed. The cheeks are well muscled. The nose is black and the eyes are dark brown. Preference is given to small, uncropped ears; they can be rose-shaped or semi-erect. The eyes are small, round, deep-set and widely spaced. The eyelids are well pigmented.

Ears can be cropped in countries where this is not prohibited.

In well-built dogs, the length of the body should be approximately equal to the height. The anterior part of the sternum is very well developed. It is worth considering that an excessively wide chest and correspondingly widely spaced paws reduce the dog’s mobility. The sides of the chest are rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The tail is set low, strong, wide at the base, tapering to the tip, not too long. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The neck is voluminous, of medium length, widening towards the shoulders. The legs are large, strong, and of normal length. The fingers are well collected.

The short, smooth, shiny coat lies close to the skin. There is no undercoat. Colors can be very diverse: solid, colored, spotted, brindle. Unacceptable for the Amstaff: black and tan, liver and white when it covers more than 80% of the body.


Amstaff is active and courageous, he has determination, strength and a unique intelligence. The character is in some sense paradoxical, because it combines a number of absolutely opposite qualities: tenderness and strength, perseverance and sensitivity, intransigence and good nature. Amstaff is fearless, but strives for safety. He is touchy to the core and can be vindictive.

Contrary to popular opinion, the Amstaff was not bred for fighting, but it originated from fighting breed and this left its mark on the psyche. If you look at the standard, you will see the following:

  • Temperament is strong, agile, balanced. By nature, the Amstaff should be cheerful, independent, self-reliant, vigilant, curious and very intelligent.
  • Flaws: increased excitability, nervousness, timidity.
  • Vices: unbalanced psyche, cowardice, aggression towards a person.

Amstaff is very attached to the owner and the rest of the family. At home he behaves quite calmly, but on walks he is an active and inquisitive companion, an excellent athlete. He is insensitive to pain and is not one of the nervous dogs, persistent and balanced, always openly makes contact.

If necessary, this dog will defend the home and family, but purposefully training aggression is categorically not recommended. The Amstaff is naturally friendly and sociable, he will greet guests with a wagging tail and should not snap at strangers. Amstaff is strong, self-confident, he never growls and very rarely barks.

The Staffordshire Terrier should have such a wonderful character according to the standard. Unfortunately, not all dog owners and breeders select pairs responsibly and competently; offspring are produced by dogs with various disadvantages or even disqualifying vices: aggressive, stupid, cowardly. These qualities can be inherited by descendants, who are bred again and again “for health” or for material gain.

Education and training

To raise a good Amstaff, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Difficulties may arise due to the puppy’s stubbornness and hyperactivity, as well as due to increased interest in his brothers.

Amstaff is suitable for young, energetic people who are willing to devote a lot of time to training their dog.

The Amstaff is quite trainable; it learns commands quite quickly, but may not be in a hurry to carry them out. The dog must be raised strictly, but under no circumstances should it show aggression or cruelty. Amstaff needs a patient, strong leader who will become a friend and mentor. A dog that does not recognize its owner as a leader is a problem dog.

Video: correction of unwanted behavior of Amstaff:

Content Features

The Amstaff is not suitable for street life; moreover, the dog cannot be kept in a closed enclosure or on a leash; this affects its psyche and its behavior in the future can be unpredictable. The Amstaff is a companion dog that must constantly be in close contact with a person. He may not sleep on the master's bed, but he must always be nearby and participate in all family affairs. During the cold season, the Amstaff requires insulation. Clothing is selected according to the season, it must be of high quality and comfortable. A dog must have a home sleeping place, bowls for water and food, toys and ammunition. For training it is recommended to use a noose or strict collar, walking an obedient dog the best option there will be a harness.

You need to walk your Amstaff a lot in order to channel all his energy into a peaceful direction.

With sufficient physical activity, the Amstaff will behave calmly at home. If the dog is not given due attention, it begins to spoil things and throw out the accumulated energy with others. in undesirable ways. Very active puppies are often locked in a crate while no one is home, this helps keep valuables safe. Amstaffs are very attached to their toys, but on the street they prefer to play with something larger: a brick, a tire, a log. Amstaff performs well in various types sports.

Video: epic parkour of the American Staffordshire Terrier


Amstaff care is simple. Periodically, the dog is brushed with a thick brush or a special mitten for short-haired breeds. This is necessary to help renew the coat and reduce the amount of wool in the house. They bathe no more than once a month. After a walk, if necessary, wipe the coat with a damp towel or rinse in the shower without shampoo. Monitor the condition of the eyes and ears, which should always remain dry and clean. The claws are slightly filed as they grow, but with good physical activity and walking on the asphalt, they grind down on their own. If the dog eats natural food, it is advisable to accustom it to brushing its teeth and perform the procedure 1-2 times a week.


Most owners prefer to feed their Amstaff natural products. The decision is explained by the fact that good ready-made food can provide a dog with a set of vital nutrients, but does not contribute to muscle gain. Another thing natural nutrition, the basis of which is protein food. On a meat diet, a dog who also plays sports looks really impressive: strong, strong with clearly visible muscle definition. Natural diet also includes a certain amount of cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and fermented milk products, eggs and fish.

For pets who behave moderately active image life, ready-made super-premium or holistic-class food is also suitable. Pay attention to the diet for active medium-sized breeds.

It is enough to feed an adult dog 2 times a day. During intense physical activity, light snacks are allowed, increasing the daily diet by 20-40%. Portions should be eaten at one time.

Health and life expectancy

In general, Amstaffs have good health, but years of selection have left their mark on the genetics. There are a number of hereditary diseases in the breed:

  • Heart disease (valvular malformations, subaortic stenosis, heart rate);
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Cataract;
  • Bloating and volvulus of the stomach;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma and hemangioma. With age, it is possible to develop other tumor diseases, including malignant ones;
  • Various types of allergies.

Selection and price of a puppy

Having considered the decision to buy an Amstaff, start looking for a suitable litter, paying attention not only to the puppies, but also to their parents. It is advisable to see how at least one of the parents behaves on the street, how they obey the owner and treat their fellow tribesmen. Ask the breeder to provide documents confirming the origin. Puppies at three months of age should be dewormed and given their first vaccinations.

You should never choose a dog based solely on a photograph, especially when it comes to such a serious breed.

When examining, you will understand, pay attention to their appearance; babies should be moderately well-fed, active, with shiny, smooth hair; there should be no redness or discharge on the mucous membranes. The bite is correct. The eyelids, nose and lips, even in puppies, should already be pigmented. Pink spots are a drawback, such puppies are sold cheaper and belong to the so-called pet class. They are unlikely to achieve high marks in shows and should not be allowed for breeding. It is recommended to pick up a puppy no earlier than two months of age. IN in rare cases Breeders give dogs to experienced owners at one and a half months, immediately after activation.

In recent years, fighting dogs have become increasingly popular. Pitbull, Stafford and others similar dogs began to appear frequently on the streets of our cities. Meanwhile, not every owner of such an animal has an idea of ​​how to properly train and raise their four-legged pet. After reading the article, you will learn about the features of the appearance, character and maintenance of Staffordshire Terriers.

A little history

Breeding of these animals began in the 1800s. As a result of mating a bulldog and a game terrier, a dog breed similar to the Stafford was obtained. Initially, such dogs were called bull terriers, pit bull terriers, or simply pits. A little later, thanks to English dog handlers, they began to be called Staffords.

In the 70s of the 19th century, representatives of this breed were brought to America. They were actively used to work on farms and to protect houses. They hunted wild boars and bears with Staffords. Americans often organized dog fights with the participation of these dogs.


This is a muscular, strong and agile dog. The Stafford has a strong build with powerful paws and a well-developed, broad chest. It has very heavy bones, which greatly influence the weight of the animal.

On a large short-muzzled head with a strong lower jaw there are small, usually cropped ears. The dog's eyes should be dark brown, almost black.

The massive body of the animal is covered with thick, short and fairly coarse hair. However, despite the apparent density, it does not protect the Stafford from the cold. The dog can be any color. Most often you can see black, gray, brown, beige or brindle representatives of this breed.

The weight of a Stafford varies between 25-30 kilograms. At the same time, males grow to 46-48 centimeters at the withers, females - slightly lower. Their height is 43-46 cm. Average duration The lifespan of such dogs can reach 12-15 years.

Character traits

It should be noted that this is primarily guard dog. The Stafford will always protect its owner and his family. He has enormous strength and becomes aggressive if he feels threatened by an outsider. In such cases, the dog may attack the stranger and even bite him. Unlike many other breeds, the Staffordshire Terrier is ready to protect not only the owner himself, but also his property.

Due to the fact that this is a very stubborn dog, the Stafford must learn from an early age who is his friend and who is his enemy. It is also important to teach your dog to communicate with children and other animals. Actually this breed was bred to be a companion. Therefore, a properly raised animal will be an obedient and devoted pet. Despite their natural laziness, these balanced and calm dogs will always try to please their owner.

This is a fairly unpretentious breed of dog. The Stafford needs minimal grooming. To keep your dog's coat clean, it is enough to brush it regularly with a stiff brush. You should only bathe your pet if absolutely necessary. During this procedure, it is advisable to use a special dry shampoo. To maintain the shine of your pet's coat, you can systematically wipe it with a piece of suede cloth.

It is also recommended to periodically inspect your dog’s skin for irritation indicating the appearance of bacterial infection. If you notice that wounds or cuts have appeared on your Stafford's body, be sure to show him to the veterinarian.


Like any other dog, the Staffordshire Terrier needs a complete and well-balanced diet. You need to feed the animal thirty minutes after a walk or a couple of hours before it. This will avoid many problems with digestive system. The dishes from which the dog eats should be placed on a special adjustable stand. Thanks to this, he will develop the correct beautiful posture. Food should be at room temperature. You should not give your dog food that is too hot or very cold.

Staffordshire Terriers can be fed industrial or natural food. Those who choose the first option must remember that in this case the animal must have unlimited access to clean drinking water. It is extremely important to give preference to high-quality premium or super-premium food. They contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of the dog.

Those who decide to feed their Stafford with natural food need to remember that the basis of the diet pet must be meat. It must account for at least 30% of the total number of products. Beef, lamb and poultry are best suited for these purposes. Meat can be replaced twice a week sea ​​fish. Also fighting dog Stafford should receive cottage cheese, dairy products, eggs, cereals and vegetables. From cereals, these animals can be given rice and buckwheat.


Like any other breed of dog, the Stafford, the price of which depends on many factors, is susceptible to various diseases. These animals are prone to arthritis and hip dysplasia. In addition, they often have bloating and genetic patent ductus arteriosus. As a result, the dog may be developmentally delayed and have lung problems.

Quite often, veterinarians diagnose deafness, entropion, progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts in Staffordshire Terriers. These dogs are also prone to cancer.

Names for Staffordshire dogs

As a rule, puppies sold with documents already have a nickname. It starts with a specific letter and consists of several words. Usually this “official” name appears only in the pedigree, veterinary passport and at exhibitions. At home, the dog is called by another, shorter and easier to remember nickname. It shouldn't be too complicated or long. It is desirable that there are no dull or hissing sounds in it.

A short and sonorous name is much easier for a dog to remember. Ideally, it should consist of two syllables. It is not recommended to call the puppy human names. This will be incorrect towards others and can put the dog owner in an uncomfortable position.

The names of Stafford dogs should reflect their appearance and character. Males are often called Tyson, Rocky, Black, Chuck or Rick. For girls, nicknames such as Linda, Jitta, Jessie, Burma, Ambra or Basta are optimal.

If you firmly decide that you need just such a dog, then contact a specialized nursery. In this case, you will have a guarantee of purebred puppy and availability of all vaccinations. When purchasing an animal from your own hands or via the Internet, you risk that it will grow into something completely different from what you wanted.

The Stafford is a dog whose price ranges from $200 to $1,000. Therefore, you need to take the choice of a pet very seriously. It is important to pay attention to the behavior of puppies. They should be shy, but not fearful. A dog barking, growling and attacking, showing aggression, is not the norm. Such behavior is considered a disqualifying vice.

Even before purchasing, you should definitely look at the puppy’s parents, and not at their photographs. The mother of babies should not look exhausted and aggressive. She should show moderate wariness or friendliness.

The puppies themselves should be active and healthy, with smooth shiny fur, strong, even paws and clean eyes. Before you buy a puppy, be sure to feel its tummy. It should not be swollen or painful.

Just like an adult dog, a baby needs a comfortable place to rest. It is advisable to give him a secluded corner, located away from drafts. In order for a puppy kept in an apartment to learn to ask to go outside, he needs to be walked very often. To do this, it should be taken outside after each feeding and sleep. Upon arrival home, the dog needs to be taught to wash its paws.

In the summer, it is useful to bathe the puppy in a pond or river. To do this, you need to gradually accustom him to water, trying not to scare the baby. When changing teeth, it is important to provide the animal with special toys that can be chewed without risk to health.


It should be emphasized that training a puppy of this breed should be done from the first days after it appears in your home. By nature, Staffordshire Terriers tend to be dominant. Therefore, it is extremely important to show them that you are the leader. This needs to be done as early as possible. If you fail to assert your authority, the dog will simply refuse to obey you.

During the learning process, it is very important to avoid rude command intonations. Don't forget to praise your pet if he did what you asked of him correctly. As a reward, you can use not only some tasty treat, but also your dog’s favorite toy.

It is equally important to show the Staffordshire Terrier the difference between behavior in the apartment and on a walk. You also need to pay attention to teaching him peaceful coexistence with other animals. In addition to classes on general course training, these dogs can play with frisbees, jump obstacles and compete in agility competitions.

Security measures

A dog that looks like a Staffordshire Terrier evokes mixed feelings among those around him. Strangers are not at all obliged to love your animal, and many are openly afraid of such dogs. In order not to provoke conflicts and not cause discontent among neighbors, owners of Staffordshire Terriers must follow certain rules.

Such animals must be walked on a leash and muzzled. It is strictly forbidden to leave them unattended. A dog living in the private sector must be kept in a special enclosure. Under no circumstances should she be allowed to leave her site on her own.

If during a walk the dog gets into a fight, you need to act very quickly and clearly, trying to maintain composure. In such cases, you should never get between the dogs. When pulling apart fighting dogs, there is no need to hit them. Such actions will only encourage aggression. Two people must separate the dogs, each of whom is responsible for their pet. Immediately after this, you need to breed the animals in different sides and give them some time to completely calm down.

Can the character of one dog combine ferocity and fearlessness with boundless devotion and affection? It turns out that they can - we are talking about the American Staffordshire Terrier breed. Once you look at this dog, it immediately becomes clear that it is better not to deal with it - the Amstaff looks threatening. And if the dog gets angry, it will be difficult to stop him.

However, everything horror stories The bloodthirstiness of this killer dog refers to dogs with genetic developmental defects or with improper training, during which the owner himself provokes the pet into aggression. In fact, they are faithful, devoted and very loving dogs, ready to protect their family and home from strangers and dangers. They are not characterized by causeless ferocity.

History of the breed

The nature of the breed and external data are easily explained by the history of its appearance, which dates back to the 70s of the 19th century. It was then that the British moved en masse to America, bringing dogs from the shores of Britain - bulldogs from the county of Staffordshire. At their new place of residence, they are used as assistants to farmers, to guard their homes and protect them from wild animals.

Dog fights for money were very popular in those days. To get the ideal fighter, American breeders decided to cross an aggressive English bulldog with a hardy and agile terrier. The result exceeded all expectations - the dog turned out to be harsh, hardy and cruel. In battles, the new breed showed resilience and boundless fearlessness.

A fight between two Amstaffs is not a sight for the faint of heart! Nothing could stop the dogs during the battle. They did not notice serious wounds and fought to the last, like true fighters. Centuries have passed, animal baiting and dog fighting have lost their relevance and have become activities that are not recognized by the public. Dogs began to be kept in private homes for protection and used as bodyguards.

The breed did not immediately receive its real name. At first she was given the name “Pit Bull Terrier” - this happened in 1898. People called her: Yankee Terrier, Pit Dog, Brind Bulldog. Since 1936, the dog has been named “Staffordshire Terrier”, thereby perpetuating the name of its ancestors - bulldogs from Staffordshire. And only in 1972 the word “American” was added to the name to emphasize the place where the animals were bred. In the same year, the International Cynological Federation FCI developed a description of the Amstaff, which meant its official recognition.

Description of the breed

The American Staff is a fighting breed dog distinguished by its legendary courage. Having small proportional dimensions, it is the embodiment of impressive strength. Incredibly muscular and stocky, but nimble and very elegant. A sharp mind, rich facial expressions, boundless love for the owner and household members, loyalty, readiness to defend one’s interests and the interests of his owners - this is not all positive qualities breeds

Breed standard according to FCI classification

  1. Physique. Proportional. Chunky, strong body with well-developed muscles.
  2. Back. Very short. Slightly sloping from withers to croup. A slight slope is noticeable at the base of the tail.
  3. Shoulders– shoulder blades set wide and oblique.
  4. Small of the back– convex.
  5. Limbs. The front ones are straight and widely spaced. Powerful backbone. The hind legs are muscular. The hock joints are set low.
  6. Paws. Compact size, arched, medium-sized.
  7. Gait. Springy.
  8. Neck. Medium size. Very massive, the skin fits tightly.
  9. Head. Deep, medium length.
  10. Muzzle– rounded with a pronounced infraorbital region.
  11. Scull- wide.
  12. Cheekbones– with well-developed muscles.
  13. Nose. Black lobe.
  14. Lips. Smooth, tight fit. They don't sag.
  15. Bite. Very strong lower jaw. The upper teeth cover the lower ones.
  16. Ears. Set high. They can be either docked or undocked. Uncropped ears are semi-erect.
  17. Eyes. Round shape, dark. Large distance between eyes. Pink edges of the eyelids are not allowed.
  18. Tail. Not docked, short, low set. Wider at the base than at the end.
  19. Leather. Not saggy, fits snugly to the body.
  20. Coat. Short, close to the body. The coat is dense and shiny.
  21. Color. The standard allows any: spotted, single-color, particolor. Undesirable: white (80-100% of the surface), liver and black and tan.
  22. Height at the withers. Males – 46-48 cm. Females – 43-46 cm.
  23. Weight. Males – 35-40 kg. Females – 26-32 kg.
  24. Knitting. Males are allowed to breed from 12 months. Bitches from 15 months.

How long do Amstaffs live? On average, 11-13 years. At good care– up to 15 years.

Breed characteristics

Modern representatives of the breed are practically not used for dog fighting - they are reliable bodyguards and excellent companions. Amstaffs are successfully used as show-class dogs at various exhibition and competition events.

These are courageous, fearless, very inquisitive and sociable dogs that show true devotion to their owner and his family. Despite all their menacing nature, Amstaffs can be adopted by families with small children - the animal feels that the kids are weaker than it is and becomes a real caring nanny for them. Dogs enjoy walks with younger family members, fun active games and competitions. Staffies consider other pets to be their family and do not offend them.

During the selection process, dogs were rejected that had an unstable psyche and could not distinguish between humans and dogs. Contrary to popular belief, the American Staffordshire Terrier will never attack people for no reason. The anger inherent in dogs at the genetic level is directed only at rival dogs within the fighting ring.

Some imprint on the character of Amstaffs was left by the historical fact that in America dogs were used as assistants to local farmers. They are very hardworking and agile dogs, and their aggression depends on the conditions of detention, education and genetic predisposition. It is believed that one should not be afraid of dogs of this breed, but one should be afraid of the owners of these dogs - the highest devotion does not allow one to ignore the owner’s wishes.

Dogs can support you in difficult times and are ready to defend your family and property. At the same time, the breed is very sensitive - dogs do not tolerate aggression from humans, they do not like to have their voices raised at them, scolded and punished. For a comfortable existence, they need love, trust, care and attention.

Care and maintenance

As soon as the Amstaff baby crosses the threshold of a new home, he needs to have his own place to sleep and relax - there is no need to accustom him to his own bed, the baby will grow up very quickly. This could be a bed, a mat or a piece of old furniture: a sofa or an armchair.

Remember, this breed is not suitable for keeping in a kennel or enclosure. This is due not only to the short coat. For normal development and socialization of a dog requires constant contact with family members, attention and care. If you neglect this rule, you risk raising an aggressive and distrustful dog.

Taking care of the coat is an important component of grooming. Dogs have short fur; it is enough to brush it regularly with a stiff-bristled brush. To make the coat shine, you can wipe your pet's body with a suede cloth. Dogs are bathed once every 8-10 days with special soft detergents or baby soap. After reception water procedures It is necessary to wipe the dog's fur dry with a towel.

You should not bathe in winter. During a walk, you can sprinkle your dog with a generous layer of snow and brush it with a brush. After this, wipe dry with a towel. This procedure cleanses the fur, strengthens the animal’s immunity, and has a positive effect on nervous system and respiratory organs.

Growing claws need to be trimmed at least once a month. Great for grinding claws naturally daily walks on asphalt roads. It’s interesting that the Amstaff really doesn’t like cutting its claws and trusts this process only to its owner - in his hands he will even endure pain.

The ears are cleaned as they become dirty with a cotton pad soaked in antiseptic or warm boiled water. Eyes are cleaned in the same way, which are washed with chamomile decoction or a weak tea solution. Teeth are regularly cleaned with a special brush.

For good shape and emotional state Long walks and active physical activity are required. There is no need to look for secluded places to walk this breed - you need to walk your pet in common areas. This will help your dog learn to manage his mood and interact with strangers and other dogs.

Amstaff training

We have already drawn your attention to the fact that the owner is responsible for the aggressive, uncontrollable behavior of the American Staffordshire Terrier. Mistakes in raising and training this breed can result in big problems for others. Beginning dog owners should think carefully before getting such a puppy. And training and education should be trusted only to experienced professional dog handlers. This is the only way to raise a reliable friend who will become a faithful assistant and guard.

Amstaff training begins at 2 months. By six months, puppies should know the rules of behavior on the street and at home, as well as follow the commands of the basic course. It is necessary to immediately show the puppy who is in charge and nip his attempts to dominate in the bud. This must be done firmly, but with love. Amstaff puppies understand everything perfectly, but can be stubborn. You can't follow kids' lead.

Training tips:

  1. At the genetic level, dogs have a desire to please their owner; praise the pet more often. He will try harder.
  2. During training, forget about rudeness and physical strength.
  3. Don't yell at the dog. Look closely at her and don’t look away – the dog will feel your strength and begin to obey.
  4. From an early age, teach your puppy to walk in the company of friendly dogs. It is important to instill the necessary socialization skills before the age of 1.5 years - then dogs are difficult to train.
  5. Rules are created not to be broken - let this phrase become your training motto. The person must be the main (leader) in the eyes of the dog; he has no right to yield to the animal. It is enough to give in to the dog once, and it will stop listening to you.
  6. Nip aggression in the bud. If a dog growls at a tipsy person, you cannot praise it. The dog will understand that aggressive behavior- that’s good, her owner likes it. Remember that a child or an old woman may take the place of a drunken person.

If you have enough experience with a dog, you can practice it yourself. It is better for novice dog breeders to attend special canine training courses. The following training programs are suitable for this breed:

  • dog in the city;
  • bodyguard dog;
  • general (basic) course.

Most often, the owners of Staffordshire Terriers stop at the basic commands: “Give”, “Place”, “Stand”, “Forward”, “Fu”, “Voice”, “Next”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Come to me” , "Barrier". This necessary minimum is quite enough to take walks in nature and in the city without danger to others and unnecessary adventures.

Health status

The breed is considered relatively healthy, but “ weak points"There are also such seemingly strong guys as Amstaffs:

  1. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  2. Colitis of various origins.
  3. Dermatological pathologies.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Eye diseases.
  6. Inflammatory phenomena in genitourinary system viral nature.
  7. Gastrointestinal disorders.

Preventive measures aimed at maintaining the health of your pet:

Like all owners of purebred dogs, the owner of an Amstaff has two options: natural food and ready-made industrial feed. The first way requires more time and labor to create a balanced menu, as well as the need to include special vitamin and mineral complexes in the diet.

The second is simpler and faster, but it is important to take the most responsible approach to choosing food. Economy class food from the nearest supermarket is not suitable for such a dog; moreover, it can cause irreparable damage to its health. The choice must be made among “super-premium” and “holistic” products.

The best ready-made dry food for the Staffordshire Terrier:

  • Purina Perfa;
  • Hill's Adult Large Breed Regular;
  • Bosch Adult Maxi;
  • Brit Premium Adult L;
  • Monge Dog Maxi Adult.

The diet additionally includes:

  • raw tripe;
  • boiled offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt);
  • raw egg or omelette;
  • rice or buckwheat porridge;
  • green;
  • vegetable oil.

The daily portion should be equal to 3% of the dog’s weight.

In both cases, it is important to follow a feeding schedule. Food must be served at the same time and any leftover food must be removed. The exception is water - the dog should have it around the clock.

Important! It is unacceptable to overfeed an animal - this can lead to obesity and negatively affect the pet’s health.



Black. Uniform uniform color, without inclusions or spots.

Pale yellow. Light reddish shade, approaching sand.

Brindle. Red coat with dark brown or black stripes.

Ginger. The coat is a uniform red color.

Blue brindle. The main color is red. Stripes – gray shade.

Blue. Gray wool. The nose is grey. Possible combination with white.

The American Staffordshire Terrier or Amstaff was originally bred as fighting dog. The appearance still resembles its ancient purpose. A large muscular body, a large head and powerful jaws speak of strength and determination. But dog fighting has long been prohibited, and the history of the breed continues. Now the dog is popular as a home guard and family companion. In order for a dog to behave well, it must be trained correctly.

History of the breed

Breeding the breed took several decades. The ancestors of the Staffordshire Terrier lived in England in the century before last. These were bulldogs and several types of terriers. Based on them, breeds were developed that were used in bullfights and dog fights. The main requirements that were presented to them were mobility, strength, aggressiveness and passion. If you look at photographs of dogs from those times, you can find many similarities with both bulldogs and modern bull terriers. They only vaguely resemble Amstaff.

In the second half of the 19th century, dogs were brought to the USA, and since then the American history breeds The dogs were originally called pit bulls or pit bull terriers. They were used again, in dog fights. But in 1900 this cruel sport was banned, although for a long time competitions were held underground. Breeders began to develop a show breed, reducing its aggression and increasing obedience. To separate itself from pit bulls, which have gained a bad reputation (killer dog), the breed was called the Staffordshire Terrier. It was officially registered in America in 1936. In 1972, she received her current name - American Staffordshire Terrier. Now the main function of the dog is security, protection of the owner.

Description of the breed

The Staffordshire Terrier is a strong, stocky dog, strongly built and muscular. At the same time, she looks agile and elegant. The legs are not too long and not too short, in harmony with the body. The standard and description of the breed is as follows:

  • The height of a male at the withers is 46-48 cm, that of a female is 43-46 cm
  • Weight – 25-30 kg
  • Head. Medium length, wide and deep skull
  • The muzzle is muscular, with a clear transition from the forehead, not drooping, with a rounded bridge of the nose.
  • The jaws are clearly defined, the lower provides a strong grip.
  • The lips are not drooping, the upper incisors in front are in close contact with the lower ones.
  • Nose - black
  • The ears are erect, set high, and can be cropped or not, depending on the country and the owner’s wishes (ear cropping is now not mandatory as a standard, and in some countries it is prohibited)
  • The eyes are set wide and deep, round in shape
  • The neck narrows from shoulder girdle to the back of the head, powerful, slightly curved, medium length
  • The shoulder blades are wide, set obliquely, the shoulders are massive
  • The back is not too long, gently slopes from the shoulder girdle towards the croup, and from the croup to the base of the tail
  • Belly toned
  • The ribs are curved, convex, dense, the breast is wide and deep
  • The front legs are set wide apart, straight, with vertical pasterns
  • Hind limbs with very strongly developed muscles, short metatarsals
  • Paws are dense, with a pronounced arch, medium in size, provide a springy gait
  • The coat is short, hard, with a poorly developed undercoat.

You can learn more about the dog’s appearance in photos and videos. We will describe the color features of this breed below.

Breed color

Characteristics of the breed will be incomplete without a description of colors. These dogs have a very diverse range; almost all varieties are recognized as the standard. White or predominantly white (80%), black and tan, and liver or brown are considered undesirable. Among the recognized colors are the following:

  • Black Staffordshire Terrier – solid color, no spots, brown eyes
  • Blue Staffordshire Terrier - variations of gray from dark to light, the nose is also gray, the eyes should not be lighter than the color, a combination with white is allowed
  • Red am staff - a uniform color in which every hair is red
  • Red with a touch - upper part hairs darker than the lower one, plaque occurs on the head and tail, or on the entire body
  • Fawn – light red color, almost sandy, lips and nose – black
  • Blue-fawn - on light red fur there is gray plaque, lips and nose are also gray, eyes are dark
  • Brindle color – red with dark or black lines
  • Blue brindle - red with gray stripes and a gray nose.

How much does a small Amstaff puppy cost? The price depends on the purity of the breed, color does not affect it. It ranges from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles, with an average of 35,000 rubles. You need to choose a kennel carefully so that you do not get mixed breeds or puppies with defects. If a dog costs less than 15-20 thousand rubles, it means it does not meet the standards or it is a crossbreed and not a purebred puppy. The origin of the dog matters. If puppies or parents are brought directly from the USA, they are expensive, if the dogs’ homeland is Russia, the price is lower.

Dog character

Staffordshire is first and foremost a guard, a protector of family and home. He also has not lost his fighting qualities, although the breed has not been cultivated in this direction for a long time. The terrier's character combines opposite traits. He is at the same time affectionate and strong, good-natured and implacable, kind to his owner and his family, aggressive towards strangers. The Stafford requires good training and upbringing, so it is not recommended for beginners to own one. Attacks on humans by this breed do occur, but in most cases it is a lack of education and a shortcoming of the owner.

American Staffordshire Terrier – active dog, needs games and long walks. If the energy is not allowed to escape, it will turn the house into a battlefield. As dogs age, they become lazier. Staffords are excellent guards; they protect not only the owner, but also his property. It attacks ill-wishers quickly, without warning. Holds death grip until he obeys. An incorrectly raised and socialized Amstaff can be dangerous, not only for strangers, but also for family members, especially small children. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep a dog in the house if the family has a child under 7-8 years of age. At least he shouldn't be left alone with the dog.

Social contacts

When you raise a dog correctly, he will grow up to be a kind, sociable, true friend of the family. Staffords are sensitive to changes in their owner’s mood and always try to please him. To guess a person's mood, they will look him straight in the face. They are capable of performing incredible tricks to please their beloved owner. These are the only dogs in the world that can truly smile. They take an active part in the life of the family, will never be left alone if there is someone in the apartment, and will keep company in any activity. They love to play, follow commands with pleasure, and are easy to train. Dogs learn the simplest complex on the fly.

American Staffordshire Terrier. The truth about the breed.

Briefly about the American Staffordshire Terrier breed

Staffordshire Terrier VS child

The Staffordshire Terrier and other animals get along differently. Small pets should not be kept in the house; the dog can simply eat them. He doesn't like cats and enjoys chasing them around the yard. If the cat lives in the house, and the Stafford communicates with him from puppyhood, he may recognize him, but be aggressive with strangers. Contact with other dogs depends on how to socialize the dog. He rarely gets into fights on purpose, but if you touch him, he will show a fighting character. Proper training helps to avoid excesses during a walk.

Dog training

If you decide to bring a Staffordshire Terrier puppy into your home, think about training it right away. Without proper education these dogs become uncontrollable, they turn the whole house upside down, and they can be dangerous on the street. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact a club or special center and take a course with a professional trainer. Training is carried out according to special programs, you can choose the most suitable one (obedience, protection, security).

How to raise a Staffordshire Terrier at home? The owner must be persistent, self-confident, firm and decisive. For a person with experience in teaching, nothing is difficult. The dog should not be given any concessions, otherwise it will get out of control. Three main techniques are used for training:

  • Promotion
  • Punishment
  • Change of rewards and punishments.

Encouragement is the most best reception, for one punishment there must be at least five incentives. You can’t beat a dog; they are punished by voice, ban, isolation. If you hurt your dog, he will remember the insult for a long time, and you will lose love and authority. There were cases when an Amstaff attacked its owner because he beat him. Raising a puppy begins with teaching it its name. Then you need to get him used to the collar and leash. The training should take place in the form of a game, without monotonous repetition of commands, the content of the lesson should be constantly diversified. Basic Commands which basic training includes:

  • Ew or Not
  • To me
  • Near
  • Lie
  • Sit
  • Stand
  • Crawl
  • Place
  • Aport
  • Barrier
  • Voice
  • Quiet.

Each dog is individual, so there are no universal training methods. You can only read general recommendations. It is best if they are given by a qualified trainer. You can teach a Safford more complex commands. They successfully complete complex courses for service dogs and participate in competitions. IN lately The breed is increasingly being used in the detective service, when apprehending criminals, and at protected sites. The working Staffordshire Terrier is distinguished by its endurance, good reaction and obedience.

Dog care

Caring for this breed is easy. Dogs have short fur, so they don't require much grooming. Brush once a week with a stiff brush or a special glove. The Amstaff does not need a haircut. They bathe the dog twice a year, periodically wipe it with a damp towel, and use dry shampoo. The dog has a poorly developed undercoat, so in winter clothes for the Staffordshire Terrier are necessary. It is best to choose a blanket or vest. This powerful dog looks funny in overalls. As necessary, the dog’s nails are trimmed, its ears are cleaned, and it is taken to a veterinarian to remove tartar.

It is better to keep the dog in an apartment. In the yard, in the enclosure, the dog feels uncomfortable, he will become sad, his character will deteriorate. Walk with the staff twice a day for 40-60 minutes. While walking, be sure to play, throw a stick, a plate, or pull a ring. Toys for staff terrier But you should choose without sound. The dog will react inadequately to noise. IN public places You cannot walk with a Stafford without a leash or harness; it is advisable to wear a muzzle. Before you go "to people", make sure that you have complete control over the dog.

Mating of a Staffordshire male begins at 10 months; some breeders recommend postponing it until after a year. The bitch is bred when she has passed her second or third heat, but not earlier than one year. The cost of puppies is high, so breeding dogs can be profitable. But fanciers do not always have an idea of ​​the breed standards. If you bought a Russian puppy, but it fully complies with international requirements, find the same pair for it. You can contact a club or nursery, not necessarily the most popular, but with a good reputation.

Dog food

Staffordshire Terriers are fed natural food or dry ready-made granules. If you prefer natural feeding, it is important to properly balance the diet. It should be based on meat. Choose low-fat varieties– veal, beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. You can give lean lamb, lamb. Eating pork is not advisable, unless it contains no fat at all. Include offal products (liver, stomachs, heart, lungs) in your diet. It is advisable to boil them; the meat should also be treated with boiling water, but be sure to serve it raw 1-2 times a week.

For normal height and strengthening the teeth allow the dog to chew on bones, but not tubular or bird bones. The Safford can easily chew thin bones, and sharp pieces will injure its stomach. Feeding raw vegetables not recommended, they need to be cooked. The menu must include porridge - barley, buckwheat, barley, rice, oatmeal. Dogs are fed, from time to time, sour milk, cottage cheese, and boiled eggs. An adult dog eats 2 times a day, puppies up to 10 months - three times.

Dry food and canned food are bought only of high quality - super premium and holistic. They are expensive, but the dog's health is worth it. Premium foods are allowed, but carefully study their composition. Unfortunately, the declared class does not always correspond to reality. The first ingredient should be meat, then cereals (preferably rice, oatmeal, in extreme cases barley or corn). Good foods include vegetables, fruits, medicinal herbs. Vitamin and mineral composition must meet the dog's needs. The dog eats canned food from time to time; constantly eating soft food causes the dog’s teeth to deteriorate. It is not recommended to mix natural food with prepared foods.

Dog health

The adult American Staff Terrier is in good health. If he is provided with proper care, he almost never gets sick. In winter it is worn, the short fur does not warm well, and the dog catches a cold. Poor quality nutrition will lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Allergies are rare in this breed. There are diseases to which Staffordshire Terriers are especially sensitive:

  • Pathologies and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Colitis
  • Skin diseases (pustules, demodicosis, seborrhea, etc.)
  • Eye pathologies, cataracts
  • Ligament tears
  • Arthrosis (especially in dogs that are many years old)
  • Congenital dysplasia of the hip joint.

Dogs must be vaccinated on time to protect against infections. At 12 weeks, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies. At 4-6 months they begin to vaccinate against other diseases. Staffords are vaccinated against canine distemper, hepatitis, enteritis and other diseases characteristic of the area. Vaccinations are done three times, with breaks of 3-4 weeks, and repeated annually. The lifespan of a dog is 12-15 years.

Nicknames for dogs

Finally, we will tell you what nicknames to give this breed. The names of the Staffordshire Terrier should correspond to its appearance and character. This is not a mini dwarf dog; you wouldn’t call a big, strong Amstaff a Pussy or a Button. The following nicknames are suitable for boys:

  • Aland, Ashur
  • Bavar, Buckingham
  • Ganges, Proud
  • Jibo, Don
  • Elor, Ephrat
  • Germont, Zeus, Zorky
  • Kinto, Kuchum
  • Leo, Lotus, Lure
  • Majar, Milan, Murat
  • Pirate, Prince
  • Typhoon, Tarzan, Trek
  • Bassoon, Charon, Hippie
  • Shepherd, Chako, Sherlock.

Girls should be called by no less respectable nicknames. After all, they are not inferior in strength, courage and devotion to boys, their size is also rather large, this can be seen even in the photo. Here are some popular names:

  • Assol, Amber
  • Basta, Burma
  • Vlasta, Vilena
  • Jitta, Daima
  • Kira, Kanta
  • Linda, Leda
  • Martha, Milady
  • Prima, Palma
  • Rosana, Roxa
  • Tana, Harita.

Remember, if you raise a dog correctly, it will become a devoted friend for the whole family, good reviews from owners testify to this. If you are not convinced of your training abilities, this is your first dog, it is better to give it to a club for training. When you are not confident that you can maintain your authority with your pet, it is better not to get a Staffordshire Terrier, so as not to give it into good hands later. A dog is not a toy, but a living being, both adults and children should know this. The owner bears full responsibility for her and should not betray a faithful friend.

The American Staff will become an intelligent and very devoted dog to its owner if you make every effort to raise it in childhood.

You need to start learning it literally from the first month of life.

Then the puppy will be obedient and caring. Terriers can also be trained for professional fighting.

If in the family small child, you don’t have to worry, because the Amstaff’s behavior with children is distinguished by caution and understanding.

The dog knows very well that the child is much weaker and will succumb to the baby; it gets along well not only with children, but also with other pets.

Owners can recognize health problems by the following signs:

  • Amstaff's nose is warm and completely dry, the pupils of the eyes are dull;
  • poor sleep and loss of appetite;
  • unpresentable appearance of dog hair, loss of shine;
  • frequent urge to urinate, even breathing and wet mucous membranes.

Puppies need care and proper care. To prevent your dog from getting sick, you need to bathe it on time, walk it, and brush its teeth, ears and nose.

If you are thinking about buying a puppy of this breed, you need to know what types of terriers are available and what are their differences.

Breed varieties

Show-class staff belong to high-breed dogs and have clearly defined qualities described in the breed standard.

This puppy is worth buying if you are serious about preparing for exhibitions, competitions, or want to open a kennel of American Staffordshire Terriers.

Breeding class - such dogs are also called breeding dogs, these are typical representatives of the Amstafa breed, which do not have strong deviations from the breed standard, and are suitable for exhibition and breeding.

Pet class. Such a pet may have defects. This could be an asymmetrical skull, dental irregularities, an unusual color for a Staffordshire Terrier, or an atypical tail shape.

Such defects do not have negative consequences for the health of puppies, but they are not suitable for breeding.

The Amstaff puppy looks like a chubby round puppy with a bare belly.

He is very active, enjoys chewing on slippers and loves to mischief in the house in every possible way.

For this reason, from the first days of acquaintance, you need to educate him and accustom him to order.

To prevent your dog from dragging your socks, T-shirts and other items around the room, make sure you have a sufficient arsenal of toys. They should be made of a variety of materials.

There are whole myths and legends about Staffordshire Terriers. It depends only on the owners how this pet will grow up.

If you abandon your dog and do not pay enough attention to its upbringing, the older dog may become angry and show aggression.

To achieve obedience and correct behavior from a quadruped, follow some rules.


    The educational process should begin at the age of no later than 1.5-6 months. Even as a baby, a terrier must understand what behavior is acceptable and what is not.

    Then you won’t have any difficulties when the dog grows up and his character develops.

    Meet four-legged friend with the environment from the very first days, always praise for correctly executed commands and punish for misdeeds and incorrect misbehavior.

    But punish with shouting and use physical strength the dog is not allowed.

    Provide your pet with a well-chosen and balanced menu. You can consult your veterinarian on this issue.

    The diet must contain water, dietary supplements, minerals and vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, K.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies are smaller than American Staffordshire Terriers, but both breeds have bold personality traits.

Such dogs are good protectors and loyal friends for the whole family. The terrier is distinguished by its intellectual abilities and the ability to restrain emotions even under the most unexpected circumstances.


Many owners, due to their inexperience, begin to play the game “tug of war” with terrier puppies.

This game is very useful and interesting for pets, but at the age of up to 4 months, it can be dangerous for the baby.

The essence of the game is to take away a rope or piece of fabric from each other. For this activity, buy a rope at a specialty store.

Why might this be dangerous for the puppy? She can form malocclusion, and when all the teeth are fully formed, you can play with a rope or string without fear.

When all the teeth are replaced with new ones, they need care. The dog is not able to provide the necessary care for its oral cavity on its own.

You will need a dog toothpaste, which should be periodically applied to the puppy's teeth with your fingers or a brush.

Never use human toothpaste, it is very foamy and causes stomach upset in animals.


Staffordshire Terrier puppies need to get used to certain things during childhood.

In the first months of life, they are fed up to 5-6 times a day, but in small portions so that the baby does not overeat.

If you find leftover food after eating, hide it until next time. Don't let your dog eat at random.

Your pet should have only water freely available at all times, because he spends a lot of energy reserves and strength on games and pampering.

As they grow older, the number of meals is reduced, but the volumes increase. Upon reaching 4 months, the dog eats three meals a day, and an adult dog needs two meals.


Your home must have a first aid kit containing everything your pet needs in case emergency assistance is needed.

Puppies are like children and strive to climb absolutely everywhere, they can chew through wires, dump something heavy on themselves, and so on.

The first aid kit should contain iodine, bandages, medications for treating the animal after injury, painkillers and other medications.

Your veterinarian can advise you on a more extensive list that you should stock up on.

Where is it generally customary to buy and sell these animals? First of all, we need to talk about nurseries.

By choosing an American Staffordshire Terrier kennel, you can find a healthy and beautiful dog of this breed.

But be prepared for the corresponding prices; check immediately how much a puppy costs in a particular nursery.

In such places often best puppies they leave the litter, and offer the rest for sale, at a steep price.

On the Internet you can find out how much such a puppy costs from private sellers. In this case, you need to try to protect yourself by asking the sellers to show not only the staff, but also his parents.

This method is good because it will be convenient to pick up the puppy in your city. But despite the prices, nurseries are safer places for such purchases.

If you decide to become a Stafford breeder yourself, know that it is troublesome, but can bring good income.

These puppies have always been appreciated, how much does a staff cost?

The price varies between 50-1000 dollars, depending on the pedigree, documents and place of purchase.

Once you get such a dog, you won’t want another one; the Stafford is a wonderful companion, a guard and just a funny dog!

Photo gallery

Despite the widespread opinion about the aggressiveness of this breed, it should be said that with proper care and education, your pet will pleasantly surprise others with its friendliness and calmness.