Signs of canine distemper. Treatment of a puppy for distemper in limited conditions. At elevated temperatures

Distemper in dogs is a contagious viral disease. Scientific name– Carré or Pestis disease. At the first sign, it is important to contact veterinary clinic to save the animal's life. The disease is fatal for puppies; adult dogs have a better chance of recovery. Animals that have recovered from the disease receive lasting immunity, but not necessarily for life.

There are various forms of the disease: pulmonary, intestinal, skin, nervous or mixed plague. Each of them has characteristic symptoms, but the treatment regimen is almost the same. The most effective preventative measure is puppy vaccination.

Distemper in dogs is a contagious viral disease

Main causes of canine distemper

Distemper in dogs develops as a result viral infection. The main source of the virus is a sick dog. Immediately after infection, she becomes a carrier of the infection. The disease is not limited to dogs. It infects wolves, black-brown foxes, ferrets, arctic foxes, raccoons, and other wild animals.

The likelihood of infection depends on the time of year. The risk is greatest in spring and autumn because the virus is sensitive to high temperatures. Although the risk of infection exists all year round.

The causative agent of the disease

The only causative agent of plague is an RNA virus belonging to the paramyxovirus species.

The incubation period ranges from 3 to 20 days, in some cases this period extends to 60-90 days. The virus quickly loses activity in the external environment, although nasal discharge and feces of a sick dog are infectious for 7 to 11 days.

The only causative agent of plague is an RNA virus belonging to the paramyxovirus species

The virus is resistant to low temperatures, it remains active down to -24 C ◦ . Sensitive to high temperatures - at a temperature of +60 C ◦ it is destroyed within 30 minutes.

When dried or frozen, the virus remains viable for up to 30 days. One of the dangers of plague is incubation period is asymptomatic.

How is distemper transmitted in dogs?

The disease is transmitted predominantly by oral-fecal or by airborne droplets. The main causes of canine distemper:

  • untimely vaccination of animals;
  • contact with contaminated objects. Bowls, beds, toys, and carrier bags pose a danger;
  • infected food and water.

IN wildlife carriers - wolves, ferrets, foxes, in the city - stray dogs and infected pets.

In the wild, plague carriers are wolves.

Dangerous symptoms of plague that are important to pay attention to:

  • a short-term increase in temperature to 40 C ◦ after which it decreases to normal limits;
  • conjunctivitis in serous or seropurulent form;
  • loss or sudden decrease in appetite;
  • the dog becomes lethargic and inactive;
  • redness of mucous membranes;
  • exhausting cough;
  • diarrhea, vomiting.

Acute symptoms sometimes appear 3-5 days after infection. Treatment should begin immediately.

The first signs of canine distemper

How does plague manifest itself, forms of the disease

Pronounced signs of plague mean damage to the lymphatic, respiratory, nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract. Regardless of location, the disease has several forms of severity:

  • fulminant (develops in 1 day without acute symptoms, leads to the death of the dog);
  • super acute (develops in 2-3 days, with a rise in temperature);
  • acute (develops in the form of classic symptoms, with a long incubation period);
  • chronic form (in adult animals with good immunity, characterized by periods of exacerbations and remissions).

In each specific case, the severity of the disease depends on the state of the dog’s immunity.

Why is distemper dangerous? Symptoms appear late in puppies. lightning form is completely asymptomatic. Therefore, animal owners need to vaccinate their pet on time and maintain quarantine. Distemper in a puppy most likely leads to death.

Symptoms in puppies appear late, the fulminant form is completely asymptomatic

Pulmonary form

The respiratory tract is most severely affected. Characteristic symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • debilitating coughing attacks;
  • purulent discharge from the eyes, mouth and nose.

Later, symptoms of damage are added to the pulmonary digestive system: vomiting, diarrhea.

Intestinal form

The most common form leads to severe dehydration of the animal. Signs of intestinal distemper:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • the tongue is covered with a white or yellowish coating.

The dog suddenly becomes lethargic and loses strength. Possible loss of consciousness.

Intestinal form of distemper in dogs

Cutaneous form

The most simple form, which does not lead to severe complications. Characteristic features:

  • damage to areas of skin not covered with hair;
  • the appearance of small ulcers on the affected areas.

It responds well to treatment because it does not lead to dehydration, exhaustion, or damage to internal organs.

Nervous form

Maximum affected nervous system, which leads to a very severe course of the disease. Acute signs:

Nervous form of distemper in dogs
  • paralysis hind legs which progresses rapidly;
  • seizures of epileptic type.

Without urgent treatment, the animal dies due to paralysis of the myocardium or respiratory muscles.

Mixed form

A combined variant that combines damage to several organs at once. This is the so-called generalized type, occurring in more than 90% of cases. Combines signs of distemper in dogs of all subspecies: pulmonary, intestinal, cutaneous, nervous forms. It is difficult to identify the dominant symptoms of one of the forms; the virus affects the entire body.

Complications of plague

Untimely, or incorrect treatment distemper leads to the death of the dog. Even with proper treatment A dog with distemper has reduced immunity. This leads to the following consequences:

  • partial or complete deafness;
  • blindness;

One of the complications of plague is blindness.
  • epilepsy;
  • muscle paresis;
  • meningitis.

The main way to prevent the problem is distemper vaccination.

How to cure a dog from distemper

Treatment of distemper in dogs is complex and is carried out only by specialists from a veterinary clinic. The disease develops unpredictably, which is why the sick pet must be in a hospital setting. A sick animal must be urgently isolated, as the infection spreads at high speed.

If distemper occurs, only a veterinarian knows what to do. Self-medicating a dog is dangerous.

Scheme drug therapy in a hospital setting includes:

  • "Urotropin" (40% solution);
  • isotonic solution;

Hexamine 20 ml for the treatment of plague
  • 40% glucose solution;
  • "Calcium gluconate";
  • vitamin C in solution;
  • "Diphenhydramine";
  • "Prozerin";
  • "Mydocalm";
  • "Phenobarbital";

The dosage and duration of the course are selected individually, depending on the breed and body weight of the dog. With such dangerous disease Like the plague, treatment at home is carried out as a last resort. Therapy includes special diet– first “hungry” days, then a gentle diet.

« Glutamic acid» in the treatment of plague

Traditional methods of treatment

Home treatment for distemper in dogs should only be considered as an addition to professional therapy. Use is only possible with mild form diseases, for adult dogs with strong body. Before treating distemper with home methods, it is important to consult a veterinarian.

Treatment of plague with vodka

A common treatment method for adult animals with strong immune system- This is an egg-vodka mixture. You will need:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

Mix all the ingredients and inject into the mouth using a syringe up to 2 times a day. A rather controversial method, used only as a last resort.

Treatment of plague with vodka


To strengthen the protective forces of maintaining the animal’s body, immunomodulators and immunostimulating drugs are additionally prescribed:

  • "Immunofan";
  • "Fosprenil";
  • "Ribotan."

Decoctions and solutions of medicinal plants are used to strengthen the immune system.


To maintain the animal's strength, intravenous or drip administration of vitamins is used. Often used when severe forms pathology, if the pet is not able to eat on its own, is severely weakened, has vomiting and diarrhea.

Prevention of pathology

Vaccination against distemper is the main method of preventing the disease. It provides protection against the disease in 95% of cases. But there are individuals that are insensitive to vaccination.

Vaccination against distemper is mandatory for a puppy at 3 months, with revaccination after 4 weeks. This is the only way you will be confident that your family pet will develop immunity. The distemper vaccine is well tolerated. Such drugs as “EPM”, “Vakchum” or “668-KF” are used. During the development of immunity, the puppy is isolated, if possible, from contact with other dogs.

Canine distemper, canine distemper- a viral disease characterized by damage to the respiratory, digestive, skin organs, and sometimes meningitis and encephalomyelitis. Dogs of all ages are affected, but more often from 1 month to 2 years. Are susceptible to the disease carnivorous mammals, including sea ones. Terriers and boxers are relatively stable. The person is not sick.

Causes and development of the disease

The causative agent - an RNA containing morbillivirus of the paramyxovirus family - enters the dog's body through the nose or mouth. He penetrates lymphoid tissue and spreads with blood and lymph throughout the body. Reproducing in epithelial cells digestive tract, respiratory organs, genitourinary organs, vascular endothelium, the virus has a cytopathic effect, creates conditions for the vital activity of saprophytic and pathogenic microflora, disrupts the functioning of organs and tissues, and sensitizes the body. Having crossed the blood-brain barrier, the virus causes inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord(meningitis), which spreads to the substance of the brain and spinal cord (encephalomyelitis). In pathogenesis nervous stage plague great value has demyelination of the substance of the brain and spinal cord, caused by the formation of immune complexes and the damaging effect of macrophages. Penetrating the placental barrier, the virus causes intrauterine infection fruits In some cases, the virus survives in the dog’s body for a long time without causing clinical signs of the disease. Such dogs are capable of infecting other animals.

Clinical signs of distemper in dogs are very diverse - from asymptomatic virus carriage to a lightning-fast, violent course. The duration of the disease ranges from several days to several months. If the clinical picture of the disease is dominated by signs of damage to the respiratory organs, they speak of the pneumonic form of plague, the nervous system - the nervous form, etc.

However, this division is conditional. The forms of plague with predominant symptoms of damage to the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts are of independent importance. Skin lesions can occur in respiratory and intestinal forms of plague, and the nervous form is only the final, but not obligatory, stage of the disease.

Canine distemper begins when one or more of the following symptoms appear: a pustular or macular rash on the inner surface thighs and groin, runny nose, diarrhea, depression, temporary refusal to feed, redness of the conjunctiva. As a rule, body temperature rises; however miniature poodles and some other breeds of dogs, as well as small puppies, plague can occur when normal temperature. The animal hides in a dark place and walks reluctantly. The skin becomes dry. The nasal mirror is dry, with a pronounced microrelief. The skin on the fingertips cracks, callus of the skin (hyperkeratosis) on the elbows and hock joints, as well as fine focal baldness, is possible. Nasal discharge, initially clear, becomes mucopurulent. Mucopurulent exudate accumulates in the corners of the eyes. Possible clouding of the cornea (keratitis), redness and sticking of the inflamed eyelids (blepharitis). Shortness of breath appears, wheezing is heard in the lungs (bronchopneumonia). The intestinal form of plague is characterized by damage primarily to the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting and diarrhea.

In approximately half of cases, the central nervous system is affected. More often nervous symptoms appear 3.5-4 weeks after the onset of the disease. If you are not careful with your dog, you may not notice the first signs of plague and then treatment is ineffective in most cases. The first sign of the nervous stage of the disease is tics of the muscles of the head, anterior and hind limbs.

The intensity of the tics increases. Animals begin to whine, especially at night. Weakness of the hind limbs appears, skin sensitivity increases and then decreases. If active process this ends, then the animal continues to experience hyperkinesis, paresis and paralysis for a long time or for life. Otherwise, meningoencephalomyelitis, accompanied by severe intoxication, ends in the death of the animal.

Occasionally, the nervous form of plague in dogs appears immediately or several days after the appearance of precursors of the disease. In this case, the disease occurs in the form of meningitis and quickly ends in death.

Dogs constantly have a high temperature (up to 42 degrees Celsius), possible vomiting, drooling, aggressiveness, convulsions, unsteady gait, gluttony. Animals groan, fall into coma and soon die. There are no tics.

The third type of nervous form of plague is characterized by first rare (1-2 per month), and then increasingly frequent generalized tonic convulsions. Convulsions occur like epileptic seizures. After a certain period of time, tics and night pain may appear; the temperature rises to 40-41 degrees Celsius and the animals die, being in a comatose state.

Dogs who have recovered from the disease may have hyperkeratosis, structural disturbances and darkening of tooth enamel, dyspeptic symptoms and increased sensitivity to various biological and chemical factors.

The diagnosis during life is made based on an analysis of the clinical picture. Pathognomonic symptoms are hyperkeratoses of the nasal planum and the skin of the extremities in combination with rash, rhinitis and conjunctivitis at an elevated temperature, as a rule. The nervous form of plague in the presence of tics is easily diagnosed; in their absence, it is necessary to differentiate plague from helminthic infestation(no fever), rabies (paralysis of the swallowing muscles), epilepsy (no fever, catarrhal symptoms, etc.). The intestinal form of plague is differentiated from parvovirus enteritis (lasts 4-7 days, constant vomiting, refusal of food and water), adenoviral and coronavirus infections (short duration). Retrospective serodiagnosis is possible. From laboratory parameters leukocytosis is important, increase in ESR and anemia.

Treatment of canine distemper depends on which syndrome predominates - respiratory, intestinal or cutaneous. However, in any case, it is necessary to use hyperimmune serum against canine distemper at a dose of 1-2 ml/kg, subcutaneously, or hyperimmune gammaglobulin. The administration is repeated after 24 hours and after 7 days. You must first do a sensitivity test by injecting 0.5-1 ml of serum subcutaneously 4-6 hours before the main dose. Timely use of anti-plague serum leads in most cases to recovery within 7-10 days. The use of hyperimmune serum 2-3 weeks after the onset of the disease, as well as in the nervous form, can sharply worsen the dog’s condition. The use of anti-measles gammaglobulin and other human globulins is ineffective.

The use of antibiotics is mandatory. In the absence of microbiological analysis data, semisynthetic penicillins (ampicillin, oxacillin, carbenicillin), cephalosporins (cefazolin, claforan), aminoglycosides (gentamicin, amikacin, tobramycin), macrolides (erythromycin, tylosin), biseptol, abactal, zanocin (tarivid) are used. A combination of an antibiotic with biseptol or an antibiotic with a quinolone derivative is justified. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

It is better to use oral forms antimicrobial agents.

Only in case of pneumonia or bronchopneumonia is the use indicated injectable drugs. For longer treatment, nystatin or levorin is given orally to prevent candidiasis. If the temperature does not decrease and the dog’s health does not improve, it is necessary to change the antibiotic, and if this is not possible, double the dose. In the intestinal form of plague, the use of antimicrobial agents is justified local action- polymyxin M sulfate, phthalazole, salazodimethoxin, as well as decoctions and infusions of anti-inflammatory and astringent herbal remedies.

In the first days of illness, it is used to desensitize the body. antihistamines(diphenhydramine, diazolin, diprazine, suprastin), as well as glucocorticoids (prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone). In the future, multivitamin preparations are indicated (“Aerovit”, “Glutamevit”, “Kvadevit”, etc.).

Mucopurulent discharge from the eyes and nose is removed with cotton wool wound on a match, the eyes are washed with tea leaves, drops of zinc sulfate, Sofradex, dexamethasone suspension are instilled, or hydrocortisone ointment is applied. The nasal planum is lubricated with baby cream or face cream. Areas of skin covered with a rash are treated with aerosols containing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents(“Oxycort”, “Polcortolone”).

For bronchopneumonia, mucolytic (mucaltin, bromhexine, sodium bicarbonate, broncholitin), antitussive (libexin, glaucine hydrochloride) and bronchodilator (aminophylline) agents are used. In case of severe intoxication, forced diuresis with furosemide. If the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, the dog is given antipyretics 2-3 times a day - acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol.

The most difficult form of distemper to treat is the nervous form of distemper in dogs.

It is necessary that the dog owner is aware of the most likely outcome of the disease - the death of the animal, as well as possible residual effects in the event of recovery. The use of hyperimmune serum for the nervous form of plague is ineffective. Drug therapy V active stage process includes the use of increased doses of glucocorticoids (prednisolone 2-10 mg/kg/day, triamcinolone 1.5-8 mg/kg/day, dexamethasone 0.2-1 mg/kg/day), analgesics (analgin 0, 25 g/10 kg 2-3 times a day, suppositories “Cefekon”), sedatives and sleeping pills(phenobarbital 2 mg/kg 2-3 times a day, aminazine 2-5 mg/kg 1-2 times a day, diazepam 0.1-0.5 mg/kg 2-3 times a day, elenium at the same dose ), vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin), glutamic acid (10 mg/kg 2-3 times a day), diuretics (furosemide 1-2 mg/kg 2 times a day, uregitis 3-5 mg/kg 1 time per day), kinonor or interferon (intramuscular contents of 1 ampoule 2 times a day).

After a decrease in temperature, nootropic drugs are used to combat paresis and paralysis (piracetam 10-20 mg/kg 3 times a day, aminalon 20 mg/kg 3 times a day, pyriditol 5 mg/kg 3 times a day), cholinomimetics (prozerin, oxazil, kalimin), absorbable and stimulating drugs (duplex, potassium iodide, bismoverol, tissue preparations). Massage, darsonvalization, irradiation with visible and ultraviolet light are indicated. Multivitamin therapy is required.

To prevent canine distemper, vaccination is used. In exceptional cases, for example, if another dog in the apartment is sick with plague, they resort to prophylaxis with anti-plague serum, but serum immunity is short-lived (2-3 weeks) and there is a threat of sensitization of the dog’s body with serum proteins. At room temperature, the plague virus can survive in the external environment for 3 months

Plague or distemper (Pestis)- highly contagious viral disease, characterized by fever, general intoxication, damage to the skin and mucous membranes, respiratory and digestive organs in dogs. In some cases, it can cause severe manifestations of meningitis and encephalitis.

Distemper has been known since the domestication of dogs. In the writings of Aristotle it is described as a sore throat. Distributed everywhere. In Russia, it appeared in 1762 in Crimea and was called the “Crimean disease.” Viral nature The plague was first proven in 1905 by the French scientist Carré.

A dog infected with plague

The causative agent of plague is an RNA virus from the paramyxovirus family. The plague virus is not stable in the external environment. In nasal discharge and feces of sick animals, it loses activity after 7-11 days. Dried or frozen virus lasts for several months, and in a lyophilized state - for at least a year. Heating to 60°C destroys it in 30 minutes, to 100°C - instantly. Disinfectants and physical factors inactivate the virus quite quickly: 1% and Lysol solution and ultraviolet rays- for 30 minutes, 2% and sodium hydroxide solution - 60 minutes, sunlight and 0.1-0.5% solutions of formalin and phenol - after a few hours.

Epizootology. The disease in the form of an epizootic is observed throughout the world. Silver-black foxes, arctic foxes, Ussuri raccoons, ferrets, sables, bears, weasels, stoats, and wolves are susceptible.

Maternal antibodies, detected in colostrum and milk, create passive immunity in puppies up to the age of about 1.5-2 weeks, but not always. Those who have recovered from plague have long-lasting immunity, but it is not sterile and not necessarily lifelong. Even immunized animals can lose resistance to distemper as a result of prolonged stress, immunosuppression, or contact with a sick person in open form animals. More often, a generalized form of distemper occurs in unvaccinated dogs., especially in puppies aged 8-16 weeks with impaired colostral (obtained from mother's colostrum) immunity.

Short-faced animals get sick less often than long-faced ones. Almost all dogs suffer from plague in one form or another, but more often it occurs in puppyhood.

The source of the infectious agent is an infected animal that secretes the virus in external environment, the virus is contained in discharge from the eyes and nose, in exhaled air, saliva, feces and urine, usually for 10-51 days. Factors of transmission of the virus may include contaminated animal care items, clothing, feed, water, as well as insects, birds and rodents. The latter are not only mechanical carriers, but can also secrete the virus without showing signs of disease.

The reservoir of the distemper pathogen in nature is wild animals and stray dogs. The disease can occur at any time of the year and manifest as an epizootic or sporadically.

Symptoms of plague and course of the disease

The incubation period (the moment from the entry of the virus into the body until the appearance of the first clinical symptoms of the disease) in a dog usually lasts 3-21 days or more, and sometimes 60-90 days. In connection with immunization clinical picture plague for recent years has changed significantly. As a rule, plague occurred in clinically pronounced forms with fever and intoxication, but in lately are registered more often atypical forms or the disease occurs together with other infectious diseases.

However, depending on the severity of clinical symptoms, the following are conventionally distinguished: cutaneous, intestinal, pulmonary, nervous and most often mixed (generalized) forms of plague. The development of one form or another of the disease is largely determined by the reactivity of the dog’s body. The same strain of the plague causative agent can cause different clinical signs in them, ranging from a temperature reaction to nervous symptoms.

There are acute, subacute, chronic and abortive forms of the disease.

On early stages(3-5 days) the disease is characterized by bilateral (on both sides) serous, serous-purulent conjunctivitis. In the morning, sometimes throughout the day, the eyelashes are glued together with pus (white, gray or greenish), it is difficult to open the eyes, and severe photophobia appears. Dogs begin to go into the shade, hide under a closet, bed, table, chair, and strive for coolness. In parallel or slightly later (after 3-5 days), rhinophea develops (profuse nasal discharge), a dry cough, which after 5-7 days becomes wet, especially with timely treatment. Nasal discharge is clear, cloudy or greenish in color.

At acute course note an increase in body temperature to 39.5-41°C, especially in the evenings or at night. Appetite is distorted, but most often decreases, and at high temperatures completely disappears. Thirst increases. A comatose state develops, in which the dog or puppy dies on the 27th day of the disease.

Subacute course is also characterized high temperature, lasting from one day to two weeks. Then the fever becomes moderate. In puppies 1-1.5 months of age, the temperature rises slightly or remains within normal limits. Along with fever, sick dogs show depression, lethargy, muscle tremors, timidity, loss of appetite, dryness and roughness of the nasal mucosa.

Pulmonary (respiratory)- characterized by severe lesions respiratory system: first the upper ones, then the lower ones respiratory tract. In this case, rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia or their mixed forms(acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, tracheobronchitis, bronchopneumonia).

Intestinal (gastrointestinal)- manifests itself as serious damage to the digestive system, including acute gastroenteritis, and is accompanied by refusal of food, vomiting, as well as constipation and diarrhea, which leads to dehydration and rapid exhaustion of the dog. Feces contain a lot of mucus, often mixed with blood.

The most severe form in dogs is nervous distemper.. When it occurs, the prognosis is often unfavorable. The most serious complications with it are meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, myelitis, paresis and paralysis of the limbs and sphincters of internal organs, as well as epilepsy. These complications develop as a result of the introduction of the plague virus into the cells of the spinal cord, brain and its membranes. Symptoms of meningitis, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis with their neuromuscular symptoms appear 2-6 weeks after infection. In weakened and immunized dogs, this symptomatology can occur suddenly, without prior development of symptoms of general intoxication, high fever, etc.

A good example is that a dog has a nervous form of distemper.

Generalized form occurs in 90-95% of cases dog distemper diseases.

It contains clinical symptoms cutaneous, pulmonary, intestinal and nervous forms. That is, the division into these forms of plague is conditional.

The chronic course of the disease is most often characteristic of the skin and nervous forms. At the same time, recovered animals have convulsive twitching of individual muscle groups, paresis and paralysis, as well as blindness, deafness, loss of smell, scars on the cornea, overgrowth of the pupil or atrophy eyeball, epilepsy remains for a long time, often for life.

Diagnosis of distemper in dogs, criteria for assessing the presence of the disease

The diagnosis of distemper in an animal is made on the basis of epidemiological data, clinical signs, pathological changes and laboratory test results.

To make a diagnosis by clinical signs the veterinarian takes into account following criteria:damage to the respiratory organs, catarrhal gastroenteritis, catarrh of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose with serous or purulent discharge, hyperkeratosis of the paw pads, fingers, nose and entire skin with the formation of large amounts of dandruff, damage to the central nervous system with convulsions, epilepsy, paresis, paralysis, meningitis and meningoencephalitis. If any four or five of these signs are noticed in a dog, then they indicate the occurrence of distemper. Based on any two of the listed signs, plague can be suspected, and based on three, a clinical diagnosis can be made.

Proper treatment of the disease

Great importance in treatment of this disease has timely rendered qualified veterinary care. It must be comprehensive.

Treatment is carried out in several directions: specific (serums, immunoglobulins), the use of immunostimulants and immunomodulators (immunofan, ribotan, fosprenil, etc.), symptomatic: antibacterial drugs (to suppress secondary microflora), cardiac, astringent drugs, vitamins, electrolytes ( to relieve intoxication and dehydration), antihistamines, anticonvulsants and substances that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system.

The sick dog is placed in a separate, clean, warm, draft-free, well-insulated dark room (isolated room) with moderately humid air. Prescribe peace and quiet.

Dietary feeding is prescribed. In this case, the age and breed characteristics of the animal should be taken into account.

First, a fasting regime is established for up to 12-24 hours with free access to water or rehydration solutions. In a bowl of boiled water, it is advisable to add a small amount of decoctions or infusions from medicinal plants (coil rhizome, marshmallow root, string, sage leaves, oak bark, oregano, cinquefoil erect, yarrow, chamomile, calamus rhizome, licorice, chaga, St. John's wort, blueberry fruits, bird cherry, horse sorrel, flaxseed, roots and rhizomes of burnet (officinalis). All of these plants have different therapeutic effects on the body of a sick animal - enveloping, astringent, mucous and anti-inflammatory.

On days 2-3, small amounts of liquid (water or broth) rice or oatmeal, jelly or their decoctions, after mixing them with a small amount of boiled chicken or ground beef(1-2 tablespoons per serving). If the dog does not develop indigestion in the form of vomiting and diarrhea after such feeding, then the dose of food is gradually increased. On days 4-5, fresh low-fat lactic acid products at room temperature are added to the specified diet: yogurt, kefir, as well as acidophilus and acidophilus milk. It is advisable to use flaxseed decoction in the diet from the first days of treatment. On days 7-9, boiled finely chopped vegetables are introduced into the diet - carrots, cabbage, potatoes. Starting from day 10, dogs are transferred to a normal diet.

If the patient is severely malnourished, artificial feeding through the rectum with nutritious and medicinal liquids. As nutrient mixtures, 2-20% glucose solutions, 0.5-1% sodium chloride solutions, Ringer's and Ringer-Locke solutions, rice, oatmeal, flaxseed decoctions, meat, chicken or beef broth, peptone with saline solution are used ( 1:10), milk and combinations of these substances.

Before administering the medicinal nutritional mixture, the rectum is emptied of contents. To do this, do a warm cleansing enema, which removes painful sensations, reduces muscle tone, which is important for retaining a nutritional or medicinal component introduced into the rectum.

The most effective for maintaining water balance is intravenous administration infusion fluids. If it is not possible to install a drip system, the veterinarian prescribes subcutaneous injections. Subcutaneous injections of large volumes are most conveniently done in the area of ​​the shoulder blade or at the withers, preferably at several points 4-6 times a day, if necessary for several days in a row.

In complex treatment widely used antimicrobials: antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofuran and quinoxaline derivatives. Antibiotics are used taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora to them. Contraindications for their use are carefully studied.

In parallel with antimicrobial substances, vitamins and multivitamins are needed with food or separately. Of the vitamins required for recovery are ascorbic acid 2-3 times a day orally or parenterally, B vitamins, which are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the veterinarian.

To increase resistance, especially at the onset of the disease, it is recommended to administer polyvalent hyperimmune serum against Chumkiu subcutaneously 3 - 4 times with an interval of 12-24 hours. It must be administered carefully, given the high allergenicity. Injecting gamma and immunoglobulin is safer and no less effective. In addition to globulins, sometimes in combination with them, it is necessary to prescribe interferon parenterally or externally. The course and dose should be determined by the attending veterinarian. Interferon is instilled into the nose and eyes, 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day for a week or more.

Some veterinarians successfully use thymogen, thymalin, timoptin, gactivin, anandin, comedon and others strictly according to the instructions.

In general, symptomatic therapy for canine distemper is carried out depending on the presence of symptoms of disruption of the activity of a particular internal organ or an entire system.

Prevention and control measures

In Russia, for specific prevention plagues, use various domestic vaccines- Vakchum, EPM, KF-668, Multikan, Trimevak and others. In recent years, very effective and low-toxic monovalent and complex vaccines have been coming from abroad: Hexadog (France), Vanguard (Belgium), Kanvak (Czech Republic), Kanlan (Canada), Nobivac (Holland) and others.

Puppies are vaccinated starting from 2-3 months of age 1-2 times a year, and after a year they are vaccinated annually. The vaccine and vaccination schedule must be determined by a specific veterinarian. Sellers, owners, doctors and other categories of citizens are strictly prohibited from vaccinating. After vaccination, the puppy or dog should not be walked. They are kept in quarantine for 10-14 days. Before vaccination, it is necessary to deworm the animal.

During illness, it is necessary to disinfect the premises where the sick animal is located. If it dies, the room is thoroughly disinfected with a 2% sodium hydroxide solution or a clarified solution of bleach with 2% active chlorine, 3% Lysol emulsion, 2% chloramine solution or Virkon C (Slovenia), etc.

A set of measures is also carried out in accordance with special instructions.

The materials posted in this section are for educational purposes only and in no way can serve as a basis for independently diagnosing and treating a dog.

If your dog is sick, you first need to consult a veterinarian. Remember - any initiative on the part of the animal owner can cause irreparable harm to the dog’s health!

Leave your questions in the comments

Is it allowed to give vodka to a dog with distemper if there is no medicine? How to cope with improvised means?


IN scientific world The disease is called Carré's disease. In common parlance - plague. The dogs die from the disaster.

Distemper has been known among dog breeders since ancient times and is also found among wild animals. Most dangerous age To enter the risk zone - cubs from three to twelve months. Adult pets are also at risk. The infection is transmitted from the patient through feces and secretions: nasal, oral and eye. Surprisingly, but true: a person becomes a carrier of the disease. The disease is not dangerous for people; a dog owner has the right to help a sick friend without fear.

Danger Signs

The incubation period of plague lasts from 3 days to 3 weeks after entering the body. The living creatures seem absolutely healthy, but the virus is already doing its dirty work.

Primary signs of the disease:

  • decreased appetite;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting with diarrhea;
  • redness of mucous membranes;
  • desire to hide in dark places.

It is better to identify the disease during the specified period.

Secondary signs:

  • increase in temperature;
  • discharge from the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • discharge from the nasal mucosa;
  • diarrhea is sometimes possible;
  • the fur looks unkempt and may fall out;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • mixed reaction to light: a sick dog hides in dark corners.

Sign initial stage The temperature rises to 40 degrees. For three days subsides if adult dog The immune system is strong, the plague does not go into the second stage. In a weak body, with the normalization of temperature, deterioration occurs. Convulsions begin, which indicates damage to the central nervous system.

Types of plague and factors in the course of the disease

Unfortunately, plague often manifests itself in a variety of ways. different forms, sometimes one flows into another. In fact, the types of disease are characterized by the listed characteristics. Depending on the location of the virus, plague can be: intestinal, pulmonary, nervous, cutaneous.

Factors influencing development time:

  • Lightning fast - there are practically no signs, the dog dies within a day.
  • The hyperacute form is characterized by high fever, refusal of food, coma and death of the animal within 3 days.
  • Spicy combines indicated symptoms If treatment is started on time, up to 30% of sick pets remain alive. The form is characterized by complications after recovery: problems with vision, hearing, and smell occur, and nervous and mental disorders appear.
  • The chronic form lasts for months, the animal gradually dies, signs of the disease appear in bright flashes, which inevitably leads to death.

Carré's disease does not spare any organ of the dog. The nervous system takes the main blow: the pet twitches its paws, seizures occur, and sometimes the body is paralyzed.

Treatment and help

If there is a suspicion of distemper, your four-legged friend urgently needs to be taken to a veterinary clinic. Prescribed for treatment complex therapy, the animal is given injections that increase immunity.

If your pet is being treated at home after consultation with a doctor, you should set up a special place located in a dark corner (due to high photophobia), without drafts. It is important to regularly clean the eyes, nose and ears.

The water should be replaced with a decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile. If the nervous system is affected, take motherwort. The food is gentle: pureed soups with ground meat, liquid porridge. Feed low-fat cottage cheese and a raw egg 1-2 times a week.

Fighting plague with home methods

If veterinary clinics or doctors are far away, the most famous therapeutic method, which is recognized by dog ​​breeders, but denied by veterinarians - vodka or vodka cocktail.

In the first case, 30-50 grams of vodka are poured into the dog’s mouth ( important role plays a role in the size of the pet). The “medicine” is injected with a syringe into the corner of the mouth. Then - complete peace. Repeat several times. After a while, the dog begins to eat and becomes more active.

Vodka cocktail is a folk remedy for saving dogs from distemper. This is how it is done: 1 raw egg, 100 milliliters of vodka, a teaspoon of honey - mix and feed the sick animal.

Attention: the methods are relevant in the initial stage of the disease with good immunity at the pet's!

The dog has a chance of recovery if signs of the disease are detected at the first stage. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis, undergo tests and receive full treatment.

One of the most common and dangerous health problems in animals that needs to be treated as early as possible is canine distemper, or Kare's disease. This is a viral disease that, through the blood system, affects the brain - the brain and spinal cord, as well as the dog's lungs and other organs. If distemper enters the body of puppies, they are doomed to death, but adults can be saved. Their survival depends on timely provision of the correct medical care. In order to avoid the death of a pet, each person, before getting one, must know the symptoms of distemper in dogs. This is necessary in order to immediately seek help from a veterinarian in case of infection, who will help cure the sick animal or alleviate its condition.

Infection with distemper in a dog occurs as a result of infection with a virus from a sick individual. This virus is excreted in urine, feces, saliva and eye secretions.

The main sources of infection with the virus:

  1. transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy animal by airborne droplets;
  2. through hygiene products;
  3. through premises where animals are kept;
  4. through sexual contact;
  5. through food and water;
  6. A person can become a carrier of the virus by bringing it into the house on the sole of a shoe.

Most susceptible to plague infectionthose dogs less than a year old, strays and animals that do not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. They are more difficult to treat than pets living at home, who eat properly and walk a lot. Puppies whose mother became ill and continued to feed them during her illness are immune to this disease.

How to recognize distemper in a pet

For the first few weeks after infection, no signs may be observed. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic until the dog dies. Signs of illness may appear with varying intensity. Therefore, every owner should carefully monitor their pet in order to establish their causes at the first suspicion and, if necessary, begin treatment.

The first signs of the disease:

  • apathetic state;
  • fear of light;
  • loss of appetite, in some cases vomiting;
  • discharge of mucus from the eyes and mouth;
  • possible increase in temperature;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • redness of the eyes.

Some dogs with excellent immunity can survive the disease at home without treatment, but for most, the general condition of the body worsens over time. Such animals must be treated under the supervision of a specialist. For precise definition presence of this disease, it is necessary to conduct special laboratory tests.

Forms of the disease

Distemper in dogs can manifest itself in different forms depending on the speed of symptoms and the organs that are affected. It happens:

  1. Lightning-fast form - is asymptomatic until the death of the animal. It is almost impossible to cure a dog suffering from this form of distemper due to the fact that the disease is detected in the late stages;
  2. Chronic form - lasts quite a long time. An animal suffering from this form of distemper can be completely cured after 3–4 weeks;
  3. Spicy and subacute form- presence of all symptoms of plague at the same time;
  4. Abortive form;
  5. Typical and atypical forms.

In addition, distemper in dogs has several forms, which differ in clinical manifestations.

Clinical forms of plague:

  1. Intestinal form - the animal is very weak, to the point that it can lose consciousness, diarrhea and vomiting are observed. And also with this form of the disease, there is a possibility of dark spots appearing on the enamel of the teeth and a whitish coating on the dog’s tongue;
  2. Pulmonary form - develops as a result of active accumulation of the virus in the respiratory system. This form of distemper is characterized by an increase in temperature and the presence of a cough in the animal. He also loses his appetite and his thirst increases. Over time, these symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and discharge of pus from the eyes. This condition must be treated urgently;
  3. Skin form - a characteristic rash appears on the dog’s body, ears, paw pads and nose, which tends to develop into ulcers if the disease is not treated. Bacteria and infections enter these wounds, which can result in infection of the body and death;
  4. The nervous form is the final stage of the disease, which is caused by lack of treatment. Its symptoms are twitching of the dog’s limbs and entire body, aggressiveness and irritability of the animal. Finally, paralysis, epileptic seizures and death occur. As a rule, it is impossible to cure a dog that has these signs;
  5. Most rare form disease - hardening of the pads on the dog’s paws. Its symptoms are fever and vomiting, as well as a clicking sound when the animal walks.

Treatment of the disease can save the dog's life, but in some cases there is a risk of loss of hearing, vision, and smell. The animal may have mental problems.

How to treat plague

At the first suspicion of the development of distemper in a dog, you should immediately go to a veterinarian who will helpget rid ofunpleasantXsymptomov. Consultation with a specialist is also necessary if the owner is ready to treat the animal at home. Difficulty in this process is that there is still no medicine that would destroy the virus of this disease.

Appointed complex treatment, depending on the form of the disease and the symptoms that bother the dog. In order to completely cure distemper in an animal, a veterinarian may prescribe special drugs to maintain immunity, or the use of solutions intravenously, as well as in the form of injections. In addition, medications are prescribed to reduce muscle tone, prevent paresis and epileptic seizures, and reduce excitability.

Since the plague is a very dangerous and complex disease, then medications for it should be prescribed by a specialist.

It is not recommended to use any medication at home at your own discretion; you should first consult with your veterinarian.

The dosage of medications for treating a dog is prescribed by a specialist depending on the weight of the individual. The disease can be completely cured provided that you continue to take medications until complete healing.

During and after therapy, it is important to provide your pet with dietary nutrition. The diet should include finely chopped minced meat, raw eggs and dairy products such as cottage cheese and kefir. For drinking, you can make a decoction of motherwort, which will slow down the development of the disease and prevent any form of plague from becoming nervous.

There are also traditional methods to combat Kare's disease at home, which will help cure the animal, subject to their complex use along with medications.

Prevention and vaccination

The most effective method of preventing distemper in animals is vaccination against this disease. There is a risk that vaccination may not work and the vaccinated individual will get sick, but this happens very rarely. Both puppies and adult dogs need to be vaccinated. Timely vaccination will help protect pet from serious illness And long-term treatment. First, the injection is given to small puppies, after which the procedure is repeated every year.

If you suspect the presence of symptoms of plague, a person does not need to be afraid of becoming infected with this disease, because this virus is not capable of affecting people.

To improve the resistance of an animal’s body, it is necessary to provide it with good living conditions and proper nutrition with sufficient amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, you should take your pet for walks more often. fresh air, and at least once a year you need to take him for a routine examination.