What do bruises on the body for no reason mean? Bruises without contusions are a sign of dangerous diseases

Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason? Are they a symptom of a disease or were they placed due to negligence? In this article we will try to answer all these questions.

Bruises on the body for no reason appear quite suddenly. This is a symptom that requires immediate medical attention. The appearance of such bruises on the body may indicate the presence of a disease. Moreover, most diseases with such symptoms are quite serious and unpleasant. Bruises on the body for no reason signal the possible presence of diseases in the patient such as vasculitis, varicose veins, fragility of blood vessels, impaired blood circulation, decreased blood clotting and lack of platelets. Bruises may appear due to hormonal disorders and at long-term use various medical supplies. Medicines such as antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-asthma drugs can cause these symptoms. This is due to their ability to reduce blood clotting, which subsequently leads to bruising.

There is a hypothesis that bruises on the body for no reason may be the result of a lack of vitamins C, P and K in the body. Due to them low content, fragility of blood vessels occurs, which further causes the formation of causeless bruises on the body.

Whatever the reason for the appearance blue spots, urgently seek help from a doctor, because it is impossible to make a diagnosis at home, and the reasons can be both trivial and quite serious. The doctor will prescribe everything necessary tests and on their basis will draw conclusions about the further method of treatment.

To determine the reasons for the formation of bruises on the body, a coagulogram is performed and clinical analysis blood. The treatment and administration of these studies is carried out by a hematologist.

If, according to the results of the examination, the cause of the bruises is caused by common disadvantage vitamins, then consuming foods such as fish oil, eggs, seaweed, greens, cherries, blackberries, apricots and citrus fruits. In pharmacies you can purchase biocomplexes containing rutin, ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids and hesperedin.

If the cause is a more serious illness, you will have to undergo a course of sequential treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The sooner you go to the hospital, the sooner treatment will begin, and the possibility of complications in this case will be minimal. Do not leave such a symptom as the appearance of bruises on the body unattended, because this is how the body signals you about the existence of a particular problem. We hope our article was useful to you and helped you find out the cause of the disease, be healthy.

Appearance is the first thing we pay attention to when looking at a person. First of all, this applies to open parts of the body: face, arms, legs. Particular attention should be paid to the skin, because changes in them can not only affect appearance, but also indicate health status. One of the questions that bothers many people is the question of why without a reason. Everyone knows that hematomas appear as a result of injuries. However, this is not always the case. In some people, they may occur for no apparent reason, for example at night when the person is sleeping peacefully. Therefore, the question of why bruises appear on the body without a blow is quite relevant. To answer it, you need to know how hematomas are formed and what reasons lead to this.

The mechanism of bruising

Everyone has experienced the appearance of bruises on the skin. They represent an area of ​​discolored skin surface. If you touch a bruise in the first days of its appearance, you may feel pain. The color of the spot tends to change. At first it is red, then it turns blue, then purple. When the stain is done yellow, it no longer hurts and gradually goes away. In medical terminology, instead of the word “bruise,” the term “hematoma” is used.

The mechanism of its formation is associated with bleeding. Typically, a bruise forms after a soft tissue injury that causes damage to small vessels. As a result, it is not large number blood in subcutaneous tissue, which, stagnating, turns into a hematoma. But there are cases when a changed area forms on the skin, but there was no injury. Then it’s worth thinking about why bruises appear on the body for no reason. It follows from this that a hematoma can be provoked not only by trauma, but also by some pathological processes.

The answer to the question of why bruises appear on the body for no reason

Education never just happens. Some factors must contribute to this. Many people, seeing a hematoma on their skin, do not pay attention to it. This approach is incorrect and can lead to unpleasant consequences. If a person did not hit himself, but bruises appear on his skin, he should definitely ask a specialist about why bruises appear on the body just like that. The doctor will explain what reasons can lead to their formation. Among the factors influencing the occurrence of hematomas are:

  1. Bad The appearance of bruises “for no reason” most often indicates hemorrhagic syndrome.
  2. Insufficient intake ascorbic acid.
  3. Varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  4. Reception medicines, blood thinners.
  5. Vascular pathologies.

Why do bruises appear on the body? Diseases

Based on the factors that can cause hematomas, we can identify a number of pathologies that lead to their appearance. If bruises occur, diseases such as hemorrhagic vasculitis, liver failure, and varicose veins can be suspected. In addition, vitamin deficiency and long-term therapy anticoagulants. Hemorrhagic vasculitis- This vascular disease, in which antibodies to the endothelium are produced. As a result of an autoimmune reaction, the capillary walls are damaged, and blood leaks into the subcutaneous tissue. With insufficient functional activity of the liver, blood production is impaired, leading to the appearance of hemorrhagic spots (bruises). Another reason is varicose veins, which most often affects the lower extremities. Due to this pathology, the walls of blood vessels stretch and thin, becoming weak.

Other causes of bruising

In addition to vascular and liver diseases, hematomas can form due to hypo- or avitaminosis. Most often, their appearance is associated with a lack of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the endothelium. If there is a deficiency of vitamin C in the body, then the production of collagen, the main building material for vessels. For this reason, the walls of the capillaries become susceptible to microtrauma. This mechanism explains why bruises appear on the body (on the arms). Hematomas cannot form without a reason, so if there is a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, it is worth thinking about other factors that provoke their occurrence. One of them is cardiovascular pathologies, among which suffered a heart attack myocardium or stroke. In order to prevent blood clots, such patients constantly drink, which also causes bruising.

What to do if hematomas occur “for no reason”?

People who often develop hematomas on the skin should definitely consult a specialist. An experienced doctor will explain why bruises appear on the body “for no reason.” Problems associated with circulatory system, is handled by a hematologist. To find out how to get rid of bruises on the body, arms or legs, a specialist will prescribe the necessary examination. Diagnosis of blood diseases is based on a coagulogram. From this analysis, it is possible to determine the functioning of the coagulation system. If the coagulogram is normal, then it is necessary to find out whether the patient has liver or vascular diseases. In their absence, the content of ascorbic acid is determined.

Treatment of bruises “for no reason”

Treatment of hematomas depends on which factor contributes to their occurrence. First of all, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. If bruises form due to hypovitaminosis, ascorbic acid is prescribed. Vasculitis requires treatment hormonal drugs. If the cause is the use of anticoagulants, then their dose is reduced or left unchanged (depending on the degree of risk of thrombosis).

When we meet, we always pay attention to a person’s appearance, and therefore we can say without exaggeration that the condition of the skin is ours.” business card" And it’s just terrible if bruises appear on the body out of nowhere, very reminiscent of the consequences of injuries. They look completely unaesthetic, but more importantly, a person who cares about his own health cannot help but be concerned about the reason for their appearance.

Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason? In this article we will try to understand the nature of the origin of such hematomas and tell you how to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon.

The mechanism of hematomas

Every person has experienced bruising at least once in their life. It is quite painful to hit a hard object and immediately the skin at the site of the impact turns red, and a little later turns blue-violet. When you touch such a bruise, you can feel pain.

The appearance of blue under the skin after a painful blow is associated with internal bleeding. As a result of the injury, the soft tissues under the skin were damaged small vessels, and the blood from them got into soft fabrics, forming the same hematoma. Hemoglobin contained in the blood determines the hue of the bruise, which is initially purplish-red in color. Gradually, after some time, the bruise begins to change its color, becoming purple, purple, yellow-green. The hematoma is colored by the products of hemoglobin destruction - biliverdin (green bile pigment) and bilirubin (yellow-red bile pigment). It is believed that the lower the location of the bruise on the human body, the higher the pressure inside the vessels will be, respectively, the more long time the hematoma will heal.

However, this is a completely natural and familiar process to everyone, which after a few days dissolves without a trace. But what about bruises that appear without injury, for example, at night while sleeping. Doctors say that such phenomena are associated with pathological changes in the body and can signal serious diseases.

Causes of hematomas

First of all, don't be too quick to panic. If you have one bruise, even an impressive one, this is not a reason to worry. You may have had a minor injury that you simply didn't notice. You should only worry when such hematomas appear systematically. If you have questions about the reasons for their appearance, you should contact a hematologist, or, in the absence of a highly specialized specialist, a local physician.

1. Hemorrhagic vasculitis

This serious illness, at which the walls blood vessels become inflamed, brittle, and begin to deteriorate over time. The reason for this pathological phenomenon lies in the immune system, which perceives vascular cells as “strangers” and produces antibodies against them, which gradually destroy the vascular walls. In these cases, the patient’s body often exhibits hemorrhages in the soft tissues, which are visible to the naked eye.

The causes of the disease can be very different, for example, an infection, the development of an autoimmune process in the body, or even long-term use of antibiotics. But regardless of the cause that caused it, vasculitis affects the vessels of vital organs - the heart, brain, kidneys or liver. Bruises in this case can occur almost anywhere - on the stomach, back or limbs.

One can suspect vasculitis in the emerging hematomas, if only because the pigmentation with it is usually focal, with many small hematomas. Moreover, there are usually more rashes on the arms than on the legs. Also, with vasculitis, the lower extremities swell greatly, and the patient himself begins to feel weak and experiences a moderately elevated temperature.

Vasculitis – enough serious illness, requiring qualified treatment, sometimes throughout life. To combat the disease, doctors prescribe the patient to take anti-leprosy drugs (Sulfasalazine), blood purification through plasmapheresis, and also take glucocorticosteroids.

2. Thrombocytopathy and thrombocytopenia

There are other diseases that can cause bruises on the body. In medicine they are called platelet pathologies.

Thrombocytopathy. Thrombocytopathy is a congenital or acquired disorder of hemostasis that develops as a result of platelet deficiency, despite the fact that their number is normal. In this condition, a person may develop heavy bleeding for the slightest injuries, damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Periodically appearing hematomas under the skin indicate internal hemorrhages that can threaten a person’s life.

Good, modern medicine learned how to maintain the health of patients with such an incurable disease. Patients with thrombocytopathy have to take hemostatic (hemostatic) drugs throughout their lives.

Thrombocytopenia. There are also less serious condition called thrombocytopenia. With this disease, the number of platelets in the blood drops sharply, due to the weak formation of such blood cells or their rapid disintegration. A person with this disease experiences frequent nosebleeds, mucous membranes often bleed, and large hematomas may appear under the skin.

Patients with thrombacytopenia have to take for a long time to normalize their blood condition. steroid hormones. But if this treatment does not help, specialists decide to remove the spleen. As practice shows, in 80% of cases, resection of this organ allows for positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease.

3. Deficiency of blood clotting factors

Modern medicine knows more than 10 blood clotting factors that are involved in stopping bleeding along with platelets. If they malfunction, a person may develop pathological condition associated with bleeding disorders and frequent bleeding. The best known such disease is hemophilia.

What is typical is that such disorders of blood coagulation factors practically do not manifest themselves in any way. Problems in the body can be detected only by bleeding that does not stop for a long time, as well as by hematomas that do not stop. visible reasons appear on the patient's body. But even in the presence of characteristic symptoms, put accurate diagnosis It is quite difficult for the patient, since confirmation of a violation of a certain factor requires complex and expensive diagnostics.

And even having identified the disease, you should understand that it is not possible to completely cure it. Everything modern medicine can do to help maintain normal condition patient through blood transfusions, hemostatic agents and a special diet.

4. Connective tissue pathologies

This includes several diseases that disrupt the production of collagen, a key protein necessary for the formation and strengthening of vascular walls. The list of these pathologies can include: imperfect osteogenesis, elastic pseudoxanthoma and some other diseases.

Pathologies connective tissue often manifest themselves in early age. In addition to hematomas, the patient may have developmental defects skeletal system, for example, excessively long limbs.

Completely cure such birth defects, alas, impossible. All that medicine can do is to maintain the condition of patients, reducing the severity as much as possible. severe symptoms anomalies. In this regard, to combat hematomas that appear on the body, medications that improve blood flow may be prescribed. In any case, bleeding in these diseases does not pose a threat to the patient’s life, and therefore the appearance of bruises becomes only one of the ways to detect the disease.

5. Purpura Caused by Long-Term Steroid Use

In some cases, the appearance of hematomas on the body does not pose a serious threat to the body, but is a side effect of taking medicines. For example, the appearance of subcutaneous bruises may turn out to be purpura, i.e. medical symptom, which is associated with long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, for example, in some autoimmune diseases.

If it's all about side effect taking medications, you don’t have to worry about your own health. As a rule, after the end of treatment of the disease or when the prescribed dosage is reduced, this frightening symptom disappears without a trace.

6. Taking medications

Sometimes bruises appear when long-term use antidepressants, analgesics, anti-asthmatic or anti-inflammatory drugs. During attacks of pain, bruises often appear on the face. To protect yourself from bruising on the face, abdomen, arms, legs and other parts of the body, you must avoid excessive physical activity and severe hypothermia.

7. Vitamin P deficiency

Vitamin P deficiency leads to disruption of collagen production, vascular walls become thinner, their fragility and permeability increases, which leads to frequent occurrence bruises. In addition to the appearance of hematomas, irritability, upset stomach and intestines (heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence) are felt, the sensitivity of the skin increases - by sun rays, cosmetics and household chemicals.

Rich Source of Vitamin P – Freshly Brewed green tea, two cups per day are enough. Replenish the deficiency daily value 3 cloves of garlic, a couple of apples or 150 g of pumpkin will also help.

8. Vitamin C deficiency

With a lack of vitamin C in the body, the fragility of blood vessels increases, which often results in small hematomas (bruises) in the area of ​​the legs, thighs or biceps. TO additional symptoms Vitamin C deficiency can be attributed to – frequent colds, systematic fatigue, drowsiness and apathy, hair loss and fragility, peeling skin. A simultaneous lack of vitamins C and P leads to a lack of calcium in the blood.

Scurvy. This disease is characterized acute deficiency vitamin C in the body. The shortage of such important vitamin leads to gravest violation metabolic processes, and above all, disrupts the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for strengthening vascular walls and connective tissues. It is not surprising that scurvy begins with hematomas on the body, which become larger as the disease progresses.

To understand that the cause of bruises lies in the development of scurvy, just look at other characteristic symptoms of this disease, namely:

  • bleeding and loose gums;
  • loosening and then loss of teeth;
  • development of anemia;
  • severe muscle pain due to massive bruising.

It is worth noting that fighting scurvy is quite simple. You just need to return ascorbic acid to the patient’s diet, and his condition will gradually return to normal. In this regard, the patient is prescribed a diet containing rose hips and sea buckthorn, hawthorn and red sweet pepper, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, black currants and strawberries, parsley and dill, kiwi, oranges and other citrus fruits; the doctor may prescribe a course of special medications that promote maximum enrichment of the body with vitamin C. It is only important to remember that in an advanced state the disease poses a serious threat to life due to massive hemorrhage.

When the deficiency of both vitamins is replenished, blood vessels are strengthened and the blood pressure, the permeability of capillaries will decrease, and the inclusion of buckwheat, plums, cherries and red pepper in the diet will make it possible to soon completely forget about the problem.

9. Vitamin K deficiency

With a lack of this vitamin, blood clotting worsens, and with minimal rupture of the vessel wall, a bruise occurs. In addition to bruising, they are worried frequent bleeding from the nose, with a small scratch or cut, the bleeding does not stop for a long time, and the wound does not heal well, the gums are loose and bleed.

The daily requirement of the vitamin can be obtained by eating 2 bananas or 2 eggs, a handful of nuts, 150-170 g oily fish or a couple of tablespoons of flaxseed oil.

10. Rendu-Osler disease

It's rare congenital disease, in which the patient’s vessels do not have external and muscular membranes. For this reason, the blood vessels dilate over time, forming small blood spots under the skin. It is not surprising that the main sign of this pathology are spider veins and hematomas that appear on the most different parts body (most blood points are localized in the face, abdomen and neck).

A characteristic feature of the disease is the fact that in the case of physical stress the number of small hematomas immediately increases and the risk of bleeding arises. In addition, such patients constantly experience nosebleeds.

It is not possible to completely recover from Randu-Osler disease. Treatment of the disease is aimed at reducing severe symptoms of the disease, through drugs that stop bleeding, heal the skin and resolve hematomas. However, by following your doctor's advice and regularly taking prescribed medications, you can live full life, avoiding severe bleeding that threatens health.

11. Varicose veins

At varicose veins veins often appear small and dark bruises. Presence of bruises on the legs and complete absence hematomas on other parts of the body speak eloquently of stagnant processes and the initial stage of development of varicose veins. In addition, there is an appearance spider veins, protrusion of veins on lower limbs, bothered by cramps. The legs swell and there is pain when walking. With this disease, the outflow of venous blood, the vessels become overfilled and a tear in the vessel wall is possible, leading to the appearance of a small hematoma.

If you have problems with your veins, you should contact a phlebologist. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and assess the magnitude of the problem by prescribing a vascular ultrasound or Doppler ultrasound, as well as a blood clotting test.

Bruises on the human body usually appear as a result of a contusion or blow. IN medical practice hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a certain area, formed due to open or closed injuries. The appearance of blue-green spots on the body due to mechanical impact is a common and understandable phenomenon; from this article you will learn why bruises appear on people’s skin for no reason.

Hematomas on the skin and the factors that form them

Subcutaneous bruising occurs immediately after physical contact with any object, which results in capillary rupture. The leaking blood fills the tissue surrounding the bruise and a bruise begins to appear. In the first minutes it has a purplish-red hue, because it contains unprocessed hemoglobin. During the destruction of hemoglobin, the bruise changes color three times, and only when the hemoglobin completely “evaporates” from the tissues surrounding the damaged capillary does it disappear.

Many are confident that the appearance of bruises for no reason should not cause much concern. However, are causeless bruises on the skin as harmless as most people think, or is this a serious reason to seek treatment? medical care. Most prone to bruising female body due to estrogen deficiency in the body.

The main reason for the occurrence of an unreasonable bruise is the fragility of the blood vessels, and this is why the vessels have lost their elasticity and need to be fixed.

If bruises appear on the body on their own, the reasons for this phenomenon lie in the following diseases:

  • fragility of blood vessels. Capillaries lose their elasticity due to a lack of ascorbic acid and rutin in the body. A deficiency of these vitamins leads to a failure in the production of collagen, and as a result, subcutaneous bruising occurs;
  • pathological processes in the liver. Dysfunction of this vital organ leads to a failure in the formation of special elements in the blood responsible for its clotting. Bruises due to liver diseases appear from the slightest impact on the skin and do not go away for a long time;
  • taking certain blood thinning medications. The most important on the list of such drugs are Aspirin, Plavix ( Latin name Plavix) and Curantil 25 and 75;
  • varicose veins Dilated veins lose their original elasticity and become fragile, therefore, as a result of the slightest mechanical impact on the skin, they rupture and a bruise appears, as it seems from the outside, just like that;
  • vasculitis This autoimmune disease contributes to the development of vascular fragility. The human immune system begins to produce immunoglobulins aimed at fighting blood vessels, considering them as foreign. As a result of the confrontation, bruises appear for seemingly no reason. poses a threat to the patient's life and is the most dangerous cause the appearance of bruises on the body;
  • iron deficiency anemia. A decrease in the intensity of hemoglobin in the blood caused by iron deficiency is another factor why bruises appear for no apparent reason;
  • diseases of the heart, brain and lungs can also cause causeless bruises;
  • thrombocytopenia. Bruises that appear when the intensity of platelets in the blood decreases signal pathological change composition biological fluid. The formation of this process is facilitated by disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, hemangioma, hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • coagulopathy. Genetic pathologies leading to blood clotting disorders. Typical for representatives of the stronger sex. Its presence in the body is manifested by large-scale hematomas spreading throughout the human body. A bright representative the disease is hemophilia;
  • breast cancer. In this case, subcutaneous bruising without obvious reason localized in the chest area.

More often, hematoma for no reason occurs in older people. What is natural reaction losing the elasticity of blood vessels over time. If bruises form on the skin for no reason at an early age, attention should be paid special attention food entering the body. To prevent and treat causeless hematomas that occur due to a deficiency of vitamins C and P, it is necessary to increase the consumption of foods containing them.

Classification of hematomas on the skin

The unreasonable appearance of bruises on the body is considered an individual symptom of a number of pathologies. Depending on the type and location of the hematoma, the attending physician draws conclusions about the reasons for their formation.

In medical practice there are the following types causeless bruises:

  1. Hematoma. This type is characterized by large-scale bruising as in subcutaneous layer, and in muscle tissue and joints. Causes pathological bone fractures, muscle necrosis, and changes in articular cartilage.
  2. Microcirculatory vessels. May appear on the lower and upper limbs and even on the mucous membrane of the nose and gums, causing bleeding from them.
  3. Mixed type. Characterized by manifestations of hematoma and microcirculatory types. There are few bruises on him, but they are of impressive size. Their formation is facilitated by DIC syndrome, overdose of anticoagulant drugs and classical hemophilia. To prevent bruising from appearing for no reason, it is necessary to undergo an examination and a full course of treatment.
  4. The vasculitic purpuric appearance is manifested by inflamed hematomas with an itchy rash.

If it appears, Heparin ointment will help cope with the problem. The product has long established itself as the most effective in the fight against bruises. of various nature. The ointment must be applied pointwise to the area of ​​the hematoma.

Troxevasin gel will help strengthen fragile blood vessels and reduce the likelihood of hematomas occurring for no reason.

Important! In case of inconsistency skin and in case of deep vein thrombosis, the use of ointments is strictly prohibited. Remember, any self-medication can turn into an irreparable tragedy. The treatment of bruises that appear on the skin for no reason is carried out by a local physician, a phlebologist, or a hematologist.

Let's sum it up

Bruises on a person’s body can appear on their own for no reason at any age. The main thing is to understand in time what triggered their occurrence. And for this, without careful medical examination can't get by. Upon discovery of the causes that provoke the appearance of hematomas, the attending physician will prescribe therapeutic measures aimed at solving the problem. Taking good care of your body will help you avoid disastrous consequences. Stay healthy.

Your body is warning you...

There is nothing surprising when bruises arise from a blow or some kind of injury, but sometimes they appear seemingly out of nowhere, and we are left scratching our heads with guesses.

Bruises are bruises, that is, internal bleeding, and they can occur for a number of reasons not related to impacts.

Autoimmune diseases.

Excessive accumulation of toxins in the blood or tissues due to autoimmune diseases- one of the reasons for the formation of bruises.

Autoimmune diseases are problems with the functioning of the immune system.

One such disease is lupus erythematosus, in which the immune system begins to perceive the body as an enemy and produce antibodies to fight it. This pathology affects the skin, blood vessels, heart and other body systems.

Lack of vitamins.

With a lack of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the vessels become very fragile and deform even with slight pressure on the skin.

In this condition, hematomas do not have a clear localization and can be located throughout the body. The size and other characteristics of such bruises are typical of those that remain after bruises.

A deficiency of vitamins such as K and P can also increase the fragility of vascular walls.

Blood diseases.

Blood diseases are a group of causes that includes a large number various pathologies, manifested by bruises on the body.

Here are the most common:

Hemorrhagic vasculitis.

With this disease immune system identifies blood vessels as foreign body and begins to secrete antibodies to fight them. Under the influence of antibodies, blood vessels become thin and burst without any external influence on them.


Hemophilia is a disease that is inherited and is characterized by a violation of the blood clotting process. A feature of the bruises that occur with this disease is their large size.

Subcutaneous hemangioma.

Subcutaneous hemangioma is a growth vascular tissue which forms a tumor. Located under the skin, this formation resembles a bruise.


A disease in which bone marrow An excessive number of red blood cells are formed. Bruises on the body with this disease do not appear immediately, but after some time.

Varicose veins.

This is a disease characterized by pathological deformity(enlargement, protrusion, twisting) of veins, most often in the legs. Often with varicose veins, bruises appear on the legs, located next to the swollen veins.


Unfortunately, the aging process is an inevitable cause of bruising.

Aging of the skin leads to thinning and paleness of the skin due to changes occurring in the epidermis. However, changes in the dermis, the deeper layer of skin, can lead to bruising.

Excessive physical activity.

Regular intense sports activities cause subcutaneous microtraumas that are not accompanied by pain. Intense weightlifting is stressful for the body, which can cause bruising due to disruption of the integrity of blood vessels.

Hematomas (bruises) from such injuries are treated with heat compresses.


Influence of this disease on the human body goes beyond higher level blood glucose. It also interferes with blood circulation, which can lead to bruising.

Monitoring blood glucose levels during diabetes mellitusimportant factor maintaining the health of blood vessels, and can protect against the appearance of bruises on the body due to this pathology.

Liver failure.

At liver failure bruises and bleeding occur more often because the liver does not produce enough proteins necessary for blood clotting. If the liver is damaged or overloaded, protein synthesis is disrupted, and any, even completely imperceptible touch, can cause bruising.

Liver damage leading to disruption of protein synthesis and changes in metabolic processes can be caused by infectious and non-infectious hepatitis, trauma, acute or chronic poisoning.