Why does a child have bruises under his eyes Komarovsky. Dark circles under the eyes of a child

Appearance and condition skin baby - important indicator, by which one can judge his health and well-being. One of the phenomena that is often observed in infants is the appearance of circles of different shades under the eyes, which causes serious concern for parents. What does it indicate? this sign, and in what cases is it necessary to sound the alarm?

Why might dark circles appear under the eyes of a baby?

The appearance of dark circles, or as they are often popularly called, does not always indicate health problems and pathologies in the body. On the other hand, some factors that provoke this phenomenon can cause health problems, so darkening under the eyes should not be ignored, especially if it does not disappear for a long time.

The most harmless reason bruises under the eyes - genetic predisposition. People with thin fair skin, asthenic body type and the special structure of the eye sockets are prone to the formation of dark circles under the eyes, since blood vessels they are located close to the surface of the skin. To find out whether a genetic factor is involved in the appearance of darkening, you should carefully look at the child’s close relatives. If a baby “received” bruises by inheritance, medicine is powerless to help him - this phenomenon will accompany him throughout his life.

For reference:“hereditary” bruises can change their shade to a more intense one under the influence of lack of sleep or illness, but in any case they do not pose any danger to the child’s health. Moreover, with age, the epidermis will become denser and the blue discoloration will be less noticeable.

Otherwise, the root of the problem should be sought in violations of the baby’s daily routine, errors in nutrition and pathologies internal organs.

Common Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes in Babies

All the reasons that provoke the appearance of bruises under the eyes in infants can be divided into two categories - non-pathological and pathological. Non-pathological factors include those that can be dealt with on your own, while pathological factors include diseases of internal organs that require consultation with a doctor, and in some cases, serious treatment.

  1. Soft tissue injuries. Children who are already able to move around the room independently often bump into objects and hit furniture, and a slight blow is enough to cause a bruise. If the child feels well and does not show signs of lethargy or excessive agitation, it is enough to apply it to the bruised area. cold compress. At heavy bleeding, loss of consciousness and other alarming symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  2. Violations of the daily routine. For proper rest, a child must have a normal daily routine from the first months of life - the baby sleeps much better if he is put to bed at the same time. Overexcitement, lack of sleep, infrequent walks, and sleeping in a dusty, poorly ventilated room can lead to an unhealthy appearance and the appearance of bruises under the eyes.
  3. Teething. Emerging teeth often cause serious discomfort to children and can cause a number of different symptoms, which includes dark circles around the eyes.
  4. Not proper nutrition . The lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet of a baby or nursing mother provokes a violation metabolic processes in the body and the development of vitamin deficiency. In case of shortage useful substances First of all, it is the skin that suffers - it becomes pale, sometimes begins to peel, and characteristic darkening appears under the eyes.

Attention: mild forms of vitamin deficiency can be eliminated with proper organized meals, but in severe cases the child needs to take medications, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Bruises under the eyes in infants and diseases of internal organs

Pathological causes of changes in skin color under the eyes, or diseases of internal organs in any case require consultation with a specialist and appropriate treatment. As a rule, they are accompanied additional symptoms, but in the first stages of the disease, the only sign may be dark circles under the eyes.

Important: It is impossible to independently diagnose a baby with bruises under the eyes, even if they are accompanied by additional symptoms. To determine the pathology, you need to contact a specialist and undergo full diagnostics body.

What does the color of the circles under the eyes mean?

The shade of circles under the eyes is one of the criteria by which one can, if not establish the exact cause of their appearance, then at least suspect a certain disease.

Table. What can the color of the skin around the eyes indicate in various pathologies?

Shade of circles under the eyesPossible reasons
Blue Hereditary predisposition to bruising
Blue Cardiovascular disorders, fatigue, improper daily routine
Purple or black Iron deficiency anemia, oncological diseases, soft tissue injuries
Bluish pink Pathologies of the urinary system
Red Allergic reactions
Yellowish, brown Liver and gallbladder diseases

In addition to the shade, you need to pay attention to the other characteristics of the circles around the eyes. The so-called raccoon eyes are considered especially dangerous - reddish or bluish rings that surround the eye socket like glasses. Most often they indicate serious injuries faces and skulls, less often - one of the forms of dermatitis, but in any case they require medical attention.

Which doctor should I contact?

If bruises appear under the eyes of a baby, you should first contact your local pediatrician. He will collect anamnesis and, if necessary, refer the child to additional research– blood, stool, urine tests, ultrasound diagnostics etc. In addition, consultation with a neurologist, cardiologist and other specialized specialists may be required.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes of a baby?

If any pathologies are detected, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment, sometimes vitamin complexes, immunostimulating drugs, facial and neck massage. If the child’s condition does not cause concern, and a medical examination does not reveal serious pathologies, parents need to reconsider the child’s regime, nutrition and living conditions. A newborn should sleep at least 17 hours a day (this time is subsequently reduced), and the room where he is sleeping place, you need to ventilate well and regularly do wet cleaning there. Be sure to spend daily time in the fresh air (at least 2-3 hours), and for walks it is better to choose quiet places away from roads and industrial facilities.

Proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in the health of infants. Children who are on artificial feeding, you should carefully select infant formula, after consulting with your pediatrician. Nursing mothers should also carefully monitor their diet - it should contain a minimum amount of fatty, fried, spicy foods, and it is better to exclude processed foods, canned food and any products containing chemical additives altogether. Instead, the menu should include lean meat, seasonal fruits and vegetables, buckwheat, pomegranates and liver to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Complementary foods are introduced on time prescribed by a doctor, and starts with small portions of hypoallergenic foods - this will help avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

When the baby begins to crawl, adults face another problem - high risk traumatization. It is not recommended to restrict a child’s movement - it is better to remove from his reach all objects that could fall or cause injury in any way. The corners of furniture can be covered with special rubber or silicone pads. If the child is injured, a cold compress should be applied to the bruised area, and the severity of the bruises can be reduced with the help of ointments prescribed by the doctor.

During the period when the baby begins to move independently, you need to think not only about his safety, but also about the prevention of helminthiases - children want to taste everything that comes their way. To prevent infection with worms, a preventive course of treatment with anthelmintic drugs should be carried out from time to time.

Attention: use of any, even the most harmless medicines(including local application) without consulting a doctor can cause complications and side effects in children infancy. The best option is to apply a lotion of chamomile or green tea to the bruise.

Komarovsky about bruises under the eyes of infants

The famous doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that in the absence of alarming symptoms best way remove bruises under a child’s eyes – good rest, proper nutrition and walks in the fresh air. If bruises are accompanied by signs of dysfunction in the body, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible - the sooner the pathology is identified, the greater the chance of curing it without consequences and complications.

Dark spots in babies are not a reason for parents to panic, but a reason to be more attentive to the baby’s health and care. If you follow all the recommendations of pediatricians, this unpleasant phenomenon will bypass the child along with the diseases that can cause it.

Video - Why does a child have bruises under his eyes?

Parents are always worried about the health of their children, especially if they notice that the baby is not all right in appearance and there are bruises or deep blue-violet shadows under the eyes. Such complaints are very common among parents, and doctors have to meet such children almost every day in practice.

But having bruises under the eyes is not very good sign, and those parents who go to the doctor with this complaint do the right thing, since such manifestations are often associated with problems in the child’s health. Then it is necessary to quickly understand the problem and determine why these bruises occur and whether the child needs to be treated, or is this a harmless phenomenon? Let's try to understand all the reasons that cause bruises under the eyes.

Why face?

As you know, the face and eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also the mirror of the health of the child’s body. The skin and mucous membranes of children quite reliably inform the doctor about general condition body and various problems in it. The face reacts sensitively to changes in internal balance and metabolism, losing its freshness and giving alarms. Therefore, attentive mother and father immediately note alarming signals that something wrong is happening in the baby’s body.

One of the most visually noticeable signs of trouble can be the blueness of the skin under the eyes. For the most part, this occurs due to the fact that the skin in the eye area becomes thinner, and the skin vessels underneath begin to show through. Much less often, bruises under the eyes occur due to the fact that small or rather large hemorrhages form there. And the first step is to determine the exact cause of circles or bruises under the eyes.

Parents themselves cannot always determine this; then the help of a pediatrician or other specialists is needed. However, parents themselves should roughly guess why circles or bruises appear under the eyes in order to help the doctor analyze the reasons and indicate important facts. Why might these manifestations occur?

Factor one - genetics

Our children, one way or another, receive a volume of genetic information from their father and mother, so the combination of genes, and therefore their similarity to you, will be quite large. Therefore, in addition to the fact that the toddler’s ears or nose look like their dad, and their lips and eyes look like their mother, children can also inherit from you the structural features of their skin and a predisposition to bruises under the eyes. This is usually due to the inheritance of very thin skin on the face and the location of the blood vessels under the skin.

In this state of affairs there is no special treatment is not required, since you can’t fight against genes, but you need to actively monitor the child, since his skin and blood vessels have increased sensitivity To external factors. Periodically, a child with for preventive purposes courses of general strengthening drugs are shown - vitamins, vascular tonics, as well as strict adherence daily routine and proper nutrition. Although this is quite true for any child.

Factor two – increased fatigue

Sometimes bruises under the eyes appear in children in school age and then parents immediately begin to suspect that the child is very tired at school or during additional activities at school (attending clubs, sections). Today's children are colossally overloaded - in itself school curriculum is significantly different from what it was even in our time; it can quite tire not only children, but also parents who are trying to help their children with homework.

In addition, the volume of workload both at school and at home sometimes exceeds all reasonable limits; the child sometimes has no time to really rest after school, since a very large amount of homework still needs to be completed. Therefore, children are overloaded, tired and cannot fully rest. Parents themselves largely contribute to overwork by additionally enrolling their children in various sections, studios and extra classes.

And modern children are also seriously influenced by the computer and TV; if earlier after school children went outside to kick a ball and run, today more and more free time they spend on watching TV or computer games and the Internet. This rhythm of life for children is not the most optimal, and can greatly affect the structure of the skin and the functioning of blood vessels. The skin on the face becomes thinner, the vessels under it begin to become more visible. As a result, visually it appears as dark circles and shadows around the eyes.

First of all, the fight against dark circles under the eyes must begin with organization correct mode day and maximum compliance with the shift of work and rational rest. If possible, remove the child from the additional sections. Especially those that the child does not have much enthusiasm for, replace them with walks (but not sitting at the computer and playing games).

Be sure to include it in your child’s weekly schedule. sports activities, and if you don’t attend training, let your child at least do gymnastics at home or play football on the street. Dedicate your weekends to relaxation, rather than doing laundry and cleaning the house, or at least distribute your weekends that way.

To have time to spend time with your child outdoors, take the child to the country, to nature, or for a walk somewhere. It is important to play outdoor games with your child; doing this together with you will be twice as interesting. Active games on the street improve blood circulation of tissues and saturate them with oxygen, bruises under the eyes and pallor disappear quickly enough.

Factor three - poor nutrition

Nowadays, few people can boast that their children eat absolutely correctly, and even if they eat at home healthy cereals and soups, then compassionate grandmothers stuff the kids with sweets, and friends on the street treat them to chips and soda. In addition, the dominance of fast food at every turn beckons a child to try something new and tasty, but not at all beneficial for his digestion and health in general.

At school age, it is generally difficult to control a child’s nutrition, but he may not eat at school or buy in the school buffet not exactly the foods that will be healthy for him.

In addition, in an attempt to feed an unwilling child who refuses to eat or eats very poorly, parents follow his lead, buying those foods that he agrees to eat. In addition, busy parents sometimes have no time to prepare full-fledged meals, and they resort to semi-finished products or meals instant cooking. Which only need to be warmed up. Also in children's nutrition.

Especially in the winter-spring period, there are few fruits and vegetables, if any. Then there may be little benefit in them, since they were stored incorrectly or dishes prepared from them lose most of the nutrients.

Factor four – disturbances in the daily routine.

For the body to function properly, it is necessary to adhere to a clear daily routine, good sleep and enough rest, physical activity and loads. If a child is constantly lacking sleep, the body's compensation mechanisms are gradually depleted; the first sign of overwork may be bruises under the eyes and general lethargy.

To prevent bruises from appearing, it is necessary to normalize the child’s sleep; up to ten years of age, sleep should take at least 9-10 hours a day, it is important to put the child to bed at the same time, in addition, it is important to sleep during the day. In addition to the duration, the quality of sleep itself is also important - you should not play active games with your baby before bed or watch TV for a long time. It's good to take a walk before bed. Ventilate the room, monitor the temperature and humidity in the nursery.

The fifth factor is the development of anemia.

One of the problems with the formation of circles under the eyes is iron deficiency anemia. Lack of iron first of all. It affects the condition of the skin, bruises under the eyes may occur due to thinning and dry skin, and they can appear long before changes in the blood test and are a sign of hidden iron deficiency.

If bruises occur and become pronounced, all examination activities begin with a blood test and exclusion of anemia. Anemia is especially dangerous for infants; in them it can lead to eating and growth disorders.

Even if the analysis shows no anemia, and the circles under the child’s eyes are quite stable, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby and monitor hemoglobin, since anemia can exist for quite a long time as a latent iron deficiency. Then the body tries to compensate for the shortage from reserves, but gradually the reserves are depleted.

In this case, you need to adjust the child’s menu to include meat and meat products. Rich in iron, as well as vitamins and minerals that help the absorption of this mineral are buckwheat, liver, apples and juices. If iron deficiency is detected, it is necessary drug treatment iron supplements.

Factor six – helminths.

Sometimes the causes of the development of circles under the eyes are helminths in the body (infection with worms). At the same time, worms have a general negative action on the body and poison both the intestines and the entire body of the child, while they also eat their owner in terms of nutrients. And because of the annoying and toxic effect worms, the body cannot fully absorb the remaining vitamins and minerals. At helminthic infestations children complain of pain in the navel area. Abnormal bowel movements and dark circles under the eyes.

Quite often, parents are faced with such a problem as bruises under the eyes of their children. Dark circles under the eyes can occur in a baby at any age, whether he is a few days old or 15 years old. The first thing parents need to know when they see bruises under their child’s eyes is that similar phenomenon may indicate not only the baby’s fatigue, but also a latent disease. Therefore, you first need to figure out what factors could trigger the appearance of dark circles.

Causes of bruises

Often, parents can determine the cause of bruises under the eyes in children on their own. After all, they are the ones who know how their child lives, how much he sleeps, what he eats and how he spends his time. After all, it is the meager diet and improper daily routine that are the main and most common factors in the appearance of bruises under the eyes, both in children and adults. There are a number of other provoking factors:

Looking at this list possible reasons the occurrence of bruises under the eyes in children, find the real reason quite difficult. Especially if your baby is only a few months old. Therefore, the most reasonable thing in this situation is to show the child to a specialist. The doctor will conduct necessary research, will prescribe a number of tests and procedures. Only after this will the child be prescribed treatment and told how to remove bruises at home.

Disguise methods

Darkening under the eyes of a baby can vary: blue, red, black, pink and purple. All this depends on the reasons for their occurrence and individual characteristics baby. But no matter what color the bruises under the eyes are, parents want to somehow hide them so that they do not spoil the baby’s appearance. There are several rules for caring for the skin around the eyes that will help to slightly eliminate the “conspicuousness” of the imperfection. But in any case, you should first consult a doctor, and if there are no contraindications, then you can use them.

It is worth noting that chronic fatigue can bring your child not only to physical, but also to nervous exhaustion. Therefore, be extremely attentive to the baby’s well-being.

As soon as you understand the cause of the bruises under the eyes of the baby, immediately begin to eliminate it. Only in this case will you be able to protect the baby from possible complications. If the problem is more serious, and the baby has some kind of disease, then the child will need treatment.

Treatment methods

Often, in children under one year old, bruises under the eyes indicate the presence of health problems. Therefore, such children most often need qualified treatment. Install accurate diagnosis and find out why it happened this problem, the doctor can, and he will prescribe treatment for the identified disease. As soon as it is “neutralized,” the bruises under the eyes of the baby should disappear. The following procedures are most often prescribed:

  1. Immunostimulants.
  2. Vitamin therapy.
  3. Therapeutic massage.
  4. Drugs such as pediashur, maltofer, ferrum lek, etc. are also prescribed. They all contain iron and are available in convenient form– syrup for oral use.
  5. Medicines for worms are often prescribed - Albendazole, Dekaris, Pyrantel, Helmintox, etc.
  6. In some cases, antibiotics may also be prescribed.

Most often, bruises under the eyes cannot indicate any serious problems with health. But this is only the case if you quickly sound the alarm and accept everything necessary measures to eliminate the causes of this pathology. However, first of all, pay attention to the baby’s daily routine. Fresh air, good food And normal sleep is the key to your baby’s health, no matter how old he is.

Statistics have shown that dark spots under the eyes are noticed in every third child. Children's body needs special protection and care. Problems with bruising require the attention of parents and doctors. Blue color is often a sign of disease. Sometimes it comes from parents, by inheritance. It is important to identify the causes of darkening of the skin in time in order to prescribe treatment or exclude pathology.

Pediatric doctors believe that blue discoloration occurs for the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • regime failure, stress, junk food, overwork;
  • diseases and disorders of systems and organs.

The predisposition to bruises is passed on from parents. Does not pose a danger to the baby's well-being. Good nutrition, vitamins and daily routine are prescribed.

Failure to comply with the regimen provokes the appearance of bruises. This applies to children aged 3 years and older. If the baby is hyperactive, active, but sleeps little, it is advisable to identify the cause. Get an afternoon nap.

Causes darkness under the eyes unhealthy diet: Fatty, sweet and refined foods. Pediatricians recommend taking vitamin complexes. Balance nutrition, enrich healthy dishes, microelements and dietary fiber.

Fatigue occurs in children attending kindergartens and school. Overwork is caused by complex training programs, limited time outdoors and low mobility. The health and well-being of the child is affected.

Highlight following reasons, indicating inflammation, diseases of the body:

Appearance blue spots cannot be ignored. It is advisable to find out the reasons and carry out the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment methods for bruises under the eyes of a child

In children under one year old, dark spots indicate the presence internal inflammation that need to be cured. Darkening of the skin under the eyes of students means fatigue and excessive stress.

Pediatricians and therapists prescribe treatment for inflammation and pathologies that lead to changes in skin color. After therapy, the cyanosis becomes pale and disappears.


Antibiotics are prescribed in exceptional cases: for infections of the urinary system.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

The mother of every third child pays attention to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. There are bruises different colors and it is important to understand that bruises alone should alert parents and force them to see a doctor. And others are not dangerous and are an individual, hereditary feature of the baby’s appearance.

According to Evgeny Komarovsky, a harmless and easily correctable cause of cyanosis is lack of sleep and overwork. Failure to comply with the rest and rest regime, watching TV shows, sitting at the computer without restrictions causes fatigue.

Dr. Komarovsky lists the following painful conditions as other, more serious ones:

In infants, circles under the eyes also appear from overwork, disruption of sleep and activity patterns, and a lack of iron and vitamins in mother's milk. It is advisable to show children under 1 year of age with such symptoms to a doctor.

What to do if your baby has circles under the eyes

In infants from birth to 12 months, darkness is noticed under the eyes. They explain it by failure of the regime, fatigue, lack of iron and essential vitamins.

  1. Go see a pediatrician. To find out the causes of bruises and exclude pathologies, take tests. Undergo an extensive examination.
  2. Follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor. Take a course of medications and vitamins.
  3. When breastfeeding, a young mother should diversify her diet. Bring in fruit vegetable dishes, which do not provoke allergic phenomena in the child.
  4. Follow the established regime. Provide rest and sleep to the baby. A child under 1 year old should sleep 10-18 hours.
  5. Pay attention to walks. Walk daily. Playing outdoors improves the baby's health and fills him with energy.

Remember! It is prohibited to treat bruises yourself. If the color of the skin under the eyes turns blue, go to an appointment or call a doctor at home. The doctor will send you for examination. Based on the test results, he will make a diagnosis.

It is important to know that blueness under the eyes in young children is often hereditary.

When dark circles under the eyes are not a sign of illness

It has been established that darkening of the skin does not always indicate illness.

There are several natural causes and states:

Prevention of complications

The following recommendations will help prevent dark circles under the eyes and reduce them:

  1. Complete every year medical examination. Accurate diagnosis will help avoid diseases.
  2. Once a year, take tests to check the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels. Heart problems - the reason dark spots under the eyes.
  3. Organize healthy varied diet. Add foods rich in minerals and vitamin B to your menu. Drink vitamin complexes in the fall and winter.
  4. Provide rest during the day, after lunch and restful sleep at night. Avoid excessive physical activity.
  5. To teach children to play sports from childhood, to train themselves, and to play outdoor games.

Attention! If bruises appear, you should not postpone a visit to the clinic. It is important for parents to know that tests and treatment are prescribed by a pediatrician. The child's condition should be under the supervision of a doctor. In case of complications, treatment is changed and other medications are prescribed. It is prohibited to change the dosage of medications on your own.

One of the problems that young parents often face is bruises under the child’s eyes in the form of dark circles. They can occur at any age: in infancy, at 2 years, at 5 years, in schoolchildren. Regardless of this, it is necessary to find out as quickly as possible what is the reason for this phenomenon. After all, often the whole point turns out not to be insomnia or extreme loads at all: this is how some hidden internal disease. Therefore, first of all, in such a situation, it is advisable to find out what factors provoked the appearance of dark circles under children's eyes.

Sometimes parents identify the causes of bruises under the eyes in children on their own, without the help of a doctor. Who, if not them, should know the daily routine of their own child, what he eats and how he sleeps. Indeed, insomnia, stress, and a poor diet are often the factors that lead to this phenomenon, but most often this happens to schoolchildren. While bruises under the eyes can also appear in infants.

The most common reasons are:

Based on this list, why do bruises under the eyes occur? infant, unlike older children, it will be very difficult for parents to find out on their own. Most best option- Show the baby to the doctor, carry out all the necessary examinations to identify internal diseases. Having discovered the cause, doctors will prescribe appropriate treatment and tell you how to care for a sick child and how to mask this cosmetic problem at home.


Dark blue, almost black, purple, pink, red bruises under a child’s eyes - they can be different depending on the individual characteristics of his body and the organ that failed. However, no matter how different they are, they have one thing in common: these dark circles spoil appearance baby at any age. It is not surprising that parents want to somehow disguise them until the underlying disease is cured. There are certain rules care, following which, you can ensure that the bruises under the eyes of the baby are not so catchy and bright.

  1. Consult your doctor about this phenomenon.
  2. Make a lotion a couple of times a day from chamomile decoction (if the baby is not allergic to it) or from tea bags: they are safe, but at the same time very effective against bruises under the eyes.
  3. Normalize your baby's nutrition: his diet should include fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, meat, fish, and hot soups. Give him foods rich in iron every day: liver, yolk, meat, mushrooms, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, peas, black currant, dried apricots, rye and wheat bread, raisin, walnuts, apples. Protect him at least temporarily from carbonated drinks, fast foods, crackers and chips.
  4. A student must sleep at least 8 hours a day. Smaller children also need 2-3 hours of sleep during the day, otherwise bruises under the eyes cannot be avoided.
  5. A child of any age needs to spend 2–3 hours in the fresh air every day.
  6. Follow drinking regime child. He should drink about 2 liters of liquid in the first half of the day (before 5 p.m.). But before going to bed, you are not allowed to drink more than 1 glass of milk or kefir.
  7. If your child not only wakes up in the morning with bruises under his eyes, but also complains of fatigue, is lethargic and drowsy throughout the day, think about the stress that he may experience in kindergarten or school. Perhaps he needs a good rest. If you don’t notice all this in time and don’t take the necessary measures, you can bring your own child to nervous breakdown or physical exhaustion, and dark circles under the eyes are their first symptom.

Now you know what to do if a child of 6 months, 2 or 5 years old has bruises under the eyes. The most important thing is to understand the root cause and eliminate it, while at the same time providing the sick (or simply tired) baby with complete and competent care. If it's serious internal disease, you will need to undergo a course of treatment.

Treatment methods

As a rule, bruises under the eyes in a child under one year old are a sure sign of some internal pathologies Therefore, most often it is young children who have to undergo treatment. The same symptom at an older age (in schoolchildren) is nothing more than a manifestation of fatigue and excessive loads- both emotional and physical. The course of therapy is reduced to treating the underlying disease, which was the root cause of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. After recovery, the bruises also disappear. As a rule, they prescribe:

  • therapeutic facial massage;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • immunostimulants;
  • Iron-containing children's preparations in the form of syrups help well against bruises under the eyes in children: maltofer, pediashur, ferrum lek;
  • anthelmintics: Decaris, Vermox, Albendazole, Helmintox, Piperazine, Pirantel;
  • antibiotics are undesirable, but in some cases (for example, with an infectious lesion genitourinary system, you can’t do without them).

As soon as you notice that your child has bruises or circles of unknown origin under his eyes, you don’t have to wait for them to go away on their own. Try to understand the reasons why they formed. Analyze your baby's daily routine, sleep and nutrition. If no deviations from the norm are found, the baby must be shown to doctors in the very near future.