Dazzlingly white - West Highland White Terrier: description of the breed, reviews and characteristics. The West Highland White Terrier is a little daredevil. Description of the West Highland White Terrier breed

The White Terrier was once bred as a small hunting dog with a burrowing specialty. Such dogs, despite their small size, are distinguished by their mobility and cheerful disposition. And all dogs of this specialization have a common feature - they have arrogant courage, which is also called recklessness. There, in the depths of the hole, where an equally desperate animal awaits her, who will fight for her life to the last, this little white dog also needs to show miracles of reckless courage.

The White Terrier was once bred as a small hunting dog with a burrowing specialty.

A white terrier lounging on a soft sofa doesn’t look much like a brave man climbing into a fox’s hole. Rather, it is a cheerful, kind pet, designed to give people joy and receive love from them.

The West Highland Terrier was created so long ago that the origins of this breed are lost in the mists of time. It is only known that their homeland is the highlands of Scotland, so this breed has another name - white highland terrier. The closest pedigree relatives of this dog are the same burrow specialists as the Cairn and Scotch terriers.

The first mention of the West Highland Terrier appeared in the 16th century. However, this dog gained particular popularity only in the 20th century, but already mainly as a decorative breed.

West Highland White Terrier (video)

Gallery: white terrier dog (25 photos)

Description of the West Highland White breed:

  • the body is well built, compact and of correct proportions;
  • has a deep chest and wide lower back;
  • natural tail medium length(11-13 cm), dense and wide;
  • the head is large relative to the body, and thick hair makes the head even larger;
  • the eyes are deep black, the nose is black and large;
  • the ears are small, located high, set straight, there is thick hair on the entire muzzle, except for the ears;
  • height at the withers ranges from 26 to 29 cm;
  • weight falls within the range from 6 to 10 kg;
  • the color can be called white, which does not prevent purebred dogs from also being light wheaten;
  • the coat is of medium length, hard, straight, dense with a warm undercoat;
  • The paws are set correctly, the joints are well developed, and the paw pads are black.

It is believed that the modern West Highland White Terrier breed originates from the dog of Donald Malcolm, who lived in Argyllshire. This was in the 19th century, and now, many years later, cute and cheerful dogs work primarily outside their specialty - as a friend to man.

Character and temperament

The description of the breed of any dog ​​also includes behavioral characteristics. This is the character of a dog, which is understood as a set of qualities: contact, intelligence, mobility, obedience, attitude towards strangers, the ability to fulfill its purpose.

The West Highland White Terrier has a character description that can be summed up in two words - cheerful and lively. He is full of energy. He is a prominent representative terriers. West Highland dogs are stubborn in achieving their goals, they love adventures, long walks in new places not explored by humans. Take the Westie with you fishing, picking mushrooms, on long hiking trips, and you will see how in a cozy and cheerful pet a wild beast-hunter will wake up.

Such dogs require special obedience training. Otherwise, the white little hunter, who has become just a cheerful pet, will become the master of the house.

An adventurous and stubborn character can be fun for adults, as long as that cute little dog doesn't tear up your favorite things. But the West Terrier has a special relationship with small children. He views them as equals, like small dogs, which leaves its mark on the consequences of such relationships.

Highland white, of course, will not hurt children, will not injure them, but will not tolerate children's familiarity. Accordingly, if you have a child under 12 years of age and a West Highland White living under the same roof in your family, then your dog will only obey adults. At the same time, this little dog will also protect and bravely defend small children. However, she will sacredly honor her dog rule- Puppies don’t boss dogs around. Even if these puppies are human cubs.

In fact, almost all dogs have this character, but in some it manifests itself with particular force. It is impossible to re-educate this. If you suppress your dog too much, it will only get worse. This feature of the behavior of the Westie Terrier needs to be explained to the child, if, of course, this is possible due to age. In the end, a child and a dog can be great friends, but only on equal terms, and adults will have to monitor the correctness of these conditions.

How to feed these dogs?

The West Highland White dog breed, despite its restless and cheerful disposition, is somewhat picky in feeding. It's about not about the whims of a particular dog. It’s just that this is a genetically pure breed, so it may have characteristics various diseases and weakened immunity. This is everyone's problem purebred dogs. After all, they have a reduced threshold for the diversity of genetic information, which also affects their health.

Many owners of purebred dogs, especially those kept in urban environments, prefer to feed their pets dry food. Firstly, it’s less hassle, and secondly, advertising is everywhere, claiming that your pet will not be able to live without this particular food. Meanwhile, dry food is just freeze-dried products that cannot fully ensure the health of your pet. The best way out is to combine dry food with natural products.

The Westie Terrier has an increased tendency to allergic reactions. This should be taken into account when feeding any foods.

A beloved dog should be fed like a loved one, but only better, in the sense that it is healthier. The general diet should include meat, fish, and vegetables. Some dogs like to eat sweet fruits like dried or fresh grapes, as well as various berries. If you can afford it, don't deny your dogs so little. This is not a whim. Indeed, in nature, their wild relatives also graze on forest berry fields.

If you decide to feed your snow-white pet dry food, then it is best to use premium and super-premium food, which are recommended specifically for terriers.

If the Westik Terrier's nutrition is provided with natural food, then the rules should be as follows:

  • meat in the diet should be at least 1/3 of the volume;
  • It is best to feed lean beef, rabbit, lamb;
  • Only sea fish should be used.

Any dog ​​should always be given some fresh, unprocessed meat or fish. That's how they get maximum quantity vitamins, minerals and high molecular weight organic matter, which are so necessary for any predator.

West Highland White Terrier dog (video)

White Terrier coat care

The coat of this dog is unique. Firstly, in order to maintain the snow-white color, you need to make an effort. Secondly, the wool grows in such a way that in order to preserve the breed's exterior it is necessary to carry out periodic trimming of the coat.

White terrier puppies need to be trimmed for the first time when they are 3 months old. At this time, the coat becomes the same as that of adult dogs. The puppy's longest hairs are plucked all over his body. As a result of this procedure, only the shortest and coarsest hair remains.

Typically, the frequency of procedures is once every 2 months.

If you treat your dog in this rhythm, the coat will look well-groomed. If you trim with early age, then the dog very quickly gets used to the procedure.

The coat on the West Highland White Terrier will be built in layers, allowing the overgrown coat to be removed, leaving only layers of the desired length. As a result, the representative of the breed will maintain the desired silhouette.

When trimming, you cannot completely expose the dog to the skin. This will create a stressful situation for both the body and the animal’s psyche. A hairless body will experience thermally negative sensations. A naked dog will cause inappropriate reactions in other dogs, which will cause stress for your pet.

How to care for a dog?

When caring for any dog ​​living next to a person, the main thing is the duration and quality of walks. Any dog ​​should be walked so that when it comes home, it wants to do only one thing - sleep.

This is especially true for the West Highland White. He should run well, gain impressions, sniff everything, chase cats (squirrels, chipmunks, etc.), bark to his heart's content, and in general feel like a full-fledged dog, and not an object, strapped on and constantly being pushed. After a good walk, when your dog’s psyche is in perfect order, it will easily lend itself to obedience training.

Of course, such a snow-white creature will have to be washed. Bathing should be done using special shampoos. You need to choose a shampoo based on the condition of your coat. The water temperature when swimming should not be hot or cold. It's best if it's a little cooler than normal temperature canine body, that is, in the range from 37 to 38 °C.

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Origin: highlands of Scotland

Class: according to FCI classification: 3 group “Terriers”, 2 section “Small Terriers”

Usage: The breed was bred to hunt burrowing animals. Currently used as a companion.

Color: white

Dimensions: height at withers: 25-28 cm; weight: 6-10 kg

Lifespan: at proper care 12-15 years

Small white dog The West Highland White Terrier breed looks like a cheerful soft toy, with a big head and a perky raised tail.

Selflessly brave, energetic, perfectly adapted to hunting in the harsh conditions of the Scottish Highlands, the Westie is capable of being a watchdog and an excellent companion dog.

History of the breed

The dog was bred in the mountains of Scotland. Stern and stingy Highlanders would never feed a dog just for its beauty.

Scottish terriers are all distinguished by their remarkable working qualities.

Small, brave and with strong jaws, terriers helped mountaineer hunters catch foxes and dangerous heavy badgers.

Most Scottish Terriers are similar to each other and clearly have common roots.

West has a resemblance to scotch tape, , And norwich terrier .

At that time, it was believed that light-colored puppies were weaker and more susceptible to disease, so white terriers were mercilessly culled.

But then the hunters realized that it was not so easy to confuse a white dog with an animal and accidentally kill it in the heat of the hunt.

Particularly contributed to the consolidation white color breed enthusiast, Colonel Edward Malcolm.

The Colonel bred exclusively white and cream terriers on his Poltalloch estate after his beloved red terrier was mistakenly killed while hunting.

White dogs were also preferred by the Duke of Argyll from Roseneath and Dr. Flaxman from Fifeshire.

Thanks to these three people, the West Highland White Terrier acquired its characteristic appearance.

Westies have a very good hearing, like Boston Terriers


The Westie is a real terrier, full of ebullient energy.

Like all terriers, the Westie is prone to dominance and requires serious training and socialization.

Secondly, the child is unlikely to be able to become a real authority for the West: the dog needs a firmer hand.

This is due to the fact that Westies, for all their cute white fluffiness, have remarkable will, stubbornness, ingenuity and a penchant for adventurous pranks.

It's amazing how cunning the intellect of this tireless adventurer can be.

Westies are incredibly loyal to their owners and at the same time terribly jealous.

If you decide to pet another dog or even a cat in his presence, your pet may be terribly offended and rush to punish his competitor.

If you want to have another animal in the house, the size of which more snail, keep this in mind.

Like most terriers, Westies love to start a fight, and with equal fury the terrier is capable of rushing at both a tiny one and a huge one, one head of which weighs more than the entire Westie.


The West Highland can still go hunting with you.

With Westies you can engage in active types of dog sports, keep him just “for fun” and for long walks in good company.

How to choose a dog

Westies are becoming more and more popular and unscrupulous people are profiting from the sale of pseudo-pedigreed puppies.

Therefore, never buy a dog at the market.

Even if you are lucky and the purchased puppy turns out to be healthy, it will not necessarily grow up to be a West Highland dog and not an ordinary white mongrel.

Contact well-known nurseries with a good reputation, who have been working with the breed for several years.

In this case, you will be able to receive all possible assistance in raising and raising a puppy, see the baby’s parents and make sure that the West Highland White Terrier puppies were raised in good conditions.

Carefully examine the baby: he should have clear eyes, without any discharge, a clean, moist nose, clean and pink ears.

The abdomen should not be bloated and there should be no signs under the tail loose stool.

Features of care


White Vesta wool requires ongoing care. The dog needs to be brushed two to three times a week and washed once a month.

To maintain the characteristic appearance of the Westie, it is necessary to cut or trim it several times a year.

This is faster and cheaper, but degrades the quality of the wool.

Owners usually prefer to trim the hair around the anus and genitals themselves. This is necessary for hygiene and ease of care.

It is imperative to regularly examine your dog’s ears and trim his nails if they do not wear off on their own.


You need to walk your Westie for at least 2 hours every day, and during the walk the dog should run around a lot and release its energy.

Sedate leisurely walks are not for the West.

You need to play with him, work out, run.

This is why terriers are not very suitable for older people, but are great for families with middle-aged children.

If you live in your own house with a plot, disappointments may await you. Westies love to dig everything and everywhere.

If you value your flower beds and well-kept garden, then better than a dog don't let him in there.

But you can fence off a small area for your pet, where he can satisfy his digging tendencies.

Pour a bunch of sand and sawdust there, and the West will selflessly dig without causing harm to the garden.


Westies are unpretentious in food, but are prone to food allergies. The diet of terriers should include enough meat, fish, and vegetables.

A third of the diet consists of porridge, of which preference should be given to buckwheat and rice.

Barley, corn, millet, pearl barley and semolina are not suitable: they only burden the digestive system.

Milk can only be given to puppies, but fermented milk products must be included in the diet.

Low-fat kefir and cottage cheese should make up at least 1/5 of a dog’s diet.

Suitable vegetables include zucchini, cabbage, and greens.

Terriers happily nibble on both carrots and beets, but these brightly colored fruits can cause their coat color to change, which is undesirable for show dogs.

From fruits, you can give apples, pears and other fruits if your pet does not suffer from allergies.

It is forbidden to give bird bones, smoked and spicy foods, as well as feed the dog table scraps.

This is what a healthy West Highland Terrier puppy looks like


Vaccination follows the general rules: it is carried out by the breeder at the age of 4 weeks, against plague and parvovirus.

10 days before vaccination, children should be given an anthelmintic.

The second vaccination occurs at 8-9 weeks - plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis.

After 2-3 weeks you need to get a third vaccination with the same vaccine + rabies vaccine.

Thereafter, vaccinations are given annually.


A dog can be bred only after it has reached maturity, at the age of 2-2.5 years, when it has arrived.

Only dogs of the breeding class, valuable from the point of view of selection, participate in matings. A couple is selected at the club.

West Highland White Terrier - a fearless hunter and a cheerful companion: description, character, care

A small white dog of the West Highland White Terrier breed looks like a cheerful soft toy, with a large head and a perky raised tail. But don't let its cute appearance deceive you: the West Highland White Terrier is quite serious dog, like most terriers. Selflessly brave, energetic, perfectly adapted to hunting in the harsh conditions of the Scottish Highlands, the Westie is capable of being a watchman and an excellent companion.

These dogs win the hearts of those who prefer small pets. The beautiful West Highland White Terrier is a cheerful, inquisitive and intelligent pet that will become a true companion for every family member and the life of the party.


The exact date of breeding of this breed is unknown. The first mention of dogs dates back to the Middle Ages. The first owner of such a dog was Earl D. Malcolm, who lived in one of the Scottish counties. Individuals of this breed were bred to hunt burrowing animals. Snow-white fur does not seem to be suitable for such purposes. However, the count deliberately wanted to achieve just this color after his red dog was accidentally shot, which was confused with a fox. The white animal is visible in the forest; for this reason, accidental injury to a dog with such fur is excluded.

It is impossible to say exactly who exactly is the ancestor of this breed. It is believed that these dogs have the blood of the white terrier and scotch terrier, which are excellent hunters of burrowing animals.

For the first time this breed presented to the general public in 1907 during an exhibition that took place in London. Then these dogs got official name, their standards were officially approved.

Today, individuals of the breed are very popular in Europe and America. The animal has lost its original purpose and is now large number Families all over the world have these pets as pets.

Breed standard and description

The magnificent West Highland White Terrier, whose breed description includes a number of significant nuances, is similar in appearance to a plush toy. This compact animal has a fairly muscular body. The height at the withers is on average 27 centimeters with a weight of 8 kilograms.

The breed standard includes the following characteristics:

  • The dog's body is large and muscular, the loin is wide. Shoulders and croup are powerful and wide;
  • limbs are short, powerful, muscular. The paws are small, collected in a ball, the claws and pads are black;
  • the length of the tail is on average 16 centimeters;
  • the head is round and large. The neck is quite short, the muzzle is blunt, the brow ridges are massive. The jaws are strong, the bite is straight;
  • the ears are small, triangular in shape, stand straight;
  • the eyes are slightly convex, medium-sized, dark in color;
  • the coat is medium length, straight, with a thick undercoat;
  • The color is white, there may be a cream tint.

Character traits

The cute West Highland Terrier is a brave and playful dog. The initial hunting qualities are clearly manifested in the character and behavior of the animal. The energy of such a pet is really in full swing. These dogs are passionate lovers of digging in the ground and chasing small animals.

At the same time, urban maintenance and selection, which was carried out in recent years, led to the appearance of apathetic specimens among the individuals of the breed, who really like to lie on the bed and take a leisurely walk near their owner.

Representatives of the breed are brave and very playful dogs. Their character is soft and affectionate. These pets love to be surrounded by people, they happily go on trips with their owner, and behave calmly in various places. The dog will not be scared by a crowd of people. On the contrary than more dog attention is given, the more comfortable he feels with it.

The West Highland White Terrier loves children, but it is better not to leave them alone. After all, this pet will not tolerate rudeness and can immediately fight back if handled carelessly. This dog also does not get along with other pets. No matter how much he is accustomed to cats or hamsters, the hunter's instinct takes over.

Impatience is one of the main traits of this breed. The dog will not wait while the owner takes a long time to get ready to go out or impatiently fill the plate with food. The animal will make a voice, spin around its legs, and jump. The pet needs an active walk with entertainment and long runs.


The process of raising these dogs with the right approach is not particularly difficult. These dogs have enough developed intelligence and remember the command almost instantly. At the same time, these pets are quite stubborn, for this reason, in training them you need to be patient and persistent. In some cases, it is difficult for beginners to cope with such a stubborn person. In raising individuals of the breed, you need to act clearly and consistently.

These animals have well-developed intelligence. They can master all kinds of tricks. For this reason, you can prepare a real circus act with such a pet. When teaching a dog to a certain command, you cannot raise your voice and punish him. Success is achieved only when the pet is interested or passionate about something.

Representatives of the breed need care and careful grooming from an early age. Magnificent West Highland White Terrier, the description of the breed includes many positive qualities of the animal, needs active walks for proper development physique.

These dogs can live in an apartment, however, private houses with decent areas are better suited for them. This way the pet will have somewhere to run and dig.

The main problem is caring for the dog's fur. The animal needs to be thoroughly combed twice a week. In particular, you need to carefully comb the fur in the armpits and on the stomach, because it is in these areas that it falls off, resulting in tangles.

About once a month you need to bathe your pet with a special shampoo. It is necessary to approach the choice of means for bathing the dog with special attention, since it skin prone to allergies and dermatitis.

Your pet should regularly brush its teeth, wipe its ears, and trim its nails. During cleaning, you should be extremely careful not to hurt the animal. Representatives of the breed require firm, but gentle handling. The dog should be accustomed to all procedures gradually. Under no circumstances should you use force on an animal or raise your voice at it.

In the apartment, the pet should have its own place with toys. The sleeping place can be a small bed. This dog needs toys: balls, ropes, rubber squeakers.

Haircuts and trimming

Cheerful West Highland White Terrier, a description of the breed whose character indicates numerous positive qualities dog needs professional haircut and trimming in special salons. The fur on the pet's face will grow especially actively, for this reason it should be cut at least once every 4 months. Body haircuts should be done once every 5 months. In this case, the fur is uniformly shortened throughout the body.

During trimming, dead or guard hairs are removed from the animal's body. The signal for such a procedure is active hair loss. During the plucking process, movements should be made in the direction of hair growth, but not against it.


It must be remembered that prepared feed should not contain chicken or wheat. Representatives of the breed have a small stomach. At the same time, they need a lot of nutrients and energy. For this reason, your pet’s diet should be carefully thought out and, naturally, balanced. You can give preference natural nutrition or pick up ready-made feed, which contain rice, turkey, lamb, fish.

The dog's natural diet should include lean meat, boiled fish pitted, fermented milk products, cottage cheese. Fish and meat are mixed with cereals and vegetables cooked in water. The amount of fat in the diet should be no more than 16 percent. The portion should not be excessively large, otherwise the animal will quickly gain weight.


The cheerful West Highland White Terrier dog breed has many advantages. It should be noted that an outfit for a pet can decorate it and protect its fur from dirt and cold.

Light overalls for autumn and spring are suitable for these dogs. In winter, these animals can be dressed up in a fur vest, sweater or jacket. For girls today there is a wide variety of skirts and dresses, for boys you can choose a stylish shirt and trousers.

More recently, robes have appeared for these pets. You can dress your dog in them after washing. For both girls and boys, choosing a tracksuit will not be difficult.

In the photo - dog breed West Highland White Terrier - exterior, stance

West Island White Terrier (eng. West Highland White Terrier) , Russian-speaking people often simply call West Terrier or Westie - small, incredibly cute in appearance; and an incredibly hard-working breed of dog for its size and appearance, originally from Scotland.

History of the origin of the West Island White Terrier breed

Even though West Highland White Terrier breed- old and popular, it does not have a well-documented and described history. Therefore, accurate information about the origins and development of the West Island White Terrier dog breed is as murky as the Scottish Highlands from which these interesting dogs originate, and is based more on conjecture than on confirmed facts.

Long before the appearance of this breed at exhibitions, it was bred for its excellent working qualities. Due to the presence of the word "terrier" in the name of the breed, it is clear that the breed is related to hunting. And don't be fooled by the small size of these dogs. Westies are excellent hunters to this day!

West Terriers hunted mainly foxes, badgers and otters. These animals live in winding burrows, and in the process
hunting, the dog found itself deep underground, in dangerous situation, without hearing the owner, she can rely only on her own mind, senses and dexterity. At the same time, the Scots living in rocky areas needed a small, nimble dog capable of withstanding large physical activity, freely moving between rocks, jumping over mountains, and penetrating into small crevices. Dexterity, speed and evasiveness in battles with animals were also very important qualities.

The whole cute appearance of the Westies was directly related to the needs of hunters and the result of selection work: if the dog had a round rib, then this greatly increased its chances of getting stuck between the stones, which led to painful death or serious injuries when trying to free itself, and here it was ideal small terrier with short limbs and a flat rib. Thick hair on the head and neck is also important! She protected the dog from being bitten by opponents.

It is assumed that the ancestors of the West Island White Terrier were modern dogs, or rather a whole group of medium-sized dogs, which were then called the same - the Scottish Terrier. All dogs in this group were related, but differed in external signs: body length, proportions of head and limbs, coat (with its color and structure). It was from this group of dogs that such dogs emerged. individual breeds, How:

  • cairn terrier
  • dandy dinmont
  • and directly - West Highland White Terrier

If you look at historical photographs, the similarity of all these terriers is very noticeable, and canine historians confirm their close relationship.

The first mentions of small wire-haired terriers of white (or almost white) color date back to the 13th century, when King John the Landless sent six small white “digger dogs” to the French monarch as a gift. But at the same time, it is hardly possible to consider these dogs as the direct ancestors of the West Highlands, since targeted breeding work began no earlier than the early to mid-19th century. At the same time, the “white diggers” definitely left their genes and mark on family tree terriers, because from time to time white puppies appeared in the litters of different terriers.

At the end of the 19th century, three Scottish families could be distinguished, living in different places: Poltalloch, Roseneath and Pittenweem, who bred white terriers. Each line, according to the traditions of that time, bore the name of the families: Poltalloch, Roseneath, Pittenweam Terriers, as well as the “White Scotch Terrier”.

Subsequently, on the basis of these lines, the West Island White Terrier breed was developed, such as we know it now.

Features of the West Highland White Terrier breed, character and applicability

In relation to humans, these dogs are very kind, adaptive and sociable. However, difficulties may arise in communicating with other pets, especially if they are smaller than West. The problem is eliminated if your terrier grew up with another animal. Most likely, in this case, they will become bosom friends. At the same time, it is important to know that Westies tend to be jealous of the owner, so do not forget to pay him enough attention.

The character and characteristics of the West Highland White Terrier dog breed are determined by its origin. In the photo - Stepan (West Highland White Terrier) - white West Terrier.
Photo protected by copyright ©http://site 2013

The West Island White Terrier is rightfully considered one of the most affectionate dogs among terriers. he is very attached to the family in which he lives, and long separations from the owner are very difficult for this dog. If you are constantly away from home and the dog will spend a lot of time alone, a West Terrier is not suitable for you. Firstly, because of the dog’s psycho-emotional state, and secondly, because your house will turn into a springboard for hunting and digging trenches (an active dog needs to entertain itself).

West needs a lot of movement. Try to provide your dog with long walks and active games. You can also play with your dog at home - its compact size will not interfere with this. Like other terriers, it is in the West's blood to bark and dig, often demonstrating independence and tenacity in this. In general, to combat the stubbornness of a Westie, good and systematic dog education is required. If you keep a dog in a private house and value the beautiful landscape on your property, do not allow your Westie to run freely throughout the entire territory; most likely, he will dig up everything. 🙂

Despite the above, the West Highland Terrier is an intelligent dog, and this is the list of its disadvantages ends (if at all these features of temperament can be called disadvantages). West Highland White Terriers are intelligent and quick-witted, and training them will not be difficult, taking into account, of course, the dog's tendency to be stubborn, i.e. If you want a lot from your dog, it is better to use the services of professionals.

If the West Island Terrier has enough of everything - attention, motor activity, etc. - outside of games and walks, this is a calm, well-mannered dog rather than an eccentric one.

For older children, the West Terrier is an excellent friend and companion in games, especially active ones. With children younger age, it is better not to leave the West tete-a-tete, since the dog is unlikely to tolerate rude treatment, and small children often like to pinch or pull the tail of a pet.

Since the Westie was originally bred for hunting, he has not lost his hunting instincts, and can be used as a hunting dog for small game. Although now, of course, there is an advantage to the side decorative content these dogs. In addition, the West Highland White Terrier is an excellent companion for both family and sports, or for traveling with the owner.

Caring for a West Highland White Terrier

In the photo: a dog of the West Island White Terrier breed - Stepan The photo is copyrighted ©http://site 2013

Caring for this dog cannot be called completely simple. Primarily because of his beautiful coat.

It needs to be combed at least twice a week, and trimmed or cut twice a year. The choice of trimming or cutting primarily depends on whether you will be taking your dog to shows. Trimming, required for exhibitions, makes the coat coarser, while clipping, on the contrary, makes it softer. Besides, appearance A Vesta is very different after a haircut from a trimmed dog.

The fur around the eyes and ears of the West Highland White Terrier must be plucked regularly in any case. The wool at the bottom is best removed for hygienic reasons. It is recommended to bathe your West Terrier monthly.

Check your dog's nails and trim them if necessary. Don't forget to clean your ears, eyes and teeth.

The West Island White Terrier's diet should first of all be balanced. There are many diet options for this dog, which are best chosen based on its characteristics, or after consulting with your veterinarian. The basic dietary restrictions for all dogs are the same: no bones, sugar, sweets, minimum salt and pure fat.

Diseases of West Highland White Terriers

In general, the breed has enough good health, however, the following characteristic diseases have been identified:

  • Pulmonary stenosis
  • Pulmonary fibrosis (rare)
  • Defect interventricular septum(rarely)
  • Right ventricular hypertrophy (rare)
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Craniomandibular osteopathy
  • Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Cataract
  • Keratoconjunctivitis
  • White dog meningoencephalitis
  • Congenital deafness
  • Yeast dermatitis
  • Atopy
  • Food allergies
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma

Also read:

The small West Highland White Terrier was originally used as a burrowing dog for hunting foxes and other game that needed to be flushed out of the ground. This dexterous and small dog easily penetrates the smallest holes and fearlessly enters into battle with any predators. Despite its working qualities, the pet can become an excellent companion and friend for an active owner.

History of the West Highland White Terrier breed

The breed was developed in Scotland. To obtain better working qualities, the Cairn Terrier was crossed with local hunting dogs. Officially, the Highland White as a breed was registered with the International Canine Society at the end of 1954.

The breed was brought to the former USSR countries in the late 90s. The breed was used along with fox and badger hunting. The breed quickly gained popularity in Russia and Ukraine, as the dog is distinguished by its obedient and cheerful disposition and unusual appearance.

Description of the breed

The active West Highland White Terrier loves playing with a ball and a stick and needs daily training. The dog loves long hiking through the forest or in a park area. Can be kept in a house or apartment, but subject to daily walking.

The dog's cheerful disposition and activity create a real energy cocktail. The dog does not like to sit in one place and, out of boredom, is capable of inventing entertainment for himself. The owner's personal belongings will be used in the games. The dog loves children and enjoys participating in noisy and active games. A curious dog is ready to explore new corners on the street and in the house. This is the cause of frequent injury to a puppy up to a year old.

The dog has a keen sense of smell, and the Highland is often used by rescuers to search for people under ruins. A small and agile dog finds victims and can squeeze into the narrowest cracks, delivering water and medicine to people under the rubble. The breed's hunting instincts come first. This is a real hard worker, ready to track game all day and drive it out of its hole.

Breed standard (appearance)

A West Highland White Terrier with a pedigree must match the exterior:

  • Body. Strong, but small, square in shape with developed and dry muscles.
  • Back. Straight, short. The croup should not be higher than the pelvis. Dogs with high rears are also rejected.
  • Paws. Straight shape, not long. During walking, the paws are positioned parallel to each other. The pads and claws are developed, tightly compressed.
  • Neck. Short, dense, with dry muscles, has a slight forward slope.
  • Head. Large, round shape.
  • Forehead. Tall, smooth round shape, convex.
  • Nose. Not long, with a clear transition from the muzzle. The bridge of the nose is short and straight. Lobe with wide nostrils, large, black in color.
  • Eyes. Not widely spaced, triangular in shape. They have a dark color: brown or black.
  • Lips. Thin, fit tightly to the teeth.
  • Bite. Correct, scissor-shaped. The teeth are large and sharp. The grip is well developed.
  • Ears. Small size, triangular in shape. Set high.
  • Tail. Thick, saber-shaped, but not long - from 13 to 15 cm. It does not curl into a ring; during a hunting stance it is straightened and raised up.
  • Wool. Rigid guard, long and flowing on the belly, with light curls, on the paws, muzzle and short on the back, tail. A feature of the breed is a thick beard and eyebrows. There is a protective undercoat that is soft and silky.
  • Coloring. The West Highland White Terrier is always white, other colors are rejected.
  • Dimensions. The height at the withers in females is on average 25–26 cm, in males up to 28 cm.
  • Weight. An adult dog can weigh from 7 to 9 kg by the age of one year. Males are larger and heavier than females.

The average lifespan of the breed is 13–15 years. How long pets live depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding.

Characteristics of the West Highland White Terrier

The description of the breed and its character are consistent with any terrier:

  • The West Highland White Terrier is attached to its owner and readily obeys any of his commands;
  • a sporty and active breed, suitable for participation in dog freestyle or agility;
  • the dog is ready to fight for his owner and his property and will protect you from strangers;
  • treat other pets in the house poorly, it’s a matter of jealousy, a small terrier is jealous of its owner and will not share his attention with anyone else. The opponent will be treated with aggression;
  • It is easy to train and remembers the most difficult tricks. Sometimes he shows stubbornness, which easily goes away. Even a novice dog breeder can train the breed;
  • loves active games and, like all terriers, makes a playground out of his apartment. In the absence of the owner, while having fun, he may damage his personal belongings;
  • loves walking and long walks in any weather;
  • does not tolerate careless handling, so it is not suitable for families with small children. For a teenager, the West Highland White Terrier will be a great friend;
  • be wary of strangers and if aggression is suspected, the dog will show dissatisfaction and may even bite;
  • loves to run after rodents, birds and cats while walking. During an imaginary hunt, it loses the ability to respond to its owner. It is difficult to subdue a dog until it runs;
  • has a ringing and loud bark; in an apartment or house it can be used as a live “bell”;
  • cannot stand loneliness, if there is a lack of attention, he begins to get bored and loses his appetite.

The pros and cons of the breed are mainly related to the character of the animal. One of the minuses that stands out is that the brave terrier is capable of engaging in fights with larger males and requires special attention from the owner. The advantages include features: good-natured character, affection for the owner and ease of maintenance.

Care and maintenance

Difficulties in keeping a West Highland White Terrier are mainly associated with the animal’s snow-white coat. The rough awn rarely gets dirty, and it is recommended to wash your pet with special shampoos no more than once every 6 months. Frequent washing leads to the loss of the protective fat layer on the skin.

  1. Once every few days, the dog is combed with a special metal brush, which removes excess undercoat.
  2. In spring and autumn, the dog needs corrective trimming, which will help the animal get rid of dead hair and emphasize the correct body shape. Additional trimming is carried out before exhibitions.
  3. The West Highland White Terrier often gets its beard dirty when eating. The dog's muzzle is wiped with special wet wipes.
  4. Eyebrows are trimmed so that hair does not get into the eyes and does not irritate the mucous membranes.
  5. Around the genitals and anus, the hair is cut short for hygienic purposes.
  6. Eyes and ears are cleaned every 2-3 days with special antiseptic solutions.

The pet is given a separate place in the house, where a bed and bowls for food and water are placed. The dog spends most of its time next to its owner, choosing one of the armchairs or a sofa. During shedding, your dog's white undercoat will remain on furniture and carpets. Even frequent brushing will not save the furniture, so it is recommended to think twice before buying a puppy.

Pet health

The hunting breed has good immunity, and adult dog rarely gets sick viral diseases. After a year, pathologies mainly associated with the predisposition of the breed may appear. The West Highland White Terrier may develop genetic diseases.

  • Pulmonary fibrosis. Mainly develops against the background colds. It is recommended to monitor your pet and not let the dog sleep in drafts or cold ground.
  • Dermatitis associated with yeast infection of the upper layers of the epidermis. Treat with antifungal ointments, difficult cases The dog is prescribed antibiotics.
  • Diabetes mellitus. As a preventive measure, proper nutrition is selected.
  • Eye pathologies: cataracts, conjunctivitis.
  • Deafness, which occurs in puppies from birth and is associated with the white color of the dog.
  • Bitches do not tolerate childbirth well, so whelping is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Once a year, the dog is vaccinated against diseases: hepatitis, distemper, enteritis, adenovirus, parainfluenza. Additionally, rabies vaccination is carried out according to schedule.


You can teach your puppy commands immediately after he gets used to his new home and owner. The puppy will learn to carry out the first basic commands during games. By throwing a ball to your baby, you can teach your dog commands: come to me, fetch.

Starting from three months, the dog can be enrolled in OKD courses. Under the guidance of an experienced dog handler, the terrier will learn basic commands: sit, lie, stand, place, next to, fu.

It is not recommended to punish your pet for its stubbornness. If the puppy refuses to follow the command, divert his attention to the game. And after a while, return to training. Despite being stubborn, the breed is easy to train.

For training you will need:

  • harness or collar made of soft skin that will not wash off the animal’s fur;
  • long and short leashes;
  • favorite toy in the form of a bone or ball;
  • treats that will reward your pet.

The dog is trained separately in hunting skills. Usually young animals are taken on hunts and trained by the example of adult dogs.


What to feed your pet depends on its health, genetic predispositions and the wishes of the owner. A dog prone to allergies and diabetes mellitus It is recommended to feed dry food. The following brands of food are suitable for the West Highland White Terrier: Purina One, Royal Canin Mini Adult, Savarra Adult Dog Small Breed, Kennels’ Favorite Petite Adult.

A dog's natural food diet includes proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The food selected is balanced and does not contain allergenic products. Authorized products:

  • lean meats: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey;
  • offal;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • vegetables, except potatoes and onions;
  • fruits.

The number of servings depends on the age of the dog:

  • up to 3 months - up to 6 times a day, with an interval of 3–4 hours. Serving size up to 150 ml;
  • from 3 to 4 months - up to 4 times a day. Serving size 200 – 250 ml;
  • from 4 to 6 months - up to 3 times a day. Serving size up to 500 ml;
  • from 6 to 8 months - 2-3 times a day;
  • from 8 months and older - 2 times a day. Serving size up to 1.5 liters.

Pet on natural food Vitamins are added to the diet: 8 in 1 Excel,

Unitabs Brevers Complex, Beaphar Irish Cal.

