American Staffordshire Terrier dog. American Staffordshire Terrier: description of the breed, price Staff Terrier as

The desire to see cruel and bloody scenes has been observed in man since time immemorial. The medieval English were no exception, who loved to have fun by staging dog fights with bulls, bears and wild boars. Most often, bulldogs and mastiffs were used for these purposes. The problem was that the dogs of these breeds were very large and not agile enough, which is why they often died from the blows of the hooves or horns of angry opponents.

The desire to “modernize” the dogs’ fighting qualities forced the owners to engage in breeding work. Terriers turned out to be the best candidates for crossing with bulldogs: the dogs are active, agile and, most importantly, very smart. So, at the very beginning of the 19th century, bull terriers appeared, which perfectly combined the best features of their predecessor breeds. After the ban on bullfighting, which the English Parliament passed in 1835, dog fighting came into fashion, and the successful “terrierization” of the breed made it possible to obtain a phenotype that was perfectly suited for this purpose. Variants of the name of the breed - Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier - were gradually transformed and consolidated in the single name of the English branch "Staffordshire Bull Terrier".

English migrants who rushed to America after the North's victory over the South in the Civil War brought a large number of animals to the continent. Brutal dog fighting, which by this time had already been prohibited on the islands of Foggy Albion, gained particular popularity in the New World. The main direction of breeding work remained the development and consolidation of the fighting qualities of dogs. United kennel club, created in the very late XIX century in Michigan, the main direction of his activity was the development and improvement of the pit bull terrier breed. The dogs bred here not only took part in battles, but were also successfully used to protect houses, farms, and hunt wolves.

At the same time, the voices of those animal lovers who did not share the passion for dog fighting and paid more attention to exhibition work were heard louder and louder. They set about developing a standard and improving the appearance of the pit bull. As a result, a dog was obtained that looked very similar to a pit bull terrier, but was quite suitable for a “peaceful life.” They called it the Staffordshire Terrier, and it was under this name that the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1936. This led to the division of breeders into two camps. Some registered their pets exclusively as fighting American pit bulls, others gave preference to Staffordshire terriers and did not recognize pit bull terriers at all.

In May 1971, the FCI officially registered Amstaffs in its register under No. 286. In next year The American Kennel Club changed the name of the breed to "American Staffordshire Terrier", emphasizing that the branches have certain differences - the "American" is on average 8 cm higher at the withers and 5 kg heavier than the "English".

The first Amstaffs came to Russia in the 80s of the last century and very quickly gained popularity. High demand led to the fact that unscrupulous breeders did not bother to control either the appearance of the resulting dogs or their mental stability. This is precisely the reason why Staffordshire Terriers began to be considered “killer dogs”. Such a bad reputation lies entirely on the conscience of the owners, who either through stupidity and inability, or deliberately raised aggressive and ferocious dogs. Today the trend has changed, Staffords confidently occupy the niche of companion dogs.

Video: American Staffordshire Terrier

Amstaff appearance

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a strong dog with well-developed bones and pronounced athletic muscles.

The height of males at the withers is 46-48 cm, females - 43-46 cm. Body weight - 25-30 kg and 22-25 kg, respectively.


Medium length, but very voluminous and wide. The skull is almost flat, wide between the ears, almost square in shape. The occipital protuberance is poorly expressed. The transition from the muzzle to the slightly convex forehead is clearly visible. Muzzle medium length, the ratio to the length of the skull is 1:1. The chewing, buccal and parietal muscles are prominent and dense. The lips cover the jaws, but do not look saggy.


The lobe is black, rather large size with well-opened nostrils.


The jaws of the American Staffordshire Terrier are very powerful, strong, and dense.


Located high and wide. Amstaffs have options for both sharply and short-cropped ears and undocked ears. The latter option is rated higher if the shells are naturally short and stand very firmly on the cartilage (the so-called “rose”).


Set low and wide apart, round in shape. The color of the iris is dark. Eyelids are pigmented.


The American Staffordshire Terrier's teeth are large and white. The incisors on the lower jaw are arranged linearly. Scissor bite.


Strong, with well-developed muscles, expanding evenly towards the withers. Length – average. No folds or sagging are observed.


The Amstaff's withers are clearly defined, muscular, with a smooth transition into the line of the back. The shoulder blades are long, pressed to the back.


Short, straight, the line slopes slightly towards the croup. The muscles are well developed.


Slightly sloping, moderately rounded. Wide and muscular.

Rib cage

Wide and deep, rounded ribs.


The Amstaff's tail is straight and short. Set low, slightly tapering towards the end. When excited, stands erect.


The forelimbs, when viewed from the front, are parallel and straight, set wide apart. Moderate high anteriority is observed. The skeleton is powerful, the muscles are prominent and athletic. The elbows look straight back and are pressed to the body.

Hind limbs Amstaff, when viewed from behind, are straight and parallel, with well-developed (but not excessively) muscles. The angles of the joints are well defined.


Arched, not large, round and collected.


The American Staffordshire Terrier's coat is short, moderately thick, hard to the touch, and lies close to the body. Straight and shiny in appearance.


Solid - from cream to black, but not white, as well as two-color, spotted, brindle or piebald. White markings are possible if they make up no more than 20% of the basic color tone of the Amstaff.

The gender of a dog is clearly manifested in its appearance.

Possible defects

Any deviations from the standard, depending on the degree of their severity, can be considered either shortcomings or defects.

Disqualifying defects of American Staffordshire Terriers include: cryptorchidism, flesh-colored nose, distortion of the lower jaw, undershot, deafness, long or docked tail, light eyes, and ambling.

Amstaff photo

Character of the American Staffordshire Terrier

If we talk about the character of the Amstaff, then there is hardly another breed of dog whose character would be described by such diverse, and sometimes completely opposite, epithets.

Reliable, intelligent, loyal, endowed with a considerable amount of fun and even some playfulness, balanced and self-possessed - this is what lovers of the breed say about the Staffordshire. Aggressive and vicious - this is the assessment given by critics of the breed. But the latter character traits are associated in almost all cases with either incompetence or with an aim aimed at the formation of negative qualities education.

Anyone who wants to have such an animal should firmly understand that the American Staffordshire Terrier is a very powerful dog with pronounced guard and fighting qualities. She will until the end protect not only the members of the family in which she lives, but also the integrity of the territory entrusted to her from any encroachment. With such inclinations, a properly raised Amstaff will show aggression only if it feels threatened from the outside. A dog's intuition is so strong that sometimes it seems that it reads the thoughts of your ill-wisher. The Staffordshire Terrier attacks very often without “declaring war”. Barking and growling are for weaklings. The dog fights until complete victory; it is almost impossible to stop him. In “peak” situations this is quite acceptable, but in everyday life This behavior can cause a lot of problems, so proper education and skillful socialization of the dog are very important. By letting your puppy know that all members of your family are his friends, you will eventually get a loving, attentive and devoted friend.

Initially, one of the tasks when breeding the Staffordshire Terrier breed was to obtain a dog that in the best possible way suitable to perform the function of family protector. People of the most different ages. For children, the dog will become a gentle, attentive nanny who will patiently endure all the little ones’ pranks. But you still shouldn’t leave your dog alone with very young children.

In a calm home environment, the American Staffordshire Terrier can be the sweetest creature, trying in every possible way to amuse and please its owner. But the authority of the latter must be indisputable, and only a fairly experienced owner can cope with such a strong spirit and body dog. In order to control the Amstaff and manage its natural instincts, desire alone is not enough - you cannot do it without professional knowledge and skills.

Education and training

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog whose upbringing and training should never be left to chance. From the very first day a puppy appears in your home, you need to clearly understand all the responsibility that you have taken upon yourself by getting this particular breed.

The main thing at the first stage is to properly organize the socialization of the animal. You can start immediately after the end of the “vaccination quarantine”. Special attention Take time to introduce your baby to other pets. A small nuance - for this purpose it is better to choose the most good-natured and affectionate pets (you probably know such ones in your yard or nearby). The puppy is very curious, and it is important that he only has pleasant memories from new acquaintances, since the fear he experiences will be remembered for a long time and will eventually develop into aggression. Surprisingly, a small Amstaff can even remember the breed of its offender. This is fraught with problems in the future.

Often, owners of Staffordshire Terriers, when raising a pet, resort to two extremes. They either allow everything or prohibit everything. Both are wrong. In the first case, when the dog grows up, you will look, to put it mildly, funny on walks with it. The sight of an owner trying in vain to restrain a powerful amstaff that is tearing off the leash (even for peaceful purposes) is simply pitiful. In the second case, you will raise a coward. And from cowardice to anger there is only one step. And no one knows when your pet will do it.

Obviously, some people consider the American Staffordshire Terrier to be an unsafe dog. You must be prepared for the fact that during walks the reaction of passers-by may not always be adequate. Do not engage in arguments or explanations in a raised tone, the dog will sense your aggression and think that your opponent is dangerous. The consequences of such an assessment of the situation are not difficult to predict. The best way out is to pass by in compliance with all the norms of peaceful coexistence.

Otherwise, raising an Amstaff is not much different from interacting with dogs of other breeds. You need to do it from the very first day the baby arrives at home. The principle is very simple. It says: “What is possible is always possible; what is not allowed is not allowed under any circumstances.” What is good and what is bad must be explained patiently and persistently, but in no case using violence or punishment, without changing the rules of the game along the way.

Do not spoil your pet at least until you develop a stable behavioral stereotype in him.

Amstaffs are very smart and easy to train. Best results can be achieved by visiting special sites.

And the last thing: you don’t need to raise a monster out of a dog. It won’t make you cooler than “cool Walker.” Don't turn your pet into a tool for self-affirmation.

Amstaff is an unpretentious dog, and compliance simple rules will avoid many problems or at least minimize them.

Caring for an animal's fur is easy. For combing, a special brush is used, which not only removes dead hair, but also massages the skin well. For daily hygiene procedures, you can use wet wipes (preferably without fragrances and hypoallergenic) or simply wipe your pet with a clean towel soaked in water. But it is not recommended to bathe the American Staffordshire Terrier often. This can harm both your dog's skin and coat. Don't forget to use special gels and shampoos designed for this breed.

Trim your dog's nails monthly. Amstaffs do not really like to have their nails done, so it will be better if the owner carries out this manipulation. And you can’t trust a stranger to brush your teeth with a special brush either. Don't forget to keep your ears and nose clean. Dryness and cracks in this area indicate health problems in the dog.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a fairly active dog by nature, so be prepared to spend plenty of time interacting with it.

As for feeding, it is worth highlighting a number of important points.

  • A strong skeleton is required high content The “building material” in food is calcium, so vitamins containing this element must be present in the diet of the Staffordshire Terrier.
  • Meat should predominate in the menu, which can be given both boiled and raw. The use of exclusively dry food is not recommended.
  • The amount of food should be appropriate for both age and gender, and physical condition dogs.
  • The Amstaff diet should include cottage cheese, milk, and boiled eggs. It is recommended to add vegetables to porridges and soups. Meat and bone meal and bones (not tubular ones) are useful.
  • Puppies need to be fed especially well so that they actively gain muscle mass.

Health and Diseases of the American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed characterized by good health. These dogs are active and resilient. However, there are a number of diseases to which they have some tendency.

First of all, we can talk about hip dysplasia. The problem is common to almost all large dogs. This does not mean at all that all Amstaffs suffer from dysplasia, since a lot depends on the diet, the intensity of physical activity, as well as genetic predisposition. When buying a puppy, ask the nursery about the heredity of your chosen one. Find out how often this disease occurred in his ancestors, what was its development. No one will say for sure whether your dog will get sick or not, but some rough forecast, based on the information received, can be made.

Bloating due to indigestion is another problem that occurs in American Staffordshire Terriers. By contacting a specialist, you will find out which foods need to be excluded from the diet (or, conversely, added) in order to normalize your pet’s metabolism. Proper nutrition will help to avoid the difficulties associated with obesity.

Amstaffs can also be genetically transmitted to a tendency to allergic reactions to a variety of irritants. Most often this manifests itself as redness of the skin and severe itching. In most cases, it is possible to accurately determine the agent only in a veterinary clinic.

Eye diseases such as retinal atrophy and cataracts can also affect American Staffordshire Terriers.

Modern veterinary medicine allows you to cure or at least minimize the consequences of a very large number of diseases. It is only important to detect them in time. Carefully monitor the condition of your pet: what its coat looks like, whether its ears and eyes are clean, how active it is, whether it has a good appetite, whether there are any problems with the discharge of natural needs. It won’t require any extra effort, but it will definitely bring the desired effect.

How to choose a puppy

Let’s make a reservation right away: if you want to buy a purebred Amstaff, then the options of the bird market or advertisements on the Internet are immediately and unconditionally dismissed.

The procedure for purchasing from a specialized nursery has long been well established, and you should definitely be familiarized with it in detail if, of course, we are talking about a place with a good reputation. In this case, it is important to know that when buying a dog it is better to enter into a formal contract. Sometimes the form of purchasing a puppy “under contract” offered to clients has a number of nuances that can infringe on the owner’s rights to both the dog itself and its future offspring.

The third option is to buy an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy yourself from an experienced and trusted breeder. In this case, experts recommend paying attention to the following points.

  • When planning a show career for your dog, ask the owner of the bitch to give you the opportunity to observe the development of the babies. The Amstaff's future traits are best demonstrated at birth, on the third day of life and at the age of one month. It is unlikely that you will have time to see the baby on the first and third days, but the monthly period is worth studying more closely. It is at the age of thirty days that the small American Staffordshire Terrier is an exact miniature copy of what can grow out of it, subject to all the rules and conditions for raising dogs of this breed. Don’t take stories that the deficiencies visible at this age can be corrected with a massage, a special diet, or some kind of “dancing with tambourines.”
  • American Staffordshire Terrier puppies, whose color contains a lot of white, may not have completely colored noses, eyelids and lips, but partial coloring must be observed. This process is finally completed by 8 months of age (sometimes a little later). The color of the iris of the eyes acquires its final shade even later, so you need to be very attentive to the eyes of a soft blue color, especially if the puppy has a fawn-blue or red-blue coat color.
  • The puppy's coat should be short, “velor”, without bald spots. Skin without ulcers and pustules.
  • Ears must be clean, without unpleasant odor. The eyes are clear, without signs of souring. Under the tail it is clean and dry.
  • If you notice a small hernia during examination of your abdomen, do not be upset. This problem can be dealt with through simple procedures.
  • A Staffordshire Terrier puppy at this age should weigh from 2.5 to 5 kg, look fairly well-fed, without protruding ribs or rumps. In addition to mother’s milk itself, the baby’s diet should already contain other dishes: kefir, cereal porridge, scraped meat, cottage cheese.

An interesting fact is that the bitch sometimes regurgitates recently eaten food to her puppies, and the kids happily pounce on such a treat. This is absolutely normal and is explained by natural instincts. Moreover, this behavior indicates a well-developed maternal instinct, which is highly likely to be inherited by all female puppies in this litter.

You are unlikely to buy the baby you like right away. The sale of an Amstaff is permitted after it reaches the age of 45 days and the owner of the bitch has completed the mandatory branding procedures and expert assessment. Your first visit to the nursery will be more of an introductory nature, but thoroughly prepare for it by collecting maximum quantity information will be completely useful.

Photos of Amstaff puppies

How much does an American Staffordshire Terrier cost?

Like most other dog breeds, the cost of an Amstaff puppy directly depends on what class it belongs to.

Prices for show-class animals that have good makings for a successful exhibition career range from 25,000 - 35,000 rubles and above. The gradation in this case is associated with the eminence of the parents, as well as the personal inclinations of the puppy, the degree of expression of the best traits of the breed.

Representatives of the breed class are cheaper - 18,000 - 25,000 rubles. These American Staffordshire Terrier puppies meet breed standards or have minor deficiencies. They are unlikely to become champions, but they are quite suitable for breeding.

Pit class is the cheapest. Prices range from 12,000 to 18,000 rubles. If you do not plan to become a breeder or spend time and money preparing your dog for championship shows, but just want to have a reliable friend and protector, the pit-class American Staffordshire Terrier will be the right choice.

In any case, no matter which puppy you choose, the responsibility for its happy future lies entirely with you.

Despite the fact that disputes regarding fighting dog breeds still do not subside, large quantity American Staffordshire Terrier appears at home for dog breeders. Not because these people are not afraid of anything, but because, having raised a dog correctly, you can safely leave even infant, whom she will protect and cherish.

American history

This breed appeared back in the 19th century, when dog fighting fans crossed a bulldog and a terrier. This experiment produced an ideal dog for a rather tough sport.

After they learned about such a find in Britain, dog breeders decided to breed several representatives of the new breed in England, as a result of which the Staffordshire Terrier was born, whose character was distinguished by aggression. Despite the fact that, in fact, this is an American-British mixture, according to the standards of the International Canine Federation, this is a purely American dog.

The Staffordshire Terrier is abbreviated as Amstaff.

Description of the breed

Amstaffs have short but very thick hair, and the color can be very diverse. Puppies are born one color or spotted. A distinctive feature of the breed is its amazing endurance and strength. For example, an Amstaff can easily climb a chain-link fence, clinging to it only with its claws and pulling itself up on its paws. In addition, terriers have very strong hind limbs, so they can jump more than 2 meters.

With a height of 47-48 cm, the dog reaches a weight of up to 30 kilograms or more, having very developed muscle mass.

Since it is a fighting breed, the Staffordshire Terrier requires vocational training from his owner. It is highly not recommended to own a Staffordshire Terrier for those who have not previously encountered raising and training such dogs.


The Staffordshire, which is quite intimidating, is not as aggressive as it seems. Amstaff is amazing smart dog, with a good-natured character and perky temper. He is very loyal not only to his owner, but also to the entire family, especially children. Loyalty and courage are qualities inherent in the terrier from the very first days of life.

Nevertheless, the boiling blood of a fighter, combined with a powerful body, sometimes plays a joke on a good-natured dog, and he can become more aggressive when he gets too carried away. In order to completely eliminate undesirable consequences, it is important to model the dog's behavior and instill rules in it through hard training and training.

Of course, a Stafford will never attack its owner, but its impulse to protect its family can result in a decent threat to an ordinary passerby or neighbor. The dog must clearly know the commands and understand that only after the owner says the key word, he will be able to attack the attacker or protect the owner if he is attacked stray dogs. The Staffordshire Terrier is ready to fight with a whole pack and, most likely, will win.

The fact is that this breed is extremely attached to the family and sometimes confuses real threat with a simple pat on the shoulder or friendly game. In order not to end up in the mighty jaws of the dog, it is better to keep some distance if you first come to visit a family that has recently adopted a Staffordshire Terrier. The breed description does not say that the dog is uncontrollable, however, it is better to give it the opportunity to get used to your presence. After some time, the Amstaff will begin to perceive you as a friend and will feel comfortable and good around you.

American Staffordshire Terrier: puppies, how to choose

Choosing a future pet is a difficult process, so you should be patient. Four-legged friend must not only be pleasing in appearance, but also meet the characteristics stated by the breeder.

When buying a small Amstaff, you must clearly determine for yourself why exactly you need a Staffordshire Terrier. Puppies will cost more if your list of requirements is large. If you decide to have a champion in your home, then carefully read the international standards and characteristics that the future winner must have. In order to participate in exhibitions in the future, it is best to take a puppy from a kennel and make sure of its pedigree. In addition, a professional breeder will help you make your choice and tell you what to do next when a Staffordshire Terrier appears in your home. The description of the breed and pedigree that he will provide you with will allow you to make the best choice.

If you decide to get an Amstaff as a protector and guard of your property, pay attention to how balanced the puppy is. Dogs that are aggressive from birth, after additional training aimed at tough behavior, can become uncontrollable in the future and even harm the owner. If you need a bodyguard, buy a puppy under 2 months of age with a calm character.

Taking an older dog that has undergone training and training is not the best best idea. Like any animal, Amstaffs have a special attachment to the one who raised and raised them. In addition, during training, the dog may have developed certain habits and character traits that may be incompatible with yours.

Boy or girl: who is better?

If we talk about the gender of the future pet, then a novice dog breeder should undoubtedly take a girl. This is explained by the fact that female terriers are more trainable. In addition, they are not prone to dominance, like males, and this will be a great relief for the owner, since the male, when he first gets into the family, may decide that he is the boss of the house, and you will have to prove him otherwise. Amstaff girls quickly become attached to their owner and always want to serve him. The only downside to this choice is the potential for pregnancy. When taking your pet for a walk, you need to watch her very carefully, since during the period of heat she will be surrounded by rather persistent fans.

Amstaff boys are much more aggressive, but also more independent. Although you will still have to spend a lot more time and patience on training. In addition, dogs constantly mark their territory both on the street and at home, so you will have to add one more item to the training list.

How to train and raise an American Staffordshire Terrier

How a dog will behave in adulthood directly depends on the diligence and patience of the owner. It is extremely important to start training and disciplining your puppy before he turns 1 year old. At the age of 1.5 to 6 months, Amstaffs learn best.

A special feature of training the Staffordshire Terrier is its socialization, since by its nature the dog is quite aggressive towards its relatives and humans. From the first months, begin to accustom your puppy to the fact that he is surrounded by people who do not want to harm him.

After everything has been done for the baby necessary vaccinations, and he tolerated the quarantine well, you can start taking him outside and slowly introducing him to other dogs on the site. If the puppy begins to show even minimal aggression, immediately show him that this is wrong, this model of behavior is unacceptable. Of course, when a small Amstaff stands in front of you and tries to growl, it’s a pretty funny sight, but you shouldn’t give in to emotions, because in a few years it will be a decent-sized dog, and there will be no time for fun.

It is worth paying extremely close attention to how the Staffordshire Terrier behaves during training. Photos posted on cynological sites will help you decide on uniforms, etc. If you are unable to train the mighty defender yourself, it is best to turn to a professional trainer. By attending the training course, you will learn all the nuances of working with fighting dogs and in the future you will be able to work with your pet independently and fully appreciate the Staffordshire Terrier breed. Reviews from the owners of such dogs are replete with positive emotions and praise for their pets.

Strength training is extremely important for the proper upbringing and training of a dog. In specialized stores you can purchase weights and other devices for physical exercise which the Staffordshire Terrier loves to do. A description of everything you need can be obtained from a specialist.

What qualities does Amstaff value in a person?

This breed of dog is characterized by leadership in the pack. In our case, the pack is a family, and the Amstaff is absolutely sure that he is its leader. Show the dog that it is not he, but you, who is the owner and in charge. To do this, it is important to explain to the puppy that appears in the house that he should sleep on the bed, go outside, etc. he can only with your permission. Thus, the hierarchy will be restored, you will be able to control the animal in any situation and be an authority and leader for it.

Amstaffs value strong character; for them, firmness and constancy are the highest manifestation of strength. Don’t babysit with your terrier, he won’t understand it, it’s better to speak seriously and treat him like a reasonable person, and not like a cute baby.

How to care for a Staffordshire Terrier

The American Terrier's coat is short and therefore does not require special care. It is enough to periodically brush the dog with a stiff brush. Amstaffs love to swim, so you can pamper your pet water procedures. After this, wipe the dog's fur with car suede, and then it will shine. Before bathing the terrier, be sure to inspect the skin for cuts or small wounds; if there are any, it is better to postpone washing. If your dog smells unpleasant after a bath, contact your veterinarian; most likely, the animal is sick or suffering from a chronic infection.

It is recommended to walk your Staffordshire Terrier as often as possible; this will help him get used to his environment and feel better. Always keep your dog on a leash and muzzle during walks. A sudden meeting with a stray dog ​​or a drunk person can result in injury to a passer-by or to the Staffordshire Terrier himself. The description of the breed contains a number of such warnings.

Stafford's disease

Due to good heredity and unlimited health, Amstaffs practically do not get sick. In addition, dogs of this breed are not predisposed to genetic or hereditary diseases. However, there are a number of diseases to which the Staffordshire is susceptible. Owners include the following complaints:

  • Deafness.
  • Turning of the eyelids.
  • Dysplasia.
  • Cataract.
  • Arthritis.

To eliminate the risk possible diseases and infections that can be transmitted to a dog from other animals, the puppy must be given the necessary vaccinations at the age of about 2 months. Before vaccination, it is necessary to carry out worm prevention, and after the procedure, protect the animal for several weeks from stress and communication with other dogs.

Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Staffordshire Terrier nutrition

Amstaffs are completely unpretentious in food and care, however, they also have their own preferences. Dogs love offal, but they need to be thoroughly boiled, first cut into small pieces. You can also feed your pet:

  • Liver.
  • Lamb.
  • Beef.
  • Chicken heads and necks.

In order for the dog to be in shape, be sure to give it boiled fish, but only after removing the bones from it or thoroughly stewing it so that they become softer.

It will be useful for the puppy to give fermented milk products containing calcium. You can prepare a mixture by adding 2 tablespoons per liter of milk. calcium chloride, then boil the milk and collect it in gauze, allowing the liquid to drain.

Suitable cereals:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Corn grits.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Wheat cereal.

It is necessary to wash the bowl after each feeding so that harmful microbes do not breed in it. For feeding, it is worth purchasing a special stand, which you will set higher as the animal grows, so that it does not have to bend down.

Is it possible to give a dog bones?

Bones can be given to your puppy when he starts teething. It is better if it is sugar seeds or vertebrates. But feeding a puppy or an adult dog bones is often not a good idea, as this can lead to constipation. In pet stores you will find delicious bones, which will please your pet. Once the Amstaff reaches adulthood, feeding bones is not recommended, as they damage the enamel of the teeth.

What should you not feed your Amstaff?

Never give your dog:

  • Salty.
  • Sweet.
  • Moldy food.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Fatty foods.
  • Sausage, frankfurters, etc.
  • Seasonings.

Many owners feed the animal with table scraps; this should not be done, as the dog’s body may not be able to cope with unhealthy food. saturated fat and other harmful substances.

In conclusion

Loyal to his owner until the last days of his life, the Staffordshire Terrier, whose photo stands at home next to photographs of his family, always tries to please his loved ones and tries to earn praise. However, owners also love their pets as full-fledged members of the family.

Amstaffs have a very interesting history and many different names. This breed is called pit bulls, bull terriers, pit bull terriers, staffords, with the prefix “American” to each and any of the definitions will be correct.

The modern American Staff Terrier is a small animal, fast, cunning, nimble and quick-witted. He has a wide-muzzled skull, a powerful chest structure and at the same time a good-natured look. The dog has an amazing inner sense. They say about such people that they “smell danger with their nose.” The protective instinct inherent in nature serves the dog owner well - these dogs are impeccable bodyguards.

History of the breed

Dogs were considered service dogs and the first written mentions of them date back to 1209. Contrary to the erroneous opinion, the homeland of the Staff is England, and not America at all, as many believe. The variety of names for one type of dog comes from the fact that over many hundreds of years the animal had different functions and tasks.

When gladiator fights fell into oblivion, people found a new entertainment - pitting animals against each other. This is how dog fighting came about. True, initially they exhibited another breed - mastiffs. But due to their impressive size, they were easy prey for the hooves and horns of large wild beast. Then they decided to make the size of the dog more compact. A terrier and a bulldog joined the tribe. The result of the crossing was the Stafford.

Over time, the variety of pit bull terriers has evolved. With the breed standard characteristics that exist today, the dog was officially registered in 1936.Since 1976, the dogs began to be called American Staffordshire Terriers. Since that time, no changes have been made to the breed or its definition.

The price for terrier puppies is quite high and depends on the purity of the pedigree, which in turn is formed on the basis of victories won at dog competitions and exhibitions.

Staffordshire Terrier

For many, the word “Stafford” is associated with a fighting dog breed. And these people are not far from the truth. Many will even cite as evidence several heartbreaking stories about a pit bull (another name for a terrier) attacking its own owners or their children. Indeed, the history of the origin of the breed tells that the dog was initially bred for one specific purpose - to participate in dog fights. But that was many hundreds of years ago, because it began in Medieval times. Since then, a lot has changed in the dog’s genetics.

Cases of dog attacks on humans have been recorded numerous times, and it wasn't necessarily a Stafford. the whole point is what kind of education the dog will receive, and not what its breed is called. In this regard, one cannot help but recall the words of the famous detective Holmes, who used to tell his faithful assistant: “Remember, dear Watson, if you were attacked by a Staffordshire terrier, be glad that it was not his owner.” What makes a dog aggressive is the person and the conditions in which it is kept. A well-bred pit bull raised in a loving family has a very kind look and a “smile” on its wide muzzle.

Breed characteristics and photos

The main mistake people make with staffs is to regard them as ordinary pet, designed for fun games on the front lawn. In fact, these are service dogs, and they were created with the appropriate appearance. Their strong, healthy body radiates confidence and power coupled with wild grace. Terriers are excellent candidates for police and military service. There is no hassle in caring for them and maintaining them; they have good physical characteristics and excellent health.

The dogs are very sociable by nature, they are friendly and love to play. They enjoy contact with people, with all family members, and not just with the owner. The peculiarity of the terrier is its amazing sense of the psycho-emotional state of a person. The dog's almost hypnotic gaze is always directed straight into the owner's face.

The dog instantly detects the slightest change in mood and immediately adapts to it.

In the spring of 1971, the document was approved by the FCI:

  • Head medium with a wide, almost square skull and weakly defined occipital protuberance. A pronounced transition from the muzzle to a slightly convex forehead. The skull and muzzle are equal in length.
  • Nose quite large, with open nostrils, painted black. Beneath the dry lips are large white teeth. Dense jaws with a scissor bite.
  • Eyes rounded, low and wide apart, with an attentive gaze. The iris is dark.
  • Ears, set wide and high, can be docked (by 2/3 of the original length) or not docked. The second option is preferable.
  • Neck massive, muscular, without folds, has a beautiful nape line and expands to a well-defined withers, smoothly turning into a straight back.
  • Back Muscular and wide, falling barely noticeably to a wide, rounded croup. The loin is short, slightly convex. Moderately tucked stomach.
  • Shoulders obliquely set and elongated. Shoulder girdle with prominent muscles. Elbows are pressed to the body and looking back. The chest is deep and spacious, with rounded ribs.
  • Forelegs parallel, with strong bones and well-sculpted muscles, set wide apart. The hind legs are also parallel, with noticeable (not coarse) muscles. The angles of the joints (hocks) are emphasized.
  • Paws strong, small in size, gathered into a ball. When moving, the dog springs slightly.
  • Tail set low, straight and short, tapering towards the tip. When excited, it assumes a horizontal position.

According to the standard, Amstaff males are more muscular and larger than females. The latter weigh 22-25 kg with a height of 43-46 cm, males can weigh 25-30 kg with a height of 46-48 cm.

Coat and color

The Staffordshire Terrier's coat should be shiny, thick, short, straight and harsh. A fault is a soft/sparse, loose coat; a fault is silky, overly soft, long, sparse, wavy or matte hair.

Staffordshires are allowed to have (according to the standard) almost any coat patterns and colors. Acceptable solid colors range from black to cream, with the exception of white. The latter is allowed for the collar/chest as part of a pattern. The undesirable category includes the so-called Rottweiler color (black with red tan) and brown-red.

With a two-color color, white spots should occupy no more than 20% of the body area. Chestnut and black spots are possible (up to 4/5 of the main color). The breeds also include piebald, spotted, bicolor and brindle color s.

Differences from the American Pit Bull Terrier

Amstaffs are distinguished from close relatives American pit bull terriers based on the following facts:

  • Amstaffs have a higher upper growth limit.
  • Pitbulls are allowed to have a red nose.
  • Amstaffs are less angry and impulsive.
  • Amstaffs have a wider head and pronounced cheekbones.

Both breeds are very similar because they have common ancestors.

Dog character

By nature, the terrier is a balanced, energetic, courageous and cheerful breed. He is independent, self-reliant, alert, curious and extremely intelligent. This active and strong dog, an excellent protector and friend who is infinitely devoted to his master.

The breed is capable of showing aggression towards other dogs. But if the owner teaches the Amstaff from an early age to treat strangers and animals correctly, he will grow into a completely adequate pet who will not rush at everyone on the street.

The American Staffordshire Terrier can be very aggressive towards cats, rabbits or other pets.He is a good watchman and security guard, very distrustful of strangers, and will not let a guest out of sight until he leaves the owner’s house.

American Staffordshires are very friendly towards children, but to protect your baby, it is better not to leave him alone with the dog, no matter how much you trust the pet.

We must remember that a feature of the character of these dogs is the constant desire to please their owner in everything. Therefore, in the inexperienced hands of a person who is not aware of the strength and dexterity his pet has, the Amstaff can grow up pugnacious and aggressive.

Always keep him on a leash when walking, especially in crowded and public places, always control his behavior when he appears strangers. Any aggression on his part must be immediately stopped by the owner.

Remember, the main instinct of these dogs is protection, so they can become aggressive in a split second if they suddenly feel threatened by their owner.

By nature, he is quite helpful, cheerful and proud. Always controls himself, even if he shows character. But if suddenly such a dog becomes furious, it will be very, very difficult to control.

This is the breed that must constantly be busy with something, otherwise he will find something to do for himself, and then he will have to buy new furniture, sofas and various household items.Can live both in a city apartment and in a country house. They are compact and clean, do not take up much space, but need constant, long walks and good physical activity.

Relationships with a human owner

Amstaff is very dependent on its owner and adapts to his character. Therefore, it is recommended only for balanced and consistent people to have such a dog. Puppies should get used to company as early as possible. They are taken for a walk along a busy street, go with them to public transport or by car, go to places with a large number visitors. This helps the Amstaff get used to unfamiliar people and unexpected situations. In order for puppies to get used to getting along with other dogs, they are brought to calm individuals.

The breed is highly trainable and training should begin at an early age.. Only positive motivation is acceptable, otherwise the pet begins to become bitter. Puppies are very smart and easily trained to participate in various types of canine sports. When a dog is stubborn, it can be difficult for the owner. You should be patient and avoid any wounding influences.

Raising and training dogs

The undoubted advantage of the breed is its unerring execution of commands, which makes the Amstaff an ideal (working, show and domestic) dog.

Stafford is an exemplary nanny for children and a reliable friend to all household members. Moreover, a properly raised dog is loyal to other pets, including cats.

True, in order for your Amstaff to become exactly like this, you will have to work hard, without giving him any concessions. The key to success is regularity of classes, strict discipline and increased workload.

  • agility;
  • Frisbee;
  • bikejoring;
  • waitpulling;
  • skijoring;
  • swimming.

Sport keeps the dog in good shape, helps release tension, and forms excellent muscles.

Grooming smooth-haired dogs is simple: trim off any stray hairs and make your pet more eye-catching, highlighting some details.

Routine care of the coat, ears, claws, teeth and eyes consists of examining them daily. Plaque in the eyes/ears is removed with a cotton pad soaked in a solution boric acid. Dead hairs are collected with a rubberized mitten; the claws do not need special care if the dog runs a lot on the asphalt.

If you intend to crop the ears, perform this operation when the puppy is 1.5-2 months old: later in ears there will be more blood vessels, and the rehabilitation period will be delayed.

The shape of the ears for each baby is selected individually. It is not advisable to perform partial amputation of the ears when the dog's teeth are changing.

As for living conditions, the Amstaff must live in an apartment or house. He needs a warm and dry place. An aviary located on a garden plot is not suitable for keeping this dog.

For the American Staffordshire Terrier, there are two types of feeding: natural food and premium ready-made dry food.

The main rule is never mix two types of food in one feeding, this is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Number of Amstaff feedings:

  • From 2 to 4 months - 5 times a day
  • 4 - 6 months - 4 times a day
  • 6 - 9 months - 3 times a day
  • After 9 months, an adult dog is fed 2 times a day

For any type of nutrition, follow simple rules, and your pet will be active and healthy:

  • Feed your pet only after walks.
  • Feed the puppy from a bowl located on a stand so that correct posture is formed. Adjust the height of the stand as it grows.
  • The bowl should be at chest level or slightly higher so that the puppy only puts his face in it.
  • It is necessary to have two separate bowls: for food and for water. Bowls are washed with hot water after each feeding.
  • Never feed your dog table scraps.

Approximate diet:

  • Beef, turkey, chicken meat and offal - 80%;
  • Cereals - 15-20%;
  • Fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits - periodically;
  • Chicken egg - 1-2 times a week;
  • Sea fish - several times a month.

During the growth process, vitamin supplements are not required if there are no health problems and the dog’s appearance is satisfactory. Wool is the main indicator of condition, so dullness, hair loss, and inflammation in the root zone indicate unsuitable nutrition.

Other nuances of feeding a Stafford:

  • Almost a third of the dog menu is devoted to proteins;
  • the dog is fed at the same time (morning and evening);
  • the remaining food is removed from the bowl (especially in summer);
  • It is forbidden to overfeed staff (this has a bad effect on the heart muscle and its health in general).

Important. All tubular bones (bird bones), as well as rabbit bones, are excluded from the list of provisions.

You can give beef moslaks, which are taken after the dog eats the meat and cartilage tissue. This will protect your pet from dislocating its jaw when trying to gnaw on a large bone.

Choosing a nickname

For girls: Dana, Tori, Kayla, Abby, Gina, Elsa, Jess.

For boys: Dodge, Mike, Joe, Butch, Ram, Morgan, Boss.

Health, life expectancy, diseases

With good innate immunity The American Staffordshire Terrier lives approximately 10-12 years. The most typical Amstaff breed ailments are associated with musculoskeletal system. Increased physical activity often leads to ligament rupture.

The list of breed diseases includes:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • heart failure;
  • arthrosis;
  • flatulence;
  • allergy;
  • eye diseases (retinal atrophy and cataracts);
  • deafness.

“Professional” sores Amstaff are considered to be lacerated, infected wounds that he receives in dog fights. But, if the genes are not bad, your four-legged dog will rarely get sick.

Amstaff (American Staffordshire Terrier) puppies: where to buy and what is the price

Nurseries of this breed are common in countries where there is no ban on breeding Amstaffs; a large population is located in the USA, countries Eastern Europe. Registered in RKF National Club breed, through which you can buy a purebred puppy.

Average price of a puppy: 50,000 rubles.

Healthy-looking puppies are dense, strong and playful. The coat is shiny and lies smooth. The puppy should not have any rashes or scratches on its skin. Amstaff colors are a matter of taste; compliance with the breed standard is important. It is worth examining his tummy: if it is too swollen, this indicates infection with helminths.

In our country, about 70 kennels are engaged in the breeding and sale of American Staffordshire Terriers. This is where you should buy a puppy to avoid getting an animal with genetic abnormalities. There is a practice of booking puppies, and only the future owner is informed by the breeders of the cost of the chosen baby.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg you can apply for Amstaff Terrier puppies: Moscow Moscow Moscow St. Petersburg St. Petersburg

On average in Russia, a Staff puppy can be bought for $250 - $430. In Moscow and St. Petersburg nurseries the price is slightly higher and can reach up to $515.

  • An American Staffordshire Terrier pulled a load weighing 135 kg. For a dog whose weight rarely exceeds 30 kg, this figure is indisputable evidence of innate endurance and desire to win.
  • Amstaffs are in the service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, as they are agile, learn quickly and are able to follow a scent. During the siege of the notorious terrorist attack on Dubrovka, before the assault, the building was examined by dog ​​handlers and amstaffs.
  • When numerous accusations of attacking people fell on the breed, the famous artist and public figure Yuri Nikulin stood up for it.

*Based on the results of my own work and colleagues from,,

The Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that has come to us since the Middle Ages.

The names were different - pit dog, Staffordshire bull terrier, pit bull terrier and others.

But not only the name of the breed has changed, but also the appearance of the dogs.

The breed was fully formed as we know it today, at the end of the 19th century.

At that time, a breed such as the pit bull terrier was bred, for this purpose they crossed english bulldog and terrier.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier gave rise to the breeding of Amstaffs, which appeared on Russian territory in the 80s of the last century.

The Amstaff Terrier is a medium-sized dog, strongly built and with clearly defined muscles. Although she is small in stature, the staffs have incredible strength.

The head is massive, short ears are raised high, this is often what owners do with such dogs.

Their eyes are usually dark in color and wide set. The rims of the eyes are black, and their nose is also always black.

The stomach is tucked, the shoulders are muscular. One cannot help but mention the large and powerful chest area, due to which the animal’s front legs are widely spaced.

The tail is straight, of medium length and slightly pointed. Dogs' coat is short, thick and pleasant to the touch. The color can be spotted or plain.

Let's look at the most common types of Amstaff colors:

    Black— in this version, the Staffordshire Terrier has a rich black color; other shades are not visible even under the influence of sunlight.

    But there may be small marks on the nose or paws. There is a mixed color, when a white shade is combined with black.

    In this case, white is often found on the markings, which can be located on the face, neck, back and paws.

    This color has another name - “Black Boston”; it is characterized by a very dark shade of the eyes and nose.

    Blue- this color ranges from light blue to black-blue shades. The deep blue staff has a nose of the same blue color.

    The dark blue color looks no less beautiful, the nose is very dark, almost no different from black, and the eyes are brown.

    brindle- This color is characterized by both brindle and reddish shades. If you like brindle color in animals, pay attention to one more variety.

    This is a variant of the red or red color, it is very bright and even, the eyes have a dark brown tint, the nose and rim have a deeply rich black color.

Staffordshire Terriers are protectors by nature, which was their original purpose when bred.

That is, such a dog instinctively strives to protect the owner and his loved ones.

When feeling possible danger, the Amstaff, like the Pit Bull Terrier, becomes very angry and can bite other dogs or intruders.

In addition, the Stafford dog can be a good property guard, unlike other breeds.

She is a tireless fighter who is not afraid of pain and has great endurance.

Amstaff will stop at nothing until he neutralizes the enemy.

But with proper training of a dog, restraint can be cultivated in its character. Because she is not always able to figure out on her own who is the enemy and who should not be touched.

In this regard, he is less susceptible to restraint in character.

In relationships with small children and other pets at home, Staffordshire Terriers will behave lovingly.

But for this you need to make efforts from the first days of the animal’s stay, introduce everyone to them and teach them correct behavior.

Amstaff should feel love and care from his family. Even if you managed to achieve obedience of this dog, it is not recommended to leave it without adult control, alone with a child.

The Staffordshire Terrier is very sociable and loves communication, so many owners are happy to keep this breed both in a private house and in an apartment.

The pet will try to please you and follow all commands. But when raising such a fighting dog, in addition to family love, she needs a decisive and strict owner.

It is very important that the owner is able to assert his primacy and power over this pet. Otherwise, the dog may try to become the boss instead of its owner.

At first glance, it does not require special care.

Get a terry towel specifically for your pet and periodically wipe it with a towel soaked in water.

They do the same after walks, because the dog loses particles of dead skin. skin and fine wool. You need to visit once a year veterinary clinic and get vaccinated.

The first time should be vaccinated at 2-3 months, but before that the dog needs to be wormed, about 7 days before vaccination.

After the first vaccination, for two weeks, try to limit the staff’s interaction with other dogs, do not overexert the animal and do not bathe it. The Amstaff lives for about 12-15 years.

The owner’s main task is to fully walk the dog, otherwise it will begin to show disobedience and perform poorly in learning new commands.

And for entertainment, the Staffordshire Terrier can play pranks and spoil things right in the house, and unspent energy will be directed towards aggressive behavior.

In a day such a fighter must train active actions at least 1-2 hours. Games, running, cycling, learning commands, training - all this will diversify your walks together. Remember that you cannot deprive the Amstaff of its legal walks and keep it locked up.

One more no less important aspect breed care - balanced diet, which should contain useful minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Here you choose one of two options, you can buy dry food high quality or feed natural products.

Ready-made food saves owners a lot of time, but can have a significant impact on the budget. Because really high-quality drying is not cheap.

Eating natural products will take longer, but you will control the quality and freshness of the products. You cannot definitely decide which option is better; you must decide for yourself.

If you liked the Staffordshire Terrier and decided to make a choice in its favor, then if you treat your pet responsibly, you will not regret your decision for a second.

The four-legged dog will become a beloved pet of your family, because it will reciprocate and become a devoted companion.

But it will take time and effort for such a serious breed. The Amstaff Terrier can be a friend, watchman and protector.

The breed is often used in the army and police. They are even capable of training other dogs; among the staffs, champions in the sports field are increasingly being found.

Photo gallery

By starting to train your pet in time, you will get a kind and balanced dog. In our photo gallery you can see representatives of this breed again.

The American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is known to the world, but not everyone has heard about the long and interesting history of the origin of the breed. Staffords were created through selection in England. Bulldog and terrier crosses were carried out to create an aggressive and courageous dog. The result exceeded imaginable and unimaginable expectations. The American Staffordshire Terrier was originally called a bull terrier, indicating its origins in the bulldog and terrier.

There are debates regarding the origin of the terrier; there are a number of contradictions in the history of the dog. The Stafford is a cross between the aggressiveness of a bulldog and the endurance and mobility of a terrier. What can we say, the dog turned out to be truly harsh and cruel.

A completely reasonable question arises: why did the British need such dangerous dog. The answer is extremely simple. In the 19th century, dog fighting actively gained popularity, promising great income for the organizers. Gradually, betting moved to the USA, Mexico and even Canada. The Staffords showed fearlessness and perseverance in fights, shedding blood for the amusement of those around them. A truly monstrous sight.

The dogs did not stop fighting. Even serious wounds did not knock the dogs down and the dogs continued to fight like true fighters. This is a proud and strong breed, improved through selection many times. The names were constantly changing. The Staffordshire Terrier was previously called the Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier and even the Brindle Bulldog. The name of the new breed did not affect the character of the breed - a living machine for endless battles and bloodshed. Keeping an animal at home was considered crazy, to say the least. Years passed, centuries changed. Staffords began to appear in private homes as staunch and hardy guards.

The pet received its modern name - American Staffordshire Terrier - only at the end of the 20th century. At the end of the 19th century, the breed was given its current appearance.

The role of the ancestors of the breed was played by the English terrier and bulldog, successfully crossed by American breeders. As a result of scientific work, the Pit Bull Terrier breed was born, which served as the further creation of the Staffordshire Terrier dog. Today it is customary to shorten the long name; the dogs are more often known as Stafs or Amstafs. Pets appeared on the territory of Russia recently - at the end of the 20th century.

Description of the breed

Before purchasing this difficult animal, you will need to study the characteristics of the breed in detail. Stafford - fighting dog exhibiting a complex and difficult to control temperament. You have the right to madly love and cherish the dog as a full-fledged member of the family, but he is an aggressive fighter, such are the genes.

To earn the dog’s complete trust and obedience, you need to re-read a bunch of books and thoroughly learn the psychology of the breed. They are complex and unruly, unyielding and extremely stubborn animals. The appearance speaks of extraordinary sporting potential. Raising a dog will become the basis for safe coexistence in the same territory. Stafford makes a true warrior:

  1. strong body,
  2. strong legs,
  3. short hair,
  4. pile of muscles.

Despite his dashing disposition, the Staffordshire Terrier recognizes hierarchy and follows the rules of the pack. The dog's owner and family members must demonstrate their own importance and remain an authority so that the dog never touches them. If it is not possible to achieve strict subordination, the dog is capable of showing monstrous aggression at any second, both against adults and children.

It is recommended to conduct regular training, exercises, and educational games so that the Amstaff becomes a family friend who is not capable of causing pain. If a person is ready for such a complex upbringing and a waste of nerves and energy, it is possible to purchase a puppy of the specified strong breed.

TO full description breed of American Staffordshire Terrier, I would like to add that the breed is created for murder and bloodshed. There is no dog’s fault in the resulting cruelty and mercilessness. A proper upbringing and regular training can turn a growing villain into a truly sweet animal, ready to protect his family to the last drop of blood.

Breed characteristics:

  1. 44-46 cm height for females, 46-48 cm height for males;
  2. 25-30 kg weight;
  3. The head is large;
  4. The ears are semi-raised, erect, set high;
  5. The eyes are round, dark, rimmed, and set wide apart;
  6. Black nose;
  7. The back is sloping, short;
  8. The stomach is tucked;
  9. Oblique placement of the shoulder blades;
  10. Shoulders are muscular;
  11. The chest is wide and powerful;
  12. Limbs straight, widely spaced;
  13. Short pointed tail;
  14. Short coat, smooth, thick;
  15. Various colors, spotting is acceptable.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed has a contradictory character. On the one hand, genetic traits influenced the formation: courage and dedication, quick response and ruthlessness. The fighting past has not passed without a trace in the history of the dog; the fighting blood inherent in dogs continues to flow in the veins of staffs.

Staffordshire Terriers, on the other hand, are portrayed as intelligent dogs that are calm and level-headed. The dog is infinitely devoted to its owners and absolutely loves children. Staffordshire Terriers are often bred as nannies for naughty pranksters.

Dogs get along well with children and are ready to indulge their whims, make them happy and play from morning to night. The breed is distinguished by its mobility and energy; representatives get along comfortably with children and spend most of the day in active games.

Among other things, the Staffordshire Terrier breed is not endowed with a desire for dominance. Thanks to this, getting along with another pet is easier than ever. Dogs will not leave their owner and family in trouble, they will always support. If danger arises, they will stand up for the family and will not offend anyone. In ordinary life, staff radiates calm and regularity.

The dog has extraordinary sensitivity, it is not recommended to scold or punish the dog, you should not raise your voice without reason or show aggression. The upbringing and comfortable existence of staff is directly related to the manifestation of love and tenderness, trust and other positive emotions.

Thanks to their innate sense of smell, Staffordshire Terrier puppies and adult dogs always feel what is going on in the family. Dogs will not raise their voices and will not impose their presence during serious situations. They are not prone to barking without permission. At such moments, they will either try to support the owners, or will go to their place and lie quietly.

Caring for the American Staffordshire Terrier

When the Amstaff puppy crosses the threshold of the apartment, he will immediately begin a thorough inspection of the territory. On the first day, the owner must designate a place for the dog to sleep. Of course, basking with an affectionate puppy is nice and healthy, but the baby will quickly turn into a calf weighing 30 kg.

Proper care of the American Staffordshire Terrier will eliminate unwanted moments in the process of coexistence with the wonderful beast. As a puppy, the staff undergoes vaccination procedures against measles, distemper and rabies. Subsequently, vaccinations are given annually, in the prescribed month. There will be no difficulties in caring for the coat. A stiff brush is enough to make your pet's coat look healthy and well-groomed.

The Amstaff does not like nail trimming; it is recommended that the dog's owner entrust this task. The authority of the owner for the staff is undeniable; he will not touch him even if he feels pain when trimming his nails.

It’s easy to learn how to care for an American Staffordshire Terrier from breeders; nothing specific is expected.

Taking care of the healthy state of the staff is a complex of measures, including:

  • Preventive measures;
  • Therapeutic measures;
  • Hygiene procedures;
  • Optimal diet;
  • Optimal walking mode.

Proper care of the Staffordshire Terrier is directly related to caring for your pet’s coat. You will need to periodically clean the coat with a damp cloth or towel and regularly comb out dead hairs. The procedure promotes rapid hair renewal and provides the skin with the necessary massage.

It is important not to overdo it with bathing your pet; frequent procedures will undermine the health of the coat and skin. For mandatory bathing, they are used as a cosmetic product. special shampoos. The use of inappropriate products causes an allergic reaction and dry skin.

Your pet's nails will need to be shortened monthly using special tool. Walking on an asphalt surface is good for the natural development of claws. It is important to pay attention to your teeth.

To ensure healthy condition You are supposed to brush your teeth with a special brush. It is important to monitor the condition of the nose; if it is dry and cracked, the dog is unhealthy. Ears are kept clean and healthy.

What to feed

American Staffordshire Terrier puppies must be fed well in order for their muscles to grow properly. Let us outline a number of important points about what to feed the American Staffordshire Terrier:

  • A massive and strong skeleton requires a high level of calcium in the blood; give the dog special vitamins sold at the pet store.
  • The digestive system is not complicated, which contributes to the rapid digestion of food. It is not recommended to feed your dog high-calorie foods. This can lead to difficulty in bowel movements.
  • A healthy American Staffordshire Terrier dog walks at least twice a day.
  • Meat should prevail in the diet. You should not feed exclusively dry food. The dog willingly eats scraps from the owner's table.

It’s easy to find out from the sellers what to feed American Staffordshire Terrier puppies. It is better to purchase the appropriate book for a thorough study. However, there are no fundamental differences in the diet of Staffords. Dogs eat everything and do not experience any difficulties with the digestive tract.

The food of the staff is designed to correspond to the physical condition of the pet and support it. The diet of puppies is supposed to be balanced, taking into account the size of the animal and gender. The main component of the diet is meat, offered raw and boiled.

It is recommended to give your pet milk, cottage cheese and eggs. The last component is required when boiled. Boiled cereals are useful for food; it is not forbidden to prepare soups. Porridges and soups are complemented with vegetables. Offer to gnaw bones, with the exception of tubular ones, add meat and bone meal to food.

Character of the breed

Some researchers say that due to its rich fighting past, the Amstaff has practically lost the pack instinct characteristic of its relatives. Became an individual. The change led to the emergence of character traits: the ability to make independent decisions, the absence of the need to dominate, and to obey the general mood.

Amstaff owners talk about the dogs’ ability to think, understand words different from standard commands, and the mood in the house.

A smart dog is always happy to play with those who want to. Needs attention and love. Next to the person is fully consistent famous saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Despite the quick reaction and ability to instantly respond to stimuli, the American Staffordshire Terrier always thinks about everything, which is noticeable in his facial expressions. The dog will not bark in vain. In a tense situation, he will give a warning with an impressive roar.

The aggressiveness of the breed is directly proportional to the aggressiveness and level of intelligence of the owner. If a person gets a dog to sublimate his own unsatisfied ambitions in dominance and self-esteem, the dog will definitely adapt to the owner and will pose a threat to others. In families where the dog is surrounded by love and care, it grows up socialized and calm. Then it will be fully revealed best qualities, making the bag of muscles an affectionate pet.


Training the American Staffordshire Terrier is considered to be the key to an easy-going character and well-developed muscles. Education should begin from the moment the puppy arrives at home. Trips to special training sites begin at seven months. The breed is easy to train. There is no need to stock up on nerves and patience; Stafford understands, if not the first time, then the second time.

An important aspect of education in the life of a staff is that the dog is historically aggressive and dangerous. Training the Staffordshire Terrier is primarily about socialization. Without this moment, the dog becomes uncontrollable. It is important to start training and education at the age of 1.5 months. From the age mentioned above to 6 months, the breed is extremely trainable. With the right approach and systematic training, you can achieve excellent results and turn your pet into an assistant and companion.

The main point is that training, like upbringing, begins as early as possible, giving the puppy the dominant position of the owner. Taming a dog will take a significant amount of time; the puppy can be overly playful and uncontrollable. It is forbidden to hit the dog, causing retaliatory aggression. The American Staffordshire Terrier breed is distinguished by its excellent memory, which allows the dog to take revenge on the offender even years later.

American Staffordshire Terrier dogs are sweet and kind creatures - only if they are raised correctly. It is supposed to nip in the bud any attacks of rage of the animal and indicate human authority, so that the dog does not risk showing grin and aggression in front of the owner.