The healthiest porridge for women. Why are cereal porridges dangerous?

Which porridge should you choose for breakfast without drowning in the abundance of existing cereal products? How to cook the most healthy mixtures? What are the benefits of different grains? We will answer all your questions through a review 10 best porridges for breakfast. Surely, not everyone will like this top, so remember that the taste of any porridge can be improved with the help of healthy fruits, vegetables, spices, and other additives, including dried fruits, nuts, etc.
Attention! The rating was compiled based on energy value and the amount of useful microelements for the human body.

10 healthiest cereals


Buckwheat is considered one of the most healthy cereals. It is easily digestible and contains few calories. However, not the best for breakfast best option. It is recommended to use it for diseases of the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Experts advise diabetics to eat buckwheat for breakfast. Preferably with prunes and nuts. This dish is popular in many countries around the world. We advise you not to overuse cereal for tomorrow. Buckwheat is an excellent dinner!

It's about about a wonderful side dish for salads. It is important to consider that there are grains different lengths. Wild rice is best for breakfast. The long one is perfect for salads. Medium for preparing first courses and risotto. From round rice They prepare sushi, desserts, and puddings. For breakfast, it is recommended to cook rice that does not include gluten. This is a great alternative for people who don't like to eat wheat. Dry, non-greasy rice is recommended for breakfast. If you need healthy porridge for dinner, for example, after playing sports, it is better to make pilaf.

A very tasty and healthy porridge for breakfast, which has only one drawback - it takes a long time to boil. Speaking about the advantages, we can highlight a huge list of advantages:

  • well absorbed;
  • cleanses the body of chlorine;
  • eliminates fluoride;
  • eliminates toxins.

The cereal product contains many calories. It is recommended to consume it in moderation for breakfast. A little porridge will improve tone and increase vital energy, will give cheerfulness and good mood. It is worth adding that the product does not cause an allergic reaction.

Another healthy breakfast porridge that was invented in Africa. Today it is eaten everywhere, including Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and other countries. Naturally, the healthy cereal product is extremely popular in the CIS countries as well. As a rule, this dish is served for dinner along with meat or vegetables. However, couscous is also healthy breakfast, if the grains are combined with prunes, nuts and a number of dried fruits. Couscous is made from a variety of grains, including rice, barley and semolina.

Previously people It was believed that rye porridge allows a person to straighten up. Let's explain what this means. The fact is that this cereal contains large number B vitamins. These microelements are beneficial for the health of the spine. In addition, regular consumption of rye porridge prevents the development of cancer. The advantages of such a breakfast include a small amount of starch. However, there is plenty of dietary fiber. Therefore, the product perfectly cleanses the body.

This porridge is the favorite breakfast of Peter I. Very useful product, containing a huge amount useful substances. If you decide to use egg for breakfast, do not forget to add jam, honey and poppy seeds. This cereal has a number of advantages:

  • removes waste and toxins;
  • stabilizes blood circulation;
  • improves hair, nails and teeth growth;
  • improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

It is worth adding that yachka is a very tasty cereal if cooked correctly.

When comparing millet with other healthy cereals, it is important to highlight the following two facts. In terms of its beneficial properties, porridge is practically not inferior to rice and buckwheat. However, it should not be consumed by people with low acidity. Cereals remove toxins and waste. Doctors recommend that all people using antibiotics eat it in the morning. By the way, not many people know that millet weakens potency.

In addition to vegetables and fruits, healthy diet there must be cereals. It is advisable to know which cereals are the most beneficial for the body. After all, each of them contains many essential vitamins and microelements. Plus, they make a filling and flavorful side dish. Cereals differ not only in taste. Their nutritional value is different for everyone.

Cereals and their benefits

More from early childhood we hear that cereals are important and healthy. And this is true. To prepare this dish you need cereals, which are a valuable product. They contain microelements, vitamins and fiber, which provide energy and health. Not everyone is aware that the latter helps eliminate toxins, cholesterol and fats. This quality helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Today we can consume a lot different types croup The question often arises: “Which cereal is the healthiest?” There is no clear answer. Each of them has something of its own, special.

The most valuable cereals

To feel good every day, your diet must be healthy and balanced. And for this, the diet and daily menu should definitely include the most valuable cereals. They are useful for everyone, especially for those who have problems with their health and gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at which porridge is the best for health in more detail.

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • millet;
  • corn;
  • pearl barley;
  • wheat cereal.

It is important that each type of these cereals be on the menu periodically. This diversity makes it possible to create balanced diet. If you alternate porridges, then the body will begin to receive everything essential vitamins and microelements. For these purposes, the simplest menu table for the week can be compiled.


This porridge is considered unique due to its composition. It is the leader among cereals in terms of minimal calorie content. Buckwheat is used in a variety of diets. Also followers healthy image life and vegetarian food They like to use it, replacing animal protein. Its amount in this porridge reaches 18%.

Buckwheat is easy to prepare, and it contains a lot of useful substances. Just one small portion of porridge provides the body with all the nutrients and energy, strengthening and saturating it. It contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins PP, B, R. It is good to use for those who suffer from diabetes, those who want to lose excess weight, and those who like to play sports. The plant is environmentally friendly because no chemicals are used during the growing process. That's why buckwheat porridge at the same time, it is safe for health.

Benefits of oatmeal

This cereal is made from oats. And it, in turn, is subject to various types of processing. Because of this, the benefits of the product are directly dependent on the grinding. The most needed one has a coarse grind. Therefore, the diet should contain rolled oats porridge, not instant cereal.

Cereals contain many microelements and vitamins. And the greatest value is its high fiber content. Eating this porridge helps the body remove toxins, waste and cholesterol. Data healing properties has a product that is boiled on clean water. Porridge is useful for people who have gastrointestinal diseases. It helps especially well with ulcers and gastritis.

Millet and its valuable qualities

The product is subject to minimal processing. This means that a large amount of fiber is retained in the cereal. Porridge is good for cleansing the body of toxic substances, salts, antibiotics, waste. Very helpful in normalizing the condition of blood vessels, which helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

The product contains a lot of carbohydrates, which makes you feel full longer. But it is not suitable for those who suffer from a disease such as pancreatitis. The pancreas is very weak to process the polysaccharides contained in cereals. It is also strictly forbidden to introduce it into the diet of patients with diabetes.

When choosing among cereals, you should look at the color. It should be bright yellow. This is an indicator of a large number of useful components.


The value of this cereal is known to everyone. It appears especially often on the menus of residents of China, Asia, and India. The most is not the white we are used to, but brown and unpolished. It contains very few calories. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. And the sorbent properties of cereals help normalize the digestion process, because it envelops the intestines with a film and helps its functioning.

Rice is a source of carbohydrates and energy. It is useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight. If you have an upset stomach, this porridge is useful with water and without fat. It is especially good to introduce it into the diet of those who suffer from protein intolerance.

This product is not familiar to everyone. But its benefits are undeniable. Corn has one unique property. It saturates the body very well, so the portions are sufficient and small. But it takes a long time to digest, unlike other types of cereals. It takes more than four hours to break down carbohydrates.

The cereal contains iron, zinc, carotene, magnesium, potassium, vitamins PP, A, E and other microelements. This valuable product for those who suffer from heart and vascular diseases. Corn helps lower cholesterol and perfectly cleanses the intestines, just like oatmeal.

Barley porridge

This cereal has also been consumed since ancient times. Porridge was especially popular among gladiators because it contained a lot of protein, which helped them regain strength.

Today, barley is considered budget-friendly and is often used in the army. But its beneficial properties are enormous. Cereals contain a lot of protein and phosphorus. It also contains fiber, which affects intestinal function. Few people cook cereals because they simply don’t know how. Before the cooking process, it must be soaked for twelve hours.

Porridge helps relieve constipation and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It is good to use it with honey, especially for those who are engaged in mental work.

Wheat groats

This porridge is useful for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. And all because it has few calories. The cereal contains a lot of zinc, iron, phosphorus, vitamins PP, B2, vegetable proteins, fats and starch. It is especially necessary for those who have heavy physical activity. It helps restore strength.

With regular use wheat cereal, digestion will improve, cholesterol levels will decrease, hair and nails will become stronger.

Secrets of cooking porridge

To make the dish as tasty and healthy as possible, it should be prepared correctly. There are subtleties to this. All valuable components in the grain are contained in the upper shell. Therefore, it is better to use a coarsely ground product. All types of cereals must be washed well before cooking. The most valuable components will not go anywhere, and hygiene is important.

It is better to cook porridge in water. To make the taste richer, you can add raisins, pieces of fruit, flax-seed, sesame, fresh berries. The calorie content will definitely not increase, but the benefits will increase.

Cereals should be consumed regularly. This is important for human health and the condition of his body.

Expert opinion

I would also like to note that our cereal is not the most popular - yet - but at the same time tasty and healthy - quinoa. It can be increasingly found on store shelves. Quinoa is high in protein, phosphorus and iron, and can add variety to your diet in both nutrition and taste.

Inna Verbitskaya, nutrition specialist

For a long time now, no one has doubted that it is better to start your day with porridge. But which one? We decided to find out everything about the beneficial properties of the most popular cereals and figure out which one is the best.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

Porridge is really good to eat for breakfast. This is a source of “slow” (healthy) carbohydrates that will give good feeling saturation and will provide normal work Gastrointestinal tract for the whole day. It is important to cook the porridge correctly. For example, it is better to steam oatmeal with boiling water than to boil it. Cooking will artificially increase glycemic index- will turn a healthy cereal into a “white bun” - and will lead to the loss of the lion’s share of B vitamins and microelements. In addition, porridge is not able to meet the body’s needs for all nutrients Oh. Therefore, it should be added protein products- cheese or cottage cheese will ideally complement your breakfast. Don't forget about healthy fat- add nuts/urbech to the porridge or linseed oil/ pine nut oil.


It is difficult to determine which cereal is the healthiest in the world, but every person has eaten this porridge at least once in their life (before writing this article, we conducted a small survey in our instagram- most of all turned out to be oatmeal lovers). Oatmeal can be cooked both in milk and in water (milk, of course, tastes better), in both cases it will not lose its flavor. useful properties. And there are many of them. Oatmeal is rich in manganese, B vitamins and. In addition, oats contain many antioxidants - among them there is a unique one called avenanthramides. According to research, this antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties. Oats also contain large amounts of beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber. The benefits of beta-glucan for the body and health are enormous. First, it lowers “bad” cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Secondly, it promotes growth good bacteria in the digestive tract. And thirdly, it perfectly saturates and suppresses hunger.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Oatmeal is especially useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the high content of amino acids and vitamin PP, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and cholesterol is removed. Positive influence turns out it's time to go to work nervous system, liver and thyroid gland. Biotin, a substance also found in oatmeal, helps relieve muscle pain and tension.

Buckwheat porridge

We love buckwheat and will never stop praising its valuable properties for the body, which you probably already know about. But we’ll remind you just in case. Buckwheat contains a lot useful elements and substances, such as phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin B6, folic and pantothenic acid. According to, buckwheat reduces “bad” cholesterol, helps prevent diseases and fight high cholesterol. In addition, buckwheat is an excellent source of vegetable protein, which is why all athletes, vegetarians and people trying to lose weight love it so much. Buckwheat helps alleviate diabetes. In one study, a group of people with diabetes consumed buckwheat porridge for two months. At the end of the experiment, participants found that they felt better and noticed a decrease in insulin resistance without any medication. Buckwheat is often compared to newfangled grains - they contain approximately the same amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but buckwheat is much cheaper. Buckwheat is also loved because it is low and belongs to the gluten-free food group.

Corn porridge

Corn porridge, like buckwheat, does not contain gluten, so anyone who suffers from (gluten intolerance) can eat it. This cereal contains iron and phosphorus. Iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body and also speeds up metabolism by activating special enzymes necessary for energy production. Phosphorus, in turn, is needed for strong bones and teeth. Corn porridge is high in carbohydrates (94 grams per cup), making it a great breakfast option for athletes, but it's not worth eating if you're trying to lose weight.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Corn grits and cereals made from it, in my opinion, are the least attractive for the body and figure - it contains a large amount of carbohydrates (75%), few vitamins and minerals, and corn protein is inferior in composition and is poorly digestible. However, corn grits inhibit the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines, so it is recommended to include it periodically - at least once a week - in the diet.

Millet porridge

Millet is a very healthy, tasty and nutritious porridge. Surely everyone associates it with childhood, which is why so many people still love it. Besides good taste, millet porridge boasts important properties. Research shows that millet helps improve the condition of bronchial asthma, and may even prevent its occurrence. This cereal also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes - it contains a lot of magnesium. This element is precisely the main “fighter” against this disease. Millet is a source of not only magnesium, but also copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins and various beneficial substances, such as leucine, tryptophan, threonine and histidine.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Millet cereal is practically hypoallergenic, helps remove toxins from the body (in particular antibiotics), improves digestion and has a lipotropic effect - once in the body, it prevents fat from being absorbed into the walls of blood vessels. It is not recommended to eat millet when low acidity gastric juice, inflammatory processes in the intestines and thyroid diseases.

Spelled porridge

In the wake of following a healthy lifestyle, spelt has gained particular popularity only now, although this grain appeared a very, very long time ago - approximately 5-6 thousand years BC. Spelled flour, spelled pasta, spelled flakes - everyone seems to have heard about them, but do not know what beneficial properties spelled has. Now we will tell you - because there is something! Spelled cereal is rich in various microelements - iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium - and substances. Among these substances we can highlight nicotine and folic acid and thiamine. Nicotinic acid plays a key role in proper operation endocrine system. Folic acid reduces the risk of heart disease and attacks, and can also protect the fetus from developing defects during a woman’s pregnancy. Thanks to the same minerals - zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, selenium - spelled has positive impact on bone health and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Flaxseed porridge

The same as about spelled, about flaxth porridge supporters of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition I remembered quite recently. And it was not in vain that they remembered: flaxseed porridge- a storehouse of vitamins and valuable elements. Among many substances one can highlight fatty acids omega-3, lignans, soluble and insoluble fiber. Omega-3 acids are known as "good" fats and are considered extremely beneficial for heart health. Lignans are plant phytoestrogens that have antioxidant properties, which means they can resist cancer. According to the Director of Health and Nutrition atKelly Fitzpatrick, recent research has shown that flaxseed protects against breast cancer, cancer prostate gland and colon cancer.

Rice porridge

White polished rice, as you know, is not the healthiest product. During processing, the grain loses everything valuable substances, and therefore properties. But if you are not ready to deny yourself rice porridge with milk (and it’s really very tasty), then sometimes you can still treat yourself to this dish for breakfast - try making porridge from brown rice, which contains a lot of vitamins, especially B vitamins, and microelements such as magnesium, manganese and calcium.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Rice cereal is famous for its high digestibility. In addition, this cereal is capable of absorbing all substances that are unnecessary and harmful to humans that come with other products. These absorbent properties of rice porridge are successfully used to effectively remove toxins and waste. That is why nutritionists recommend using it during various diets. But for porridge, as a rule, we use white rice - it is “polished” and loses its shell, leaving a very small amount of B vitamins and microelements, and it also has a high glycemic index. All this slightly reduces the attractiveness of rice grains.

Cereals have been the basis of human nutrition since time immemorial. Today you can find a wide variety of grains, legumes and cereals on store shelves. So that you don’t get confused in them, we have compiled a detailed guide to the most known species and asked a nutritionist to talk about the benefits of each.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

- Cereals are, first of all, a source of slowly digestible carbohydrates and vegetable protein, all microelements (they are especially rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, and buckwheat - iron, and many others) and vitamins - mainly groups B and E. And not a less important component of cereals is dietary plant fiber, which improves performance digestive system, cleansing the intestines, repopulating it beneficial microflora, slowing down the absorption of sugars and reducing the glycemic index of food. Preference should always be given to unrefined cereals with preserved shells, which contain whole grains, with maximum number vegetable protein.

Wheat cereals

Wheat is the main grain crop grown on land. It happens various types and varieties, and several types of cereals are made from it. It is worth remembering that all wheat cereals contain gluten.

Wheat cereal

This is a coarsely ground polished grain of durum wheat (durum). The color of the cereal can be yellow (from spring wheat) or grayish (from winter wheat). The beneficial properties of wheat cereal are incredibly diverse: it contains fiber, various sugars, starch and minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, iodine, potassium, silver, boron, calcium, silicon, phosphorus and molybdenum. Thanks to a large amount of vitamins, wheat cereal strengthens the body, reduces blood pressure, removes heavy metals and improves digestion.

Natalya Fadeeva

- It is better to give preference to durum wheat varieties, which include spring and awned varieties, for example white turk, krasnoturka, kubanka, garnovka and others. There are a huge number of wheat varieties. It is very simple to determine the durum variety of wheat: if the grain crumbles and crumbles when crushed, it is a soft grain; if it has a glassy appearance and, when crushed, is divided into several solid dense pieces, it is a durum grain. Durum grains have a lower glycemic index and raise blood glucose levels less and more slowly.


This is the same wheat cereal, only with a higher degree of purification. Semolina porridge is well known to us since kindergarten. The most useful semolina is made from durum wheat, but in Russia you can find mainly semolina from soft varieties. Semolina contains a large amount of starches and has almost no fiber. Semolina contains a large amount of protein, potassium, vitamin E and B1, and it cooks quickly, which allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Semolina is ground wheat, but not to the point of flour. It has a lot of potassium. It can be eaten as porridge or added instead of flour to casseroles or desserts. Despite the fact that semolina is highly refined, it is not harmful. For example, for exhausted people, children with insufficient body weight, for diseases that require nutrition with high calorie content (tuberculosis, cancer, purulent processes, and others), semolina can be useful. For people with obesity and diabetes, it is better to replace it, for example, with pearl barley.


Couscous is the national dish of countries North Africa. The cereal is made from the same processed and refined wheat grain, and it has all the properties of wheat cereal. Couscous cooks instantly and is perfect for a quick, healthy lunch or snack.


To obtain bulgur, wheat grain is steamed, dried, removed from bran and ground. Thanks to this processing, bulgur cooks very quickly. It contains vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9 and beta-carotene. Bulgur normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous system and intestines. Useful during high loads, as it is easily absorbed by the body.


This is a wild type of wheat that was cultivated on the ground in ancient times. Spelled is not currently grown in industrial scale, however, it can be found on store shelves healthy eating. Due to the fact that spelled is not subject to selection, we can confidently speak about its benefits and the absence of genetic modification (unlike regular wheat). Spelled contains a lot of proteins (27-37%), containing 18 essential amino acids. There is more iron and B vitamins in spelled than in most varieties of modern wheat, but, on the contrary, there is less gluten.


Rice happens three types: long grain (indica), medium grain and round grain (smallest). It also varies in the degree of processing: there is whole grain rice (brown), polished (white) and parboiled. Whole grain rice retains all the beneficial properties of the grain shell: fiber, B vitamins, zinc, iodine, phosphorus and copper, so brown rice is much healthier than white rice. White rice cooks faster and contains more starches. Steamed has a golden color and is obtained by steaming and drying rice grains. The most famous varieties of rice are jasmine, basmati and arborio. Another type of rice, wild, is essentially not one: it is a herbaceous aquatic plant, a close relative of rice.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Of all types of rice, it is better to choose whole grain and steamed. Polished rice is peeled, contains less healthy fiber and magnesium, and increases blood glucose faster. For people with obesity and diabetes, it is better to replace white polished rice with brown or wild rice, which have a lower glycemic index.


Buckwheat is one of our favorite cereals. It is healthy, very tasty, quick to prepare and inexpensive. Buckwheat kernels are whole buckwheat grains with a huge number of beneficial properties. It contains eighteen essential amino acids, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), vitamin E. In terms of lysine and methionine content, buckwheat proteins are superior to all cereals culture; They are characterized by high digestibility - up to 80%. Buckwheat is not afraid of weeds, so no pesticides are used when growing it.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Of all grains, buckwheat contains nai more iron and vitamin rutin, which together with vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is useful for anemia, varicose veins veins In addition, buckwheat contains a large amount of vegetable protein (the most of all cereals) and does not increase blood sugar very much. It is useful for gaining muscle mass, obesity and diabetes.


Quinoa is the trendiest grain recent years. In fact, this is an ancient grain crop that was grown by Indians in the Andes several thousand years ago. Quinoa cooks quickly, has a pleasant nutty taste, and also contains more than 20% protein, all essential amino acids and phytic acid, which reduces cholesterol and fights oncological diseases. In Spain, paella is prepared with quinoa instead of rice; in Italy, it is served with olive oil and sun-dried tomatoes, and in Greece they prepare salads with vegetables and spices. One of important properties quinoa - complete absence gluten-free, for which it is highly valued by people with gluten intolerance.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Quinoa contains a lot of plant proteins, comparable in quantity to buckwheat or amaranth, while quinoa proteins are diverse in their amino acid composition. Any vegetable proteins from any cereal are proteins - sources of amino acids, the main function of which is growth, building the body, regular replacement of worn-out protein elements, the work of the immune, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal and other systems. Thus, including quinoa in your diet will have a positive effect on your health.


Oat flakes are made from oats, oatmeal And oatmeal. Unlike flakes, cereals undergo less processing and retain more of the beneficial properties of oats. And there are many of them: oats contain large quantities of natural antioxidants - substances that increase the body’s resistance to various infections and influences environment(radionuclides, heavy metal salts, stress). Oats are rich essential amino acid methionine and magnesium, necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. High content protein and fiber improves everything metabolic processes, promotes growth and development muscle tissue. Plate oatmeal contains a quarter daily norm soluble fiber. And beta glucans - dietary fiber oats - when dissolved, they turn into a viscous mass and bind excess cholesterol.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Whole oat grains are preferable for healthy people. Oatmeal usually undergo heat and pressing treatment, which somewhat reduces them nutritional value. But cereals are more suitable for people with chronic diseases digestive tract, V postoperative period, as they have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane. Cereals with sugar are a healthier option for everyone.

Corn grits

Corn grits are crushed and polished corn kernels. This cereal has a sunny yellow color and a nutty aroma. It is easily digestible, contains plant fibers that improve intestinal motility, as well as antioxidants that speed up brain function.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Corn grits are a source of slow carbohydrates, vegetable protein, vitamins B, E, potassium, and plant fiber. The main advantage is this cereal good choice for people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance).


Millet is millet grains that are minimally processed during production. It is considered the least allergenic cereal, so people with sensitive bodies should try it. Millet prevents the deposition of fat in the body and improves performance cardiovascular system. Iron, fluorine, magnesium and calcium contained in millet strengthen the body.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Millet is also one of the cereals useful for celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or allergic reactions for this protein. Millet contains, unlike other cereals, a larger amount of fat - 2.5-3.7%, therefore it saturates well and has a lot of phosphorus. But due to the large amount of dietary plant fiber, it can be poorly digested in chronic conditions. inflammatory diseases digestive system.

Barley cereals

Barley groats

Barley groats are unpolished particles of barley kernel. Among the microelements that make up grain, phosphorus is especially valuable - there is twice as much of it in barley cereals as in other cereals. Phosphorus is necessary for proper metabolism in the body and maintaining brain activity. Barley cereal carbohydrates are slowly absorbed and satiate for a long time, and fiber normalizes digestion.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley is obtained by processing barley and removing the grain shell. It is unique in that it can reduce allergic manifestations body. The amino acid lysine, found in pearl barley, is responsible for the production of collagen. Like barley, pearl barley contains gluten.

Natalya Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Barley contains more fiber than pearl barley, and accordingly, it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats more. Barley contains less fiber, but is no less healthy. Both cereals have a low glycemic index, which makes them recommended for people with obesity and diabetes. In addition, pearl barley provides energy for a very long period of time, which is why it was used in the army.

Amaranth grain

Amaranth grains are made from amaranth, a nutritious pseudocereal with a nutty flavor. Amaranth cereal contains a large amount of easily digestible protein and fiber. Amaranth porridge is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins C and PP, as well as biologically active substance squalene It regulates metabolic processes in the body, normalizes cholesterol levels, protects cells from toxins and has an immunomodulatory effect.

Whatever the diet, it must include cereals from various cereals. And this is by no means an accident. Cereals They are great for breakfast, as due to the large amount of “slow” carbohydrates, they saturate the body for a long time. In addition, cereals, like any other product, contain vitamins and microelements that a person needs. All that remains is to figure out what the healthiest porridge is. That's enough difficult question. But of all, nutritionists especially recommend buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice and barley porridge. But the benefits for humans of corn and semolina raise a number of doubts among them.

Buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is rightfully considered the queen among all cereals. Porridge cooked from it removes toxins, heavy metals and excess cholesterol from the body. It is recommended to eat it during radiation exposure. Whole buckwheat contains vitamins B, PP and E, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. At correct processing All grains are perfectly preserved.

It is worth noting that buckwheat porridge cooked in water is recommended for consumption not only for breakfast, but also for lunch and dinner. Thanks to great content it contains starch and vegetable protein, it perfectly saturates the body for for a long time. At the same time, it is easily digestible, helps normalize blood pressure and strengthens bones. It's safe to say that buckwheat is the healthiest porridge of all. It is even recommended as complementary food for infants, as it practically does not cause allergies.


Another porridge that nutritionists recommend for athletes and those simply looking after their health is oatmeal. It is made from oats, which are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, contain a complex of B vitamins, as well as vitamins PP, A and E. Oat groats contain such a large amount needed by a person microelements, that the benefits of oatmeal are not even disputed. In addition, it is easily digestible and improves digestion due to the fact that the substances it contains coat the walls of the stomach.

It is recommended to eat oatmeal during heavy physical or mental stress. That is why it received its second name - “rolled porridge”. It simply needs to be included in the diet of schoolchildren, students and athletes. It is no less important for people who have recently had a heart attack or suffer from hypertension. Oatmeal will help you quickly recover after surgery without straining the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice porridge

Perhaps the most common cereal in the world is rice. She even has more varieties than any other. The thing is that rice grows almost everywhere in Asia. Porridge from this cereal is nutritious due to the high content of slow carbohydrates, protein and minerals in rice. In addition, it is a natural sorbent and has virtually no fat in its composition.

But this is not the only thing that makes rice porridge beneficial for the body. Its most important property is that it does not contain gluten. For people suffering rare disease- for celiac disease - this is the healthiest porridge. True, you should eat it no more than 2-3 times a week, as it can cause constipation. However, to avoid this, you can combine it with vegetables or fruits. Rice porridge can also be sweet, since the cereal has practically no taste of its own.

Millet porridge

Despite the fact that this is not the most common porridge, its beneficial properties for the body are difficult to overestimate. It is recommended for diabetics and heart patients to eat millet regularly. And all thanks to the high content of potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and PP in millet porridge. Millet is rich in vitamin D, which is essential for bone growth, beautiful nails and hair.

But the main benefit of millet porridge is that it removes toxins and salts from the body. heavy metals. This means that it is advisable for residents to eat it as often as possible big cities, especially those where there are many industrial enterprises. The only drawback of millet is that it does not withstand long-term storage and may taste bitter. To avoid this, you must first rinse it well in hot water.

Barley and pearl barley porridge

Another porridge that should not be neglected when following a diet is barley. Since it is made from unpolished barley, all useful microelements and vitamins remain in it. And there are a lot of them: vitamins B, A, PP and D. In addition, it contains so much necessary for the body fiber, thanks to which barley porridge perfectly cleanses of toxins and waste and removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Close relative barley porridge- pearl barley, since it is made from the same barley, only processed and polished. However, this is the most useful porridge for large physical activity, as it is very nutritious and can give you energy for the whole day. In addition, thanks to the lysine it contains, pearl barley has antiviral properties. By the way, this was Peter I’s favorite porridge.

Corn porridge

But with corn porridge, the benefits and harms are in some balance. On the one hand, it is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, carotene, tryptophan and lysine. In addition, corn porridge removes toxins from the body due to the fiber it contains. After all, cereal is obtained by simply breaking whole corn kernels. It also helps reduce gas formation in the intestines.

At the same time, corn porridge is quickly absorbed by the body, which can cause weight gain. It is believed that its frequent consumption may cause obesity and diabetes mellitus. However, if you eat it no more than once a week, there will definitely be no harm from such porridge.

Semolina porridge

While no one doubts the benefits of oatmeal for humans, there is constant debate about semolina. After all, this porridge has practically no nutrients, since during processing the wheat from which it is made is almost completely cleaned and polished. In addition, it leaches vitamin D from the body and is therefore not recommended for baby food. Semolina porridge is also a high-calorie product, which means it should not be eaten by those who want to lose weight.

But due to the fact that semolina does not contain fiber and is almost completely digested in lower section intestines, it is simply irreplaceable for stomach and intestinal disorders. It can also be eaten after serious poisoning and rotavirus infection, if, of course, it is boiled in water. It is also believed that semolina is a porridge of beauty and youth. If you eat it no more than 2 times a week, it will improve the condition of your skin and hair.

On water or milk?

At first glance, it seems that milk porridge is not as healthy as one cooked in water. After all, it contains more calories, and the cereal in milk becomes very boiled, losing some of its beneficial properties. However, by adding milk to cereals, you can get a nutritionally complete breakfast. After all, it contains so much calcium, protein and amino acids, which cereals lack. This especially applies to buckwheat, oatmeal and rice.

To get an equally healthy, but less high-calorie breakfast option, you can boil the cereal in water, heat the milk separately, and then pour it over the finished porridge. This will make one of the most harmonious breakfasts. For those who suffer from milk intolerance, you can replace it with kefir or cottage cheese. Moreover, the latter can be added even to warm porridge. The result will be no less valuable nutritional properties breakfast. But corn, pearl barley and semolina porridge It’s still better to cook them in water, since they themselves are a very high-calorie breakfast.