Why are vegetables needed in human nutrition? The role of vegetables in human nutrition

Let's consider the importance of vegetables in human nutrition. We will answer the following questions: What is the importance of vegetables in human nutrition? How many vegetables should a person eat? What's in vegetables? What is the role of water in plants?

What is the importance of vegetables in human nutrition?

Vegetables are the most valuable product nutrition. The indispensability of vegetables in nutrition is determined by the fact that they are the main suppliers of carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, phytoncides, essential oils and dietary fibers necessary for normal functioning body.

Plant food is a high-energy product. During photosynthesis, plants accumulate solar energy and, carrying out a series of chemical transformations, produce adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), which is used for the synthesis of their proteins, carbohydrates, fats, storing some of them in reserve. In the human body there is a reverse process of disintegration of energy bonds plant food, thanks to which carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that are already specific to humans are formed.

Vegetables are not only irreplaceable products nutrition, supporting vitality human, but also effective remedy, recognized by the people and scientific medicine. Nutritional value and medicinal properties vegetables are due to the presence in them of various composition and structure chemicals with wide pharmacological spectrum effects on the body and giving dishes an original taste and aroma.

Vegetable food has a predominantly alkaline reaction, and its presence in the diet establishes an optimal acid-base balance in the human body.

According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, a person’s daily need for protein is 80-100 g, for carbohydrates - 400-500 g, for organic acids - 2-3 mg, in minerals ah - from 0.1 mg (iodine) to 6000 mg (potassium), in vitamins - from 0.2 mg (folic acid - vitamin B 9) to 100 mg (ascorbic acid - vitamin C).

How many vegetables should a person eat?

Every day a person needs about 400 g of vegetables. Scientifically based annual rate vegetable consumption for a person, depending on the region of residence, ranges from 126 to 164 kg, including cabbage different types- 35-55 kg, cucumbers - 10-13 kg, tomatoes - 25-32 kg, onions - 7-10 kg, carrots - 6-10 kg, beets - 5-10 kg, eggplants - 2-5 kg, peppers sweet 3-6 kg, green peas and vegetable beans - 3-8 kg, melons - 20-30 kg, other vegetables - 3-7 kg.

The ratio and composition of vegetables in the daily diet of the population depend on climatic conditions, place of residence, time of year, type of activity and age of the person.

What's in vegetables?

Vegetables, inferior in protein and fat content to animal products, are the main carbohydrate supplier and mineral salts. Vegetables contain biologically active substances, natural antioxidants, microelements, vitamins, dietary fiber, enzymes, structured water. Dietary fiber are good sorbents for removing various toxins.

Vegetables are succulent foods. Fresh vegetables have a high (65-96%) water content and low (4-35%) dry matter content, most of which is soluble in water.

What is the role of water in plants?

Water gives vegetables freshness, juiciness, and is a solvent for many organic matter. Dissolved in it nutrients(sugars, acids, nitrogenous, mineral substances) are better absorbed by the human body. The high water content in vegetables causes their low energy value(calorie content).

Despite great content water, vegetables have great importance in the human diet. This is explained by the fact that in large quantities dry matter contains many biologically important compounds.

The importance of vegetables in nutrition is very great because they are a valuable source of vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, mineral salts, and various flavoring substances, without which food becomes tasteless and of little use. The main advantage of vegetables is that they can be used to prepare various, healthy and delicious dishes, side dishes and snacks, easily digestible human body and contributing, in addition, better absorption any other food consumed along with vegetables.

Vegetables occupy one of the leading places in diet, and enterprises catering are obliged to offer consumers the largest possible choice of excellent, deliciously prepared dishes and side dishes from vegetables. Selected species vegetables vary greatly in their merits. So, for example, potato rich in starch, white cabbage- vitamin C, carrot- provitamin A (carotene), beet- sugar. There is very little fat in vegetables, only from 0.1 to 0.5%. Among the mineral substances, we note the potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium contained in vegetables.

Garlic and onion They have a predominantly taste value and are very widely used in cooking. These vegetables, like horseradish and some others, are rich in phytoncides - special bactericidal substances that destroy pathogenic microbes. Therefore, it is necessary to use not a monotonous, but a varied assortment of vegetables for preparing vegetable dishes and side dishes.

The cook must take care to preserve as much as possible the nutrients and vitamins found in vegetables. Vitamins are best preserved in fresh, raw vegetables immediately after they are harvested. Therefore, all kinds of salads from raw vegetables: from cabbage, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, green onions. The successes of the canning industry not only make it possible to sharply reduce seasonal fluctuations in the consumption of vegetables, but also make it possible to supply public catering establishments with the selected, highest quality vegetables at any time of the year, and these vegetables are preserved in such a way that they almost completely retain all their nutrients and taste. .

The cook should know that vitamin C is destroyed by prolonged heat treatment of vegetables, contact with atmospheric oxygen, and improper storage. When to cook vegetable soups, cabbage soup, borscht in meat, fish or mushroom broths, vegetables are placed in ready-made boiling broths, and vegetables that cook faster are added only when vegetables that require longer heat treatment are almost ready.

The container in which vegetables are cooked must be tightly closed with a lid during the entire cooking time - this makes it difficult for the vegetables to come into contact with atmospheric oxygen. Vegetables should not be cooked long before serving, since when a prepared vegetable dish is stored for a long time, even over low heat or when it is heated, the vitamins are destroyed.


Each vegetable has its own characteristic vitamin composition. So, carrots, tomatoes, and parsley contain a lot of carotene. White cabbage is rich in vitamin U. The champion in vitamin C content among vegetables is red sweet pepper, 100 g of which contains 250 mg of this valuable vitamin. However, in winter and early spring, the main suppliers of vitamin C are potatoes, cabbage (fresh and pickled) and green onions.

Vitamins are preserved to the greatest extent in vegetables consumed in fresh. Cooking, especially prolonged cooking and stewing, reduces the vitamin content of vegetables.

At the same time, preservation methods such as quick freezing and fermentation retain a significant portion of the vitamins. long period, right up to the new harvest of vegetables.

The low calorie content of vegetables has become especially important in recent decades, turning from a disadvantage of a product into its enviable advantage. To the person leading sedentary lifestyle in a life prone to obesity, it is very important to get a feeling of satiety (volumetric vegetable dishes satiates quickly) without exceeding the calorie quota daily ration prescribed by the attending physician.

Let's compare the caloric content of some products, kcal:

100 g of cucumbers give the body 14, white cabbage- 27, lettuce - 14, cauliflower - 30, eggplant - 24, zucchini - 23, tomatoes - 23, pumpkin - 29. And the calorie content of the same amount of butter is 661, ghee - 887, cheese - 350-380, pork fat - 841, etc. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.

It is thanks to their low calorie content that vegetables are found wide application in therapeutic nutrition of people suffering from excess body weight.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, lettuce, cauliflower and white cabbage contain a small amount of carbohydrates and are useful for diabetes.

Vegetables are an important supplier of minerals, necessary for the body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, various trace elements.

Vegetables contain organic acids (malic, citric, etc.) and essential oils, which largely determine the taste and aroma of the product. By stimulating the secretion of the digestive glands, they affect the digestive processes. Essential oils, affecting the sense of smell, cause the secretion of digestive juices even before we start eating. The very sight of vegetables – colorful, aromatic – helps increase appetite. Start your lunch with vegetable snacks! Salads, vinaigrettes contribute to appropriate preparation digestive system to eating and digestion. Vegetable side dishes and seasonings increase the digestibility of meat and fish.

Vegetables are included in literally every diet therapeutic nutrition. However, more detailed recommendations regarding the choice of products, their culinary processing It is advisable to obtain it from your attending physician. We will give just a few tips aimed at maximizing the preservation of vitamins and other biologically important substances in vegetables. active substances, in particular phytoncides.

It is best to peel and chop vegetables just before cooking. It is recommended to cook beets, carrots, and potatoes for salads unpeeled. We recommend adding onions, parsley, dill, and other herbs to already prepared dishes immediately before serving.

Let's consider the features of some vegetables, the role of vegetables in human nutrition.

Potatoes are rightly called the second bread: like bread, they do not get boring. Potatoes are characterized not only by their taste, but also by their high nutritional value, is well absorbed by the body. Potato fiber does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, so boiled potatoes can be eaten during periods of exacerbation of certain diseases of the stomach and intestines. 100 g of young potato tubers contain up to 20 mg of vitamin C. However, during storage, the content of ascorbic acid decreases, and after six months there will be half as much of it in potatoes. Vitamin C is also lost during cooking. Keep in mind that reheating potato dishes will further destroy vitamin C.

Carotene is better absorbed in the presence of fat, so it is advisable to eat carrots with sour cream or in salads and vinaigrettes, seasoned vegetable oil.

Tomatoes are famous for their excellent taste. They are very helpful. Tomatoes contain carotene - provitamin A, ascorbic acid, B vitamins. Of the mineral salts, they contain potassium, phosphorus, iron, organic acids, and fiber.

Currently, nutritionists believe that tomatoes can be recommended to almost everyone. They are especially useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system. The low calorie content of tomatoes allows them to be included in the diet of those who are overweight. Recent evidence suggests that tomatoes contain no more oxalic acid than, say, potatoes. They also contain less purines than other vegetables, which can disrupt metabolism and lead to the development of gout. Therefore, tomatoes should not be excluded from the diet of people suffering from joint and kidney diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Cucumbers consist of 95% water and attract not so much for their nutritional value as for their taste and aroma, which activates the activity of the digestive glands. And this, in turn, improves food absorption. Cucumbers contain vitamins (C, B1, B2) in small quantities. Of the mineral salts, they contain the most potassium. The fiber in cucumbers stimulates intestinal motor function, so cucumbers are useful for chronic constipation.

Carrots (especially brightly colored root vegetables) contain large amounts of carotene, from which vitamin A is formed in the human body. In terms of carotene content, carrots are superior to many other vegetables. Carotene is better absorbed in the presence of fat, so it is advisable to eat carrots with sour cream or in salads and vinaigrettes dressed with vegetable oil. In addition to carotene, carrots also contain other vitamins: PP, C, group B.

Carrots are rich in potassium salts, so fresh root vegetables and dishes made from them carrot juice Highly recommended for those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Carrots should be included in the diet for diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, and constipation. During exacerbations of certain diseases (for example, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum) carrots should be eaten boiled and chopped.

Prepare carrot juice and carrot salads immediately before consumption, as carotene quickly loses activity under the influence of atmospheric oxygen.

Beetroot is characterized high content sugar, fiber, organic acids (malic, citric, etc.), mineral salts (potassium, magnesium), vitamins. Fiber, sugar and organic acids enhance intestinal motility and have a laxative effect. For constipation, it is recommended to eat 50–100 g of boiled beets on an empty stomach.
Young beets are used together with tops, which contain a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene, and B vitamins.

White cabbage is a significant source of vitamin C. 100 g of cabbage in summer and autumn contains up to 30 mg of this vitamin. Cabbage also contains B vitamins (a significant part of the vitamins is also stored in sauerkraut). Among the minerals it contains potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.

Cabbage is low in calories, so doctors willingly include it - fresh and stewed - in the diet of patients suffering from obesity. Cabbage is useful for constipation. It contains a lot of fiber, increases the separation gastric juice.

Often, a gastroenterologist or nutritionist has to answer the question: does cabbage treat peptic ulcers and gastritis? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Indeed, during an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, one should refrain not only from rich meat and fish broths, but also from rich vegetable broths. With the so-called irritable stomach and increased secretion of gastric juice, such broths and decoctions increase pain and discomfort in epigastric region, cause heartburn. However, outside the period of exacerbation, you can include boiled cabbage, not very rich cabbage soup and even fresh cabbage salad in the menu, of course, provided they are well tolerated.

Excellent taste qualities, a set of biologically active substances, including vitamin U, allow cabbage to be considered not only healthy, but also healing. However, it should not be large quantities Use cabbage if you are prone to flatulence: it increases bloating.

Onions are rich in phytoncides, which inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it has long been believed that onions are useful for the “seven ailments.” Phytoncides suppress putrefactive microbes in the oral cavity and intestines. Onions improve appetite and stimulate the activity of the stomach and intestines.

Onions contain essential oils that give them a specific aroma and taste. It also contains vitamins: C, B2 (riboflavin), PP (niacin). Mineral substances in onions include potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.

There are sharp, semi-sharp and sweet varieties of onions. Onions widely used for preparing salads, meat and fish dishes. A delicious soup is made from it.

Pumpkin dishes, especially purees, do not irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract and are recommended for diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer).

Pumpkin, unlike its closest relatives - watermelon and melon - enjoys relatively little popularity. And completely undeservedly, since pumpkin is healthy and tasty, and can find wide application in cooking. It is consumed both fresh and baked or boiled. You can use it to prepare salad, soup, casseroles, various purees with the addition of other vegetables and fruits. Pumpkin goes well with millet and rice porridge. Its sweet varieties can be used to make jam and candied fruits. It’s easy to make juice from fresh pumpkin at home. To do this, just grate the pulp, then squeeze and strain the resulting juice.

The pulp of a ripe pumpkin contains sugar (up to 4.5%), vitamins B1, B2, C, carotene in large quantities, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium salts. There is little fiber in the pulp, so pumpkin dishes, especially purees, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and are recommended for diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcers).

Pumpkin has a good diuretic effect. Thanks to this, fresh pumpkin pulp and dishes made from it are included in diets for diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Zucchini, unlike pumpkin, contains less sugar (about 3%), but is richer in minerals and vitamin C. Zucchini is included in dietary ration obese patients diabetes mellitus, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Eggplants are classified as tomato vegetables. They contain vitamins (PP, C, carotene), minerals (potassium, phosphorus). Like zucchini, eggplants are low in calories, so they are recommended obese people. Eggplants are included in the diet when cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases kidney

Watermelon has pronounced diuretic properties, but does not irritate the kidneys and urinary tract, so doctors recommend it for various kidney diseases.

Sweet bell pepper is one of the richest vegetables in terms of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content. Ripe red peppers contain several times more vitamin C than, for example, oranges or tangerines. 40–50 g raw sweet pepper corresponds to daily requirement human in vitamin C. There is a lot of sweet pepper and carotene (provitamin A). It also contains vitamins B1, B2, E, PP. Of the mineral substances, pepper contains especially a lot of potassium salts.

Sweet pepper salad (raw) is a source of vitamins and is useful to include in the diet of both healthy people and those who suffer from various diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension. During heat treatment, some of the vitamins are lost, so raw sweet peppers are especially useful.

Melon contains a lot useful substances. Among them are easily digestible carbohydrates (sugars), vitamin C, and carotene. Of the mineral substances, the presence of iron is especially valuable. Melon, like watermelon, contains a lot of water. The sugar content varies in different varieties from 7 to 15%. Melon is recommended to be included in the diet of both healthy people and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, kidney and liver diseases. It is consumed both fresh and dried. You can make tasty and aromatic jam from it. A good appetizer and side dish for meat dishes is pickled melon. It is prepared as follows: pieces of peeled melon are placed in glass jars, filled with marinade and pasteurized.

Watermelon contains a significant amount of water (up to 90%) and has a pleasant sweet taste. It quenches thirst well. The sweetness of watermelon depends on fructose and glucose, which are easily digestible by humans (up to 13%). Watermelon contains fiber, pectin, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, carotene, and minerals - potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron.

Watermelon is good for everyone healthy people, and in some diseases it has healing effect. Watermelon has pronounced diuretic properties, but does not irritate the kidneys and urinary tract, so doctors recommend it for various kidney diseases.

Thanks to its iron content and folic acid which takes part in hematopoiesis, watermelon is used with therapeutic purpose with anemia. It is also useful for chronic diseases liver and cardiovascular system. Watermelon is also used for overweight bodies on so-called fasting days. For something like this fasting day use 2–2.5 kg of watermelon pulp during the day.

Based on the book by Mikhail Gurvich “Nutrition for Health. Advice from a gastroenterologist."

2. The importance of vegetables in human nutrition

Vegetables have great value in human nutrition. Eating right means having the right combination of plant and animal food in accordance with age, nature of work, state of health. When we eat meat, fats, eggs, bread, cheese, acidic inorganic compounds are formed in the body. To neutralize them, you need basic, or alkaline, salts, which are rich in vegetables and potatoes. Largest quantity Green vegetables contain compounds that neutralize acids.

Eating vegetables helps prevent many serious illnesses, increases the tone and performance of a person. In many countries of the world during treatment various diseases dietary nutrition fresh vegetables occupy a leading position. They are rich ascorbic acid(vitamin C), ensuring normal carbohydrate metabolism and promoting excretion from the body toxic substances, resistance to many diseases, reduction of fatigue. Many vegetables contain B vitamins, which affect human performance. Vitamins A, E, K, PP ( nicotinic acid) are present in green peas, cauliflower and green vegetables. Cabbage contains vitamin and, which prevents the development of duodenal ulcer.

Organic acids, essential oils and vegetable enzymes improve the absorption of proteins and fats, enhance the secretion of juices, and promote digestion. Onions, garlic, horseradish, and radishes contain phytoncides that have bactericidal properties (they destroy pathogens). Tomatoes, peppers, and leaf parsley are rich in phytoncides. Almost all vegetables are suppliers of ballast substances - fiber and pectin, which improve intestinal function, help eliminate excess cholesterol from the body and harmful products digestion. Some vegetables, such as cucumber, have low nutritional value, but due to the content of proteolytic enzymes in them, when consumed they have a positive effect on metabolism. Green vegetables are of particular value. In their fresh form, they are not only better and more fully absorbed by humans, but also help (with enzymes) in the digestion of meat and fish in the body. At the same time, being cooked, the green ones lose a significant part useful properties.

To meet the need for vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, acids, salts, an adult needs to consume more than 700 g (37%) of food of animal origin and more than 1200 g (63%) of plant origin, including 400 g of vegetables, daily. The annual need for vegetables per person varies depending on the region of the country and is 126-146 kg, including cabbage various types 35-55 kg, tomatoes 25-32, cucumbers 10-13, carrots 6-10, beets 5-10, onions 6-10, eggplants 2-5, sweet peppers 1-3, green peas 5-8, melons 20- 30, other vegetables 3-7.

Vegetables increase the digestibility of proteins, fats, and minerals. Added to protein foods and cereals, they enhance the secretory effect of the latter, and when consumed together with fat, they remove its inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. It is important to note that undiluted juices of vegetables and fruits reduce secretory function stomach, and diluted ones increase it.

2.1Commodity characteristics of tubers

Tuber crops include potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, and sweet potatoes.

Potatoes are the most common vegetable crop. Occupying one of the first places in nutrition. It is rightly called the second bread.

Homeland of potatoes - South America. Potatoes came to Russia at the end of the 17th century, Peter I sent a bag of tubers from Holland and ordered them to be planted in different areas. The peasants greeted the stranger with hostility; no one could really tell them about its merits. However, in subsequent centuries, potatoes not only took root in new places, but also found a second home in Russia.

Potato tubers are thickenings formed at the ends of the shoots of underground stems - stolons. The tuber is covered with bark, on the surface of which a plug called peel is formed. Under the bark there is pulp, consisting of a cambial ring, an outer and an inner pith. On the surface of the tuber there are eyes with two or three buds. The cork layer of bark protects the tubers from mechanical damage, penetration of microorganisms, regulates water evaporation and gas exchange.

Potatoes contain: water - 70-80%; starch - 14-25%; nitrogenous substances - 0.5-1.8%; fiber - 0.9-1.5%; minerals - 0.5-1.8%; sugars - 0.4-1.8%; acids - 0.2-0.3%. It contains vitamins (in mg%): C – 4-35; B1- 0.1; B2- 0.05; PP - 0.9. Green and sprouted potatoes contain poisonous glycosides (corned beef and chaconine). Most of the glycosides are found in potato skins.

The nitrogenous substances in potatoes contain simple proteins - proteins. Potato proteins are complete and in terms of the combination of amino acids they are equal to proteins chicken eggs. As a result of enzymatic oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, peeled potatoes darken in air. According to the ripening period, early potatoes are distinguished (ripening 75-90 days); average (90-120 days); late (up to 150 days).

According to their purpose, potato varieties are divided into table, technical, universal, and fodder.

Table varieties have large or medium tubers, thin skin, a small number of shallow eyes, are well preserved, and when peeled give smallest number waste; Their flesh is white, does not darken when cut and cooked, cooks quickly, but does not become mushy. When cooled, potatoes do not darken and have good taste. Table potatoes are used directly for food, for the production of dried potatoes, potato flakes, frozen potato products, crisps (chips), and crackers. The most common early varieties of table potatoes are Nevsky, Svitanok, Lvovyanka, Skorospely, Early Rose, Epicurus; medium varieties: Stolovy 19, Ogonyok, Gatchinsky, Peredovik; Late varieties include Temp, Kievlyanka, Ravaristy, Komsomolets, Lorch.

Jerusalem artichoke ( earthen pear). Jerusalem artichoke is grown in the southern regions of the country; it is a perennial crop. Jerusalem artichoke tubers are covered with large growths, have an elongated cylindrical shape, and are yellow-white, pink or purple in color; The pulp is white, juicy, sweet taste. Jerusalem artichoke contains up to 20% inulin; it also contains nitrogenous substances (1.5-3%) and sucrose (2-5%). Jerusalem artichoke is used as livestock feed, to obtain alcohol, inulin, and fried directly for consumption.

Yam (sweet potato). Grown in the south. By appearance it is similar to potatoes. Sweet potato is classified as a tuber crop conditionally, since it consists of overgrown lateral roots. The skin is white, yellow or red, the flesh is juicy or dry. Sweet potatoes contain (in%): starch-20, sugars-2-9, nitrogenous substances-2-4. Bata is used boiled, fried, for preparing first and second courses, for producing flour, and also for drying.


Variety "Svitanok"

Jerusalem artichoke

Variety "European"

Vegetables are of great importance in human nutrition. Eating right means correctly combining plant and animal foods in accordance with age, nature of work, and state of health. When we eat meat, fats, eggs, bread, cheese, acidic inorganic compounds are formed in the body. To neutralize them, you need basic, or alkaline, salts, which are rich in vegetables and potatoes. Green vegetables contain the largest amount of acid neutralizing compounds.

Consumption of vegetables helps prevent many serious diseases and increases human tone and performance. In many countries of the world, fresh vegetables occupy a leading place in the treatment of various diseases with dietary nutrition. They are rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which ensures normal carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, resistance to many diseases, and reduction of fatigue. Many vegetables contain B vitamins, which affect human performance. Vitamins A, E, K, PP (nicotinic acid) are present in green peas, cauliflower and green vegetables. Cabbage contains vitamin and, which prevents the development of duodenal ulcer.

Organic acids, essential oils and vegetable enzymes improve the absorption of proteins and fats, enhance the secretion of juices, and promote digestion. Onions, garlic, horseradish, and radishes contain phytoncides that have bactericidal properties (they destroy pathogens). Tomatoes, peppers, and leaf parsley are rich in phytoncides. Almost all vegetables are suppliers of ballast substances - fiber and pectin, which improve intestinal function and help eliminate excess cholesterol and harmful digestive products from the body. Some vegetables, such as cucumber, have low nutritional value, but due to the content of proteolytic enzymes, they have a positive effect on metabolism when consumed. Green vegetables are of particular value. In their fresh form, they are not only better and more fully absorbed by humans, but also help (with enzymes) in the digestion of meat and fish in the body. At the same time, when cooked, green vegetables lose a significant part of their beneficial properties.

To meet the need for vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, acids, salts, an adult needs to consume more than 700 g (37%) of food of animal origin and more than 1200 g (63%) of plant origin, including 400 g of vegetables, daily. The annual need for vegetables per person varies depending on the region of the country and is 126--146 kg, including cabbage of various types 35--55 kg, tomatoes 25--32, cucumbers 10--13, carrots 6--10, beets 5--10, onions 6--10, eggplants 2--5, sweet peppers 1--3, green peas 5--8, melons 20--30, other vegetables 3--7.

Vegetables increase the digestibility of proteins, fats, and minerals. Added to protein foods and cereals, they enhance the secretory effect of the latter, and when consumed together with fat, they remove its inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. It is important to note that undiluted juices of vegetables and fruits reduce the secretory function of the stomach, and diluted ones increase it.