Sardines: benefits and harm, nutritional value. Sardine: benefits and harm, calorie content, nutritional value Nutritional value and chemical composition of "Oceanic sardine"

A fish about 20 cm long, the herring family, order Herring - this is a sardine. Habitat: sea. The back is greenish, the belly is silver. In the sun, the scales play with all the colors of the rainbow. The main food of sardines is microorganisms, algae, fish eggs, shellfish and shrimp.

The lifespan of fish is on average 15 years. In the second or third year, females are ready to reproduce. The main factor promoting fertilization is the fat content of the fish. Spawns in water with temperatures above 14 degrees. The number of eggs laid by one female reaches up to three hundred thousand. After a few days, the eggs turn into small fish, ready to exist. Trawls, nets and seines are used to catch sardines. Fish grow and are caught in industrial scale in Spain, Portugal and Russia. Far East main source sardine supplies. More than 230 thousand tons are caught annually.

Nutritional value and composition

Any fish useful product. Sardine is no exception. The properties of meat cure many diseases. Contains vitamins, minerals and others important elements for living organisms. The use of such a product has a positive effect on the health of children, men and women. A healthy and tasty sardine should be present on any table and be part of the weekly diet. The benefits are obvious.

Surprisingly, the calorie content of 100 grams of the product is only 116 kcal. In addition, there are no carbohydrates in the meat of the sea dweller at all. The benefits speak for themselves. The product contains healthy 19 g of protein and 10 g of fat. It’s pointless to list vitamins, since every one of them is found in sardines. One can note the high content of vitamin PP, namely NE and PP. The concentration per 100 grams is 7.154 mg. Minerals in fish meat are represented by almost two dozen substances. Sardines contain the most fluorine (430 mg), potassium (385 mg) and phosphorus (280 mg).

Benefits for humans

Useful properties make fish valuable product on a person's desk. It should be included in the diet immediately. Benefits of fish:

  • Good protein digestibility.
  • To improve stomach function, include sardines in your diet. Natural fish oils have medicinal properties.
  • Fatty and useful acids and their properties. For example, Omega-3 acid improves blood circulation, thins the blood, strengthens and heals the immune system without causing harm.
  • People with skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, consuming sardines is necessary. Symptoms of diseases disappear for a long time.
  • Sardine, or rather its beneficial acids, improve brain activity.
  • The benefits for vision problems, the increase and treatment of sharpness, are solved by the fatty acids that make up the meat.
  • Regular consumption reduces cholesterol.
  • Useful news for women and girls, it will be a pleasant discovery high content coenzyme Q10 in fish. It is present in boiled sardines. Rejuvenates and strengthens the body.
  • Asthmatics should also include this in their diet. Useful substances reduce the number of attacks.
  • The composition and properties of fish actively combat inflammatory processes in the body. Due to its properties it occurs restoration work in the body.
  • Nicotinic acid also has benefits. It has a beneficial effect on nervous system.
  • Calcium and vitamin B 12 support joints excellent condition. If treatment is required, then they facilitate it.
  • Low levels of mercury allow children and pregnant women to eat seafood.

Harm to the body

The beneficial properties are clear. It cannot be discounted as a product that has contraindications. Sea beauty can be harmful if you use it incorrectly and don’t know who should limit it to. Who is contraindicated for sardines?

  • Allergy sufferers with fish intolerance are prohibited from using it.
  • People with water-salt imbalance and a tendency to salt deposits should not eat fish either.
  • Problems with blood pressure, for hypertensive patients, impose a ban on fish meat.
  • People with weight problems should exclude this product from their diet. Sardines are high in calories.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases allow the consumption of sardines only stewed or in tomato.

There is little harm from the fish. People with excellent health or other diseases have nothing to fear. The main thing is to find out the contraindications of a particular product in time and the benefits for the body will not be long in coming.

Rules for acquisition and storage

We have figured out how many vitamins and calories, but the question arises: “How to choose and store fish correctly? Which is better: fresh, frozen or canned? " Choosing a fresh sardine is as easy as choosing any other. All you have to do is follow the rules:

  1. Pay attention to the eyes. They should be clear, not cloudy.
  2. By touching the carcass, fingerprints will disappear.
  3. Fresh sardines smell of the sea, but not of fish.
  4. Look under the gill plate. The color of the gills, pink or red, is a sign of freshness.

Fresh fish is quite difficult to find in stores and fishmongers, as it spoils quickly. Having bought the fish, you need to store it in the refrigerator, wrapped in ice. Storage duration is no more than four days. A good option to leave the fish for later is to freeze it. Mostly in places where it is impossible to take it, they sell canned food. Here it is not possible to choose the right product visually.

Sardine unique product, which can be used in cooking in any recipe. It is added to soups, salads, cutlets, pates, meatballs are made from it, rolls, pies and sandwiches are prepared with it. Sardines are great for boiling, smoking, frying, salting and stuffing.

  • The fish got its name from the island of Sardinia, near which it was first caught.
  • The real taste appears 2 months after canning.
  • Sardine is an elite fish.
  • The fish gather in schools. The number of individuals reaches 5 billion, up to 13 kilometers long.
  • The coats of arms of the cities of France: Le Havre, Moelans-sur-Mer and La Turbal, are depicted with a sardine.
  • Sardines aren't always sardines. Manufacturers of canned fish often deceive customers. In America, instead of sardines, herring is put in jars, sprat gets the name “sardine” in Germany, anchovy and anchovies hide behind their good name in Ukraine.

Losing excess weight

Despite its high calorie content and its harm, the Sardine Diet was developed to the delight of girls. The author of the work is Keri Glassman. Meat, due to its fatty acids and high protein content, is included in the diet. You need to eat not only sardines, but also other foods that are low in calories and have a lot of fiber. During the day there are three full meals and two small ones. Calcium, protein and fatty acids promote weight loss. The advantages of such a diet are obvious:

  • weight loss;
  • improving the condition of bones and joints;
  • increased mood and general mental state;
  • removal of cholesterol;
  • improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Product Availability:
  • low mercury content.

Those constantly on diets should eat steamed or canned fish. tomato sauce. Fish will not harm you and will help you lose weight. So it’s lower in calories, but you shouldn’t get carried away.

Sardine is easily digested by the body and is an excellent source of protein. Sardine contains large number phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine. Sardine provides the body with at least 2 times more calories than white fish. Unlike saturated fats of animal origin, unsaturated fats fish are considered the most useful.

According to scientists, it is the Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish that help prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduce the risk of blood clots in blood vessels, and also help improve blood flow in capillaries. Sardines are very useful for expectant mothers.

There is evidence that eating fatty fish reduces some symptoms of psoriasis and improves vision and brain function. Sardine contains a complex of vitamins, in particular vitamin D. Fish oil is 5 times more effective than vegetable oils; it lowers blood cholesterol. Fats found in fish liver, rich in vitamins and D. Muscle tissue fish contains B vitamins, which help the body absorb proteins.

Boiled sardines have a high content of coenzyme Q10, which is powerful antioxidant and is known for its benefits for immune system.

IN lately There are a growing number of reports claiming that eating fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and cod) protects against asthma. This is due to the anti-inflammatory effects of Omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. It has been proven that people who have low levels of magnesium in their bodies are more susceptible to asthma attacks.

Diseases such as cancer are often associated with a lack of Omega-3 fats. rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, weakness of the immune system, etc. Sardine contains nicotinic acid and vitamin D, which are also important factor improve bone and nervous system health and promote absorption.

Sardines are used to produce delicious canned food in oil. The meat is good taste qualities, contains protein, fat. Fresh sardines are suitable for broths, fried and stews. When boiled, the meat is grayish-white in color and somewhat dry; when fried, it is tender, juicy, with a characteristic sour taste. The broth turns out rich and transparent.

Sardine is a small-sized species of marine fish belonging to the herring family. They live and migrate in large flocks, forming chains 7–12 km long. Let's look at the health benefits and harms of sardines, their beneficial properties and delicious ways cooking fish.

What does a sardine look like and where is it found?

Sardine is classified as a commercial fish species. It was first caught in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The sardine got its name from the Italian island of Sardinia, where fishing for it first began. The fish is usually about 15-20 cm, but there are individuals that reach a length of 25 cm. Compared to herring, this type of fish is larger and has a thicker body.

The sardine has silvery shiny scales; in the photo of the fish you can see yellow-green shades of scales with tints of golden tones. The sardine has a large head, a mouth, an elongated body, a tail-type fin with several wing scales at the end. This special structure allows sardines to swim very quickly. Some subspecies of fish have dark stripes extending from their gills.

Sardine is distributed almost throughout the world and is found in most seas: the Black, Mediterranean, Adriatic seas, off the eastern coasts of China, Korea, Japan. It is often found off the Australian Pacific coast, off the coast of Peru, India, and South Africa.

Chemical composition of sardines

Sardine is one of the richest sources various useful substances. It contains vitamins D, B4, B5, B6, B12, PP, minerals - selenium, zinc, iron, chromium, cobalt, essential macronutrients - sodium, saturated fats. Per 100 g of fish there are 27 g of protein, 11 g of fat and 0 g of carbohydrates. Thanks to this, sardine fish brings great benefits to the body, therefore it is popular among athletes and is considered a dietary product.

Nutritional value and calorie content of sardines

The calorie content of 100 g of raw fish is 168 kcal. However, this value varies depending on how the sardine is cooked.

Useful properties of sardines

Sardine is rich in healthy saturated fat– Omega-3, Omega-6, the balance of which helps prevent the development of many diseases, help in the treatment of a number serious problems. Fish is a source of many types of amino acids that benefit the body.

For the heart

Sardine also helps in the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension, artsclerosis. It prevents the risk of heart attack, stroke thanks to essential fatty acids, B vitamins, which prevent the formation blood clots inside blood vessels, they are actively involved in the conversion of glucose into energy.

For the bones

Calcium, manganese, phosphorus - the main elements that help form bones in youth and strengthen bones in older age - are found in large quantities in sardines. Important role in healthy development bone tissue vitamin D plays a role. The skeleton of fish is soft, so it is often eaten with bones without harm, while receiving additional benefits from a dose of calcium.

For cancer prevention

The most common ones at the moment oncological diseases– leukemia, multiple myeloma, prostate or breast cancer. To prevent the development of these ailments, doctors and scientists advise eating more fish rich in healthy fats, including sardines, which contain selenium and vitamin D.

For immunity

Sardine brings special benefit in autumn and spring period when there is a high probability of becoming infected infectious diseases, so it must be included in the diet. Fish oil, a high concentration of vitamins D and C at a high level tend to protect the body, increasing its immunity and resistance to various diseases.

For the nervous system and mood

Omega-3 fatty acids obtained from animal products, mainly fish, are best absorbed in the body. This indispensable component plays important role in reducing stress levels, improving the functioning of the nervous system. Research has shown that people who consume insufficient quantity fat, more susceptible nervous diseases, mental disorders– depression, nervous breakdowns, constant stress. Sardine, rich in Omega-3, helps regulate brain function, significantly improves emotional well-being, and reduces harm from environmental anxiety factors.

For vision

Regular consumption seafood products– fish, algae, marine crustaceans – helps prevent the risk of age-related vision impairment. Beneficial Fatty Acids with Variety nutrients give the sardine healing properties help with macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.

For diabetes

Healthy animal protein increases the body's resistance to insulin surges. This fish can be combined with pasta made from wheat flour, white bread, some simple carbohydrates without fear sharp increase and drops in blood sugar levels.

Important! Sardine is one of the key components of the diet of people with stage 1, 2, 3 diabetes. When creating a menu, consultation with a doctor is required!

For weight loss

Sardines are rich in healthy fats and animal protein, which quickly fill you up and allow you to not feel hungry for a long time. This fish is low in calories, but contains a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial. It occupies an important place in the diet of athletes who need to consume enough low-calorie protein foods. However, the fish will also not harm people who want to lose extra pounds and get into the desired shape.

For skin and hair

Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc improve the condition of hair, skin, and nails. They saturate and nourish cells, promote activation of hair follicles, and help reduce the impact of age-related factors on the overall condition of the skin.

The benefits and harms of canned sardines

Comment! It is best to buy fresh fish and cook it yourself, but it is difficult to find unfrozen sardines on store shelves and markets because of their short term storage

Here canned fish can come to the rescue, but it is important to choose them correctly and wisely, having first understood what benefits and harm canned sardines bring to the body. It is produced in three forms: in oil, tomato sauce, and its own juice.

5 important properties canned fish:

  1. Preserving fish allows you to preserve it useful qualities for a longer period due to the use of special ingredients, while retaining all nutrients.
  2. Canned fish contains a large amount of iodine, which is actively involved in the synthesis of enzymes that tend to speed up digestion processes.
  3. Sardines in their own juice are considered the healthiest. With this method of preservation, all vitamins, minerals fish enhance their properties due to active interaction with each other.
  4. The dangers of canned fish are: increased content salts, which excessive consumption may cause swelling. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat canned food in moderate quantities early in the morning, as well as late in the evening.
  5. It is important to carefully check the composition and read all the information on the fish packaging, as some manufacturers use unnatural preservatives in production, which can lead to poisoning and the development of diseases.

How to cook a sardine

The fish is most widespread in the Mediterranean countries - Italy, France, Greece, Spain. Residents are confident that sardines are beneficial to the body, and harm can only occur if you prepare dishes from stale fish. There are many cooking methods, and everyone can find something interesting and healthy for themselves.

Recipes with canned sardines

From canned sardines you can prepare a wide variety of real delicacies: it will act as an original ingredient in light soups and snacks, salads, casseroles, rolls and pies. The canned food itself serves as a semi-finished product, which significantly reduces the cooking time. Which means such quick recipes will be useful in the arsenal of every housewife.

Below we will consider the most popular recipes from sardine:

Classic mimosa salad with sardine

This dish is widely known and does not require special effort in preparation. In order to achieve a juicy taste and the desired consistency, it is important to choose the right ingredients and follow a clear cooking plan. What will you need?

  • sardine – 1 can;
  • boiled eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs.;
  • hard cheese (Dutch, Maasdam, Parmesan) – 160 g;
  • dressing - optional (mayonnaise, sauce, sour cream).

The main feature of the salad is that it is prepared in layers.

Video recipe for preparing Mimosa salad:

  1. In the first layer you need to put boiled and chopped egg whites. Separate the yolks and leave for later.
  2. The second layer is cheese grated on a fine grater.
  3. Next, everything is covered with any sauce to taste.
  4. Afterwards, you need to open the can of canned fish, drain the water and place it in a third layer.
  5. Finely chopped fish is placed on top of the fish. onions to give a special taste.
  6. Cover everything with sauce, sprinkle with grated yolk and cheese on top.

Canned sardine soup

For this healthy recipe The following products will be required:

  • sardine – 1 can;
  • water – 2 l;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • greens – parsley, dill, cilantro;
  • spices: black pepper, bay leaf, cumin, salt - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. First you need to prepare the vegetables - cut the potatoes, carrots and onions into cubes.
  2. Add them one by one to boiling salted water. First - potatoes, after 5-7 minutes - carrots and onions.
  3. Pepper everything, add bay leaf and other spices as desired.
  4. When the potatoes are completely softened, you need to put a can of sardines in the pan.
  5. After this, cook the soup until fully cooked for 8-10 minutes.

Serve garnished with greens.

Harm of sardines and contraindications

In certain situations, sardines can be harmful to humans. Fish contains special substances - purines, which contribute to the development of gout and the formation of uric acid, which leads to the deposition of kidney stones.

Some rare amino acids - tyramine, phenylethylamine, histamine - can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

How to select and store sardines

When purchasing canned fish, it is important to consider a number of factors that affect its quality:

  • Firstly, sardines in oil should not have strong smell, be of a soft silver color, have an elastic flexible shape and not fall apart - this is the only way it will give maximum benefit and will not cause harm.
  • Secondly, the jar should not have any defects, be free of small holes and dents.
  • Thirdly, it is important that the expiration date and composition are clearly stated. High-quality fish has a shelf life of within 2 years at a temperature of +13°. Once opened, you can leave it in the refrigerator for up to two days.


It is important to carefully study all the factors in which the benefits and harms of sardines occur. This fish is easy dietary product, a rich source of all kinds of protein and nutrients, however, it is important to exercise moderation and caution, especially for people prone to allergic reactions to foods.

Did you find this article useful?

If you currently consume this fish infrequently, perhaps after reading how impressive the health benefits of sardines can be, you will want to change your established eating habits.

Finding the best fish sources of important omega-3 fats can seem daunting due to the pollution of the world's oceans and fresh water, depleted fish populations, toxins and heavy metals, which are often discussed in the media.

But fortunately, by eating sardines, you provide your body with many of the nutrients it needs for optimal health without having to worry about such things as high levels of mercury contamination.

It's also easier to add sardines to dishes you're already used to - canned sardines can be easily found in most grocery stores and make a great addition to mashed potatoes, salads, soups, etc.

Start experimenting more with sardines today to take advantage of their impressive beneficial properties: Improve heart health and brain function, protect against cancer, reduce inflammation, fill nutritional deficiencies and more!

Nutritional value of sardines

100 grams of canned sardines contain in oil (% of the recommended daily norm consumption) ():

  • Calorie content: 208 kcal (10%).
  • Fat: 11.5 g (18%).
  • Protein: 24.6 g (49%).
  • Vitamin D: 272 IU (68%).
  • Vitamin E: 2 mg (10%).
  • Thiamine: 0.1 mg (5%).
  • Riboflavin: 0.2 mg (13%).
  • Niacin: 5.2 mg (26%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.2 mg (8%).
  • Vitamin B12: 8.9 mcg (149%).
  • Pantothenic acid: 0.6 mg (6%).
  • Calcium: 382 mg (38%).
  • Iron: 2.9 mg (16%).
  • Magnesium: 39 mg (10%).
  • Phosphorus: 490 mg (49%).
  • Potassium: 397 mg (11%).
  • Sodium: 505 mg (21%).
  • Zinc: 1.3 mg (9%).
  • Copper: 0.2 mg (9%).
  • : 0.1 mg (5%).
  • Selenium: 52.7 mcg (75%).
  • Cholesterol: 142 mg (47%).
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 1480 mg.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: 3544 mg.

Benefits of sardines

Thanks to the rich composition of sardines, the meat of this fish has many beneficial properties, such as:

1. Reduces inflammation and the risk of developing chronic diseases

It is important to note that omega-3 fatty acids reduce unhealthy levels of cholesterol and cholesterol, making them one of the most important products for a healthy cardiovascular system.

Omega-3 fats come in three forms: DHA, EPA and ALA. ALA is found in plant products including chia seeds and hemp seeds. EPA and DHA are found in, including sardines, as well as, and. EPA and DHA have been found to be the most beneficial and are easily absorbed by the body, making sardines an even better option for getting these specific types of fatty acids.

2. Provides the body with many vitamins and minerals

Sardines contain so many essential nutrients that this fish is included in the list best products in terms of vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and selenium content! In addition, sardines are an excellent source of many other nutrients, phosphorus, iodine, copper, and other nutrients.

There are practically no places in human body which eating sardines would not have an effect on beneficial effect- from heart health to metabolism, from cellular function to maintaining a good mood.

Research has shown that about 40% of people in developed countries are actually deficient in an important vitamin like vitamin B12, which is a water-soluble vitamin that helps support nerve function, brain health, blood cell formation, energy levels, etc. ().

Vitamin B12 deficiency, even mild, can cause symptoms such as nerve damage, mental function, problems with the proper supply of oxygen to cells and chronic fatigue. One can of canned sardine provides your body with a whopping 350% of your daily requirement in vitamin B12!

Sardines are also rich in selenium - just one can of canned sardines provides your body with 180% of your daily requirement for this mineral. Selenium is a mineral that is actually an important antioxidant needed for your body to create and transform .

Selenium helps prevent oxidative damage in the body (free radical damage), helps iodine regulate metabolism, facilitates the body's recycling process, and improves cellular function and protection. Selenium is an important mineral for supporting detoxification as it can relieve stress from the digestive system and endocrine system, such as the liver and thyroid gland.

Selenium deficiency can lead to dysfunction thyroid gland, increased risk of getting sick due to a poor immune system, reproductive problems due to hormone imbalances, mood disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

3. Improves Bone Health with High Levels of Calcium and Vitamin D

Sardines are an excellent source various vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain the health of the human skeleton. Of particular note are these 3 substances that are important for bones: calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus. Consuming foods such as sardines can prevent mineral loss and help heal broken bones after injury.

Approximately 99% of the body's calcium is stored in bones and teeth. Calcium present in bone structure is used as a storage place, so the body is able to release it when necessary required quantity calcium from bones into the bloodstream. Calcium is an extremely important mineral in the body. It is essential for the transmission of nerve impulses, the formation of blood clots, balancing hormones, muscle contractions and balancing your body's acid-base or pH levels.

Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, tooth decay, muscle tension, high blood pressure and many other diseases and conditions (,). For those avoiding dairy products, sardines are an excellent source of this much-needed mineral.

Vitamin D is important fat-soluble vitamin, which is essential for maintaining bone health as it promotes the absorption of calcium as well as vitamin K. Most adults are considered to have it due to the fact that they spend most of their time indoors.

It is often difficult to get the required amount of vitamin D from food without sufficient sun exposure, but sardines are an excellent source that helps meet the daily requirement of this vitamin by more than 160% from 1 can of canned sardines. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to soft bones (osteomalacia) or abnormal bone development (rickets), in addition to poor immune system function, mood disorders, autoimmune diseases, increased risk of developing various types cancer, hormonal imbalance, low energy levels and brain diseases (, ,).

In addition to vitamin D, phosphorus found in sardines also plays an important role in creating and maintaining bone mineralization.

4. Protects against mood disorders including anxiety and depression

Due to the high omega-3 fatty acid content of sardines, consuming them may help prevent affective disorders, including anxiety and depression ().

Many recent studies have focused on the effects of omega-3 on mental health(especially EPA), revealing that these essential fats may play a vital role in boosting your mood and maintaining healthy brain function, helping you beat depression. The brain itself is approximately 60% fat, so obtaining correct ratio fatty acids are critical to the function of the central nervous system and your mood ().

Research has shown that as omega-3 levels in the body decrease, levels of depression tend to increase. Unfortunately, over the past few decades, the intake of omega-3 fatty acids by people living in developed countries has decreased significantly.

At the same time, the amount in the diet has increased dramatically since these types of fats are found in most processed foods. food products and refined, hydrogenated oils. The balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fats is critical for general condition health, including brain function (). An imbalance in these fats is now thought to be partly to blame for rising rates of anxiety and depression in developed countries.

5. Controls blood sugar levels

Sardines contain significant amounts of both sugar and protein, which slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream. Combination of high protein and fatty foods such as sardines, with carbohydrate foods (especially such as white bread or pasta), helps the body release glucose (sugar) from carbohydrates into the bloodstream more slowly, which helps avoid spikes and then rapid crashes in blood sugar.

Consuming foods that contain essential fats and proteins is especially important for people with diabetes. metabolic syndrome or other conditions associated with insulin resistance.

6. Helps with satiety and promotes weight loss

Thanks to great content protein and fat, eating sardines helps you feel fuller longer and curb food cravings. Sardines are also low in calories but high in essential nutrients that many people often lack, especially omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Sardines are an excellent source of low-calorie protein for people who are trying to eat low calorie diet in an attempt to lose weight.

Because sardines can help prevent many nutrient deficiencies, control blood sugar levels, and support healthy metabolism and energy levels, they are truly beneficial for almost all people, whether they are trying to lose weight or not. Eating this fish provides the human body with many nutrients that support the body after physical activity and promote a feeling of fullness, which can help you maintain a healthy weight.

7. Sardine is one of the least mercury-contaminated fish

One of the good reasons why you should regularly eat sardines instead of other fish is their low level pollutants. Sardines are at the bottom of the food chain because they feed on plankton, meaning they don't absorb toxins and heavy metals like many other fish, such as red sea bass and swordfish.

Preventing contaminants from fish, including heavy metals, such as mercury, is one of the biggest problems for many people today. Therefore, eating sardines is good way Get important omega-3 fats without the threat of toxins and heavy metals. Although many people are concerned about the depletion of fish stocks in the oceans due to overfishing, sardines are considered one of the most abundant and sustainable sources.

Historical facts about sardines

Sardines get their name from the Italian island of Sardinia, where the fish was originally found in abundance, swimming in huge schools. This fish was first popularized by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. It is believed that under the rule of Napoleon the first sardines were canned and delivered to regions remote from the sea.

Sardines were consumed throughout Europe and North America for hundreds of years, but only recently have they come into the spotlight as research continues to tell us that omega-3 fatty acids have numerous beneficial properties and should form a significant part of everyone's diet.

Sardines were consumed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Mediterranean regions. Today Spain, Portugal, France and Norway are the leading producers of canned sardines. Sardines belong to the herring fish family - they are small, marine fish.

In fact, there are more than 20 types of sardines that are commonly sold throughout the world. All types of sardines are classified as fatty varieties fish, are silver in color, have small bones and have the same health benefits.

Where and what kind of sardine is best to buy?

Sardines can be eaten salted, smoked, stewed, fried, or boiled, but most often people buy canned sardines, which are widely available in most grocery stores. Sardines are often canned immediately after being caught because they are known to be highly perishable.

It is important to note that there is a large difference in nutrients between freshly caught wild fish and farmed fish. Wild fish should always be preferred and farmed sardines should be avoided. Fish farms often produce fish using antibiotics and pesticides, and feed the fish unnatural food.

This results in these fish having lower nutrient levels than wild fish and containing more toxins. Research has shown that farmed sardines have less edible omega-3 fatty acids than sea-caught fish and contain 20% less protein. Farmed fish is fattier and has high concentration omega-6 fatty acids, which can create dangerous inflammation caused by an imbalance between the levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the body.

It is best to buy canned sardines in or water, as opposed to sunflower and soybean oil or other types of refined oils. Sardines can generally keep for a decent amount of time once canned, but it's still best to always check the date to make sure it hasn't expired.

Store canned sardines in a cool, dry place, such as kitchen cabinets, and use them within a few months, ideally. If you can find and purchase fresh sardines, you should look for fish that smell fresh and are still shiny and firm. Always cook fresh sardines within a day of purchase as this fish is considered highly perishable.

Harm of sardines

There are some problems associated with eating sardines.

Pregnant women

Experts warn pregnant women to avoid eating fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel and malacantha because they contain mercury. However, sardines are one of the smallest sources of mercury and are therefore generally safe to eat during pregnancy in moderation (1-2 times per week) as part of healthy image life.

Main Population

The biggest concerns about sardines for the general population are the issue of sustainability, heavy metal contamination, and whether consuming canned sardines poses a health risk. As mentioned earlier, sardines are considered one of the smallest sources of mercury.

Experts say the benefits of eating sardines outweigh possible risks health benefits associated with its use. However, like everyone else canned food, your best bet is to try to find a brand that packages their products in jars without chemical substance DPP (bisphenol-A).

DFP is a chemical commonly used in some vinyl, aluminum, and tin can linings. Can coatings are used in the production of canned sardines and other fish such as salmon or anchovies. Bisphenol-A is known as an "endocrine disruptor" because it may have the ability to disrupt hormonal balance in the body and negatively affect the endocrine system.

More research is needed to determine how much BPA is leaking into fatty fish, when it is packaged in jars containing this chemical, since the only research that has been done so far is minor and has not yielded conclusive results. At the same time, look for cans that are labeled as bisphenol-A-free (BPA)-free when possible.

To avoid contributing to the depletion of fish stocks, it is best to look for sardines that are caught from the Pacific seas. If possible, try to avoid Mediterranean sardines as the fish is rapidly depleting in the Mediterranean Sea.

Despite the fact that not everyone likes the smell of sardines, do not write off this fish before you learn about its beneficial properties.

Sardines are small, fatty sea fish with silvery bodies that live in different seas around the world (more than 20 varieties reach the food market). It got its name from the Italian island of Sardinia on the Mediterranean coast, where this fish is caught and prepared in large quantities for subsequent consumption and extraction of fish oil.

Since sardines feed on marine plant matter, meaning they are at the bottom of the food chain, their concentrations of heavy metals are extremely low.

This product is perishable, so it is often canned, salted and dried to increase shelf life. On store shelves you can find sardines in oil, their own juice, tomato or mustard sauce.

Sardines are an excellent source of selenium, phosphorus, omega-3 (2 g for every 100 g of fish) and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins B2, B12 and D, as well as choline, niacin, calcium, zinc, manganese and copper.

One more thing important substance This sea fish contains heart-healthy coenzyme Q10.

Sardines are rich in purines, nucleic acids essential for tissue repair.

Let's not forget about the protein component. A 100-gram serving of fish covers half of your daily protein needs.

Fats make up about 10% of the weight of the fresh product. Of this amount, only a quarter is saturated fat, and the remaining three-quarters are healthy unsaturated fats, which:

  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties, so they help in the treatment of arthritis and asthma;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve cognitive functions, strengthen memory;
  • reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • can be used to combat symptoms bipolar disorder and increasing the effectiveness of antidepressants.

Useful properties

  1. Benefits for the heart. Sardines contain several nutrients that are useful for the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, the presence of vitamin B12, which is involved in glucose metabolism, is important. This vitamin reduces the risk of developing hypertension and minimizes the likelihood of a heart attack, while fatty acids prevent the formation of blood clots, thereby preventing stroke and atherosclerosis.
  2. For bone health, sardines provide us with reserves of vitamin D and calcium, manganese and phosphorus (the latter element increases bone density). Canned fish has soft bones, so they are also eaten to get extra doses of calcium.
  3. Vitamin D, selenium and fatty acids play an important role in cancer prevention. Scientists say regular consumption of sardines may reduce risk the following types cancer: colorectal, prostate and breast, leukemia, multiple myeloma and some others.
  4. Provides immune support fish oil, obtained from sardines, and specifically vitamin D in high concentration.
  5. Sardines are good for the eyes, provide reliable protection from age-related macular degeneration. With regular consumption of seafood containing good doses omega-3, the likelihood of dry eye syndrome (one of the common complaints when visiting an ophthalmologist) is reduced.
  6. Help with diabetes mellitus was identified through animal studies. Scientists now know that sardine protein reduces cell resistance to insulin - one of key factors development of diabetes.
  7. You can also eat sardines for weight loss, since the omega-3 substances found in fish speed up metabolism and prevent excess weight gain.
  8. The benefits of sardines for skin and hair consist of several factors. Unsaturated fatty acids moisturize the skin, promote the production of collagen and elastin, nourish hair follicles and accelerate hair growth. Selenium and zinc protect skin cells from the destructive effects of time and free radicals, and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Harm and side effects

Sardines are characterized by a high content of purines, which are converted into uric acid, promoting the formation of kidney stones and the development of gout.

May be observed allergic reaction on the amines present in sardines, such as tyramine, serotonin, tiptamine, phenylethylamine and histamine.

Fresh or canned

Fresh sardines – best option, but they are difficult to find on sale due to their short shelf life. Choose specimens with bright colors and sparkling eyes. The meat should be quite dense and not “sink” when pressed with your finger.

It's much easier to buy canned food.

  1. Fish in its own juice is the most preferred option.
  2. Tomato sauce can cause aluminum to leach from the inside of the jar.
  3. Addition vegetable oil increases calorie content and concentration of harmful saturated fats.
  4. Canned sardines with mustard have another drawback - high sodium content, so this product is not suitable for cores.