Catherine Zeta Jones mental illness. Catherine Zeta-Jones stunned the public by announcing a serious illness. Catherine Zeta-Jones illness: what causes bipolar disorder

We live in the age of information technology, when the uncontrolled flow of information and information noise become an additional factor influencing the psyche. This is why doctors say that mental disorders and addictions are a disease of the 21st century that must be taken seriously.

At the same time, those whose profession requires them to always be visible - stars - are more prone to prolonged depression and other mental health disorders. We talk about those who have successfully coped or are still struggling with mental illness.

Catherine Zeta-Jones: bipolar disorder type 2

In April 2012, Catherine Zeta-Jones went to a rehabilitation clinic for examination, where doctors concluded that the actress suffered from bipolar disorder type 2, a form of manic depression. At the time, her husband, actor Michael Douglas, was in the final stages of treatment for throat cancer, so Zeta-Jones tried to attract as little attention to her problem as possible.

“I’m not one of those people who likes to shout about it, but I hope that by recognizing bipolar disorder, I will give hope to fellow sufferers in the sense that they will understand that this disease can and should be managed,” the actress said in an interview with the magazine InStyle US. She also admitted that at the height of her illness she constantly “Googled” negative comments about herself on the Internet, but for an effective recovery she tried to limit access to the Internet and learned to find joy in such seemingly simple things as chamomile tea and a good book.

Brooke Shields: postpartum depression

Some celebrities - including actress and model Brooke Shields - have even written about their experiences. Shields brought to the public attention her postpartum depression, which occurred in 2003 and lasted noticeably more than a few months after the birth of her child (which is typical for young mothers).

The actress noted that postpartum depression includes a constant feeling of anxiety, worthlessness and worry, in the most dangerous stages reaching the desire to commit suicide. Fortunately, Shields sought professional help and medications in time to help her return to normal life.

Elton John: drug addiction

British singer, songwriter and pianist Sir Elton John discussed his long battle with substance abuse and bulimia on The Larry King Show in 2002. Recall that bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by uncontrolled consumption of large amounts of food and subsequent induction of vomiting in order to get rid of what was eaten and not gain weight.

John noted that those “sober and clean years” he spent trying to get rid of his addiction for good were “the best thing that ever happened to him.” At the same time, the musician reminded everyone who is only at the beginning of the journey about three important words that should be said on time: “I need help.”

Angelina Jolie: depression

Angelina Jolie always pleases the paparazzi with a smile on the red carpet, but the actress's family and friends know very well that for a long time she struggled with depression, triggered by the death of her mother Marcheline Bertrand in 2007. Then Jolie agreed to film “Wanted” in order to somehow distract herself from negative thoughts. "My mother had just died, and I wanted to do something physical to get that fact out of my mind, at least for a while," she said in a July 2008 interview.

Jolie had faced depression before: success at a fairly young age made her feel guilty in front of everyone. “I grew up in a place where people who had both fame and money had everything they needed in this world. It's a feeling of emptiness. I didn’t know what to do next,” said the actress.

In 2013, Angelina Jolie admitted to fans that she had to undergo surgery to remove her mammary glands due to a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. A year after this, Jolie announced that she also decided to have her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed as part of the prevention of the disease. All this led to Jolie withdrawing into herself again, and caring fans noticed changes in her body that were similar to signs of serious anorexia. However, even after a high-profile divorce from Brad Pitt, the actress did not confirm either this or any other information related to mental health.

JK Rowling: Depression

"Harry Potter" is one of the most recognizable, readable and, of course, one of the most amazing books in modern literature. And if you are not a fan of JK Rowling's work, you are unlikely to know that the story about the boy who lived was written during a period of serious depression for its author. While creating the magical world around Hogwarts in her small Scottish apartment, Rowling fought her own Dementors and, fortunately, defeated them.

Joan began writing books when, after her divorce from Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes, she was left with unemployment benefits and a small child in her arms. “We were broke, everything around me scared me, and at that moment I was in such a depression that I would not wish anyone to face,” Rowling said in an interview. She decided to talk about this so that people who find themselves in a similar situation understand: perhaps depression is a fall before the crazy rise that lies ahead of you.

Demi Lovato: bulimia

“I responded well to threats for many years, but there was one thing that prevented me from feeling comfortable, and I only realized how much it affected me. I mean those people who said, “You’re so fat.” “And it started in childhood,” Disney star Demi Lovato admitted in an interview. Her doubts gradually turned into a dangerous habit.

“I developed an eating disorder, which I still haven’t fully overcome,” says the girl. Moreover, at the age of 11, Demi began cutting her wrists, not trying to commit suicide, but trying to cope with emotions in this way. Then her family sought professional help, and the girl was helped to establish a normal relationship with food. This did not last long, however, and Demi does not hide the fact that the struggle is still going on with varying success.

Jim Carrey: depression

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that Jim Carrey is one of the best actors in the comedy genre. However, you might be surprised to learn that the actor has dealt with severe depression for most of his adult life. At a certain point, it became so debilitating that Jim did not know how to overcome it, and sought help from a doctor, who prescribed him Prozac, an antidepressant from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Possible reasons why this happened include lack of socialization. When Jim Carrey was 15 years old, he was forced to drop out of high school and go to work to support his family. This meant that during his formative years he did not have much communication with children his own age. As a result, he grew up emotionally faster, and this discrepancy affected the actor in the future.

Amanda Bynes: bipolar disorder

Rumors that American actress and ex-participant of the show “All This” Amanda Bynes is close to a breakdown appeared after the girl was urgently hospitalized and placed in a psychiatric hospital. Some time later, the 28-year-old star shared information about her mental health with followers on social networks: “I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and manic-depressive syndrome. I'm taking medication now and talking to a psychologist every week, so I'm fine."

Some time later, Amanda wrote on Twitter that her father verbally, physically and sexually abused her. Later, the girl retracted her words, explaining this by her mental disorders. Long-term treatment in clinics bore fruit, and at the end of 2016, Bynes began to appear in public again.

Owen Wilson: depression

Another comedian who had to struggle with prolonged depression and drug addiction is Owen Wilson. Perhaps this fact would have remained unknown for some time, but everything was decided by the suicide attempt on August 26, 2007, which became a real revelation for both Wilson’s fans and friends.

The day after the shocking news hit the press, Wilson issued a public statement asking the media to allow him to receive help and treatment privately (that is, with minimal interference from reporters). Later, the actor admitted that his close friends from the acting community - Woody Harrelson, Wes Anderson, Samuel L. Jackson, as well as his loving family helped him get through this difficult time.

Paris Jackson: PTSD

Just recently, Paris Jackson, daughter of the King of Pop Michael Jackson, spoke candidly about her lifelong struggle with depression and anxiety. Since childhood, she tried to communicate with people as little as possible and grew up as a rather closed child. This, however, did not save Paris from rape at the age of 14 - perhaps the most terrible experience. “I have never told anyone about this, and even now I don’t want to go into details. Let me just say that it was a stranger much older than me,” Jackson commented in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

It was not always possible to cope with emotions and fears, which led the girl to several successive suicide attempts. The last attempt was so serious that Paris went to a therapeutic school in Utah, from where, according to the girl herself, she returned a different person. Today, Paris Jackson manages to do without medication, and she hopes that it will continue to be so.

Career, fame, money... It would seem that they have everything you can dream of, but rich and famous people often have serious mental problems, which, like their owners, are always in the spotlight. On October 10, Mental Health Day, we decided to remember the stars who most often turn to psychologists to get rid of their own problems and fears.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

The beauty suffers from a mild form of manic-depressive psychosis - bipolar disorder of the second type. The actress announced her illness two years ago. “Millions of people suffer from this disorder, and I am one of them,” Zeta-Jones said at the time. - My recognition of bipolar disorder type 2 will not be in vain if it inspires at least one person to seek treatment. There is no need to suffer in silence and there is no shame in seeking help.” The Hollywood star underwent treatment in 2011 and again went to the clinic for prevention in 2013. One of the reasons for the disease, according to rumors, was the intense stress that Catherine experienced while helping her Michael Douglas cope with throat cancer. Fortunately, the couple managed to work together to defeat this terrible disease.

In 2010, Demi Lovato went to a psychological treatment center in Chicago and spent 3 months there.

Demi Lovato

In 2010, the actress and singer experienced a breakup with her lover, musician Joe Jonas, and was depressed. But the last straw that brought the girl to the hospital was a scandal with one of Demi’s dancers, who hit her in the face. Later, the star went to a psychological care center in Chicago and spent three months there. The cause of the breakdown was bipolar disorder, as well as prolonged depression, complicated by bulimia and anorexia. “I felt bad, but I didn’t even realize that I had bipolar affective disorder until I started treatment,” the star admitted to the American portal Us Weekly. “I conquered the world, but I failed and was more depressed than ever in my life.” However, now Demi feels much better and is already coping with problems on her own, without turning to the help of psychologists.

After seven forced courses of treatment, Lindsay Lohan decided to take the right path Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

The actress and singer began her modeling and acting career at the age of three, and a few years later gained worldwide popularity by playing leading roles in the films “Freaky Friday,” “Mean Girls” and “Running Crazy.” However, the test of fame turned out to be too difficult for such a young girl. She soon became addicted to drugs and alcohol, actively partied and, according to Lindsay herself, “was going through a difficult period in her life.” After seven forced courses of treatment, the girl finally decided to take the right path, but the actress’s friends are afraid that she will again succumb to temptations and screw up. “The clinic is not a curse for me. This is a blessing! I am very happy that professionals will help me take care of my health. The clinic is a good opportunity for me to focus on the things that are important to me,” Lohan said in a “confession” on the Late Show with David Letterman. “I'm getting older and hopefully I'm getting wiser. You see, this is life. I try to learn from mistakes...” the actress emphasized.

Mary-Kate Olsen brought herself to the penultimate stage of an eating disorder Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

The test of fame turned out to be a test for both the actress and the designer. One of the twin sisters, already in high school, began to deliberately lose weight, and when the girl brought herself to the penultimate stage of an eating disorder, her relatives decisively took up her treatment. “They finally reached the point where they had to act because they didn’t want to find her dead on the floor from malnutrition,” said one of her friends. In an interview with Marie Claire magazine, Mary-Kate admitted that the reason for her illness lies in the constant public attention that has accompanied her sisters since childhood. “I look at my old photos and don’t feel connected to them at all. I wouldn’t wish on anyone what I experienced myself,”- said Mary-Kate. For six weeks, the star was treated for anorexia nervosa in a rehabilitation center, after which she began to feel much better. And although one of the twins still remains quite slim, she now understands herself and the causes of her illness. “I think it's really important to be able to admit when something is going wrong and not be afraid to talk about it. I learned at a young age that if you don't talk about problems, they can drive you crazy." Mary-Kate is sure.

The legendary couple, producer Michael Douglas and British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, have been married for 17 years, although they had to go through difficult trials in their relationship. In 2011, Catherine Zeta-Jones was diagnosed with a mild form of manic-depressive psychosis, which the girl is still struggling with.

Catherine Zeta-Jones illness: the actress announced a serious illness

In 2011, Jones stunned the public by announcing that she suffered from bipolar personality disorder. In April 2011, the actress underwent treatment for bipolar affective disorder, and in April 2013, for bipolar II disorder.

The cause of the illness was most likely the husband’s confession that he was struck by throat cancer. According to Douglas, the disease was caused by the human papilloma virus, which Douglas caught before his marriage to Katherine and could have endangered her health. However, having survived a family crisis, the couple resumed their relationship, although rumors about Douglas’ infidelities circulated in the media for a long time.

Catherine Zeta-Jones illness: what is bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by mood swings, ranging from depression, anxiety and irritability to extremely high to moderate mood (hypomania).

According to various statistics, about 2-4% of the population suffers from bipolar disorder. For comparison, on the scale of Russia we are talking about several million people. Many of them are not even aware of the presence of such a disease, which, by the way, is treatable. In addition, in Russia the statistics are much lower than in Western countries and, according to it, less than 1% of the population suffers from bipolar disorder. And the point here is not the innate immunity of Russians to the disease, but simply the lack of reliable information.

Over the years of the Council of Deputies, society has developed a strong stigmatization of psychiatry in general, and at the same time psychology. Moreover, in the case of bipolar disorder, failure to consult a specialist not only does not solve the problem, but also aggravates it. Gradually, episodes begin to occur more often and become more severe and longer, and treatment will be less effective the more advanced the problem.

Catherine Zeta-Jones illness: how common is bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is considered more common in women than in men. As with depression, hypomanic symptoms of bipolar disorder may occur during the postpartum period. Children and adolescents with bipolar disorder tend to experience symptoms that come in rapid cycles, with at least four episodes of mood problems over a 12-month period.

To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a person must experience at least one episode of major depression and at least one hypomanic episode during their lifetime. Symptoms of major depression last for at least two weeks and include depressed or irritable mood and a number of related symptoms, such as changes in sleep or appetite, suicidal thoughts, persistent fatigue, a tendency to isolate from others, and loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.

Diagnostic criteria for a hypomanic episode include symptoms such as elevated or irritable mood, decreased need for sleep, trouble focusing, excessive activity, suicidal thoughts, and behavior suggestive of depression that lasts at least four days.

Catherine Zeta-Jones illness: what causes bipolar disorder

As with most mental disorders, there is no single cause for bipolar disorder. For example, it is not directly passed on from one generation to the next genetically. Rather, it is the result of a complex group of genetic, psychological and environmental factors. Genetically, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have many similarities because the two disorders share a number of the same risk genes.

However, both diseases also have some genetic factors that are unique. Stress has been found to be a significant factor in the development of most mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder.

As with any mental health diagnosis, there is no single test that definitively indicates that someone has bipolar disorder. Therefore, medical doctors diagnose this disorder by collecting extensive medical, family and psychiatric information.

The practitioner will also either perform the examination or have the primary care physician perform it. A physical examination usually includes laboratory tests to evaluate a person's general condition and to examine whether the person has symptoms of a mental disorder.

Catherine Zeta-Jones illness: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads an active social life

However, despite her illness, Catherine Zeta-Jones continues to live life to the fullest. So, on April 18, 2017, the actress appeared at Lincoln Center in New York, where the premiere of the final episode of the series “Feud” took place. Katherine arrived in a seductive three-piece suit.

The actress also attended the Dolce & Gabbana party in New York with her 14-year-old daughter Carys. So Jones actively instills in his daughter a love for social life. Dressed in the house's creations, they posed on the threshold of Lincoln Center, and then the designers presented the Alta Moda women's collection.

Partner news

March 2011. New York

Director Adam Shankman was waiting for Katherine at a café near Central Park - and barely recognized her when she showed up quite significantly, but still not offensively late. He was looking for an elegant, sultry beauty in the crowd, and a tired woman in old woman’s clothes in dreary colors and an absurd hat on her poorly combed hair approached the table. Adam, of course, jumped up to meet him with a smile of genuine happiness, but inside it became cold and uncomfortable.

Hollywood know-it-alls warned Adam that Katherine was not in good shape. Six months of caring for her sick husband Michael Douglas, who was desperately fighting cancer, were not in vain for her. But he did not expect such a decline from the iron Welsh lady.

It's great that someone in the industry still wants old Katherine! - she exclaimed.

Adam heard hysterical notes in her voice. Moreover, when he reached out to ritually peck the air near her cheek, it seemed to him that the actress smelled of alcohol. But the hands on the clock barely moved past noon...

Adam didn't know what to do. When he and the screenwriters came up with the image of the respectable prude Patricia Whitmore, which was not in the original musical “Rock of Ages,” before the director’s mind stood Katherine from the time of the film “Chicago” - bright, decisive, charismatic, confident in herself and that she was right in any circumstances . The current Katherine - extinct and exhausted - did not fit into the concept, but Adam had nowhere to retreat.

“You’ve come up with a nice little role for me,” said Katherine, ordering a green salad and tea. - Do I really look like such a puritanical vixen from the outside?

Come on! - said Adam. - I need the embodiment of old-fashioned respectability, style, class. Someone as far from rock 'n' roll as you can get.

“It’s true,” Katherine nodded. - I'm very old-fashioned. And then, rock and roll is the music of protest, rebellion. And, thank God, I never had any reason to rebel...

This interview was recorded six months ago, but the actress’s life story has not changed since then. Yes, they managed to break up with Michael Douglas get back together, talk about divorce again, and renew your wedding vows once again.

In this interview, she talked about her life, how she struggled with her husband’s cancer and her mental illness, about raising children, about how she maintains her beauty, and about her ambitious plans for the future.

Here she is - great - on a sofa in the library with purple walls in her home in New York. She looks out the window at her garden, where bright yellow daffodils are blooming. On the shelves among the books are untouched pairs of Louboutin shoes. “Sometimes I buy shoes and use them as bookends. They’re just too beautiful to wear,” explains the actress.

In such an environment, anyone would dream of meeting Catherine Zeta-Jones. From 1991's Sweet Buds of May to an Oscar for Chicago in 2003 and a Tony for another musical in 2009, she has become a true Hollywood star in the classic sense. She doesn't have a Twitter account, doesn't take selfie photos online, and doesn't appear on reality TV shows.

Zeta-Jones She doesn’t get dressed up much when she’s not at work, when she’s taking the kids to school. “It’s funny to have all these beautiful shoes when I spend most of the day in flip-flops,” says Katherine. But at social events, the 44-year-old actress is a glamorous superstar.

But a few years ago, in 2010, when her then 65-year-old husband Michael Douglas Diagnosed with throat cancer, she completely stopped appearing in public. He was completely cured in January 2011, and since then she has starred in films such as Rock of Ages and Side Effect.

“I kissed Pitt, Clooney, Banderas, and my husband kissed Matt Damon.”

Last year at the Oscars Catherine performed in front of an audience of 40 million with a song from the musical “Chicago”, for which she once received her statuette.

“I was scared. I'm scared the first day on set, walking down the red carpet. And giving speeches is the worst thing.” To cope with anxiety and fear, the actress has her own system. “I worry my husband and everyone around me with my nerves and anxiety. Then, when I get up on stage, the fear has already passed, I spend all my nerves on those around me.”

Zeta-Jones selective in roles. “My daughter Carys is 10, my son Dylan is 12, and these are valuable years for me. You will never get them back. Therefore, I will agree to leave my family for a long time only for the sake of a role that I have never played before, with great people. It has to be interesting and fun, otherwise I’d rather stay at home.”

Her latest film, RED 2, falls squarely in the “fun” category. This is a story about retired spies - a sequel to the 2010 film "RED" with Bruce Willis starring. “I liked the concept,” admits Catherine. “Action, humor, irony.” Plus, her old friend starred in the film. Anthony Hopkins.“I’ve known Tony since I was a kid, so that was another plus. And I know Bruce, I love comedy."

In this picture Zeta-Jones played the sexy Russian double agent Katya, the old love of Bruce Willis's hero Frank. "She's a problem and it was a lot of fun to play her." In one of the scenes, Katya passionately kisses Frank, who is shocked by this. “I kissed Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Antonio Banderas. And my husband recently played Liberace and kissed Matt Damon, so he’ll understand,” laughs Catherine.

Secrets of marriage and joint fight against diseases

When Zeta-Jones and Douglas got married, skeptics said that this marriage would not last long, the entire age difference between the spouses was 25 years (Katherine was 30, Michael was 55). But their family has held on for 14 years. What's the secret?

“Respect, space and a sense of humor,” explains Catherine.“We spend a hell of a lot of time together, so we're careful to give each other space to ourselves.” We recently expanded our house - we built a so-called closet there. But this is a whole room with my clothes. The husband knocks on the door and asks if he can come in. There's even a TV there, and my daughter comes there with her friends and plays store, trying on all my things. I can be there all day and be happy."

Catherine tries to keep the family's life calm. Until 2009, they lived in Bermuda, away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood. When more work became available, they moved to the New York suburbs. “We have a lot of friends outside of show business.”

How Catherine and Douglas complement each other? “He's a graphics freak. He constantly looks at the calendar, carefully checks dates and organizes weekends. And I just wake up and say, “What are we going to do today?” I'm very spontaneous. Despite the age difference, it is remarkable that we are similar in many ways. We have a relaxed, easy relationship.”

By the way, Douglas, it was stated that he got breast cancer due to the human papillomavirus, which he caught while doing cunnilingus. This is exactly what Catherine does not comment, but does not hide her suffering, which she experienced during her husband’s illness. “When Michael was diagnosed with cancer, I thought I was completely broken. It happens to everyone all the time, but it's still a big shock when the house of cards starts to collapse and you realize it happened to you."

“I’ve never had to deal with something like this before,” continues the actress. – I didn’t know what to do. I had no one to follow as an example. But strength came to me from my family, friends, and strangers who supported us. The human spirit is amazing. Although I wasn’t as strong as I thought.”

Who helped her cope with this was himself Michael. “I look back and can’t believe his strength. He is a very efficient person: when he was diagnosed, he said: “Okay, what should I do?” There are so many medications and different options. He just wanted to get rid of it, so he started intensive treatment - chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the same time, but he still retained his sense of humor,” says Catherine.

“He was very open with the children. There are no secrets - they came and saw him during the procedures. Together we dealt with everything. This brought us closer. But I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”

While the couple was battling cancer Douglas, at Zeta-Jones bipolar mental disorder began, which was accompanied by bursts of high energy and prolonged depression. When the press learned that she sought medical help in 2011, Catherine she made an open statement about her condition. Her candor was well received by charities as it helped change public perceptions of mental illness. The actress will now have to live with bipolar disorder permanently. She is regularly checked in hospital and undergoing treatment.

“I’ve lived with this for a long time. When you are confused, as I was during Michael’s illness, it upsets your balance in life, it’s like a trigger - you don’t sleep, you worry, you’re stressed.” The actress speaks about this carefully, calmly: “I didn’t want to talk about it as openly as it happened. I have a reserved British mentality – I didn’t want to shout it from the rooftops. But when this became known, I realized that I was not the only one suffering from this disease and had to fight it every day. Therefore, if I help someone, even just by discussing this, it will be wonderful.”

Now she is much better; her children bring her special joy, about whom she speaks with special pride: “When other mothers and teachers tell me how well my children are raised, this is one of the best moments.” What is the secret of such upbringing? “I have a kitchen duty schedule. They get stars and stickers for eating well, doing their chores, being polite and kind. When I sometimes threaten to take away their star, they start shouting: “No, Mom, I’m sorry!” And when they have collected enough stars, we go to the supermarket and they choose what they want.”

“I have a big appetite, but I work it off”

Catherine admits that she is less and less eager to live up to the Hollywood ideal of beauty. “When I wasn’t married and I didn’t have a family, I had nothing to do, and if I wasn’t working, I was hanging out with a stylist. Now it's more of a routine. When I need a dress for an event, I simply say to the stylist: “Can you match me with a dress and shoes? Thank you".

However, the actress wears good makeup and admits that she loves working out every day. “I have a ballet barre in my gym. I turn on the music so loud that the walls begin to shake, and practice for about an hour. I spin circles (hula hoop), walk on a treadmill, and work out on exercise machines. I try to keep my whole body in shape. But I eat like a horse - my mother still brings me my favorite chocolate from Britain, I have a very healthy appetite, but I work it off later.”

Although her priorities in life have changed, it would be a mistake to think that her ambitions Zeta-Jones there's nothing left anymore. “I haven’t lost my charisma. Of course, I don't have the same stubborn ambitions that I had when I was 14 or 15 - the ambitions that led me to leave Wales for London and then to the USA. Not the same pressure anymore. But there are still a lot of things that I haven’t done, but I want to. I've always wanted to do a solo female show in Vegas. I would like to draw - I’m trying, but so far I’m not very good at it. But it gives me comfort and peace of mind. I want to write and I'd like to be a director." By the way, Catherine She has already bought the rights to several books, so she has something to start directing with. But now the main thing for her is time with her children. “Anyone will tell you that everything goes by so quickly - and it’s true.”