Glassy eyes: what the symptom means and how to deal with it. If your eyes are shiny, what could be the reasons? What can cause glassy eyes?

Eyes - business card person. Their color, squint, and depth of gaze can tell a lot about their owner. A person's glass eyes can also provide information about their physical and emotional state. In most cases, this term applies to people under the influence of drugs or strong alcohol. However, when you see that a person has glassy eyes, you should not rush to draw conclusions. The reasons that provoke this effect may be different.

Why does a person have a glassy look?

Sometimes this expression is used in a figurative sense, characterizing a person who is indifferent to everything that is happening around him, behaving aloofly and indifferently. You may also hear the phrase "doll eyes", referring to a person's frozen gaze. If this is not a figure of speech, the eyes become glassy for the following reasons:

  • Alcohol or drug intoxication. Alcohol and drugs disrupt the functioning of the mucous membrane of the eye, the eyeballs accumulate excess fluid and look as if covered with glass.
  • Diseases visual system. One of the signs of keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal damage is a glassy look. All these diseases are caused by inflammation in the mucous membrane eyeball. Whenever discomfort You should not make a diagnosis yourself and do not self-medicate. The cause of the pathology must be determined by an ophthalmologist who will prescribe comprehensive treatment.
  • Fatigue. Working at a computer for a long time, watching TV, reading, or staying awake for a long time provoke increased tear production, which creates a so-called veil.
  • Depressive state. An upset, depressed person often tries to hide his mood in public. Holding back tears, his eyes look like glass.
  • Joyful glow. In contrast to the previous factor, when a person experiences delight and others positive emotions, his eyes sparkle with happiness.
  • Action of drugs. A “glassy” look is observed in cancer patients who take potent painkillers.

If a child has glass eyes

Glassy eyes can be caused by alcohol or drug use.

Frozen gaze small child can be a symptom of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball, in this case it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist to get rid of the cause of the pathology. Glassy eyes in a teenage child may be a result of poisoning narcotic drugs or strong alcoholic drinks. To remove all speculation, pay attention to associated symptoms, for example, nervousness, abrupt speech, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, etc. After that, take proper action.

The glassy look is not considered a clear indicator of narcotic or alcohol intoxication. Sometimes it means banal fatigue, depression, Bad mood. It is not recommended to rush to reprimand the child, but it is important to show tolerance and participation.

Patho-ophthalmological reasons

Such pathologies can provoke glassy eyes.

Often have to hear that you can learn a lot about a person’s character and mood from their eyes. But the eyes are not only a mirror of the soul; they also reflect the state of a person’s health. Diagnosis of human diseases using the iris of the eye is carried out by the science of iridology. According to iridodiagnosticians, the symptoms of many diseases are reflected in our eyes.

For example, if you you'll break it right hand, then this will immediately be reflected in the iris of the right eye, and if left hand, then - left. Iridology specialists can determine from your eyes the risk of developing diseases of the heart, spine, genitals and digestive system. They will determine the state of your immunity and nervous system, what diseases you have genetic predisposition. Early diagnosis of eye diseases helps to carry out timely prevention of diseases and prevent their development.

Doctors also do some conclusions about the condition of the patient's eyes. Here are the diseases our eyes can tell us about:
Reds veins in the whites of the eyes - a signal of nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue. Together with inflamed eyelids, they report constant lack of sleep or insomnia.

Yellow proteins the eye indicates a diseased liver. If not only the whites of the eyes have turned yellow, but also the skin has acquired a jaundiced tint, then such signs indicate hepatitis.

Protruding and shiny eyes- a sign of failure of hormone production thyroid gland, including Graves' disease.
White ring around the iris signals a lack of calcium in the body and joint diseases. If the ring is not very large, then this is a sign of excessive salt deposition in the body.

Small iris is observed in people with weak joints, and narrow pupils in normal lighting when feeling severe pain.
Dark brown dots on the iris of the eyes - a sign of anemia or lack of iron in the body.

Burst circulatory vessels in proteins - signal nervous exhaustion and pressure changes.
Wide pupils of both eyes- a sign of myopia or hypertensive crisis.
Dark circles under the eyes appear when overworked, but they can be a sign of kidney disease, intestinal inflammation and nervous disorder. Dark circles under the eyes are mainly a sign of sand or kidney stones.

Tight bags under the eyes they report problems with the kidneys and heart.
Swollen eyelids indicate the presence of stones in gallbladder, but the eyelids can also swell due to allergic inflammation.

Stye on the eye pops up when there are problems with the liver and gallbladder; it most often worries those who abuse foods that are harmful to health.

Watery eyes points to inflammatory diseases, such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis and sinusitis. Eyes can also become watery when the spleen is malfunctioning and there is deep neurosis. If your eyes are watery and blood vessels appeared in the eyes, this is a sign of the development of glaucoma or retinal detachment. Eyes may also become watery and red in those who do not follow the rules of wearing contact lenses or suffers from allergies.

Eye twitching or nervous tic signals that you have a problem with your nerves. The same phenomenon can be observed with neuralgia facial nerve. If only one eye twitches, then this is a sign of migraine.

Frequent blinking of the eyes is a sign of chronic and neurosis.
Drooping corners of the eyes are observed in older people; they characterize prolonged depression.
An unblinking and absent gaze is a sign of a serious mental disorder.

Slimy white coating before the eyes - a signal about the approach of cataracts.
Red inner surface the eyelid indicates poor circulation, digestive disorders and problems in the functioning of the genital organs.

White the inner surface of the eyelids is a sign of a lack of hemoglobin in the blood and anemia.
Red-yellow color the inner surface of the eyelids reports disorders in the functioning of one of the following internal organs: liver, spleen, heart, kidneys and pancreas.

Eyelash loss signals a lack of B vitamins in the body and general decline immunity. Eyelashes can also fall out if the production of sex hormones is disrupted.

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Eyes - complex mechanism, responsible not only for visual perception. They show emotions, mood, health status. and pupil help in diagnosing some pathological conditions.

Everyone has heard the phrase " glass eyes“, but not everyone knows what it means. This is what they say about a person who has no emotions. Such people are indifferent to everything that happens, devastated, detached.


When describing some people, ophthalmologists use the phrase “glass eyes.” It is commonly understood as a person suffering from alcohol or drug addiction. This clinical sign observed in case of poisoning, negative impact opiates and other substances, as well as intoxication.

Typically, drug addicts' pupils are always significantly dilated or constricted - this depends on the type of drug they use. Some of them know about the stable change in the state of the pupils, so they use eye drops, helping to hide their addiction.

Glass eyes are characteristic feature drug addiction. Clinical condition manifests itself in conjunction with other pathologies: fussiness, sweating, loss of appetite, etc. If suddenly loved one If similar symptoms appear, this may indicate drug addiction.

Glassy eyes may indicate an ophthalmological problem. Sometimes this term is used to describe changes in color and transparency of the conjunctiva and cornea. A veil may appear before the vision, also called glassy eyes. IN similar situations the help of an ophthalmologist is needed to help establish a diagnosis and identify the real reason vision changes.

Ophthalmic causes

Glassy eyes in humans can be observed with the following pathologies:

  1. Keratitis. This is an inflammatory process in which the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye changes. Keratitis can be viral, infectious, mechanical, allergic. Symptoms of the disease are manifested by clouding of the cornea, increased lacrimation, blepharospasm. Patients complain of a feeling
  2. Conjunctivitis. The pathology is manifested by hyperemia of the mucous membrane, swelling, pain. Patients complain of sand in the eyes, photophobia, and headaches.
  3. Corneal dystrophy. This group includes a number of diseases associated with genetic disorders without inflammatory course. Dystrophies develop without connection with any pathology. During this process, all layers of the cornea are damaged.

and state of mind

IN Ancient Egypt women with sparkling eyes were considered very attractive. To achieve a similar effect, Egyptian women put it in their eyes. lemon juice. Later, representatives of the fair half of humanity began to drink a few sips of alcohol to dilate their pupils.

The reason for a person's glassy eyes can indicate his state of mind: joy or happiness. All this causes the natural shine of the eyes to appear, attracting attention.

Similar changes appear in pigment cells. They are the ones who determine a person’s condition and convey it with the sparkle in their eyes. associated with nervous system, and they are the ones who show how a person reacts to what is happening. Even after death, people still have an iris reaction to light for some time.

For a long time, scientists have been studying the phenomenon of glass eyes, the causes of which are: states of mind. They found that shine manifests itself not only when feeling happy, but also during severe depression.

People who are satisfied with life have eyes that emit a special radiance. They are often said to have “eyes shining with happiness.”

During depression, people try to hide their tears. This leads to glare on the mucous membrane of the eyes.


The classic manifestation of shine in the eyes is fatigue. This effect associated with long-term stress eye: while reading, working with papers, computer. Such radiance is not a disease, but can lead to serious pathologies.

Perfect eyes

There are a number of signs that determine beautiful and healthy eyes. These include:

  1. Beautiful eye shape. It must be ideal in relation to all facial features. The eyes and their sockets must be free of defects.
  2. Eyelids that completely cover the eyes without drooping. They should protect your eyes well from negative factors.
  3. The iris, located centrally relative to the white of the eye.
  4. Clear and even iris color.
  5. Inner well-being reflected in the gaze.

As can be seen from the above, glassy eyes do not always indicate the presence of pathology or drug addiction. This symptom may occur with fatigue, depression, long work at the computer, under prolonged mental stress. All this leads to a glassy eye effect.

In the section on the question of the reasons why eyes can be glassy... asked by the author First class the best answer is Well, instead of eyes there is a prosthesis, for example

Reply from Caucasian[guru]
we don't take drugs... simple fatigue and indifference, stress and emptiness

Reply from SLAVA TETELEA[guru]
became a doll
all dolls have glass eyes

Reply from Overdue[guru]
depression, apathy, chronic fatigue.

Reply from Dim Dimov[guru]
Glassy eyes is a term applied to people under the influence of drugs (opiates, etc.). And what exactly you mean by “glassy eyes” is not entirely clear.
If you notice a change in the color and transparency of the media of the eye (cornea or conjunctiva), as well as a veil before the eyes, then we can talk about inflammatory (keratitis or conjunctivitis) or dystrophic process(corneal dystrophy).
You can tell exactly why you have glassy eyes and how to get rid of it only during an in-person examination. See an ophthalmologist.

Reply from Christina[expert]
emptiness in my soul... .
find something interesting to do

Reply from Ivan Onischuk[newbie]
My wife sometimes becomes glassy-eyed and out of control. He may say something to himself, but after that he doesn’t remember anything. After such attacks my head hurts. Tell me what kind of disease this is and how to treat it. Unbearable headaches.

Sometimes you can hear such a characteristic as human glass eyes. What does this mean? At the everyday level, this means that in at the moment a person does not feel any emotions at all, he is indifferent to everything that happens, and his gaze becomes empty, detached and detached. The reason for this may be either constant depressive state, as well as temporary loss of interest and hostility towards the interlocutor. There are other causes of “doll-like eyes,” which we will look at in more detail.

Cause of glass eyes in humans

Ophthalmologists use this formulation to characterize people who are in a state of alcohol and, more often, drugs. In case of poisoning with opiates and other harmful substances, the normal functioning all systems of the body, they receive severe intoxication, as evidenced by the glassy unnatural shine of the eyes. The pupils of a drug addict can be either steadily dilated or severely constricted, depending on the type of substance he used. Some drug addicts, knowing that the condition of their pupils may indicate their addictions, use special drops.

Glassy eyes are characteristic external sign, betraying a drug addict. It occurs in conjunction with other symptoms, such as increased anxiety and fussiness, photophobia, agitation, slurred speech, pronounced euphoria, excessive sweating, increased heart rate, loss of appetite. If you notice such signs in a loved one, do not hesitate to follow up with them. Find out who he communicates with, how he spends his time free time. Just don’t start scolding him and interrogating him. Special blood and urine tests will help to finally clarify the situation. If it turns out that a person is using narcotic and psychotropic substances, you should immediately contact a narcologist and rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

Glazing of the eyes as a sign of ophthalmic disease

People sometimes use the term "glassy eyes" to refer to changes in the color and clarity of the conjunctiva and cornea. Blindness before the eyes can also fall under this term. In this case, it is worth contacting an ophthalmologist to establish a diagnosis and eliminate the cause. We can talk about diseases such as:

  1. Keratitis- an inflammatory process that can lead to irreversible conditions of the cornea and negatively affect visual function. By nature of origin, keratitis can be infectious, mechanical, viral, traumatic, allergic, herpetic and chemical. Clinical picture The disease is manifested by clouding of the cornea, increased lacrimation, photophobia, blepharospasm and persistent sensation foreign body in the eyes.
  2. Conjunctivitis - common name inflammatory processes ocular mucous membrane. In addition to the effect of glass eyes, swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes, redness of the conjunctiva and eyelid, pain and pain in the eyes, foreign body sensation, photophobia, purulent and mucous discharge are added. TO external manifestations increased body temperature, headache and muscle pain, weakness and loss of strength are added. Having identified the cause of the disease, the ophthalmologist will prescribe appropriate treatment.
  3. Dystrophic process of the cornea- a group of genetic pathologies that have no inflammatory nature. Dystrophy and clouding develop in two eyes at once and begin without any connection with any diseases of the human body. At this process Any of the five layers of the cornea can be affected.

Glassy eyes may not always be a sign of drug addiction or pathological conditions. In a profession related to increased fatigue eyes, for example, working at a computer, or prolonged mental stress, the eyes may temporarily “glaze over.” You can avoid this by using correct distribution loads on the organ of vision and performing special gymnastics