How to remove yellow circles under the eyes. Yellow circles under the eyes are not just a sign of fatigue. Causes of yellow circles under the eyes

The appearance of various spots around the eyes and impaired skin pigmentation almost always indicate problems with the body. Yellow spots on the eyelids can be caused by various reasons.

Clinical picture

Yellow spots on the upper eyelids do not appear immediately. At first, the area of ​​skin slightly changes its color. Over time, the stain becomes a more intense straw color.

The boundaries of education are clear. If there are several affected areas located nearby, they may merge into one large one, irregular shape, spot. The size of the affected areas can reach 3 square centimeters. The spots may extend to the bridge of the nose.

Yellow spots that appear on the eyelids are painless and soft to the touch. The epidermis in the area of ​​the spot is normal, the same as on the surrounding tissues.

This pathology is not only a cosmetic defect, but also signals health problems.


There are only two main reasons for the formation of yellow spots around the eyes.

The first reason is not related to disease and is the result of improper skin pigmentation. Such spots are especially noticeable in the spring and summer, when the activity of sunlight increases.

Since the face always remains open, then age spots, first of all, appear on it. They do not cause any harm and disappear over time.

The second reason is more extensive and is related to various diseases. In this case, the person may experience other health problems.

Yellow spots on the eyelids as a symptom of the disease

There are several diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of yellow spots on the eyelids and around the eyes:

  • Violations of vitamin A metabolism. If there is an excess of it, yellowing of certain areas of the skin may occur.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder. A very common cause of yellowing of the skin.
  • Blood disorders (such as blood cancer or sickle cell disease).

In all of the above cases, yellowing of the skin is observed throughout the body or on the mucous membranes. But there is a disease that is characterized by the following symptoms: pronounced straw-colored spots, small in size, with clearly defined contours. If the formation looks exactly like this, then most likely it is xanthelasma. We should talk about it separately.

If yellow spots appear on the eyelids, then in most cases, specialists diagnose this particular disease. Xanthelasma - benign neoplasm yellow in color, slightly raised above the surface of the skin in the form of a plaque. Most often located on upper eyelid, at the inner corner of the eye. On the lower eyelid, xanthelasma looks like a yellow or straw-colored stripe.

Women of mature or elderly age are most often susceptible to the disease, although xanthelasma also occurs in men.

If yellow spots appear on the eyelids, the cause may lie in a disorder of lipid or cholesterol metabolism.

Xanthelasma often occurs in people with the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, liver necrosis, pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis, hypertension.

Once xanthelasma appears, it is very difficult to treat. In many cases it remains for life.

Plays a big role hereditary factor. It has been established that xanthelasma often occurs in several generations of women in the family. This is due to a hereditary predisposition to pathologies of lipid and cholesterol metabolism.


Finding out the cause yellow formations around the eyes begins with the collection of anamnestic data. The therapist seeks to find out from the patient when such formations appeared and what preceded it. After the interview, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes the necessary tests.

The following studies are most often prescribed:

  • Blood sugar test.
  • Blood test for cholesterol (good and bad).
  • Blood bilirubin test.

If the tests are normal and the therapist cannot make an accurate diagnosis, he will refer you for a consultation with an endocrinologist and dermatologist.

Also required differential diagnosis with oncological neoplasms (syringoma, pseudoxanthoma).

Only by collecting all the data, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment.


Treatment should begin only after clarification accurate diagnosis. If your doctor determines that the yellow patches of skin are caused by liver problems or gallbladder, which means it is necessary to treat diseases of these organs.

Blood diseases are treated by hematologists in specialized hospitals. Typically, such treatment continues for a long time.

If xanthelasma is diagnosed, then yellow spots around the eyes on the eyelids can be treated by a dermatologist, therapist or cosmetologist.

Xanthelasmas are difficult to respond to conservative treatment. As a rule, it is not possible to reduce the area of ​​the tumor.

With pronounced cosmetic defect, you can use surgical removal education. Removal of small xanthelasmas can be carried out in a beauty salon. But if a large area of ​​skin is affected, or the patient has other health problems, then it is better to remove the tumors in the surgical department.

There are several ways to remove xanthelasma:

  • Surgical excision of the formation.
  • Laser removal.
  • Cryodestruction. Exposure to liquid nitrogen.
  • Radio wave exposure.

For small plaques, the diathermocoagulation method is suitable. Large formations are removed using a scalpel and tweezers. The edges of the wound are aligned and secured with surgical glue. In this case, the wound heals quickly. And the scars after such an intervention are almost invisible.


If the patient has already been diagnosed with xanthelasma on the lower or upper eyelid, then it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent the formation of new affected areas.

The basis of prevention in this case is diet. Experts allow the consumption of dairy and plant foods. The amount of animal fat should be minimal. The diet should contain: fruits, vegetables, cereals, river fish. You can eat eggs in small quantities, vegetable oils and lean meat.

A good preventive effect is achieved by therapy with drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels: Cetamifene, Pericarbate, Lipoic acid.

Great value has a healthy lifestyle. It was noted that if, when the first yellow spots appeared, a person changed his lifestyle, then in the future they would no longer form. Healthy image life is not only about the diet described above. It is necessary to refuse bad habits and move more. It is important to reduce excess weight, if available.

Herbal medicine is of great benefit in the prevention of yellow spots. You can take the following herbs: rose hips, birch buds, dandelion root, plantain.

It is impossible not to notice yellow spots and plaques on the eyelids. Even if nothing hurts, you should not neglect the diagnosis. Because such formations appear when health problems become very serious.

The most common cause of severe yellowness in the eye area is considered sharp increase level of bilirubin in the blood. As a rule, increased bilirubin makes itself felt when serious problems ah with the gall bladder or with liver diseases.
In this case, the yellow circles around the eyes have a certain peculiarity - along with them, the remaining areas of the mucous membranes and skin turn yellow. The yellowness of the whites of the eyes is particularly noticeable. Such symptoms are usually accompanied by nausea, lethargy, severe pain in the stomach and general malaise. Having noticed yellowness around the eyes, carefully examine the sclera - this is best done in daylight, since in the evening the yellowness will not be noticeable. If at the same time your palms and tongue turn yellow, this is a sure signal to contact a therapist. You will need to take some tests and also do an ultrasound.

But we can also highlight less tragic manifestations of ugly yellow circles. This can happen if it enters the body. large doses yellow pigment from food. In this case, not only the area around the eyes will turn yellow, but also other areas of the skin. The difference is that in this case the state of health is quite normal, and the sclera will have a normal color. But for your eyelids to turn yellow like that, you will have to eat about 2.5 kg of citrus fruits or carrots.

Other causes of yellowness under the eyes are constant stress and constant lack of sleep, smoking and poor nutrition.

Getting rid of yellowness around the eyes

Yellow circles under the eyes, the causes of which can be very different, are cured depending on their origin. The most effective folk method An infusion is considered to eliminate yellowness around the eyes. To prepare it, you need to chop the dill (one spoon is enough) and pour a glass of boiling water. Regularly wipe the skin around the eyes with the resulting infusion. But this is only an auxiliary procedure that is not therapeutic in the full sense.

If the cause of yellowness under the eyes is constant lack of sleep, you must follow a certain regime, trying to sleep at least 7 hours. At the same time, you will also have to get rid of bad habits, for example, smoking, which in itself spoils the color of the skin. It is worth remembering that another cigarette is another step towards skin problems.

In the morning, it is recommended to carry out contrasting washes - they refresh the face and make it ruddy and the skin silky. If possible, you should try not to stay in the sun for a long time - yellowness can also occur when exposed to UV radiation.

Lack of sleep and exposure to adverse external factors significantly affect appearance skin. In most cases, they provoke the occurrence dark circles under the eyes, which are easy to get rid of by resting for a few days and doing special masks. However, what to do if you notice yellow spots under the eyes? This problem definitely needs to be dealt with, because even the most professional makeup will not be able to hide an unhealthy skin tone.

Our skin is a real mirror on which all illnesses, well-being, and lifestyle are reflected. If you have noticeable yellow circles under your eyes, then the reasons should be studied in a timely manner and with the utmost care.

Most common cause manifestations of yellow circles and general change skin tone is an increase in bilirubin levels in the blood. This component calls physiological jaundice. An increase in bilirubin can be caused by a painful condition of the gallbladder and liver. The main symptom of such diseases is a yellowish tint of the mucous membranes, sclera of the eyes and skin. This process is often accompanied painful sensations in the liver area, nausea and general malaise. That is why, at the first signs, carefully examine the whites of your eyes; if they change color, then immediately go to the doctor.

In addition to this serious reason, yellow circles under the eyes are often caused by other factors. Pseudojaundice occurs when there is an excess of yellow pymentum in food products entering the body. Such conditions can manifest themselves during dieting, when those losing weight consume carrots or oranges in excessive quantities. In this case, the palms of the hands, the skin of the face and body may turn yellow, but the whites of the eyes do not change color, and there is no deterioration in health. For such yellowness to appear, you need to eat at least 2-3 kilograms of brightly colored foods per day.

Women of Balzac age are often bothered by yellowness around the eyes with a brown tint. Such problems can arise due to circulatory problems. Poor blood flow prevents the blood from promptly clearing toxins that begin to accumulate on sensitive skin areas.

Yellowness is quite rarely genetically determined. Such yellow circles under the eyes are not caused by physiological and painful reasons. A similar feature of the skin is noticeable with early childhood and does not bother the owner at all.

If the circles under the eyes have a brownish or bluish tint, then this can be regarded as an SOS signal coming from the body. Such changes are provoked by an unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, not everyone can change their daily routine with one snap of their fingers: it is impossible to stop your baby from crying at night so that you can get enough sleep, it is not always easy to change your job and housing to conditions close to those in a greenhouse. But even if there are such and more complex problems You can try to reduce the adverse load by going to bed an hour earlier, taking daily walks, cutting back on bad habits and adding healthy ones.

Plan to get rid of yellow circles

When choosing tactics for eliminating yellow circles, you should take into account the reasons for their appearance. Seeing a doctor and getting tested will allow you to exclude the causes of the disease from the list internal organs. After this, you can begin studying and testing cosmetic products.

First of all, analyze own image life, perhaps yellow circles under the eyes are caused by smoking or chronic lack of sleep. So the initial plan is:

  • try to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night - scientists have proven that during these hours sleep allows us to fully rest, at this time there is an active restoration of cells that are necessary to maintain beauty;
  • get rid of bad habits - by smoking just one cigarette, you lose a thin layer of cells, the skin around the eyes begins to fade and peel. In addition, the body stops the production of collagen and elastin cells, which are responsible for skin turgor;
  • Do not get carried away with tanning - excessive exposure to UV rays on the delicate skin under the eyes can cause yellowness in this area. This effect is especially noticeable when the tan begins to fade, and on dry skin around the eyes the color fades much more slowly;
  • plan healthy diet- any dietary restriction aimed at losing weight leads to imbalance. Of course, within reasonable limits correct composition dietary restrictions can be extremely beneficial, so balanced diet much preferable to strict diets;
  • walk more - oxygen starvation can also lead to yellowness under the eyes. This problem is especially relevant in big cities, with dense buildings, so choose a place to walk away from polluted streets and spend time there more often.

In addition to these measures, you can use emergency home remedies to restore the color of the skin around the eyes. A great way to activate blood circulation in the skin is contrast washing. In the morning, alternately rinse with warm and cool water. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times, after which do not wipe your face.

Homemade parsley masks are very effective in combating unwanted pigmentation and have a calming and anti-edematous effect. Compresses with potato juice, cucumber eye masks soften the skin and restore healthy color skin.

If you don’t have time to prepare masks, then you can use a proven express recipe: chilled tea bags. Apply them to the eyelid area for 10 minutes, after which you will look at the world with a completely different look.

How to hide yellow circles

To disguise yellow circles under the eyes, you will need the following cosmetics:

  • foundation;
  • concealer;
  • loose powder;
  • shadows with reflective particles.

Gently apply concealer onto skin and blend it out with your fingers or a sponge. To combat yellow circles, a concealer with a lavender tint is suitable.

When setting foundation and concealer, use loose powder. When applying eye shadow, do not touch the lower eyelid.

To refresh your makeup throughout the day, use sprays with mineral water. A high-quality makeup base will help moisturize sensitive skin, which will not allow your skin to dry out and clog your pores. Of course, cosmetics are very effective in helping to hide yellow circles around the eyes, but only self-love and timely rest will make your eyes shine.

The main thing that reflects the soul and state of a person is, of course, the eyes. That is why most people experience some discomfort when such a common problem as yellow circles under the eyes appears.

This kind of problem is very common, because the skin in this area is quite thin and very susceptible to various types of influences. external influences or internal factors.

Why do bruises appear?

The answer to the question of why bruises appear in the eye area is quite simple. The fact is that the skin in this area is quite thin and the vessels are located very close. That is why the main ailments of the body are most often displayed in this zone.

The following factors can also cause bruising:

  • Bad weather conditions.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin.
  • The influence of sunlight.

Most men and women don't pay special attention for yellow circles around the eyes, however, this approach is completely wrong.

After all, this kind of phenomenon may indicate the development of significant problems in the body. That is why, if bruises appear, it is best to consult a specialist for advice.

The reasons that cause bruising in most cases vary greatly. But mostly they indicate the development of serious problems in the body. The main reasons why bruises appear are as follows:

  • Liver diseases.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Development of chronic fatigue.
  • Stress.
  • The influence of bad habits.
  • Lack of oxygen in the body.

In some cases, the cause of this phenomenon, which is especially common in men, may be an excessive amount of carotene in the body. This situation can arise with significant consumption of yellow plant foods.

What do the yellow circles signal?

Yellow circles under the eyes cannot be considered healthy. Quite often, their occurrence indicates the development of serious problems with:

  • Liver.
  • Gallbladder.

Quite often, such ailments are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nausea.

Yellowing of areas of the body with sensitive skin. If such signs appear, you should immediately consult a specialist, since most likely the main cause is a serious illness.

The appearance of yellow-green circles may indicate the development of the same kind of problems. Their occurrence is associated primarily with the individual characteristics of the body. However, this kind of phenomenon can occur in men and women due to wearing metal-framed glasses.

Iron can oxidize and stain skin, therefore, before visiting a specialist, you must stop wearing glasses for several days. If the bruises do not disappear, then their occurrence is due to internal factors, and in this case you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Also, quite a large number of people, especially men, wonder why brown bruises appear. As a rule, in most cases, brown bruises are associated with circulatory problems.

If the liver does not fully cope with its main function and does not cleanse the blood, the vessels in the eye area begin to gradually expand. Blood accumulates in the thinnest areas, such as around the eyes.

Also, brown bruises in men and women may indicate problems with the functioning of the biliary system. A specialist will help determine the cause of their development and prescribe treatment.

How to remove circles under the eyes?

There is no clear answer to the question of how to remove yellow circles. Measures that will help get rid of them should be prescribed by a specialist on a purely individual basis. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will prescribe an examination aimed at identifying the cause of their occurrence.

As a rule, in order to get rid of them it is used drug therapy, aimed at maintaining or normalizing the functioning of the body. Saturating the body with vitamins and strengthening it will also help remove bruises.

It is also possible to use special protective creams for this area. But before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

To get rid of circles medicines must be taken on the advice of a specialist. After treatment, it is necessary to refrain from overloading the gastrointestinal tract. If this phenomenon occurs again, you must immediately contact a specialist.

Yellow circles under the eyes are a rather unpleasant phenomenon. As a rule, it indicates the development of serious problems with the body. If such bruises appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of their occurrence and select the optimal treatment.

Skin manifestations may indicate various problems in the human body. Yellowness around the eyes is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, or is a manifestation of another serious disease that requires immediate treatment.

Causes of yellow circles under the eyes

The appearance of yellow circles under the eyes can be caused by external and internal factors. However, some situations require a review of lifestyle or nutrition, while others require medical intervention and drug treatment.

Photo 1: Lack of sleep, smoking and stress can cause yellowness under the eyes. Sedentary image life also contributes to the disease. Source: flickr (marshmala).

External factors

Among the external influences on the appearance of yellowness around the eyes are:

  • Eating large quantity fruits and vegetables containing yellow pigment. With this change in pigmentation, the sclera remains white, and general condition health does not change at all. To get rid of yellowness, it is enough to reduce the amount of such products.
  • Sensitivity to the sun. In spring and summer, when ultraviolet rays very active, in people with hypersensitivity skin pigmentation around the eyes may change. To eliminate this, just use sun protection glasses.
  • Because of constant wearing Glasses with metal frames may cause yellow-green circles to appear. This is due to the oxidation process, and to remove it, just wash your face and clean the frame.
  • Some people have individual characteristics when the skin constantly has a yellowish tint.

However, there are situations when you should urgently consult a doctor.

Important! If the disease is accompanied by other pain in the body, you should contact a specialist for diagnosis.


There are mainly two diseases that are accompanied by changes in pigmentation around the eyes.

Increased bilirubin

Bilirubin is a bile pigment that should not exceed 20.5 mmol/l in the blood. If, after taking the test, you see that it is higher, it means that there is a violation of the liver and biliary tract.

With this disease, not only the skin around the eyes turns yellow, but the proteins themselves become yellow. There is also heaviness in the right side, nausea, itchy skin and general malaise.

Important! If you notice changes in the complexion around the eyes and the whites of the eyes have begun to turn yellow, you should immediately contact a specialist and take a blood test.

Bronze disease

Chronic adrenal insufficiency, otherwise called Addison's disease. Not only under the eyes, but also other areas of the skin acquire a characteristic yellow-bronze color.

First of all, changes in the color of the epithelium appear in places where clothing rubs against the body, in scars after operations and on the external genital organs. Additionally, abdominal pain, weakness and fainting appear.

This disease requires immediate treatment under medical supervision.

What can you do

Before moving on to treating the consequences, you should find out the cause.

Advice: to rule out diseases, take a biochemical analysis blood.

To eliminate the problem, if it is associated with lack of sleep or stress, you can massage the area around the eyes and give yourself a rest.

The following methods are also effective:

  • eye gymnastics to relieve tension;
  • hide the circles using a corrector, which, in addition to the tonal effect, usually has other useful properties;
  • face masks and compresses;
  • contrast procedures using ice.

Photo 2: To prevent the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes, you need to monitor your daily routine and diet, and avoid abuse of alcohol and tobacco. Spend more time outdoors.