What is earthen pear and its preparation. What does the plant and fruit of Jerusalem artichoke look like: photo. The use of Jerusalem artichoke in cooking


What is Jerusalem artichoke?

What is Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke for the human body, what does it have? medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with the help of vegetables. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Jerusalem artichoke, or tuberous sunflower (lat. Heliánthus tuberosus) is a species of perennial herbaceous tuberous plants of the Sunflower genus of the Asteraceae family.

The plant is also known as " earthen pear", "Jerusalem artichoke", "bulba", "bulva", "barabola".


Jerusalem artichoke comes from North America - it is very widespread there from the north to the south of the continent. The Indians called this plant the sun root. They cultivated Jerusalem artichoke and used it for food long before those tragic years when armed hordes of conquistadors poured into America.

Jerusalem artichoke came to Europe thanks to the traveler and discoverer Samuel de Champlain. In 1605, he sent this plant to France, and it was there that it received the name Jerusalem artichoke - after the name of the Jerusalem artichoke tribe of Chilean Indians. IN Western Europe Jerusalem artichoke has spread widely across the continent as a vegetable, fodder and even industrial crop. It has deservedly gained a reputation as a winter delicacy - thanks to its sweetish taste, slightly reminiscent of nuts.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers can be eaten raw, added to salads, and also boiled, fried, baked, steamed and processed, just like potato tubers. During heat treatment, it acquires a richer taste and smell compared to fresh tubers. It can be dried and ground into flour, which does not lose its properties even after long storage. useful qualities. Jerusalem artichoke tubers can be used in pickles and marinades. In addition, in Europe they tried to produce alcohol, fructose, wine and beer from it.

In the 18th century, the first earthen pear tubers appeared in Russia. Some came to us from Romania and were called “Volosh turnip”. On the Don, Jerusalem artichoke is still called turnip, although without the definition “Voloshskaya”. Other tubers were brought to Russia from China, and this event was preserved in the Kazakh language, where Jerusalem artichoke is called Chinese potatoes. The third route was laid from Germany to the Baltic states.

Do you want to try growing an earthen pear? Plant the plant somewhere at the back of the garden or even in a large container. After this, you will only have to provide it with constant hydration without stagnation of water.

Jerusalem artichoke prefers loose soils with a slightly alkaline reaction. But in principle, it will grow and bear fruit more or less successfully in any soil. To ripen the tubers, it requires at least 125 frost-free days during the season. In mid-summer, you should shorten the plants to 1.5–2 m (if flower heads appear, it is also better to cut them off so that the plant does not waste energy on flowering and producing seeds), and also feed the Jerusalem artichoke with a weak solution of organic fertilizer ( seaweed, infusion of green manure, etc.).

Protect Jerusalem artichokes from garden pests! Snails and slugs pose a danger to it. They eat tasty tubers from the inside if they can get to them.

It is best to propagate Jerusalem artichokes in the spring using whole or chopped tubers that have overwintered in the ground. To reproduce, each tuber segment must have 2–3 buds. The tubers are planted to a depth of 10–15 cm at a distance of 30 cm from each other. When the plants reach 30 cm in height, they should be hilled.

Make sure that the Jerusalem artichoke does not spread throughout your garden. Remember that virtually any piece of tuber left in the ground will germinate and multiply in future seasons.

When collecting Jerusalem artichoke you should special attention pay attention to the appearance of the plant: for example, the root crop should not be soft, wrinkled or speckled with small spots.

When to dig? Jerusalem artichoke tubers are dug up between November and December, that is, after the first frost, while the leaves, flowers, and stems of the plant are harvested in mid-summer. But the above-ground part of the plant can also be cut off during light frosts (that is, just before the snow), but not all at once: for example, by winter it is necessary to leave a small part of the trunk, which will ensure the supply of nutrients to the tubers.

In general, digging up tubers in the spring is preferable to collecting raw materials in the fall due to the complete preservation of vitamins in the first case. Thus, the choice of time to collect raw materials depends solely on the preferences and capabilities of the gardener.

Pear rhizomes cannot be stored for long periods of time. At the same time, the concentration of sugars in the tubers increases in proportion to the increase in the shelf life of the root crop, as there is an outflow of nutrients from both the stems and leaves. In general, it is recommended to dig up Jerusalem artichoke as needed, since it is better preserved in the ground (the tubers of this root crop can withstand frost of minus 40 degrees).

If we talk about storage in the cellar, then after a month of such storage Jerusalem artichoke begins to wither or rot. To increase the storage time, the tubers are sprinkled with damp soil or sand.

Useful properties and contraindications of Jerusalem artichoke:

Our distant ancestors, using juice from Jerusalem artichoke tubers, the tubers themselves and a decoction from the stems, treated wounds and burns, got rid of pain in the joints and spine, insomnia, poor appetite and loss of strength. Nowadays thanks to modern research new ones were opened healing properties Jerusalem artichoke, due to its high content of insulin, various minerals and vitamins. They even make it from medicines, which are used for prevention and therapeutic nutrition adults and children with diabetes mellitus, dysbiosis, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, anemia, colds and other diseases associated with immune deficiency.

Jerusalem artichoke is effective for diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, urolithiasis and hypertension. It is useful for obesity, constipation, for stimulating the immune system, in the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic infectious diseases, tumors, for restoring the body after intoxication, exposure to heavy metals, radionuclides, for stress conditions, for improving intestinal activity and treating dysbiosis, for increasing performance And vitality, to normalize cardiac activity.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain about 77% of the carbohydrate inulin, which during storage turns into fructose, which makes the root vegetable taste quite sweet. High content Fiber and inulin promote the production of gases in the stomach, so people prone to flatulence are recommended to eat cooked pears.

Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent source of dietary fiber and iron, it contains: high quantity potassium, vitamin C and others necessary for the body vitamins and microelements.

Everyone knows what great value For human body has vitamin C (ascorbic acid). And Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain very high vitamin C content. Therefore, regular inclusion in the diet of dishes from earthen pear tubers in raw, boiled and baked form helps maintain required level ascorbic acid in the body. People prone to allergies are forced to avoid citrus fruits in their diet, especially those rich in vitamin C. But eating Jerusalem artichoke is completely safe for allergy sufferers.

Vitamin C is also indispensable for the prevention and treatment of nasal, pulmonary, uterine and some other bleeding, with slowly healing wounds and bone fractures. That is why decoctions and juice from Jerusalem artichoke tubers are widely used in folk medicine specifically for healing weeping wounds and ulcers.

Inulin contained in Jerusalem artichoke acts as an extremely active sorbent that can bind and remove from the body large number toxic and ballast substances ingested with food or formed in the intestines during digestion. Inulin and short fructose chains (inulin fragments) have a pronounced choleretic effect, which is enhanced due to the facilitation of the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder into duodenum due to improved bowel movements.

Jerusalem artichoke significantly stimulates motor activity gastrointestinal tract (motility and peristalsis). The organic polyhydroxy acids it contains neutralize the pathogenic effects of aggressive free radicals and under-oxidized metabolic products. At the same time, a physiological alkaline reaction is established in the intestinal lumen, which is necessary for normal enzymatic digestion of food.

Jerusalem artichoke increases blood supply to the mucous membrane of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the pancreas, and has a therapeutic effect for gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, colitis, pancreatitis, etc., as well as for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Pain syndrome, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, bloating, upset stool (both diarrhea and constipation) when treated with conventional pharmacological agents in combination with Jerusalem artichoke disappear 5–7 days faster than with standard treatment without him.

Scientists, having studied the properties of Jerusalem artichoke, came to the conclusion that regular consumption of its tubers (especially raw), as well as fresh juice, contributes to:

  • reducing blood sugar;
  • maintaining the natural energy balance of the body;
  • prevention of salt deposits;
  • prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke;
  • prevention and treatment gastrointestinal diseases, anemia, urolithiasis:
  • weight loss for obesity;
  • blood pressure stabilization;
  • increasing the body's immunity.


Jerusalem artichoke is absolutely safe plant, which can cause harm to the body only if there is individual intolerance.

Therefore, if you decide to introduce Jerusalem artichoke into your diet, do not overdo it. Start with a minimal amount - a few tubers per day. If the body’s reaction is positive, then feel free to use the “solar root” for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that some components found in this plant can cause excessive gas formation in the intestines. But just because of this you shouldn’t refuse this most useful plant. After all, there are many harmless drugs that help cope with this problem.

Medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke:

It is rich in fiber, pectin, proteins, organic acids, inulin, vitamins C, P, group B and carotene.

The use of this plant has a beneficial effect on the condition cardiovascular system, promotes the removal of heavy metal salts and cholesterol from the body, strengthens the walls of capillaries. Its leaves relieve pain, swelling and spasms.

Jerusalem artichoke reduces acidity gastric juice, thanks to the inulin content, regulates blood sugar levels. This root vegetable acts as a mild laxative and relieves intestinal spasms.

Consumption of Jerusalem artichoke has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, helps eliminate heavy metal salts and cholesterol from the body, and strengthens capillary walls. Jerusalem artichoke leaves relieve pain, swelling and spasms.

Indications: diabetes mellitus, gastritis with increased acidity, arthrosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, stool retention, hemorrhoids, hypertension, ischemic disease heart disease, obesity, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, cystitis, lung diseases, anemia.

Contraindications: flatulence, diarrhea.

How to treat diabetes mellitus with Jerusalem artichoke?

Recipe 1

Eat 100–200 g of fresh Jerusalem artichoke daily. At sharp increase blood sugar, take 100 ml of Jerusalem artichoke juice.

Recipe 2

Take 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon of Jerusalem artichoke juice.

Treatment with Jerusalem artichoke for stool retention and hemorrhoids:

Recipe 1

If stool is delayed, eat a mixture of grated Jerusalem artichoke and boiled beets at night in a ratio of 2: 1. If necessary, repeat the treatment the next day.

Recipe 2

For external hemorrhoids, lubricate the cones with Jerusalem artichoke juice. Carry out the procedure after each act of defecation. At night, eat 100–150 g of grated Jerusalem artichoke. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthrosis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis:

Recipe 1

Pour 30 g of Jerusalem artichoke leaves into 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Use the decoction for compresses and baths for joint pain.

Recipe 2

Mix Jerusalem artichoke juice with infusion of horse chestnut flowers and infusion of black elderberry fruits in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. Moisten gauze with the preparation, apply it to the affected areas of the legs for 1 hour. varicose veins veins and/or thrombophlebitis. Carry out the procedure once a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

How to treat gastritis with high acidity using Jerusalem artichoke?

Recipe 1

Mix Jerusalem artichoke juice with infusion of calendula, chamomile and yarrow in a ratio of 3: 2: 1: 1. Take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day 1 hour before meals. Course of treatment acute gastritis– 7 days, chronic – 21 days.

Recipe 2

To prevent gastritis, take 100 ml of Jerusalem artichoke juice, mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn syrup, 3 times a week.

Treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases:

Recipe 1

Juice of Jerusalem artichoke, beets, carrots and chokeberry mix in equal quantities, dilute with infusion of Jerusalem artichoke leaves. Take 100 ml 2 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of prophylaxis is 14 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out 3 times a year.

Recipe 2

Every day eat 100 g of grated Jerusalem artichoke mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey and 50 g of chopped dried apricots. The course of prevention is 21 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

Recipes for making Jerusalem artichoke:

Its tubers are not only healthy, but also very tasty - they at the same time resemble cauliflower, and asparagus, are nutritious, healthy and could greatly diversify our table. Especially in early spring, when we so acutely feel the lack of vitamin food! The fact is that Jerusalem artichoke, or earthen pear, does not need to be harvested for the winter, like potatoes, since, unlike potatoes, dug up Jerusalem artichoke rhizomes are not stored for a long time. But the tubers left in the ground do not freeze, and the soil has thawed a little - on our table there are already fresh, crispy, like cabbage stalks, fruits. They can be eaten raw, made into a salad, stewed, fried, steamed, boiled in water or milk, dried and fermented.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers - raw and boiled - are added to vinaigrettes and salads. To do this, they are washed, peeled, grated, and added green onions, parsley and season with sour cream. In addition, they are fried like potatoes, added to soups, and used as a filling for pies and pancakes. Tubers, dried and ground in a coffee grinder, can be brewed instead of coffee. Fresh root vegetables are also used to produce alcohol, prepare compote, jam, caviar, syrup; they can be fermented and dried.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers taste like cabbage stalks and harmonize perfectly with various vegetables in salads.

Boiled Jerusalem artichoke:

Pour the peeled Jerusalem artichoke with salted hot water, add vinegar (10–20 g per 1 liter of water) to preserve the white color of the pear, and cook until tender. Before serving, remove the Jerusalem artichoke from the water and pour in butter or sour cream.

Jerusalem artichoke in milk:

Cut the peeled tubers into pieces in the form of cubes, put in boiling milk and cook at low boil until tender. Then pour the milk into another bowl, heat it to a boil, add small pieces of butter mixed with sautéed wheat flour, and, stirring, cook until thickened. Pour this sauce over the Jerusalem artichoke, stirring carefully so as not to crush it. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped dill or parsley.

Jerusalem artichoke fries:

Peel the Jerusalem artichoke tubers, cut into slices about 1 cm thick, simmer with butter and let cool. Before serving, dip the slices in the dough and deep-fry until golden brown. Serve with deep-fried parsley for 1-2 minutes. Serve tomato sauce separately.

Jerusalem artichoke soufflé:

Simmer peeled and finely chopped Jerusalem artichoke tubers with butter and rub while hot. Mix with grated cheese, add whipped cream and whipped egg whites. Mix everything, place in a greased and floured frying pan, sprinkle with cheese and bake. Serve the dish in the same pan in which it was baked.

Jerusalem artichoke baked with egg:

Peel the Jerusalem artichoke, cut into slices and bring to readiness in a bowl with oil, without frying too much. Before serving, place fried Jerusalem artichoke on a baking sheet, pour raw egg, mixed with sour cream and cheese, and bake in the oven.

Jerusalem artichoke caviar:

Simmer the tubers in a not too hot oven for 3–4 hours. After cooling, pass them through a meat grinder and mix the resulting mass to taste with seasoning from tomato puree, previously fried with a small amount sunflower oil and onions. Then keep the mixture in the oven for 1-2 hours again. To extend the life of caviar, it can be preserved.

Fried Jerusalem artichoke:

Pour boiling water over the tubers, dry slightly with a napkin, cut into strips, add salt and fry like potatoes, or in boiling oil like donuts.

Jerusalem artichoke salad:

Peel the tubers like carrots, rinse well, grate on a coarse grater, mix with chopped hard-boiled eggs, dill and parsley, and add salt to taste. When serving, pour sour cream, mayonnaise or sunflower oil.

Quickly fried Jerusalem artichoke:

For 4 servings of appetizer or 2 servings of vegetable side dish: 4 large Jerusalem artichoke tubers, thoroughly washed, dried and cut into thin slices, 2 finely chopped shallots, 1 head of garlic, passed through a press, juice from half a lemon, 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Heat a frying pan, add olive oil. First, fry the onion and garlic over high heat, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Add chopped Jerusalem artichoke and fry, turning constantly, for another 2 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste, squeeze lemon juice, stir and serve.

Recipes from O. Romanova’s book “Jerusalem Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, celery against diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases.”

And here is a video about the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke and how to eat it:

How is Jerusalem artichoke useful in weight loss diets?

As already mentioned, Jerusalem artichoke is rich in inulin. Inulin is a special type of carbohydrate that is almost not digested by the human body. This - dietary fiber which perform a cleansing function. They neutralize and naturally remove toxic substances and others harmful products decays chemical reactions. When the fibers enter the stomach, they swell and absorb all the “toxins.” At the same time, the effect of filling and a feeling of satiety is achieved.

Inulins are not only cleansers, but also excellent appetite suppressants. "Broom" for our digestive tract- This is more of a Jerusalem artichoke root than a popular beetroot.

Vitamins and minerals are an integral component of any vegetable, and Jerusalem artichoke root is no exception. B, C, PP, magnesium, potassium phosphorus are useful participants in the weight loss process.

To sum up dietary properties root, the dominant effects can be distinguished: laxative and diuretic; reduction in sugar and cholesterol levels; cleansing of toxins; stimulating the production of digestive hormones and enzymes.

Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuberosus is a member of the Asteraceae family, called earthen pear or sun root. And they grow it like medicinal plant and a nutritious root vegetable.

Homeland of Jerusalem artichoke - North America, was brought to Europe several centuries ago, has perfectly adapted to the Russian garden, but is rarely grown for one reason - every gardener and gardener does not have enough 6 acres for all the desired crops, and Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant, it needs for several years permanent place under the sun.

Jerusalem artichoke is a rather large plant, with straight herbaceous stems, hollow inside, sparsely branched, reaches an average of 1.5-2 m in height, under favorable conditions - about 3 m. The leaves are dense, heart-shaped, with a serrated edge. Inflorescences are baskets about 6-8 cm in diameter, with bright yellow reed flowers. The fruit is an achene. All above-ground parts of the plant are covered with fine, dense pubescence.

The rhizomes of Jerusalem artichoke are valuable - by autumn they grow tubers (modified shoots) similar to ginger or sweet potato, some oblong, others round, like turnips, and the color varies from light brown to white, sometimes red or purple. They are quite tasty and have a number of medicinal properties.

What are the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke?

Jerusalem artichoke leaves, stems and flowers are used in decoctions for arthritis. To do this, chop the tops with a knife and pour boiling water at the rate of 5 tablespoons of greens and 2 glasses of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Then let it sit for 6-8 hours, squeeze it out and make gauze compresses with the solution on the sore joints.

Tubers are used in recipes for diabetes, in cooking, or drink freshly squeezed juice from tubers, half a glass 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

Brewing Jerusalem artichoke leaves in combination with others is used as a hepatoprotective agent.

Jerusalem artichoke in diets

Jerusalem artichoke roots have an amazing composition; 100 g of tubers contain: 2 g of protein (more than any vegetables), 17.3 g of carbohydrates, of which 1.6 g are dietary fiber, 9.6 g of starches, 3.2 g – sugar. There are very few vitamins in Jerusalem artichoke, microelements in general, too, except for phosphorus - Jerusalem artichoke is in first place among vegetables and berries for phosphorus, and iron - in Jerusalem artichoke 3.4 mg, but in apples Fe is only 1.2 mg.

But the uniqueness of Jerusalem artichoke tubers is in the inulin content from 11 to 17%. Inulin is a polysaccharide from the group of prebiotics, and is currently on a wave of fame among nutritionists: it is not absorbed in thin section intestines, but is processed beneficial microflora colon (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), stimulating its growth. And as we know - a healthy intestine - healthy body(let’s omit the laudatory odes regarding the removal of radionuclides and waste).

A little less content Inulin is only found in garlic, but for obvious reasons you can’t eat a lot of it. But Jerusalem artichoke tubers are edible raw and cooked. The taste is sweetish, slightly nutty, and goes great in salads or desserts, as well as baked goods on low-carb diets (Dukane, Montignac diet, etc.).

By the way, overeating Jerusalem artichoke can lead to bloating and colic in the intestines!

Growing Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is easy to grow, compared to other crops with virtually no worries! Although, there are still requirements if you want to get not just a harvest of tubers, but a very good harvest.

The place for Jerusalem artichoke is sufficiently lit, it can be in light partial shade, it also grows next to fruit trees, is not shy about either apple or plum trees, the main thing is that the soil is sufficiently loose and drained. Grows well on peat soil or light loam. Acidity prefers a close to neutral or slightly acidic pH of 6.5-7. Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate heavy clay soils!


Jerusalem artichokes are planted in early spring - from the end of April, or in early May or autumn. Plant in rows at a distance of 60-70 cm, in increments of 40-50 cm. Place bamboo or wooden sticks for garter at a distance of 10-15 cm from the tubers.

If the soil is poor, or crops that consume a lot of food were previously grown on the site, then the land needs to be improved. For example, for 1 sq. m of soil, add 7-8 kg of humus, to which add 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 400 g of dolomite flour. Or in each hole 1 tablespoon of ash, 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska and 1 teaspoon of superphosphate.

Take small tubers for planting, about 5-6 cm long. You can cut one large tuber into pieces (sprinkle the cuts with charcoal), but each piece must have at least three eyes. They are planted at a depth depending on the season: in spring 8-9 cm, in autumn 12-15 cm.

What to plant next to Jerusalem artichoke

Next to Jerusalem artichoke, legumes (beans, peas), cabbage, radishes, turnips, onions (all types), eggplants, and berry bushes such as currants and gooseberries are excellent neighbors.

Do not plant parsley and celery next to Jerusalem artichokes; it is not advisable to plant potatoes and tomatoes next to them.

After Jerusalem artichoke, it is best to plant wild strawberries or strawberries in this place. Although after harvesting, some of the tubers still remain in the soil and germinate, therefore, with small crops, Jerusalem artichoke is grown outside of crop rotation. Still, it is better not to grow it in one place for more than 5 years.

Jerusalem artichoke care

Large Jerusalem artichoke bushes, planted for several years, require periodic feeding and watering in dry, warm weather.

Young planted bushes also need to be weeded. When Jerusalem artichoke grows, it clogs the neighboring vegetation; when planted in a garden, it can be invasive - the stolons of rhizomes spread underground and germinate in neighboring areas.

In the spring, with the appearance of young shoots, the soil around the Jerusalem artichoke needs to be weeded and loosened to improve the breathing of the roots. When the shoots grow (at the end of May), the bushes need to be hilled. Place slug traps on the ground near the bushes.

As the stems grow, if the area is sunny and open to the wind, the bushes will eventually need support. You can drive a pole next to the bush and tie the stems with jute.

When flowering begins, Jerusalem artichoke is a beautiful flower garden, but the inflorescences take up quite a lot of nutrients, so if decorating the garden is not important, cut off the inflorescences, leaving the stems about 1.5-1.8 m long.

In hot weather, plants need to be watered more often - the huge leaf mass evaporates a lot of water, although Jerusalem artichoke is drought-resistant and tolerates dry periods well. If you only visit the garden on weekends, mulch the soil around the plants with straw - it allows the soil to breathe, but protects against moisture evaporating too quickly.

For the whole summer season You can hill up the Jerusalem artichoke bushes with compost several times (3-5 times). If it is planted in a nesting manner over a large area, you need to loosen the rows once a month.

Fertilize once a month with a complex fertilizer with micro and macroelements, the optimal formula for fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10. Jerusalem artichoke does not like excess nitrogen!

In the fall - in October, not earlier, you can harvest by carefully digging up the ground with a pitchfork. The skin of the tubers is thin and easily damaged, try not to damage it.

Storing Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke tubers dug out of the ground will last no more than two weeks in the refrigerator, then they become soft and tasteless. Therefore, when the plantings are large, you can do three things:

  1. Peel the dug up Jerusalem artichoke harvest, cut into pieces or grate and freeze.
  2. If the winters are not severe, do not dig up the tubers all at once in the fall, but gradually as needed, covering them with straw or any other warm mulch. You can continue digging up tubers until the ground freezes.
  3. Dig up some of the tubers and freeze them or put them in the basement in a mixture of slightly damp peat and sand, at a temperature of about +2, and leave some in the ground until spring - dig up the spring harvest when the ground thaws.

If you store dug tubers, be sure to store them at a humidity of 75-85% - i.e. about the same as carrots.

Growing problems

Jerusalem artichoke has few pests and, compared to vegetables, few diseases. Most of all, it can suffer from powdery mildew. If it gets into your garden, rest assured that Jerusalem artichoke will not bypass it. Control measures, as on other plants, are spraying with fungicides. Remove particularly affected leaves mercilessly. You can cut out some of the stems to make it easier to process and reduce the density of the bush. Among the preparations, it is better to use those based on copper: Bordeaux mixture, hom, oxychom, copper oxychloride, etc.

Growing problems can also arise in the garden due to the fault of Jerusalem artichoke - on favorable soils (especially peat or light loams), it grows quite aggressively and tends to overwhelm other crops. Therefore, do not plant Jerusalem artichoke in an area where you would like to grow berries or vegetables in the future, or control its growth by digging out shoots that make their way beyond the intended area.

Jerusalem artichoke recipes

Jerusalem artichoke is good in any form: raw, stewed, fried.

It is not necessary to peel fresh tubers - thoroughly wash the peel, pour boiling water over it and grate it. But in the air, Jerusalem artichoke tubers oxidize (darken) like potatoes, so that they do not lose their appearance, sprinkle them with lemon juice.

If you clean Jerusalem artichokes for soup, immediately immerse them in cold water.

Jerusalem artichoke soup with bacon

  • 1 medium potato (about 200 g)
  • the same number of Jerusalem artichoke tubers (about 200 g)
  • 100 g sliced ​​bacon
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 liter chicken broth
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • small bunch of fresh chives

Peel the potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes, cut them into strips of about 5-6 mm, add broth and cook. Once it boils, cook for 15-18 minutes.

At this time, fry the bacon with finely chopped garlic. When the potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke are ready, add bacon to them, bring to a boil and remove from heat.

When serving, sprinkle with green onions.

Fried Jerusalem artichoke

  • 500 g Jerusalem artichoke
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons dried thyme
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Peel the Jerusalem artichoke and cut into pieces about 2 cm.

Combine olive oil, thyme, garlic and salt in a large bowl. Place Jerusalem artichoke into the mixture and stir.

Place the slices in an even layer on a non-stick baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake on the middle rack for about 30-35 minutes until the Jerusalem artichoke is soft.

You can bake Jerusalem artichoke this way with other vegetables, make assorted vegetables: bell pepper, onion, zucchini and Jerusalem artichoke. It tastes sweet, but not like sweet potatoes - a good side dish for poultry or pork.

Jerusalem artichoke dessert

  • 200 g Jerusalem artichoke
  • 200 g apple or pear
  • 50 g hazelnuts
  • 20 g dark chocolate
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of coconut
  • 1 jar of natural yoghurt
  • sugar or fructose optional (honey is possible)

Cut Jerusalem artichoke and apple into cubes. Add crushed hazelnuts, coconut and yoghurt. Sweeten. Place in a vase and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial flower, the greenery of which reaches almost 1.5 m in height. Its leaves are ovoid, and the inflorescences are bright yellow in color and from the outside resemble a small sunflower. Jerusalem artichoke tubers are an amazingly tasty and healthy product that is used not only in cooking, but also as a remedy.

Features of the plant

Jerusalem artichoke photo

Jerusalem artichoke is a plant of the Asteraceae family. In Russia it is more often called earthen pear, and in Europe it is called Jerusalem artichoke. Its closest relative is the sunflower, which explains their similarity.
The Jerusalem artichoke plant was first used in the territory of modern Brazil even before Europeans discovered this continent. According to legend, the name of this root vegetable comes from a tribe of American Indians calling themselves Jerusalem artichokes. It was they who brought Jerusalem artichoke to Europe in the 17th century.
It appeared in Russia in the 18th century and almost immediately became a fairly popular plant, which had a wide area of ​​cultivation for food, feed and technical purposes.
Nowadays, thanks to its medicinal and nutritional qualities, Jerusalem artichoke is widely used in many countries of the world, it is especially valued in Japan, Belgium, Canada, the USA, and Germany. Scientists from these and a number of other countries pay special attention and interest to this medicinal product and unique effective product dietary nutrition.

Chemical composition

Jerusalem artichoke is rich in fiber and many other useful substances

What is so amazing and medicinal about this fruit and how is Jerusalem artichoke useful? Scientists who studied the composition of this plant were very surprised by the variety of vitamins and minerals it contains. It contains a large number of:
organic acids;
essential amino acids(valine, arginine, leicine and others);
vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, C.
The amount of iron that the plant contains is several times higher than its content in other tubers (turnips, potatoes, carrots, etc.). In addition, Jerusalem artichoke contains: magnesium, fluorine, potassium, silicon, calcium, sodium and other minerals. It contains a carbohydrate that surpasses sugar cane and sugar beets in quantity. From 100 kg. tubers produce about 10 kg. fructose.
A particularly valuable element contained in Jerusalem artichoke is inulin, which is considered a natural analogue of insulin. This makes it possible to use Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes mellitus. Fresh root vegetables dug up in the fall are of great benefit, and if they are stored for a long time, the process of hydrolysis occurs, and inulin turns into fructose. But with fructose already formed, Jerusalem artichoke is also quite useful for diabetes, since it replaces sugar.

Useful properties

Jerusalem artichoke is effective for weight loss

The Jerusalem artichoke plant beneficial properties due to its composition. After conducting research, experts came to the conclusion that regular consumption of these root vegetables helps not only reduce blood sugar levels, but also partially restore vision lost with age. It serves as a good preventive measure diabetes mellitus and is quite effective in treating it.
Earthen pear is also used to treat:
gastrointestinal disorders.
To restore strength during severe psycho-emotional and physical stress, doctors recommend using Jerusalem artichoke powder. It is also effective when increased fatigue children and teenagers at school.
All parts of Jerusalem artichoke are used as a remedy in medicine: tubers in raw, dried and boiled form, decoctions and infusions of flowers and leaves, juice from the upper stems. You can also prepare an infusion from earthen pear tubers. For this, 1.5 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials need to be poured into 300 ml. warm water and leave the mixture in a thermos for 6-8 hours.
Jerusalem artichoke in tablets is quite common. They are prescribed for acute infectious diseases, dysbacteriosis, poisoning, to normalize processes in gastrointestinal tract and to cleanse the body.
Some dishes made from Jerusalem artichoke have a calming and antiviral effect, are useful for intoxication, stress, and as a preventive measure against the occurrence of malignant tumors, failures in heart rate and vascular diseases.
Fresh Jerusalem artichoke juice is capable of removing radioactive and toxic substances, phosphates and nitrates. It also helps with insomnia, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, constipation, and stomach ulcers.
Jerusalem artichoke is very effective for weight loss, so people who have a predisposition to extra pounds or obesity, they can safely stock up on this wonderful plant and use it as an additive to main dishes or in raw form. There are even weight loss techniques developed by nutritionists, which are based on this dietary plant.
Jerusalem artichoke is used as a laxative during pregnancy. Almost every woman in a position in last trimester facing problems such as constipation. Doctors recommend eating Jerusalem artichoke fruits raw during this period. They will fill the body with lost calcium and solve the problem of difficulties in passing stool.

Use in cooking

Jerusalem artichoke can be boiled and fried

In addition to the fact that the earthen pear is often used in medical purposes, she found wide application in cooking. Almost every housewife knows what can be made from Jerusalem artichoke. It is boiled, pickled, stewed, baked, fried, stuffed. It turns out very healthy and tasty fresh salad, prepared from its root vegetables.
Ready meals from Jerusalem artichoke have an unsurpassed rich aroma. Mnozhes

Your famous chefs use it to complement all kinds of meat and fish dishes, add it to sauces, when preserving vegetables for marinade and even to baked goods. Before preparing Jerusalem artichoke, its tubers must be cleaned.
Surely many have heard about Jerusalem artichoke syrup, but not everyone knows why it may be needed. The syrup made at a temperature of 55°C completely preserves all the beneficial properties of the plant. Its taste is similar to flower honey and it has an amber color. In the process of preparing the sauce, sugar and fructose are not used, and the lemon juice included in its composition gives the syrup a slight sourness. Since it does not have specific or strong aromas and easily dissolves in water, it becomes possible to use it to prepare various drinks and dishes.
Famous world chefs use Jerusalem artichoke syrup to prepare meatless, vegan and vegetarian dishes. It is added instead of sugar and sweeteners to coffee, tea, cocktails, as well as to porridges, pancakes, various desserts, dairy products and other dishes.
Moonshine from Jerusalem artichoke also turns out good and strong. It has been established that out of 100 kg. You can get 9 liters of tubers from this amazing plant. ethyl alcohol.

Jerusalem artichoke in cosmetology

with regular use of Jerusalem artichoke masks appearance skin will noticeably improve

Jerusalem artichoke is known in cosmetology as a soothing, toning and smoothing facial skin care product. It is included in many masks and is suitable for different types skin. Jerusalem artichoke has gained particular value in this industry due to its properties, which are aimed at combating deep wrinkles.
To get desired result, this mask needs to be done regularly. When using a mask of 2-3 grated tubers and 0.5 tsp. honey every 3 days for a month, your skin will become elastic and wrinkles will noticeably smooth out.

Jerusalem artichoke is a tuber, which, due to the abundance of useful substances, is actively used for human food. Due to the elongated shape of the tubers, it is often called earthen pear or “sun root”.

Jerusalem artichoke is considered an agricultural crop. This plant is used in food industry, as well as as complementary feeding for livestock and the production of raw materials for technical processing. Juicy, sweetish tubers have found application in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine. Let’s look further at what properties earthen pear has and how to use it correctly for health benefits.

Natural composition

The health benefits of Jerusalem artichoke are due to its rich natural composition. The tuber is rich in vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Chemical composition Jerusalem artichoke is presented:

  • vitamins - C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, A, beta-carotene;
  • macro- and microelements - magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, sodium, aluminum, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, iodine, cobalt. 50 grams of Jerusalem artichoke contains the daily requirement of silicon.
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • cellulose;
  • inulin;
  • amino acids - arganine, valine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan), etc.

100 grams of Jerusalem artichoke contains: 15 g carbohydrates, 3 g protein, 0.8 g fiber, 0.1 g pectin, 1.1 g ash. The calorie content of the tuber is 73 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Spinach is also very healthy. It contains approximately similar elements to Jerusalem artichoke. Read more about the benefits of spinach for the body.

Useful properties

Most of the beneficial substances of Jerusalem artichoke are associated with high content it contains inulin. This natural prebiotic binds and removes various harmful substances- pesticides, toxins, salts, heavy metals and radionuclides. This component is also able to reduce blood glucose levels, which helps with diabetes. Inulin stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and its choleretic effect allows the liver to cleanse itself naturally.

Jerusalem artichoke affects the body healing effect, thanks to next steps:

  • antioxidant and anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory and general strengthening;
  • antibacterial and antiviral;
  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • pain reliever;
  • antisclerotic;
  • sedative:
  • choleretic and diuretic.

This root vegetable improves the intestinal microflora and removes waste, toxins and various harmful substances from the body. At correct use This product can eliminate nausea, vomiting, and also reduce the symptoms of gas formation and the feeling of unpleasant bitterness in the mouth.

Jerusalem artichoke is prescribed for certain diseases of the digestive tract. It improves blood supply to the mucous membranes and promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. The beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke have positive impact on cardiovascular activity. The plant is rich in potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for healthy work heart muscle.

Eating Jerusalem artichoke tubers reduces blood viscosity, improving blood circulation. In addition, this plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of capillaries. The substances included in its composition increase elasticity blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Inulin, which is part of the plant, helps lower blood sugar. Just 30-40 grams of crushed tubers, consumed three times a day, will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent exacerbation of this disease.

All these properties have a complex effect on the body, as a result of which its protective functions are enhanced and develop resistance and immunity to various diseases.


Jerusalem artichoke is considered one of the most healthy products. Scientists carried out an analysis, as a result of which it was found that the tubers of this plant taste like cabbage stalks. The plant has a record amount of useful substances and compounds.

Particularly noteworthy is the application in the field cosmetology. Jerusalem artichoke is very beneficial for our skin. Thanks to the abundance useful minerals, such as silicon, sulfur, zinc, as well as arginine, which is essential for skin health, Jerusalem artichoke allows you to:

  • relieve inflammation and irritation skin;
  • prevent the appearance acne, acne and others skin rashes;
  • enrich the skin with beneficial microelements;
  • smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent skin aging.

Cooking and alternative medicine They use not only the tubers of the plant, but also its leaves, stems and roots. In cooking, the plant is used both fresh and cooked. Its tubers are somewhat reminiscent of potatoes, so the method of preparing them is quite extensive. The root vegetable can be fried, boiled, pureed, and used as a seasoning or thickener for soups.

Jerusalem artichoke in folk medicine

The abundance of beneficial properties that Jerusalem artichoke is rich in has influenced its widespread use in medicinal and for preventive purposes. The plant has found widespread use in alternative medicine.

Tubers, stems and leaves of Jerusalem artichoke are used for the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus, anemia, atherosclerosis, diseases nervous system and gastrointestinal diseases.

Jerusalem artichoke reduces the risk of developing heart disease, prevents salt deposition and has a general strengthening effect on the body. This plant is used to make various decoctions, tinctures, juices, even used as a paste for lotions and compresses.

Its benefits for treating diseases are invaluable. IN medicinal purposes prepare special medicinal decoctions, teas, syrups and tinctures. The juice of this plant has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Dried Jerusalem artichoke is used to prepare infusions and decoctions, the recipes for which will be described below.

Decoctions and juices

Traditional medicine recommends cooking special decoction. To prepare it you will need dry or fresh Jerusalem artichoke. For one liter of water we take 5-6 tubers or three tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials. He's getting ready as follows:

  • We grind the raw materials and pour boiling water over them.
  • Boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  • Then let it cool and strain.
  • We use medicinal decoction 100 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • We take the product three times a week. The course of treatment is 2 months.

This decoction lowers blood pressure (for people prone to hypertension), lowers blood sugar levels, and normalizes the activity of the pancreas (especially with pancreatitis).

Jerusalem artichoke juice is useful for, and. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use 2 tbsp. l. Jerusalem artichoke juice mixed with 2 tbsp. l. clean water. To obtain juice, the tubers are peeled, washed and passed through a juicer. If you don’t have it in the house, root vegetables can be chopped in a blender and passed through cheesecloth. The medicinal juice should be taken at morning time days.

For vitamin deficiency three tbsp. l. chop the dried tubers and pour two liters hot water. Place the container with the raw materials on water bath. Let it simmer over low heat for an hour. Then strain the broth and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

To treat diseases urinary tract you need to take 2 tbsp. l. dried Jerusalem artichoke, crushed to a powder. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the raw material. Let it cool on its own, then filter. Use medicinal infusion 30 ml once a day, 10 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks. Indications for use: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

To get rid of a runny nose, you need to grate or chop two tubers in a blender. Next, use gauze to squeeze out the juice. Apply the resulting juice to your nose four times a day, 10 drops each.

For vision problems It is necessary to mix freshly squeezed plant juice with one spoon of honey. Drink this drink 2 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.

For immune disorders It is recommended to prepare such a medicinal drink within a month: mix Jerusalem artichoke and Jerusalem artichoke juice in equal proportions. Daily norm drink - 250 ml per day. This healthy cocktail will boost your immunity and improve your overall health.

In case of poisoning It is necessary to consume 50 ml of freshly squeezed juice of Jerusalem artichoke tubers every two hours. This method allows you to remove toxic substances and decay products from the body.


For wounds and ulcers you will need Jerusalem artichoke root. Prepare the mixture for the compress according to the specified recipe. Grate two fresh tubers on a fine grater. Apply the resulting pulp to the damaged area of ​​skin in the form of a compress. We do this procedure twice a day for 20 minutes.

Indications for the use of such compresses:

For arthritis and swelling of the legs It is recommended to squeeze the juice out of 200 grams of tubers and apply the resulting pulp to sore spots. Cover the top with plastic wrap and bandage well. It is recommended to keep the compress until a slight burning sensation begins to appear. Smoking therapy - four days.

Use in cosmetology

Jerusalem artichoke deservedly occupies its niche in home cosmetology And aesthetic medicine. Abundance useful vitamins, minerals and various acids, allows this plant to be used as a skin and hair care product.

Skin care masks

Using Jerusalem artichoke you can prepare face masks for any skin type. To do rejuvenating mask You will need fresh plant tubers. We grate them. Mix the prepared gruel with a teaspoon of honey and one capsule of vitamin E (you can buy it at the pharmacy). Apply the mask to previously cleansed facial skin. After 20 minutes, wash off. We perform the procedure four times a week. The duration of the course is three weeks.

For a toning mask You will need to grate one Jerusalem artichoke root or chop it in a blender. Apply the resulting consistency to your face for 20 minutes. Then rinse off and apply nourishing cream.

Anti-wrinkle mask can also be easily and quickly prepared at home. For this you will need Jerusalem artichoke root. Then follow the instructions:

  • Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater.
  • Mix the swelling pulp with 1 tsp. natural honey, 0.5 tsp. olive oil and 5 drops of rosewood oil.
  • Bring the consistency to a homogeneous state and apply to the face for 20 minutes.
  • Then wash it off. The course must contain 20 procedures.
  • The duration of one session is 20 minutes.

The plant can be used as home peeling. To do this, grind one tuber in a blender and squeeze the juice out of it using gauze. Add a spoon to the mixture citric acid and a few drops of citrus oil (3-5 drops). Apply the resulting mixture to the face and décolleté area. Apply the mixture with light massaging movements. After 5-7 minutes, wash off. We carry out this procedure twice a week.

To cook anti-inflammatory tonic, grate Jerusalem artichoke. Using gauze, squeeze the juice out of it. We wipe the skin with the resulting juice 2-3 times a day. This product cleanses pores sebaceous plugs and relieves minor inflammations.

Useful hair care recipes

Jerusalem artichoke helps well against dandruff and baldness. It strengthens the hair roots and gives them volume. It would also be a good idea to prepare special baths with plant leaves for your hair and body.

For cooking folk remedy from baldness you need to prepare the leaves of the plant and follow the steps indicated in the instructions.

  • 100 g fresh leaves The plants need to be filled with a small amount of water.
  • The container with the raw materials must be boiled over low heat for three hours.
  • After this, the broth is allowed to cool on its own, then filtered.
  • Massage the scalp with the prepared product.
  • Do this procedure three times a week.

Great for relaxation and health bath with Jerusalem artichoke leaves: We take one 100-150 g of plant leaves and fill it with three liters of water. Let it brew in cool water all night. The next day, filter and pour the resulting infusion into a bath of water. The water temperature in the bath should be +38..+40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The course of therapy is 10 procedures, 2 times a week. This treatment is effective for skin diseases, as well as to improve overall skin tone.

Culinary recipes with Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke has found wide application in cooking. The tubers of this plant are very aromatic and have a pleasant, juicy taste. They are used in fresh, so they give in heat treatment(fried, baked, boiled, evaporated, etc.). But most the best option is to eat root vegetables raw. This method allows you to preserve all valuable vitamins and microelements.

The modern kitchen is replete with various culinary recipes and methods of preparing Jerusalem artichoke. For example, an unusually tasty and healthy bread. Add 5% powder or 20% Jerusalem artichoke puree to wheat flour. This bread contains inulin, beneficial amino acids and has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body.

The puree is prepared very simply: the tubers are washed, cut into thin slices and dried in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. The dried slices are crushed with a rolling pin. The resulting powder is stored in sealed glass containers.

Omelette with Jerusalem artichoke

To prepare an omelet with Jerusalem artichoke you will need the following ingredients:

  • Jerusalem artichoke - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • wheat flour- 1 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped leek - 50 g;
  • green (asparagus) beans - 120 g;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Peel and chop the Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Pour water into an enamel container and boil them until they become soft. Then cut the finished vegetable and bell pepper into small pieces. Mix the vegetable mixture with eggs and flour. Salt and pepper. Pour oil into the pan and bake the omelette until fully cooked. Separately, fry the onion and green beans. Place the omelette on a plate and sprinkle it with fried green beans.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup

You can also make homemade syrup from Jerusalem artichoke, which will be a pleasant addition to other dishes. To make it, you need to follow the given recipe:

  • We wash the plant tubers well and peel them.
  • Then we grind the root vegetables with a blender (squeeze using gauze) or pass through a juicer.
  • Pour the resulting juice into an enamel container.
  • Place in a water bath and cook at a temperature of 50 degrees.
  • We repeat this procedure 4 times.
  • When the syrup thickens, add a few drops lemon juice.
  • After that, pour it into a storage container and put it in the refrigerator.

This syrup is perfect for pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes and homemade waffles.

Jerusalem artichoke salad with carrots

The salad with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke will be very tasty. You can always surprise your guests with this dish and add all the vitamins your body needs to your diet. The salad will require the following ingredients:

  • carrots - 120 g;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 175 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 20 g;
  • cilantro - 20 g;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

We wash the Jerusalem artichoke and carrots well under water and chop them using a vegetable cutter or grater. You should get the same straws as when preparing Korean carrots. Grind the garlic using a garlic press. After this, mix the garlic with mustard oil (vegetable oil is also possible).

We wash the cilantro in cool water, then dry it to remove excess moisture. In a deep plate, mix carrots and Jerusalem artichokes, season them with spices and sprinkle oil on top. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. After this, add the greens and mix again. Add a little lemon juice on top. The salad is ready!

Jerusalem artichoke boiled and fried

To boil Jerusalem artichoke, you need to follow the steps indicated in the recipe:

  • We wash the tubers of the plant, peel them and cut them into small pieces.
  • Boil them in salted water for 15-25 minutes.
  • In addition to salt, add one onion and spices (pepper, herbs, bay leaf).
  • After the time has passed, remove the vegetables and let them drain.
  • Place the root vegetables on a plate and put a little on top butter and sprinkle with herbs.

You can also make Jerusalem artichoke fries. To do this, deep fry the chopped raw root vegetables. After this, let them cool. Before serving, we do this again: dip the vegetables in batter and fry them in the deep fryer until golden brown. Then place them on a dish and sprinkle with chopped parsley.


Jerusalem artichoke has virtually no contraindications. A plant can cause harm to the body only in case of individual intolerance to the components included in its composition.

People suffering from:

  • flatulence,
  • allergies,
  • congenital intolerance.

It is also very important to observe moderation in its use. When overeating, root vegetables cause strong gas formation and intestinal discomfort.

People suffering from flatulence should avoid eating Jerusalem artichoke raw. It is also not recommended to combine this boiled or baked root vegetable in combination with cumin or coriander.

How to choose and how to store?

When buying Jerusalem artichoke in a store or market, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The skin of the root crop should be fresh, and the tubers themselves should be firm. The peel usually has small hairs, roughness and unevenness.

Soft, limp tubers are a sign of staleness. Wrinkled skin and oozing dark spots are also the first signal that the Jerusalem artichoke is of poor quality.

The skin of the root vegetable is very thin and easily damaged. This is why storing tubers for a long time it doesn't work. They either rot or dry out. To extend their shelf life, purchased fresh root vegetables are placed in paper food bags and placed in the refrigerator. This method allows you to preserve Jerusalem artichoke for 2-3 weeks.

Freezing is also very in a good way storage of root vegetables. To do this, the tubers of the plant are washed and dried well. Then cut to required sizes and frozen.

Jerusalem artichoke- a vegetable crop of the Asteraceae family. The above-ground part of the plant is very similar to a sunflower, but the flowers are much smaller. Root vegetables look more like potatoes or even ginger. People call this product “earthen pear”. We learned about this plant for the first time in South America. Tubers of one plant can have different sizes, their weight can vary from 10 to 150 g. In addition, Jerusalem artichoke may differ in color, tubers can be purple, yellow and even red.

Juicy and sweetish pulp white covered with a thin grey-brown skin. The taste of this product reminds many people of cabbage stalks. Jerusalem artichoke, despite the great similarity, much healthier than regular potatoes.

Useful properties

A huge amount of useful substances that are in the “earthen pear”, have a positive effect on the kidneys, genitourinary system . In addition, it prevents the development of urolithiasis and cystitis.

Jerusalem artichoke also helps the body resist various oncological diseases . The vegetable contains potassium, which is aimed at strengthening the heart, and, therefore, prevents the occurrence various diseases this organ. This product also helps get rid of toxins and harmful substances.

It is worth mentioning the use of Jerusalem artichoke in cosmetology. Masks from this plant will help get rid of wrinkles and other skin problems. The result can be seen after several courses. The juice of these tubers is recommended Use during heartburn to reduce stomach acidity. It also helps relieve constipation and improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

In Jerusalem artichoke there is a polysaccharide insulin, which is necessary for diabetics. In addition, it helps to start a process that burns fat, and, therefore, you will get rid of extra pounds. This product can be made the basis of a weight loss diet.

Use in cooking

Jerusalem artichoke is amenable to any heat treatment, it can be boil, fry, marinate and even salt. It is mainly used in salads and soups. The tubers can be dried and crushed, resulting in a very unusual and delicious seasoning, which is then used in meat and fish dishes.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke and treatment

It has been proven that Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent remedy for the fight and prevention of diabetes. Doctors recommend eating this vegetable for people who have liver and gallbladder diseases, for example, poor bile flow. In addition, Jerusalem artichoke helps to cleanse the blood and intestines naturally. It will also be useful to eat this product for people who have an increased risk of developing anemia. Doctors recommend including Jerusalem artichoke in their menu for those who have high blood pressure or low hemoglobin.

In folk medicine, not only tubers are used, but also leaves and stems.. Special infusions and decoctions are made from them, which are used to heal wounds and burns. Also, such decoctions help get rid of joint pain, insomnia, and they also improve the psychological state.

Harm of Jerusalem artichoke and contraindications

To check whether Jerusalem artichoke will harm you, start consuming this product with minimal portions. The components that are in the tubers can cause increased gas formation.