What can you take before giving birth? Diet before childbirth. Nutrition in the last trimester of pregnancy

” №4/2007 04.08.11

Preparing for childbirth isn't just about Kegel exercises. Will also benefit special diet. It will add energy to you at this important moment for you.

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Scientists who have studied the relationship between diet during pregnancy and easy birth, came to the conclusion that in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy it is useful for a woman to follow a certain diet. Proper nutrition allows you to prepare so well for childbirth that you won’t need any surgical intervention. And the baby will be born healthy!

Want to achieve the same result? A special menu will help you with this. Thanks to it, the fabrics will become so elastic that tears will not appear. Do you think this argument is strong enough? Then get started!

  • A few months before giving birth, switch to 5 meals a day. The optimal interval between meals is 3-3.5 hours. During this time useful substances will be absorbed better.
  • Eat small, but often, so as not to overload your stomach.
  • Try to eat in the first half of the day high-calorie dishes(fish, meat), which stay in the body longer.
  • In the afternoon, give preference to easily digestible foods (vegetables, cereals). They do not overload the gastrointestinal tract and do not excite nervous system.
  • Remember that cottage cheese is an exception to the rule. It is best absorbed in the morning.
  • Try to alternate light meals with higher-calorie foods - then the feeling of hunger will not torment you.

We offer a menu for the week, compiled especially for you. Bring delicious and useful ideas to life!

To preserve vitamins in foods, steam them. This is the most delicate method of heat treatment, which will not spoil the dish with excess fat and carcinogens. Do you think the procedure will take too long? A modern steamer will speed up and make your work easier. With its help, the taste and aroma of food will improve. And the dish will look simply luxurious: living products always have a vibrant color!

Diet before childbirth: meals by day



  • Curd casserole
  • Fresh orange juice


  • Apple salad


  • Salad with pistachios
  • Vegetable soup with celery

Afternoon snack

  • Oatmeal cookies
  • Mineral water without gas


  • Baked fish with apples
  • Herbal tea



  • Cabbage salad
  • Green tea with lemon


  • Boiled tongue with steamed vegetables
  • Freshly squeezed apple and celery juice


  • Salad with vegetables and boiled shrimp
  • Rice soup

Afternoon snack

  • Vinaigrette


  • Frozen berry cocktail



  • Baked beets
  • Omelette with spinach


  • Fish sandwich (use bran bread)
  • Fresh fruit


  • Salad from fresh vegetables with vegetable oil
  • Soup with offal (liver, kidneys, heart)

Afternoon snack

  • Banana and kiwi salad


  • Yogurt
  • Morse (from cranberries, viburnum)



  • Stuffed cabbage rolls
  • Mineral water without gas


  • Cottage cheese with banana
  • Herbal tea


  • Buckwheat soup
  • Avocado salad with boiled shrimp

Afternoon snack

  • Orange jelly


  • Biokefir
  • Fruit pilaf



  • Citrus juice (lemon, orange, tangerine)
  • Liver pudding


  • Fresh vegetable salad


  • Lenten borscht
  • Pumpkin with apples

Afternoon snack

  • Milkshake


  • Stuffed peppers


  • Vegetable casserole
  • Dried fruit dessert


  • Beetroot pancakes


  • Green borscht
  • Liver salad

Afternoon snack

  • Pear juice


  • Oatmeal milk porridge with fruits
  • Mineral water without gas



  • Frozen berry compote
  • Savory toast


  • Pie with dried apricots and raisins


  • Pumpkin soup
  • Vegetable cutlets

Afternoon snack

  • Banana smoothie
  • Fresh fruit


  • Baked liver with vegetables
  • Salad with cheese
  • Green tea

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is the home stretch. There is no need to perceive it as a time of “agonizing waiting.” Make the most of it!

Preparing for childbirth. Nutrition 3 weeks before birth

During this period, nutritionists advise gradually eliminating fish and meat from the diet. The animal fats they contain have already accumulated in your body in sufficient quantities. It's time to switch to fats plant origin(corn, olive, sunflower oil, nuts). They charge the body with energy and make tissues more pliable. And excess animal protein reduces the elasticity of perineal tissue and contributes to the appearance of tears during childbirth. Therefore, you should give up eggs for a while.

Cereals, baked vegetables, fresh juices, lean soups are especially useful for you now. Don't forget about kefir and yogurt! These products will increase tissue elasticity and saturate the body with vitamins.

Nutrition 2 weeks before birth

Now it is especially important to pay attention to digestive problems. Do you still suffer from constipation? It's time to exclude porridge and bread from the menu. This will help the intestines remain unloaded, and in addition, will make it easier for the baby’s body to work. After all, by this time he is already quite large and it is difficult for him to process heavy food.

Do you really like fragrant toast? Then use only bakery products from bran. They contain a lot of fiber, which will help regulate bowel function.

Fermented milk products, salads, fresh fruits and stewed vegetables– what you need at this stage! They increase the secretion of digestive juices and enhance enzymatic activity. This guarantees excellent health both you and the baby.

Nutrition one week before giving birth

It has been proven that fermented milk products excite the nervous system. Eliminate them from your menu temporarily. Avoid milk for now. It contains elements that are involved in the formation of bone tissue.

Eat boiled vegetables, dried fruits, and fresh fruit salads. They will enrich the body dietary fiber. It is useful to drink a decoction of flax seeds - this will prevent the mucous membranes from drying out during childbirth.

Meals on the day of birth

The first labor usually lasts 10-12 hours. In order for you to have enough strength for the entire period, you need to stock up on energy. You can get it from easily digestible foods. Does any mention of food make you feel nauseous? A special drink is suitable: add lemon juice to still mineral water. The drink will also help if you feel dry mouth during contractions.

Did you feel contractions starting? Prepare a decoction of thyme (it stimulates uterine contractions), mint, lemon balm, oregano, rose hips, currants and raspberries. If you drink this tea, your cervix will open faster

As nutritionists unanimously say, with each passing day you approach childbirth, you need to replace a piece of meat with a green leaf of lettuce in your diet. Based on research, muscles lose their elasticity if a person eats meat. Nutrition before childbirth for muscle elasticity should be carefully prepared, since this to some extent determines how the birth will go.

Preparing the body

A month before giving birth, you should completely give up meat and fish. Other products except junk food, can be consumed in small doses.

A week before the expected event, it is better to enrich food with oils that will make the birth canal and blood vessels highly elastic. Also, foods rich in pectin fiber can be eaten before childbirth to ensure a good birth.

Do you feel like eating before giving birth? Appetite expectant mother in labor Each case is individual, but more often than not, before such an event, thoughts that come into your head are not about food at all. Even if you want to eat before giving birth, doctors do not recommend this, since the body needs to be completely cleansed and prepared for the happy hour.

Nutrition in the week before giving birth should be well thought out. It is only at this time that the body finally accumulates all its strength to take the final step.

It is important not to deny yourself the necessary vitamins without overloading the body with food. Will be useful herbal infusions and baked fruits and vegetables. Two weeks before giving birth, it is recommended to eat raw and baked vegetables and fruits, especially apples and pumpkin.

What is possible

Is it possible to eat before childbirth? It is quite obvious that if you follow a diet before childbirth, it will be easier to give birth. Immediately before an event, most often there is no time to eat, but if you really want to, you can eat an apple. Two to three weeks before giving birth, you can even stew vegetables from the supermarket that were once frozen. Herbal infusions and fresh juices will give strength to the body.

What can you eat before giving birth:

  1. grated carrots;
  2. vegetable oils (except sesame);
  3. cereals;
  4. freshly squeezed juices;
  5. baked apples;
  6. herbal teas;
  7. baked pumpkin;
  8. kefir and low-fat cottage cheese;
  9. vegetable broths.

The role of drinking water during childbirth is also overrated. Some doctors say that you need to drink a lot of fluids before giving birth. Scientists studying the physiology of childbirth have proven that by the time the act itself occurs, the woman’s body has required stock liquids. Therefore, if you want to drink before giving birth, best option- rinse your mouth cool water or suck on an ice cube.

What not to do

At the end of the last trimester, it is better to completely give up meat, especially sausages. The body of the expectant mother works on full power and he doesn’t need the additional burden of processing such complex food. Food must be light and low-calorie.

IN different cases and on different stages during labor, you need to understand that there are products that stimulate labor, the use of which can harm the woman in labor and the baby.

What not to eat before giving birth:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • pickles;
  • salty, sour, spicy foods;
  • meat (any);
  • meat broths;
  • confectionery;
  • bakery products (with the exception of healthy cereal breads);
  • milk;
  • sesame oil.

It is recommended to exclude from the diet foods constipating: milk, eggs, fish and other animal proteins. These foods clog the intestines, making it difficult to have bowel movements during the postpartum period.

Looking at all the gastronomic variety that is on supermarket shelves, it is difficult to deny yourself something, especially if the little one inside is asking for raw smoked sausage.

In order to overcome postpartum blood loss, stress and have enough energy, the body of the expectant mother must undoubtedly have certain reserves. This is by no means a reason to condense your menu. It should be eased every day.

Why you shouldn’t eat before giving birth:

  1. contractions themselves can cause gag reflex, since there is a reflex connection between the cervix and the stomach;
  2. with a full stomach and bladder the woman in labor may feel some discomfort;
  3. some products cause additional swelling;
  4. Glucose contained in food can cause jaundice in a newborn.

It is unknown what the birth will be like; perhaps doctors will be forced to introduce general anesthesia, which is known to cause nausea and vomiting. Under such circumstances, vomiting is extremely dangerous, as the vomit can enter the lungs and cause an attack of suffocation or pneumonia.

Among the provisions that relatives brought when visiting the expectant mother, there will definitely be products that speed up labor. Their properties can be used to stimulate labor, if necessary.

What foods cause labor:

  • parsley;
  • pineapple;
  • beets and beet juice;
  • currant juice;
  • raspberry leaf tea;
  • castor oil.

The nutritional needs of a woman undergoing childbirth are individual and complex, so they cannot be strictly controlled. First of all, a woman is recommended to rely on her own feelings and desires of the little man, for whose benefit everything is being done. Foods that can cause labor early stages should not become a reason to refuse your favorite delicacy, it is enough just to observe moderation in everything.

When your body is already preparing for childbirth, you can help it by following certain rules nutrition.

Just don't starve!

A fairly large number of expectant mothers, worried about quite noticeable weight gain during pregnancy, begin to starve.
This is strictly prohibited and even dangerous; under no circumstances should you starve yourself while you are carrying a baby. So you will deprive vital energy and not only strengthen yourself, but your baby will also suffer.

Agree that giving birth healthy baby, and also maintaining your own health is much more important than maintaining slim figure during pregnancy. Moreover, get rid of extra pounds you can always, but after childbirth.

Diet and nutrition of a pregnant woman

Pregnant women are advised to completely remove the baby from their diet throughout the entire period of gestation or at least minimize its consumption. fatty foods(sausages), as well as fried foods.

It is not recommended to drink coffee, especially for those who are used to drinking it in large quantities. The consumption of sweet soda with dyes and other unhealthy foods - chips, crackers - is excluded.

For a month before birth to the expectant mother you should start eating more light food than before this period. You should also not load your stomach with large portions.

During this period, your diet should consist of porridge with water, fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, homemade yogurt), large quantity vegetables (fresh, baked, steamed).

You should exclude or try to consume animal protein (meat, fish, eggs) in minimal quantities from the menu.

In two weeks before the expected date of birth, the menu becomes even more dietary - baked goods and cereals are included in the list of foods that should not be consumed. Continue to eat vegetables and dairy products.

For a week Before giving birth, reduce your consumption of fermented milk products. Vegetables and fruits are your diet for this time.

per day expected childbirth or when contractions have already begun, it is not recommended to eat at all. On the day of birth, the diet will consist of drinks - weak tea, dried fruit compote, non-carbonated mineral water. If you feel really hungry, try eating a couple of crackers.

If you want to eat immediately on the day of birth, you don’t feel sick, you feel that you can digest the food, and with the doctor’s permission, you can eat.

What foods are good before childbirth?

As you already understand, about a month before giving birth, fermented milk products and vegetables are beneficial.

Also, the diet must contain vegetable oil - olive, flaxseed, sunflower - to your taste. Add it, for example, to salads.

Such a menu will allow you to avoid stomach problems before childbirth and eliminate the likelihood of constipation, which during childbirth can become a prerequisite for the development of hemorrhoids.

Black (bitter) chocolate during childbirth

In some maternity hospitals, expectant mothers are advised to have a bar of dark chocolate with them on the day of birth.

The fact is that this product can stimulate the dilatation of the cervix, and eating chocolate also stimulates the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”, which to some extent can reduce pain.

Milk and white chocolate are useless during childbirth. Only real, natural dark dark chocolate has stimulating properties.

Can pregnant women practice fasting days?

Essentially last week before giving birth, it will be a fasting period, because you will only eat vegetables and fruits.

But throughout pregnancy fasting days(kefir, vegetable) can also be arranged, provided that you tolerate them normally, feel well, and do not suffer from a strong feeling of hunger.

Diet of a pregnant woman before and immediately after childbirth

Diet of a pregnant woman before childbirth

Most main principle- during pregnancy, food should be simple and healthy. First of all, this means the absence of all kinds of canned food on the menu - condensed milk, compotes, ready-made juices, yoghurts (unless there are special notes “no preservatives”). All this, when accumulated in the body, can cause diathesis and dysbacteriosis in a child. Pregnancy is very good time to get started new life, and in all respects. For example, start to harden and pour cold water. Or - try to apply the principles of separate nutrition. After all, any mother wants her child not to get sick. This means that right now you need to get healthy yourself. (Think about it, in nature all animals eat separately, without mixing animal and plant foods). Quite a lot of books have already been published about separate meals, from which you can learn in detail about these simple and useful rules.

One month before giving birth

A month before the expected birth, it is recommended to remove animal protein from the diet - meat, fish, eggs, butter, milk. Fermented milk products remain plant food, water porridge, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water, herbal teas. (But you need to be careful with herbs. For example, you shouldn’t drink herbs that include thyme because it stimulates uterine contractions.)
Two weeks before giving birth

Approximately two weeks before giving birth, you need to remove porridge and bread from your diet, leaving only plant foods and fermented milk products. This helps the intestines remain uncongested. In addition, by this time the baby is already quite large and it is difficult for the body to process heavy food. A week before giving birth

A week before giving birth, only plant foods remain (fermented milk products are excluded).
On the day of birth

On the day of birth, if contractions are already felt or your water has broken, it is better not to eat anything. This is due to two reasons: firstly, nausea often appears during contractions, and secondly, the intestines must be empty, since after childbirth it is very difficult to go to the toilet. It is better to do an enema at the very beginning of labor (it is less painful than in the midst of contractions). You can drink mineral water with lemon, because your mouth gets dry during contractions.
On the first day after birth

On the first day after giving birth, you can eat something light: yogurt, cottage cheese, muesli (without chocolate and without honey) cornflakes, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, baked apples, banana, yellow peaches, some cookies, a piece of lean and unsalted boiled fish.
On the second day after birth

Starting from the second day until the milk comes in, the amount of food should be reduced to a minimum! This is necessary so that more milk does not arrive than the baby can eat, so that the breast does not become distended. You can afford no more than half a liter of liquids per day (mineral water, purified water, sour juice). If the baby suckles for enough time, the milk will come evenly (by the way, in nature this is exactly what animals do - for the first two or three days they do not leave the hole and do not eat).
After the milk comes in

And, starting from the third or fourth day, when the milk has already arrived, you can gradually return to your usual diet. But do not load up on high-calorie foods, because at this time the mother still moves little and does not spend much energy.
Bowel problems in pregnant women

About 80% of pregnant women complain of intestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea). This is due to the restructuring of the body and, as a rule, represents dysbacteriosis. You can avoid such ailments by eating as much plant fiber as possible - fresh, stewed, baked vegetables and fruits, herbs. And also - periodically cleansing the intestines, that is, using a regular enema. In the absence of contraindications (threat of miscarriage, for example), you can do a monthly enema of water at room temperature with a tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. You can start with half a liter, and later you can increase it to two liters of water. An enema is especially recommended for those who complain of long-term (up to a week) constipation. For good bowel function, you can arrange fasting days. But everything should be a joy. If you hate cottage cheese, don't choke on it all day long. You can “sit” for a day on fruit or oatmeal, or on apples, on juices (freshly prepared!).
Medicinal supplements

Take any medications, supplements, or vitamins last if there is no other option. Almost all the substances that the body needs can be obtained from food. Not enough calcium? You can chop the shell of one boiled egg, extinguish lemon juice. And a teaspoon of this mixture will satisfy the daily need for calcium.

To make fabric birth canal more elastic, you can use this method - drink a glass of fresh water every day carrot juice and after that - a tablespoon of vegetable oil. (But only if there are no liver problems!)

It’s good if in advance, before giving birth, you prepare a mixture of herbs: thyme (it comes in handy here), mint, lemon balm, oregano, rose hips, currants or raspberries. The tea brewed with this mixture should be drunk little by little during labor and after childbirth.

One of the most important points in preparation for childbirth is readiness female body to very strong physical activity. What do you mean? In this case, the elasticity of the vaginal muscles. This unobvious, difficult-to-control quality determines whether a woman will have ruptures during childbirth or not.

Proper preparation for childbirth is, first of all, proper nutrition. How can nutrition affect the elasticity of intimate muscles and help avoid tears during childbirth? The most direct. And we will show it now.

What should the diet be like during the ninth month of pregnancy?

The basic nutritional rules for a pregnant woman do not change even in the ninth month: a minimum of preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other artificial food additives, no alcohol, maximum vegetables and fruits, regular consumption of fish as a source of unique food nutrients. However, in addition to these nutritional rules, new ones should appear that will help increase the elasticity of the perineal muscles. It is also necessary to reduce or completely eliminate from the diet foods that impair the elasticity of intimate muscles. What kind of products are these?

What you can and cannot eat a couple of weeks before giving birth

  • Animal protein. in the ninth month of pregnancy, you need to sharply reduce your consumption of red meat - it makes the intimate muscles “hard” and can cause the baby to develop birth injuries because of difficult birth. Therefore, you should reduce or completely eliminate meat, and minimize the consumption of fish and eggs. This will allow the muscles of the birth canal to be more elastic, plastic, facilitate the advancement of the child, which will serve as the prevention of ruptures during childbirth and birth injuries of the newborn.
  • Hard cheeses are another product that it is advisable to exclude from your diet. Hard cheeses contain a lot of calcium, which in the ninth month of pregnancy is not beneficial, but harmful (it helps to harden the bones of the baby’s skull). In addition, hard cheeses make digestion difficult and make stools hard and problematic. And the same muscles are responsible for defecation and childbirth. And too much effort when freeing from feces can even lead to premature birth, especially if this threat existed.
  • Vegetable oils should definitely be in the diet. They are a good prevention of hemorrhoids, increase muscle elasticity, and prevent drying out of the mucous membrane during childbirth.

  • Vegetables and fruits. Before giving birth, you need to lean on carrots: they are rich in vitamin E, which maintains tissue tone and promotes their speedy recovery after childbirth. Carrots are low in calories and are a source of... essential vitamins, minerals. Pumpkin is also very useful - it contains a lot of pectins, which have a very beneficial effect on health. gastrointestinal tract. Zucchini, squash, and cucumbers are very good for the liver, which has to work very hard in the last month of pregnancy: the child has already grown up and requires more and more attention from the mother’s main organs.