The benefits of clover for the body for men. Clover: beneficial properties and contraindications. Clover flowers: medicinal properties. Medicinal properties of red clover

Clover is a genus of plants that includes about 300 annual and perennial species. Clover flowers attract bees, and the honey they make is very tasty.

People use some types of clover for medicinal purposes. For example, red clover flowers and leaves are added to ointments. Infusions are used to treat fungal infections, burns, wounds, gout and eye diseases. Red clover flower tea helps treat fever, whooping cough, measles and asthma.

For a plant to be beneficial, it needs to be.

Composition and calorie content of clover

Red clover contains vitamins A, B, C, F and PP. Composition 100 gr. fresh clover as a percentage of the daily value:

  • fiber– 26%. Improves intestinal motility, removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • vitamin A– 19%. Protects eyes and skin;
  • vitamin C– 11%. Strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of bacterial and viral infections;
  • iron- 9%. Prevents anemia.

The calorie content of fresh clover is 23 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits of clover

The medicinal properties of clover are manifested in antispasmodic, expectorant, sedative and tonic effects.

Red clover has long been used in folk medicine to treat cancer, whooping cough, skin diseases and as a diuretic.

Flavonoids in clover flowers and leaves are beneficial for menopause.

Clover helps maintain bone mass and speeds up the healing of fractures. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, when their bones become brittle and brittle.

Red clover lowers “bad” cholesterol and protects against cardiovascular disease.

The plant is useful in the treatment of eye diseases and age-related changes in visual receptors, since it contains a lot of vitamin A.

Clover is used as a cough remedy. It is useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract because it removes mucus well.

The benefits of clover also include detoxifying the body, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases and strengthens the immune system.

Poultices with the herb are used topically to treat malignant tumors, and the use of the herb helps with breast and ovarian cancer.

  • Red clover can cause side effects in women - headaches, swollen neck glands, breast tenderness and dizziness.
  • Clover contraindications:

    At the first symptoms of various diseases, many people turn to herbs and tinctures. If you consult your doctor in advance and follow the dosage, then a natural “pharmacy” can really help. Some even stock up on medicinal herbs, since the season has already begun. Let's learn more about the benefits of meadow clover and what its use is in.

    Chemical composition

    A discreet-looking plant in its composition will give odds to many “factory” drugs.
    Its leaves and stems contain many valuable elements and compounds. So, there is 25% protein alone, and the same amount of fiber. There are fewer fats and amino acids, but they are also present - 3% and 1.4%, respectively. Also includes:

    • Vitamins of groups B, C, E, K.
    • Oils (fatty, essential) and resins.
    • A large number of organic acids, among which ketoglutaric and salicylic acids take precedence.
    • Pigments.
    • Beta carotene.
    • Isoflavones and flavonols (formonetin, pratoletin, kaempferol, etc.).
    • Glycosidic compounds and sitosterol components.
    The flowers contain 5–6% fatty acids. The seeds are not inferior to them in value - the proportion of fatty oils in them usually exceeds 11%.

    It is logical that with such a structure this herb has firmly taken its place in folk medicine. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what medicinal properties clover is famous for, not forgetting to mention its contraindications.

    Useful properties

    Clover has many advantages. Here are just the main ones:

    • Smoothes inflammation and relieves swelling.
    • Cleanses the bloodstream and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    • Normalizes heart function.
    • Lowers pressure (both arterial and intracranial).
    • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
    • Relieves headaches of varying intensity.
    • Regulates metabolism.
    • Acts as a tonic.
    Note that the beneficial properties of this plant do not end there. Red clover is an excellent hemostatic agent that is used to treat hemorrhoids and tuberculosis.
    The abundance of phytoestrogens makes it indispensable for problems with women's health - during periodic pain, greens help dull the discomfort.

    Did you know? According to Irish legend, Saint Patrick used clover to drive out all the snakes from the island. In addition, the Catholic tradition attributes to him an explanation of the dogma of the Trinity, which also could not be done without these leaves.

    The herb is also suitable for prevention. The fact is that flavonoids, when consumed regularly, feed tissues with oxygen, thereby slowing down the aging of the body.

    Another distinctive feature of the plant is its. The pale-looking product with a delicious taste is one of the best, as any beekeeper will confirm.

    As you can see, the list is quite impressive. Therefore, it makes sense to find out how and at what time it is best to collect such useful material.

    It’s easy to collect the required amount of “potion”: clover grows almost everywhere in our latitudes. True, there is one nuance here - it is better not to take roadside grass, it is better to take time and wander through the nearby edges and forests.
    The best healing properties are manifested in flowers picked at the very end - beginning. They are removed along with the upper leaves (the so-called stipule). For greater effect, you can cut off the stem itself.

    The workpiece is dried in the shade, avoiding exposure to sunlight. In this case, the room should be well ventilated. Many people immediately after collection crush all the material and only then spread it out in a thin layer for drying.

    Important! When drying, try to turn the collected material at least 2-3 times a day. Ideally this should be done every 6 hours.

    When the “medicine” has dried, it is placed in a closed container. This can be a fabric or paper bag, bag or box. Such reserves can be used for 1 year - as they “age”, the valuable properties of the herbal mixtures are lost.
    We were again convinced of the obvious benefits of clover, but if taken too actively, harm to the body can occur. To prevent this from happening, let’s familiarize ourselves with the recipe and dosage of homemade drugs.

    Recipes, use in folk medicine

    In medicine (even “unofficial”) there is a golden rule: every disease has its own medicine. Of course, you cannot “mix” several decoctions in one sitting, and you cannot self-medicate. But it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    Let's start the story about the preparation and use of “clover” remedies with the popular “general strengthening” remedy.

    Strengthening the immune system

    Everything is extremely simple:

    • Take 1 glass of flowers and “half a liter” (yes, exactly vodka).
    • After mixing, let it brew for at least 10 days in a closed container. The bottle is shaken periodically.
    Take the prepared mixture once a day, a teaspoon before meals. The entire course will take a month, you can start again only after a 10-day break. There are recipes that “prescribe” 3 times a day, but it puts quite a lot of stress on the stomach.

    Did you know? Trefoil image-it is not only a symbol of Ireland, but also the official trademark of the country.

    Alcohol is not suitable for everyone, and in this case a “softer” recipe will come in handy:
    • 200 g of fresh inflorescences are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 4–5 minutes;
    • then add honey (to taste) and place the container in the refrigerator.
    You can take the drink without fear - in the heat you can even replace water with it. This way you will not only quench your thirst, but also strengthen your immune system.

    For headaches

    • 2 tbsp. l. dried inflorescences are poured with water (250 ml);
    • After boiling, the mixture is infused for 40 minutes, after which it is decanted.
    A three-time dose is reduced to 0.5 cups at a time.

    This “drug” is great for migraines. A herbal mixture of clover and meadowsweet, which is brewed like tea, will relieve dizziness and unpleasant noises. It is usually drunk after meals.

    For a cold

    Everything here is familiar to those who know how to brew dried clover (unless you need more water):

    • 2 tbsp. l. pour in 2 glasses;
    • After stirring, let it sit for 5 hours.
    This dose should be enough for a day. After thoroughly straining, the mixture is divided into equal portions. After taking it, it is better to wrap yourself up and sweat thoroughly - then recovery will only take a couple of days.

    Important! To prepare such compositions, enamel cookware without chips on the coating is suitable. In such containers, the vitamin balance of drinks and dishes is maintained longer.

    If a cold is accompanied by a severe cough, honey comes into play: a teaspoon of juice and honey is dropped into a glass of warm water. The result is a tasty and soft product. This is a “children’s” dose; adults can take more.

    For hypertension

    “Porridge”, when used correctly, relieves blood pressure well. To bring his numbers up to normal, you need to:

    • Pour a tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of water and boil.
    • Leave for about half an hour.
    • Take according to the adjusted plan. The entire volume is divided in two, the first half is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The remainder is divided into two more equal parts - pre-lunch and evening (before dinner).
    The maximum course of such treatment is 10 days. The intervals between series are long, several weeks. This is due to the fact that the slightest overdose causes the opposite effect: the pressure gauge readings “drive” down. So it doesn't hurt to be careful.

    For stomach ulcers

    The “weight” and ingredients remain the same: the same spoon with dry heads collected and a glass of boiling water, followed by a downtime of 30 minutes. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 3 times a day.

    There is a belief that finding a leaf with “four lobes” is lucky. But rarer five-pointed processes, on the contrary, are better to be avoided.
    Note that in this case the dosage depends on the person’s weight: for those who have crossed the line of 80 kg, the volume is doubled.

    Experienced herbalists use the herb in complex decoctions (together with, chamomile and). If we take, for example, 15 g of clover, then the other ingredients will require 5, 15 and 25 g, respectively. The recipe and regimen are the same, but sometimes individual intolerance to any element is observed.

    For kidney diseases and urolithiasis

    The scheme is the same:

    • 2 tbsp. l. boil flowers in water (1 cup);
    • leave for 20 minutes;
    • after cooling, filter;
    3 approaches a day (a tablespoon) will clean the channels and return the liver to its previous tone. The standard course is 2 weeks, a repeat course can only be prescribed by a doctor.

    For purulent wounds and boils

    This is the external “hypostasis” of clover tincture and the answer to the question of what else it helps with. Before processing, take a thermos and make a preparation:

    • The inflorescences are poured with boiling water, based on the proportion already familiar to us (2 tbsp. l/1 tbsp). The volume itself depends on the area of ​​damage; for larger wounds, a larger “batch” is needed, but stick to the original ratio.
    • Cover with a lid, leave for 1.5–2 hours and strain.
    • Wounds, ulcers and ulcers are washed with the resulting liquid.

    Important! Boils should not be treated with brilliant green or other colored preparations.-it is then difficult for doctors to determine the size of the lesion. You will also have to refrain from swimming.

    The same procedure is done when boils appear. But you can fight them with the help of compresses. At the rate of one spoon per glass, keep in a thermos for at least 6 hours. The entire volume is divided into two procedures.
    A similar scheme can be used for baths, if their use is convenient in a particular case.

    For vessels

    When planning to clean the vessels, stock up on flowers as you should - you will need a lot of them:

    • After counting 100 inflorescences, add 500 ml of water.
    • Stirring over low heat, bring the broth to a boil (no longer than 6 minutes).
    • The mixture is filtered and set aside for 3 hours.
    • You can add honey or sugar, one spoon is enough.
    It is advisable to drink this “drug” within 24 hours after preparation.
    The strengthening effect of the flowers is also well manifested in their regular (but moderate) use in the form of tea: a few heads in boiling water, let it sit, add sugar - ready!


    We have already become familiar with the beneficial properties of the herb, it is time to remember the contraindications; in this context, we will separately mention clover honey.

    You should not resort to homemade tinctures and decoctions in the following cases:

    • During pregnancy and lactation.
    • Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
    • Previous strokes or heart attacks.
    • Predisposition to rapid blood clotting.
    • Malfunctions of the gastric tract (ranging from diarrhea to chronic disorders).
    • Unstable pressure.
    • Diseases of the genital organs or glandular cancer in women.

    Did you know? Belief in the magical power of the plant sometimes takes on bizarre forms. This applies, in particular, to the belief that wearing an amulet with a clover leaf avoid conscription into the army!

    It is strictly forbidden to give such compounds to children under 3 years of age. And adults have a lot to think about - it’s not always possible to combine “homemade” medicine with taking other medications. This is not a horror story: flowers saturated with different elements can “come into conflict” with the tablets, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences. So consult your doctors.

    43 times already

    Clover belongs to the legume family. There are more than 200 species of this plant, about 70 can be found in our country. The leaves of all species are most often trifoliate, the flowers are red or white. The plant is considered an excellent honey plant; it is pollinated only by bees and bumblebees. For a long time, clover was used as animal feed. Currently, the scope of application of the plant has expanded. Clover tea is brewed, leaves and young stems are used as an additive for salads, dried flower heads are put in soups, and bread is baked with crushed leaves.

    Clover inflorescences contain a lot of useful vitamins and nutrients. These are B vitamins, ascorbic acid, essential oils, coumarins, isoflavonoids. All types of plants have a high content of starch, protein, carotene, and folic acid. Most often, meadow or red clover, as well as creeping trefoil (white clover), are used for medicinal purposes. Stems, leaves, flowers, dried and fresh, have beneficial properties.

    Clover harvesting

    Harvesting inflorescences should begin during the period of full flowering. This occurs in late May - early June. For collection, choose a sunny day so that the plant is dry and clean. You cannot collect clover growing along roads and within the city.

    The tops are torn off along with the upper leaves. Then they are laid out in the shade and kept until completely dry. The main thing is not to overdry the raw material so that it does not crumble. For storage use paper bags or canvas bags.

    Useful properties of clover

    Clover is useful for many diseases; it is used in the form of extracts, alcohol tinctures, compresses, infusions and decoctions. They have the following effects on the body:

    • help with cough;
    • get rid of fungus;
    • lower the temperature;
    • relieve inflammation;
    • eliminate eye fatigue;
    • tone the body;
    • have an analgesic effect;
    • cleanse the lymphatic system;
    • have a hemostatic effect;
    • have choleretic properties.

    Use of clover in medicine

    Clover is used for indoor and outdoor use. Its rich composition allows you to fight viruses such as influenza, ARVI and colds. With whooping cough and bronchitis, a double effect occurs: sputum discharge improves and bacteria are fought. The sedative property of the plant allows a person to get a good night's sleep, get rid of stress, and relax.

    In ancient times, herbalists recommended clover tea to cleanse the liver. In folk medicine, clover is used to stop bleeding and cleanse the blood. The extract from the plant, the squeeze, is applied to wounds and used to treat burns and rheumatic pain.

    Medicinal properties of red clover

    Red clover tea is beneficial for treating coronary heart disease. Positive results are noted in the treatment of tuberculosis and anemia. Brewed dried inflorescences help restore the functioning of the respiratory system; for this you need to drink the decoction regularly for a month.

    You can wash your eyes with a decoction of red clover up to several times a day. This will help relieve inflammation and fatigue after prolonged work at the computer. Just two tablespoons of the decoction provide your daily dosage of vitamin C and will help get rid of headaches.

    When treating ovarian inflammation, you should use a decoction of the roots of the plant. And compresses from it will soothe joint pain. In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the decoction is used to reduce glucose levels. Masks with the addition of decoction and baths help fight acne and ulcers on the body.

    Clover contraindications

    Red and white clover practically does not cause complications in healthy people when taken orally or when used externally. But some people need to be careful.

    • Those who suffer from blood disorders should beware of taking drugs with clover, they can cause bleeding. Before and after surgery, it is forbidden to take clover as it thins the blood.
    • Clover can be harmful in cases of thrombophlebitis; people with protein S deficiency have an increased risk of blood clots.
    • Worsening of estrogen-dependent forms of cancer may occur.
    • Clover is contraindicated for stomach diseases and people after a stroke.
    • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take tea or other clover-based drinks. External use is also contraindicated.

    Possible side effects

    An overdose of clover decoctions may cause side effects: rash, headache, vaginal bleeding, muscle pain, nausea.

    Interaction with medications

    Preparations containing clover should not be used simultaneously with the following medications:

    • birth control pills;
    • estrogens in tablets;
    • liver enzymes;
    • tamoxifen;
    • drugs that slow down blood clotting.

    Clover based recipes

    For general strengthening of the body

    It is necessary to make an alcohol tincture. For a glass of fresh clover flowers, take 500 ml of vodka. The mixture is stirred and infused in the dark for ten days. Take 15 ml of tincture, dissolving in boiled water. The course of treatment is one month, after which you need to take a ten-day break, then repeat the course.

    To cleanse the liver

    For 1 tsp. inflorescences take 300 ml of water. Boil for about six minutes, after the broth has cooled, filter it and drink 1 tbsp. l. four rubles /day. The course is a month.

    To cleanse blood vessels

    Prepare a decoction according to the above recipe, only take 500 ml of water per 100 g of inflorescences. The resulting drink is drunk throughout the day.

    To eliminate inflammation

    The infusion is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. clover roots and 1.5 tbsp. water. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. After filtration, water is added to the infusion to the original volume. You need to drink it before meals five times a day. The course lasts 3 weeks. A repeated course is possible only after a month's break.

    For headaches

    2 tbsp. l. red clover inflorescences are poured with 250 ml of water. After the mixture comes to a boil, it is infused for 40 minutes, then the broth is filtered. For headaches you need to take 100 ml three times a day.

    Classic clover tea

    Tea can be brewed from clover with the addition of other medicinal herbs. For a classic drink you will need 4 parts of dried clover inflorescences, 2 parts of dried St. John's wort, 2 parts. Brew like regular tea.

    Clover mint tea

    Clover leaves - 5 parts

    Mint leaves - 1 part

    St. John's wort herb - 1 part

    The collection is brewed in the usual way. You can add honey to taste. Mint gives the drink freshness, the tea drink is aromatic, tasty, it calms and relaxes.

    Clover tea with oregano

    Clover inflorescences - 4 parts

    St. John's wort - 2 parts

    Mint leaves - 2 parts

    Currant leaves - 2 parts

    Oregano - 1 part

    The herbal mixture is brewed in the usual way. After infusion, a very pleasant-tasting drink with a unique aroma is obtained. Sweet lovers can use honey.

    Red clover, which is familiar to everyone and literally grows under our feet, can work wonders. Its medicinal properties were also used by Avicenna, who used red clover flowers to cure many ailments.

    Red clover is often used to prevent osteoporosis, blood clots, and to relieve menopausal symptoms. What other useful and medicinal properties does this herb have, how to use it and prepare medicinal preparations, you will learn from this article.

    Red clover where it grows description

    When going for a walk in the park or in your countryside, you are sure to come across this plant. Most often it can be seen in meadows, along paths and roads, lawns or forest edges.

    Red clover or red clover is a perennial plant belonging to the Legume family of the Clover genus. The branched stem can reach a length from 15 to 45-55 centimeters. The inflorescences are ovoid, loose, tubular, red or light red. It blooms from June to September. Small trifoliate leaves are covered at the edges with small delicate fibers.

    It grows throughout Europe. England, America, the northern part of the African continent. In our country, it grows almost throughout the entire territory, starting from the European part and ending with the Far East and Kamchatka.

    Red clover is a very valuable plant for soil science: it fixes nitrogen from the atmosphere, thereby improving the soil. This property of grass is used to renew pastures.

    What are the benefits of red clover?

    There are more than 125 active chemicals in red clover. The most important are:




    Phenolic acids;

    Essential oil;


    Amino acids;


    Fatty acids.

    In addition, it contains:





    This is not a complete list of all useful substances. Among the vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, vitamin E, thiamine, and riboflavin should be noted.

    During the flowering period, the most calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen-free substances are found in it. It also contains potassium, magnesium, chromium and other mineral salts.

    Isoflavones (formononetin, daidzein, biochanin A, genistein and others), found in flowers and leaves, have an estrogen-like effect. Due to their similarity to estrogens, they are often called phytoestrogens. This property is used in hormone replacement therapy. Isoflavonoids improve the condition of blood vessels, improve the elasticity of large arteries, and help reduce blood pressure in women during the postmenstrual period.

    Salicylic acid has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

    Flavones and flavonoids are among the most powerful antioxidants. The flavonoid pterocarpan, found in the leaves of the herb, gives them fungicidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

    If you consume red clover in the form of tea, you can get a significant portion of antioxidants, which protect the body from the oxidative effects of free radicals and serve as a preventive measure for many infectious, viral and bacterial infections.

    The beneficial substances contained in this plant can cleanse the body of harmful substances, toxins and waste.

    Red clover medicinal properties

    Many people grow this flower in their flower beds. Its bright inflorescences captivate with their beauty and add some sophistication. Interestingly, at sunset, the flower closes and blooms again at sunrise. You can use them to determine the weather: before the rain, its inflorescences close and the leaves fold.

    And yet, the medicinal properties of the plant are of greater interest, which also attract the scientific world. The main interest in it arose because of its similar properties to soybeans. But, as some studies show, the properties of red clover are superior to soybeans in many respects.

    Red clover flowers have the following properties:





    Wound healing;






    The substance trifolyrizin, isolated from the roots, has antifungal properties.

    Scientists consider it as a means of:

    Hormone replacement therapy for menopause;

    Improving the state of the cardiovascular system;

    Prevention of osteoporosis and increasing bone density;

    Prevention and treatment of cancer.

    Red clover application

    Its flowers, leaves and roots help against dozens of diseases, ranging from simple colds to more serious ailments.

    Traditionally, we used the flowers of the herb as an expectorant for coughs and bronchitis. Traditional healers recommended it for the treatment of breast cancer. The use of clover for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, and rashes is relevant.

    Decoctions, infusions, tea, alcohol tinctures are in no way inferior in effectiveness to many medications.

    Currently, herbal teas, tinctures and juice from it are used to prepare medicinal baths, compresses, and throat irrigation for pharyngitis.

    The decoction is used for pathologies of the gallbladder and bladder. It has a strong diuretic and mild choleretic, diaphoretic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

    Medicines prepared from it can be used to treat bronchitis and other upper respiratory tract problems as it has excellent expectorant properties.

    They can be used to treat wounds to stop bleeding.

    It helps clear cholesterol from blood vessels. With regular use of clover decoction, the level of high-density lithoprotein cholesterol increases to normal levels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. The first effects become noticeable even after a short course of treatment.

    The decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties of clover flowers allow it to be used for varicose veins. Flower poultices, when used regularly, significantly improve the appearance of veins.

    It is recommended to take red clover during menopause. It contains substances similar to hormones, which makes it much easier for women to endure the difficult period of menopause and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

    Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol leads to an improvement in the cardiovascular system. In addition, red clover has a positive effect on blood composition, hemoglobin is normalized.

    Red clover has another amazing property - it helps fight cancer and fungal diseases. But in such cases it is impossible to completely trust traditional medicine, which can lead to unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is better to take it as an additional blood cleanser.

    Drinking decoctions and infusions with red clover will help reduce high blood pressure. For greater effect, it can be brewed with alfalfa.

    Red clover, brewed as tea, improves breast milk production in women.

    A tincture of vodka or alcohol is successfully used to treat acne and pimples on the skin. By adding honey, you can only enhance its effect.

    What does red clover cure?

    The healing properties of red clover are recognized not only by folk medicine, but also by traditional medicine. It can be used to treat:

    Digestive system disorders;

    Gastrointestinal diseases;

    Irritable bowel syndrome;

    Cleansing the body;


    Skin diseases, including eczema and psoriasis;




    Varicose veins;


    Throat diseases;


    It is also used in gynecology to treat:

    Hormonal imbalances;

    Premenstrual syndrome;

    Menopause symptoms;


    Red clover contraindications

    The use of red clover for medicinal purposes usually does not cause any side effects or adverse reactions, provided it is taken in a strictly recommended dose. In case of individual intolerance or overdose, it can cause headache, rash, nausea, and loss of appetite.

    Its use is contraindicated for people who take anticoagulants. They should definitely consult a doctor about the advisability of using clover.

    This herb should not be used by people with estrogen-dependent forms of cancer, such as:

    Uterine cancer;

    Endometrial cancer;

    Breast cancer;

    Ovarian cancer.

    Contraindications are:

    Pregnancy (phytoestrogens may affect the fetus);



    Exacerbation of gastric ulcer;

    Conditions after heart attack and stroke;

    Kidney stones;

    High blood pressure;

    You should also not be treated with clover while taking oral contraceptives or hormonal drugs, including progesterone.

    Caution should be used for people with bleeding disorders, as this plant contains coumarins, which can thin the blood. In any case, before starting treatment with drugs based on this medicinal plant, you should definitely consult your doctor.

    When carrying out a course of treatment with red clover, you need to remember that long-term use can cause menstrual irregularities in women and weaken potency in men. Therefore, you need to take it in courses and take breaks.

    How to Harvest Red Clover

    Red clover flowers should be harvested during their active flowering period. The collection of raw materials is carried out in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.

    Dry them in a ventilated area, away from the sun, laying them out in one layer. To ensure even drying, the inflorescences can be turned over. Clover leaves are prepared and dried in the same way.

    The dried raw materials are stored in a tightly closed opaque jar at room temperature.

    Do not collect flowers and leaves of the plant near roadways, highways, or hazardous enterprises.

    Do not cut or uproot the entire plant. It is enough to cut off only the inflorescences with a pair of upper leaves with scissors. Clover reproduces mainly through the root system.

    How to take red clover

    As dietary supplements to replenish the body with isoflavones, it is recommended to take no more than 40-80 mg per day, which is 2 tablets.

    How to brew tea

    To take clover as a tea drink, brew 1-2 teaspoons of inflorescences and leaves per glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Drink 3-4 glasses a day.

    Red clover tincture

    Compress with clover

    Steep the inflorescences in a small amount of boiling water and let stand for a few minutes. While it is still warm, place it on a cloth and apply it to the affected areas.

    Red clover in cosmetology

    Like many other herbs, clover is also used in cosmetology. Lotions, ointments, poultices and compresses are made from it. It will help cope with boils and acne, ulcers, get rid of dandruff and strengthen hair follicles.

    If you have purulent wounds or acne, prepare a decoction by steeping 3 tablespoons of crushed inflorescences in a glass of boiling water. Place over low heat and boil for 1 minute. Remove and leave to sit for 2 hours. Then filter.

    Powdered leaves and inflorescences of red clover can be added to salads and other dishes as a vitamin supplement, which will also help preserve beauty.

    Red clover can be called a storehouse of vitamins and many other useful substances. its use in maintaining and preserving health is truly invaluable. In addition, it is very easy to brew and take in the form that suits you best.

    But we must not forget the contraindications that this medicinal plant has.

    How red clover is useful, watch the video

    Julia Vern 39 705 0

    Clover is popularly known by such names as trefoil, honey stalk, and eryngium. Since childhood, it has been known for its sweet juice squeezed out of its inflorescence. We all remember the scene from the cartoon about the brownie Kuzya, where he ate clover flowers. And for good reason! This plant is known not only for its fragrant properties and pleasant aroma, it is very often used in folk medicine and herbal medicine.

    Trefoil is a perennial herb that grows throughout our country and is unpretentious. Belongs to the legume family. Its flowers have a lilac hue, reaching an intense purple color; there is a white-brown variety. The fruits are beans.

    Outwardly, it does not look like any other representative of the flora, therefore, following the descriptions, it is very difficult to confuse it:

    • three-segmented leaves are formed by obovate leaflets that fold upward at night;
    • stipules subulate, narrowed upward;
    • inflorescence in the form of a ball, equipped with an involucre, in the calyx there are 10 veins.

    Blooms from April to September.

    The raw material contains a huge amount of tannins and resins, essential and fatty oils, salicylic and coumaric acids, as well as vitamins C, E, carotene.

    Europe is considered to be its homeland, but clover grows everywhere. This plant was highly appreciated by cattle breeders due to its high protein content, textile workers used it to dye fabrics in green shades, and healers of Eastern and Western medicine used clover tea to treat many types of diseases. Moreover, eryngium is an excellent honey plant; it has a unique floral taste and aromatic aftertaste. Its honey can destroy some strains of bacteria that even modern antibiotics cannot combat.

    Popular types of clover

    There are about thirty varieties, the most common are listed below.

    • Red clover Trio - the variety ripens very early, has round leaves and pink flowers.
    • Jura - white clover - this species grows very low relative to the soil surface. Prefers fertile, fresh soil.
    • Mereya is a perennial species, growing in fields, meadows and pastures.
    • Ermak is late-ripening, resistant to cold and frost.

    The plant has been successfully cultivated. It is mainly used as pet food. To grow, you need to use moist soil flavored with minerals and vitamins. You can sow cereals nearby; it reproduces by seeds. Before planting, it is necessary to clear the planted area of ​​weeds and then loosen it. After 10 days, the first shoots appear. This plant is very unpretentious, but needs watering and fertilizing. Sometimes there is a need for thinning.

    What type is most often used to make tea?

    The most common is red clover, meadow clover, and is included in teas and medicinal drinks. Red clover tea has a beneficial effect on the body when:

    • hypo- and vitamin deficiency;
    • with anemia;
    • for colds;
    • during a breakdown;
    • during postoperative rehabilitation;
    • for the prevention of angina pectoris and atherosclerosis;
    • for general cleansing of the body;
    • for diseases of female internal organs
    • during menopause;
    • with frequent migraine attacks, etc.;
    • In addition, a tea drink made from red clover increases sweating, helps with severe coughing attacks, whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma.

    We collect clover according to all the rules

    The benefits of the plant depend on how to prepare clover for tea. There are certain points that need to be taken into account when collecting. You should choose a hot, sunny day for harvesting, somewhere in the middle of summer; the optimal time is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The inflorescences must be succulent and not damaged; withered flowers are immediately discarded as they have no value. There should not be a drop of moisture on the flowers. It is necessary to dry the raw materials in the dark, in a cool, dry place. If the flowers darken after drying, they should be thrown away.

    The leaves can be consumed fresh by adding them to salad or soup. During industrial harvesting, in addition to inflorescences, rhizomes and leaves are also used. This is due to the high value of this plant species.

    The healing properties of clover tea

    Since ancient times, tea has been considered a special drink. It is used both for the benefit of the soul, thanks to its aroma and invigorating properties, and for the benefit of the body, adding medicinal herbs and plants to the main composition. Recipes for clover tea are largely similar, only its composition changes.

    Recipe No. 1 - classic:

    • 4 parts dried red clover inflorescences;
    • 2 parts currant leaves;
    • 2 parts dried St. John's wort.

    Combine all the suggested ingredients and add when preparing a tea drink. The brewing method is normal.

    Recipe No. 2 - mint tea:

    • 5 parts of dried meadow inflorescences;
    • 1 part mint leaves;
    • 1 part dried St. John's wort.

    Use the collection when preparing tea, brew in the usual way, preferably sweeten with honey. The freshness of mint harmonizes perfectly with the delicate aroma of St. John's wort; the tea turns out very tasty, relaxing and soothing.

    Recipe No. 3:

    • 4 parts of dried meadow inflorescences;
    • 2 parts mint leaves;
    • 2 parts currant leaves;
    • 2 parts dried St. John's wort;
    • 1 part oregano.

    This extraordinary fragrant collection has a fresh aroma and makes the taste of tea unique. Brew the herbs prepared in advance as usual, sweeten with honey.

    Clover is a cure for many ills

    The usefulness of clover drink is due to its chemical composition, the presence of a huge amount of vitamins A, B, C, E, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. Clover inflorescences and leaves are rich in glycosides, essential oils, and alkaloids. Moreover, the drink has antimicrobial, choleretic, antisclerotic properties, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.

    A tea drink with clover flowers is an ideal stimulator of human immunity. With its regular use, protective functions against infections improve. It is able to cleanse the liver and blood of toxins and restore intestinal function.

    Stop clover tea!

    Despite all the benefits of clover tea, it also has its contraindications. It should not be used by those who suffer from heart disease, thrombophlebitis, or increased blood clotting. And also for pregnant women, since clover drink can affect hormonal levels and increase the tone of the uterus, provoke a miscarriage and negatively affect the formation and development of the fetus. Tea will be very useful for mothers who have just given birth, thanks to the same property of contracting the uterus, and will also increase lactation, stop bleeding and relieve pain.

    Some interesting things about red clover

    For many years, shamrock has had a reputation as a magical herb. There are many legends about him. A flower is a symbol of fabulous luck if the leaf has four petals. Each of the four petals symbolizes fame, love, health, and wealth. According to legend, whoever encounters a four-leaf clover will subsequently gain extraordinary luck. In addition, the lucky one will bring good luck and happiness to loved ones, as well as those whom he meets in life.

    The three-leaf clover was used as a talisman and amulet, and the two-leaf clover foreshadowed a quick meeting with a lover. If a couple in love ate a four-leaf clover for two, then their relationship grew stronger, and their love became stronger and more passionate.