How do you know if your kidneys are healthy? Operating principle and symptoms of problems. How to understand that there are kidney problems

In our body, the kidneys perform one of the most important roles- remove metabolic products from the body, toxic substances and other harmful compounds. In addition, they also participate in ensuring acid-base balance blood plasma.

It is clear that kidney diseases negatively affect the functioning of the entire urinary system, and there are a lot of such diseases. There are both congenital and acquired pathologies.

To understand that there are problems with the kidneys, you need to know the main symptoms of diseased kidneys.

Signs of sick kidneys

All kidney diseases have common symptoms:

Painful sensations.

As a rule, pain occurs in the lumbar region, which may indicate symptoms of urolithiasis, kidney infarction or tumor.

If pain is observed on the right or left side of the abdomen with a downward top part thighs or towards the pubis - these are symptoms of renal colic, when urgent medical attention is needed.

Increase in temperature.

In itself, an increase in a person’s body temperature does not indicate problems with the kidneys, but together with other signs of kidney disease, it indicates the presence of problems with them.

Presence of blood in the urine.

Hematuria is serious symptom kidney diseases, which include stones in the bladder and ureter, chronic pyelonephritis, inflammatory kidney diseases and kidney tumors.

The appearance of urine mixed with blood is similar to meat slop. Also, the presence of blood in the urine may indicate inflammatory processes V urinary system, bladder and kidney injuries.

Promotion blood pressure.

Increased blood pressure can also indicate kidney problems when combined with other symptoms. At arterial hypertension It is necessary to conduct an examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands, since often it is malfunctions in their work that lead to increased blood pressure.


If you have kidney problems, your face becomes puffy, bags appear under your eyes, especially in the morning, your legs and, in some cases, your arms swell.

In most cases, swelling increases in the morning and decreases in the evening. As a rule, people do not notice their swelling.

To check, you need to press on the skin, for example, on a finger or toe, and sharply remove it. If on short time a depression will remain, this indicates the presence of edema.

Disturbances in the amount of urine excreted.

In this case, the following are possible:

Pollakiuria is excessive urine production, sometimes up to ten liters per day. Indicates irreversible processes in renal tissues And chronic diseases kidneys, sometimes it can be with diabetes mellitus.

Anuria is urine output less than fifty milliliters per day. Typically occurs when acute failure in kidney function, poisoning by poisons, due to renal colic, when a stone blocks the path to urine discharge, as well as drug poisoning.

Oliguria is a reduction in urine output to less than 500 milliliters per day. Indicates glomerulonephritis, increased sweating and very low fluid intake.

Urinary disorders.

Painful urination can occur due to urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) and urethra.

A change in the color of urine excreted can be a symptom not only kidney diseases, but also the biliary tract, blood and liver.

Changes skin.

Depending on the disease, the color of the blood may change - with glomerulonephritis, the skin becomes pale and dry, with renal failure - with a yellow tint. Subcutaneous hemorrhages also indicate kidney problems.

Poor health and weakness.

This is the most common symptom for kidney diseases. The sick person has weakness, increased fatigue, weight loss, headaches and poor appetite.

Kidney diseases and genitourinary system occupy an important place in the structure of population morbidity. The most common kidney diseases include glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. According to research, 18-20% of the total population suffers from chronic pyelonephritis. Women get sick 5-6 times more often than men. Chronic glomerulonephritis and chronic pyelonephritis are the main causes of kidney failure.

Glomerulonephritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the renal glomeruli. As is known, the renal glomeruli consist of capillary network surrounded by a special capsule. Blood flowing through the capillaries of the glomerulus is filtered into the cavity of the capsule - thus forming primary urine.

Pyelonephritis- this is an inflammation of the intermediate tissue, blood vessels and tubular system of the kidneys, including the intrarenal tracts of urine excretion (calyces and pelvis). In the renal tubules, urine formed during the filtration of blood at the level of the renal glomeruli (primary urine) is reabsorbed (reabsorption). More than 90% of the primary urine volume is reabsorbed. Thus, water is returned to the body, mineral salts, nutrients. Secondary urine is formed in the terminal sections of the collecting ducts, where various substances and it acquires its characteristic features.

In addition to the function of excreting urine, the kidneys also perform other important functions: they participate in water-volitional and mineral metabolism, regulate the volume of circulating blood and blood pressure, stimulate hematopoiesis through a special hormone - erythropoietin, and participate in the activation of vitamin D.

Methods for diagnosing glomerulonephritis

The first step in diagnosing glomerulonephritis is collecting anamnesis (questioning the patient) and clinical examination(general examination) of the patient.

The patient interview is aimed at clarifying the patient’s complaints - symptoms of the disease. Symptoms of the disease depend on the stage and form of the disease. In acute glomerulonephritis, patients complain of increased body temperature, general weakness and malaise. More specific symptoms indicating kidney damage are: the appearance of edema, darkening of urine (urine becomes cloudy, the color of “meat slop”), pain in the lumbar region, decreased total number urine. As a rule, acute glomerulonephritis develops as a result of a sore throat, pneumonia or erysipelas skin. As is known, group B hemolytic streptococcus, which causes tonsillitis, is involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. As a result of sensitization of the body towards streptococcal antigens and the deposition of immune complexes in the capillaries of the glomeruli, aseptic inflammation of the glomeruli develops. The glomerular capillaries become clogged with blood clots, and the capillary membrane becomes permeable to blood cells (red blood cells enter the urine). This explains the development of common symptoms of glomerulonephritis. Pain in lumbar region with glomerulonephritis are caused by stretching of the capsule of the inflamed kidneys.

In some forms, the progressive malignant development of glomerulonephritis leads to the rapid establishment of acute renal failure. Kidney failure is characterized by a complete cessation of urine excretion, an increase in edema, and signs of intoxication of the body.

When examining a patient with acute glomerulonephritis pay attention to the presence of edema (especially in the facial area). May also be present various signs streptococcal infection skin or tonsils (erysipelas, sore throat, etc.). When tapping the lumbar region, pain is noted in the kidney area. Blood pressure is most often elevated and the pulse is accelerated.

Correct and careful collection of anamnestic data, diagnosis and clinical examination of the patient allow in most cases to establish a preliminary diagnosis of glomerulonephritis.

To more accurately diagnose the disease, use laboratory diagnostic methods.

General analysis blood– allows you to identify signs of inflammation: leukocytosis (increased number of leukocytes), increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), increased protein C concentration.

Biochemical analysis blood– sets an increase in urea concentration ( normal concentration up to 15 mmol/l, or 90 mg/100 ml) and blood creatinine (normal concentration 15.25-76.25 µmol/l or 0.2-1.0 mg/100 ml). In some cases, studies are carried out to determine antistreptolysin O (ASLO) antibodies - indicating the bacterial (streptococcal) nature of glomerulonephritis.

Urinalysis– determines increased content protein in the urine (normally there is no protein in the urine) and the presence large quantity erythrocytes - hematuria (normally, the number of erythrocytes in the urine does not exceed 1000 per 1 ml).

Kidney biopsy allows you to determine the morphological type of glomerulonephritis. A characteristic picture of glomerulonephritis is the proliferation of mesangial cells and the detection of deposition of immune complexes on the basement membrane of the glomerular capillaries.

Instrumental research methods, such as ultrasound diagnostics, help to establish an increase in the size of the kidneys, which, however, is a low-specific sign.

For chronic glomerulonephritis clinical picture the disease is more erased. Signs of progressive renal failure come first. Diagnostics chronic glomerulonephritis involves the exclusion of all others possible reasons renal failure (chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, nephropathy in diabetes or arterial hypertension etc.). To clarify the diagnostic result, carry out histological analysis of kidney tissue. Specific damage to the glomerular apparatus indicates glomerulonephritis.

Methods for diagnosing pyelonephritis

Unlike glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis disrupts the process of urine excretion. This occurs due to damage to the excretory tubules of the kidneys. Inflammation in pyelonephritis is caused by the direct proliferation of microorganisms in the kidney tissues. Most often, the infection enters the kidneys from lower sections urinary system: bladder and ureters.

Methods for diagnosing pyelonephritis are in many ways similar to those for glomerulonephritis

At acute pyelonephritis patients complain of a strong increase in temperature (39-40°), chills, weakness, pain in muscles and joints. Pain in the lumbar region is characteristic symptom. Unlike glomerulonephritis, which always affects both kidneys, pyelonephritis is often unilateral. Sometimes symptoms of pyelonephritis occur after renal colic. This indicates established obstruction (blockage) of the urine excretion pathways. Factors that provoke pyelonephritis are hypothermia, physical and mental overload, and poor nutrition.

The severity of symptoms depends on the form clinical development pyelonephritis. Acute forms occur with pronounced clinical manifestations, whereas with chronic pyelonephritis, symptoms may be practically absent. Chronic pyelonephritis is one of the most common causes of kidney failure. When chronic renal failure occurs, the main symptom is an increase in the amount of urine excreted. This occurs due to the fact that the kidneys lose the ability to concentrate urine at the level of the collecting ducts.

When examining a patient, as with glomerulonephritis, attention is paid to the presence of edema, which is most characteristic of chronic pyelonephritis progressing to renal failure, but this is only the primary diagnosis.

Laboratory research methods with pyelonephritis, they allow us to identify some specific changes characteristic of this disease.

Blood test determines signs of inflammation (leukocytosis, increase in ESR). Big diagnostic value has comparative analysis three blood samples taken from the capillaries of the finger and lumbar region (on both sides). The increase in the number of leukocytes is more pronounced in a blood sample taken from the lumbar region on the affected side.

Urinalysis characterized by severe leukocyturia (increased number of leukocytes in the urine). Leukocyturia is an important criterion for differential diagnosis between glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. With glomerulonephritis, the number of leukocytes in the urine increases slightly, while with pyelonephritis, it reaches a significant level. Normally, the content of leukocytes in urine should not exceed 4000 per 1 ml. urine. A comprehensive urine test - Nechiporenko's test - determines the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and casts in the urine.

For a more detailed diagnosis, carry out ultrasound diagnostics kidney (ultrasound). With pyelonephritis, the kidneys are enlarged in size and their mobility during breathing is reduced. Thickening of the walls of the calyces and pelvis is noted. Often ultrasound examination allows us to determine one of the most common reasons pyelonephritis – urolithiasis. Computed tomography is more informative method than ultrasound. This research method is used in complex diagnostics complications of pyelonephritis - kidney abscess, kidney carbuncle, etc.

Impairment of the concentrating function of the kidneys and the dynamics of urine excretion are tested using Zimnitsky samples. The essence of the method is to collect the entire amount of urine excreted in 24 hours under normal water conditions. Urine is collected every three hours. At the end of the day, all 8 samples are analyzed to determine the relative density of urine. Renal dysfunction in pyelonephritis or renal failure is characterized by a decrease in the concentrating ability of the kidneys - hyposthenuria, that is, the relative density of urine is less than the relative density of blood plasma (a sign of insufficient absorption of water in the collecting ducts). The normal relative gravity of urine (isosthenuria) is approximately 1008-1010 g/L.

Also, in addition to the relative density of urine, the Zimnitsky test allows you to determine the rhythm of urine excretion (determination of daytime and nighttime diuresis). Normally, daily diuresis is 60-80% of the total amount of urine. In kidney disease, this ratio is disrupted.

Excretory urography– radiographic examination method functional state kidney The removal of a radiopaque substance through the kidneys makes it possible to judge the functional activity of the kidneys and the patency of the urine excretion pathways. The method is very informative in case of renal failure or in the presence of urinary tract obstruction.


  • Alekseev V.G Diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases Kidney diseases, M: Medicine, 1996
  • Whitworth J.A Guide to nephrology, M.: Medicine, 2000
  • Shulutko B.I. Inflammatory diseases kidney: Pyelonephritis and other tubulo-interstitial diseases St. Petersburg, 1996

In view of anatomical features female body, kidney diseases in women are much more common and have a number of characteristic individual characteristics. Therefore, know about how the filtration organs hurt, symptoms and possible methods prevention, should be followed by all representatives of the fair sex. Knowledge will be especially important for those over 40, since this is the “borderline” age for identifying many hidden diseases.

Why women?

Having a unique feature - bearing and giving birth to a child, a woman devotes all her strength to the birth of a new life and during this period becomes most susceptible to various pathologies

Having a unique feature - bearing and giving birth to a child, a woman devotes all her strength to the birth of a new life and during this period becomes most susceptible to various pathologies. In addition, some structural features of the body contribute to nephrosis, for example, ascending nephrosis in women is much more common than in men. The same reasons include cystitis, love of swimming in cool water. And women of fashion are generally in the “risk zone”, since they do not like to dress for the weather, the result is hypothermia and various inflammatory infections.

There are a lot of kidney diseases: pyelonephritis, nephroptosis, renal failure, cystitis, cysts, tumors, etc. But not every lumbar pain signals renal pathology, therefore, it is still better to know the symptoms of kidney disease in women in order to consult a doctor in time and stop the onset of the pathology with timely therapy.

Factors influencing the development of pathologies

Hypothermia is the cause of every second disease

Hypothermia is the cause of every second disease. Swimming in cool water, inappropriate wardrobe for the season, the habit of sitting on cold chairs, ground, stones - all this leads to inflammatory processes. Some types of diseases are caused by decreased immunity due to cravings beautiful ladies to diets – if the diet is improperly limited, the body does not receive enough necessary substances and reduces its defenses.

Everyone is susceptible to stress, but due to their greater emotional range, women “get bogged down” in problems and worries for longer. As a result, sleep and diet disturbances occur, there is no time for normal rest and, as a result, kidney pathology.

Lack of or improper hygiene is another common factor in the development of diseases. Girls need to be taught to wash themselves correctly (from top to bottom) in order to minimize the threat of ascending pyelonephritis. And, of course, the factor of genetic or congenital pathology also occurs. Many ladies, knowing that there have been cases of kidney disease in the family, are in no hurry to see a doctor. And in vain: these pathologies are often inherited, timely examination will help identify the disease in early stage and start treatment.

Important! Incorrectly selected underwear is another cause of illness. Synthetics, underwear that does not fit, tight sports sets intended only for sports - all accessories have an impact on health and can provoke the development of kidney pathologies

Symptoms of diseases

Bursting and aching pain on one side of the lower back indicates pyelonephritis

To recognize kidney symptoms for women, you need to know the following: acute attacks to “floaters” in the eyes clearly indicate the release of stones when stones move along the channels and scratch them. But dull, lingering and prolonged attacks of pain of a regular or irregular nature speak of diseases such as:

  • The bursting and aching nature of the pain on one side of the lower back indicates pyelonephritis. The accumulation of urine puts pressure on the walls of the organ, stretching the renal capsule and causing pain.
  • A bacterial infection can cause glomerulonephritis. This pathology affects the renal glomeruli and is characterized by severe acute pain of a paroxysmal type, radiating to the leg and groin. After sharp pain goes away and remains aching and aching.
  • Nephroptosis (wandering/moving kidney) in a woman is manifested by pain when the patient stands. The intensity increases and by the evening such attacks can last continuously, responding to the slightest movement. Sometimes the pain resembles renal colic. The main difference between the symptoms is that pain cannot be dulled by painkillers.
  • Kidney failure shows the most clear signs Kidney disease: these are very intense and acute pains. The attack may be short or long, the patient cannot take comfortable position, relieve the condition with analgesics and in the absence of help, sometimes loss of consciousness occurs or pain shock.
  • Important! Sometimes symptoms of kidney disease occur in completely healthy people. For example, with long-term physical activity the lower back may begin to hurt with a return to the groin, leg, hypochondrium

    Recognize the disease and diagnose correct diagnosis Only a nephrologist can. But often a clear clinical picture occurs even with advanced pathology, so you should pay attention to additional signs kidney diseases:

    • anemia, weakness, pale skin, lethargy, loss of appetite;
    • frequent headache, feverish condition, temperature and blood pressure fluctuations;
    • morning swelling of the face and evening swelling of the arms and legs;
    • burning and pain when urinating, as during cystitis - this is how signs of pyelonephritis appear against the background of bacterial cystitis;
    • blood in the urine, change in color, smell, and total daily volume of urine.

    All symptoms depend on the type of disease. However nonspecific signs are the same for all pathologies: decrease vitality in case of prolonged lumbar pain of any nature, this is a reason to consult a doctor and begin treating kidney disease at an early stage of development.

    Important! In women who have reached the age of menopause, pathologies may arise due to hormonal changes. It is extremely necessary to know how any kidney disease and do not put off visiting the doctor

    Diagnosis, treatment

    An initial examination and medical history is needed to clearly understand the possible causes of the disease.

    To diagnose the disease, the specialist will perform the following steps:

  • an initial examination and medical history is needed to clearly understand the possible causes of the disease;
  • appointment laboratory tests to detect changes in the composition of urine and blood;
  • instrumental diagnostic methods to clarify the diagnosis and identify the completeness of the picture and the dynamics of the disease. Types instrumental diagnostics a lot, the doctor can prescribe several types that need to be done all.
  • Important! The diagnosis will indicate correct treatment. Sometimes lower back pain is indicated gynecological diseases, therefore, if you have any “kidney-like” symptoms, starting self-medication is extremely dangerous

    Major kidney diseases in women: signs of manifestation

    Nephropathy during pregnancy is observed in first-time mothers or in multiple pregnancies during the 3rd trimester and disappears without a trace after childbirth

    Let's take a closer look at what symptoms this or that kidney disease has in women:

  • Nephropathy during pregnancy. This female disease observed in first-time mothers or in multiple pregnancies during the 3rd trimester and disappears without a trace after childbirth. The cause of the pathology is compression of the ureters, obstructed outflow of urine. The inflammatory process may manifest itself as signs:
    • hypertension;
    • morning swelling of the face;
    • visual impairment;
    • headache;
    • irritability;
    • proteinuria.

    Important! Severe form of nephroptosis increases the risk to the health of the expectant mother and baby

  • Polycystic disease. The disease is also more common in women than in men. Occurring against the background of damage to the renal tubules, the pathology provokes the replacement of normal tissue cystic formations different sizes. The cyst can be single and/or multiple. If measures are not taken, the pathology spreads to other organs (liver). Main symptoms:
    • long, boring lumbar pain that does not go away and does not reduce intensity;
    • thirst;
    • release of large amounts of urine with frequent urge to urinate;
    • hematuria due to impaired urine flow.

    Important! Symptoms of the pathology appear only in the developmental stage, at initial stage polycystic disease does not appear. The disease threatens chronic inflammation, which aggravates polycystic disease and will require not only therapeutic, but also surgical intervention. In addition, the disease provokes cardiovascular pathologies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other organs

  • Nephritis (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis). Renal nephritis all have the same symptoms: nausea, headache, swelling, fever, temperature fluctuations and local lumbar pain. It is possible to distinguish the disease and confirm the diagnosis only on the basis of a complete examination.
  • Important! If left untreated, inflammatory processes can cause cramps, shortness of breath, numbness, and muscle pain. Glomerulonephritis – the right way to kidney failure, which in severe form leads to death

  • Nephrolithiasis or kidney stones- one of the most unpleasant diseases. Excess salts that are not excreted in the urine provoke the formation of stones. The passage of stones is accompanied by severe pain and hematuria. Renal colic always passes with particularly severe intensity, the person feels the urge to urinate, but the pain is so severe that it is difficult to do so. It is necessary to provide immediate help, otherwise the patient may experience painful shock. The pain is not only localized in the lower back, but also affects the groin area, inner surface hips, the patient has a fever, there are temperature fluctuations, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Important! Recent data from scientists have confirmed that kidney stones can be inherited. Therefore, if there have already been similar cases in the family, it is better to track possible symptoms for kidney diseases in women, to prevent the development of pathology, which is considered one of the most painful

  • Kidney cancer. The danger of the pathology is that it does not have any initial manifestations and may have symptoms of hematuria, indicated by pain in the lower back, radiating to the side, weakness and fatigue.
  • Important! Kidney cancer very often affects women after 40 years of age. It is detected by chance, mainly when instrumental examination directed at another organ

    Knowing why and how kidneys hurt in women, the symptoms of the main pathologies, you should pay more attention to lower back pain. The sooner the doctor makes a diagnosis, the more accurate and effective the treatment will be.

    Lower back pain is a common ailment. Many people are in no hurry to go to the doctor and self-medicate. By doing this we harm ourselves. After all, a warming ointment will be powerless if inflammatory processes occur in the body. Today we will talk about how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt?

    Contact a specialist

    Did you know that in cases of lower back pain, even doctors sometimes diagnose accurate diagnosis not right away? To identify the disease, tests are necessary, x-rays and ultrasound examination. So if you feel unpleasant symptoms, come through comprehensive examination. After all, in order to neutralize the “enemy”, you need to know him by sight. If the diagnosis has already been made, doctors recommend regular (every six months) maintenance therapy. After all, diseases such as arthritis or osteochondrosis are not completely cured. If the diagnosis has already been made, the patient can understand for himself whether the kidneys or back hurt. We will tell you how to determine this below.

    Two conditional groups

    Reasons pain in the lumbar region it is customary to classify into two conditional groups: those associated with dysfunction of the spine and with pathology of the internal organs. The first group includes osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations, protrusion intervertebral discs, spondyloarthrosis, intervertebral hernia, fractures and curvature of the vertebrae. The second group includes the formation of tumors in this area, rheumatoid arthritis, diseases gastrointestinal tract, pelvis, and kidneys. All these ailments are different character, therefore, treatment is indicated depending on the exact diagnosis.

    Symptoms of inflammatory processes

    If the pain comes on suddenly, and before going to the doctor you need immediate relief of symptoms, experts give simple recommendations. How to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt? Most often, sharp, stabbing and acute pain indicates rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys manifest themselves differently. Carefully monitor your condition throughout the day. Thus, pyelonephritis may not be accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region and may have hidden symptoms(deterioration of health, difficulty urinating, heaviness in the kidney area).

    At acute inflammation An increase in body temperature is often noted. This is accompanied by swelling in the face, legs and arms, as well as increased blood pressure. If you do not know how to distinguish the kidneys, then observe the sensations in a state of calm. With inflammation, heaviness in the lower back does not disappear even when lying down or while sleeping. If you wake up in the middle of the night and experience the same unpleasant symptoms, do not hesitate to visit a doctor before the disease progresses to chronic stage. Do not self-prescribe diuretics. Typically, these drugs are effective only in complex therapy.

    Kidney diseases: who is at risk

    Today we are talking about how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt. As you know, inflammatory processes in the body do not arise out of the blue. This state must be preceded by certain prerequisites. For example, the risk group for people with “problem” kidneys primarily includes diabetics. In type 2 diabetes, it is the kidneys that bear the brunt. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to undergo urine and blood tests every three months.

    If inflammation is suspected, the therapist refers the patient to a nephrologist for a more detailed examination. If diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, patients need to monitor swelling of the legs and arms, as well as monitor blood pressure. It must be remembered that kidney damage in diabetes can develop into kidney failure. Persons with untreated caries, tonsillitis and those who suffer from a cold on their feet are also susceptible to inflammatory processes in the body. In other cases, the kidneys suffer due to injury, compression or hypothermia.

    Symptom difference

    If you don’t know what’s hurting you, your lower back or your kidneys, how can you determine the cause without visiting a doctor? To do this, you need to imagine where the internal organ is located, and also know about the differences in the pathogenesis of inflammation and lumbar osteochondrosis. If you compare the main symptoms of ailments, you can identify clear differences. As we have already said, pain in the kidneys manifests itself at rest, and especially at night. While osteochondrosis makes itself felt during or after physical activity. Thus, you can first diagnose yourself.

    How to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt if inflammation in the body does not develop into chronic form? In this case, observe your state during execution homework. When bending over or lifting heavy objects, osteochondrosis immediately makes itself felt. But severe pain rarely occurs in kidney diseases. For example, when, against the background of an inflammatory process, a person’s lower back is blown out. In most cases, inflammation occurs without pronounced pain symptoms. Often, with kidney disease, the pain may not be felt in the lower back itself, but moves slightly higher or goes down to the hip joints.

    Important information

    If you suspect kidney inflammation, you should undergo appropriate examination. You already know how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt. However, inflammatory processes can change the structure of the internal organ. Thus, the membranes of the choroid plexuses of the kidney can be affected, and the tissue itself can be deformed. With pyelonephritis, on the contrary, the organ often increases in size. Of course, the patient will not be able to determine the condition of the internal organ by touch. An ultrasound examination will provide the necessary and accurate information. Remember that in 80 percent of cases, kidney disease occurs without pronounced pain symptoms.

    Change in urination

    Today we are talking about what to do in case of back pain. How to determine inflammation by the nature of urination? In this case, any deviation from the norm should alert you. Kidney diseases are accompanied not only frequent urges to the toilet and urinary incontinence. The color of the discharge may change, impurities appear in it, or it becomes rare (which is most often accompanied by swelling).

    Features of treatment

    After the patient has passed the appropriate tests, done an ultrasound, x-ray lumbar region(in case of suspected osteochondrosis or arthritis), the doctor prescribes a therapeutic course of treatment. When examining a patient, doctors tap the lumbar region with the edge of their palm. If the patient feels internal pain, this clearly indicates inflammatory processes in the kidney area. In addition to prescribed medications, doctors prescribe a regimen, rest and gentle exercise. It is important to review your diet, exclude salty and spicy foods, dairy products, and also adjust your fluid intake. A decoction of corn silk will help you quickly cope with pain (if you follow a diet). Now you can determine for yourself whether your lower back or kidneys hurt. We described the causes and nature of the pain in detail. Let us emphasize once again that you should not self-medicate and delay going to the doctor.

    Very often we are faced with heaviness, pain and stiffness of movement in the back. Many people perceive this as inflammation or a cold, but the problem can be much more serious.

    Kidneys or back hurt, it is not clear how to determine the cause at home. But general symptoms and prerequisites can give a hint, which we will talk about below.

    Going to the hospital

    It is almost impossible to recognize pain in the kidneys or understand that the lower back hurts from osteochondrosis without a medical education.

    A number of tests are required, which include:

    • Radiography;
    • Tomography;
    • Magnetic resonance therapy;
    • Pressure measurement;

    Photo gallery:

    If you came to the hospital earlier and were diagnosed with chronic pyelonephritis, kidney failure, kidney stones or lower back osteochondrosis, then the symptoms that appear indicate an exacerbation of the disease.

    Causes of back pain

    You can recognize pain in the kidneys and distinguish it from osteochondrosis by knowing the general symptoms and manifestations. It is inflammation in the spine and problems with internal organs may be the main causes of pain.

    If there are problems with the spine, the following can be diagnosed:

    1. Mycosis;
    2. Rheumatism.

    Photos on the topic:

    When the cause lies in kidney disease, the diagnosis is made only by a doctor after a series of tests and a full diagnosis.


    Find out if your kidney hurts or is inflamed intervertebral discs possible, based on common symptoms and manifestations.

    Osteochondrosis or rheumatism- Shooting and sharp pain in the back, lumbar region;
    - Drawing sensation when turning and bending;
    - Improvement during sleep or after taking a horizontal position;
    - Localization of pain in the center of the back;
    - Muscle spasms;
    - Onset of relief after rubbing and warming ointments.
    Pyelonephritis, kidney stones or other kidney diseases- There is almost no back pain, but it can be aching and temporary;
    - Pain does not come when changing position, in a lying position;
    - Ointments and anti-inflammatory ointments do not bring results, only painkillers help;
    - Painful sensations concentrated in the area where the kidneys are located.

    Allocate and general manifestations, which are inherent in lumbar osteochondrosis and kidney pathology:

    Who is most susceptible to kidney disease?

    There is a risk group that is most susceptible to kidney disease. Therefore, they must first go to routine inspection, especially if the first symptoms of inflammation have already appeared.

    Typically these are those who suffer from:

    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Infections and inflammations in the genitourinary system;
    • Woman during pregnancy;
    • Subject to genetic factor;
    • Reduced immunity;
    • Trauma and kidney surgery;
    • Bad habits.

    Useful video:

    Why does osteochondrosis develop?

    There may be several reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis, and therefore back pain:

    • Incorrect position during sleep;
    • Great physical activity;
    • Sedentary work at a computer;
    • Inflammation and infection;
    • Joint pathology;
    • Heredity;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Hypothermia.

    Typically, osteochondrosis affects patients aged 30-50 years, but athletes, pregnant women, and people over 60 also suffer from it.

    How to distinguish problems?

    You can distinguish the disease by its symptoms at home if you take a closer look at your state of health.

    So, with osteochondrosis or arthritis, patients suffer from sharp pain and discomfort during physical activity, spasm and improvement are observed after using warming ointments.

    If the patient has problems with the kidneys and internal organs, then there may not be severe back pain; they arise only in neglected form illness or a cold in the lower back, the discomfort does not go away even in a lying position.

    Often with pyelonephritis and nephritis, pain can go down to the hip bones and radiate to the side or stomach.