How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis. Lumbar osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment, help with exacerbation. How to treat exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a pathology in which degenerative changes in the structures of the spinal column are observed. The disease is accompanied by fatigue, pain in the back and lower extremities, resulting in reduced motor activity. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine depends on the symptoms, severity, and severity of the disease. The lack of timely therapy leads to further spread of the pathological process, a decrease in motor activity and flexibility of the spinal column is observed, and in severe cases the patient is assigned a disability group.

Causes of the disease

The disease develops for various reasons, most often occurring for the following reasons:

  • curvature of posture;
  • heredity, defects of the skeletal system;
  • flat feet;
  • excess weight;
  • inflammatory processes, metabolic disorders,
  • hormonal disorders;
  • leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

  • The most common cause of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, so increasing physical activity is the key to a healthy spine.

    Degrees and types of disease

    The following degrees of the disease are distinguished:

    1. A crack in the annulus fibrosus of the disc, which leads to the development of irritation of the affected area. The deformity is weakly expressed, the condition is accompanied by reflex pain manifestations. Lifting weights and sudden movements lead to pain.
    2. The continuation of the degenerative process is accompanied by a reduction in the distance between the vertebrae, which leads to pinching of the nerve roots. The vertebrae are displaced, the pain is paroxysmal, goosebumps appear on the skin, and the process of sweating is activated.
    3. Final rupture of the fibrous ring, extrusion of the nucleus beyond its limits, development of intervertebral hernia. Spinal deformation complicates the functioning of internal systems and organs.
    4. Final deformation of the spinal column. Against the background of this condition, his motor activity becomes impossible. The x-ray shows bone growths. The pain syndrome disappears for a while, but this does not mean there is an improvement. With fourth degree osteochondrosis, there is a high probability of being assigned a disability group.

    Types of disease:

    • erosive osteochondrosis - pathology develops against the background of changes in the intervertebral disc due to early aging and slow metabolism;
    • deforming osteochondrosis - accompanied by the growth of thickenings in bone tissue, the appearance of osteophytes, the disease cannot be completely cured.


    The main symptom of the disease is pain, which occurs against the background of degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. The disease is also accompanied by other symptoms, most often headache, fatigue, irritability, fatigue. Discomfortable sensations can lead to problems with sleep, since in this state proper rest and restoration of the body is impossible. Against the backdrop of loss of strength, there is a need to minimize physical activity, as a result of which the ability to perform the most basic actions is lost.

    One of the symptoms of the disease is also considered to be problems with the reproductive system, urination disorders, and dysfunction of other internal organs. The condition is accompanied by decreased sensitivity, spasms of the lower extremities, and dry skin.

    Pain is one of the first signs of pathology

    One of the symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis is considered to be radicular syndrome. It occurs against the background of thinning of the intervertebral discs. The vertebrae gain mobility, their displacement is accompanied by compression of blood vessels and nerve roots. Pain migrates from one place to another. Against the background of irritation of the roots, inflammatory processes, swelling, and blood stagnation and intoxication develop over a long period of time.

    Radicular syndrome can also be recognized by tingling, numbness, and loss of sensitivity. The muscles are unable to withstand physical activity, and fatigue occurs when going up and down the stairs. In the absence of timely treatment, pelvic dysfunction occurs, which threatens paralysis.

    Ischemic syndrome

    Ischemic syndrome is also one of the signs of lumbar osteochondrosis. This condition occurs with constant compression of blood vessels, which leads to muscle spasms, gait disturbances, and increased fatigue when walking.

    The process leads to nutritional deficiency and ischemia in the pelvic organs, against which pain develops in the hips and perineum.

    Spinal syndrome

    Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region leads to deformation of the spine; against this background, stooping, tilting of the pelvis, weakening of muscles up to their complete atrophy develop. Against the background of these phenomena, gait disturbance is observed, and further destruction of disc tissue occurs.

    Pain syndrome

    The nature and severity of the pain syndrome depends on the stage of development of the disease. In the initial stages, it appears only under increased stress; as the disease develops, the pain can persist constantly.


    Timely diagnosis will help identify the disease at an early stage, so if you have the first signs of the disease, you should seek medical help. When conducting it, anamnesis is taken, examination, palpation, and other methods are performed.

    Instrumental diagnostics

    Main methods:

    • X-rays - performed on the lateral and posterior projections;
    • CT - allows you to obtain more accurate data, the method is considered less safe;
    • MRI is a painless, safe method that allows you to identify osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.

    The listed methods allow us to identify the disease and establish its location.


    General and biochemical blood tests are used to identify the inflammatory reaction, its intensity and accompanying changes.

    Traditional treatment

    Osteochondrosis is accompanied by severe pain; treatment should primarily be aimed at eliminating this symptom. A quick cure is achieved through the use of various methods of treating osteochondrosis. Therapy includes taking medications, using physiotherapeutic techniques, exercise therapy, and if complications occur, surgical intervention is prescribed.


    The main method of treatment for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is considered. The dosage and frequency are prescribed by the doctor.

    Main groups of drugs:

    1. Chondroprotectors (tablets, injections, ointments) - their action is aimed at stopping degenerative processes. The duration of therapy can reach several years. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Aflutop, Artron Chondrex, and Teraflex.
    2. Vasodilators - they help to activate blood circulation processes; Trental and Eufillin show high effectiveness.
    3. - have anti-inflammatory properties, prescribed for acute and chronic forms. “Fastum gel” is considered the most effective; “Ibuprofen” and “Nimesulide” are often prescribed.
    4. Sedatives - their action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, the functioning of which is disrupted due to severe pain.
    5. Muscle relaxants - taking medications allows you to get rid of muscle spasms, as a result, muscle motor activity is restored.
    6. Vitamins - multivitamins containing calcium are most often prescribed. Their action is aimed at strengthening bone tissue and increasing the sensitivity of nerve endings. Taking it helps speed up healing and improve metabolic processes.

    In case of complications of deforming osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, surgical intervention is prescribed. The most common type of operation is a discectomy, which involves removing the affected intervertebral disc. The operation is considered appropriate if there is no effect from traditional treatment within six months. In addition, microsurgical and endoscopic treatment methods are used.

    Therapeutic gymnastics exercise therapy

    In the acute phase of osteochondrosis, any increased loads should be avoided. Physical therapy is prescribed by a doctor, he is also responsible for selecting exercises, and classes are conducted under his supervision. Experienced patients can exercise independently; the selection of exercises is carried out on an individual basis. The effectiveness of treatment for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is achieved only with regular exercise.

    Therapy and procedures

    Physiotherapeutic methods are often used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Most often this is:

    • acupuncture;
    • electrophoresis;
    • hirudotherapy;
    • magnetic therapy;
    • ultrasound;
    • massage;
    • other methods.

    The effect of therapy is aimed at activating blood circulation, they have calming, anti-inflammatory properties. The use of physiotherapy makes it possible to reduce the volume of medications; many of them can be used only in the absence of exacerbations.

    When treating acute lumbar osteochondrosis, it is recommended to reduce activity, it is best to lie down. An orthopedic belt will help reduce pathological manifestations, which will create additional stress on the vertebrae. There are several types of orthopedic structures; your doctor should recommend the right option.

    As part of the treatment of the disease, relaxing or classic massage is often used; it is a mandatory item in complex therapy. The procedure should be trusted by trusted specialists. Massage promotes relaxation, tissue restoration, after it blood circulation is activated, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the tissues.


    Correction of diet is considered an additional tool on the path to curing the disease. The diet should include foods high in carbohydrates, vitamins, and animal proteins.

    You should limit the amount of simple carbohydrates, salt, sugar, spices, smoked and canned foods.

    Traditional treatment

    In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, the use of folk recipes is also allowed; such therapy shows effectiveness in combination with medication.

    Effective recipes:

    1. Dilute chopped raw potatoes with honey and apply as a compress to the affected area. For such purposes, boiled potatoes without additives can be used.
    2. 1 tsp. mint and 1 tsp. pour lingonberries with 1 tbsp. boiled water, add a little olive. The mixture should be used for rubbing; it is recommended to carry out the procedure at night.
    3. Mix ginger and garlic in equal proportions and use for rubbing.

    Before treating osteochondrosis of the spine, namely its lumbar region, with traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor. It must be taken into account that their action is aimed at stopping the inflammatory process, relieving pain, and not at eliminating the cause of the disease.


    Compliance with prevention will help to avoid treatment for osteochondrosis. For this it is recommended:

    • avoid hypothermia of the lumbosacral region;
    • lifting/lowering weights should be done without jerking;
    • avoid lifting heavy objects;
    • regular changes in the position of the spine, which will help avoid stooping;
    • performing physical exercises.

    To avoid the occurrence of osteochondrosis, you should not perform heavy work without appropriate training. If you need to work at the computer for a long time, you should choose the right chair and table, and take care of the lighting.


    Disruption of metabolic processes in the human body against the background of a sedentary lifestyle, increased load on the lumbar region when lifting heavy objects and prolonged sitting in an incorrect position are the main causes of osteochondrosis.

    Pinching of blood vessels due to muscle spasms caused by increased load on the spine threatens starvation of the tissues that supply blood to the intervertebral discs.

    The result of this is congestion in the lumbar region and a lack of nutrients received.

    The degenerative-dystrophic changes that arise as a result of this lead to flattening and drying of the intervertebral discs, which then protrude from the vertebra.

    After some time, the fibrous ring ruptures and the nucleus disc falls out, forming an intervertebral hernia, which often requires surgical intervention.

    Due to the flattening and drying of the intervertebral discs, the gap between adjacent discs narrows, which leads to pinching of the nerve roots. Lumbar radiculitis occurs precisely due to prolonged pinching of the nerve.

    By following a number of simple but effective instructions, you can avoid exacerbation or the occurrence of osteochondrosis.

    These include:

    • regular physical therapy exercises;
    • acquiring the habit of correct sitting position, changing position more often;
    • avoiding the impact of increased load on the spinal column, do not lift too heavy objects;
    • if there is a need to lift something from the floor without bending your back, you should squat down and, using the strength of your arms, lift the object;
    • You should not work in a bent position; it is better to use special devices to keep your back straight;
    • hypothermia of the spine should not be allowed.

    I would like to add that the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis requires a comprehensive, professional approach.

    This is possible with the participation of doctors of various specializations: a neurologist, a physical therapy consultant, a physiotherapist.

    Only through common efforts and the desire of the patient to recover can we hope for a positive outcome. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be. Practice shows that the most lasting results from therapy were observed in patients who sought help within three months after the onset of pain.

    Timely treatment makes it possible to get rid of this problem and increase the range of motion in the joints.

    In order not to wonder how to cure lumbar osteochondrosis, the best option is to prevent this disease. Basic rules to help with this include:

    • do not be in a forced position for more than half an hour, try to warm up and, if possible, change your position;
    • do not lift heavy objects, and when exercising in the gym, coordinate all loads with the instructor;
    • do not lie on a folding bed or in a hammock; it is better to sleep and rest on a hard bed to prevent sagging and displacement of the vertebrae;
    • wear comfortable shoes with low heels (less than 4 cm);
    • avoid increasing your own weight;
    • replace the bag with a backpack so that the load is distributed evenly;
    • swim in a pool or pond to give your lumbar region a rest.

    By following these simple recommendations, you may never think about how to get rid of lumbar osteochondrosis. If this disease does develop, you will need to consult a doctor in time. With the help of complex therapeutic interventions, in most cases it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of this pathology and continue to lead a normal lifestyle.

    Degenerative spinal disease interferes with normal everyday life: pain prevents you from performing even the simplest activities in everyday life and reduces your performance. If such a disease is not treated on time, the consequences may be irreversible. Therefore, we must remember that prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis is necessary even at a young age. The following is recommended:

    • for sedentary work, choose the right chair that will take the load off your back and keep it in an anatomical position;
    • avoid drafts, hypothermia;
    • when lifting heavy objects, distribute the load on both hands, start the movement from a sitting position;
    • add light physical activity to your life - running, yoga, swimming;
    • give preference to orthopedic mattresses.

    Lumbar osteochondrosis, the treatment of which may differ to a greater extent due to the prerequisites for the development of the pathology, has the following causes of its occurrence:

    • premature development of aging in intervertebral discs;
    • development of pathology or any other changes leading to loss of back muscle tone;
    • improperly distributed load on the spine - for example, working as a loader or driver leads to significant stress on the lower back;
    • genetic prerequisites – associated with diseases of the joints, bones, ligaments and tendons;
    • disc damage due to injury, bruise, fracture.

    To a greater extent, lumbar osteochondrosis develops today in office workers, people who prefer to spend more time driving or using a computer. It turns out that a common cause of destruction of intervertebral discs is a long-term static position.

    Lumbar osteochondrosis occurs much more often than osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical region, because the lower back bears the greatest load during walking and running, while sitting on a chair for a long time or lifting weights.

    Since this anatomical area takes on the maximum load, its structure is very strong and reliable. The lumbar region consists of five vertebrae and connects the chest to the sacrum. Between them are the intervertebral discs, which give the spine flexibility and mobility. In turn, intervertebral discs consist of a jelly-like core, which is located inside a hard fibrous ring.

    Thus, the reasons for the development of this pathology are:

    • spinal injuries;
    • diseases of the endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
    • intense physical activity (weight lifting, strong running);
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • disruptions in the hormonal system;
    • flat feet;
    • anomalies of intervertebral discs;
    • old age;
    • inflammatory joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

    Risk factors for the development of the disease are:

    • stoop and poor posture;
    • wrong lifestyle;
    • unhealthy diet, obesity;
    • staying in the wrong position for a long time;
    • hereditary factor;
    • stress;
    • hypothermia.

    The main symptom of the disease is lower back pain. It can be felt immediately or after intense physical activity.

    Other symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis are:

    • aching pain radiating to the lower back;
    • increased pain after lifting weights, sneezing, coughing, moving the body;
    • stiffness in the body after being in one position for a long time;
    • constant spasms of the back muscles;
    • sudden pain (lumbago) after hypothermia;
    • loss of sensitivity in the buttocks, thighs, legs and feet;
    • paresis in the legs;
    • chilly feet;
    • spasm of the arteries of the feet;
    • increased sweating;
    • dryness and flaking of the skin in places of pain.

    Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region can be aggravated by any awkward movement, for example, when moving or turning the body to the side. In this case, pain is noticed not only in the lower back, but also in the legs. A strong spasm of the lumbar region is also observed, since in this way the body relieves the load on this part of the body. During an exacerbation, a person finds a comfortable position in which the pain subsides.

    One of the complications of lumbar osteochondrosis is a malfunction of the genitourinary system. Sometimes there is frequent urination and discomfort in the kidney area. The disease may be accompanied by inflammation of the sciatic nerve and lumbodynia (lower back pain).

    Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region is considered to be a disease of older people. However, recently lumbosacral osteochondrosis is increasingly being diagnosed in young people (25-30 years old). This is due to the fact that many young people lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the computer.

    Lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine is a type of pathology that is localized in the lumbar region. This is one of the most common types of osteochondrosis. The exact causes of the development of the disease are not thoroughly known, but there are provoking factors, the presence of which significantly increases the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis. These include:

    • sedentary work;
    • curvature of posture;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • excessive stress on the spine (professional sports, regular weight lifting, heavy physical labor);
    • overweight;
    • back injuries;
    • age (over the years, spinal tissues undergo natural processes of aging and thinning);
    • inflammatory diseases in the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, etc.);
    • diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders;
    • unhealthy lifestyle;
    • hereditary predisposition.

    Main symptoms

    During the period of remission, the pain is not sharp, but aching.

    Increased pain is observed with an uncomfortable position of the body, and with a sudden, awkward movement or when lifting heavy objects, an aggravation occurs, accompanied by severe pain.

    When movement is limited and the patient adopts a forced posture, the most optimal in this situation, the pain subsides, but muscle tension remains, helping to keep the lumbar region in a state of immobility.

    A person begins to experience severe pain, usually some time after heavy physical exertion. Symptoms manifest themselves as follows:

    Due to excessive stress, hypothermia, or sudden movement, lumbar osteochondrosis worsens. In this case, both the lower back and legs suffer from pathological symptoms. The psoas muscles are in a state of strong tension, thus reducing the load on the lumbar region. The period of exacerbation forces the patient to search for a comfortable position that temporarily muffles painful discomfort.

    To understand how to cure lumbar osteochondrosis, it is necessary to find out all the reasons for its occurrence and establish the degree of damage to surrounding tissues. Diagnosis of the disease is based on examination, collection of anamnesis data on the clinical picture (manifestations and symptoms) and instrumental methods.

    Lumbar osteochondrosis

    The clinical picture of lumbar osteochondrosis consists of the following signs:

    • the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, leg and buttock on the affected side;
    • disturbance of sensitivity (anesthesia, paresthesia);
    • decreased motor activity of the lower extremities;
    • involvement in the process of pelvic organ dysfunction (urinary incontinence, impotence).

    Symptoms usually gradually increase as pathological changes progress. Based on these manifestations, the doctor can only suspect lumbar osteochondrosis. It becomes possible to make a final diagnosis only after examination and several studies.

    During the examination, a competent specialist will definitely check for a number of characteristic reflexes:

    1. Lages reflex, in which the doctor lifts the patient's straightened leg, and the pain intensifies. After bending the limb at the knee joint, the pain instantly disappears.
    2. The Bekhterev reflex involves the occurrence of pain when straightened knees are pressed against a flat surface.

    Instrumental methods make it possible to obtain additional information about the condition of the spinal cord and nerve tissue of the roots located in the immediate vicinity of the lesion in the spine. Typically, X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging are performed, and sometimes computed tomography.

    Inside each vertebra there is a fibrous ring that helps withstand weight bearing. A disruption in the cartilage tissue inside the intervertebral discs leads to a situation where the fibrous ring is subjected to increased pressure, protrudes, nerve roots are injured, and hence severe pain. Such signs indicate a degenerative-dystrophic disease - osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Before going to the doctor, you yourself will be able to notice the symptoms if you have such a disease:

    • the presence of pain is the main symptom; a healthy person will not have any sensation in the back;
    • the pain may become stronger when a person changes position after being in a certain position for a long time;
    • “lumbago” in the lower back;
    • tingling, goosebumps in the legs.

    In women

    Increased pressure in the lower back affects blood circulation, so nearby organs may suffer. Signs of lumbar osteochondrosis in women are diagnosed not only as back pain, but also manifest themselves as disorders of the genitourinary system: problems with the ovaries and uterus may appear, and an advanced disease during reproductive age can even lead to infertility. Therefore, any sensations in the back should be diagnosed in time.


    Ailments associated with the spine must be treated in a timely manner, avoiding exacerbations and complications. The consequence of degenerative disorders of the sacral spine can be:

    • scoliosis (it is easily recognized by the asymmetry of the buttocks);
    • sciatica;
    • lordosis;
    • intervertebral hernia;
    • pinching and pain of radicular nerve endings.

    Therapy for osteochondrosis in the acute phase should be, first of all, aimed at eliminating pain, reducing inflammation and releasing the roots of compressed nerves. That is why complex treatment is prescribed, based on the use of medications from different groups, physiotherapy, and massages. In the acute phase, the following are prescribed:

    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This group of medications effectively relieves swelling in muscles and tissues, thereby reducing inflammation and eliminating pain. Use Diclofenac, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide. These drugs are prescribed in tablet form or as injections. Intramuscular administration of drugs is preferable for patients with various pathological changes in the gastric mucosa. The external use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments also helps with lumbar osteochondrosis. Fastum gel, Nurofen and Voltaren ointment have an analgesic effect. Dolobene gel has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
    • Painkillers. For severe pain, taking NSAIDs in the first days is not enough to relieve pain, so analgesics are used in tablets or injections. Most often, Ketonal and Milgamma are used in injections for effective pain relief. Sometimes therapeutic blockades are required to relieve pain spasms.
    • Muscle relaxants are a group of drugs aimed at relaxing muscles.
    • Massage during an exacerbation helps improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition in the area of ​​spasmodic muscles. An experienced massage therapist not only relieves pain, but also releases compressed nerve roots, but for this the specialist must be highly qualified.
    • Physiotherapy is prescribed after intense pain subsides. Their use also helps improve cell nutrition. The use of electrophoresis with a drug allows you to deliver the necessary drug components to the vertebrae and discs.

    During the period of pain and limitation of movements, the sick person must observe strict bed rest. This eliminates the possibility of pinched nerves and partially relieves swelling and pain.

    To reduce pain during an attack, it is advisable to use

    Which relieve pain and bring significant relief to the patient.

    In some cases, blockades are carried out using long-acting glucocorticoids or novocaine blockades.

    The doctor most often prescribes injections of nicotinic acid, B vitamins and physiotherapeutic procedures.

    In addition, medicinal patches will help get rid of back pain.

    One of the most effective and efficient methods of treating osteochondrosis is physiotherapy.

    Using this method, neighboring tissues are not affected, and side effects are minimized.

    The benefits of physical therapy are clear. This method is widely used to treat the elderly, pediatric patients, pregnant and breastfeeding women.


    • normalizes the body's metabolic processes;
    • stimulates the work of various systems and organs;
    • increases immunity;
    • regulates neurohumoral function;
    • relieves the inflammatory process;
    • reduces pain;
    • eliminates spasm and releases pinched nerve roots;
    • helps restore blood supply to the inflamed area;
    • restores motor function;
    • reduces the recovery period and the need for pharmaceuticals.
    • ultraviolet radiation;
    • laser therapy;
    • electrophoresis.

    Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures do not contribute to the occurrence of allergic manifestations and do not lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. Physical factors (heat, cold, wave radiation, mechanical influences, electric and magnetic fields) are aimed at improving the health of the body.

    One of the differences between humans and animals is that the former moves on two legs, while its back is straight. So the main burden falls on. There are other factors that can cause the load to increase: excess weight, flat feet, lifting large loads. All this gradually makes the fibrous ring thinner, which can cause hernias and protrusions. In this case, the vertebrae are deformed, as outgrowths called vertebrae are formed. This is how the lower back is ultimately born.

    In the article we will consider what an exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis is: treatment, medications, indications and contraindications for them.

    Where does pathology begin?

    Our spine is exposed to serious stress every day. Often these loads are even too large, and therefore pose a danger to the health of the spinal column. After all, due to excessive loads, the spine is injured, its cartilage tissue loses its elasticity. And then the spinal column weakens, loses strength and endurance.

    At first, the patient does not notice any symptoms. Osteochondrosis is a chronic pathology. The body cannot immediately repair damage. nerve roots are pinched. As a result, the leg and groin begin to hurt acutely. This is how exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis manifests itself.

    Let's talk about what people usually attribute the beginning of an exacerbation to. Let's consider whether these reasons are as dangerous as they are believed, or whether they are just a myth.

    From stress

    Yes, being nervous is generally bad. This, among other things, is harmful to the intervertebral discs receiving nutrients. However, not to such an extent that severe ischemia manifested itself. Even the most extreme stress cannot cause this. However, strong feelings can hide an uncomfortable movement from the patient's attention. But this very movement in an uncomfortable position can be the cause of an exacerbation. If you are unable to straighten up, dizziness and/or migraines, you should not only treat the exacerbation itself, but also take a course of sedatives - Novo-Passit or Glitsed are suitable for this. After this, make a scheduled visit to either a neuropsychiatrist or a psychotherapist.

    As a result of the massage

    In order to provoke an exacerbation of this pathology, massage must meet at least one of the following criteria:

    • performing such a procedure for anything other than back treatment. For example, massage for weight loss;
    • the massage therapist does not know about the client’s osteochondrosis;
    • The massage therapist is not a specialist.

    A true professional in his field, who has seen the pictures and has recommendations from the client’s treating neurologist, can perform a massage without harm to him even seven days after the exacerbation began. If there is a deterioration, it will only be temporary. According to massage therapists, this happens due to the fact that blood and lymph circulation returns to normal in the diseased area.

    Seasonal exacerbation

    But this is no longer entirely a myth. Seasonal exacerbations depend on changes in weather. Atmospheric pressure can affect even healthy intervertebral discs, and even more so on sick ones. However, each part of the spine is affected by its own season.

    Table No. 1. Manifestations of discomfort associated with osteochondrosis, depending on the time of year.

    Time of yearPeculiarities
    SpringAs a rule, in the spring the lower thoracic region hurts more.
    WinterIn winter, the lower chest also begins to hurt more, as well as the lumbar spine. Winter exacerbation is caused by the reaction of the pelvic organs and urinary system to the cold. Inflammation of these organs causes them to engage the spinal muscles, which ultimately affect the spinal column.
    Summer and winterAround July and January, during periods of extreme heat or cold, exacerbations of osteochondrosis of the discs occur in the area from the space between the shoulder blades to the lumbar spine. In spring and July, pain in the upper back increases.
    AutumnDuring that part of autumn when it is cold and dry outside, your neck, lower back and upper chest hurt. Moreover, the lower back hurts as a result of the reaction of the large intestine, and the neck hurts from hypothermia. In the latter case, the patient himself is to blame: the neck becomes hypothermic due to his efforts to dress as lightly as possible as often as possible.
    Video - Seasonal exacerbation of osteochondrosis

    Due to drinking alcohol

    Ethyl alcohol generally spoils the recovery processes throughout the body, including in the spinal column. On the other hand, alcohol itself has nothing to do with it. An exacerbation occurs due to the negative effect of alcohol on brain activity, which can force the drunk patient to take an uncomfortable position or forget to dress as best as possible.

    Due to PMS

    This is definitely a myth. Yes, during “unpleasant days” the level of estrogen, which ensures bone strength in women, decreases sharply. But menstruation rarely lasts longer than a week, and therefore this decrease in hormones cannot provoke an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. And the most common menstrual pain, caused precisely by bleeding, is quite similar to the symptom of exacerbation.

    Because of a cold

    Partly a myth. The cold itself has nothing to do with it at all. Exacerbation is caused by hypothermia of the body. This very hypothermia inflames the nerve root, where the pathology of the intervertebral disc has already disrupted blood circulation. Pain in the spine during a cold is a signal that chronic inflammation has appeared somewhere in the body. And an exacerbation of any chronic infections can cause an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. The fact is that osteochondrosis destroys a section of the disc. Part of this same disc ends up in the spinal canal. And then, in order to “pull” it out of there, the body launches an entire allergic process. Because of this, it seems to him that the protein of this “shard” is alien. As soon as inflammation starts somewhere else in the body, the immune system immediately becomes active. As do the proteins responsible for allergies. Any, including the one that is caused by the protein of the intervertebral disc of the body itself.

    Because of the bathhouse

    The danger here is a sharp temperature change. In order not to get an aggravation, you need to follow a certain method for completing bath procedures: after steaming, dry yourself thoroughly, spend a little time in a cooler room, and only after doing this, go outside. A trip to the bathhouse during an exacerbation will certainly entail an increase in pain and other symptoms. The same is true for drinking alcohol when overheating in a steam room, and then going out into the snow or diving into cold water. It all happens like this: the blood supply to the discs becomes better, the body “rejoices” at the facilitation of the process of their recovery, but immediately finds itself in severe cold, as a result of which all foci of pathology suffer even more. To avoid exacerbations, you should not go to the steam room when the pain has not yet begun to subside. This happens no earlier than a month after it began. Those who like to take a cold swim after bath procedures are advised to both reduce the temperature of the water and increase the time spent in it, not immediately, but gradually.

    What is accompanied by and how is lumbar osteochondrosis diagnosed?

    It is possible to select an effective treatment method for this pathology only by knowing exactly each cause of its occurrence, as well as having an idea of ​​how damaged the tissue is. You can diagnose lumbar osteochondrosis by examining the patient, collecting anamnesis data on symptoms, and also using instrumental diagnostics.

    The signs of lumbar osteochondrosis are as follows:

    • pain from pathology in the lower back, leg, and buttock;
    • problems with sensitivity - its loss or, conversely, increase;
    • stiffness in leg movement;
    • problems with the functioning of the pelvic organs.

    As the disease progresses, its symptoms also increase. They are a reason for the doctor to suspect lumbar osteochondrosis. For a final diagnosis, it is necessary to examine the patient and do several studies.

    A doctor who knows his business in such cases always checks to see if there are a number of reflexes characteristic of this pathology.

    Checking for the Lages reflex, the doctor straightens the patient's leg and at the same time lifts it. If the reflex is present, the pain becomes stronger, going away immediately after bending the leg.

    With the ankylosing spondylitis reflex, straightening the knees and pressing them against a flat surface, such as a wall, causes pain.

    Using special equipment, you can obtain additional information about the current state of the spinal cord and nerve roots near the area of ​​inflammation. At the same time, in most cases they do and, less often, CT is used.

    Having found out that this pathology is precisely osteochondrosis of the lumbar spinal column, the doctor decides on the actual method of its treatment. Many of these same techniques have been developed, from drug treatment to surgery. Massage and reflexology are often used with great success.


    For the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, approximately the same medications are used as for other parts of the spinal column. This is due to the same nature of the pathology.

    Classification of drugs according to the principle of action:

    • analgesics to relieve the patient of acute pain;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve swelling and inflammation;
    • muscle relaxants to combat muscle spasms;
    • glucocorticoid hormonal drugs, but only in cases when other drugs are useless;
    • chondroprotectors, so that the necessary nutrition is better supplied to the cartilage;
    • those medications that improve microcirculation, which speeds up local metabolism;
    • vitamins and minerals to improve the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the general condition of the patient.

    How is a patient treated during an exacerbation?

    Medicines for osteochondrosis

    During an exacerbation, the most important thing is to relieve pain. This is usually expressed in injections of the necessary medications, since this is how the drugs are most digestible and effective. Later, when the symptoms become weak enough, the patient is given tablets.

    It is necessary to treat exacerbation of neck osteochondrosis on time and as completely as possible. This is due to the fact that it is through the cervical spine that vital vessels and nerves pass, and inflammation can block them, which is fraught with very serious consequences.

    Medicines to relieve pain

    Analgesic medications:

    • "Baralgin";
    • "Analgin."

    Nonsteroidal drugs that relieve inflammation:

    • "Naloxifene";
    • "Ketorol";
    • "Diclofenac";
    • "Indomethacin".

    A kind of “heavy artillery” here are opioid analgesics such as Tramadol. But due to side effects, such drugs are not used very often.

    It is much safer to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), so this is the most popular group of medications for this pathology.

    The principle of action of all these drugs is the same: they inhibit the synthesis of the enzyme with the help of which prostaglandins are created in the body. It is with the participation of these latter that inflammation occurs, and it is without their influence that the feeling of pain in osteochondrosis cannot occur.

    Muscle relaxants

    Muscle relaxants relax muscles, thereby removing an additional source of pain. The muscles in the area of ​​osteochondrosis, straining, try to defend themselves, thereby causing pain. If you relax them, the pain will immediately become noticeably easier. The use of muscle relaxants is prescribed by a doctor, who individually selects the dosage. Medicines in this group are available in tablet form. The patient takes them until the pain disappears completely, which usually takes 21-28 days. The best help, according to most doctors, is medications like the following:

    • "Mydocalm";
    • "Baclofen";
    • "Sirdalud".

    Blockade for pain relief

    In order to relieve pain due to lumbar osteochondrosis, they often resort to blockade techniques. In this case, novocaine and lidocaine are used. In addition, the solution may also contain glucocorticoid drugs. These medications are used to inject the sore spot. The injections last for two to three days.

    Under what circumstances are hormonal medications used?

    Hormonal drugs, due to their extreme effectiveness, are a kind of heavy artillery. These medications are used when other medications do not help. In this case, doctors usually use complex products that contain not only hormones. For example, Ambene. Such medications, due to the many side effects, are not used for long.

    Local preparations

    To relieve exacerbation of osteochondrosis, it is also recommended to use local medications: gels and ointments that warm up the sore spot and have a local irritating effect on it. They may include ingredients that relieve inflammation. For example, the following ointments are popular to relieve symptoms and relieve/reduce pain:

    • "Voltaren";
    • "Ketonal";


    Physiotherapy is another necessary method for treating lumbar osteochondrosis. Only it should not be used during an exacerbation. In this case, they usually act on reflexogenic places, which are responsible for blood circulation, and therefore for nourishing the sore spot. The following types of physiotherapy are used at these points:

    • magnetic therapy;
    • acupuncture therapy;
    • electroacupuncture;
    • applying cold or heat;
    • application/administration of medications, that is, pharmacopuncture.

    If you use pharmacopuncture, injecting the drug directly into the sore spot, its concentration can be greatly reduced, and thus most of the unpleasant “side effects” can be avoided. This makes drug therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis more effective.

    Manual therapy

    Not a single case of treatment for lumbar osteochondrosis can be done without this type of therapy. Treatment, depending on the individual patient, may have different goals:

    • relaxing the back with vibration and stroking;
    • improvement of blood circulation in the lumbar region;
    • strengthening muscles by deep kneading;
    • realignment of the vertebra.

    With an individual approach, you can develop the best strategy for treating lumbar osteochondrosis so that it is as effective as possible.


    This technique is on the list of the most effective types of therapy for osteochondrosis. This pathology spasms the muscles, which means that movements are constrained not only in the lower back, but also in the legs. If the doctor gives the patient a massage correctly, the results of therapy can be as follows:

    • return of muscle tone to normal;
    • improved nutrition of lower back tissues, including vertebrae;
    • stronger muscle corset;
    • pain relief.

    During the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, only a highly qualified doctor has the right to massage the patient. This is due to the fact that improper impact on the spinal column can pinch the nerve endings. At home, massage should be done during remission, and only using gentle techniques. During the process, you must follow several important rules:

    • the patient lies on something hard, and in the “stomach” position;
    • As a preliminary stage of any massage, you should definitely prepare your back. That is, rub it, knead it and stroke it for a while;
    • move your hands only from the center to the sides;
    • Three types of massage are allowed at home: cupping, classic, honey.

    Classic massage refers to a variety of kneading and pinching. Everything is done with your fingertips, and the massage therapist should not apply much effort. Having prepared the patient's back, he should find the most sore spot and massage it for several minutes.

    Involves the use of special vacuum. Oil is applied to the patient's back, after which the jars are fixed. The skin grip should be about 1.5 cm, and the cups should be placed about 3 cm from the spinal column. When massaging, you should move the cups along the lower back in different directions, starting from the bottom.

    The easiest massage to perform is. It involves distributing liquid honey over the body by patting. The combination of honey with the influence of hands has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

    Exercise therapy

    Unfortunately, the patient does not always have the opportunity to immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Then he has to look for his sources of information about treatment. The safest thing to do here is to do special exercises designed specifically to strengthen the lower back.

    The only type allowed during an exacerbation is relaxation and breathing. Then, when the exacerbation passes, it is allowed to perform other exercises designed to strengthen the abs and back. But even then, under no circumstances should you make sudden movements with a large amplitude if you do not want to displace the still weak vertebrae. Therefore, it is recommended to first do the exercises under the supervision of a doctor, and only then on your own, at home.

    Below is an effective gymnastic complex.

    1. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Without getting up or turning over, raise your back and spend a few seconds in this position, while the weight should be on the thoracic region. Do it ten times.
    2. You can also pump up your abs while lying on your back. Raise your head up and tighten your abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for half a minute, and from time to time this time must be gradually increased. Do this for 5 minutes.
    3. Lie on something hard. Bend and straighten your knees. During the process, the soles should not be lifted off the floor; they should slide along the floor. This exercise should be done for 3-5 minutes.
    4. Another exercise that strengthens the back muscles is walking on all fours. In this case, the back should be either raised or concave towards the bottom. You can walk like this for as long as you can, but preferably for at least 15 minutes.

    Secrets of traditional medicine

    With osteochondrosis, not only official medicine helps, but also a variety of folk remedies. Warming and anti-inflammatory compresses, herbal decoctions, and various ointments have proven themselves to be quite effective.

    A decoction of burdock (thistle) leaves is a good pain reliever. The compress can be left overnight.

    Taking a warm bath with pine needle, knotweed and/or chamomile extract can help relax your muscles and reduce pain.

    If you drink lilac tincture and/or a decoction of St. John's wort and burdock (thistle) roots, you can relieve pain.

    Prevention of pathology

    Exacerbations of osteochondrosis can be prevented by observing the following rules:

    • properly organize work and rest;
    • sit comfortably;
    • lie and stand correctly;
    • do not lift excessive weights.

    • You should not sit on soft things. For sedentary work, a firm chair is required, the back of which reaches to the middle of the head. Moreover, the seat should be located at a height of 2/3 of the thigh length so that the legs are on the floor;
    • You can’t slouch while sitting either;
    • once every 15 minutes you need to change your position;
    • for sleeping, use an orthopedic mattress or at least just a hard surface;
    • if you have to carry heavy loads, load your arms equally;
    • to lift weights, do not bend over, but squat down, while keeping your back straight;
    • If possible, try to do self-massage.


    For someone who first felt the symptoms of osteochondrosis, the most difficult thing is to begin treatment, and also to understand that spinal disease, in this case, is the root of all pathologies in the body. The patient should not conduct questionable experiments on his health and self-medicate. Especially considering that it is aimed at relieving symptoms, and not the disease itself. If treatment for this pathology is started in a timely manner, it can be cured quite quickly, so that only memories of the disease remain.

    From this article you will learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Its stages, first aid, medication therapy, at home. Prognosis for recovery from the disease.

    Article publication date: 06/17/2019

    Article updated date: 01/18/2020

    Lumbar osteochondrosis is a disease in which the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine lose their ability to absorb moisture and nutrients. As a result, they collapse, delaminate and “sag” under the pressure of neighboring vertebrae.

    Elastic intervertebral discs perform several functions:

    • soften shocks and protect the vertebrae from damage when walking, jumping and running;
    • provide mobility of the lumbar spine.

    Changes in the lumbar spine often begin under the influence of various provoking factors - physical activity, excess weight, circulatory disorders, age. Intervertebral discs dry out, crack, lose height, lose their functions, protrude to the side and irritate adjacent tissues (nerve endings, ligaments, muscles).

    Changes in intervertebral discs in osteochondrosis

    During various activities associated with bending or turning, a person with lumbar osteochondrosis experiences acute, shooting spinal pain radiating to the leg (sciatica).

    Since the lower back bears an increased load (the weight of the body and arms), lumbar osteochondrosis is considered the most common form of the disease.

    To one degree or another, it appears in 80–90% of people after 40 years of age, regardless of gender.

    Most at risk:

    • obese people;
    • people engaged in heavy physical labor (masons, weightlifters);
    • people leading a sedentary lifestyle (office workers, drivers).

    Osteochondrosis is dangerous: it can cause compression of the spinal cord by a herniated disc protrusion, loss of ability to work, and disability as a result of these processes.

    How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis? The disease cannot be cured completely, since it is based on the natural aging of intervertebral disc tissue. But in the early stages you can successfully and permanently stop its development.

    A specialist who treats any diseases of the spine is. However, if necessary or if such a specialist is not available, you can contact orthopedists and arthrologists.

    The mechanism of development of osteochondrosis (including the lumbar region)

    What is the cause of disorders occurring in the intervertebral discs? Until a certain age (10–15 years) in humans, nutrients are delivered to the intervertebral discs through blood vessels.

    After this age, the vessels lose their functions (empty), and nutrients enter the disc from bone tissue by diffusion (exchange of molecules across the entire surface with which they come into contact).

    When the intervertebral disc is loaded and compressed, moisture is squeezed out of it into the vertebral body, and the disc itself is slightly flattened. Then it absorbs moisture again, swells and takes on its original shape.

    Click on photo to enlarge

    As a result of excessive, constant loads, the tissue of the intervertebral disc begins to crack, micro-tears form, and in their place are small foci of inflammation.

    Since the load does not stop, there are more and more such ruptures and areas of inflammation, which negatively affects the ability of the disc to absorb nutrients and water.

    The disc becomes less elastic, delaminates, and its central part (nucleus pulposus), under pressure from the bodies of neighboring vertebrae, protrudes to the side (protrusion of the intervertebral disc).

    With the appearance of protrusion, the patient experiences symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis - pain in a certain point of the back, muscle tension. The protrusion irritates the adjacent tissues, causing them to become inflamed and muscle spasms occur.

    The next stage of the disease occurs when the central part of the intervertebral disc breaks through the tissue (hernia). This causes the development of aseptic inflammation (exacerbation of osteochondrosis).

    A decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs provokes weakening of the ligaments and displacement of the vertebrae, which can also cause compression of the spinal cord roots.

    Also, along the edges of the vertebral bodies, bone outgrowths begin to form (a mechanism of protection against compression), which limit the mobility of the lumbar region.

    It is at this moment that a whole complex of symptoms appears under the general name “sciatica”: pain syndrome associated with degenerative diseases of the spine.

    One of the next exacerbations leads to compression of the vertebral artery, which feeds this part of the spinal cord. This causes oxygen starvation (ischemia) and disruption of all functions.

    At the last stage, the surrounding tissues are absorbed and the central part of the intervertebral disc, which has extended beyond its limits, is dissolved. Damaged ligaments ossify, and all symptoms of the disease, except stiffness, subside.

    Causes of the disease

    We found out what osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is. What are the reasons for its appearance?

    One of the main ones is the natural aging of intervertebral disc tissue (abbreviated IVD), accelerated by factors such as:

    1. Excessive or insufficient physical activity.
    2. Excess weight.
    3. Injuries, circulatory disorders.
    4. Curvature of the spinal column.
    5. Diseases (infectious inflammation of bone tissue, metabolic disorders).

    Four stages

    Stages Signs

    Stage 1 (degree)

    Loss of elasticity, subsidence, microdamage to intervertebral disc tissue

    Formation of protrusion (protrusion of IVD tissue beyond the fibrous ring), bone growths along the edge of the adjacent vertebral bodies

    Intervertebral disc rupture (herniation)

    Increase in the number and size of bone spines

    Partial ossification of the spinal ligaments (at the points of attachment to the vertebral body)

    Acute manifestations of the disease subside, soft tissues ossify

    In 4–5% of cases, loss of ability to work occurs, disability

    Characteristic symptoms of the disease, their dependence on the stage

    Osteochondrosis begins gradually.

    The first obvious sign of pathology is dull, aching, constant or prolonged local pain. It occurs when a person walks, stands or sits in one position for a long time (lumbodynia), and goes away as soon as he lies down and relaxes.

    At stage 1, tension is felt and the lumbar muscles quickly tire.

    At the following stages, several pain syndromes join the first symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis:

    • lumbago, or lumbago (pain syndrome), when lifting heavy objects or awkward sudden movements;
    • pain radiating to the leg, combined with numbness, tingling of the limb (lumboischialgia).

    Symptoms gradually increase. During an exacerbation, pain may appear with the most minor but sudden movements - sneezing, coughing.

    A person develops a “rooster” gait - he raises his leg high and throws it forward, slapping his feet on the floor.

    Stages Signs

    Stage 1 (degree)

    Tension, fatigue, fatigue, and occasionally muscle pain

    Dull, aching, prolonged pain, aggravated by prolonged exercise or staying in one position

    Stiffness and crunching in the lower back

    Constant and severe pain spreads along the affected nerves, radiating to the leg

    With awkward and sudden movements, lumbago occurs

    At stage 3 of lumbar osteochondrosis, pain is combined with tingling, numbness of the limb, dysfunction of the pelvic organs (up to fecal and urinary incontinence) and supporting function, muscle weakness

    Movement is severely limited (mainly due to constant pain)

    Acute manifestations of the disease subside due to ossification of soft tissues

    The most pronounced signs of this stage are stiffness of the spine, smoothing of the natural curve in the lower back

    Sometimes the disease can be complicated by death of adjacent tissues (bedsores, necrosis), ischemic stroke of the spinal cord, and patient disability (4–5%)

    Possible complications (consequences of the disease):

    • hernia - a breakthrough and release of the central part of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal;
    • compression of the spinal artery of Adamkiewicz - a circulatory disorder that causes ischemic stroke and tissue death;
    • compression of the spinal cord by a hernia - loss of ability to work, disability.

    Symptoms are almost the same in men and women. The slight difference is that:

    • in men, all symptoms are more pronounced, muscles quickly weaken and lose their functions;
    • Women are more often diagnosed with various complications of the pathology.


    The disease is diagnosed based on numerous diagnostic signs (for example, smoothing of the subgluteal fold due to relaxation of the gluteal muscle).

    To confirm use:

    1. X-rays reveal changes in the height of intervertebral discs, bone growths, and vertebral displacements.
    2. MRI makes it possible to diagnose IVD hernia, exclude malignant tumors, ankylosing spondylitis (an inflammatory disease of the spinal joints with a decrease in their mobility), rheumatism.
    3. Discography with the introduction of contrast - if you need to examine the most minor and deep damage to the IVD.
    4. Electromyography (assessment of electrical activity of muscles) - to determine the localization of inflammation along the affected nerve.

    If the roots of the spinal cord are compressed and pronounced neurological symptoms appear (pain in the lumbar region, upper thigh, gluteal region, limited mobility in the lumbar region), in addition to the vertebrologist, drug treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is carried out by a neurologist.

    Treatment methods

    Spinal osteochondrosis itself is incurable. The pathology is based on the irreversible but natural processes of aging of body tissues.

    But in the early stages it can be stopped with therapeutic exercises and other preventive measures.

    When pronounced symptoms of the disease appear (at times of exacerbation of osteochondrosis), the pathology is treated with conservative methods.

    For osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, surgical treatment is rarely used - if there is a threat of compression of the spinal cord by an intervertebral hernia.

    First aid (relieving exacerbation)

    For further treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis to be effective, severe pain in the lower back must be relieved.

    How to give first aid at home:

    • place the patient on a flat and hard surface (a board instead of a mattress);
    • rub your lower back with an anesthetic gel (Diklak, Fastum) or apply a transdermal anesthetic patch (Olfen);
    • give a pain reliever (Ketoprofen, Ketorolac).

    Bed rest must be observed for 3 to 5 days. If the pain does not go away during this time, an anesthetic blockade (medicine injections in the lumbar region, for example, Diclofenac, Novocaine) will help. However, it can only be done in a hospital setting.

    Conservative therapy

    After the pain has been relieved, the patient is prescribed medications.

    With lumbar osteochondrosis, symptoms and medication treatment are closely related. The doctor selects medications based on the pronounced signs of the disease:

    • anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Meloxicam) in injections, tablets and ointments for the lumbar region;
    • analgesics for pain relief (Flupirtine);
    • glucocorticoids in injections into the lumbar region (blockades with Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone for severe pain, inflammation, signs of compression of the spinal cord roots);
    • vasodilators that improve blood supply and nutrition of paravertebral tissues (Trental, Pentoxifylline in injections);
    • muscle relaxants that relax the spinal muscles (Tolperisone, Sirdalud);
    • vitamin complexes to normalize metabolism (Milgamma);
    • antidepressants (Sertraline), anticonvulsants (Gabapentin) when neurological symptoms (signs of compression of nerve endings) appear.

    Click on photo to enlarge

    To prevent further destruction of intervertebral discs in the early stages, a long course of taking medications from the group of chondroprotectors (at least 6 months), for example Teraflex, is effective.

    Conservative therapy for exacerbations lasts up to 3 weeks. All this time, the patient must observe a gentle regimen (preferably in bed), and when walking, relieve the spine with the help of an orthopedic corset.


    In order to quickly relieve pain and inflammation, restore the functions of the spine, and improve its blood supply, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures.

    In the early stages of treatment - electrophoresis (administration of drugs through the skin using an electric current) with painkillers or hormonal agents to the lumbar region.

    In the future apply:

    Therapeutic massage is very effective. With its help, it is possible to relieve residual effects of the disease, improve the tone or relieve tension in the lower back muscles, improve blood circulation, and quickly restore the functions of the spine.

    During the recovery period and throughout life, the patient is recommended to perform gymnastic exercises.

    They allow you to restore the functions of the lumbar spine, strengthen the back muscles, preventing further destruction of the intervertebral discs and displacement of the vertebrae.


    Orthopedic traction – mechanical traction of the spine (on special tables, in water). This method of treating osteochondrosis is very effective.

    It is used to:

    • increase the distance between the vertebrae;
    • relieve the load from the lumbar region;
    • reduce the pressure of protrusion and hernia on adjacent tissues;
    • relieve the remaining (pain, inflammation, swelling) after you have managed to cope with the severe signs of the disease.

    After each procedure (a total course consists of 10–12 procedures), the patient needs to lie in a horizontal position on a hard surface for about 1 hour.

    Between procedures, to unload the spine, it is recommended to wear a corset, as well as perform a set of special exercises that help consolidate the positive result.

    Folk remedies

    Manifestations of the pathology can be successfully treated at home on your own (in case of exacerbation of the disease, you should definitely consult a doctor):

    How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis with these drugs? If there is no irritation or rash on the skin, use until symptoms disappear completely.

    In addition to folk ointments and rubs, pharmaceutical preparations (Capsicam, Espol, Gevkamen) can be used for treatment at home.


    Preventive measures for the occurrence of the disease:

    1. Prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis by treating the diseases leading to it.
    2. Lack of excessive or too infrequent physical activity.
    3. Limiting loads on the lower back.
    4. Good nutrition (food rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids).
    5. Losing excess weight.
    6. Special orthopedic mattress or sleep board.
    7. Therapeutic exercise to strengthen the back muscles.

    For patients with osteochondrosis, swimming (allows you to relieve stress from the lumbar region), constant exercise therapy, massage or manual therapy 2 times a year, mud or mineral baths are useful.

    Prognosis for recovery

    Lumbar osteochondrosis is a common disease (to one degree or another, it appears in 90% of people after 40–45 years). Due to the load on this part of the spine, it is diagnosed more often than other forms (cervical, thoracic).

    Despite the fact that osteochondrosis is an incurable disease, the prognosis with early treatment is good.

    In 80% of cases, the appearance of severe pain syndromes (lumbago, lumboischialgia) and complications can be prevented by a set of exercise therapy exercises, regular massage courses and other physiotherapeutic procedures.

    After the appearance of severe symptoms, the patient is treated in a hospital, relieving the exacerbation with medications. This takes from 1 to 3 weeks.

    It takes up to 8 months to completely restore the functions of the lumbar region (physiotherapy, wearing a corset, using chondroprotectors and local agents that improve blood circulation).

    Primary sources of information, scientific materials on the topic

    • Traumatology and orthopedics, Kavalersky G. M. Electronic version, section: degenerative diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis.
    • Osteochondrosis of the spine. Yumashev G. S. El. option, section “Lumbar osteochondrosis”.

    Lumbar osteochondrosis (osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region) is a very common disease. Almost every third person has experienced lower back pain at least once in their life, and their most common cause is lumbar osteochondrosis. It affects men and women equally.

    What is lumbar osteochondrosis? Like other types of osteochondrosis, lumbar osteochondrosis is damage to the cartilage tissue of the spine, which, as the disease develops, leads to damage to the vertebrae themselves. With lumbar osteochondrosis, destructive changes are observed in the lumbosacral spine.

    Causes of lumbar osteochondrosis

    Reasons lumbar osteochondrosis are most often caused by back injuries and a sedentary lifestyle. At risk for lumbar osteochondrosis are people whose profession involves stress on the back: loaders, builders, even waiters, as well as those who have a sedentary job: drivers, computer technicians and other office workers.

    Unfavorable heredity plays a significant role in the development of the disease. The relative contribution of hereditary factors to the development of neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis is approximately 68%, the rest is unfavorable external influences on the spine.

    Pain in lumbar osteochondrosis can be of a different nature - aching, occurring after a long period of sitting or sleeping at night, or sharp shooting pain that catches you in the most uncomfortable position and does not allow you to straighten up. All of them are associated with pinched nerve roots, irritation of the spinal column’s own nerves, as well as swelling and irritation of the muscles and ligaments in the innervation zone of the lumbar spine.

    It is worth noting that in practice it is very rare to encounter isolated lumbar osteochondrosis; more often it is observed simultaneously with cervical osteochondrosis.

    Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

    With lumbar osteochondrosis, the onset of pain or its exacerbation is most often preceded by physical overload, and a painful reaction to it can occur both after the load and a day after it. Most often, patients experience dull, aching pain in the lower back (lumbodynia), sometimes radiating to the leg. There may be complaints of pain in the leg, which intensifies when trying to lift something heavy, when shaking, sneezing, coughing, changing the position of the body, and also if it is in one position for a long time.

    With exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, patients complain of the inability to straighten up or move - since any movement increases the pain, and of strong and constant tension in the back muscles. Even after a short stay in the cold, acute pain in the lower back (“lumbago”) may occur.

    Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis are also:

    • loss of sensitivity in the buttocks, thighs and legs, sometimes in the foot,
    • goose bumps and tingling in the legs,
    • chilliness of the legs, spasm of the arteries of the feet - sometimes even the pulse disappears,
    • sweating disorder
    • dryness and flaking of the skin in areas of pain or loss of sensitivity.

    If, with lumbar osteochondrosis, the spinal cord is pinched, there is a disturbance in urination or defecation, as well as a disturbance in the sensitivity of the bladder or genital organs.

    The most unpleasant complication lumbar osteochondrosis- vertebral instability. The disc no longer secures the vertebra, and when loaded under the influence of gravity, the lumbar region “slides” from the sacrum. And this already provokes dangerous disorders in the internal organs, especially in the genitourinary system: women have problems with the appendages, uterus, ovaries; in men - with potency.

    Diseases contributing to the development of lumbar osteochondrosis

    Many diseases of the internal organs contribute to the occurrence of lumbar osteochondrosis and the appearance of pain. Thus, more than 28% of patients with clinical manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The reason is that in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, etc., the flow of pain impulses causes tension and spasm of muscles and blood vessels. This leads to oxygen starvation and the development of a degenerative process in the corresponding areas of the body. The process aggravates the metabolic disorders observed in these diseases. Diseases of the pelvic organs can also provoke lumbar pain: in women - inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis), in men - inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). Congestion in the pelvic cavity, observed with these diseases, as well as with hemorrhoids, chronic colitis , constipation, also contribute to the manifestation of lumbar osteochondrosis.

    What is osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine? What are its symptoms? How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis?

    About causes and symptoms osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region spine and new treatment methods, Ph.D. E.L. Shakhramanova, doctor of the consultative and outpatient department of the Research Institute of Rheumatology.

    Types of manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis

    The most complete and systematized classification of vertebrogenic (spine-related) diseases of the peripheral nervous system was proposed by I. P. Antonov. According to this classification, the following clinical syndromes can be distinguished: lumbar osteochondrosis:

    1. Reflex- lumbago, lumbodynia, lumboischialgia.
    2. Radicular- vertebrogenic (discogenic) lumbosacral radiculitis with damage, more often than not, to the fifth lumbar or first sacral root.
    3. Radicular-vascular syndromes- radiculoischemia, or compression along with the root of vessels (radicular artery, vein).

    The therapeutic pain-relieving anti-inflammatory patch NANOPLAST forte can provide great assistance in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.

    Lumbar osteochondrosis: treatment with NANOPLAST forte therapeutic patch

    With therapeutic treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis Various drugs are used, such as NSAIDs, muscle relaxants and other drugs. All these remedies are effective, but if used for a long time they can cause harm to the body. Therefore, it is very important to minimize side effects and increase the effectiveness of treatment for lumbar osteochondrosis. A new generation drug can help with this - the pain-relieving anti-inflammatory medical patch NANOPLAST forte.

    In the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the therapeutic plaster NANOPLAST forte is very effective, it allows you to relieve pain and inflammation, improve blood circulation in the area affected by lumbar osteochondrosis, and allows you to reduce the dose of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    For lumbar osteochondrosis, the therapeutic plaster NANOPLAST forte is applied to the lumbar region. To achieve maximum effect, the patch must be applied transversely to the spine. It is usually recommended to use the patch in the morning for 12 hours, but it can also be used at night. The course of treatment is from 9 days.

    High efficiency, unique composition, long-term (up to 12 hours!) therapeutic effects, ease of use and affordable price make NANOPLAST forte the drug of choice in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.