Ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid powder: instructions for use, description and reviews

Included dragee includes ascorbic acid, starch syrup, sugar, talc, light mineral oil, yellow wax, dye E104 (quinoline yellow), orange flavor.

Compound r/ra for IV and IM administration: ascorbic acid (0.05 g/ml or 0.1 g/ml), sodium bicarbonate and sulfite, water saturated with carbon dioxide for injection.

The tablets contain ascorbic acid, dextrose, sugar, potato starch, additive E470 (calcium stearate), flavoring (strawberry/raspberry/cranberry/wild berries).

Chewable tablets contain ascorbic acid, refined sugar, magnesium stearate, , microcrystalline cellulose, orange flavor, hypromellose, yellow E110 (“Sunset”) or beta-carotene.

Release form

  • Dragees, packaged in 50, 100 or 200 pcs. in bottles made of polymer materials/glass jars or 10 pieces in blister packs, 5 packs in a cardboard box.
  • R/R for intravenous and intramuscular administration of 5 and 10% in ampoules of 1, 2 and 5 ml, 10 ampoules in a cardboard box.
  • Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Dosage 0.05 g. The drug is available in ampoules, 5 ampoules in a cardboard pack complete with solvent (water for 2 ml).
  • Powder for the preparation of oral solution for oral administration. Dosage 1 and 2.5 g; sold in paper bags laminated with PE.
  • Tablets, packaged in 50 pcs. in glass jars.
  • Chewable tablets in package No. 30.

Pharmacological action

Vitamin preparation . Ascorbic acid V pure form.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug has activity vitamin C. Has a metabolic effect, regulates oxidation-reduction reactions and transport of hydrogen in large quantities biochemical reactions, improves the use of glucose in the citrate cycle, accelerates tissue regeneration, takes part in the formation of H4-folate, collagen And steroid hormones .

Maintains normal permeability of capillary walls and the colloidal state of the extracellular matrix. Activates proteases, participates in metabolism , pigments and aromatic amino acids, promotes the deposition of glycogen in the liver.

Due to the activation of liver cytochromes, it increases its protein-forming and detoxification activity, as well as synthesis prothrombin . Restores endocrine function schthyroid gland and exocrine - pancreas , stimulates separation bile .

Regulates immunological reactivity (activates the production , antibodies, components of the complement system C3), promotes phagocytosis and strengthening .

Renders antiallergic effect and stops inflammatory processes. Inhibits the production of mediators anaphylaxis and inflammation (including prostaglandins ), inhibits ejection histamine and accelerates its degradation.

Because in the human body vitamin C is not produced, insufficient amounts in food provoke hypo- And vitamin deficiency C .

The daily norm for men is 0.07-0.1 g, for women - 0.08 g. During pregnancy, the need increases to 0.1 g, during lactation - up to 0.12 g. Children and adolescents, depending on age, should take from 0.03 to 0.07 g of vitamin C.

Absorbed in the small intestine: when taking less than 0.2 g, about 2/3 is absorbed dose taken; with increasing dose, absorption decreases to 50-20%.

The concentration of ascorbic acid when taken orally reaches a maximum after 4 hours.

The substance easily penetrates into And , and subsequently - into all tissues; deposited in the adrenal cortex, posterior lobe , intestinal walls, muscle tissue, brain, ovaries, interstitial cells of the seminal glands, ocular epithelium, spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and thyroid glands, heart.

Biotransformed mainly in the liver.

Ascorbate and its metabolites ( diketogulonic And oxaloacetic acid ) are excreted in urine and intestinal contents, and are also excreted in breast milk and sweat gland secretions.

Indications for use

The use of the drug is advisable for:

The antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid are used in the treatment , , infectious and alcoholic delirium, diffuse lesions connective tissue(SKV, , scleroderma ), overdose of anticoagulants, intoxication with barbiturates, sulfonamides, benzene, aniline, methyl alcohol, anesthesin, carbon monoxide, dichloroethane, disulfiram, hydrocyanic acid, potassium permanganate, phenols, thallium, arsenic, , aconite.

Taking the drug is also indicated during the recovery period after illnesses and surgical interventions.

Intravenously and intramuscularly Ascorbic acid in ampoules is administered in situations where it is necessary to quickly fill the deficiency vitamin C , as well as in situations when oral administration impossible.

In particular, parenteral administration required when Addison's disease , a number of gastrointestinal diseases (in conditions after resection of the area small intestine And gastrectomy , persistent diarrhea , peptic ulcer ).


Absolute contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • complicated And thrombophlebitis, venous diseases .

Conditions in which Ascorbic acid is prescribed with caution:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • kidney pathologies (in particular, urolithiasis - when using more than 1 g per day);
  • hemochromatosis ;
  • thalassemia ;
  • progressive tumor diseases ;
  • sideroblastic And sickle cell anemia ;
  • polycythemia ;
  • deficiency of the cytosolic enzyme G6PD.

In pediatrics, the restriction on the use of Ascorbic acid tablets is the age of up to 4 years. Tablets are prescribed from the age of six. Chewable tablets in pediatric practice do not use.

Side effects

From the heart, vascular and hematopoietic systems: neutrophilic leukocytosis , thrombocytosis , erythropenia , hyperprothrombinemia .

From the senses and nervous system: weakness and dizziness (with too rapid administration of ascorbic acid intravenously).

From the outside digestive tract: when taken orally - (when taken more than 1 g/day), irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, accompanied by nausea, diarrhea , vomiting, erosion of tooth enamel (with frequent use of chewing tablets or lozenges/tablets).

Metabolic disorders: disruption of metabolic processes, inhibition of production glycogen , overeducation adrenergic steroids , water and Na retention, hypokalemia .

From the urogenital tract: increase , formation of oxalate stones (especially with long-term use more than 1 g per day), damage glomerular apparatus of the kidneys .

When injected into a muscle, pain may occur at the injection site; injection into a vein may be accompanied by a feeling of heat.

The substance is strong allergen and can provoke hypersensitivity reactions even in cases where the person does not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Reserves vitamin C are depleted with prolonged use of calcium chloride, drugs quinoline series , salicylates , corticosteroids .

Solution A.K. interacts with the majority medicines when mixed in one syringe.

Terms of sale

A prescription is required to purchase the solution. Other forms of release are available without a prescription.

Example of a recipe in Latin for a 5% solution:
Sol. Acidi ascorbinici 5% – 1 ml
D.t.d. N.10 in amp.
S. Intramuscularly, 1 ml 2 times a day.

Recipe in Latin for the tablet form of the drug:
Acidi ascorbinici 0.05
D.t.d. N. 50 in tab.
S. For 2 tables. 3 times a day after meals

Storage conditions

Ascorbic acid should be stored in a light-protected place, inaccessible to children, at a temperature of no more than 25°C.

Best before date

The solution is considered suitable for use within a year, the dragee - within a year and a half after the date of issue. Shelf life for powder, lyophilisate and chewable tablets- 2 years. Ascorbic acid in tablets preserves pharmacological properties within 3 years.

Special instructions

Wikipedia states that vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is an organic compound related to glucose. Its benefits for human body is huge - the vitamin functions as a coenzyme of the series metabolic processes, antioxidant and reducing agent.

According to the International Pharmacopoeia, the substance appears as a crystalline powder, almost white or white With sour taste. Easily soluble in water, soluble in ethanol (approximately 750 g/l) TS, practically insoluble in other organic solvents, the powder is practically insoluble. Belongs to the category of antiscorbutic drugs.

Vitamin C in solution it quickly collapses when exposed to air; Even in a light-protected place, it gradually collapses in a humid atmosphere. The rate of destruction increases with increasing temperature.

Ascorbic acid is present in all tissues higher plants and animals. Man, unlike most animals, in the process of evolution due to mutation, lost the ability to independently synthesize vitamin C , and receives it exclusively from food.

OKPD code for ascorbic acid ( vitamin C ) - For food industry the substance is obtained in accordance with GOST 4815-76.

Quantitative determination of a substance

Methods quantification A.k. based on its pronounced restorative properties.

The simplest, most objective and in an exact way is a method of determination based on the ability of A.K. reduce ferric ions into ferrous ions.

The amount of Fe2+ ions formed is equimolar to the amount of A.c. in the analyzed sample (the minimum amount of A.C. in the sample is 10 nmol) and is determined by the color reaction with potassium iron sulfide.

What is ascorbic acid needed for?

The substance participates in the processes of biotransformation of other , education , as well as education and exchange And norepinephrine in the medulla adrenal glands , supplies hydrogen for the formation of nuclear DNA, reduces the body’s need for B vitamins , increases the body’s immunobiological resistance, affects activity leukocytes ; improving the absorption of Fe, thereby enhancing the synthesis hemoglobin and maturation red blood cells , neutralizes toxins released by pathogenic microflora, accelerates wound healing and postoperative sutures and healing of fractures.

Ascorbic acid in urine is important indicator health of the body. Small quantity vitamin C in urine may indicate malfunction internal organs or development tumor process. Elevated concentrations of ascorbic acid may indicate an unbalanced diet and the likelihood of kidney stones.

Daily excretion rate vitamin C urine - 0.03 g. When diagnosing this indicator, we can conclude that a person receives a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, and his body works optimally.

How many calories are in ascorbic acid?

100 grams of product contains 0.1 g of fat, 0.1 g of protein and 95.78 g of carbohydrates. This amount of carbohydrates allows you to compensate for more than a third (namely 35%*) daily requirement in them.

*average value is given nutritional value products from different sources. Data may vary depending on the origin of the product. The value is given for a diet that involves consuming 2 thousand kcal per day.

Calorie content of 100 grams of product is 970 kJ or 231.73 kcal.

Why is ascorbic acid useful in cosmetology?

In cosmetology, ascorbic acid is used in preparations that slow down aging, restore protective functions and healing accelerating agents.

The easiest way to use vitamin C for hair - add powder (crushed tablet) or solution to a single portion of shampoo or hair mask. Ascorbic acid should be added to care products immediately before use.

Such simple procedures can restore hair structure, prevent hair loss, and make hair soft and shiny.

For the face, ascorbic acid is most often used in powder. Before the procedure, the powder (or crushed tablets) is mixed with mineral water to make it work thick paste. The product is applied to the face for 20 minutes and then washed off.

Daily rubbing with a solution of ascorbic acid diluted with mineral water in a 1:1 ratio is also beneficial for the face. You can also add the solution/powder to homemade masks.

How is ascorbic acid beneficial for athletes?

Vitamin C is a stimulator of anabolism muscle mass, which makes it appropriate to use it in bodybuilding. In addition, scientists were able to prove that by suppressing the process of peroxidation and secretion cortisol he also provides anti-catabolic effect . Thus, the reception vitamin C before training will protect muscles and slow down protein breakdown.

Upon completion of the course anabolic steroids ascorbic acid is taken as a component of PCT (post-cycle therapy).

Ascorbic acid to induce menstruation

High doses vitamin C prevent entry progesterone into the uterus, so ascorbic acid is often taken when menstruation is late.

However, doctors do not advise abusing this method. Firstly, repeated use of ascorbic acid can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, taking pills can make it difficult to diagnose the causes of the failure menstrual cycle and further treatment.


Too fast should be avoided intravenous administration Ascorbic acid solution. If necessary long-term use The drug requires monitoring of blood pressure, renal function, and glucose levels.

Ascorbic acid alters laboratory test results.


Additiva Vitamin C , Asvitol , Ascovit , Vitamin C , Vitamin C-injectopas , Rostvit , Setebe 500 , Cevicap , Celascon Vitamin C , Citravit , (+ Ascorbic acid).

For weight loss

Ascorbic acid does not reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and cannot eliminate the consequences of an unbalanced diet and inactive lifestyle, so its use as a independent means not suitable for weight loss.

However, vitamin C is by no means an unnecessary addition to the diet of those losing weight, because it helps strengthen the immune system, improve general well-being at chronic diseases and more rapid recovery muscles after physical activity.

Can pregnant women take ascorbic acid?

The minimum requirement for ascorbic acid during pregnancy is approximately 0.06 g/day. (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters). It is important to consider that the fetus can adapt to increased doses taken by a woman. vitamin C . The consequence of this may be withdrawal syndrome in the newborn.

In accordance with the FDA classification, injectable forms of ascorbic acid belong to group C on the scale possible risks for the fetus. The administration of the solution can be prescribed to a pregnant woman only if absolutely necessary.

Use of high doses vitamin C for intravenous administration during pregnancy can cause miscarriage.

The minimum requirement during breastfeeding is 0.08 g/day. Theoretically, there are certain risks for the child when a nursing woman uses too high doses vitamin C .

In order for the body to resist the viruses and bacteria that penetrate it, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. One of the remedies recommended during treatment various diseases and as a preventive measure, ascorbic acid is used.

Pharmacological properties

The drug takes part in many redox reactions and has a nonspecific general stimulating effect on the body.

Absorption occurs in the duodenum and small intestine.

An increase in the concentration of vitamin C in the blood plasma after ingestion of the solution is observed after 30 minutes. Excretion of ascorbate and its metabolites in urine is 90%. The rest leaves the body with feces and the secretion of the sweat glands.

The importance of vitamin C for humans

Vitamin C is involved in all basic life processes, but it is not able to be independently produced and accumulated in the body. If its reserves are not replenished, the process of collagen production stops, which leads to connective tissue degeneration. On initial stage Vitamin C deficiency negatively affects the condition of hair and nails. Color skin becomes pale and the epidermis becomes dry.

The drug is an antioxidant. It protects against free radicals that enter the body through air or food.

Vitamin C is essential for maintaining hormonal levels, in particular the production of adrenaline. Its deficiency leads to:

  • poor blood flow;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • loss of strength;
  • depression, etc.

Indications for use of Ascorbic acid powder

The powder is intended for preparing a fortified drink that enriches the body with vitamin C. It is used as food additives. The drug is not a medicine, but it is often included in a therapeutic course for a cold or other illness.

Vitamin increases performance immune system, strengthens the walls of capillaries, the structure of teeth and bones. Due to its ability to influence blood clotting, the drug is prescribed for nosebleeds or after surgery.


Contraindicated for use in children under 4 years of age, as well as in pregnant women and nursing mothers. The solution should not be taken if you have the following health problems:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • thrombosis or a tendency to its occurrence;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • severe kidney pathology;
  • individual intolerance.

How to Take Ascorbic Acid Powder

To prepare a fortified drink, you need to dilute 2.5 g of powder (1 packet) in 250 ml of water.

Daily dosage - 50 ml of solution. The drink is consumed after meals. The recommended duration of use is 10-15 days.

Side effects of ascorbic acid powder

After consuming a fortified solution, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • heartburn;
  • crystalluria;
  • hives;
  • itching and rash of the epidermis;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • headaches;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • disturbance of zinc and copper metabolism;
  • an increase in the number of platelets in the blood;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In patients with blood cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, vitamin C can cause hemolysis of red blood cells.


  • epigastric pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • itching of the skin;
  • inhibition of the pancreas;
  • inflammation of the bladder mucosa;
  • formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed only when potential benefit for the mother exceeds the expected risk for the fetus.

The drug penetrates into breast milk, therefore, while taking vitamin C, it is necessary to transfer the child to artificial feeding.

Interaction with other drugs

The solution improves the absorption of iron preparations in the intestine. But when used simultaneously with Deferoxamine, the elimination of the latter from the body increases.

If you combine vitamin C with antipsychotics or heparin, there is a decrease therapeutic action medicines.

Barbiturates increase the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine.

Increases the risk of developing crystalluria when treated with salicylates and sulfonamides short acting, slows down the excretion of acids by the kidneys. Accelerates the process of leaving the body of drugs that have an alkaline reaction, reduces the concentration of oral contraceptives in the blood.

Special instructions

Due to the stimulating effect on the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones, it is necessary to monitor adrenal function and blood pressure during the therapeutic course.

At increased concentration iron in the body, it is recommended to use the drug in minimal doses.

A fortified drink can distort the results of various laboratory tests.

Storage conditions

The temperature in the room where powder packages are stored should not exceed +25°C. Avoid contact with moisture, contact with the drug sun rays. Keep out of reach of children. The shelf life of the powder is 3 years. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Vacation conditions

The drug is sold without a prescription.


The average cost for a package containing 10 packets of powder is 100 rubles.

Similar drugs

Ascorbic acid (powder) has no analogues, because is active substance. But if the pharmacy doesn't have this drug in its pure form, you can purchase other products that contain vitamin C. For example:

  • ascorbic acid with glucose;
  • Vita-Gem S;
  • Coldrex Immuno;
  • Upsavit;
  • Celascon.

How to drink ascorbic acid in powder, in tablets for adults, for colds?

Home first aid kit: taking vitamin C correctly is also not easy!

Ascorbic acid

International nonproprietary name

Ascorbic acid

Dosage form

Powder 2.5 g


One package contains

active substance - ascorbic acid 2.5 g


White or almost white crystalline powder or colorless crystals.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Vitamins. Ascorbic acid in its pure form

PBX code A11GA01

Pharmacological properties


Ascorbic acid is rapidly absorbed mainly in the duodenum and small intestines. Already 30 minutes after administration, the content of ascorbic acid in the blood increases noticeably, its uptake by tissues begins, and it first turns into dehydroascorbic acid, which has the ability to penetrate through cell membranes without energy costs and quickly recover in the cell. Ascorbic acid in tissues is found almost exclusively intracellularly and is determined in three forms - ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbigen (bound ascorbic acid). The distribution between organs is uneven: there is a lot of it in the endocrine glands, especially in the adrenal glands, less in the brain, kidneys, liver, heart and skeletal muscles. Ascorbic acid is partially metabolized and excreted up to 90% by the kidneys in the form of oxalate, partially in free form.


Ascorbic acid, which contains a dienol group, has pronounced reducing properties. This is due to its participation in redox processes, regulation of carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, blood clotting, biosynthesis of steroid hormones, tissue regeneration, synthesis of collagen and procollagen, normalization of capillary permeability, absorption of iron in the digestive canal. The drug enhances protective properties body during infectious diseases, increases resistance to colds, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, reduces concentration in the blood toxic substances, normalizes vascular permeability.

Indications for use

Hypo- and vitamin deficiency C

Hemorrhagic diathesis

Bleeding (nasal, pulmonary, hepatic, uterine, etc.)

Infectious diseases


Liver diseases

Bone fractures

Poorly healing wounds

Increased physical labor and mental stress

Directions for use and doses

Inside, after eating. 2.5 g of ascorbic acid powder (the contents of one sachet) are dissolved in 2.5 liters of freshly boiled chilled water. The solution is taken in accordance with the dosages suggested below. For dosing, it is recommended to use a medical measuring cup (note: medical measuring cup is not included).

Man gets different mineral complexes and vitamins from your diet. Each product is rich in one or another important substances. But sometimes it happens that there is a deficiency of vitamins, microelements or macroelements. What to do then? Fortunately, drug manufacturers are creating a variety of biologically active additives And useful complexes. If necessary, you can purchase them and replenish the missing substances. Today's article will tell you how and when powdered ascorbic acid is used. Reviews about this substance will also be presented to your attention.

Description of the drug

In powder it is a crumbly white substance interspersed with crystals. It tastes quite sour, but some consumers report the presence of sweet notes. The product is also available in other forms, to which various sweeteners and flavors can be added.

Ascorbic acid is packaged in sachets of 1 or 2.5 grams. Consider the purchased dose when using the drug, this is important. This substance is sold without a special prescription. One pack can contain from 10 to 100 sachets. The cost of one sachet is on average 5 rubles. Ascorbic acid (in powder) has instructions on its packaging. The annotation is also included as a separate sheet in the overall package.

Composition and action

What does the drug “Ascorbic acid” contain? Powder (2.5 grams) includes vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. The manufacturer does not use any additional substances. The effect of the medication is determined by its constituent component.

Ascorbic acid has an immunomodulatory effect: it increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. This vitamin also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is involved in metabolic processes. Ascorbic acid has an antioxidant and detoxifying effect. The medication can affect the acidity of the environment in the area of ​​administration. The vitamin strengthens bones, teeth and hair, and participates in the formation of intracellular collagen. Since ancient times, ascorbic acid (in powder and other forms) has been used for almost all diseases. It was used in folk medicine, are still used in cosmetology, gynecology, therapy and other branches of medical practice.

What is it prescribed for and in what cases is its use unacceptable?

What do the instructions say about the indications for using the drug “Ascorbic acid” (powder)? According to the annotation, this remedy is prescribed for a lack of vitamin C, hypovitaminosis. It is often found in the following conditions:

  • period of active growth in a child;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • not enough proper nutrition or diets;
  • heavy mental stress and fatigue;
  • physical training;
  • infectious diseases in acute and chronic form;
  • heavy menstruation in women;
  • in autumn and winter.

It is contraindicated to use the vitamin in any form when hypersensitivity. Also, the remedy is not prescribed if a person suffers diabetes mellitus and has a tendency to thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. Ascorbic acid in powder is not used with confirmed laboratory research. Otherwise, there is a risk of overdose, which is fraught with consequences.

How to take ascorbic acid powder: preparation method

Before using the product, it must be diluted. The proportion is one to one. To prepare the solution, use drinking water. If you doubt its purity, it is better to first boil and cool the liquid to room temperature. Open the package and read the instructions carefully. The abstract describes in detail how ascorbic acid is diluted: place the powder (2.5 grams) in 2.5 liters of water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

The solution should only be taken freshly prepared. It is better to consume it after meals to avoid digestive problems.

Dosage for children and adults

So, you have diluted ascorbic acid powder. Application of the drink requires the use of a measuring cup. This is the only way you can correctly determine the prescribed dose.

  • For the treatment of vitamin deficiency, adults are prescribed 50-100 milliliters up to 5 times a day. Children need to take 50 milliliters 2-3 times a day.
  • For the purpose of prevention, use 50 to 100 milliliters per day for adults, and 50 milliliters once for children.
  • Expectant mothers with a laboratory-confirmed deficiency of vitamin C or during a cold are recommended to take 300 milliliters for one or two weeks. Then you need to switch to using 100 milliliters of the drug per day.

The maximum daily dose must not be exceeded: for adults it is 1 gram of the drug (4 sachets).

Ascorbic acid and other drugs

What else does the instructions for use tell the consumer about the drug “Ascorbic acid”? Powder (2.5 grams) combines well with other medications. It is often prescribed in addition to antiviral compounds and an immunomodulator. Also carried out complex therapy with antibiotics. It is worth remembering the following important information:

  • the effect of the medication is reduced by taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • the drug is excreted in the urine to a greater extent when barbiturates are used;
  • vitamin C improves iron absorption;
  • V high doses affects the acidity of urine, which is fraught with consequences.

More information

About the drug “Ascorbic acid” (powder 2.5 g), the instructions indicate that the medication should be used with extreme caution in patients with urolithiasis. Due to the fact that vitamin powder enhances the absorption of iron, it can negatively affect the condition of patients with blood diseases.

The manufacturer does not recommend giving the drug to a child under 3 years of age. But the annotation does not stipulate any prohibitions regarding use in pediatrics. Doctors often prescribe vitamin C to children of preschool and school age.

Acid is not produced in the human body, but comes exclusively from food. Has a metabolic effect. Deficiency leads to development various complications. Most dangerous disease that may arise in the background complete absence vitamin C, scurvy.

International nonproprietary name

Ascorbic acid (vit C)

ATX and registration number

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Vitamin preparation.

Mechanism of action of ascorbic acid 2.5

Ascorbic acid 2.5 promotes the reduction of metal ions that are part of many enzymes. It also performs an antioxidant function - eliminating free radicals. The concentration in leukocytes is higher than in blood plasma. Increases antibody synthesis. A large concentration is concentrated in the lens of the eye and liver.

Barbiturates promote the elimination of acids by the kidneys.

Scientists have studied the role of vitamin C in collagen synthesis to a greater extent. If it is disturbed, capillary fragility, poor wound healing, and bone tissue in children.

Vitamin C does not allow tetrahydrofolic acid, which takes an active part in normalizing iron metabolism, to oxidize. Improves its absorption in the intestines. Increases prothrombin synthesis.

With scurvy, urine analysis may show under-oxidized tyrosine metabolic products. Clinical phenomenon of this element not identified.

Composition and release form of ascorbic acid 2.5

Ascorbic acid is active substance included in medicines.

This is the powder from which the drink is prepared. Available in laminated paper packets of 2.5 mg.

Indications for use

Ascorbic acid should be prescribed in the following cases:

  • prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • intoxication of the body with iron preparations;
  • as an increase in immunological resistance;
  • anorexia;
  • liver diseases;
  • anemia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • Addison's disease.

Conditions when you need to pay attention to vitamin C:

  • lactation period and time of active growth of the baby;
  • lack of balance in the diet;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical intervention, alcoholism, burns;
  • sluggish chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindications to ascorbic acid 2.5

Contraindicated for use:

  • personal intolerance to vitamin C;
  • for thrombosis and thrombus formation as a result of increased blood clotting;
  • severe renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • for kidney disease, do not exceed a dose of 1000 mg;
  • children under 4 years old.

Directions for use and dosage

The mixture is used to prepare drinks - dilute 2.5 mg in 2.5 liters of water. The solution is taken immediately after preparation. For convenient dosage, use a measuring spoon.

As a preventive measure for adults, 50-100 ml per day. During treatment, 50 - 100 ml 3 to 5 times a day.

The maximum possible dose of the drug that can be taken during the day is 200 mg. For children, the norm is 100 mg.

Special instructions

When taking it, it is important to pay attention to special instructions. May affect the results of analysis to detect the activity of transaminases and bilirubin.

During pregnancy and lactation

For expectant mothers, vitamin C is necessary for stimulation natural production collagen and elastane. When the skin is elastic and hydrated, the risk of stretch marks is minimal.

The elasticity of muscle tissue helps reduce injuries when a child passes through the birth canal.

If in the body of a pregnant woman insufficient quantity vitamin C, the child will lag behind in weight and development.

During pregnancy and lactation, the daily requirement for vitamin C is 300 ml, which must be distributed evenly throughout the day. After 2 weeks, reduce the dosage to 100 ml.

In childhood

As a preventive measure, use 50 ml per day for children. If carried out symptomatic treatment, the dose for children over 4 years of age is 50 ml 3 times a day. For prophylaxis, use from 2 to 8 weeks. Affects hematuria indicators.

In old age

In older people, vitamin C is less easily absorbed, so the need for it is higher. Daily dose ascorbic acid is 100 ml.

For liver dysfunction

Vitamin C affects the liver, activating enzymes, and increases its ability to cleanse the body. It is important to use the instructions for use.

For impaired renal function

Use with caution for people with kidney problems. Vitamin C helps increase oxalate in the urine.

Side effects

When taking large amounts of acid, the following side effects are possible:

  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased functionality of the insular apparatus;
  • formation of oxalate stones;
  • hypertension;
  • thrombosis;
  • allergic rashes;
  • hypervitaminosis.

Effect on driving

If the dosage is observed, the drug does not affect the reaction rate when driving.


If the amount of vitamin C exceeds 1000 mg/day, you may experience negative consequences. At high doses great harm for the body will not. Whenever negative symptoms recommended to drink large number liquids, in in rare cases- rinse the stomach.

Drug interactions

Concomitant use with isoprenaline reduces its effects. The impact of antipsychotic drugs is reduced.

The body feels the need for vitamins B1. Simultaneous intake with vitamin C leads to its oxidation.

Alcohol compatibility

Taking the vitamin with alcohol does not have any harmful effects. Ascorbic acid destroys alcohol and prevents its absorption into the blood.

If you take the vitamin before drinking alcohol, you can somewhat reduce intoxication.

It is often used to restore lost body strength during a hangover.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacological institution. Available without a prescription.


The price of ascorbic acid is from 46 rubles.

Storage conditions

Keep in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. The temperature should not exceed +25 degrees. Any medicines should be kept away from children so that they do not have access to them.

Best before date

Suitable for use within 18 months from the date of production. Do not use after the expiration of the specified period.


If we compare the pharmacological effects, then analogues this vitamin No. Structural analogues there are a large number. They are presented vitamin preparations and multivitamin complexes, which include vitamin C.