To whom does delirium tremens come? Delirium tremens (delirium tremens)

Delirium tremens

Greetings to all friends and readers on medical blog! In all countries of the world, alcoholism ranks first in the number of deaths and family breakdowns. Is it even worth talking about how many diseases arise from alcohol abuse? Everyone knows this very well, but ardent alcoholics do not listen to the sad statistics and continue to drink until their death. Let's talk to you, friends, about delirium tremens - acute form alcoholism.

What is delirium tremens?

● Delirium tremens is an acute psychosis that poses a great danger both to the patient himself and to the people around him. The development of delirium tremens is noted in the binge stage against the background of pronounced withdrawal symptoms. It can begin when you suddenly stop drinking alcohol. Delirium tremens most often develops in patients who have previously had a severe infectious disease or skull injury.

● The appearance of delirium tremens (delirium) is usually preceded by a stage of certain precursors. The patient experiences disturbing dreams with hallucinations or nightmares. The disease often begins in the evening, at night or early in the morning. The main symptom of delirium tremens is a disorder of consciousness. The patient has no orientation in environment, he is disoriented in time and space, sometimes he can even confuse his first and last name. Real reality changes into hallucinations that are of a vivid visual nature.

● The nature of the hallucinations is fantastic and frightening: patients see creepy monsters, devils, and many small moving insects that do not exist in reality. Visual hallucinations are usually accompanied by tactile and auditory ones. Non-existent images are mixed with reality, they are intertwined into one terrifying tangle that drives the patient into a frenzy. He perceives everything he sees as reality, he is overwhelmed by fear, strives to hide and run away, and sometimes attacks his “enemies.” Imaginary monsters constantly pursue him, threaten him, make terrible faces at him.

● Although not for long, sometimes it is possible to come into contact with the patient, bringing him closer to reality. In patients with delirium tremens, severe tremors of the fingers and hands are detected, body temperature often rises and increased sweating. Acute psychosis usually lasts several days with gradual (lytic) or rapid (critical) recovery. pathological condition. After which the patient falls asleep long sleep, after which all previous phenomena disappear completely.

Conservative treatment of delirium tremens

● If delirium tremens is not treated, in 5-10% the patient may die due to the addition of lobar or arrest cardiovascular activity. sick acute psychosis placed in a special hospital - psychiatric hospital. He is prescribed various sedatives and sleeping pills, conditions are created for him so that he cannot harm himself or those around him. Effective today medicine is considered a copybook by E.A. Popova:

- luminal (phenobarbital) - 2-3 tablets;

— medical alcohol 96⁰ — 10-20 ml;

– distilled water – 100 ml.

Mix all ingredients and give to the patient in one dose. If you don’t have phenobarbital on hand, you can replace it with some similar sleeping pill good quality.

Treatment of delirium tremens with folk remedies

Infuse one lovage root on high-quality vodka for seven days mixed with two leaves of bay laurel ( bay leaf). Filter and give to the green snake lover to drink several times. After taking this remedy, he will have an aversion to alcohol for a long time.

Relieves cravings for vodka and wine with centaury-based tincture And . Chop and mix the herbs, taken in equal parts by weight; Infuse two tablespoons of the mixture in 200 ml of high-quality vodka for one week. The tincture is designed for one dose, 3-4 such sessions.

Old effective recipe from alcoholism and delirium tremens. You will need to sprinkle dry birch firewood with sugar, light it, then extinguish it. Invite the patient to breathe this smoke. Then give him a whole glass of vodka. Please note that this will be the last glass of alcohol he drinks. This was proven by village healers and sorcerers.

Ancient doctors treated hypochondria and mental illness hellebore herb infusion– take ⅓ glass three times a day.

● Scientists in many countries claim that cravings for alcohol are associated with a lack of potassium in the body. Therefore, as remedy for delirium tremens has been suggested, which is good source potassium I bring to your attention a technique with elements of delirium tremens, used abroad:

- the patient is given 6 teaspoons of honey, after 20 minutes - the same amount, and after 20 minutes another 6; within one hour the patient should receive 18 teaspoons of honey;

- After two hours, continue treatment: give the hedgehog three times 6 teaspoons of honey every 20 minutes, after which the patient can sleep until the morning. In the morning, if desired, he is allowed to recover from a hangover, but he must be given 3 doses of 6 teaspoons every 20 minutes, then let him have breakfast, and for dessert - another 4 teaspoons. honey;

● Medicinal collection. 1 part centaury, 1 part thyme and 1 part wormwood. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of the mixture for 2 hours, filter and give the patient one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for village peasants in Rus'. Place a few green bugs that have an unpleasant odor (found on raspberry bushes) in a glass of vodka, let it sit for 2-3 days and give it to the patient to drink without explaining to him anything about the composition of the drink.

Decoction of ram herb, club moss. Pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of chopped dry herbs and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, filter after an hour. We give the patient ⅓-½ glass two or three times a day. With this treatment, to avoid undesirable consequences need doctor's supervision.

● Clinical observations have noted that frequent consumption of sour apples helps to cure alcoholism and delirium tremens.

Take care of yourself from delirium tremens, God bless you!

Delirium tremens or delirium tremens(lat. delirium tremens) is a state of acute meta-alcohol psychosis, occurring in the form of a narrowing of consciousness with the subsequent occurrence of complex hallucinosis, delirium, motor agitation and preservation of self-awareness. In this in serious condition it may be not only an alcoholic, but also a healthy person who, for whatever reason, has been abusing for a long time alcoholic drinks. The ability to recognize the signs of delirium tremens in men will allow you to provide timely help to a loved one.

About the disease

According to numerous medical research, delirium tremens usually occurs in people after 40 years of age. “Squirrel” or “squirrel”, as alcoholic delirium sounds in the jargon, can come to alcoholics with experience (5-7 years of systematic alcohol consumption), as well as to people who have drank alcohol in large quantities over several weeks or months. Alcohol psychosis in in rare cases observed in patients who do not drink alcohol, but due to emotional shock and severe stress started drinking, and the binge lasted several weeks. In this case, the manifestations of delirium are explained by severe intoxication.

Delirium tremens develops and progresses in the same way in men and women. However, acute alcoholic psychosis in women is much less common. This fact is explained by the fact that delirium in most cases develops against the background of alcoholism in a binge form, which is more often observed in men.

Not only alcoholics are susceptible to delirium tremens or delirium tremens, but also healthy people people who have drunk counterfeit alcohol, people suffering from severe central nervous system disease, or people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. If a person has already suffered psychosis once, then there is a high probability that it will reappear in the future, even when drinking small doses of alcohol. Severe forms of this disease can be very dangerous for the patient's body. They are fraught with personality disorders, mental defects and sudden death. As medical statistics show, about 10% of alcoholics die every year without treatment.

Symptoms of delirium tremens

Translated from Latin language"Delirium tremens" means "shaking darkness." The definition fully characterizes the main symptoms of the disease: tremors and mental confusion.

How does delirium tremens manifest in men?

It all starts with a hangover, which occurs after stopping drinking alcohol. Withdrawal syndrome accompanied by headache, nausea and vomiting. Speech disturbances and convulsions are possible. Then the first mental symptoms of delirium gradually appear. They are marked by the appearance unexplained anxiety, a bad feeling of impending trouble and loss of sleep for the patient. There is trembling of the hands, increased sweating, palpitations, surges in blood pressure, increased body temperature, hyperemia of the skin and bloodshot eyes. The patient experiences motor agitation: he rushes from corner to corner, is unable to sit in one place, and constantly talks to himself.

One of the first symptoms of delirium tremens development is nightmares. They occur during short sleep. With delirium, auditory and visual hallucinations occur: the patient hears bells, steps, screams, and slamming doors. Hallucinations also appear at the moment of falling asleep. The patient may see some movement in the periphery of vision. The progression of the disease is characterized by worsening mental state, the diagnosis of which can only be confirmed by a psychotherapist.

Reasons for the development of delirium

Men, as noted above, are more susceptible to delirium tremens than women. Representatives of the stronger sex allow themselves to overdo it with alcohol (sometimes on a dare), then have a hangover in order to forget, then overdo it again, and finally, heroically tell themselves “stop.” This behavior is typical mainly for men and in isolated cases for women.

The prerequisite for the disease is the unstable state of a person’s psyche, which can arise as a result of various psychological stresses, traumas suffered heads (they are earned not only in sports matches, but also in drunken fights).

Also, the development of delirium tremens can be provoked viral diseases that an alcoholic once suffered.

“Squirrel”, oddly enough, can be caught not during the period of binge drinking, but in the process of emerging from it. Doctors explain this by saying that it is during this period that something similar to “withdrawal” in drug addicts begins in the human body. This type of withdrawal is caused by oxygen starvation brain and the effects of poisons entering the body with drunk alcohol.

By the way, delirium tremens, which appears after a binge, most often affects an already “shaken” psyche, which has repeatedly suffered the consequences of alcohol exposure.

Treatment of alcoholic psychosis

The first step to take is to ensure immediate hospitalization. Treatment of delirium tremens involves a number of medical measures exclusively in outpatient setting. Therapy is aimed at solving not one, but several problems at once.

  1. Relieve anxiety and eliminate insomnia. Excitement is combated with the help of antipsychotics, for example, haloperidol. Insomnia is eliminated using benzodiazepines, the most common of which are nitrazepam and diazepam.
  2. Relieve cramps. For this, in some cases, the action of benzodiazepines is sufficient (the drugs have weak anticonvulsant properties). However, when a stronger effect is required, doctors resort to the help of carbamazeline and other drugs of similar action.
  3. Carry out detoxification. This is done by hemosorption (method of extrarenal blood purification from toxic substances by adsorption of the toxin on the surface of the sorbent), introducing intravenous glucose, hemodez, riopolyglucin, and isotonic solution into the body. On top of that they prescribe large doses vitamins, in particular B1 and C.
  4. Eliminate associated complications. Sometimes it is necessary to support the work of the heart with the help of corglycone and cordiamine. To avoid the occurrence of cerebral edema, the patient is injected with a 1% Lasix solution.

Thus, the treatment of delirium tremens is a relative concept. All the measures described above are essentially aimed at saving the patient from death and alleviating his condition. Delirium can be completely cured only by curing alcohol addiction itself. Otherwise, after another binge, the same “squirrel” will visit the patient again. The addict needs mandatory in the subsequent complex therapy in a specialized clinic.

Delirium tremens - acute mental disorder caused by long-term use alcohol. It is characterized by severe disturbance of consciousness, delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations, loss of spatial orientation, and aggression. This condition of the patient is observed 2–3 days after the end of the binge. There are no restrictions regarding age and gender.


As for the etiology, there is only one reason - overuse alcohol. In most cases, delirium tremens (delirium tremens) appears on the third day after the end of the overconsumption alcohol.

As a rule, delirium tremens develops when drinking alcohol for more than one week, with a dosage of more than 500 ml per day.


In this case, you can determine the onset of an attack of alcoholic delirium by the following signs:

  • the patient stops drinking alcohol, citing the fact that he is no longer interested in alcohol;
  • sudden change in mood;
  • trembling in the arms or legs;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations.

This condition of the patient can last from a couple of hours to several days. After this, an attack of delirium tremens occurs.

General symptoms

As shown medical practice, an attack of alcoholic delirium occurs closer to the night and has instant dynamics.

Symptoms of delirium tremens are:

  • hallucinations;
  • aggressive state of the patient;
  • delirium, partial memory loss;
  • tremor of fingers, tremors in knees;
  • abrupt, incoherent speech;
  • disorientation in time and space.

It is noteworthy that the patient can say his personal data - name, date of birth. But, at the same time, he forgets his relatives, place of residence and other facts.

At night, the symptoms of delirium tremens intensify. It is not uncommon for a person in such a state to attempt suicide or commit suicide itself.

In some cases, symptoms of delirium tremens go away. Such periods are called lucid intervals. At this time, a person can talk in detail about the picture of his visions, accurately convey his nightmares.

Besides disorders psychological nature, the patient experiences the following physiological disorders:

  • elevated temperature – up to 40 degrees or more;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • weakness - the patient practically does not get out of bed unless he is in a state of excitement;
  • chills;
  • the person comes out harsh, bad smell;
  • pallor of the skin.

This condition of the patient can last from several days to a week.

Forms of the disease

By international classification ICD-10 distinguishes only two forms of delirium tremens:

  • professional;
  • muscling.

The most dangerous is considered to be murmuring (in common parlance, muttering) delirium. In this condition, the patient can simply lie in bed, make strange sounds, and make movements that imitate wrapping and stroking. The danger of this condition is that there is a high probability of death.

Occupational alcoholic delirium is characterized by the patient’s condition during which he imitates his labor activity. At the same time, he not only makes movements characteristic of this, but also imitates sounds. This form of the disease is rarely fatal.


Diagnosis of this condition consists of a personal examination of the patient. Laboratory and instrumental methods Research is carried out only as the patient recovers. This is necessary in order to diagnose or exclude other underlying diseases caused by alcohol poisoning.


Delirium tremens cannot be treated at home. In this condition, a person requires emergency hospitalization. Application of any unconventional methods Treatment for delirium tremens at home can be fatal.

When diagnosed with delirium tremens, the person is hospitalized in a drug treatment hospital or psychiatric department. Only used drug treatment to remove toxins from the body and introduce a person into deep sleep. Long sleep allows a person to return to normal much faster and regain clarity of consciousness.

After drug therapy the patient may feel lethargy, some weakness, and memory loss. In some cases, a person clearly remembers his hallucinations, but completely forgets real events.

Treatment of alcoholic delirium should be carried out only on an inpatient basis, under the supervision of a narcologist. In some cases, a psychologist or psychotherapist may be involved in treatment.

Medical assistance

What to do if a person has delirium tremens, and the possibility of causing ambulance No? The first thing you can do in this case is to provide first aid before the doctors arrive:

  • put the person to bed, exclude access to objects with which he can harm himself or others (in extreme cases, he can be tied to the bed);
  • apply to head cold compress;
  • give as much fluid as possible;
  • if the patient is in an excited, aggressive state, a sedative or sleeping pill should be given.

After this, you should immediately call an ambulance. There is nothing else you need to do until the doctors arrive.

Possible complications

As medical practice shows, delirium tremens almost always leaves consequences. Especially if you do nothing or treat at home. The most serious consequence in this case is death.

In other cases, the following consequences are possible:

  • disturbances in brain function;
  • spicy;
  • mental disorders;
  • ailments in the area nervous system;
  • weakened immune system;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision.

Such severe consequences are due to the fact that it turns out negative impact throughout the entire body, including the brain.

But the above consequences can be avoided if you do not abuse alcoholic beverages or give them up altogether. The fatal outcome from delirium tremens ranges from 5 to 10% of total number cases. Most often, cerebral edema or cardiac arrest occurs.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Inflammatory ailments, which are accompanied by the manifestation of constant pain in the joints is called arthritis. Essentially, arthritis is a disease that causes thinning of joint cartilage, changes in ligaments and joint capsule. If the disease is not treated, the process worsens, leading to joint deformation.

Pneumonia (officially pneumonia) is inflammatory process in one or both respiratory organs, which is usually infectious in nature and is caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. In ancient times, this disease was considered one of the most dangerous, and although modern means Treatments allow you to quickly and without consequences get rid of the infection; the disease has not lost its relevance. According to official data, in our country every year about a million people suffer from pneumonia in one form or another.

Delirium tremens (also known as delirium tremens) is one of the most common psychoses from which alcoholics suffer. In most cases, delirium tremens begins to develop in those people who constantly drink alcohol and are over 40 years of age. In chronic alcoholism, delirium tremens occurs more often. If a person is in a state alcohol intoxication several days or weeks, then psychosis is simply guaranteed for him.

Interestingly, delirium tremens affects not only chronic alcoholics, but also those people who drink low-quality alcohol, people with traumatic brain injury, as well as people who suffer from diseases of the central nervous system. If a person has ever been in a state of delirium tremens, then it is likely that in the future it may recur even after taking a small dose of alcohol.

Why does delirium tremens occur?

Among the main causes of the condition are:

  • Prolonged and heavy drinking;
  • Consumption of substitute alcohol;
  • Somatic pathology;
  • Serious brain damage.

The pathogenesis of delirium tremens has not been fully studied to date. It is assumed that the strongest influence is exerted by disturbances in the exchange of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system.

Symptoms of delirium tremens

An alcoholic begins to lose orientation in time and space. The main symptom of psychosis is the appearance of hallucinations, vivid and abundant illusions.

Visual hallucinations usually predominate. Very often, patients begin to see small animals: rodents, snakes, spiders, large insects. Devils also often appear that tease the alcoholic and bite their tongue. In addition, large animals (dogs, bears, elephants) may appear. The alcoholic, in most cases, fights the hallucinations, scolds them, fights or runs away from a possible attack.

With auditory hallucinations, the alcoholic begins to hear various remarks and voices from almost everywhere. They are addressed specifically to him, condemn him and scold him, and sometimes threaten him. The patient talks to them, argues, begins to make excuses or threaten. Often, auditory hallucinations can be in the form of orders that are meekly carried out by the alcoholic.

Tactile hallucinations can manifest themselves as a very realistic sensation of the presence of some object in the mouth (hair or thread), the feeling of insects crawling over the body, bites, etc.

The hallucinations listed above can be combined. At the same time, the images that appear often have a specific plot on a given topic, in which the alcoholic acts as a central figure. Often, hallucinations can occur in the format of the profession that the patient had (builder, loader, driver, etc.).

In addition to hallucinations, illusions may occur (this is not the same thing). Alcoholics begin to perceive their surroundings incorrectly: they can see abstract images in the background simple objects(for example, very often the illusion is caused by drawings on wallpaper).

During delirium tremens, in most cases, the alcoholic begins to have delusional ideas that reflect hallucinatory experiences. The patient is in a bad and anxious mood. When hallucinating, alcoholics may experience fear and show aggression towards others, which makes them potentially dangerous. On the other hand, the patient may develop depression, which, under the influence of fear from hallucinations, can lead to suicide. Systematically, with delirium tremens, a state of euphoria is observed in the alcoholic, which is accompanied by flat humor on the part of the patient.

In most cases, delirium tremens causes active motor arousal, which reflects the scenes of hallucinations experienced by the patient. An alcoholic will attack non-existent opponents or run away from them. At the same time, they may well jump out of a window or run across the road.

Somatic symptoms:

  • Pronounced trembling;
  • Large pupils, but reaction to light remains;
  • Tendon reflexes are strengthened;
  • Body temperature rises slightly;
  • The pulse quickens, high blood pressure is observed;
  • There is redness on the face skin;
  • Availability inflammatory phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract, coated tongue;
  • The liver is enlarged and painful on palpation;
  • An increase in the amount of bilirubin and leukocytes in the blood.

According to severity of manifestation Delirium tremens is usually divided into:

  • With a predominance of auditory hallucinations;
  • Traditional form of delirium tremens;
  • Fantastic delirium tremens;
  • Severe form.

The duration of delirium tremens is usually several days. The intensity indicated above clinical symptoms fluctuates in different times days. Patients sleep little and have disturbed sleep.

The disease can end as unexpectedly as it began. Symptoms immediately subside after this. Patients fall asleep and wake up practically healthy. In the following days, the effects of psychosis may be observed.

Consequences of delirium tremens

Three main development options can be distinguished: delirium tremens either ends, or develops into a chronic form, or leads to coma and death. The cause of death, as a rule, is suicide, which occurs when the alcoholic's mind is affected by hallucinations.

In 10% of cases even correct treatment Delirium tremens can result in serious heart disease, seizures, pneumonia, cerebral edema, and liver disease.

In addition, the consequences of psychosis include memory loss, dementia, cardiovascular diseases, liver damage. As a rule, very often repeated delirium tremens can lead to fatal outcome. We probably don’t need to talk about the fact that against the backdrop of delirium tremens, a huge number of crimes occur.

If delirium tremens occurs repeatedly or for the umpteenth time in a row, then it is necessary to think specifically about treating the person. Because the next attack of such psychosis may be the last. In this case, loved ones must take drastic measures to treat the alcoholic, as well as to get him out of binge drinking.

Treatment of delirium tremens

Traditional medicine is not used to treat delirium tremens. Exacerbations may begin 4-5 days after drinking alcohol. Delirium tremens is easily identified by speech disturbances, headaches, convulsions, vomiting and other characteristic signals that will indicate neurological disorders.

At home, you can help the patient by tying him to the bed. In this case, at least he won’t be able to harm himself. It is recommended to give the alcoholic water to drink to prevent dehydration and to high temperature fulfill symptomatic treatment using cold baths and water rubdowns.

In general, for any manifestations of psychosis, it is necessary to call an ambulance and paramedics. If you are unable to use medical care, then you need to find a place where the patient will sleep. For this purpose, various sleeping pills. When using a sleeping pill, it should never be mixed with alcoholic drinks, therefore, drinking alcohol should be excluded.

Once the delirium tremens has passed, the patient should consider what to do with his alcohol addiction. Even after the first delirium tremens, a person will have serious mental disorders.

Alcoholism in our country occupies one of the most pressing and acute positions. Every year a huge number of people face this problem. Moreover, alcohol addiction affects not only people of average age category, even young people have to get to know her closely. In addition to the fact that these patients drink a lot and often, they periodically “get stuck” in binge drinking, the exit from which is accompanied by painful consequences and extremely unpleasant symptoms.

One of the most common post-alcohol conditions is delirium delirium syndrome. Or delirium tremens (squirrel), as he calls it this pathology among the people. How to cope with such a manifestation, is it possible to treat delirium tremens at home? Let's look at this pressing issue in more detail.

With some experience, delirium tremens can be treated at home

Not all alcohol addicts experience this condition. Delirium tremens visits individuals suffering from stages II and III of addiction. The first symptoms usually appear 2-3 days after leaving a long-term drunken state. Alcoholic delirium syndrome can develop for a number of the following reasons:

  1. After prolonged and severe drinking conditions.
  2. At organic damage brain structures.
  3. If a person has consumed surrogate, low-quality alcohol.
  4. If the drinker has a number of somatic pathologies that differ clear signs. For example: neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, gastric colitis, hypertension.

Scientists have not yet identified the specific pathogenesis of alcoholic delirium. But there is an established opinion that the main culprit of this syndrome is a disruption of connections between CNS neurotransmitters. With the simultaneous addition of severe intoxication of the body, this exacerbation occurs in a person.

What is delirium tremens

According to statistics, about 35-40% of people suffering from alcohol addiction regularly experience manifestations of delirium tremens.

Delirium tremens: symptoms, treatment at home

These signs should be known to relatives of an alcoholic who intend to cope with dangerous situation on your own. Initially, after the alcoholic stops consuming alcohol, the patient develops a pronounced hangover syndrome. It is accompanied by the usual this state symptoms:

  • headache;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • severe nausea;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • weakness and apathy.

After some time they are joined by initial signs alcoholic delirium. At first, they are expressed in convulsive states and noticeable disturbances in speech functions. Nightmares also occur; a person literally cannot sleep, constantly waking up from painful dreams.

Stages of alcoholic delirium

Gradually, other symptoms appear in the sufferer. Such as:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • persistent tachycardia;
  • increased sweating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • redness of the skin;
  • feeling of inexplicable fear;
  • hallucinations (visual and auditory).

Alcoholic delirium progresses with deterioration of a person's mental state. The patient literally cannot find a place for himself. He shows excessive motor activity, talks to invisible entities, flinches, gets scared, falls into hysterics. The condition worsens due to the inability to sleep peacefully.

Hallucinations as a typical sign of delirium

A classic of delirium tremens is hallucinations. In an addict, they appear in almost all their glory, of all types. The effects are particularly pronounced, which is reflected in human behavior.


With the development of hallucinations of this type, the patient imagines such fears that frighten him in in good condition. The syndrome develops its inherent horrors to incredible proportions. Let’s say that if a person has a fear of spiders and has delirium delirium, he will imagine real arachnid monsters of enormous size.

Moreover, all exaggerated horror characters in this case will threaten the patient. In the patient’s imagination, monsters and terrible creatures will try to kill him, dismember him, or cause serious injury. This directly affects human behavior, especially considering that all hallucinations are particularly realistic.

One of characteristic features delirium tremens - the presence of particularly vivid hallucinations


Horrifying visual hallucinations become especially unbearable when they are also accompanied by auditory ones. Alcohol addicts begin to hear different sounds produced by these monsters. Hissing, grinding, screaming, even threats uttered in human language against oneself. While in this state, a person suffering from alcoholic delirium can become extremely dangerous to himself and others.


And the development of tactile hallucinations completes the already crazy picture. A person truly feels all the realism of apparent horror, because he imagines various kinds of touches on the body. Crawling spiders, worms, insects. A patient, under the yoke of hallucinations, scares those around him not only with his crazy appearance, but also with his attempts to remove non-existent creatures that are supposedly biting him.

A distinctive feature is the behavior of the patient with delirium syndrome. Terrible visions, having completely taken over the consciousness, can make human twitch, run, suddenly take off, beat those around him who seem like monsters to him.

Against the background of delirium, many accidents occur when an alcoholic, under the influence of hallucinations, jumps into the windows of high floors and injures himself. fatal injuries with a knife, scissors, trying to dig out the monster that had embedded itself under the skin. Suicide attempts become frequent. When the unfortunate person sees no other way to get rid of terrible condition other than committing suicide.

Delirium delirium syndrome is characterized by complete disorientation of a person in time and space. The victim does not understand where he is and who is around him. Does not recognize time, does not recognize close people, is unable to name the date and current year. But he can clearly remember his own first and last name. That is, the orientation in one’s own personality is preserved.

Features of delirium tremens

Delirium alcohol syndrome: questions/answers

Before considering how to treat delirium tremens at home, it would be useful to find out what exactly interests the relatives of an alcoholic in the first place. Narcologists have compiled the most common answers to questions asked by the patient’s loved ones.

How long is the dangerous period?

On average, alcoholic delirium can last several days with painful manifestations (to be more precise, 3-5 days). Moreover, the symptoms of fever intensify in the evening, becoming most acute at night. But in the morning and throughout the day, the signs of delirium fade and are not so clearly felt.

Is it possible to be treated at home?

At home, it is possible to help a person cope with dangerous and scary symptoms only if the patient’s hallucinations do not appear so clearly and clearly. Otherwise, immediate hospitalization and competent removal of the person from delirium are required.

But, if the patient realizes the danger of his situation and begins to obey his relatives, accepting everything that is given to him, then there is every chance of coping with the fever himself. You can do without the presence of a doctor, dangerous aggressive medications and hospital conditions.

Does fever cause death?

According to medical statistics, human death as a result of alcoholic delirium occurs in 10-12% of cases. But such sad consequences occur only if the necessary medical care is not provided.

Basic questions asked by the patient's relatives

How to care for someone with delirium?

If you have a relative with alcoholism and you notice all the signs of delirium delirium, the best thing to do is to seek help from a specialized medical team. After all, no one knows exactly how the syndrome will manifest itself. But, if you are confident in your own experience and strengths, the patient should organize following conditions existence:

  1. Normalization of night rest. In this case good help sleeping pills will play a role. But powerful sedatives They will not dispense it to you at the pharmacy without presenting a prescription. So in any case, you will have to see a doctor. Full-fledged night restimportant condition a quick exit from a deadly state.
  2. Increase your fluid intake. Change the patient's diet to include foods rich in vitamins and beneficial micro- and macroelements. This will help to quickly cleanse the body of alcohol metabolites and maintain the functioning of the exhausted body at the proper level.
  3. Carry out all the necessary measures to remove the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol from the body. This includes inducing artificial vomiting, enemas, taking sorbents and other drugs intended for this purpose. medications. The patient's consumption of infusions should be increased medicinal herbs and medicinal teas.

Help at home

So what should you do to successfully stop a developed attack of delirium on your own? Of course, the ideal solution would be to place the patient in specialized clinic . Doctors will relieve its symptoms in the first hours of the syndrome by using pharmacological drugs and medical procedures.

But not all alcoholics, especially if they are in a state of delirium, will voluntarily agree to go to the hospital. In this case, the whole burden falls on the shoulders of the family.

Popov's method

You can successfully relieve the symptoms of delirium using the well-known method of Dr. Popov. This technique is also called “Popov’s recipe”. To do this, you should give the alcohol addict a mixture consisting of the following ingredients:

  • distilled water: 100 g;
  • Luminal (or Phenobarbital): 3 tablets;
  • pure medical alcohol (96%): 15-20 g.

All components are thoroughly mixed with each other and taken by the sufferer in one sitting. If it is not possible to get Phenobarbital, you can use similar drugs, For example:

  • Keppra;
  • Freesium;
  • Suxilel;
  • Difenin;
  • Tebantin;
  • Diuremide;
  • Valproate Orion.

Help from the public pharmacy

People have been experiencing delirium tremens for quite some time. Therefore, many methods have been developed that our ancestors successfully used to cure a person from such a syndrome. True, these decoctions and infusions should be prepared in advance for future use. The most effective methods include the following:

  1. Bay leaf infusion. Pour good vodka (100 ml) over a couple of crushed bay leaves and lovage roots. This mixture should be infused for 7-8 days. Then filter the mass and give it to the patient to drink (first dissolve 3-4 drops of the resulting infusion in 50 ml of water).
  2. In the same way, a tincture of wormwood and yarrow is prepared (25 g of dry raw materials per 100 ml of vodka). The mixture is infused for 10-12 days.
  3. A decoction of the following collection has proven itself well: yarrow, thyme and wormwood (20 g of each ingredient). The mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 1-2 hours. Accepted immediately.

By the way, our ancestors, if a certain person was in a state of alcoholic delirium, gave the poor fellow as many sour green apples as possible for food. In their opinion, this helped relieve painful symptoms and alleviate the patient’s suffering.

And it’s even better not to bring a person to a state of alcoholic delirium. And start fighting alcohol addiction in the first stages of the disease. Well, in the event of delirium tremens, the best and safest way out of this situation will be to consult a doctor and fully treat alcohol addiction.