How does glue poisoning affect your health? Toxicity of various types of adhesives

Glue poisoning has a number of features depending on its composition. Glue is a sticky substance consisting of compounds of different origins and chemical structure, capable of gluing various materials.

Bonding is achieved by tight adhesion between the adhesive and the two surfaces. The strength of such a bond depends on the adhesion of the molecules of the main component to each other.

Causes of glue poisoning

Accidental glue poisoning has been reported when long work the substance is inhaled large quantity vapors, as well as glue poisoning as a result of substance abuse and with suicidal intent.

According to time intervals, acute and chronic intoxication are distinguished, as well as three degrees of severity: mild, moderate and severe. It is worth noting that addiction to adhesives most often refers to chronic forms poisoning, although the first attempts to inhale glue vapors may cause acute intoxication.

The group of people who are susceptible to glue poisoning includes representatives of the construction professions, as well as children. Mostly, poisoning occurs due to irrational use of the substance and insufficient parental supervision.

When glue gets on the skin (provided there is no wound surface), poisoning rarely occurs, but upon contact with mucous membranes, toxins are absorbed into the blood very quickly.

Chemical composition of adhesive substances

Adhesives include a wide variety of different chemical origin and composition.

There are organic adhesives based on starch, albumin, collagen, casein, dextrin, silicon or rubber. Inorganic adhesives consisting of mercury, alkali metals, silicates, aluminum oxide, silicon and magnesium. And the most toxic are synthetic ones, containing polyurethane, epoxides, polyacrylics, polyamides, phenol, polyesters.

TO last group include “Super Glue”, “PVA”, “Moment”, “Liquid Nails” and other quick adhesive substances. Each of the listed adhesives has a specific odor that determines its main component. The group of adhesives also includes hardeners, plasticizers, fillers, film formers, and silicate substances.

One of the most common glues, which is widely used, including by children, is PVA, consisting of polyvinyl acetate and water. Since the glue contains synthetic products in its composition, intoxication with the vapors of this substance develops quickly and is difficult.

Symptoms of glue poisoning

Acute poisoning (inhalation of vapors)

Symptoms acute poisoning glue are not specific. Primarily in case of mild or medium degree intoxication patients complain of:

When examining the victim in all cases the following is noted:

  • increased body temperature;
  • rosy cheeks;
  • dilated pupils on both sides;
  • pale skin;
  • shortness of breath of a mixed nature;
  • changes in the heart are possible in the form of rhythm disturbances on the ECG;
  • sensations of heartbeat;
  • slight decrease in pressure;

The patient may experience a condition that is similar to mild or moderate severity: unsteady gait, violation of coordination tests, violations by vestibular apparatus, nausea, possible vomiting, which does not bring relief, double vision, in severe cases, visual or auditory hallucinations.

All of the above symptoms are not persistent and are easily eliminated when eliminated active factor.

In case of severe poisoning by glue vapors, upon objective examination, the doctor states:

  • absence or impairment of consciousness (coma);
  • disturbance of rhythm and conduction of the heart up to cardiac arrest;
  • decreased or absent reflexes;
  • blood hypocoagulation;
  • uncontrollable vomiting central genesis due to irritation of the brain stem and other focal neurological symptoms;

Chronic poisoning (inhalation of vapors)

Occurs as a result of prolonged inhalation of glue vapors (for example, construction workers or workers in glue production plants). Clinical manifestations chronic intoxication depend on chemical composition glue.

  • constant drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • decreased memory and mental processes;
  • persistent focal neurological symptoms are possible;
  • crawling sensations;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased levels of indirect and direct bilirubin;
  • moderate increase liver;
  • the amount of albumin in plasma decreases;

Different types glue provokes diseases respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, recurrent pneumonia, emphysema), severe dermatitis in contact with skin, disorders nervous system. In some cases, the symptoms resemble.

Touylene diisocyanate affects the nervous and cardiovascular system. Symptoms of such poisoning are:

  • angina attacks;
  • rhythm and conduction disturbances;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • possible occurrence of various metabolic disorders;
  • upon contact with skin causes severe deep burns;

Patients also present nonspecific complaints:

Contact intoxication.

Occurs when glue gets on the skin and various mucous membranes. Characterized by the occurrence of severe dermatitis.

  1. In case of contact with the eyes - decreased visual acuity, dry eye and atrophy of the cornea and sclera.
  2. In case of contact with the oral mucosa - chemical burn.
  3. When a large amount of glue enters the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding develops, a rapid increase in symptoms of poisoning and frequent death.

First aid for poisoning

When providing first medical care, the victim must:

  1. Remove from the room where the poisoning occurred;
  2. Provide a flow of fresh air;
  3. If necessary, unbutton a shirt or other restrictive chest clothes;
  4. If breathing stops, start immediately cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  5. If the glue comes into contact with the skin, immediately remove any remaining substance with a stream of warm running water and laundry soap;
  6. If the glue is swallowed, it is necessary to induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue or drink at least a liter of salt water, then rinse the stomach with a probe;
  7. Next, introduce enterosorbent (atoxyl, polysorb, enterol, white coal, enterosgel and others) and laxative (duphalac or magnesium sulfate);
  8. If the organ of vision is damaged, rinse the eye with water, apply an occlusive bandage and immediately hospitalize it at the eye microsurgery center;

Further tactics for treating victims

All patients with symptoms of glue intoxication of varying severity are subject to hospitalization. Drugs are administered depending on the symptoms of the lesion various organs or systems and chemical composition of the adhesive.

Possible complications

Complications develop with acute severe or chronic poisoning. Most often, complications arise from the organ/system that was more susceptible to damage during acute period conditions (myocarditis, encephalitis, peripheral neuritis, aplastic anemia, oncological diseases, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, chronic dermatitis, decreased visual acuity and others).

How to avoid glue poisoning

Work involving the use of glue must be carried out in well-ventilated large areas, using personal protective equipment with highly toxic adhesives (mask or respirator, goggles, gloves). Ensure that the adhesive is properly stored away from children, and always supervise your child when working with this material. Wash your hands and face with soap when working with glue.

Glue poisoning can cause significant damage to health and further formation severe complications. PVA glue does not have a high toxic effect when its vapor is inhaled, but causes serious gastrointestinal disturbances if swallowed.

Glue is a sticky consistency that contains polymers and epoxy resins. Terms external environment- pressure, temperature regime, activate the adhesive binders. They bind a torn, broken surface. Glue poisoning is caused by vapors that contain chemicals hazardous to humans.

Table: types and composition of adhesives

Type of glue Compound Titles
Organic Dextrin, starch, rubber, collagen, casein, albumin Starch paste, wood glue, gum arabic.
Inorganic Aluminum oxide, magnesium, silicon, alkali metals, mercury, silicate, Silicate glue, adhesive solutions for repair work, mixing concrete.
Synthetic Reactive – epoxy, polyurethane, polyester, polyamide; Thermoplastic “Superglue”, “Glue Moment”, “PVA”, “Litoelastic”, epoxy glue.

Knowing the composition and class of the adhesive, you can prevent or reduce the consequences of intoxication.

How does poisoning occur?

Glue poisoning has a negative impact on health due to the toxicity of the substance. It calls:

  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, burns, burning upon contact with the skin;
  • The mucous membrane of the nasal, oral cavity, and larynx is affected when the chemical is inhaled;
  • If the substance enters the esophagus, it may cause burns or damage. gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

BF glue has the worst effect on the body. It depresses the central nervous system, provokes clouding of consciousness, depletes the nervous system, and destroys brain cells.

Even ordinary glue for paper and cardboard can cause intoxication. Children who may accidentally ingest it are at risk. When ingested, it burns the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities, and the esophagus.

Mild intoxication occurs when inhaling PVA vapors, Moment glue (if you breathed for less than 10-15 minutes)

Symptoms and signs of poisoning

Symptoms appear almost immediately and need to be categorized.

For example, symptoms of BF thermosetting adhesive are observed mainly in the central nervous system.

Symptoms from BF:

Poisoning from wallpaper glue threatens a person if safety precautions are not followed during repairs. Signs become apparent a few hours after working with the substance.

Symptoms from wallpaper glue:

  • Irritation of the respiratory tract;
  • Damage to the skin - burns, eczema, dermatitis;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Shortness of breath, breathing problems;
  • Pain, burning, redness of the eyes;
  • Deterioration of liver function - pain in the right side, nausea, bitterness in the mouth due to impaired bile flow, yellowness of the skin;
  • Improper functioning of the central nervous system - weakness, clouding of mind, hallucinations, poor concentration.

Symptoms of PVA poisoning:

Symptoms from Moment glue:

  • Hallucinations;
  • Atrophy of the respiratory organs;
  • Intoxication. The condition is somewhat similar to alcohol intoxication;
  • Convulsions, tremors of limbs;
  • Choking, shortness of breath;
  • Deterioration of vision, loss of vision;
  • Arrhythmias, tachycardia, collapse;
  • Pulmonary edema (possibly fatal);
  • Jaundice;
  • Improper functioning of the kidneys - urine is poorly excreted and accumulates in the body.

Symptoms from office glue:

First aid and treatment

Treatment and emergency assistance directly depend on what glue caused the intoxication.

How to behave if poisoned a certain type glue is described below.

  1. Remove mucus from the mouth by rinsing;
  2. Rinse the stomach;
  3. In case of cardiac or respiratory arrest, cardiac massage is necessary, artificial respiration;
  4. Restore water-salt balance by drinking plenty of fluids. Tea is also great.

Treatment for poisoning with BF glue:

  • Ephedrine Hydrochloride injections;
  • To normalize blood pressure the drug “Norepinephrine Hydrotartrate” is administered;
  • An injection of “Glucose” is given intravenously;
  • “Nicotinic Acid” is injected subcutaneously;
  • Injected intramuscularly - “Thiamin Bromide”, “Pyridoxine Hydrochloride”;
  • On early stage give injections of a mixture of “Insulin”, “Glucose”, “Sodium Bicarbonate”;
  • If the victim has fallen into a coma, the body is cleansed by increasing urination;
  • Antibacterial therapy is carried out.

Treatment of poisoning with epoxy glue:

  • Do not induce vomiting. Vomit can burn the esophagus and oral cavity;
  • Provide drinking plenty of fluids– water, milk;
  • Monitor the victim’s vital signs – pulse, breathing. If they begin to disappear, perform a cardiac massage and artificial respiration;
  • Applied externally for damaged skin - “Resorcinol”, “Boric acid”

In case of intoxication with office glue:

  • Take 1-2 tsp vegetable oil or egg yolk;
  • Rinse with dissolved Activated Carbon and 10% glycerin solution;
  • Drink sorbent – ​​“Enterosgel”, “”, “”, “”, “Sorbex”, “Polyphepan”, “Carbolen”

Prevention of glue poisoning

Poisoning can happen to anyone, so it is important to know and follow preventive measures.

How to protect yourself:

  1. Carry out all work with glue in a well-ventilated area;
  2. If the glue is toxic, wear gloves, a respirator, safety glasses, and an apron;
  3. Keep the glue out of the reach of children;
  4. When a child works with PVA glue, make sure that he does not drink it;
  5. As soon as you finish working with glue, be sure to wash your face, wash your hands, and take a shower.

Video: what happens if you drink super glue

Video 2: what happens if you pour super glue into your eyes

An activity related to repairing something through the use of adhesives occurs in the life of every person. Glue is a sticky substrate, which contains polymers that have (when exposed to temperature and pressure) binding properties, due to which the bonded surfaces adhere. We present the classification of adhesives by production method in the table.

Knowing the nature of the origin of the adhesive composition is very important, since no one is immune from an accident (such as poisoning) when working with it. And, having such knowledge in your arsenal, you can immediately take measures to reduce or prevent negative consequences.

How does poisoning occur?

The source of glue poisoning is not only oral ingestion of the toxin into the body, but also inhalation of toxic fumes through the nose, damage to the skin and mucous membranes (eyes, nose, lips) due to careless handling of chemicals.

The most negative toxicological consequences occur in the body after poisoning with BF glue: through ingestion. Severe development depressed state, leading to clouding of consciousness.

One of the seemingly harmless glues - office glue - can easily be poisoned. It is especially dangerous for young children. It contains 0.5% phenol, which has a cauterizing and irritating effect on the mucous membranes when ingested orally (through the mouth).

Mild damage to the body occurs when inhaling vapors of synthetic adhesive mixtures: epoxy glue, PVA and Moment glue.

Symptoms of poisoning

Should be classified separately characteristic features in case of poisoning with various types of adhesive mixtures:

Signs of BF glue poisoning

  • sudden onset of deep sleep;
  • a sharp drop in body temperature;
  • loss of any kind of sensitivity;

Important to know! It is impossible to neutralize the toxic effect of BF glue substances with alcohol. Consuming them together will lead to vomiting, white mucus, eye pain, and headaches.

Epoxy glue poisoning

  • respiratory tract irritation;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • contact skin diseases: burns, eczema, dermatitis, etc.;
  • depression of the central nervous system and liver;
  • breathing problems;

Poisoning with PVA glue causes a mild degree of intoxication

  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;

Intoxication with “Moment” glue

  • the appearance of hallucinatory images;
  • paralysis respiratory center;
  • intoxication of the central nervous system - the occurrence of an intoxicating effect;
  • convulsions;
  • formation of methemoglobin;
  • the appearance of suffocation;
  • possible loss of vision;
  • disruption of the heart: arrhythmia, collapse;
  • cyanosis, pulmonary edema;
  • jaundice;
  • hepatic coma;
  • threat of anuria and uremia;

Symptoms of office glue poisoning

  • loss of consciousness;
  • renal failure;
  • severe form of pneumonia.

First aid and treatment

The range of first aid measures is directly dependent on what toxic substance caused the poisoning. The most severe poisonings are caused by synthetic adhesives. They contain acetone, gasoline, phenol and other compounds, the vapors of which are released into environment. A set of measures to provide first aid emergency care For various poisonings adhesive compositions are given below:

In case of poisoning with BF glue, the following procedures are performed:

  • suction of mucus from the oral cavity;
  • gastric lavage using a tube;
  • performing intubation and mechanical breathing - in the absence of any reflexes;
  • carry out a set of measures to restore cardiac activity and respiratory function;
  • "Methasone", "Ephedrine hydrochloride",
  • "Norepinephrine hydrotartrate" to increase blood pressure;
  • 40% Glucose solution(40 ml) - intravenously;
  • 5% Nikotinova solution acids (1 ml) - subcutaneously;
  • 6% Thiamine solution bromide and 2.5% hydrochloride solution pyridoxine (2 ml) - intramuscularly;
  • give me something to drink strong tea and coffee;
  • mixture: 20% glucose solution (500 ml), Insulin (20 units) and 4% Hydrocarbonate solution sodium (500-1000 ml) - intravenously (in the early stages of poisoning);
  • in the stage of deep coma it is necessary to use forced diuresis;
  • antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids - to fight infection;

First aid for epoxy glue poisoning

  • the poisoned person should be given water or milk to drink;
  • 2% water solution Resorcinol - for irritation skin;
  • 2% solution Boric acid- for swelling of the skin;

Important to know! If you are poisoned by epoxy glue, do not induce vomiting. The poisoned person may receive a burn to the mouth and throat.

  • In case of poisoning by PVA vapors, medical attention is not required. A poisoned person must be taken to fresh air;
  • Since “Moment” glue belongs to class 4. danger (low toxicity), then the victim’s contact with toxic vapors of this substance should be limited, the room should be well ventilated, and the person should be taken to fresh air;

Help with stationery glue poisoning

  • before the lavage procedure, vegetable oil or egg yolk should be introduced into the stomach;
  • rinse the stomach with water with activated carbon and 10% glycerin solution;
  • give any enterosorbent to drink ( Activated carbon, Enterosgel, etc.).

To carry out safe work with any adhesive compositions, you must adhere to following rules. Firstly, the room in which gluing work takes place must be well ventilated. Secondly, to use highly toxic compounds, a local exhaust device must be additionally installed. Thirdly, it is necessary to apply individual means safety (rubber gloves, respiratory masks, aprons, protective ointments, etc.). And finally, after completing the gluing work, it is important to carry out hygiene procedures: washing hands, taking a shower. Thus, by protecting yourself, you can protect the people nearby.

Glue vapor poisoning

Glue poisoning has a number of features depending on its composition. Glue is a sticky substance consisting of compounds of different origin and chemical structure, capable of gluing various materials.

Bonding is achieved by tight adhesion between the adhesive and the two surfaces. The strength of such a bond depends on the adhesion of the molecules of the main component to each other.

Causes of glue poisoning

There are accidental glue poisonings, when during prolonged work with the substance a large amount of vapor is inhaled, as well as glue poisoning as a result of substance abuse and with suicidal intent.

According to time intervals, acute and chronic intoxication are distinguished, as well as three degrees of severity: mild, moderate and severe. It is worth noting that addiction to adhesives most often refers to chronic forms of poisoning, although acute intoxication may occur during the first attempts to inhale adhesive vapors.

The group of people who are susceptible to glue poisoning includes representatives of the construction professions, as well as children. Mostly, poisoning occurs due to irrational use of the substance and insufficient parental supervision.

When glue gets on the skin (provided there is no wound surface), poisoning rarely occurs, but upon contact with mucous membranes, toxins are absorbed into the blood very quickly.

Chemical composition of adhesive substances

Adhesives include a variety of products of different chemical origins and compositions.

There are organic adhesives based on starch, albumin, collagen, casein, dextrin, silicon or rubber. Inorganic adhesives consisting of mercury, alkali metals, silicates, aluminum oxide, silicon and magnesium. And the most toxic are synthetic ones, containing polyurethane, epoxides, polyacrylics, polyamides, phenol, polyesters.

The last group includes “Super Glue”, “PVA”, “Moment”, “Liquid Nails” and other quick adhesive substances. Each of the listed adhesives has a specific odor that determines its main component. The group of adhesives also includes hardeners, plasticizers, fillers, film formers, and silicate substances.

One of the most common glues, which is widely used, including by children, is PVA, consisting of polyvinyl acetate and water. Since the glue contains synthetic products in its composition, intoxication with the vapors of this substance develops quickly and is difficult.

Symptoms of glue poisoning

Acute poisoning (inhalation of vapors)

Symptoms of acute glue poisoning are not specific. First of all, with mild or moderate intoxication, patients complain of:

  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • white spots in front of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • euphoria, which gives way to irritability;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • muscle weakness;
  • strange taste in the mouth;

When examining the victim in all cases the following is noted:

  • increased body temperature;
  • rosy cheeks;
  • dilated pupils on both sides;
  • pale skin;
  • shortness of breath of a mixed nature;
  • changes in the heart are possible in the form of rhythm disturbances on the ECG;
  • sensations of heartbeat;
  • slight decrease in pressure;

The patient may experience a condition that is similar to mild or moderate alcohol intoxication: unsteady gait, impaired coordination tests, disorders of the vestibular system, nausea, possible vomiting, which does not bring relief, double vision, in severe cases, visual or auditory vision is possible hallucinations.

All of these symptoms are not persistent and are easily eliminated when the active factor is eliminated.

In case of severe poisoning by glue vapors, upon objective examination, the doctor states:

  • absence or impairment of consciousness (coma);
  • disturbance of rhythm and conduction of the heart up to cardiac arrest;
  • decreased or absent reflexes;
  • blood hypocoagulation;
  • indomitable vomiting of central origin due to irritation of the brain stem and other focal neurological symptoms;

Chronic poisoning (inhalation of vapors)

Occurs as a result of prolonged inhalation of glue vapors (for example, construction workers or workers in glue production plants). Clinical manifestations of chronic intoxication depend on the chemical composition of the glue.

  • constant drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • decreased memory and mental processes;
  • persistent focal neurological symptoms are possible;
  • crawling sensations;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased levels of indirect and direct bilirubin;
  • moderate enlargement of the liver;
  • the amount of albumin in plasma decreases;
Different types of glue provoke respiratory tract diseases (chronic bronchitis, recurrent pneumonia, emphysema), severe dermatitis upon contact with skin, and nervous system disorders. In some cases, symptoms resemble propane poisoning.

Touylene diisocyanate affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Symptoms of such poisoning are:

  • angina attacks;
  • rhythm and conduction disturbances;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • Various metabolic disorders may occur;
  • upon contact with skin causes severe deep burns;

Patients also present nonspecific complaints:

  • insomnia;
  • decreased physical and mental activity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • heartburn or persistent nausea;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • diffuse abdominal pain;
  • frequent illnesses as a result of decreased reactivity of the immune system of varying severity;

Contact intoxication.

Occurs when glue gets on the skin and various mucous membranes. Characterized by the occurrence of severe dermatitis.

  1. In case of contact with the eyes - decreased visual acuity, dry eye and atrophy of the cornea and sclera.
  2. Contact with the oral mucosa results in a chemical burn.
  3. When a large amount of glue enters the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding develops, a rapid increase in symptoms of poisoning and frequent death.

First aid for poisoning

When providing first aid to a victim, you must:

  1. Remove from the room where the poisoning occurred;
  2. Provide a flow of fresh air;
  3. If necessary, unbutton a shirt or other clothing that restricts the chest;
  4. If breathing stops, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  5. If the glue comes into contact with the skin, immediately remove any remaining substance with a stream of warm running water and laundry soap;
  6. If the glue is swallowed, it is necessary to induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue or drink at least a liter of salt water, then rinse the stomach with a probe;
  7. Next, introduce an enterosorbent (atoxyl, polysorb, enterol, white coal, enterosgel and others) and a laxative (duphalac or magnesium sulfate);
  8. If the organ of vision is damaged, rinse the eye with water, apply an occlusive bandage and immediately hospitalize it at the eye microsurgery center;

Further tactics for treating victims

All patients with symptoms of glue intoxication of varying severity are subject to hospitalization. Drugs are administered depending on the symptoms of damage to various organs or systems and the chemical composition of the glue.

Possible complications

Complications develop with acute severe or chronic poisoning. Most often, complications arise from the organ/system that was more susceptible to damage in the acute period of the condition (myocarditis, encephalitis, peripheral neuritis, aplastic anemia, cancer, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, chronic dermatitis, decreased visual acuity, and others).

How to avoid glue poisoning

Work involving the use of glue must be carried out in well-ventilated large areas, using personal protective equipment with highly toxic adhesives (mask or respirator, goggles, gloves). Ensure that the adhesive is properly stored away from children, and always supervise your child when working with this material. Wash your hands and face with soap when working with glue.

Glue poisoning can cause significant damage to health and further development of severe complications. PVA glue does not have a highly toxic effect when its vapors are inhaled, but causes serious gastrointestinal disturbances if swallowed.

Glue poisoning moment: symptoms and treatment

Glue is a sticky consistency that contains polymers and epoxy resins. Environmental conditions - pressure, temperature - activate the adhesive binders. They bind a torn, broken surface. Glue poisoning is caused by vapors that contain chemicals hazardous to humans.

Table: types and composition of adhesives

Knowing the composition and class of the adhesive, you can prevent or reduce the consequences of intoxication.

How does poisoning occur?

Glue poisoning has a negative impact on health due to the toxicity of the substance. It calls:

  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, burns, burning upon contact with the skin;
  • The mucous membrane of the nasal, oral cavity, and larynx is affected when the chemical is inhaled;
  • If the substance enters through the esophagus, burns, damage to the gastrointestinal tract and other organs are possible.

BF glue has the worst effect on the body. It depresses the central nervous system, provokes clouding of consciousness, depletes the nervous system, and destroys brain cells.

Even ordinary glue for paper and cardboard can cause intoxication. Children who may accidentally ingest it are at risk. When ingested, it burns the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities, and the esophagus.

Mild intoxication occurs when inhaling PVA vapors, Moment glue (if you breathed for less than 10-15 minutes)

Symptoms and signs of poisoning

Symptoms appear almost immediately and need to be categorized.

For example, symptoms of BF thermosetting adhesive are observed mainly in the central nervous system.

Symptoms from BF:

  • Loss of consciousness, deep sleep;
  • Decreased body temperature;
  • Complete loss of sensation.

Poisoning from wallpaper glue threatens a person if safety precautions are not followed during repairs. Signs become apparent a few hours after working with the substance.

Symptoms from wallpaper glue:

  • Irritation of the respiratory tract;
  • Damage to the skin - burns, eczema, dermatitis;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Shortness of breath, breathing problems;
  • Pain, burning, redness of the eyes;
  • Deterioration of liver function - pain in the right side, nausea, bitterness in the mouth due to impaired bile flow, yellowness of the skin;
  • Improper functioning of the central nervous system - weakness, clouding of mind, hallucinations, poor concentration.

Symptoms of PVA poisoning:

  • Dizziness, headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Symptoms from Moment glue:

  • Hallucinations;
  • Atrophy of the respiratory organs;
  • Intoxication. The condition is somewhat similar to alcohol intoxication;
  • Convulsions, tremors of limbs;
  • Choking, shortness of breath;
  • Deterioration of vision, loss of vision;
  • Arrhythmias, tachycardia, collapse;
  • Pulmonary edema (possibly fatal);
  • Jaundice;
  • Improper functioning of the kidneys - urine is poorly excreted and accumulates in the body.

Symptoms from office glue:

  • Development of pneumonia;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Fainting.

First aid and treatment

Treatment and emergency assistance directly depend on what kind of glue caused the intoxication.

How to behave if poisoned by a certain type of glue is described below.

  1. Remove mucus from the mouth by rinsing;
  2. Rinse the stomach;
  3. In case of cardiac or respiratory arrest, cardiac massage and artificial respiration are necessary;
  4. Restore water-salt balance by drinking plenty of fluids. Tea is also great.

Treatment for poisoning with BF glue:

  • Ephedrine Hydrochloride injections;
  • To normalize blood pressure, the drug “Norepinephrine Hydrotartrate” is administered;
  • An injection of “Glucose” is given intravenously;
  • “Nicotinic Acid” is injected subcutaneously;
  • Injected intramuscularly - “Thiamin Bromide”, “Pyridoxine Hydrochloride”;
  • At an early stage, injections are given with a mixture of “Insulin”, “Glucose”, “Sodium Bicarbonate”;
  • If the victim has fallen into a coma, the body is cleansed by increasing urination;
  • Antibacterial therapy is carried out.

Treatment of poisoning with epoxy glue:

  • Do not induce vomiting. Vomit can burn the esophagus and mouth;
  • Provide plenty of fluids - water, milk;
  • Monitor the victim’s vital signs – pulse, breathing. If they begin to disappear, perform a cardiac massage and artificial respiration;
  • Applied externally for damaged skin - “Resorcinol”, “Boric acid”

In case of intoxication with office glue:

  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil or egg yolk;
  • Rinse with dissolved Activated Carbon and 10% glycerin solution;
  • Drink sorbent - “Enterosgel”, “Activated carbon”, “Smecta”, “Polysorb”, “Sorbex”, “Polyphepan”, “Carbolen”

Prevention of glue poisoning

Poisoning can happen to anyone, so it is important to know and follow preventive measures.

How to protect yourself:

  1. Carry out all work with glue in a well-ventilated area;
  2. If the glue is toxic, wear gloves, a respirator, safety glasses, and an apron;
  3. Keep the glue out of the reach of children;
  4. When a child works with PVA glue, make sure that he does not drink it;
  5. As soon as you finish working with glue, be sure to wash your face, wash your hands, and take a shower.

Video: what happens if you drink super glue

Video 2: what happens if you pour super glue into your eyes

What happens if you drink PVA glue?

Glue poisoning

Synthetic substances have long entered human life, making it easier. It is on these bases that a variety of silicones, oils, lubricants and adhesives are made. Such substances are reliable helpers in everyday life, however, they must be used with extreme caution, because violation of safety rules for working with them can lead to poisoning. varying degrees complexity. The most common cause of poisoning in everyday life is glue poisoning. Any adhesive can contain many components, and not all of them are poisonous. Therefore, if glue poisoning occurs, it is important to know what its composition is and which substances are the most toxic. A toxic substance can enter the body in the following ways:

  • through the skin;
  • mucous membranes (usually eyes);
  • by inhalation;
  • if accidentally or intentionally ingested.

Regardless of the route of entry into the body, the most toxic substance in the glue will manifest itself in the body with specific signs.

Glue: effect on the human body

Not every glue is equally toxic. However, it must be remembered that any organism can react with a specific autoimmune reaction to any of the components in its composition. That is, an allergy to glue can manifest itself in any way, even in the most dangerous way. Anything is possible: from mild urticaria to severe angioedema with asphyxia.

Therefore, you need to take any synthetic substance very seriously, considering it a priori dangerous, despite the fact that not all of them can cause serious damage to health.

Different substances - different symptoms

When thinking about whether glue is harmful, you need to remember what components make it up. The most hazardous substances for humans, which are used to make glue can be:

formaldehyde is one of the most toxic substances in glue

  • phenols;
  • acetone;
  • formaldehyde;
  • rubber;
  • toluene;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • cyanoacrylate.

None of the glues available on the market today contains all of these substances at once. But even each individual one of them can lead to sharp deterioration well-being.

Features of the action of PVA glue

PVA construction glue (not to be confused with stationery glue!) is a fairly safe substance. Even if you drink PVA glue in small quantities, your health will not be seriously affected. However, it is worth remembering that poisoning is a very individual condition that also depends on immunity and general condition health. Therefore, you should not check from your own experience what will happen if you drink glue.

The main symptoms of poisoning with this substance:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache.

    The first thing to do is get out into the fresh air.

In order for the symptoms to subside, it is necessary to stop all contact with the sticky substance and go outside. The main symptoms will subside, but a severe headache and possibly vomiting will occur.

After a day they should stop - the toxicity of such a substance is not enough to seriously damage health.

Important characteristics: Moment glue

This substance is known for its harmful fumes. It is easy to get poisoned with this glue if you work in a completely enclosed area. Moment vapor poisoning causes the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness, similar to feeling drunk.
  • Cramps.
  • Involuntary twitching, tremors in the arms or legs.
  • Hallucinations, vivid visual images.
  • Respiratory damage.
  • Toxic substances are carried throughout the body, causing disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

If you constantly sniff glue of this kind, you can become permanently addicted to the intoxicating state. This attraction is called substance abuse. A person who sniffs glue and suffers from such addiction needs treatment in specialized clinics.

Symptoms of Moment glue poisoning

Indeed, in addition to addiction, he develops chronic poisoning in pairs, dystrophy of the respiratory tract, the consequences of which result in constant pneumonia against this background.

To get rid of the manifestations of intoxication with an adhesive substance, you must:

  • Leave the room and go outside.
  • Stop contact with the caustic substance.
  • Drink milk or raw egg.

Treatment in a medical facility is necessary for those who develop secondary symptoms serious poisoning:

  • strange bitter taste in the mouth;
  • sharp pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • loss of consciousness or convulsions.

Refusal medical care in such cases may have a very serious consequences, up to liver failure.

Specialist intervention will also be required if glue gets into the eye. In this case, it needs to be washed a large number water and consult a doctor. Treatment will be required in any case, because such an adhesive substance causes burns to the mucous membranes.

How dangerous is wallpaper glue?

The substance that is used for wallpapering is made, roughly speaking, from cellulose prepared in a special way. How additional components modified starch and stabilizer are used. It also includes construction PVA, and for additional care Fungicidal and antibacterial components are used behind the wallpaper.

As you can see, it is the last components that pose a particular danger, which are much less in wallpaper glue than the main ones. But we should not forget about the possible allergic reactions, so it is very difficult to predict exactly how severely you will be poisoned by this substance.

What to do if a child drinks wallpaper paste

The situation requires special attention if parents saw that the child drank wallpaper glue. You should immediately rinse the baby’s stomach, even if the poisoned child feels fine. If after the procedure there are no symptoms such as headache, confusion, cramps or sharp abdominal pain, then it is not necessary to seek medical help. The exception is when the glue is absorbed by children under one year of age.

Common anxiety symptoms

Whatever the toxic substance, people must take responsibility for their own health. Therefore, any unpleasant symptoms when working with adhesives and paints, they should be a signal to stop dealing with toxic substances.

For those whose professional activity associated with toxic substances, taking care of your own health and safety at work should be in the foreground. It should be remembered that:

  • You need to work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Be sure to use a respirator and gloves.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after finishing work.

Constant work with toxic substances can lead to chronic, sluggish poisoning.

You should pay attention to the general condition:

  • color of the skin and mucous membranes (there should be no ulcerations or yellowness);
  • uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (sudden diarrhea or constipation should alert you);
  • change taste qualities food.

Medical prognosis of poisoning

Since humanity can no longer do without many synthetic substances, cases of careless handling of them will still be recorded.

Poisoning with adhesive toxic substances, as a rule, does not lead to fatal outcome, especially if medical care was provided on time and adequate treatment was carried out.

Complications of varying severity can be recorded in cases with Moment adhesives, BF and epoxy substances. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when working with various kinds toxins.

Glue poisoning

Synthetic substances have long entered human life, making it easier. It is on these bases that a variety of silicones, oils, lubricants and adhesives are made. Such substances are reliable helpers in everyday life, however, they must be used with the utmost caution, because violation of safety rules for working with them is fraught with poisoning of varying degrees of complexity. The most common cause of poisoning in everyday life is glue poisoning. Any adhesive can contain many components, and not all of them are poisonous. Therefore, if glue poisoning occurs, it is important to know what its composition is and which substances are the most toxic. A toxic substance can enter the body in the following ways:
  • through the skin;
  • mucous membranes (usually eyes);
  • by inhalation;
  • if accidentally or intentionally ingested.

Regardless of the route of entry into the body, the most toxic substance in the glue will manifest itself in the body with specific signs.

Glue: effect on the human body

Not every glue is equally toxic. However, it must be remembered that any organism can react with a specific autoimmune reaction to any of the components in its composition. That is, an allergy to glue can manifest itself in any way, even in the most dangerous way. Anything is possible: from mild urticaria to severe angioedema with asphyxia.

Therefore, you need to take any synthetic substance very seriously, considering it a priori dangerous, despite the fact that not all of them can cause serious damage to health.

Different substances - different symptoms

When thinking about whether glue is harmful, you need to remember what components make it up. The most dangerous substances for humans that are used to make glue can be:

formaldehyde is one of the most toxic substances in glue

  • phenols;
  • acetone;
  • rubber;
  • toluene;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • cyanoacrylate.

None of the glues available on the market today contains all of these substances at once. But even each individual one of them can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Features of the action of PVA glue

PVA construction adhesive (not to be confused with stationery adhesive!) is a fairly safe substance. Even if you drink PVA glue in small quantities, your health will not be seriously affected. However, it is worth remembering that poisoning is a very individual condition, which also depends on immunity and general health. Therefore, you should not check from your own experience what will happen if you drink glue.

The main symptoms of poisoning with this substance:

In order for the symptoms to subside, it is necessary to stop all contact with the sticky substance and go outside. The main symptoms will subside, but a severe headache and possibly vomiting will occur.

After a day they should stop - the toxicity of such a substance is not enough to seriously damage health.

Important characteristics: Moment glue

This particular substance is known for its harmful fumes. It is easy to get poisoned with this glue if you work in a completely enclosed area. Moment vapor poisoning causes the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness, similar to feeling drunk.
  • Cramps.
  • Involuntary twitching, tremors in the arms or legs.
  • Hallucinations, vivid visual images.
  • Respiratory damage.
  • Toxic substances are carried throughout the body, causing disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

If you constantly sniff glue of this kind, you can become permanently addicted to the intoxicating state. This attraction is called substance abuse. A person who sniffs glue and suffers from such addiction needs treatment in specialized clinics.

Symptoms of Moment glue poisoning

Indeed, in addition to addiction, he develops chronic vapor poisoning, dystrophy of the respiratory tract, the consequences of which result in constant pneumonia against this background.

To get rid of the manifestations of intoxication with an adhesive substance, you must:

  • Leave the room and go outside.
  • Stop contact with the caustic substance.
  • Drink milk or raw egg.

Treatment in a medical facility is necessary for those who develop secondary symptoms of serious poisoning:

  • strange bitter taste in the mouth;
  • sharp pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • loss of consciousness or convulsions.

Refusal of medical care in such cases can have very serious consequences, including liver failure.

Specialist intervention will also be required if glue gets into the eye. In this case, you need to rinse it with plenty of water and consult a doctor. Treatment will be required in any case, because such an adhesive substance causes burns to the mucous membranes.

How dangerous is wallpaper glue?

The substance that is used for wallpapering is made, roughly speaking, from cellulose prepared in a special way. Modified starch and stabilizer are used as additional components. It also contains construction PVA, and fungicidal and antibacterial components are used for additional wallpaper care.

As you can see, it is the last components that pose a particular danger, which are much less in wallpaper glue than the main ones. But we should not forget about possible allergic reactions, so it is very difficult to predict exactly how severely you will be poisoned by this substance.

What to do if a child drinks wallpaper paste

The situation requires special attention if parents saw that the child drank wallpaper glue. You should immediately rinse the baby’s stomach, even if the poisoned child feels fine. If after the procedure there are no symptoms such as headache, confusion, cramps or sharp abdominal pain, then it is not necessary to seek medical help. The exception is when the glue is absorbed by children under one year of age.

Common anxiety symptoms

Whatever the toxic substance, people must take responsibility for their own health. Therefore, any unpleasant symptoms when working with adhesives and paints should be a signal to stop dealing with toxic substances.

For those whose professional activities involve toxic substances, taking care of their own health and safety at work should be in the foreground. It should be remembered that:

  • You need to work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Be sure to use a respirator and gloves.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after finishing work.

Constant work with toxic substances can lead to chronic, sluggish poisoning.

You should pay attention to the general condition:

  • color of the skin and mucous membranes (there should be no ulcerations or yellowness);
  • uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (sudden diarrhea or constipation should alert you);
  • change in the taste of food.

Medical prognosis of poisoning

Since humanity can no longer do without many synthetic substances, cases of careless handling of them will still be recorded.

A teenager who decides to try to get high can get poisoned by glue in an accessible way, or a child who doesn’t know what he’s doing, or an adult who doesn’t follow safety precautions. We decided to open this topic for those who are looking for an answer to the question: “how to help if you are poisoned by glue?”

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Symptoms of glue poisoning

A sticky substance made from epoxy resins and polymers is called adhesive. The activation of the binding components of the glue is influenced by pressure and thermal conditions. Glue fumes contain chemicals that are harmful to human health.
The degree of poisoning and signs of intoxication of the body depend on the constituent substances of the glue. Symptoms of poisoning occur instantly or within a few hours if a person does not follow safety rules while using it. Let's look at the dangers that some of the most common adhesives pose.

Signs of poisoning from wallpaper glue, which almost all people use during renovations:

  • Respiratory irritation.
  • Skin damage in the form of eczema, burns, dermatitis.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Breathing problems, shortness of breath.
  • Burning and pain in the eyes.
  • Deterioration in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder with accompanying pain, nausea, bitterness in the mouth and yellowness of the skin.
  • Malfunction of the central nervous system, which occurs with sensation general weakness, hallucinations and decreased concentration.
For instant gluing of different surfaces, universal adhesive “Moment” is often used, which can cause following symptoms poisoning:
  • Atrophy of the respiratory organs.
  • Manifestations of hallucinations.
  • Alcohol-type intoxication.
  • Leg and arm cramps.
  • Asphyxia.
  • Decreased vision, even to the point of loss.
  • Failure of the cardiovascular system in the form of tachycardia, arrhythmia.
  • Yellowing of the skin.
  • Accumulation of urine in the body and kidney failure.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Fainting state.

Due to its high alkalinity and the presence of chemically active metals in its composition, which react with various substances, silicate glue automatically becomes hazardous. It can seriously damage your eyes and cause burns. Given that frequent use for a long time and without following the rules technical safety, silicate glue can cause fainting, pneumonia and kidney failure.

Uranus glue is also often found in our lives and is used mainly in the shoe industry. It is very toxic and can cause serious negative consequences with health. The glue is fire hazardous, so following safety rules is very important when working with this product. It is also important to protect your eyes and skin.

Glue intoxication is very dangerous and requires medical attention. At home, only first aid can be provided. The main thing is to know what kind of glue the victim was poisoned with. Manipulations when providing assistance to the victim:

  1. Take the patient to fresh air and unfasten (remove) suffocating clothing.
  2. If breathing stops, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  3. By using warm water Use laundry soap to wash off any remaining glue.
  4. If glue gets into the oral cavity, it is necessary to induce vomiting and rinse the stomach.
  5. Give the patient a large amount of liquid with sorbent agents.
  6. If glue gets on your eyes, you must rinse them and apply an aseptic bandage.

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