Muscle weakness in the legs and arms, causes and treatment. Weakness in the arms and legs: causes and treatment Why there is no strength in the arms

Muscle weakness syndrome is called myasthenia gravis - a pathological process of an autoimmune nature that reduces muscle contractility. This disease can develop as a result of damage to the anatomical components of the limbs (vessels, bones, articular surfaces, nerves). Muscle weakness can develop in both the arms and legs. In this section we will look at the main causes of muscle weakness in the legs and arms and their treatment.

Main symptoms of myasthenia gravis:

  • 1. Decreased muscle strength. The measurement can be made either using a special tool - a dynamometer, or the hands of an examining doctor. To assess muscle strength without an instrument, the doctor simultaneously shakes the patient's two hands while assessing the symmetry of muscle tension.
  • 2. Difficulty performing routine tasks (walking, climbing stairs, holding a mug, writing with a pen, carrying moderately heavy packages);
  • 3. In addition to decreased strength in a particular limb, blepharoptosis (drooping of the eyelid), difficulty swallowing, speaking, or chewing may occur.

Causes of muscle weakness in the legs

This syndrome in the legs most often develops due to the following reasons:

  • 1. atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • 2. pinching of the innervating nerve;
  • 3. varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • 4. wearing uncomfortable shoes or flat feet;
  • 5. damage to blood vessels or muscles by infectious agents;
  • 6. metabolic disorders (damage to the thyroid gland);
  • 7. calcium deficiency in the body.

Causes of weakness in the hands

The syndrome develops much less frequently in the arms than in the legs. Its main reasons:

  • 1. atherosclerosis of the vessels of the upper extremities;
  • 2. pinching, injury, hypothermia of one of the nerves;
  • 3. sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • 4. stroke;
  • 5. infectious damage to blood vessels and muscles of the upper extremities;
  • 6. metabolic disorders;
  • 7. lack of calcium in the body.

Treatment of muscle weakness

Severe flaccidity in the legs and arms causes discomfort to the patient. To the question “How to treat muscle weakness?” experts answer that there are several methods: conservative (medicinal) method, surgery and physiotherapy. If the cause of weakness lies in infection, then antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral drugs are used. Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed that improve blood flow in the area of ​​the necessary muscles.

Treatment depends on the cause that causes it (injuries, infections, genetic, autoimmune processes, consequences of stroke, etc.). If muscle weakness occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist in neuromuscular pathology.

A condition such as muscle weakness in the arms is a common phenomenon that almost every person on earth faces. It is a limited ability to perform motor acts with the hand as a result of decreased strength or loss of strength of the muscle fibers of the hand. In parallel with this, a person sometimes experiences trembling in his hands, sometimes his hands can shake so much that the patient is unable to hold even small objects.

Myoweakness in the hands occurs in people of different age categories and gender. The causative factors of this condition can be both physiological (not requiring special therapeutic measures) and pathological (the uncomfortable state is provoked by some pathological process).

Etiological list

The entire list of etiological factors can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

The first type of muscle weakness in the upper extremities is possible in the following situations:

  1. Holding them for a long time above the level of the heart. The muscle weakness then regresses within a few minutes as it returns to its normal position.
  2. Sudden changes in ambient temperature (long stay in the cold followed by sudden entry into a room with a high temperature).

The second option is possible with the following pathological processes (developing or activation of existing ones):

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Protein deficiency in the body.
  3. Disorder of the innervation or blood supply to the tissues of the limb, for example, as a result of prolonged compression of a vessel or nerve (being in an uncomfortable position). Often this manifestation is combined with slight pain and trembling (tremor) in the hands.
  4. Various thyroid diseases. In this case, trembling is the very first symptom of the progression of gland pathology.
  5. Activation of rheumatoid arthritis.
  6. Neuropathology.
  7. Inflammatory processes in the ligamentous apparatus of articular joints (tendinitis, etc.). Here the weakness is aggravated by repetitive movements. It is combined with pain. These are mainly professional pathologies (tennis player, etc.)
  8. Particular attention should be paid to trembling and weakness in the left hand. This symptom is one of the first in cardiovascular pathology, VSD and stroke.
  9. Myoweakness and trembling in the right hand may indicate damage to the right neuroroots due to osteochondrosis, hernial protrusion in the vertebrae. Signs can be both constant and periodic.
  10. (myoweakness combined with slight pain).
  11. Damage to the neurofibers of the brachial plexus.
  12. Rare pathologies in the form of acute, etc.

Weakness in the arm muscles refers to immediate symptoms and not to nosological entities. At the same time, a symptomatic picture of the disease that caused its appearance appears. Muscular atony may be accompanied by:

  • pain in the arm or back;
  • dizziness;
  • inability to fully perform motor acts with the hand;
  • swelling in the area of ​​articular joints;
  • in rare cases with elevated skin temperature.


If hand tremors occur in combination with cephalgia and the inability to hold objects, you must immediately contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis after performing certain diagnostic procedures. When such a symptom occurs with a certain systematicity, this means that some kind of pathology may be developing in the body. The diagnostic plan includes the following activities:

  • interviewing the patient with a physical examination;
  • assessment of anamnestic data;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Blood examination (clinical and biochemical) and urine.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for a discomfort condition will be prescribed only after a complete diagnosis and determination of the factor that caused the discomfort. Therapeutic measures are aimed directly at eliminating the causative disease, and not a specific manifestation. The doctor will definitely prescribe:

  • Bed rest with normalization of the daily schedule - rationalization of wakefulness and sleep.
  • Following a certain diet. If there is a deficiency of protein compounds in the body, a diet with increased consumption of protein-rich foods will be prescribed.
  • Prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Taking analgesic medications if pain syndrome is associated with myolysis.
  • Physiotherapeutic activities.
  • Special therapeutic exercises with moderate intensity.
  • Therapy with vitamin-mineral medicinal complexes.
  • Chondroprotective therapy.

Often adults are bothered by severe weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, especially after hard work. These unpleasant sensations most often pass quickly, but sometimes indicate serious illness. Loss of strength, dizziness and numbness of the extremities affect the general condition of a person, increase malaise, and reduce ability to work. You can overcome muscle weakness in the arms and legs with moderate exercise, medication, and only after consulting a doctor.

Causes of weakness in arms and legs

Human limbs have a special physiology that helps to carry out highly precise and specific manipulations. For example, in the process of writing just one letter of the alphabet, about 20 types of arm muscles, 25 joints and millions of nerve impulses are involved.

Causes of weakness in the arms and legs may include:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis. This disease primarily affects adults who work as hairdressers, surgeons, watchmakers, and factory operators. Ossification of the intervertebral discs leads to pinching and constant irritation of the nerve roots. In this case, patients complain of pain in the neck, arms, dizziness, lumbago in the back of the head and headache. Pressure surges often occur.
  2. Brachial plexus plexitis. At the level of the collarbone, in the thickness of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, there is a nerve plexus. In case of shoulder injuries, clavicle fracture, electric shock, or after operations, disturbances in the conduction of impulses to the upper limb are possible. In this case, patients complain of weakness in the right hand (or left), limited mobility, and a feeling of goosebumps crawling on the skin.
  3. Fracture of arm bones. After damage to bone tissue, a plaster cast is required for at least a month. In this case, the arm muscles weaken and atrophy. After removing the plaster splint, patients may feel severe weakness in the arm, it is very difficult to perform movements, and hand function is impaired.
  4. Hypothyroidism occurs when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones. In this case, patients are adynamic, constantly complaining of drowsiness, malaise, muscle weakness, and low blood pressure.
  5. Osteochondrosis and hernia of the lumbar spine. Irritation of the nerves of the lower back causes severe pain in the back, lower extremities, weakness and numbness of the skin of the legs. Any movements of the body are accompanied by painful shootings.
  6. Rheumatoid arthritis. This is a systemic disease that affects the knee and wrist joints of the hands. Patients indicate deformation of the limbs, pain during movement, weakness or spasms in the muscles.
  7. A stroke usually affects one side of the body. In this case, weakness in the left arm and leg, speech impairment, and severe headache often occur.

To determine the exact cause of muscle weakness, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

Weakness in the arms and legs due to diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is not a disease, but a way of life. This is what patients who suffer from this serious illness say.

Important! A fasting blood sugar level above 6.1 mmol/l indicates diabetes mellitus

Doctors identify a large number of complications of diabetes. Muscle weakness in the arms and legs appears in the following cases:

  1. Hypoglycemia. This condition occurs when blood sugar is below 3.3 mmol/L. Then patients feel trembling and muscle weakness, sweating, dizziness, and clouding of consciousness. If the process progresses, coma occurs.
  2. Ketosis or ketoacidosis. High blood sugar levels (above 12-15 mmol/l) deplete the body, causing thirst, nausea, dry mouth, muscle weakness, blurred vision and headache.
  3. Diabetic foot is considered a late complication of diabetes when deformity of the ankle joint occurs. Flat feet, arthrosis, and leg ulcers also appear.

With diabetes, especially if a person does not monitor blood glucose levels, blood vessels sharply narrow. This leads to insufficient nutrition of the heart, kidneys and muscles in the legs and arms.

Important! Constantly high blood sugar levels can contribute to clogged blood vessels in the legs. Gangrene is likely to occur, requiring amputation of the limb

Diabetes mellitus requires monitoring of glucose levels, vascular patency, renal function and vision testing.

Causes of numbness and trembling in the hands and feet

Numbness and trembling in the limbs indicate involvement of nervous tissue in the process. Impaired impulse conduction can be caused by the following reasons listed below.

  1. Parkinson's disease. Sometimes you can see a shaking person suffering from difficulty performing normal movements. This disease is associated with insufficient synthesis of dopamine in brain cells. Patients complain of trembling in the hands when at rest, muscle weakness, and lack of coordination of movements. However, doctors believe that the difference between this disease is that trembling in the limbs disappears during movements.
  2. Cerebellar ataxia. Damage to the cerebellum by a tumor and head injuries cause severe tissue damage. With such a lesion, patients' arms and legs shake very violently, and stability is impaired. Unlike Parkinson's disease, when the cerebellum is damaged, the limbs begin to shake only during movement.
  3. Pinching of the spinal nerves due to herniated discs. If the sensitive roots are affected, patients experience severe pain in the limbs, numbness and burning of the skin, and increased sensitivity in certain areas of the arms and legs.
  4. Polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus affects small nerve endings. Patients experience numbness in the limbs and loss of sensation in the toes. When blood sugar spikes, the fingers begin to tremble from lack of nutrition, and severe weakness appears in the muscles.

Doctor's advice. If trembling and weakness appear in your hands, you should immediately suck on the sweet candy. This condition can be caused by low blood glucose levels.

Also, do not lose sight of insufficient nutrition, lack of sugar, salt in the diet, stress, worries, which can also contribute to the appearance of tremors in the arms and legs.

Treating Weakness in Arms and Legs

At home, you can try to eliminate discomfort in the limbs. If a person is worried about dizziness, weakness in the arms and legs, which are associated with osteochondrosis, a massage will be effective. When visiting a doctor, perform the following exercises:

  1. The patient is positioned on his stomach, his head lies on a special pillow, his neck is straightened. Using his fingers, the doctor kneads the muscles of the back of the neck, near the vertebrae. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. It is effective to conduct 15-20 sessions within 1 month.
  2. If the lower back is affected, position the patient on his stomach. The doctor massages the back muscles with increased force using fingers, fists and elbows. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes. To alleviate the condition, 20 sessions are required over one month.

Important! You cannot perform sharp turns of the neck and torso to “straighten the vertebrae or discs.” This can lead to paralysis

Weakness in the arms and legs should be treated by a qualified physician. This is due to various reasons for this condition, when it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.


A drug


Muscle weakness


Glucose 40% 10 ml

Drink 10 ml of glucose at a time, then monitor your blood sugar levels


  1. Nimesil.
  2. Nimid

Dilute 1 packet in 100 ml of boiled water, drink twice a day for 5 days

Numbness in arms and legs

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Polyneuropathy


1 capsule (300 mg) three times a day for 1-2 months


1 tablet (20 mg) three times a day for 1 month

Trembling hands

Stress, nervous tension

1 tablet three times a day. Duration of use 1-2 weeks

Parkinson's disease and cerebellar ataxia are treated only after consulting a doctor. Taking pills should be monitored by a neurologist.

Light physical exercises that can be done at home have a good effect. You can also visit an acupuncture office, where specialists will find the necessary points on the skin, influencing which they will help eliminate weakness and numbness in the arms and legs.

Weakness in the hands is a fairly common symptom that every person has repeatedly experienced. At the same time, a person may experience tremors in the upper extremities. Sometimes the hands shake so much that the patient is simply unable to hold any objects, for example, a pen or a cup of tea.

In fact, weakness in the arms occurs in people from different age categories, and also without restrictions regarding gender. The causes of this condition can be either physiological (do not require specific treatment) or pathological (tremors and weakness are caused by the presence of certain diseases).

Etiological factors

All known causes of weakness in the hands are conventionally divided into two large groups - physiological and pathological.

Physiological reasons manifestations of trembling and weakness in the hands:

  • Hands often shake if a person holds them slightly above the level of the heart for a long time. In this case, muscle weakness disappears within a few minutes as soon as the person returns the limbs to their normal position;
  • disruption of blood circulation in a limb due to prolonged compression, for example, while sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Often in this case, slight pain and trembling also appear simultaneously with weakness;
  • Hands often shake after there has been a sudden change in ambient temperature. For example, if a person was in the cold for a long time, and then entered a warm room.

Pathological causes weaknesses in the hands:

  • lack of protein compounds in the human body;
  • a wide range of thyroid pathologies. In this case, trembling in the hands is the first sign of the progression of diseases of this gland;
  • progression often causes weakness in the muscles of the upper limbs;
  • neurological pathologies.

Particular attention should be paid if a person regularly notices that his left hand is shaking. This is a rather alarming sign that should under no circumstances be ignored. Weakness in the left arm is often one of the first symptoms of pathologies of the heart, coronary vessels, etc.

Unlike the left, trembling in the right hand does not indicate pathologies of the cardiovascular system, but is also a harbinger of some dangerous pathologies, in particular:

  • . With this pathology, the hand not only shakes, but also mild pain may be felt in it. Symptoms can occur either constantly or periodically;
  • (pain is also a companion to weakness in the limbs);
  • damage to the nerve fibers of the brachial plexus.


It is important to understand that weakness in the muscles of the upper extremities is just a symptom, and not an independent nosological unit. At the same time, the clinical picture of the pathology that provoked its expression appears. The following symptoms may occur:

  • pain in the arm or back;
  • dizziness;
  • inability to fully make active movements with the hand;
  • swelling in the area of ​​articular joints;
  • in rare cases, hyperthermia may occur.


If a person’s hands are shaking, there is pain and the inability to hold objects, then you should immediately consult a doctor for a full diagnosis of the problem. After all, if such a sign manifests itself systematically, it means that a malfunction has occurred in the body. The diagnostic plan includes the following activities:

  • patient interview and examination;
  • assessment of the medical history, during which the doctor can identify previously suffered pathologies that could cause tremors and pain in the hands;

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for weakness in the arms is prescribed by a doctor only after a comprehensive and complete diagnosis. After all, it is not this symptom that needs to be treated, but the pathology that provoked it. Specialists may prescribe the following activities:

  • compliance with bed rest with normalization of wakefulness and sleep;
  • dieting. If there is a lack of proteins in the body, a diet with increased consumption of foods with these substances is prescribed;
  • prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • prescribing painkillers in case of pain;
  • physiotherapy has an excellent effect in eliminating weakness in the arms;
  • performing physical exercises (with moderate intensity);
  • vitamin therapy;
  • purpose of chondroprotectors.

If you complain about weakness of the muscles of the arms and legs, you should first make sure whether this symptom is the only one or is accompanied by pain, numbness, sensory disturbances, etc. For example, arthritis, which is accompanied by weakness of the limbs, is almost always characterized by pain in the joints, and dermatomyositis - damage to the skin.

True muscle weakness, as a rule, occurs symmetrically and is independent of physical activity. Most often, weakness begins in the lower extremities, gradually moving to the arms.

Muscle weakness can be a consequence of many diseases and conditions of the body. Perhaps most often, such weakness indicates the following pathologies:

  • about protein deficiency in the body;
  • about the inflammatory process in any organ;
  • about the penetration of infection into the body;
  • about exposure to toxic substances or poisoning;
  • about dehydration of the body;
  • about a disorder of electrolyte metabolism;
  • about anemia or hypovitaminosis;
  • about diabetes;
  • about thyroid diseases with metabolic disorders;
  • about neurological pathology;
  • about the presence of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • about the incorrect use of certain medications;
  • about asthenic syndrome;
  • about emotional overload and stressful situations experienced.

In any case, to determine the cause of the disease, you should consult a doctor, since treatment must be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Weakness of the left arm and leg

Usually, if weakness of the left arm and leg appears, the first thing to suspect is a stroke - an acute cerebrovascular accident. Indeed, a characteristic symptom of this pathology is numbness of one half of the body, in this case the left. This is quite likely, but not the only factor that can result in limb weakness. So what else could cause this condition?

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, obliterating endarteritis;
  • cardiopathology (diseases of the heart and coronary vessels);
  • disease of the left kidney, including a tumor process;
  • spleen disease;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis or thromboangiitis;
  • diseases of the spine, including curvature of the spinal column, disc protrusion, hernia, tumor process in the spine.

It is almost impossible to diagnose such diseases without special research methods. Therefore, the doctor must send the patient for further examination in order to accurately identify the possible cause of the weakness of the left arm and leg. If you suspect a stroke, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Trembling hands and weakness in legs

Limb trembling is an involuntary frequent contraction of various muscle groups in the arms or legs. The condition when hands shake and weakness appears in the legs is common and is not always the result of any one cause. This condition can be physiological, essential, parkinsonian and cerebellar. Let's consider these states in more detail.

  • Essential tremors and muscle weakness may be hereditary or may be age-related. This pathology intensifies with physical activity: it is not dangerous, but it significantly affects the patient’s quality of life.
  • Parkinsonian tremors and muscle weakness are commonly present in Parkinson's disease and are usually accompanied by or without hypokinesia. Symptoms most often occur at rest.
  • Cerebellar tremors and muscle weakness occur when the cerebellum, which controls movement, is damaged. This may be a manifestation of multiple sclerosis, congenital cerebellar ataxia, etc.
  • Physiological hand tremors and weakness in the legs are the most common condition. It is associated with nervous overexcitation, anxiety, fear, fatigue, hypothermia, withdrawal syndrome and some diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. Often, tremors in the hands and weakness in the legs appear after taking large doses of caffeine, or after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Numbness and weakness in the arms and legs

A condition in which a person feels weak and their arms and legs are numb may be a sign of an impending cold or other infectious disease. Poor sleep, insufficient nutrition, and overwork can also become indirect causes of this condition.

If numbness of the limbs and weakness appear gradually, over a week or a month or even a year, damage to the brain or spinal cord, as well as the neuromuscular system, can be suspected. In such situations, a thorough examination is necessary, since all the causes are quite serious and require careful medical supervision.

Numbness of the arms and legs combined with weakness may be a sign of a disease of the musculoskeletal system: the spinal column, intervertebral discs, joints and bones. It can also be a consequence of a long-standing back injury.

In addition, it is necessary to remember the most common cause leading to numbness and weakness of the limbs (usually one-sided) - a stroke. A stroke develops quite quickly as a result of a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall or cessation of blood flow in any of the vessels of the brain.

Sudden numbness in the arms and legs combined with weakness, headache or dizziness is a characteristic sign of a brain disease. This is more than enough reason to immediately consult a doctor.