Standards - National Chihuahua Breed Club. Everything you need to know about the Chihuahua: origin, Chihuahua breed standard, size of an adult dog

Many dog ​​breeders or those just planning to get a Chihuahua breed are interested in its development. It is, of course, better to know in advance about the age at which a Chihuahua grows than to panic later that something is wrong with the dog and it is not developing properly, gaining weight and growing. Everything is quite simple, let's figure out what stages the baby goes through in development and what height and weight is the norm for the breed.

Buying a puppy

Different dogs grow differently small breeds In general, they usually grow up to a year. When purchasing a Chihuahua, it is important to know what weight and height it was born with and how much it had gained at the time of purchase. This will make it easier to navigate whether you are overfeeding her or underfeeding her. How a dog was raised in a kennel - a lot can also depend on its diet.

It’s also worth asking what category the breed belongs to. They are divided into several types according to size: mini and standard. But in the kennel club the following weight categories are written down in line - Cobby and Deer (deer type).

To distinguish who is in front of you, you should take a closer look at the appearance. Cobby has a denser body constitution, heavy bones, big head. They have a larger distance between their eyes, as well as between their ears, unlike Dir. The ears themselves are slightly smaller than those of thin “fawns”.

You should take a closer look and find out the breeders' recommendations regarding the breed, since in pure form these types are rare. The price of puppies also depends on whether it is a purebred Cobby or Deer or a mixed breed. Ultimately, it will be clear that low weight and height are due to genes, and such a Chihuahua will not grow much.

Weight and height standards for an adult dog

Weight norms and the breed standard have been mentioned repeatedly in our articles; let’s remember what it should be. The most ideal weight (height is not taken into account) is considered to be 1.5-3 kg. There may also be deviations from the norm, the standard is used to allow the dog to attend exhibitions.

Otherwise, the weight can reach up to 500 grams or be more than 5 kg. The average height that dogs have is 15-23 cm. This figure stops at around 1 year and does not increase after the age of 1 year.

It can be quietly overlooked, stepped on or pressed. And small ones, including light ones, are not welcome for breeding or participation in exhibitions. A table can help you choose the right weight that matches your age.

Growing up and stages of development

Until 2-3 months the dog eats mother's milk, which gives it many advantages - vitamins and fat content of milk are the best immunostimulating for the baby. The skeleton, head and rib cage, the coat becomes shiny, and the dog itself will be active and cheerful at the time of purchase.

True, her weight at this moment may be too low, but she will gain it later with interest. The main thing is to know the tendency of recruitment after birth - ask the breeder and what type she belongs to.

Any dog ​​of this breed, whether long-haired or smooth-haired, strong or thin-legged, grows up to 12 months. Her weight gains gradually, while bone growth lasts only 6-8 months. After which she stops growing in height and gains weight.

It gets stronger, so to speak, so in the period after 7 months it is important to maintain proper diet food and monitor how much the dog eats. Still very important physical activity to prevent obesity.

At this stage of development, more precisely from six months, the dog’s chest will still grow and the head will also grow, but the skeleton itself will no longer grow. In order for your dog to gain weight well, feed it with special food, carefully and hermetically packaged specifically for small decorative breeds.

Take time for walks and outdoor games. In order for your dog to grow and live to be 18-20 years old, eliminate stress for it and do not leave it alone, monitor hygiene and visit the veterinary clinic in a timely manner.

Depending on his age, how many months will he take to grow and how much will he weigh when he grows up? And what to do if, despite seemingly good care and proper feeding, is your Chihuahua having trouble gaining weight?

Chihuahuas are one of those breeds whose weight does not depend on gender. If others have more large dogs, it is believed that a male should be larger than a female and this is clearly stated in the standard, then with a Chihuahua everything is different.

Based on feasibility dogs of this breed, it can be argued that the weight of the bitch should be from 2 to 3 kg, since otherwise problems may arise during pregnancy and childbirth.

A male dog can be much smaller, but its weight should not be less than 500 grams.

Many people think that a Chihuahua sitting in a teacup, bowl or handbag looks very cute. But dogs weighing less than 1.8 kg may have. Very small Chihuahuas tolerate both cold and heat worse; they weaker immunity and they are distinguished by a more fragile physique. In addition, mini and micro girls of this breed cannot give birth to puppies. The optimal weight for a girl of this breed can be considered to be between 2 and 2.7 kg. For males, much smaller sizes are also acceptable - a Chihuahua boy can weigh even 0.5-0.6 kg, although the best weight for him can be considered a weight from 1.3 to 2.7 kg.

Puppy weight by month

This table shows the weight gain of a Chihuahua puppy by week and month:

Puppy weight Dwarf Small Average Big
At birth 70-79 g 80-119 g 120-144 g 145-170 g
1 week 106-113 g 142-184 g 198-227 g 255-269 g
2 weeks 142-156 g 184-255 g 284-312 g 354-383 g
3 weeks 170-198 g 227-312 g 369-397 g 454-496 g
1 month 200-230 g 270-370 g 455-485 g 540-650 g
2 months 315-370 g 455-610 g 680-765 g 825-1050 g
3 months 425-540 g 625-855 g 940-1050 g 1165-1400 g
4 months 570-710 g 855-1110 g 1250-1390 g 1535-1815
5 months 680-855 g 995-1305 g 1480-1645 g 1815-2150 g
6 months 745-945 g 1110-1450 g 1645-1845 2015-2410
7 months 855-1035 g 1225-1655 g 1810-2045 2215-2670 g
8 months 965-1125 g 1340-1505 g 2100-2245 g 2415-2930 g
9 months 1000-1200g 1400-1860 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
10 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
11 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
12 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 1700-1900 g 2500-3000 g

As can be seen from the table of weight by age, on average, representatives of this breed grow to 8-10 months.


In girls, growth may slow down sharply or even stop completely after the onset of the first heat. Even if she grows up after this, it will be very little, but a female Chihuahua can gain weight for several more months.

Some male puppies, having reached a certain height, also stop growing. As a rule, this is due to hereditary reasons.

Adult Chihuahua Dimensions

Despite the fact that the breed standard does not indicate the height at the withers, in standard dogs of this breed it is usually 18-23 cm. Moreover, unlike more large breeds, it is desirable that Chihuahua girls be larger than boys.

The body length, depending on the size of the dog and the permissible elongation index of 110, will be from 19.8 to 25.3 cm, while the minimum is taken to be 18 cm at the withers, and the maximum is 23 cm.

The chest circumference, depending on the size and weight, can range from 26 to 37 cm, considering that the dog’s weight is approximately 1-3 kg.

What affects a puppy's growth?

The height and weight of a Chihuahua puppy are affected by: hereditary factors, as well as health status. How much active image The life your pet leads can also affect what size it reaches.

The main factors that influence the development of a puppy:

  • genetics. For representatives of this breed, it is heredity that determines to what age the puppy will grow. Chihuahuas of some lines grow faster, others - slower. In addition, heredity also influences when the Chihuahua bitch begins her first heat, after which she will grow, if at all, only a little;
  • quality of cultivation. The fashion for mini dogs has created a trend towards weight loss in Chihuahua puppies. This, in turn, has led to the fact that some dishonest breeders, who would be more correctly called breeders, deliberately underfeed the babies of this breed so that they do not grow and remain miniature by the time of sale. Considering that Chihuahuas move to their new owners quite late - after three or even four months, it is not difficult to guess what consequences such rearing can lead to. As a result of underfeeding, puppies indeed grow poorly and do not gain weight, but in addition to this, they can also get vitamin deficiency, allergies, severely weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, and chronic diseases various systems and organs;
  • diseases. After the majority serious illnesses the dog's growth slows down or even stops altogether;
  • . Chihuahuas must receive complete, high-quality food, but it must be taken into account that these dogs are prone to overeating and weight gain. Therefore, it is very important to measure your pet’s serving size exactly down to the gram. And in order for him to be healthy and grow well, you need to feed your Chihuahua either ready-made premium food, or better yet, super-premium or holistic food. If the dog is eating, then it needs to receive a lot of protein foods, as well as foods containing calcium;
  • activity. If a Chihuahua moves a lot, it trains its muscles and develops physically. At the same time he leaves overweight, which the pet may have managed to collect. Also, puppies that willingly run and play grow faster in height.

The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on how much it weighed at birth.

A pet that weighs between 70 and 80 grams at birth will grow up to be very small - or even . A puppy weighing 80-120 grams at birth will be a small standard. And medium and large Chihuahuas weigh 120-145 and 145-170 grams at birth.


The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on the size of the litter. So, if a bitch gave birth to 1-3 babies, then among them there may be both large and medium-sized dogs. And if 4 or more puppies were born, then in this case they will be either mini or small standards.

What to do if your weight is below normal?

First of all, this issue worries the owners of Chihuahua girls, since bitches whose weight is 2 kg or more are allowed for breeding.

But the owners of boys of this breed may also be concerned that the pet does not live up to the standard, while some of them are worried that the male may be disqualified at the exhibition, while others are worried that standard and large Chihuahuas better health than their smaller mini and, especially, micro relatives.

What to do if the Chihuahua’s weight does not reach the standard requirements?

First, you need to find out what may be associated with underweight or height. If this is a hereditary problem, for example, if the puppy belongs to a line whose representatives mature late, then you just need to wait until the pet is fully grown and fully grown.

In the event that a Chihuahua puppy does not grow well due to improper rearing or due to a history of early age illness, then you need to consult a veterinarian and ask him to prescribe the most suitable vitamin and mineral supplements or other medications for your pet.

Sometimes it makes sense to reconsider your pet’s diet or living conditions.

So, for example, for a Chihuahua feeding natural food, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein products in the diet, and it would be better not meat, but fermented milk. Ideal option here is cottage cheese, because in addition to protein, it also contains calcium, which is also necessary for correct height dogs.

If the dog eats ready-made food, then you need to try to transfer him to a higher quality food, for example, from premium to super-premium class.

Longer and more active walks with your Chihuahua will also be useful, although you need to make sure that the pet does not become overtired.

It should be remembered that the weight and size of puppies and adult dogs, which is given in the tables, is average, and that not all dogs, due to their individual characteristics the actual weight will correspond to it.

Conclusion and conclusions

Chihuahuas are no different large sizes. These dogs, according to the breed standard, should weigh no more than 3 kg, and the lower permissible limit of their weight is indicated at 0.5 kg.

How quickly a puppy of this breed grows and what height and weight it reaches depends on many reasons, but feeding and caring for the pet plays an important role in this.

If a Chihuahua eats fully and efficiently, if he has never had serious problems with health, if he moves a lot, then such a dog has every chance of reaching average height and weight.

Before purchasing, future owners of puppies of this breed are advised to ask the breeder how much a particular baby weighed at birth, since this will help to more accurately determine the size of the dog when it is an adult.

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Useful and interesting facts about chihuahua:

Today, the Chihuahua breed is becoming increasingly popular. Just recently people chose serious dogs, to whom you can entrust your property, however modern systems alarms have become more reliable guards. However, how nice it is to return home when someone is waiting for you loving creature. Therefore, people began to look for an alternative. These are the miniature creatures that are ideally suited for home care. Surely you already guessed who we're talking about. Today we will talk about the Chihuahua breed standard. This sweet and gentle creature will become your reliable friend and companion.

Favorite of glamorous girls

Yes, when puppies of this breed first appeared with us, this was the case. They were expensive and were purchased solely for prestige. But today the situation has changed. The standard of the Chihuahua breed allows it to be kept even in the smallest apartments, where a person cannot afford a larger pet. Great demand prompted the creators of nurseries to pay more attention to breeding this breed, which increased the number of offers and reduced the price.

For home and soul

The Chihuahua breed standard provides not only for its tiny size (the largest male does not exceed 3 kg), but also for its character and temperament. Breed lovers celebrate them amazing ability to like and be friends. This dog does not require special care, is unpretentious to living conditions, is very easy to raise, and easily learns basic commands.

Despite the fact that the Chihuahua breed standard shows us a very small animal, they love to play and run, and will never refuse a walk with their owner. They do not experience such a catastrophic shortage of physical activity, such as the Doberman in one-room apartment, nevertheless, it is necessary to walk with them.

Briefly about the breed

Let's now take a closer look at what a Chihuahua should be like. The breed standard states that the weight of a male reaches 3 kg, the weight of females - up to 2.5 kg. The height of a male is from 18 to 23 cm, the height of a female is from 15 to 20 cm. The color can be very different, from white to chocolate. A huge number of colors and shades.

Do you know that this breed originated in Mexico a long time ago? However, it was not until 2009 that an official standard was adopted. From that moment on, the popularity of these dogs began to flourish, they began to participate in exhibitions. The Chihuahua breed standard (RKF) included its representatives in the ninth group miniature dogs and companions. They do not undergo operational tests, they are only subject to an exterior inspection.

Chihuahua mini

In fact, such offers are not uncommon on the market. Little chihuahuas They are passed off as exceptional representatives of the show class and sold for big money. There is also an opinion that the mini Chihuahua breed standard differs from ordinary representatives. Breeders also use this legend when selling miniature representatives breeds called "pocket". In fact, there is no difference between them, just like with people, there are tall people with a large physique, and there are small ones.

The Mini Chihuahua breed standard and the standard differ solely in their size. When a dog weighs from 0.5 to 1.5 kg, it is considered miniature, starting from one and a half kilograms - standard. The length of a mini-Chihuahua starts from 25 cm, and its height reaches a maximum of 14 cm. Anything above these figures fits into the usual norms. But if the dog’s weight is less than 0.5 kg or more than 3 kg, then it will be disqualified; it does not fit the breed standard.

For those who want to get themselves the smallest Chihuahua, you need to remember that you will definitely encounter a number of problems. First of all, it's nutrition. The baby needs special feeding, as he is often not able to eat enough to maintain his strength. The second point is heat exchange; a tiny creature needs clothing. Finally, miniature Chihuahuas have a shorter lifespan than the same regular-sized dogs.

Purpose of the breed

This is already clear from the description given by the Chihuahua breed standard. The description clearly shows us a tiny and loving creature that is not capable of being a guard or a hunter. who can wait for you from work and greet you joyfully, spend weekends with you and happily go for a walk. A great friend for children. The only caveat is small child may injure the puppy, so it is better to wait a little before purchasing it. A preschooler will be able to take care of a dog quite responsibly.

Chihuahua has never been trained useful work, his task is to be friends with you, decorate your home and brighten up your free time.

Cost of a dog

Until recently, they were not available to everyone. Today the situation has changed. Of course, there are puppies from star sires, show winners, who are very expensive. However, if you need a dog for your soul, then it is enough to choose a responsible breeder. On average, prices are distributed as follows. You can buy a puppy for $150-200. He may have no pedigree or a document confirming his origin, but his parents have never participated in exhibitions and have no ratings.

However, this is not the limit of the cost of a Chihuahua. We have given the breed standard dimensions above; each breeding puppy is assessed according to them. If he was born good parents, meets the standard, but he has developmental defects ( malocclusion, cryptorchidism), then he clearly loses to his fellow tribesmen. This is a PET-class dog, and the cost of such a puppy usually starts from $300.

Breed class are wonderful puppies that can participate in breeding and exhibitions, and in the absence of strong competition, emerge as winners and receive titles. Their cost is from $700. Finally, there are show-class dogs, these are real stars who will win show after show and confidently take title after title. Such a dog in the future will become the founder of a whole line of beautiful representatives of the breed. No competent breeder will sell these, their cost is no less than $2000.

The FCI Chihuahua breed standard requires minimal grooming, making this breed suitable even for beginners in dog breeding. Grooming is minimal, dogs practically do not need to be combed and bathed, or rather, this should not be done more than 4 times a year. The dog is unpretentious to living conditions; the only condition is the air temperature. It should not be below +18 degrees, as miniature creatures are prone to hypothermia. The Chihuahua can live in an apartment, but it needs to be walked twice a day.

If you are sometimes very late at work, you can put a litter box at home where your pet can go to relieve himself while you are away. The life expectancy of these babies is from 12 to 16 years, if you provide good conditions, they can live a little longer.

Family relationships

The Chihuahua dog is an exceptionally friendly creature. The breed standard (photo in our article) provides for the excellent compatibility of these dogs with all family members, both two-legged and four-legged. TO to strangers the attitude is somewhat distrustful, but with good upbringing the pet will demonstrate exceptional friendliness. He gets along very well with children, but you need to be careful so that the baby does not harm the puppy. He is friends with animals with successful socialization, so with early childhood You need to introduce the puppy to cats, parrots or fish.

The need for walks and active recreation

Since dogs are very small, they have enough time to play enough during the day even in a small apartment. Therefore, the need for activity is below average. These are playful creatures, so if the size of your apartment allows, then take two dogs at once who will play all day long. The duration of the walk is at least 30 minutes, it is better to walk longer. And of course, stock up on balls and other toys to make your walk productive and interesting.

Training and raising this breed is a simple and not too long process. Moreover general course Training is not necessary for your pet at all. Enough training simple commands“to me”, “fu”, “near”, “place”, “sit”. Knowing these commands will make your life much easier in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Connoisseurs and lovers of this breed may think that it has absolutely no shortcomings. However, if you have never owned a Chihuahua before, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This is a small and very cute creature that can be trained well and is well brought up. The Chihuahua becomes very attached to its owner and loves to play with him for hours on end. This is a vigilant and very loud watchman; upon hearing any rustle, he will definitely raise the alarm. At the same time, the dog is not demanding in terms of maintenance and is easy to care for.

However, there are nuances that must be paid attention to. Despite their tiny size, Chihuahuas can be aggressive and even unbearable. Therefore, when purchasing a touching baby, you must remember the need for education and training. If your pet senses the absence of a leader, he himself will try to take his place. It is difficult to correct the situation later. A small dog that constantly barks, lunges at people and provokes other dogs will create a lot of big trouble. In addition, these are very fragile creatures that need careful care.

Who is this breed suitable for?

In fact, the number of Chihuahua lovers is increasing day by day. People are attracted by absolutely everything about these babies: their size, touching affection for their owner, and cheerful disposition. These are ideal companions for single people, as well as for families with growing children. If you don't want to look after dog hair, then this breed is also suitable for you.

But for those who have a small child, this is clearly a hasty choice. The baby can accidentally injure the puppy. In addition, it will be difficult for a mother to look after a puppy and a small child at the same time; it is practically the same as raising twins. If you are too busy and do not have the opportunity to seriously take care of your dog, this is also not an option for you. Chihuahuas bark very loudly, so if you cannot stand dog barking, it is better to choose silent ones like Shar Peis.

M.Davidson, illustr. NKU Picture Library

These illustrations do not show perfect example breeds

TRANSLATION: K.Barbosov (source FCI-Standard N° 218 / 09.15.2010 / GB)

ORIGIN : Mexico.


APPLICATION: Companion dog

CLASSIFICATION: Group 9 - Companion and small dogs

Section 6 - Chihuahua

No operational tests

BRIEF HISTORICAL BACKGROUND : The Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog in the world and is named after the largest state of the Mexican Republic (Chihuahua). There is an assumption that these dogs lived in wildlife, and during the Toltec civilization, were domesticated by them. Images of a small dog called "Techichi" were used as decorations in the urban architecture found in the city of Tula. These sculptures are very reminiscent of real Chihuahuas.

GENERAL VIEW: This dog has a compact body. The main breed characteristic is its skull, which has the shape of an apple, and also the fact that its moderate long tail carried very high, curved or forming a semicircle shape with the tip directed towards the lumbar region.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. However, an almost square format is preferred, especially in males. In females, a more extended format is acceptable, due to reproductive function.

BEHAVIOR / CHARACTER : Fast, attentive, lively and very brave.



Skull: Well rounded, apple-shaped (breed characteristic).

Stop: Well defined, deep and wide, as the forehead is rounded and sits (“overhangs”) above the muzzle.

Front part:

Nose: any color is allowed. Moderately short, slightly upward.

Muzzle: Short, straight when viewed in profile, wide at the base, tapering towards the tip of the nose.

Lips: Dry and tight fitting.

Cheeks: poorly developed, very clean.

Jaws/Teeth: Scissor or level bite. Overshot, undershot, as well as any other anomaly in the position of the upper or lower jaw should be severely punished.

Eyes: Large, round, very expressive, not protruding, completely dark. Light eyes are acceptable, but not desirable.

Ears: Large, erect, wide open, wide at the base, gradually tapering to slightly rounded tips. At rest they are tilted at an angle of 45°.

NECK: With a slightly pronounced scruff. Medium length. Thicker in males than in females. No suspension. In the long-haired variety, the presence of a “mane” is highly desirable.

FRAME: Compact and well balanced.

Topline: horizontal.

Withers: Slightly defined.

Back: Short and strong.

Loin: Very muscular.

Croup: Broad and strong, almost straight or slightly sloping.

Chest: Broad and deep, ribs well sprung. When viewed from the front, it is voluminous, but not extensive. When viewed from the side, it reaches the elbows. Not barrel-shaped.

Hemline and belly: Well defined, with clear toned belly. A sagging (weak) belly is acceptable, but not desirable.

TAIL: Set on high, straight, medium length; wide at the base, gradually tapering towards the tip. The carriage of the tail is an important breed characteristic: when in motion, it is carried either high, curved or in the shape of a semicircle with the tip directed towards the lumbar region, which gives balance to the body. The tail should never be carried between the hindquarters or below the line of the back. The hair on the tail depends on the coat variety and must correspond to it. In the long-haired variety, the hair on the tail forms a plume. When at rest, the tail is lowered and forms a small hook.



General appearance: The forelimbs are straight and parallel when viewed from the front. Vertical when viewed from the side.

Shoulders: Smooth and moderately muscular.

The angles of the humeroscapular joints are well defined.

Elbows: Strong and close to the body, allowing free movement.

Forearms: straight and of good length.

Pasterns: Slightly sloping, strong and flexible.


General appearance: hind limbs muscular with long bones, vertical and parallel to each other, with good angulations of the hip, knee and hock joints, in harmony with the angulations of the forelimbs.

Metatarsals: hocks are short, with well-developed Achilles tendons; when viewed from behind, straight and vertical are well spaced from each other.

Feet: Very small and oval, with well spaced but not splayed (neither hare's nor cat's foot) toes. The claws are well arched and moderately long. The pads are well developed and very elastic. Dewclaws are not desirable.

MOVEMENTS: steps are long, elastic, energetic and active, with good front reach and propulsion hind limbs. When viewed from behind, the hind legs should move almost parallel to each other, so that the tracks of the hind legs coincide with the tracks of the front ones. With increasing speed, there is a tendency for the center of gravity to shift (single step). The movements are stable, free and springy, without visible effort, the head is raised, the back is straight.

LEATHER: Smooth and close-fitting throughout the body.

WOOL: There are two varieties in the breed:

. Shorthair : The coat is short and lies close all over the body. If there is an undercoat, the coat is somewhat longer; sparse hair on the throat and belly is allowed; slightly longer on the neck and tail, short on the head and ears. The coat is shiny and its texture is soft. Lack of wool is not allowed.

. Longhair: The coat should be fine and silky, smooth or slightly wavy. A not too thick undercoat is desirable. The coat is longer and forms feathers - on the ears, neck, on the back of the front and hind limbs, on the paws and tail. Long flowing hair is not acceptable.

Color: Any color of all possible shades and combinations is acceptable, with the exception of merle color.

SIZE AND WEIGHT: In the breed, only weight is taken into account, not height.

Weight: Ideal weight: from 1.5 to 3 kilograms. Weight from 500 gr. up to 1.5 kg is acceptable.

Dogs weighing less than 500 grams and more than 3 kg must be disqualified.


Any deviation from the above points should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.

Lack of teeth.

. "Double teeth" (preservation of temporary teeth).

Pointed ears.

Short neck.

Long body.

A hunched or sunken back (lordosis or kyphosis).

Beveled croup.

Narrow or flat chest.

Tail: Irregularly set, short or curled.

Short limbs.

Loose elbows.

Narrow set of hind legs.


Narrow skull

Small, deep-set or bulging eyes.

Long muzzle.

Overshot or undershot.



Aggressive or overly fearful.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.

Deer type dogs (dogs of atypical or extremely stylized structure: light head, long neck, slim body, long limbs).

Dogs with an open fontanel.

Cropped or short ears.

Deformed jaws.

Extremely long body.

Lack of a tail.

In the long-haired variety: dogs with very long, fine and flowing hair.

In the smooth-haired variety: baldness (alopecia).

Merle color.

Dogs weighing less than 500 grams and more than 3 kg.

N. B. : Males must have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

The growth of a Chihuahua can be several steps: often the most little puppy in the litter catches up with its peers by the age of 1 year. The best way Determining the future size of a dog is to study its pedigree. Dimensions and others physical characteristics are considered hereditary. The genes that are passed on to a Chihuahua puppy from its mother determine the dog's future size. Studying 3 generations gives an accurate idea of ​​height and weight.

Weight changes by month

Newborn Chihuahuas weigh 100 g. Puppies grow rapidly during the first month after birth and double their size in a few days.

Representatives of this breed reach adult levels throughout the year. During this time they go through several stages rapid growth and weight gain. If the puppy does not gain any height or weight within a month, he should be seen by a veterinarian. The recommended weighing frequency is once a month.

A one-year-old Chihuahua can be considered an adult, but it will become fully developed later, at 12-18 months. At this stage, the dog's muscles are growing and the chest is enlarged. Weight, according to the breed standard, is 1.5-3 kg, height is 15-23 cm.

Table chihuahua weight depending on age (weight is indicated in grams):

Based on the data that a puppy has at 8 weeks, we can assume his weight as an adult:

Body changes

Chihuahua puppies are round and plump. They have fatty deposits on their bodies that they need to provide warmth and reserves. nutrients. At this age, there is no need to worry about your dog being overweight. The puppies are very energetic and have no problems with thyroid gland and other disorders that provoke the formation overweight bodies.

During the first year and a half, the Chihuahua's body will become slimmer. As puppies grow older, they look well-coordinated and elegant.

Health problems that prevent a dog from being active cause weight gain. This applies to aging Chihuahuas. If quantity physical exercise decreases, but calorie intake remains the same, the pet will have problems with body weight.

Factors that affect size

The size, weight and height of an adult will depend on several factors:

  • parent size;
  • diet;
  • activity level;
  • the presence of inherited genes that manifest themselves after several generations.

RKF breed standard

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world.

Dogs have a compact body. It is important that the pet's skull is shaped like an apple and that it holds its long tail very high in the form of a semicircle with the tip directed towards the lower back.

The body length should be more height at the withers. For boys it should be almost square. Bitches are allowed to have a more elongated body.

The elongation index, according to the standard of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF), is up to 110.