Arrangement of living quarters for a person in a wheelchair. Comfortable apartment for disabled people. Technical means of rehabilitation in the apartment of a disabled person using a wheelchair Furnishings of a one-room apartment for the disabled

According to the law, a disabled person has the right to a comfortable home, equipped with special means and devices in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program. Families of disabled citizens also receive the right to expanded housing conditions.

How can a disabled person get an apartment? Let us outline the conditions and procedure for obtaining housing benefits.

Who is disabled?

Right to housing benefits

Conditions for providing housing to persons with disabilities

  1. Family living in a residential building, the area of ​​which, when calculated for each relative, does not meet the required standards.
  2. The technical and sanitary characteristics of the premises in which the disabled person and his family live do not meet the established standards.
  3. The apartment of a person using a wheelchair is located above the 2nd floor.
  4. The family of a disabled person lives in the same living space in adjacent non-isolated rooms with other families not related to them.
  5. In the same living space with another family, if the family includes a patient with a serious chronic disease, with whom it is impossible to be in the same room.
  6. A person with disabilities lives in a dormitory or in a communal apartment (there are exceptions to this subclause).
  7. Accommodation for a long time on the terms of hiring, subletting or renting living space.
Disability does not limit a person’s ability to obtain housing on other grounds provided for by other social support programs.

How to register for housing

How can a disabled person get an apartment? First of all, you need to register in the queue as someone in need of expanded living space. To do this, you will have to collect a package of documents and attach a corresponding application to it.

The list of documents for registration in the queue is as follows:

  1. Certificate of recognition of a person as disabled.
  2. A document that includes a set of rehabilitation measures (individual rehabilitation program).
  3. Documents indicating compliance with the requirements of social services for obtaining housing (certificate of family composition, extract from the House Register).
  4. Other documents upon request (medical certificates, extracts from the BTI, etc.)

Procedure for providing benefits

Preferential housing for disabled people of group 2

Disabled people of group 2 are recognized as having limited ability to work.

However, citizens of this category also need special living and care conditions, and therefore have the right to benefit from housing benefits from the state.

Group 2 disabled people registered as needing housing apply for housing provided under a social tenancy agreement.

Housing for disabled people of group 2 must meet certain requirements in order to ensure the comfort of the disabled person living in it.

How should the living space be equipped?

  1. The apartment must contain devices that make life and movement easier for a person with disabilities.
  2. The area of ​​the premises must meet the standards established for citizens of this category.
  3. When designing an apartment building for the disabled, the characteristics of future residents are taken into account, and therefore the building is equipped with ramps and special elevators.

If a person living in the premises on the basis of a social tenancy agreement is sent to a special rehabilitation center or a home for the disabled, his housing will not be transferred to anyone for six months. If the citizen’s relatives remain in the apartment, then it is guaranteed that no one will occupy it for any period of time.

Singles are provided with separate housing only on the condition that the citizen is able to take care of himself without the help of third parties.

Other housing benefits

In addition to measures to provide living space, disabled people of any group apply for various housing benefits that ease their financial situation:

  • A 50% discount on payments for utilities and housing services (rent, electricity, heating, water supply).
  • Discount on the purchase of coal, gas and other heating means for residents of houses where there is no central heating.

Children's wheelchair Ortonica PUMA

Mobility aids for disabled people

Wheelchairs and gurneys are necessary for the smooth movement of people with disabilities. Their design complies with international standards, and the mobility aids themselves are distinguished by a high degree of comfort and functionality.

Features of wheelchairs

There are different types of support devices and wheelchairs for people with disabilities. They can be used outdoors or at home. There are also special models for children and overweight people. Particular attention should be paid to the adaptation for the disabled with sanitary accessories (the set includes a bedpan and a special seat).

Multifunctional models are equipped with the option of adjusting the tilt of the armrests, legs and backrest.

Wheelchairs are equipped with:

  • control panel with sound signal;
  • brakes;
  • folding footrests;
  • reflectors;
  • pneumatic or solid tires;
  • anti-tip agents and so on.

When choosing a vehicle, you should take into account the weight of the disabled person and its parameters (they must correspond to the width of the chair). You also need to pay attention to the weight of the product, this parameter is especially important in houses where there are no ramps.

Electric vehicles are a good mobility aid for disabled people.

Depending on the model and purpose, they will have different characteristics.

Moscow, like no other city in Russia, pays more and more attention to people with disabilities every year. For a long time now, houses have been built where disabled people live on the first floors in specialized apartments under a free rental agreement. We went to one of these apartments with Vyacheslav Ivanovich and Tatyana Aleksandrovna Obyedkov, disabled people of the second group, on Izyumskaya Street.

Separate entrance, own lift

The area is new, green. The children's playground is equipped with ramps, the lush greenery of bushes and flowers, generously sprinkled with rain, is pleasing to the eye. The second entrance is here. And we are more to the right. It turns out that there are such happy owners of separate entrances, and even with an individual lift. Let's say hello and get to know each other. And while the owner, having left his apartment, shows us the lifting device, we wonder, what about this in the common entrance? I mean with a lift.

The poor guy only lasted a week,” Vyacheslav Ivanovich volubly explains, “and “surrendered” to the delight of the vandal winners. They, “amateur techies,” don’t understand - for a disabled person, such a device means a good mood, a quiet life, convenience, in the end. Therefore, my wife and I cherish and cherish our “friend”. But he serves us faithfully.

When we first looked at the apartment, we really liked it: brand new, brand new, in the corridor hall, by my standards, a TV, a sofa with a small bookcase could easily fit in. Cheerful wallpaper, a smooth ceiling, without differences and panel defects, usually exaggerated by whitewashing. The kitchen again pleased with its spaciousness. True, my thigh was a little constrained by the electric stove at the entrance. How does a wheelchair user get in here? In addition, the switch key was located just above the stove.

The owners’ daughter, Yulia, told me that they wanted to make the work area a corner, but the sloping wall prevented this: “The builders explained - they didn’t screw it up at all, that’s what the project stipulated.”

By the way, according to the new residents, the nearby houses have the same project, with the same flaws. But in the house opposite the sloping walls in the kitchen it is not visible, the stove is in the “working” area, and the switch is located at a height convenient for a disabled person. Another project? Have you taken into account the wishes of the workers? Or maybe the series of the house is more modern, that is, improved? We follow the hospitable hosts further through the apartment. The living room is beyond praise. There is nothing to complain about. Unless I would change the swing doors to compartment doors - the area of ​​the room would increase. And it would be much more convenient for users.

So, where does the light turn on here? It looks like the builders are playing a game of hide and seek with us (probably, this is what is provided for in the project). In the depths, around the bend and again at a considerable height, the treasured switch key was discovered.

The bedroom did not cause any complaints. Spacious, fresh, like a bride on the eve of her wedding. I didn’t even really want to think about the switch here.

Well, what kind of light can there be in the bedroom? A funny question, that's all.

Escort required

The line reached the common areas, that is, the toilet and bathroom. Its location did not cause any complaints. On the contrary, this was something one could only dream of in one’s brightest dreams. And this room could easily be called hygienic, so many different types of equipment were placed and installed here. Excuse me, what kind of units are these? Cold and hot water meters were placed here so widely and freely, as if they, and not people, were the main characters here. Clearly, this is not our wretched bathroom with a total area of ​​0.9 square meters! Space! So they “lost their belts.”

To move a disabled person into the bathtub, engineers came up with a complex design. Vyacheslav Ivanovich readily demonstrated to us the “washing” action. Using a hydraulic lift, the green bathroom chair instantly moved over the edge of the bathroom. Vyacheslav Ivanovich, with our support, moved from the wheelchair to the green chair and a minute later he was proudly sitting in the bathroom:

But you won’t be able to reach the taps,” I blurted out involuntarily.

Of course, even if the arms were much longer,” the disabled man calmly answered me. - You see, there is a warning stuck on the wall - do not turn on the lift without a second person (accompanying)! And there should be no unnecessary objects in its area at all. And the fact that the cranes are far away is due to safety regulations for disabled people. Everything in the bathroom is quite slippery. Therefore, a disabled person must be constantly supervised. Or accompanied by another person.

Wow, a “trifle”!

Next to the toilet there was a second washing place - the so-called summer shower. A person is seated on a bench, soap and shampoo are whipped up.

Water is in close proximity - the shower is mounted on low, comfortable stands. Where does the water go? But in this very drain. It's amazing how everything has been thought out! But then they told me a heartbreaking story.

The neighbors decided to wash the disabled man. And since for many reasons he couldn’t use the bathroom, they sat him down on a bench and began. We soaped up, turned on the shower, and a second later we realized that the drain wasn’t working at all! The water, of course, was immediately turned off - and the remains were collected by four hands, it’s good that the granddaughter came to her parents for a housewarming party. Fear for my own apartment overwhelmed the fear for the new housing of the neighbors below.

How can you call such things? Little things? Shortcomings? Someone can reproach me: do you know in which “studios” many Moscow disabled people live? With what inhuman difficulties are they forced to undergo hygiene procedures? I've seen it several times. I also had the opportunity to live in a communal apartment, where a lonely pensioner, Anna Sergeevna, sometimes walked on a special chair (the wheelchair simply could not turn around) along the long, gut-like Old Arbat corridor. She had no other means of transportation. And the question of moving into my own apartment was postponed and postponed...

It is wonderful that much has changed in the lives of Moscow disabled people. It's good that there is something positive. The positives are always welcome. And I want to smile at our current new residents, who are lucky enough to get such a wonderful apartment. And I want to believe that very soon there will be even more such houses, such apartments.

And all the disadvantages will be a thing of the past.


As part of the implementation of city programs to create a barrier-free environment, 1,263 lifting platforms for people with disabilities were installed in residential buildings in Moscow. Their equipment with dispatch control equipment continues. This year it is planned to install 138 lifting platforms for people with disabilities, as well as equip 290 previously installed platforms with dispatch and visual control means.


In apartments of people with severe mobility restrictions, a pilot project is being implemented to install a portable ceiling lifting rail system “Multiroll”, which allows moving a disabled person to a given point in the apartment.

The system has already been installed in 30 apartments. Work is being carried out in 151 apartments.