Little monkeys. The smallest monkey in the world. Miniature representatives of the monkey world

Amazing little animal

Want to know about the record holder for the largest primate order? In each family there are individuals that are representatives of their genus, similar in external characteristics, but significantly different in size. There is such a creature among the monkeys. The popular name “finger monkey” best reflects its size; the official scientific name is Cebuella pygmaea or pygmy marmoset.

The smallest monkey in the world is the object of attention not only of biologists. Her wonderful expression and behavior arouses the interest of zoo visitors and animal lovers who are ready to tame the cute creature. What is known about this little animal: its homeland, nutrition, reproduction, dangers?

The main distinguishing feature is the size

A monkey is considered a dwarf because of its small stature and corresponding weight. Just imagine that the baby weighs several dozen times less than its relatives. With a body weight in the range of 100-150 g, less often up to 190 g, growth without taking into account the length of the tail does not exceed 15 cm. Why without the length of the tail? Because the continuation of the ridge is 1.5 times longer than the body, about 20-22 cm.

Habitats and living conditions

The northern part of Bolivia, Peru, eastern Ecuador, western Brazil, southern Colombia and the Upper Amazon are considered a comfortable habitat for miniature monkeys. They choose forests in river valleys, where there is a lot of lush, dense foliage.

They live and feed in trees. They lead a diurnal lifestyle. At night they climb into a hollow to hide and not become prey to birds of prey. Although even in the daytime it is dangerous for them to climb to the tops, so the little ones move from branch to branch without crossing the designated zone: below 5 m and above 18-20 m, they often have to hide under leaves from carnivores and tree snakes.

Nature has awarded these harmless four-armed animals with a camouflage color. The fur of the animal is predominantly brown. There are shades of gray, red, black with sparse greenish hairs. The fur on the belly is lighter and yellow in tone. But the color of the tail differs significantly from the usual specimens. It features black rings. In general, the color scheme is perfect for hiding in the treetops.

Pygmy monkeys are quite energetic. They spend a lot of time doing their favorite exciting pastime, like other primates, jumping from branch to branch. For the curious, there is an interesting fact about the ability of the marmoset, indicating that the small creature is capable of long jumping up to 5 m.

Diet of the pygmy marmoset

To feed the animals, it is enough to gnaw through the bark of a tree and wait for the juice to appear. The structure of their teeth allows them to cope with the task thanks to their long incisors. In addition to sap, the wood secretes resin from the holes it has eaten away. Kids eat this substance too. This is the main menu of mini monkeys.

They collect nectar from flowers, eat buds and fruits. They consider it a special treat for themselves and other insects. If you are lucky enough to get an egg of a small bird, then it also belongs to the food preferences of wonderful animals. They can satisfy their appetites within the confines of their usual surroundings. There are plenty of grasshoppers, flies, spiders, and ants in the treetops.

It is not averse to treating itself to frogs, lizards, and snails, but not every individual is ready for such a risky hunt. Considering their caution and timidity, it becomes clear why small primates do not like to go down to the ground and perform such bold acts extremely rarely.

Sociability and energy are manifested in lifestyle

Little monkeys are not supporters of isolated living. They are used to living in a pack. Small groups of 5-9 individuals are formed as a result of the reproduction of a couple of different-sex primates. The number of generations reaches 4 levels, so a family sometimes has up to 12 relatives. It is rare to see a second male in the pack. Basically, small families consist of a female and a male, as well as their joint offspring.

Once in captivity, pygmy marmosets miss their relatives and become depressed. They are capable of reproducing in unnatural conditions if the female and her boyfriend are in the same enclosure. It has been noted that the lifespan of monkeys in nature is no more than 10 years. Compliance with the norms and diet, favorable conditions created by man, extend the days of their existence by several years. As a result, tiny creatures live up to 16-18 years.

The male is assigned the main role, to protect and defend his intended territory, to take care of his favorite possessions until the battle. Another responsibility of the head of the pack is to raise the cubs.

The appearance of offspring in the genus of marmosets occurs without any remarkable features. The female reaches puberty at the age of about two years. After mating, a little more than 4 months pass and twins or triplets are born. In some cases, one child survives. It does not look like its parents, but after a month the newborn creature acquires fluffy fur.

The young females of the family and the male take part in raising the baby. They carry it constantly on their back for up to 3 months until it becomes independent. At this time, the mother manages to rest and regain strength. Contacts the offspring during feeding. After 3 weeks, ready for new intimacy.

Cute creatures communicate with each other using sounds and signals, and are capable of transmitting various types of information.

One of the smallest monkeys in the world is a representative of the marmoset family - the pygmy marmoset, officially called Cebuellapygmaea. The average weight of the babies is about 120 grams, and the body length is no more than 15 centimeters. That's why they are also called pocket monkeys.


The smallest monkey in the world has a very unusual color. The legs and abdomen of this animal are orange or dark yellow. The fur on top of the animal is thick and long, the color is a combination of several colors - black, golden and gray. A distinctive feature of marmosets is black stripes on the tail and white lines on the bridge of the nose and on the muzzle in the form of a mustache. In terms of external signs, there are no special differences between females and males, except that the males are slightly smaller.

The length of the baby's tail exceeds the length of the body and is approximately 20 centimeters. The tail is not prehensile, and their hind limbs are longer than the front ones. All the baby's fingers have claws, except for the big toes on the hind limbs, where the nails are flat. The incisor teeth and claws of marmosets are very sharp, which is due to the peculiarities of their diet.

Nutritional Features

Grape juice and rubber tree juice make up about 80% of the diet of the marmoset monkey. They eat deep holes in plants and after about 24 hours feed on the juices and resins accumulated in the hole. The structure of the digestive tract differs from that of other primate species. For better digestion of a heavy diet, the section of the cecum is lengthened.

Another, small, part of the diet consists of insects - grasshoppers, ants, butterflies and beetles. The smallest monkeys catch them in the crown of trees at a level of about 10 meters above the ground. Marmosets are also not averse to eating nectar, fruits, small birds and flowers. They find fresh water on plant shoots, flowers and leaves.


The smallest monkey lives mainly in the upper Amazon, as well as in western Brazil, Ecuador, northern Bolivia and Peru. Their favorite places to live are river valleys where evergreen forests grow. They also sometimes inhabit the outskirts of agricultural fields.

Due to their low weight, these crumbs can reach the very top of the tree crowns, but prefer to remain at a level of 20 meters from the ground, since at the top they can become easy prey for birds. They are very territorial, and each group of marmosets is isolated from each other. They protect their territory with sound calls and scent glands, which they rub into tree branches.


Marmosets live in groups of 5-10 individuals. The group always contains a pair of a dominant female and a male, as well as their cubs. A fertile female suppresses ovulation in other females by secreting a special hormone. Seasonality in reproduction is not pronounced, but the female can give birth no more than twice a year. The dominant female is the only individual of the group that produces offspring.

Pregnancy of pygmy marmosets lasts on average 125 days. They give birth to 2-3 cubs. Although the female can feed them all, usually only one survives. The whole flock, not just the mother, is involved in raising the cub. The cubs spend most of their time with their father or “nannies,” who protect them from predators by carrying them on their backs. The female mainly engages in breastfeeding only.

Interesting facts about marmosets

  • Pocket monkeys usually give birth to two babies, with triplets occurring only in 8% of cases, and the birth rate of one baby is 16%.
  • It is better not to keep marmosets at home, as they miss their flock very much and may even die from depression.
  • These little ones are capable of long jumping 5 meters.
  • The survival rate of cubs is only 67%.
  • These monkeys, using only the tips of their long and sharp claws, can support their weight.
  • They are able to turn their heads 180 degrees.
  • Marmosets are very sociable and can create high-frequency sounds that are not perceptible to human hearing.
  • They are the smallest among primates.
  • Females are able to temporarily stop ovulation while caring for the younger members of the pack.

Miniature representatives of the monkey world

Pygmy marmosets are not the only small monkeys in the world; let’s get to know some of them better.

Swiss Lilliputian Marmoset

The marmoset is a small monkey native to Latin America, belonging to the marmoset family. The body length rarely reaches 30 centimeters, and the average weight of an individual is only 350 grams. This species was first discovered in western Brazil in 1823. They are very timid and, sensing danger, begin to warn their relatives with loud cries. These are diurnal animals that, by climbing trees, find food for themselves. When darkness falls, they hide in tree hollows for the night.

Another representative of the miniature world of monkeys is the talapoin monkey. She weighs a little more than a kilogram with a body length of 36 centimeters. Refers to the narrow-nosed primates. Talapoins live mainly in the swampy forests of Gabon, Rio Muni and Angola.

The fur of dwarf monkeys is greenish, and on the abdomen and chest it is yellow or white. These smart little ones live in flocks of 150 or more individuals. Female monkeys are very aggressive, sometimes even attacking males.

Lion marmoset

Lion marmosets are common in eastern Brazil. Body length is 25 centimeters, weight is about 600 grams. They live in dense tropical forests with densely intertwined vines, which always contain a lot of fruit. They prefer to be in the crown of trees at a level of 10-30 meters from the ground. The long fur of lion marmosets is golden in color with a reddish tint. The skin on the face and paws is black, less often dark red.

The main diet of these monkeys consists of fruits and insects. They live in families of 2-8 individuals, headed by a male and a female. They breed twice a year. After 130 days of pregnancy, females give birth to twins, who are raised by the whole family. The average lifespan of lion marmosets is about 15 years.

Geldia callimiko is another representative of the small monkeys. Quite common in eastern Peru, southern Colombia and northern Bolivia. The body length is about 22 centimeters, the average weight is 600 grams. The color is dark brown, sometimes the hair on the head is white and red.

Like the pygmy marmoset, callimiko feeds on insects, fruits, nectar, as well as small vertebrate fauna - frogs and lizards. During the wet period they drink water from the leaves, during the dry period - from water sources. They live in the lower tier of the forest, and roost for the night in tree hollows or dense undergrowth.

The breeding season is from September to November. Callimikos live in families of up to 9 individuals, the group is led by a male and several females. The duration of pregnancy is 150 days. The female gives birth to one baby weighing about 40 grams.

Recently, the familiar pets: hamsters, cats and dogs are fading into the background, giving way to more exotic pets. One of these overseas inhabitants of our houses and apartments is the pygmy marmoset. This miniature monkey is gradually gaining more and more popularity, despite the high price of the monkey and some difficulties in its maintenance.


In the wild, marmosets can be found in the upper Amazon, in the southern regions of Colombia and Ecuador, in the north of Bolivia and Peru, as well as in the western regions of Brazil. The smallest monkeys in the world prefer to live in trees and, in very rare cases, go down, so as not to expose themselves to the danger of being eaten by predators.


Marmosets are fragile and miniature primates. Their weight is in the range of 100-150 g, and their body length is no more than 13-15 cm. The monkeys have an incredibly long tail for their small body, the length of which is from 17 to 23 cm. The eyes of the monkey are large and almond-shaped. This gives the monkey a slightly surprised and incredibly cute expression on his face. The body of the animal is covered with thick fur of golden brown color. The marmoset's head is decorated with a thick mane, which is formed by longer tufts of hair. The primate's ears are small, so they are almost invisible.

Did you know? Grooming, or ritual searching of marmosets' fur, is a special action that signifies trust and affection.

Requirements for a terrarium

The temperature of the terrarium should be 25-29°C, air humidity - 60%. The marmoset’s “house” must be protected from drafts. These miniature monkeys love movement, so the terrarium must have a large number of different branches and snags on which the monkeys will willingly jump.

In addition, the monkey’s habitat should have a sufficient number of shelters where it can hide if something scares it. Such secret places are very important for the psychological comfort of the animal.

Marmosets are paired animals, so if you decide to buy a marmoset, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have two pets at once. Therefore, a terrarium for a couple should be as spacious as possible: at least a meter in length and two meters in height.

These little ones are extremely active during the day and may suffer from lack of sunlight. Therefore, it is best to place the terrarium on the sunny side of the apartment and provide it with special lamps.

It is necessary to clean the terrarium at least once a month, the rest of the time you should simply replace the contaminated soil as needed.

Important! Irregular cleaning of the terrarium can lead to the fact that marmosets will begin to mark the territory, trying to kill someone else's smell.

Behavior and lifestyle

The rhythm of life of these primates is similar to that of humans: they are active during the day and go to bed at nightfall.

While awake, they are busy jumping on branches and vines, lying in the sun and searching for food. They also spend a significant portion of their time caring for each other's fur. They live in clan groups of several generations. By nature they are shy and cautious. Despite their small size, monkeys can jump well at distances of up to a meter. You must be prepared for the fact that at first the monkeys will treat their owner with distrust. People's overreaction can frighten them, so at the beginning of your acquaintance with the marmoset you should refrain from loud sounds and sudden movements.


In the wild, miniature monkeys eat tree sap, which they extract with their sharp teeth by gnawing on tree bark. In captivity, the diet of marmosets consists of juicy fruits (banana, melon, mango, apple) and small insects. Monkeys love natural honey nectar, as well as fresh juices. The baby's diet can be varied with baby food (without milk, so as not to cause allergies) and cereals.

To ensure your pet has strong gums, you need to give him washed dried fruits at least once a week, and bio-yogurt for comfortable digestion. Don’t forget about adding special vitamin complexes to your diet, which your veterinarian will tell you about in more detail.

Feeding a marmoset is a good way to tame it, because by accepting food from a person's hand, the marmoset begins to trust him.

Did you know?The marmoset's head can rotate 180° .

Care and hygiene

Caring for this funny baby comes down to regular cleaning of the terrarium, since these primates take care of all hygiene procedures on their own. Monkeys groom their own fur and do not need outside help.

The owner of marmosets can take care of the good mood of their pets by purchasing a variety of toys for them (safe toys for children are best suited). These monkeys are inquisitive and very happy about everything new.


The female can have several partners, so the size of the family group can reach five individuals. The group is led by the eldest female. Marmosets can breed throughout the year, with peak births occurring from May to June and October to January.

Marmosets reach puberty at two years of age. The female carries the cub for 150 days. As a rule, marmosets give birth to no more than two babies. After they are born, all members of the group help in raising them. Males carry newborns on their shoulders and bring them to the mother for feeding.

Important!It is not recommended to take your monkey outside for walks. Foreign smells, loud sounds and a large number of people will become very stressful for the baby.

Attitude towards loneliness

Marmosets are social animals; living alone is not easy for them. They can become sad, get sick and even die. Therefore, it is better to purchase primates in pairs. If this is not possible, then the owner must try with all his might to compensate for this lack of communication.

Health and prevention

In the wild, the life expectancy of marmosets is no more than 11 years; in captivity, with proper care, a monkey can live up to 20 years.

The most common disease in captive monkeys is osteodystrophy, caused by an unbalanced diet (lack of vitamin D3) and lack of adequate heat and light. In addition, errors in the diet of marmosets can cause various diseases of the oral cavity.

At the first signs of an incipient disease (lethargy, decreased activity), you should contact a veterinarian.


The average cost of a healthy individual with the appropriate documents fluctuates around 1500-2000 conventional units. Females are usually $200-300 more expensive than males.

Before getting this exotic pet, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Firstly, marmosets are an expensive pleasure, secondly, they require some care, thirdly, this baby is extremely active, mobile and inquisitive, fourthly, these animals can never be completely tamed, so they cannot become loyal and safe friends for household members, especially children.

Video: pygmy marmoset

Monkeys are considered primates. In addition to the usual ones, there are, for example, semi-monkeys. These include lemurs, tupayas, and short-heeled lemurs. Among ordinary monkeys, they resemble tarsiers. They separated in the Middle Eocene.

This is one of the eras of the Paleogene period, which began 56 million years ago. Two more orders of monkeys emerged in the late Eocene, about 33 million years ago. We are talking about narrow- and broad-nosed primates.

Tarsier monkeys

Tarsiers - species of small monkeys. They are common in southeast Asia. Primates of the genus have short forepaws, and the heel region on all limbs is elongated. In addition, the tarsier's brain is devoid of convolutions. In other monkeys they are developed.


Lives in the Philippines, is the smallest of the monkeys. The length of the animal does not exceed 16 centimeters. The primate weighs 160 grams. With these sizes, the Philippine tarsier has huge eyes. They are round, convex, yellow-green and glow in the dark.

Philippine tarsiers are brown or grayish. The fur of the animals is soft, like silk. Tarsiers take care of their fur coat by combing it with the claws of their second and third toes. Other claws are deprived.

Bankan tarsier

Lives in the south of the island of Sumatra. The bank tarsier is also found in Borneo, in the rain forests of Indonesia. The animal also has large and round eyes. Their irises are brownish. The diameter of each eye is 1.6 centimeters. If you weigh the visual organs of a Bankan tarsier, their mass will exceed the weight of the monkey's brain.

The Bankan tarsier has larger and more rounded ears than the Philippine tarsier. They are hairless. The rest of the body is covered with golden brown hairs.

Tarsier ghost

Included in rare species of monkeys, lives on the islands of Greater Sangihi and Sulawesi. In addition to the ears, the primate has a bare tail. It is covered with scales, like a rat's. There is a woolen brush at the end of the tail.

Like other tarsiers, the ghost acquired long and thin fingers. With them the primate clasps the branches of trees, where it spends most of its life. Among the foliage, monkeys look for insects and lizards. Some tarsiers even attack birds.

Broad-nosed monkeys

As the name suggests, the monkeys of the group have a wide nasal septum. Another difference is 36 teeth. Other monkeys have at least 4 fewer of them.

Broad-nosed monkeys are divided into 3 subfamilies. These are capuchinoides, callimicos and clawedes. The latter have a second name - marmosets.

Capuchin monkeys

Otherwise called cebids. All monkeys of the family live in the New World and have a prehensile tail. It seems to replace the fifth limb for primates. Therefore, the animals of the group are also called tenacious-tailed.


It lives in the north of South Africa, in particular in Brazil, Rio Negro and Guiana. Crybaby enters monkey species, listed in the International Red. The name of primates is associated with the drawn-out sounds they make.

As for the name of the clan, Western European monks who wore hoods were called Capuchins. The Italians called the cassock with it “capucio”. Seeing monkeys with light faces and a dark “hood” in the New World, Europeans remembered the monks.

Crybaby is a small monkey up to 39 centimeters long. The animal's tail is 10 centimeters longer. The maximum weight of a primate is 4.5 kilograms. Females are rarely larger than 3 kilos. Females also have shorter fangs.


Otherwise called brown. Primates of the species inhabit the mountainous regions of South America, in particular the Andes. Mustard-brown, brown or black individuals are found in different areas.

The body length of the favi does not exceed 35 centimeters, the tail is almost 2 times longer. Males are larger than females, gaining almost 5 kilograms of mass. Occasionally there are individuals weighing 6.8 kilos.

White-breasted Capuchin

The second name is common capuchin. Like the previous ones, it lives on the lands of South America. The white patch on the primate's chest extends to the shoulders. The muzzle, as befits capuchins, is also light. The "hood" and "mantle" are brown-black.

The white-breasted capuchin's "hood" rarely extends over the monkey's forehead. The degree to which the dark fur is raised depends on the sex and age of the primate. Typically, the older the capuchin, the higher his hood is raised. Females “raise” it while still young.

Saki monk

In other capuchins, the length of the coat is uniform throughout the body. The Saki monk has longer hairs on his shoulders and head. Looking at the primates themselves and their photo, species of monkeys you begin to distinguish. Thus, the saki’s “hood” hangs over the forehead and covers the ears. The fur on the capuchin's face hardly contrasts in color with the headdress.

The Saki monk gives the impression of a melancholy animal. This is due to the downturned corners of the monkey's mouth. She looks sad and thoughtful.

There are 8 species of capuchins in total. In the New World, these are the smartest and most easily trained primates. They often feed on tropical fruits, occasionally chewing rhizomes, branches, and catching insects.

Marmoset monkeys

Monkeys of the family are miniature and have claw-shaped nails. The structure of the feet is close to that of tarsiers. Therefore, species of the genus are considered transitional. Marmosets belong to the higher primates, but among them they are the most primitive.


The second name is ordinary. The length of the animal does not exceed 35 centimeters. Females are about 10 centimeters smaller. Upon reaching maturity, primates acquire long tufts of fur near their ears. The decoration is white, the center of the muzzle is brown, and its perimeter is black.

Marmosets have elongated claws on their big toes. Primates use them to grab branches, jumping from one to another.

Pygmy marmoset

It does not exceed 15 centimeters in length. A plus is the 20-centimeter tail. The primate weighs 100-150 grams. Externally, the marmoset appears larger because it is covered with long and thick fur of a brown-golden color. The red hue and mane of hair make the monkey look like a pocket lion. This is an alternative name for the primate.

The pygmy marmoset is found in the tropics of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. With sharp incisors, primates gnaw the bark of trees, releasing their juices. This is what the monkeys eat.

Black tamarin

It does not descend below 900 meters above sea level. In mountain forests, black tamarins have a twin in 78% of cases. This is how monkeys are born. Fraternal children are born only in 22% of cases.

From the name of the primate it is clear that it is dark. The length of the monkey does not exceed 23 centimeters, and weighs about 400 grams.

Crested tamarin

Otherwise called pinche monkey. On the head of the primate there is an erokeus-like crest of white, long hair. It grows from the forehead to the neck. During times of unrest, the crest stands on end. In a good-natured mood, the tamarin is smoothed.

The crested tamarin's muzzle is bare right down to the area behind the ears. The rest of the 20cm long primate is covered in long hair. It is white on the chest and front legs. The fur on the back, sides, hind legs and tail is reddish-brown.

Piebald tamarin

A rare species, lives in the tropics of Jurasia. Outwardly, the piebald tamarin is similar to the crested tamarin, but does not have the same crest. The animal has a completely bare head. The ears appear large against this background. The angular, square shape of the head is also emphasized.

Behind it, on the chest and front legs, there is long white hair. The tamarin's back, legs, hind legs and tail are reddish-brown.

The piebald tamarin is slightly larger than the crested tamarin, weighs about half a kilogram, and reaches a length of 28 centimeters.

All marmosets live 10-15 years. Their size and peaceful disposition make it possible to keep representatives of the genus at home.

Callimico monkeys

They were recently allocated to a separate family; previously they were classified as marmosets. DNA tests showed that Callimiko is a transitional link. There is a lot from the capuchins. The genus is represented by a single species.


Included in the little-known, rare species of monkeys. Their names and features are only rarely described in popular science articles. The structure of the teeth and, in general, the skull of the marmoset is similar to that of the capuchin. The face looks like a tamarin's face. The structure of the paws is also marmoset.

The marmoset has thick, dark fur. On the head it is elongated, forming something like a cap. Seeing her in captivity is good luck. Marmosets die outside their natural environment and do not produce offspring. As a rule, out of 20 individuals in the best zoos in the world, 5-7 survive. At home, marmosets live even less often.

Narrow-nosed monkeys

Among the narrow-nosed there are monkey species of india, Africa, Vietnam, Thailand. Representatives of the genus do not live. Therefore, narrow-nosed primates are commonly called Old World monkeys. These include 7 families.


The family includes small and medium-sized primates, with fore and hind limbs of approximately equal length. The first fingers of the hands and feet of apes are opposed to the remaining fingers, like those of humans.

Representatives of the family also have ischial calluses. These are hairless, worn-out areas of skin under the tail. The faces of the ape-like creatures are also bare. The rest of the body is covered with fur.


Lives south of the Sahara. This is the limit of the monkeys' range. On the eastern borders of the Hussars' dry, grassy territories, their noses are white. Western representatives of the species have black noses. Hence the division of hussars into 2 subspecies. Both are included in species of red monkeys, because they are colored orange-scarlet.

Hussars have a slender, long-legged body. The muzzle is also elongated. When the monkey grins, powerful, sharp fangs are visible. The long tail of a primate is equal to the length of its body. The weight of the animal reaches 12.5 kilograms.

Green monkey

Representatives of the species are common in the west. From there, monkeys were brought to the West Indies and the Caribbean islands. Here the primates blend in with the greenery of the tropical forests, with coats that have a swampy tint. It is distinct on the back, crown, and tail.

Like other monkeys, green monkeys have cheek pouches. They resemble those of hamsters. Macaques carry food supplies in their cheek pouches.

Cynomolgus macaque

Otherwise called a crabeater. The name is associated with the macaque's favorite food. His fur, like that of the green monkey, has a grassy tint. Expressive brown eyes stand out against this background.

The length of the Javan macaque reaches 65 centimeters. The monkey weighs about 4 kilograms. Females of the species are approximately 20% smaller than males.

Japanese macaque

Lives on the island of Yakushima. There is a harsh climate, but there are hot and thermal springs. The snow melts next to them and primates live. They bask in hot waters. The leaders of the packs have the first right to them. The lower “links” of the hierarchy are freezing on the shore.

Among the Japanese, the largest is the others. However, impressions are deceiving. If you cut off the thick, long fur of a steel-gray tone, the primate will be of medium size.

Reproduction of all monkeys is associated with sexual skin. It is located in the area of ​​the ischial callus and swells and turns red during ovulation. For males, this is a signal to mate.


They are distinguished by elongated forelimbs, bare palms, feet, ears and face. On the other body, the fur, on the contrary, is thick and long. Like macaques, there are ischial calluses, but less pronounced. But gibbons do not have a tail.

Silver gibbon

It is endemic to the island of Java and is not found outside its borders. The animal is named after the color of its fur. She is grey-silver. The bare skin on the face, hands and feet is black.

Silver is medium in size, does not exceed 64 centimeters in length. Females often stretch only 45. The weight of the primate is 5-8 kilograms.

Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon

You cannot tell from the females of the species that they are yellow-cheeked. More precisely, females are completely orange. On black males, golden cheeks are striking. It is interesting that representatives of the species are born light, then darken together. But during puberty, females return to basics, so to speak.

Yellow-cheeked crested gibbons live in the lands of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. Primates live there in families. This is a feature of all gibbons. They form monogamous couples and live together with children.

Eastern hoolock

The middle name is the singing monkey. It lives in India, China, and Bangladesh. The males of the species have stripes of white fur above their eyes. On a black background they look like gray eyebrows.

The average weight of a monkey is 8 kilograms. The primate reaches 80 centimeters in length. There is also a Western hoolock. He has no eyebrows and is a little larger, weighing about 9 kilos.

Siamang compound-toed

IN great monkey species not included, but is the largest among gibbons, gaining 13 kilograms of mass. The primate is covered with long, shaggy black hair. It fades to gray near the monkey's mouth and chin.

There is a throat pouch on the siamang's neck. With its help, primates of the species amplify sound. Gibbons have a habit of calling each other between families. This is why monkeys develop their voice.

Pygmy gibbon

It cannot be heavier than 6 kilograms. Males and females are similar in size and color. At all ages, monkeys of the species are black.

Once on the ground, dwarf gibbons move with their arms behind their backs. Otherwise, long limbs drag along the ground. Sometimes primates raise their arms up, using them as balancers.

All gibbons move through trees by alternating their forelimbs. The manner is called brachiation.


Always massive. Male orangutans are larger than females, with hooked fingers, fatty growths on the cheeks, and a small guttural pouch, like gibbons.

Sumatran orangutan

Belongs to the red monkeys, has a fiery coat color. Representatives of the species are found on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Sumatran is included in species of apes. In the language of the inhabitants of the island of Sumatra, the primate’s name means “forest man.” Therefore, it is incorrect to write "orangutaeng". The letter "b" at the end changes the meaning of the word. In the Sumatran language, this is already a “debtor”, and not a forest person.

Bornean orangutan

It can weigh up to 180 kilos with a maximum height of 140 centimeters. Monkeys of the species are like sumo wrestlers, covered with fat. The Bornean orangutan also owes its large weight to its short legs against the backdrop of its large body. The monkey's lower limbs, by the way, are crooked.

The arms of the Bornean orangutan, as well as others, hang below the knees. But the fatty cheeks of representatives of the species are especially fleshy, significantly expanding the face.

Kalimantan orangutan

It is endemic to Kalimantan. The monkey is slightly taller than the Bornean orangutan, but weighs 2 times less. The fur of primates is brownish-red. Bornean individuals have a distinctly fiery fur coat.

Among monkeys, orangutans of Kalimantan are long-lived. The age of some ends in the 7th decade.

All orangutans have a concave skull at the front. The general outlines of the head are elongated. All orangutans also have a powerful lower jaw and large teeth. The chewing surface is clearly raised, as if wrinkled.


Like orangutans, they are hominids. Previously, scientists used this name only for humans and their ape-like ancestors. However, gorillas, orangutans and also chimpanzees have a common ancestor with humans. Therefore, the classification was revised.

Coast gorilla

Lives in equatorial Africa. The primate is approximately 170 centimeters tall and weighs up to 170 kilograms, but often around 100.

Males of the species have a silver stripe running down their back. Females are completely black. Representatives of both sexes have a characteristic red marking on the forehead.

Lowland gorilla

Found in Cameroon, Central African Republic and Congo. There the lowland one settles in mangroves. They are dying out. Along with them, the gorilla species is disappearing.

The dimensions of the lowland gorilla are comparable to those of the coastal gorilla. But the color of the coat is different. Lowland individuals have brown-gray fur.

Mountain gorilla

The rarest, listed in the International Red Book. There are less than 200 individuals left. Living in remote mountainous areas, the species was discovered at the beginning of the last century.

Unlike other gorillas, the mountain gorillas have a narrower skull and thick and long hair. The forelimbs of the monkey are much shorter than the hind limbs.


All live in Africa, in the Niger and Congo river basins. Monkeys of the family are not taller than 150 centimeters and weigh no more than 50 kilograms. In addition, in chipanzees, males and females differ little; there is no occipital carina, and the supraorbital carina is less developed.


Considered the smartest monkey in the world. In terms of brain activity and DNA, bonobos are 99.4% close to humans. Working with chimpanzees, scientists taught some individuals to recognize 3 thousand words. Five hundred of them were used by primates in oral speech.

Height does not exceed 115 centimeters. The standard weight of a chimpanzee is 35 kilograms. The wool is dyed black. The skin is also dark, but the bonobo's lips are pink.

common chimpanzee

Finding out how many species of monkeys belong to chimpanzees, you recognize only 2. In addition to bonobos, the common one belongs to the family. He's bigger. Individual individuals weigh 80 kilograms. Maximum height is 160 centimeters.

There are white hairs on the coccyx and near the mouth of the common one. The rest of the fur is brown-black. White hairs fall out during puberty. Before this, older primates consider children to be marked and treat them condescendingly.

Compared to gorillas and orangutans, all chimpanzees have a straighter forehead. At the same time, the brain part of the skull is larger. Like other hominids, primates walk only on their feet. Accordingly, the chimpanzee's body position is vertical.

The big toes are no longer opposed to the others. The length of the leg exceeds the length of the palm.

So we figured it out, what types of monkeys are there. Although they are related to humans, the latter are not averse to feasting on their younger brothers. Many aboriginal peoples eat monkeys. The meat of prosimians is considered especially tasty. Animal skins are also used to make bags, clothes, and belts.

In the jungle there lives a small and fluffy animal, the size of a kitten, - all day long this creature with large Mongoloid eyes jumps from branch to branch. This is the smallest monkey in the world - the pygmy marmoset.

An adult individual barely reaches fifteen centimeters in length, not counting the tail - it reaches about twenty centimeters in length. This baby weighs no more than one hundred and ninety grams, on average 124 grams. It was first discovered at the beginning of the nineteenth century in South America - its habitat was the Amazon, western Brazil, and northern Peru and Ecuador.

They can be found in the jungle - they do not live in trees over eighteen meters, on the edges of the forest. Sensing danger, this small creature with a very meaningful look hides in the foliage. The main part of the pygmy marmoset's life is spent in trees. Such a pastime does not make it difficult for monkeys at all - they are well developed and easily jump from branch to branch - they can easily jump over distances of up to two meters.

General characteristics

The smallest monkey has a beautiful coat - its fur is soft and dense. The color is brown, red-tinged and interspersed with yellowish-green hairs. Due to the fact that the hair on the head is longer than on the rest of the body, a mane effect is created. This is where the resemblance to the king of beasts ends. The tufts of this hair are usually dark in color. The general coloration of the monkey contributes to a comfortable life in the treetops - it has excellent camouflage. The hind legs are longer than the front ones, the miniature toes of the monkey are crowned with sharp claws, only the big toes have a flat nail. The monkey's tail does not have a grasping reflex.

Basically, monkeys have three molars, marmosets have only two. They have long incisors with which they gnaw through the wood of trees. The size of the skull is small, but the brain in it is relatively large. They lead a diurnal lifestyle and climb into a hollow at night.


Monkeys feed on tree sap - having made a hole in the tree with their teeth, marmosets feast on the nectar seeping through the hole. Butterflies flock to the released juice and immediately become the prey of a small predator. They can feast on grasshoppers - this is their favorite delicacy, for which they are even capable of taking risks - coming down from the tree. They do this extremely rarely and reluctantly. They will not fail to treat themselves to a spider or a frog. From time to time, lizards, snails and other insects are sent into the mouth.

These little ones drink a lot of water; in order to find it, they have to examine flowers and shoots. In zoos, monkeys are fed canned food and mealy beetle larvae. They can treat you to grapes, apples, and bananas. Sometimes employees add boiled eggs and meat to the babies’ diet. But still, the monkeys are uncomfortable in captivity - they do not tolerate unnecessary fuss, although they themselves are very active and sociable.

The small size of the body makes the pygmy marmoset an excellent prey - they are in danger in the form of predators - animals and tree snakes. The main eaters of pygmy monkeys are birds of prey. Having noticed the danger in time, the marmosets gather in a group and try to attack the predator, sometimes they manage to lead the enemy to flight. Otherwise, they hide until the threat passes. In nature, it is rare for any individual to live up to 10 years, in captivity - up to 18.

Lifestyle and reproduction

Monkeys live in groups of up to 12 individuals, and these are all members of the same family - a male, a female and their young. Moreover, males and females have no other external differences except their genitals. Up to four generations can live in a flock. They fight fiercely for their own territory, and their small stature is not a hindrance to them. If anyone dares to encroach on the marked territory, he risks not only being scolded, but also getting a couple of slaps from the leader of the pack.

The boundaries of the chosen area are marked with a special secret. When there are two males in such a group at the same time, one dominates and limits his access to the female. To express his affection, the male pygmy marmoset shows his genitals to the lady of his heart.

The female's pregnancy lasts about 4.5 months, usually twins are born. In rare cases, triplets appear. No matter how many there are, only one survives. Newborn babies are naked, blind, and weigh only 16 grams. In the first days after birth, pygmy marmosets are helpless; for the first three weeks they require constant care. For the first day, the babies hang on their mother, and then move onto the back of their father or other females, and they teach them the wisdom of life, returning to their mother when it is time to feed and for the procedures necessary for the monkeys. In this way, the young mother can recover and relax, and the young ones get the opportunity to become acquainted with motherhood skills.

Twenty days after giving birth, the female is again ready to mate. One female dominates the group; her body secretes a special hormone that suppresses ovulation in other females. Scientists still do not know the exact answer - whether the female mates with several partners or whether monogamy is inherent in monkeys. It is possible that in monkeys, like in humans, everything is strictly individual.

After three months, the grown-up babies become independent. At the age of one to one and a half years they reach sexual maturity, but they can take part in reproduction at the age of two years.