Training a dog on your own: obedience course. How to teach a dog commands at home The simplest commands for dogs

Any large and strong dog can be controlled if it knows the basic commands. In order for the pet to unquestioningly obey the owner and understand him, training must begin from the very beginning. early age. From two to eight months he must learn general obedience. After this, you can begin a special training course, during which the animal learns more complex commands.

To train a dog, it is not necessary to hire an instructor. You can do this yourself, armed with special knowledge.

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    Rules for conducting classes

    Simple commands can be practiced even at home, however, this is incomplete training, since the dog will refuse to obey the owner on the street. It is recommended to conduct classes while walking in a deserted place, where no one disturbs or distracts.

    To teach a dog commands, withYou should train it three times a week, at least twice a week. Classes should last 30-40 minutes. When the animal gets used to it, the duration of the lessons is increased to 1-1.5 hours. Excesses in training are harmful. If you notice that your pet is tired, you need to stop training.

    The commands are given in random order so that the dog does not develop an unnecessary conditioned reflex. The pet should not know what he has to do next time.

    It is important that only one person does the training. The dog must follow the commands of all family members, but only the owner is present on the training ground. This is necessary so that the “student” does not get distracted.

    For classes you will need equipment:

    • strict collar and an electric collar (for large breeds);
    • long and short leash;
    • item for fetching;
    • a whistle to attract the attention of a far-running animal;
    • muzzle;
    • harness (for small breeds and puppies).

    Three ways to teach your dog the command "Voice!"


    The main way to reward a dog of any breed and age is with treats. You need to choose the product that is most desirable for your pet. This could be cheese, meat, or a ready-made treat from a pet store.

    Encouragement can also be verbal. The animal is well versed in intonation. For him, it is not so much words that are important as emotions. You need to praise quickly when the pet has done what was required of it. One way is stroking between the shoulder blades or on the head. If you are late with praise, the dog will not understand why it was rewarded.

    Praise can also be indirect. When you come home after training, you can tell your family how wonderful your pet behaved. During the story, those around you should be emotionally delighted and stroke the dog. This kind of group praise from all family members is very effective and supports the dog’s desire to learn.


    The command can be given by voice and or by gesture. Each voice command has its own corresponding gestures. The latter are convenient in everyday life. They allow you not to shout while walking, but to wave your hand and thereby tell the dog what to do.

    Dogs even perfectly understand intonation and facial expressions, and after appropriate training they begin to respond to gestures.

    Gesture learning occurs in parallel with the acquisition of voice commands. The owner pronounces the desired command in his voice and duplicates it with a movement of his hand. In this way, the dog gradually understands that the owner can control him in different ways.




    Extend your right arm above shoulder level


    Swing forward from the hip with the elbow bent right hand holding it with your palm up


    Raise your right hand horizontally, and while giving a voice command, quickly lower it to your hip

    Throw out your right hand straight, palm down, in the direction where the place is

    Move your right arm to the side to shoulder level, palm down, then quickly lower it to your thigh

    Use the palm of your left hand to pat the thigh of your left leg

    Raise your right arm bent at the elbow to your head, palm forward, swing left and right


    Throw your right hand palm down in the direction of the obstacle


    There are two ways to train your dog to sit on command. The first one is suitable for small breeds, the second is for large adult dogs that are difficult to sit down with the pressure of a hand.

    First way:

    1. 1. Approach the animal closely.
    2. 2. Hold the collar with one hand, and press on the sacrum with the other.

    Second way:

    1. 1. Hold the dog by the collar with one hand.
    2. 2. Pass the dog over the head towards the sacrum with the second hand with a treat clamped.

    When the animal is ready to sit, you need to have time to tell it: “Sit.” The sitting pet is given a treat and released after a few seconds. The exercise is repeated several times at intervals of 5 minutes. This is a simple command that any dog, even the most incapable of training, quickly masters.


    Teaching your pet to lie down on command is somewhat more difficult than teaching it to sit. This is done as follows:

    1. 1. Give the command “Sit”.
    2. 2. One hand is placed on the sitting dog’s withers, the other is placed behind the front paws.
    3. 3. Simultaneously with the command “Lie down,” press on the withers and push the paws forward.
    4. 4. When the pet lies down, you need to praise it and give it a treat, and after a few seconds let it go for a walk.

    It is important that the student lies down carefully from the very beginning, with his front legs extended forward and his hind legs tucked under him. You must not allow him to “fall over” on his side or back.


    The command is taught to puppies as soon as they can walk on a leash. It is on the must-have list. A dog that cannot walk “side by side” will cause a lot of trouble for the owner when it grows up, as it will constantly break from the leash.

    Training the command “Nearby”:

    1. 1. Take the dog on a leash and begin to move forward evenly.
    2. 2. From time to time they give the command “Nearby” and, by pulling the leash, force him to take the desired position at the left leg.
    3. 3. After walking a few steps, the leash is loosened.
    4. 4. If the pet continues to walk next to the leg, it is encouraged with a voice, and if it moves away, the command is repeated and pulled up with a leash.

    The training is completed at the moment when the animal walks at least a few steps at the command “Near” at the owner’s feet. Classes should not be ended at the stage when the animal tends to run away as soon as the owner loosens the leash.

    You need to pull the leash gently, without anger or jerking. The treat is given not while moving, but later, so that the pet is not distracted from following the command.


    The easiest way to teach this command is to a dog that loves to eat. To make a dog bark, all you have to do is show him a piece delicious food, clutched in hand. He will get excited and sooner or later he will make some sounds. When showing a treat, you need to repeat “Voice”. As soon as the animal barks or at least grunts, he is given a treat and praised.

    Already after the 3-4th attempt, the dog understands why he is being rewarded and begins to bark on command.

    Dogs that do not respond to treats are trained by imitation. You'll have to find a dog who knows this command and sit him next to him. The first animal is commanded “Voice” and demonstratively encouraged. After several repetitions, the second pet begins to understand what is required of him.


    This command is on the list of basic ones that need to be taught to the animal first. Training begins from the first days the puppy is in the house.

    The command is executed in two versions:

    • the dog goes to lie down in its place in the house - a bedding or a lounger;
    • the dog lies down next to the object indicated by the owner.

    The puppy is lured onto the bed with a treat, saying “Place.” When he gets to in the right place, they praise him and give him a piece. Gradually, the time between the pet's arrival at the place and the reward is increased, and then treats are given only occasionally.

    When the dog learns that on the command “Place” it must go to its bedding, they begin the second stage of training. A large object, such as a bag, is placed next to the pet. This shouldmust certainly be the owner’s thing, well known to the dog. You cannot use other people’s things or dog care equipment: bowls, toys, muzzle.


    1. 1. Give the command “Lie down”.
    2. 2. Retreat 5 steps.
    3. 3. Turn to the dog.
    4. 4. They command “Come to me.”
    5. 5. They praise the dog that comes up.

    At the next stage, the animal is taught to independently approach the thing and lie down next to it:

    1. 1. When saying “Place”, they point at the thing with their hand.
    2. 2. They begin to move in the right direction - the dog will follow the owner.
    3. 3. When she is in place, they give the command “Lie down” and treat her with a treat.

    The exercise is repeated several times during one workout. It is important to ensure that the dog goes to the place without the help of the owner. When this goal is achieved, they begin to gradually increase the distance. Ideally, a pet is able to approach something left at a distance of 15 m, lay down next to it and wait for at least 30 seconds, without reacting to people and animals passing by.

    “You can’t” and “Ugh”

    The dog must carry out the “Fu” command unquestioningly, upon request. This is important for the safety of the animal and others. “You can’t” - more soft version, which can be used at home.


    1. 1. The dog is put on a leash.
    2. 2. Move slowly so that she has time to react to changing situations.
    3. 3. When the dog moves towards a prohibited object or tries to pick up something from the ground, say “Ugh” and tug on the leash, without stopping the movement.
    4. 4. The pet must distract itself from the object of interest to it and continue moving nearby.
    5. 5. After walking a few steps, they stop, command “Sit” and treat them with a treat.

    After completing the command, you need to give your pet time to relax and get distracted. A tug of the leash and a stern master's voice - severe stress for any dog.

    During training, commands are given no more than once every 15 minutes so that the dog has time to relax. They command in a stern voice, but without shouting or threatening. On adult dog large breed You can wear an electric collar.

    "To me"

    The “come to me” command is easiest to teach with two people. The assistant takes the puppy in his arms or the adult animal on a leash and carries (takes) away from the owner at a distance of 1-2 m, backing away so that the dog does not lose sight of him. The owner commands “Come to me” or pats himself on the leg. The dog is released and it runs to its owner. If the dog does not approach, you need to sit down and show the treat, and when he approaches, give it back and actively praise him.

    The exercise is repeated three to four times, then take a long break. After a few training sessions, the dog will begin to consistently approach the command. After this, the treat is not given away immediately, but holding a piece to the nose, they force the dog to walk behind the owner’s back and sit near the left leg in the “Nearby” position.


    At the first stage of training, you need to ensure that the pet, on the command “Fetch”, takes an object in its teeth and holds it for several seconds, and then returns it on the command “Give”. The object should be such that it is comfortable for the dog to hold it. Toys or fur items are not suitable.


    1. 1. During a walk in a quiet place where there are no distractions, the animal is taken on a leash and seated by the left leg with the command “Nearby”.
    2. 2. The leash is held in the left hand, the object is taken in the right hand and offered to the pet.
    3. 3. If the dog does not take the item, you need to tease it a little.
    4. 4. As soon as the dog grabs the object, they say “Fetch.”
    5. 5. A dog holding an object sluggishly or reluctantly needs to be stimulated by pulling the object - after which the most apathetic pet will strengthen its grip.
    6. 6. The dog is praised again and the fetch is repeated.
    7. 7. They say “Give”, take the object and give a treat.

    The treat should be hidden in your pocket. No dog will hold an object if it is distracted by food in its hand.

    At the second stage, the dog is taught to carry things in its mouth:

    1. 1. They give the thing, they command “Nearby”.
    2. 2. They walk five or six steps and stop.
    3. 3. They take the object with the command “Give”.
    4. 4. They praise and give out treats.

    Many dogs spit out an object when they hear “Nearby.” It is difficult for a dog to follow two commands at the same time. In such cases, you need to stop, sit the dog down and repeat everything all over again.

    At the third stage, the dog is taught to pick up something from the ground:

    1. 1. The dog is put on a leash and sat down.
    2. 2. Show the thing and throw it forward a short distance at arm's length from bottom to top.
    3. 3. Simultaneously with the throw, the command “Aport” is commanded.
    4. 4. They go with the dog towards the object.
    5. 5. Approaching the object, repeat the command. If the dog does not react to the thing, move it with the foot. The dog must take the object and carry it several steps in the “Near” position.
    6. 6. They take the item with the command “Give”, praise it and give it a treat.

    At the fourth stage, the acquired skills are brought together:

    1. 1. The dog is seated, an object is thrown 1-2 meters, after a few seconds they say “Fetch”. The student should not run away without a command; if this happens, he is returned with a leash and seated again.
    2. 2. The dog that has picked up the object is told “Nearby”, after which it must sit to the left of the trainer.
    3. 3. They say “Give”, take the object, praise and encourage.

    Gradually, intermediate commands are canceled. The dog must perform “Fetch” without the prompts “Come to me,” “Nearby,” “Give.”


    It is necessary to teach an animal the “face” command no earlier than it has matured and its psyche has become stronger. In most dogs this happens after a year.

    You will need an assistant dressed in a protective suit and a deserted area with a fence. By the beginning of training, the pet must firmly know and follow the commands “Sit”, “Voice”, “Come”. A dog is a born predator, and the “Face” command is an attack authorized by the owner. Most animals will happily take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, when starting an attack on command, you need to make sure that, if necessary, it can be stopped by saying “Fu.”

    First stage:

    1. 1. The dog is tied up and remains next to it.
    2. 2. The helper slowly approaches and begins to tease the dog with some object.
    3. 3. Having made sure that the dog is alert, the owner gives the “Fas” command.
    4. 4. If the dog starts to run away and tries to attack, it is praised and encouraged.

    Second stage:

    1. 1. The dog is tied up.
    2. 2. An equipped assistant comes up and delivers a light blow to the animal, making sure that the dog is not scared. When the owner notices that the pet is ready to attack, he commands “Fas”, and the assistant offers a sleeve or an object to grab.
    3. 3. Having grabbed onto the object, the animal must unclench its jaws at the command “Fu”.

    Third stage:

    1. 1. The owner keeps the dog on a leash.
    2. 2. The helper approaches, attracts the dog's attention with aggressive actions, then turns and runs away.
    3. 3. The owner gives the command “Face” and releases the leash.
    4. 4. The dog must catch up and grab the runaway.

    It is not difficult to train a dog to grab a person using the “Face” command. This is where instincts come to the aid of the trainer. It is much more difficult to teach an animal to let go on the command “Fu”. It is important to ensure that the pet, upon hearing the signal, immediately releases the person.


    Tricks are any commands that are not included in general or professional training. Educationbegins no earlier than 4 months of age because it requires concentration.

    There is no maximum age for learning tricks. If the dog loves to walk, is active and willingly communicates with the owner, it can be taught at least the simplest elements.

    The exception is breeds with a phlegmatic and melancholic temperament. Such dogs will never tumble or jump through hoops, preferring to lie at the feet of the owner to all other activities.

    When training, it is important to remember that teaching tricks is a game in which there is no place for punishment or harsh actions.

    Jump in the ring

    To master this element, the animal must know the “Barrier” command. To start classes you will need a large gymnastic hoop.

    First, using a treat, the dog is taught to pass through a hoop standing on the ground. Gradually the projectile is raised higher, provoking the pet to jump at the command “Barrier”. As soon as the dog learns to jump to the desired height, the diameter of the hoop is reduced.

    Next, the projectile can be pulled over with paper strips, starting from the edges. Gradually their number is increased. As a result, the dog, who has completely mastered the trick, effectively, in a jump, tears apart a solid sheet of paper, which is tightened with a hoop raised to a considerable height.


    When executing a command, the animal must lie on its side and not move until the conditioned signal is given. Dog owners who don't like the word "die" can replace it with "sleep."

    In everyday life, the trick is used as an alternative to the “Place” command and makes it possible to calm a naughty dog. The “Die” command is the first stage in mastering the somersault.


    1. 1. The dog is given a treat to sniff.
    2. 2. Slowly bring the treat over the pet’s shoulder. The animal will stretch and fall on its side; a gentle push to the neck or side is acceptable.
    3. 3. After the dog takes the required position, the command “Die” is given.

    You need to make sure that the animal's head is on the floor. During the first training, it is allowed to hold in the required position for no more than 5 seconds. Even the most active pets can master the trick in 5-12 lessons.

    The duration of “dying” is increased slowly. Every three to four days they add a few seconds. Using the same method, you can make the animal roll on its back. For such a somersault there are commands “Alle” or “Up”.


    Training a dog to give a paw is not difficult at all. The fact is that this behavior is part of the animal’s basic instincts. A blind puppy, feeding on its mother's milk, massages her belly with its paws. He uses the same movement when communicating with his owner, extending his paw to him in the same way as his mother.

    You can train both a two-month-old baby and a serious adult dog. Even the most stubborn pets, after 1-3 lessons, begin to stretch out their paws when meeting their owner.

    The trick has functional value. With its help, it is more convenient to trim your pet’s nails or wash its paws after a walk.


    1. 1. The dog is seated.
    2. 2. Take the paw in your hand.
    3. 3. Say the command loudly and clearly.
    4. 4. Encourage.

    You should not raise your paw too high - this will cause discomfort to the animal. It is enough for the elbow to bend at a right angle.

    Guard dog training

    Such dogs should bark to warn that a stranger is approaching the territory. To do this, they need to be trained to distinguish simple noise from sounds that pose a threat.

    Any service breed is suitable for guard duty. The best watchdogs are shepherd dogs: Caucasian, Asian, South Russian, German, as well as Moscow watchdog and Rottweiler. They are distinguished by mental balance. The animal may be relaxed, but at hints of danger it becomes wary.

    There are breed differences when training dogs. Innately more vicious dogs are Rottweilers, german shepherds and other guard dogs - perceive the command “Fas” the first time. You cannot use baiting with them, since by increasing their anger, they become uncontrollable.

    Boxers, Airedales and Bullmastiffs are more friendly. They have to be specially trained to distinguish their own from strangers. Of all the breeds, Rottweilers and German Shepherds are most prone to threatening lunges and attacks.

    For the dog to cope with guard service, she must master the primary skills of protective guard service (protection of things, detention, guarding, escorting) and additionally be able to notify the owner by barking about the approach of a stranger.

    The main command in the guard service is “Guard.” The dog at the checkpoint should bark and boldly act to apprehend when an intruder tries to penetrate the fence. The dog can be trained to guard free objects (cars, bags) and passages into the building.

    Sled breeds (huskies, huskies, malamutes)

    Raising huskies and other sled dogs has its own peculiarities. You will need endurance and calm, confidence and competence. The puppy must learn that the owner is more important, therefore only he can set the rules and monitor their implementation.

    The owner must clearly and demonstratively express disapproval of the pet’s wrong actions and emphasize the correct ones. This is the peculiarity of raising a husky. Fulfilled the command - “Well done.” He bites, runs after the cat - “ugh”. He calmly gave the toy to the owner - “Well done.” He snapped - “ugh.”

    All northern dogs are independent, capable of being stubborn, taciturn and self-willed. The owner is obliged to find a suitable form of training and method of encouragement that is most effective for a particular dog.

    Basic commands begin to be mastered from the age of three months. Before training, the puppy must expend some of its energy on a walk. He needs to be allowed to run and play, and only then is he allowed to start exercising.

    Husky has enviable health, which he can maintain only by receiving significant physical activity. These dogs especially love fetching. In addition to the general training course, you can master frisbee, towing a sled, and jogging next to a bicycle.

    Decorative breeds and puppies

    A decorative dog, such as a Chihuahua, requires no less training than a service dog. Even a small, untrained and uncontrollable animal can create a lot of troubles and problems: run out onto the road, endlessly bark at home in the absence of the owner, bite a stranger.

    A decorative dog should be trained in the following skills:

    • "To me"
    • "Near",
    • "Place",
    • “Sit” or “Lie” to fix in one place.

    This minimal set will help control the animal, which will protect it and the owner from trouble.

    You can train a decorative dog on your own without the help of an instructor. The small size of the animal allows it to use its own apartment as a training ground.

    However, if you have the opportunity to enroll in a group, you can use it to socialize your pet. Group training is especially important for dogs that almost never leave the premises.

    Rules to follow when training ornamental breeds and puppies:

    • Physical measures cannot be used due to the fragility of the pet;
    • the complexity of the task should be proportionate to the size of the student - you should not force him to jump over a barrier that he is physically unable to overcome;
    • you need to take into account weather conditions - if it’s cold or raining outside, you should reschedule classes or put special waterproof clothing on your dog;
    • training should be completed at the first sign that the dog is cold or tired.

    Training an adult animal

    You can train a dog of any age. But the older she is, the more difficult it is to develop conditioned reflexes. Undesirable behavior is gradually reinforced, and it is not always possible to get rid of it.

    If a six-month-old puppy can be taught the general course in a month, then a dog older than two years will need much more time for this. But it is better to start training late than not to do it at all.

    The principle of raising an adult dog - from simple to complex. You need to start with basic commands: “Sit”, “Come to me”. Use only positive reinforcement by choosing the dog's favorite treat.

    They begin practicing the technique at home, where there are no strong irritants for the dog. It is recommended that the pet be hungry - this way he will show more interest in the activities and rewards.

Every dog ​​owner wants the dog to understand him different situations. Teaching your pet basic commands is the key to his successful life among people.

Once the puppy reaches the age of 2-3 months, they begin to teach him the simplest commands. At this age not yet we're talking about about classes with an instructor on an ongoing basis, but it is advisable to contact him for advice. He will tell you how to teach your dog commands at home, taking into account its character, temperament and breed. If the owner has sufficient training experience, then classes can be carried out independently.

Photo: teaching a dog the “Down” command

A young dog should be trained by gradually increasing the training time. You can start with 15-20 minutes a day, later increasing it to 40 minutes. If you train longer, the dog will simply get tired and will not accept the owner. During the training process, you should take breaks of 5-10 minutes so that the dog can rest. This applies to both puppies and adult dogs, especially if they have not previously completed a training course.

Before starting classes, the pet must be fed and walked in advance. Hunger and natural needs should not distract from the educational process. Distraction factors can include: exposure to direct sun rays, insects (for example, mosquitoes), especially if the dog is short-haired. In such cases, choose a time when the sun and insects are less active. As a rule, these are morning or evening hours.

No instructor has come up with this yet best method learning than the carrot and stick method. Its essence is as follows: for the correct, successful execution of commands, the dog must be praised (rewarded with a treat), and for failure to comply (meaning deliberately ignoring) the dog must be punished. The punishment should not be severe; sometimes it is enough for the dog to hear more severe notes in the owner’s voice for him to stop the unwanted actions.

In some cases, reasonable force will have to be used. No hits with the leash or sudden swings of the arms. If this is allowed, then in the future the cowardly reaction may take hold and the effect of training will be exactly the opposite. Punishment must be applied correctly: take the “trainee” by the withers, without applying excessive force. If such a need arises during the training of an adult dog, then this should be done taking into account its size. The animal must understand that the owner cannot be ignored.

They encourage him with a treat, which is given after each correctly executed command. It can be cookies, crackers homemade etc. Fulfilling the owner's requirements correctly, the dog should hear encouraging notes in his voice. In such cases, skimp on good words not worth it. In the future, as the skills are consolidated, treats are given less often and they gradually switch to praise.

How to teach a dog the "Paw" command.

Not the most necessary command, notable for its simplicity. On initial stage training, it is taught to establish contact with the pet, teaching it to obey the owner. To reinforce the skill, treats and praise are used. When giving a command for the first time, the dog is made to understand what they want from it. They take the paw with their hand and shake it lightly, after which a treat is given. The next time the dog gives his paw much more willingly.

How to teach your dog the "Sit" command.

The command is given both by voice and by gesture. The right arm is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, with the palm facing forward. The initial execution is accompanied by pressure on back the dog's body with one hand, as well as holding the collar or a tight leash with the other hand. The command is pronounced clearly and loudly enough. During subsequent classes, the number of repetitions gradually increases. The training procedure is the same for all dogs of any age.

How to teach your dog the "down" command.

After confidently performing the “Sit” command, you can begin teaching the “Lie down” command. The initial execution begins with the command “Sit”, after which the next one is given, with simultaneous pressure on the front of the back. To prevent the dog from trying to get up, the back of the body is held with your hand. After successful completion, the pet is praised and given a treat. In the future, the practice time and the number of repetitions are increased without going beyond the optimal time frame for training.

How to teach your dog the "Place" command.

The puppy begins to be accustomed to this command almost from the moment it appears. The process occurs gradually, at the age of several months he already knows his place and the meaning of this word. If you need to consolidate a skill or the owner got the dog as an adult, then you need to conduct classes. The training is carried out as follows: the pet is shown its place (the appropriate command is given) and after it remains there, it is praised and given a treat. It will be good if the place is marked with a bedding or rug.

How to teach a dog the "Near" command.

The command is relevant both when the dog is moving on a leash and without it. At the initial stage, movement is carried out with a leash attached. Served at the beginning of the movement, followed by repetition if the owner is ahead or behind him. If necessary, the command is given with a gentle tug of the leash. After completing a short segment, be sure to praise the dog and give him a treat. After he learns to walk nearby on a leash, they move on to off-leash training. The procedure is the same; at the initial stage, you can hold the pet by the collar.

How to teach a dog the “No” command.

Teaching a prohibition command will help avoid unwanted actions on the part of the dog. Training occurs while she is on a leash. If the dog tries to take something nasty into its mouth, enter into conflict with another dog, or chase a cat, then the command “Fu” is given. It is advisable not to use the “No” command, since this word is often found in people’s conversations and your student may not understand it correctly. The command is accompanied by pulling the leash, or a light slap on the back of the body.

To every responsible owner four-legged friend the question may arise to . This process is by no means a waste of time for fun. After all, your pet’s literacy, level of education and discipline are indicators not only of your attitude towards the formation of personal relationships with the animal, but also of respect for the people around you.

We must remember that the dog is a descendant of a wild wolf, and not a lamb at all. Especially when it comes to a large dog. This implies the need to be able to independently teach a dog obedience.

Much easier to manage. IN home life a pet's breakdown can only affect the animal's owners; outside the home, uncontrollability large dog will entail serious consequences.

Don't forget why you got the dog.

Of course, we immediately started talking about extremes. A dog is a unique animal in its own way. Thousand-year history The relationship between man and dog has developed in the latter exceptional properties aimed at performing certain tasks to serve man.

Accordingly, most breeds are initially adapted to serve humans, and many are bred exclusively as human companions, capable of helping, protecting, and even saving their owner. An invisible alliance has long been concluded between people and our smaller barking brothers.

We should not ignore the service potential of the majority of representatives of the four-legged brethren, embedded in them by our ancestors for many millennia, although this fact does not apply to all breeds without exception.

From this we can conclude: proper upbringing animal, the ability to take control of its behavior is the main indicator of your viability as a dog owner.

This is where it comes to our aid adopted system training pets using specific commands.

When to start?

It's never too late to start training your pet. However, training an adult dog presents some challenges compared to training a young animal.

Of course, it is much easier than an adult dog that has already seen life. The puppy is like a blank slate. He is very flexible morally, and is also not yet burdened with unnecessary information. In addition, a young animal does not have the tendency to dominate, which is characteristic of an already mature dog.

In short, it is best to start training at a young age. However, it is also important not to go too far here. You should not try to instill obedience by learning commands in an animal that is too young. A very young puppy will not be able to listen to your instructions.

Dog handlers recommend starting training for puppies no earlier than 2-3 months of age. Quite normal age to begin training, since the baby is already becoming somewhat more serious and observant.

It is more than possible to train an adult dog, however this process will take a little more time and effort, since the animal will not only need to be taught new things, but also weaned off old ones.

Choosing a place for training

Here we will immediately make a reservation: the choice of training location, as well as training conditions and the number of participants in the process depend on the specific command that our pet is mastering in a given period.

Generally speaking, you can train a puppy or an adult dog at home or on the street. Dog training at home is suitable for learning most commands. However, there are some among them that may require space to secure them.

Usually, during training, a calm, relaxed atmosphere is maintained at home; the dog and the owner remain face-to-face. On the street, it is important to teach your pet to isolate itself from the outside world. A sparsely populated park would be suitable here, or even better, a fenced area.

Place is the most important command after “Come to me.”


In fact, it’s not just something edible that can be a stimulus. Stimulus is a flexible concept for a dog. You can motivate an animal to do as you command using various maneuvers.

The main thing is to know well what exactly your pet likes.

Of course, the deliciousness is beyond competition. Feeding will be a great motivator, an excellent remedy, how to teach a dog commands.

Elementary praise and affection will be a very effective incentive for your dog to please the owner. As well as getting rid of pre-created annoying circumstances, which we sometimes have to resort to in order to teach the dog some commands.

In a word, no incentive at first. The rule “you - for me, I - for you” will have to be observed, otherwise it will be unrealistic to interest the dog in playing the role according to the script.

Mandatory program

Today, in addition to the “Nearby” command, it is better to teach the dog to walk on a slack leash, otherwise it will pull.

  • sit;
  • lie;
  • near;
  • place;
  • to me;

This list could be continued, but we did not include some commands, such as “front”, “stand” or “voice”. The first one is more suitable for service dogs, and we would not like to instill in our readers the desire to teach an animal an attack command.

The command “stand” is not much different in the specifics of training from similar commands “sit” or “lie down”. Teaching an animal the “voice” command is the most difficult task of all, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with teaching this wisdom in a separate article.

Sit and lie

One of the very first commands with which you should start training. In general, you need to start with the simplest. just fall into this category.

How to teach a dog the commands “sit” and “lie down”? Let's start with the first one, since the installation is an excellent example of how to train a dog yourself at home.

So, the dog is next to us, we are next to him. The animal must be on a leash. What are we doing? We press on the back of the dog’s body with one hand, thus stimulating it to take a sitting position. With our second hand we lift the leash up, not allowing the animal to lie down completely.

Having seated the pet in this way on the fifth point, do not forget to say magic word"sit". The command should be pronounced loudly and clearly, but without any hint of irritation. After a successful landing, it is imperative to praise the pet, express approval, and reward it with treats.

After successfully consolidating the material, you can move on to teaching the “lie down” command. The training principle is the same. The only difference is in the mechanics of our actions. We now press on the leash itself, pressing it to the floor with our knee. The leash automatically pulls our pet down, motivating it to lie down. We then proceed according to the previous plan. A clear voice command, hugs, treats. General rejoicing.

Nearby, for a walk and to me!

“Next” is an important command, since teaching an animal the habit of walking next to its owner, even without a leash, with appropriate instructions, is a sign of true education and discipline of the pet.

This command is one of the most difficult.

How to teach a puppy the commands “near” and “walk”? It is better to start mastering the first command at home. We take a treat in our hand and the puppy at the moment should stand near the owner's left leg. Let's go ahead and let the baby go with you for a treat, and you say the word "near." Once the dog walks step by step with the owner for some time, you can reward it, give it a treat and praise it.

When the time comes to teach him to walk nearby on the street, start training only after the animal has run around to its heart’s content and has done all its business. Afterwards, we take him on a leash and take a walk side by side.

We clearly control the dog’s position in relation to our step. If the dog tries to rush forward or rush to the side, we sharply stop his impulse, pulling the leash so as to return the pet to its original position. We say the command “nearby”.

Successful execution is when the animal does not violate the training conditions. You should praise him and give him a treat. If the pet shows persistence, we can kindly shake him by the withers and let him know that we are dissatisfied with his behavior.

It doesn’t take long to teach your dog the “walk” command. Here we will need space; the home environment will not allow for training. We simply say this word every time we release the dog from the leash, reinforcing it with a broad gesture indicating the direction.

The “come to me” command is a basic one, so you need to teach it before you start letting your pet walk without a leash. The need to master this installation is determined not only by education, but also by the safety of your dog.

You need to start training at home and, as a rule, dogs master it very quickly at home. Call your pet by holding a treat in your hand and be sure to make a characteristic hand gesture, patting the thigh. The correct reaction of the dog is that he ran up to you and received a treat and praise.

It is more difficult to teach a command in street conditions. You should exercise in safe places, preferably in a fenced area. We act on the principle: let the dog go, call him with the command “come to me” and give him a treat.

Important! The commands “Come”, “Fu” and “No” must be worked out very well, and the dog must carry them out without question!

Give and place

After learning the basics, you can teach your dog, for example, to fetch house slippers.

To teach the “place” command, our home living space may be enough. A very useful command that allows you to leave an animal at a certain point, being more or less sure that upon return the pet will be waiting exactly where it was left.

The dog must understand that upon completion of the command, the owner will leave, but will definitely return. The dog will realize that he was not abandoned at all, but was told to wait for his return here.

What are we doing? We place some object familiar to the dog in the chosen place, bring the pet to the area and command it to “lie down.” We move away from the place a short distance, having previously commanded “place”.

At first, the dog will try to get up in order to leave the indicated area. The owner should say the “place” command again, even more insistently and clearly. The skill should be practiced until the dog understands the need to stay exactly where he was left until the owner returns.

Teaching your pet to give on command is also not too difficult. We take an object familiar to the dog, a stick, for example, or a toy. Next, we invite the pet to play tug of war with this item, who will win.

The owner gives the command “give”, stopping pulling and raising his free hand slightly up. If the watchdog understands the essence of the voice and gesture, he will let go of the toy. Then praise, treats, everything as usual.


One of the most important lessons for a dog. Action prohibition command. Its assimilation will be especially important when solving a problem, such as, for example.

Everything is simple here. At wrong action On the pet’s part, we say “ugh” very clearly and loudly. While leading the dog on a leash, we reinforce our voice by tugging at the animal.


So, we figured out what commands a dog should know. We hope the recommendations will help you figure out what will help mold an ordinary ill-mannered dog into perfection and the personification of education and self-discipline.

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Any commands that are not included in the general training course or others, professional complexes, usually called tricks. It is believed that a dog can remember up to 250 words. In practice, it has been proven that " vocabulary It’s possible to “stretch” a pet to 1000 or more words. Naturally, a certain part of the vocabulary arsenal is devoted to describing everyday affairs and mastering commands. If the remaining potential is channeled in the right direction, the pet is quite capable of becoming an artist with a wide range of skills. To teach different dog Only 2 factors are important for tricks - the positive attitude of the trainer and the desire of the pet.

Almost all tricks require concentration from the dog, which means that training begins no earlier than 4 months of age. There is no upper age limit; if the dog is active, loves to walk and spend time with the owner, then it can learn. Next, a little about stereotypes, it is believed that certain breeds dogs are not capable of performing tricks, and they are difficult to train. In fact, any pet can be taught a variety of skills, but does the dog itself want this?

If you are now perked up, but the phrase flashes through your head: “If he doesn’t want to, we’ll force you”, moderate your ambitions. Trickstering is a game, its foundations lie in motivation and positive training methods, without the use of punishment or harsh pressure. The right way is to work on relationships; the pet should strive to please you. Always remember for what purpose you got a dog, because some service breeds games are not recognized at the “genetic level”.

Important! Pets with a melancholic and phlegmatic character will prefer to lie at the feet of the owner than to tumble and jump through hoops - respect the needs of your pet!

Next, let's look at what tricks you can teach a dog at the initial stage. Remember that trickery is a team effort that should bring mutual pleasure. Choose exercises based on your existing skills. Don’t force things and initially train your pet to work in any conditions – on the street, at home, at a party.

Read also: Why does a dog need a tail? The answer, of course, is very simple!


The simplest, albeit “slobbery” trick is “Kiss” or “Kiss Mom”. Let your dog sniff the treat. Sit the animal frontally (in front of you), step on the leash with one foot so that the pet cannot make a sharp jerk. Give the command “Kiss”, hold the treat between your lips and lean towards the dog. Be careful and restrain your pet with a leash; you want your dog to gently take the treat rather than grab it with his teeth. While practicing the skill, allow the animal to place its paws on your chest.

Spin around

We hold a treat near the pet's nose and describe circles in the air with it. The trajectory of the hand's movement should allow the pet to turn freely. At the initial level, the dog is taught to turn in both directions, the direction of movement is indicated by a gesture of the free hand. After 3-4 sessions, the amplitude of torsion is narrowed so that the pet spins within a zone of 1-1.5 meters.

Bunny, Serve

We sit the dog down, holding the leash. We bring the treat to the nose and lift it vertically up. We tease the pet until it lifts its front paws off the ground. As soon as the goal is achieved, we give the command and give the treat. As you progress, you will be able to train your dog to sit or stand upright. hind legs. Next step- This is walking and jumping on two legs forward and backward.

Depending on the position of the paws, the execution is accompanied by:

  • With the “Bunny” command – if the dog holds its paws above its head like a bunny’s ears.
  • The “Serve” command – if the animal crosses or folds its paws with its palms facing inward.

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A body position that pets often adopt on their own when stretching or playing with their relatives. The dog that follows the command stands on its hind legs and lies on its front legs. The starting position is at the left foot. We step on the leash with our left foot, and with our right hand we move the treats away from the nose, forward and down. We provoke the pet to lie down without giving the command “Lie down”. As soon as the ward begins to stretch out his front paws, we insert left hand under the stomach, restraining the reflex forward movement, we give the command “Bow”. At the initial stage, even a slight tilt of the dog’s body is considered successful execution of the command.


We sit the dog next to the left leg. We take a wide step with a lunge, say “Snake”, put our hand with a treat under the knee and beckon the pet. The dog should pass under you diagonally. Using the same algorithm, we take the second step and finish the exercise. Train your dog gradually by adding 2 steps. As a result, the dog moves along a winding path, running under your feet.


Sit your dog between your wide-spread legs and show him the treat. Lure your dog back until he begins to back away. Ahead of the execution, we jump forward and close our legs and give the command “Back”, showing the pet exactly what is required of him. When the dog understands that it needs to “squeeze” between your legs so that its nose is behind your knees, you can increase the strata distance between you and the pet.

A dog is man's friend. In order for your dog to be a smart and competent friend, useful for you on a hike or in a city apartment, a guard dog in a country house or on a garden plot, it is necessary teach execution main commands and teach him some useful skills. If you are preparing a dog not for a show, but for everyday life, training - some general course training can be done independently at home. The basic skills and commands for controlling a dog are as follows.

  • Walk next to the owner.
  • Approach the owner on the command “Come to me” and return to the previous place.
  • Follow commands to control the dog from a distance: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand”, “Place”.
  • Bring the item with the “Fetch” command and give it back with the “Give” command.
  • Do not take food offered by strangers or scattered on the ground.
  • Stop unwanted actions.
  • Overcome obstacles.

By the beginning of classes, the dog should know its name, allow the collar to be put on, and not resist when the leash is attached.
To practice with your dog, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Muzzle
  • Soft collar
  • A strict collar (for large dogs)
  • Short leash 1.5-2 m
  • Long leash 5-8 m
  • A dumbbell-shaped stick, or a ball, or your dog’s favorite toy
  • A small rug to mark the place

Executing the Near command

The dog, having received an order, must walk next to the owner not only straight, but also when turning, changing the pace of movement, and stand when stopping. This skill is practiced like this.

Place the dog on a short leash, hold the leash closer to the collar with your left hand, and take the free part of the leash in your right hand. The dog is at the left leg. Say the command “Near” and walk, allowing the dog to go forward, lag behind, or move to the side.

As soon as the dog has overtaken you, say strictly “near” and jerk the leash back so that the dog is at your left leg. If the dog has understood you correctly, you should stroke it with your left hand, give it a treat and say, “Okay, here.” Do the same if the dog moves to the side or lags behind.

To check how well the technique has been mastered, you need to catch the moment when the dog has gone forward or fallen behind, and, without jerking the leash, give the command “Nearby”. If the dog independently takes a place at your left leg, then the technique has been learned.

Next, you should complicate the task by saying the command “Nearby” when turning, accelerating, slowing down, or starting to run. Then practice the same technique without a leash. First, quietly lower the leash to the ground, then unfasten it altogether. However, you should give up the leash only if you have firmly mastered the technique. A contrasting method of influence is recommended - first the threatening command “Near”, and if this is carried out - stroking, affectionate approval “Good” and a treat.

Training large strong dogs will speed up the use of a strict collar. The force of the leash jerk should be proportionate to the size and weight of the dog. It is very important to establish contact with the animal so that it follows the command under any circumstances.

Executing the "Come" command

The “Come to me” command should not be associated with something unpleasant for the dog, so as not to develop fear in it. If the dog was running freely and comes up to you on command, do not try to immediately fasten the leash; on the contrary, reward it with a treat, pet it and after a while let it go for a walk. At the first moment of training, you should not punish the dog for not following orders well and not coming right away.
The “Come to me” skill is practiced like this.

Release the dog on a long leash at some distance from you and, pronouncing the name, calmly give the command “Come to me”, while showing a treat in your hand.
If the dog approaches, he should be rewarded. If the dog is distracted, you need to use a gentle tug with the leash. If the approach is sluggish, encourage the dog with your actions, pretending to run away. In any case, when she approaches, be sure to repeat “Come to me, okay” and give her a treat.
As the technique progresses, remove the leash and complicate the situation, for example, give a command during the game.

Subsequently, the command “Come to me” must be linked with a gesture - the right hand, extended to the side at shoulder level, quickly lowered down to the thigh. After several repetitions, the dog will come to the command with a gesture.
The technique is considered worked when, on the command “Come to me” or a gesture, the dog immediately comes up and sits at your left leg.

Executing the "Sit" command

Commands for controlling a dog at a distance should be taught in two stages - first let the dog perform all the commands next to you, while on a leash, and when the technique is learned, give the command from a distance with your voice and gesture.
The “Sit” command is worked out like this.

Put the dog on short leash to her left, then, turning half a turn towards her, give the order. At the same time, pull the dog up and back by the leash with your right hand, and press on the croup with your left hand. The dog sits down. When trying to stand up, repeat the “Sit” command, pressing firmly on the animal’s croup. Reward correct seating with a treat.

You can also practice this command using treats. Show the dog standing on your left the treat in your right hand and raise your hand with the treat slightly back above his head. The dog follows the hand, raises its head up and involuntarily sits down. Help her sit up by pressing on her rump with your left hand.

In the future, after sitting the dog, move away from it, repeating the order when trying to change the position. Controlling the animal from a distance, simultaneously with the “Sit” command, raise your right arm, bent at the elbow at a right angle, palm forward, to shoulder level.

Executing the command "Lie down"

The starting position of the dog is sitting at the owner’s left leg on a leash.
Turning to the dog, kneel down on your right knee and say the command, while simultaneously pressing the withers with your left hand and carefully pulling the leash forward downwards with your right hand. In an effort to get a treat, the animal lies down.
Hold the dog in a lying position with your left hand, repeating the words “Okay, lie down”, give a treat when the technique is completed.

As soon as the dog has learned to lie down on command at the owner’s left leg, you should begin to practice endurance. Give the command “Lie down” and slowly move away. Every time the animal tries to stand up or sit down, repeat the command “Lie down” and put it down. Each performance of a technique should be rewarded. The gesture used for laying is the right arm extended forward, palm down.

Executing the "Stand" command

When brushing your dog or during a veterinary examination, it is required that he stand for a while without changing his position. To do this, you need to work out the “Stand” command. Give a command to the dog sitting to your left and at the same time with your right hand make a slight jerk with the leash forward and upward, and with your left press the dog on the stomach, as if lifting it. Keep him on his feet for a while, repeating “Okay, stand”, give him a treat.
When performing the technique, the dog should not step its limbs forward. Let him freeze in his tracks. Just as with the “Sit” and “Lie Down” techniques, it is necessary to consolidate the “Stand” command by practicing endurance, and only then begin to control from a distance with voice and gesture.

Executing the Place command

Being at a distance from you, the dog often takes off on its own and approaches. But he needs to be returned to his place by the team. They gave the command - put the animal down, and leave the prepared rug or your thing next to it. Walk away slowly until the dog runs after you. As soon as he runs, slowly return with him to the abandoned thing and with the words “Place, lie down,” put it next to the thing again and move away again.
When the dog tries to get away from the thing in a loud voice issue the "Place" command and return it. As you master the command, after some endurance with the command “Place”, call the dog yourself with the order “Come to me”. In addition, with a gesture of your right hand towards the abandoned item, send the dog to it with the command “Place”.

Executing the "Aport" command

The command means - take, grab, give. This is a very important command for service dogs, necessary when recognizing a thing, searching an area, or working on a scent. In your everyday life, the command must be worked out so that the dog picks up and brings the item to the owner.

The training technique is based on the innate reaction to grab a moving object. You can use a toy or ball as a fetch item. Wave the toy in front of the sitting dog, accompanying your actions with the command “Fetch”. If he tries to grab an object, give him that opportunity. Let him hold the object in his mouth for some time, during this time repeat “Fetch, okay.” Complicate the technique - wave the toy in front of the dog, and when he shows interest in the object, throw it nearby. Then, with the command “Fetch” and a gesture of the right hand in the direction of the object, send to bring the thing.

If the dog raises the fetch, but does not bring it, you can call him with the command “Come to me” or pretend that you are running away. The dog with the item will run towards you.
If the dogs are fetched, but do not give up on the “Give” command, offer a treat at the same time as the “Give” command. At this time, exchange the treat for an object.
As you master the technique, send the dog for the object not immediately, but after some time. At first, after throwing the object, you can give the command “Sit” and hold the dog by the leash.

The technique is considered worked when the dog, being at the left leg of the owner who threw the object, sits, and on the command “Fetch” runs after the object, independently returns with it, sits to the left of the owner and on the command “Give” gives the object.

Prohibiting command "Fu"

This prohibiting command is very important to practice. The command is absolutely mandatory, since it is with this command that you can prevent or stop the dog’s unwanted actions. As a rule, this technique is practiced using painful stimuli - a jerk with a leash (for large dogs, wear a strict collar), a blow to the croup with a whip. In this case, the force of the jerk and impact must be commensurate with the strength of the animal.

The technique is practiced during a walk. Let the dog on a long leash, and as soon as it tries to run up to you and bark to a stranger or attack the animals, try to pick up something from the ground (you can scatter something in advance), take a treat from a stranger - give the command “Fu” and slightly jerk the leash or hit the rump with a whip. When the command is firmly understood, the dog can be released without a leash.

The "Fu" command is used in one more case. In transport, or while walking in a busy place, the dog must be muzzled. Put it on with your right hand, holding the collar with your left. When the dog tries to rip off the muzzle, distract him from this by giving the command “Ugh.

Overcoming obstacles

Once your dog masters these basic commands, he will be manageable. All that remains is to teach her to overcome obstacles. During walks, do not miss the opportunity to give her the opportunity to jump over a ditch, a fallen tree, walk along a narrow bridge or board, or climb stairs.

When jumping over a barrier, give the command "Barrier". At first, with your dog on a leash, jump over a low obstacle yourself. Subsequently, just run up close to the barrier, but do not jump yourself, but force the dog to do it with the command “Barrier”. As you practice, increase the height of the obstacle. For dogs that are willing to fetch, you can throw the item over the barrier and order it to be taken. Vicious dogs that run freely around your fenced area should not be trained to jump high, so that they do not arrange walks outside the fence on their own.

To train your dog to walk on a plank, log or fallen tree with a gentle entrance and descent at a height of 1 meter, give the command “Forward”. Taking the dog by the collar with your right hand and supporting it under the belly with your left, walk it along the log. Repeat several times. Don't let them jump off the log, but protect them from falling. First, choose a wide board or log. You can force your dog to walk along the board with treats. In any case, when performing the technique, praise the dog and reward it with something tasty.

Begin to master walking on stairs on stairs with wide steps at a low height. At the command “Forward”, step onto the stairs with your dog on a leash. It is very important that the dog independently places its paws on the first steps. If she is shy, carefully move her paws to the next steps, continuously stroking and approving with the words “Okay, go ahead.” When descending, call with the command “Come to me”, showing a treat. It is not recommended to send your dog up the stairs with a leash fastened; it gets in the way and can get caught.

At teaching your dog to follow basic commands do not overtire her by performing the same techniques, give commands clearly, calmly, without getting irritated when not followed, repeat orders more strictly, do not shout, but do not change commands. Reinforcement should immediately follow the implementation of the technique. As a reward, you can let the dog off the leash with the command “Walk”.