Is it possible to store boric acid in plastic? The need for boron is observed in soil types. Boric acid in everyday life and household use

Boric acid used to treat a number of conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye), various dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), otitis (inflammation of the ear cavity).

Directions for use

Applicable Boric acid in adults. Prescribed as a 2% aqueous solution for washing the conjunctival sac (the cavity between the back surface of the eyelids and the front surface eyeball) for conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye); A 3% solution is used as a lotion for weeping eczema and dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).
Alcohol solutions of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% are used in the form of drops for acute and chronic otitis media(turundas /small narrow gauze swabs/, moistened with a solution, are inserted into the ear canal), as well as for treating affected areas of the skin with pyoderma ( purulent inflammation skin), eczema, diaper rash. After operations on the middle ear, insufflation (inflating with a powder blower) of powder is sometimes used boric acid.
A 10% solution in glycerin is used to lubricate affected areas of the skin during diaper rash, as well as colpitis (inflammation of the vagina).
To treat head lice, use 5% boric ointment.

Side effects

When using Boric acid, especially in case of overdose and long-term use and in case of dysfunction of the kidneys, acute and chronic toxic reactions (damaging effects) may occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), skin rash, desquamation of the epithelium (desquamation of the surface layer of the skin), headache, confusion, convulsions, oliguria (sharp decrease in the volume of urine excreted), in in rare cases- state of shock.


Application Boric acid Contraindicated for patients with impaired renal function, nursing mothers for treating mammary glands, children (including newborns), pregnant women and persons with individual intolerance. Boric acid preparations should not be applied to large areas of the body.


Contraindicated for use Boric acid during pregnancy, lactation period.

Interaction with other drugs

When co-prescribing the drug Idoxuridine with Boric acid the likelihood of developing conjunctivitis increases.


Overdose symptoms Boric acid(in case of accidental ingestion): nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastralgia, dysfunction cardiovascular system, stimulation or inhibition of the central nervous system, hyperpyrexia, erythematous rashes followed by desquamation (possible death within 5-7 days), impaired renal and liver function (including jaundice), circulatory collapse, shock, incl. with fatal outcome.
Treatment: symptomatic. Blood transfusion, hemo- and peritoneal dialysis.

Storage conditions

Boric acid Store in a place protected from light, out of reach of children.

Release form

Boric acid - powder in bags of 10 and 25 g; 0.5%; 1%; 2% and 3% alcohol solutions in 10 ml bottles; 10% solution in glycerin in 25 ml bottles. Aqueous solutions are prepared from the powder extempore (before use).

Basic parameters

ATX code: D08AD -

Doctors often recommend rinsing sore throat solution furatsilin, soda or salt. A properly prepared solution softens mucous membranes, kills up to seventy percent of germs and reduces painful sensations. And in case of purulence, it is recommended to gargle with a weak solution manganese

You will need

  • furatsilin, baking soda, iodine, manganese, warm water


Buy one package of furatsilin at any pharmacy kiosk. This is, but very effective. Take a simple faceted glass or any other mug and grind one or two furatsilina in it to a powder. It is most convenient to crush the tablets using a wooden or metal masher or two deep spoons.

Pour in the resulting powder hot water. It is important that the water is hot (about sixty degrees Celsius) so that the crushed tablets dissolve faster and better.

Allow the furatsilin solution to cool almost to room temperature (so as not to burn the already irritated mucous membrane of the oral cavity) and brew. The solution should be warm, then it will also warm up the inflamed top part- tonsils.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have furatsilin. Replace it with plain baking soda. Pour warm into a glass boiled water and pour one tablespoon of soda into it. Carefully move the contents of the glass and you can safely gargle. It is recommended about twenty times during the day.

Other ingredients (salt and iodine) can also be used together. Pour warm boiled water into a glass, add a quarter teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon of salt and add seven drops of iodine. Frequent rinsing is also recommended.

An antiseptic drug for external use - boric acid - is recommended for the treatment of infectious pathologies of the skin, mucous membranes, and ear diseases. Boric powder is used for eye pathologies, in particular conjunctivitis. The product is available in several dosage forms who have certain indications for use, contraindications. The use of boric acid in medicine, side effects, how to use it correctly – we’ll look at it in detail in the review.

Composition and release form

The name of the drug is determined by the active substance. In pharmacies you can buy powder, liniment and liquid (solution). The powder contains 100% active ingredient with biological activity. In other forms of release there are auxiliary components.

Release forms:

  • 70% solution of ethyl alcohol, which contains 3% solution of boric acid;
  • Liniment 5%. The composition additionally contains Vaseline. Sold in glass containers.

Worth knowing! Boric acid is used in medical practice since the 60s of the 19th century as an antiseptic drug that does not irritate wound surfaces and has no taste/odor. IN modern medicine The antibacterial activity of the drug is considered extremely low.

Another form is borax soap. It contains additional substances that have vegetable origin. A cosmetologist can recommend such a product to combat blackheads, pimples, and acne.

Pharmacological action

A solution of boric acid is a powerful antiseptic that helps disinfect the surface of the skin. The liquid has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, because it disrupts the tertiary molecule of microbial proteins. The substance helps destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi, and is effective against lichen, lice and ticks.

The medicine is recommended for external use only. Ingestion may lead to fatal outcome. The lethal dosage for an adult is 15-20 grams, and for a child 4-5 g. When used externally, boric acid is partially absorbed into the circulatory system.

Indications for use

What is boric acid used for? The use of 3% boric acid is advisable for infectious pathologies of the skin and mucous membranes.
The description of the drug indicates indications for use:

  1. Acute form of otitis media – infectious pathology middle/outer ear. An acid solution is used, it must be diluted in certain proportions.
  2. Skin infections – fungus.
  3. Purulent and inflammatory diseases skin.
  4. Infectious lesions of the organs of vision.
  5. Pediculosis.
  6. Scabies therapy (in complex treatment along with other medications).
  7. Colpitis.

Boric soap is used for acne, for deep cleansing of the skin, restoring lipid balance, and eliminating pigmentation. Cosmetics protects against skin infection, improves functionality sebaceous glands, destroys fungal and bacterial microflora, characterized by a drying effect.

We found out why boric acid is needed. The component is quickly absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, and is slowly excreted from human body Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage recommended by the instructions for use or by the doctor.

Features of application:

  • Dermatitis, eczema. In this case, the acid must be used as a compress. Use boric acid powder and dilute it immediately before use;
  • For otitis media, turundas soaked in medicinal liquid are made;
  • To get rid for acne and blackheads, Apply the solution to a cotton pad and wipe your face twice a day.

Worth knowing! In cosmetology, in most cases, boric acid is used as part of “talkers”. To the most effective composition include: Levomycetin 2 grams + boric acid 2 g + salicylic acid 2 g + 95% alcohol up to 100 ml.

You can use another “chatterbox” recipe. It helps cleanse facial skin, eliminates acne, open comedones, excessive oily skin. Recipe: 50 ml of boric and salicylic acid, 7 g of Streptocide powder and the same amount of purified sulfur.

Side effects

Since the substance tends to penetrate into systemic blood flow, there can be not only local, but also systemic side effects. They are especially pronounced in childhood, when used on open wounds.

Possible side effects from use:

  1. Dyspeptic symptoms. These include nausea, vomiting, loose stool, painful sensations in the abdominal area.
  2. Disorders of the central nervous system manifested by headache, dizziness, confusion of consciousness up to loss of consciousness, convulsive state.
  3. Sharp decline blood pressure up to shock, rapid heartbeat, pulse.
  4. Reducing daily diuresis.

There is also a risk local reactions that appear at the sites where the medication is used. This is skin irritation, desquamation of the epithelium. In some cases there is allergic reaction, accompanied by itching, rashes, and urticaria. Rare, but cannot be ruled out angioedema or anaphylactic shock.


When using the solution on a large area of ​​skin, an overdose develops. It manifests itself with symptoms acute poisoning– the patient feels nauseous, vomits, and has loose stools. The picture is complemented by severe abdominal pain. Then the activity of the central nervous system is inhibited, as a result of which confusion of consciousness is revealed, even to the point of fainting. In case of an overdose, blood pressure levels drop sharply, which further aggravates the clinical picture and, accordingly, the patient’s well-being.

In the background chronic intoxication(a small amount of the drug is absorbed into the blood, but over a long period of time) anemia develops, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed oral cavity, hair falls out. In women it is disrupted menstrual cycle. In case of overdose: symptomatic treatment and activities aimed at leveling the substance in the human body. In severe cases, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis may be required.


Similar preparations (structural) - boric liniment, petroleum jelly with the addition of boric acid, a solution of boric acid in glycerin. To analogues therapeutic effect include medicines that have an antiseptic effect.


  • Miramistin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Brilliant green solution;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

Practice shows that antiseptic drugs that are analogs appear to be more safe medications compared to boric acid.

For children

In childhood, boric acid can only be used in inpatient conditions under supervision medical specialist. Concentration control is required active substance in the blood. If a child has impaired kidney function, the medicine should not be used.

For children over 15 years of age, boric acid is recommended in the form of liniment and solution, but provided that the total dosage, regardless of the duration of the therapeutic course, does not exceed two grams - for the entire period, and not per day.

Use during pregnancy

IN official instructions the antiseptic drug states that boric acid should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Even a single use of the drug during pregnancy can provoke pathological changes in the fetus.

Important! The use of boric acid as an antiseptic medicine for children, pregnant and lactating women was prohibited on February 2, 1987 by the USSR Ministry of Health with the wording: “prohibit the use of boric acid for young children and women during pregnancy and lactation, since the drug has low therapeutic efficacy , but highly toxic."

As a result: boric acid is often used by women to combat acne, this treatment has positive reviews. But there are more effective drugs who do not have side effects, so it's better to use them. Boric acid is sold at the pharmacy and costs $0.3.

The antiseptic properties of boric acid were known many decades ago. It was actively used in medicine and household.

It is good because it is odorless, colorless, and therefore does not leave any marks on the body or clothes. Thanks to the weak acidic action, boric acid was used as an antiseptic, without fear of aggravating the wound.

Today, the properties of boric acid have been studied in detail - all the positive and negative qualities. Therefore, we will dwell on all its characteristics and tell you about all the possibilities of this substance.

Boric acid is presented on the pharmacological market in several versions - powder, liquid (aqueous and alcohol solution), ointment.

It must be used with extreme caution, since studies have shown that this acid is a strong toxic substance. It easily penetrates skin into the body and accumulates in the liver and kidneys.

At long-term use and in large dosages, this substance has a bad effect on brain function. Be sure to follow the instructions. The use of boric acid is strictly contraindicated for children and pregnant women..

Boron, although harmful, is correct use has enough benefits for the body. This acid has an anti-pediculosis effect. In the old days, it was even prescribed to small children to treat prickly heat.

Besides, Boric acid is good for ear infections. A cotton swab was immersed in this liquid and then placed in the ear.

Acid like disinfectant, were widely used for various purposes - medicinal and economic. After studies were conducted that confirmed the toxicity of boron, such widespread use was limited.

Boric acid solutions

Today, boron-based solutions are actively used - aqueous and alcoholic. They are less toxic, but very useful.

1) A two percent aqueous solution is used to wipe the eyes for various diseases.

2) Skin problems will be solved with three percent lotions boron solution.

3) A low concentration alcohol solution is suitable for the treatment of ear diseases.

4) Boric ointment is used for...

5) Women's problems An intimate problem can be solved using a boron solution in tandem with glycerin.

Boric acid is used to treat the eyes. It is present in minute percentages in many specialized drops.

You should only buy such drugs on the recommendation of your doctor. It is prohibited to make such drops or make any compresses yourself.

Boric acid for fungus control

Both solution, powder and boron-based ointment will help to cope with fungus or skin problems. For example, from boron powder Warm baths are quite effective in treating foot fungus.

The fungus can affect not only the skin, but also the nails. Cope with fungus nail plate Dry powder or ointment will help.

First you need to get a good pedicure - remove dead layers of nails. Boron powder is poured onto the cleaned areas of the nail plate or boron ointment is rubbed in.

Boric acid has found wide use in cosmetology. Thanks to its disinfecting and drying abilities.

Many creams and ointments are made based on this substance. Since boric acid helps eliminate acne, rashes, shine. This is a great helper for people with oily skin.

Use a weak aqueous solution based on boron to wipe problem oily areas of the skin. Alcohol infusion effective for acne. A cotton swab is moistened in it and the problem area is cauterized.

A tonic made from an aqueous boron solution and henna will help whiten the skin and eliminate freckles.

Boric acid in everyday life and household use

Boric acid is also useful in the household. In gardens and vegetable plots, it will help drive away harmful insects. Ants and bugs that eat plants will scatter instantly.

A packet of boric acid will help around the house. It is combined with boiled yolk and rolled into small balls. After eating such a delicacy, the cockroaches die.

In addition to killing insects, boric acid helps in agriculture. It acts as an organic fertilizer and top dressing.

Seeds will germinate faster if they are treated with this substance, and fruit trees there will be more ovaries. The efficiency of the crop will also increase significantly. In addition, treatment with boric acid will protect plants from diseases.

Vegetables, fruits and berries also need to be fed with this acid. It is used to treat seeds, soil before planting, and tree leaves.


Boric acid also has negative characteristics. It is contraindicated in large dosages and long-term use. Since it easily penetrates the body, it can accumulate in organs and tissues, as well as destroy them.

Oversaturation with boron causes intoxication, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, dizziness, headache, skin rash and peeling.

Boric acid is strictly prohibited for children, pregnant and lactating women. This acid should be used with great caution on large open areas of skin and inflamed areas.

People with kidney problems should protect themselves from this remedy. Also possible individual intolerance boric acid.

Try using boric acid to your advantage if necessary. Whether it is for medicinal or domestic purposes. Most importantly, do not forget to strictly adhere to the conditions of use.

In the right and reasonable quantities, this acid will only benefit you. Remember that boric acid is somewhat poisonous. Don't neglect safety precautions.

Boric acid is a frequently used agent in modern traditional and folk medicine. One of the main advantages of this acid is inexpensive price. That is why it is often used by ordinary citizens. Boric acid in small concentrations (from 0.5% to 1%) is included in various indifferent products (pastes and ointments); sometimes it is used in conjunction with naphthalan (this is boron-zinc-naphthalan paste), zinc oxide and salicylic acid. Boric acid is included in various perishable preparations (for example, ointments) as a preservative. For more information about how boric acid can be used and the use of its preparations in medicine, we and the editors of the site www..

Alcohol solution of boric acid

An alcohol solution of boric acid consists of ethyl alcohol and boric acid. Alcohol solutions in concentrations from 0.5% to 5% are made with ethyl alcohol and are used as antiseptic for wiping undamaged healthy areas of skin around burns. Available this type the drug in special bottles. The capacity of one bottle is 10 milliliters.

A 3-5% alcohol solution is used as drops for the ears (from 3 to 5 drops in the ear, sometimes 3 times a day), as well as for wetting turundas for chronic otitis media. Ten percentage solution Available in a special bottle of twenty-five grams. For cracks and dry skin, you should use a 5% boric acid solution.

Aqueous solution of boric acid

An aqueous solution, namely 1–4% boric acid, is used for lotions; 2% - for washing the skin with red acne; 2–4% - for rinsing the pharynx and pharynx, oral cavity, for washing the urinary tract.

Boron-zinc liniment

Boric-zinc liniment consists of zinc oxide, boric acid, and oil (sunflower). This drug intended for outdoor use. It can be used to treat various skin diseases. Boron-zinc liniment is considered not only a wonderful antiseptic, but also a good drying agent. This drug is sold in twenty-five gram glass jars.

Naftalan paste

Naftalan paste is also known. It contains boric acid, wheat starch, zinc oxide and, of course, naphthalan ointment. This paste used as an antiseptic and analgesic in the fight against myositis and neuralgia.

Pasta Teymurova

Boric acid is also included in Teymurov’s paste. This drug not only dries and disinfects the skin, but also deodorizes it. Most often, Teymur paste is used to combat excessive sweating and large skin rash. The paste is produced in special tubes and jars.

Boric ointment

IN everyday life Boric ointment is often used. This ointment consists of boric acid and petroleum jelly. It is used as an antiseptic. It is very important to prevent this ointment from getting into your eyes. It is produced exclusively in banks.

Alcohol solutions, ointments containing from two to five percent boric acid (boric-zinc ointment, boric ointment), and powders serve as disinfectants and antipruritics for dermatoses that are at a progressive stage (exacerbation of neurodermatitis, psoriasis and others). They are also used for eczema and dermatomycosis.

In folk medicine, as well as cosmetology, boric acid is used as one of components skin care lotions for hyperhidrosis ( increased sweating). For example, boric lotion. In order to prepare this lotion, you need to mix equal parts table vinegar, 4% aqueous solution boric acid, and cologne to add scent. Afterwards you should powder your skin with any baby powder.