The use of boric acid for facial skin. How to use boric acid for acne? Boric acid solution in cosmetology

The problem of acne on the face is familiar not only to teenagers, acne sometimes accompanies women throughout their youth.

Achieve perfect clear skin quite difficult - rashes on the face are influenced by unhealthy diet, hormonal changes, bad environment.

Not everyone knows that effectively cleanse the skin It is also possible with the help of boric acid, which is well known to us since Soviet times.

How to use alpha lipoic acid at home? find out right now.

How does it affect the skin?

Boric alcohol is effective antiseptic , previously it was widely used in household products for home. Sometimes you can find powdered boric acid on sale; it has properties identical to alcohol. Some time ago the product was banned due to high risk poisoning in children and pregnant women.

In cosmetology, acid is used in minimal quantities, so its use is not particularly health threats.

When applied to the skin, the substance penetrates its pores and fights infection, causing inflammatory processes and acne formation.

In addition, the acid has whitening influence during cosmetological use.

The use of boric acid shows excellent effectiveness in the following conditions:

If you purchased acid in powder, then before use it must be dissolved a large number water (a teaspoon of product per glass of liquid) and warm to room temperature.

We moisten a cotton pad with acid or boric alcohol and spot treat it problem areas. Apply the solution completely not recommended as this may lead to:

  1. Drying upper layers of skin (this is especially true for those with sensitive skin).
  2. Accumulation in cells excess boron, which due to prolonged removal from the body can be harmful to health.

The product should be used once a day, preferably in the evening. In addition, boric acid is included in some popular face masks.

How often can I use it?

To avoid risk of overdrying skin, boric acid is recommended to be used no more than once a day. The course of acne treatments usually takes at least two to three weeks.

After reaching sustainable results It is recommended to carry out preventive procedures - two weeks of masks with acid every two months.

Do not forget that you should only apply the product to problem areas.


Procedures are strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Childhood.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Drug intolerance.

Pay attention to the body's reaction - when allergies the mask should be washed off immediately. Symptoms poisoning boric acid are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and weakness. If these signs appear, wash your face cool water and consult a doctor.

Boric acidproven and inexpensive effective acne treatment.

If you are careful, the product will help quickly cleanse the skin and defeat the infection.

If you are familiar with the problem of acne, purchase boric acid and excellent result won't keep you waiting long.

You can learn how to use boric acid in the fight against inflammation from the video:

Pimples and blackheads on any part of the body are unpleasant cosmetic defect, which does not add self-confidence, especially if acne is located on the skin of the face. There are many simple home remedies to combat this problem, one of the most popular drugs is boric acid for acne.

Boric acid against acne is a remedy that helps get rid of the problem quickly, easily and without financial costs. This product really helps cleanse your face, but only when used correctly.

For those who have long been looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to burn acne with boric acid and whether boric acid helps with acne, the following facts about boric acid will come to the rescue:

A solution of boric acid for acne and for cleansing the skin of defects is often recommended by dermatologists and cosmetologists, especially to those patients who, for a number of reasons, cannot use other therapeutic and cosmetic products. As a rule, the drug does not cause an allergic reaction.

What to remember?

Before you start fighting acne with this simple antiseptic, you should remember that the solution dries the skin, so it can only be used for antiseptic treatment of normal and oily dermis. Skin prone to dryness, thin and sensitive skin should not be treated with this drug to avoid the appearance of peeling.

Powder is the most popular form of release of the drug. However, it is not used to treat acne and must be diluted with alcohol. However, today in many pharmacies you can find a ready-made alcohol solution containing 3% boric acid.

The antiseptic does not harm the skin if used correctly. If the solution is used too often, the opposite effect may occur.

It should be remembered that sebum is necessary to maintain optimal level moisture and elasticity of the epidermis. If your face is dry frequent use boric acid, the skin will immediately respond by increasing oil production. This will cause your face to become very shiny and your pores to become clogged again. If you do not cleanse your face well, an infection may develop and severe acne may develop. Thus, in order not to harm yourself, it is important to know how boric acid works and how to use it for acne.

Terms of use

Boric acid for acne on the face requires correct application. First, you need to go to the pharmacy to purchase 3 percent acid.

Whether it is possible to wipe and smear pimples with boric acid depends on the skin type in each specific case. Dry and sensitive skin It is not recommended to use this product. There are no contraindications for antiseptic treatment of other skin types.

The product can be used in two ways - as a lotion for the entire face or for spot application. For spot application, the solution is used in pure form. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in the product and carefully apply it only to the defect. You can treat acne in this way once a day before bed. If you want quick results, the treatment can be carried out twice a day, but you should be prepared for the fact that after a while the skin will begin to peel off. Peeling goes away after the pimple has completely healed and the water balance of the epidermis has been restored.

Boric acid is used as a lotion as follows. To begin with, the solution is diluted clean water. For one part of the solution you need to take 3 parts of water. Wipe the entire face with the resulting product before going to bed. The optimal frequency of use is no more than once a day. This method can be recommended for those who want to avoid further acne and get rid of excessive oily skin.

The secret to healthy skin

To receive better effect, based on a solution of boric acid, you can prepare a special medicine for acne.

Boric acid or facial ointment for acne and acne can be used in conjunction with tablets of regular acetysallylicylic acid and levomecithin. It is necessary to add 3 tablets of each drug to the bottle with the solution so that they dissolve better; it is recommended to grind them into powder. The product should be infused for a day, and then it should be applied pointwise to skin imperfections.

Another way to prepare the medicine is to mix three parts of boric acid, prepared from acne powder or purchased at a pharmacy, with one part of salicylic alcohol solution. In this case, 3 percent boric acid, the use of which should be very careful, helps with acne faster.

Security measures

You should be prepared for the fact that your skin condition may worsen at first. As a rule, this effect disappears a few days after the start of treatment of imperfections with the solution.

The solution is not used for individual intolerance and for pathologies of the kidneys and liver. This should be taken into account before starting treatment.

IN adolescence the product can be used without additional care for the skin. It is enough just to regularly wash your face with antiseptic gels and spot-apply a solution of boric acid. If the product is used to treat problem skin in people over 20 years of age, it is important to remember that the alcohol solution is drying and can cause the formation of wrinkles if used incorrectly. In this case, it is recommended to supplement your care with light moisturizers that do not clog pores.

In addition to its antiseptic properties, a boric acid solution will help get rid of hyperpigmentation, including spots left after acne removal. For this purpose, it is recommended to apply the product directly to the stain before going to bed. The optimal frequency of use is 2-3 times a week.

If, when treating acne with boric acid, the oiliness of the skin suddenly increases, you should stop using the product until normal activity of the sebaceous glands is restored. After some time, treatment can be resumed, reducing the frequency of skin treatment by half.

Boric acid, as well as orthoboric acid - traditional remedy from the medicine cabinet, in fact, even today it is in demand as an active cosmetic ingredient. Boric acid can be used with for cosmetic purposes both independently and as part of products to care for problem skin.

Synonyms: Boric acid, Boric Acid (Hbo2), Boron Trihydroxide, Orthoboric Acid, Trihydroxyborane, Boracic Acid, Sodium Borate, Boron Nitride Powder. Patented formulas: Basilit B, Borofax, Borsaure, Dr."S 1 Flea Terminator Df, Softouch™ Boron Nitride Powder CC 6098, Tres BN® Spherique™ PUHP50s, RonaFlair® Boroneige SF-15.

The effect of boric acid in cosmetics

Boric acid has an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant (antimicrobial and antifungal) effect - these are its main properties that are still valued in cosmetology. This inexpensive, but at the same time valuable antiseptic copes well with the consequences of excess sebum production, preventing the formation of clogged pores and/or acne.

At the same time, boric acid works as a regulator acid-base balance: replenishes insufficient acidity on the skin surface leading to cosmetic problems of various kinds. In addition, this ingredient improves skin tone, slightly whitens it, reduces enlarged pores, and in some cases even narrows superficial blood vessels. Boric acid also helps eliminate or prevent sweat odor. In some cosmetic compositions it acts as a moisturizer, auxiliary component for skin conditioning.

Often found in cosmetics as an auxiliary preservative agent: boric acid and sodium borate prevent or at least slow down the growth of bacteria and thus protect cosmetics and personal care products from spoilage. They are also used to control pH and minimize the change in pH of a solution when an acid or base is added. Sodium borate and boric acid also protect the emulsion from separating into fatty and liquid phases, while simultaneously working as preservatives. In some cases, they are used to modify the thickness of liquid cosmetics and personal care products.

Who is boric acid indicated for?

  • This component is intended mainly for the care of oily and problematic skin prone to acne, the formation of comedones and pustules.
  • Boric acid also eliminates the consequences of sebum regulation disorders caused by frequent use of soap when washing or shaving.
  • Helps fight sweating by neutralizing the alkaline reaction of sweat.

Who is boric acid contraindicated for?

Prolonged use of boric acid can lead to skin dehydration. Strict contraindication- individual hypersensitivity reaction. May adversely affect sensitive skin.

Cosmetics containing boric acid

In cosmetic and personal care products, sodium borate and boric acid are used in the formulation wide range products, including creams and lotions, as well as bath, hair and skin products: in such cases they are used as auxiliary ingredients. Boric acid as a base active ingredient widely used in budget cosmetics. It is contained in antiseptic washing gels, shaving foams and tonics. Included in anti-acne lotions. Also in some cases it can be used as a stabilizing component eau de toilette. According to the Regulations European Union, the maximum permissible concentration of this component in finished cosmetic products is 5%.

Sources of boric acid

Sodium borate, also called borax, occurs naturally in natural form- they contain a special class of minerals - sodium borates, for example, tinkal and sassolite. It can also be obtained by processing other minerals such as kernite or ulexite. Sodium borate and boric acid are colorless or white crystals and are stored in powder form, which is highly soluble in water and alcohol.

Boric acid – effective remedy from acne. An alcohol solution or powder is sold at any pharmacy.

A popular remedy for combating acne affordable and worth a penny. Use this proven product regularly and you will certainly get rid of unsightly pimples on your face and other parts of the body.

Principle of action on the skin

To fight acne, use a ready-made alcohol solution. The cost of the product is from 10 to 30 rubles. You can purchase powder and dilute it with alcohol.


  • cleanses the skin;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • Removes accumulated sebum from clogged pores.

Important! The proven product can be used for a long time. There is no addictive effect.

The antiseptic “burns out” pimples and prevents sebum from accumulating in the pores. Many compounds act much softer and do not eliminate the cause increased greasiness skin.

Who is boric acid suitable for? The remedy is indicated for:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • increased greasiness of the skin.
  • Do you have sensitive, dry skin? Use the composition with great care. Apply a small amount of the solution or mixture to each pimple.
  • At multiple rashes choose another drug to combat acne, otherwise the skin will dry out and crack.
  • Use an antiseptic not only for treating facial skin. Many people have unsightly, inflamed pimples covering their backs. If the area of ​​the rash is small, a miracle remedy that has been proven over the years is exactly what you need.
  • Boric alcohol – potent substance, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin. Treating a large area not only causes excessive dryness, but also other side effects.


Check to see if you have any diseases for which the use of boric acid in its pure form or preparations based on it is not recommended.

Choose another remedy if:

  • kidney diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Some people use the miracle drug incorrectly, wipe their face and back with it several times a day, without missing a single centimeter. This method of use will easily lead to intoxication of the body.

Headaches, nausea, dizziness appear. Stop treatment and consult a dermatologist.

How to get rid of acne with boric acid

The method of using boric acid for acne is simple:

  • Wipe the affected areas in the morning or evening.
  • Do not apply the solution twice a day. Not only sensitive, but also problematic, oily skin will dry out.
  • Use the mixture until your face or back is clear of pustules.
  • At the first sign of inflammation, remember effective method acne treatment.

Pay attention! At the beginning of therapy, sometimes within a week the number of pimples may increase. Don't worry, don't interrupt the course. You should not be frightened by such a reaction of the epidermis - all the infection that has accumulated there comes out from the depths of the pores. After a while, new rashes will stop.

Effective recipes

Miracle compositions that get rid of hated acne consist of boric acid and other effective components. Prepare the mash yourself or order it from the pharmacy.

The composition of various mixtures for cleansing the skin includes:

  • Levomycetin.
  • Medical alcohol.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Trichopolum.
  • Baby powder.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Metronidazole.
  • Aspirin.
  • Sulfur.

The ingredients are serious, each product effectively fights various infections and inflammations. The combination of drugs several times enhances the effect of ointments and talkers.

Advice! Consult a dermatologist before using strong formulations. The doctor will tell you the optimal recipe for the cleansing mixture.

Chatterbox with chloramphenicol


  • Aspirin – 2.5 parts.
  • Medical alcohol.
  • Levomycetin – 2 parts.
  • Boric acid – 1 part.
  • Sulfur – 2.5 parts.

Combine the components, dilute with alcohol until it becomes a chatterbox. Store the solution in a dark glass container.

Cleanse your skin. Special attention focus on problem areas.

Shake the contents of the bottle well and apply to each pimple. Carry out the procedure in the evening.

Chatter with erythromycin and zinc

  • Salicylic and boric acid 2% – 50 ml each.
  • Erythromycin – 4 g.
  • Zinc oxide – 4 g.

Mix the ingredients until smooth. Treat rashes thoroughly.

Erythromycin - potent antibacterial agent. You should not use the mash for a long time– may be violated protective function skin. Over time, epidermal cells react less strongly to the action of the drug, and the effect weakens. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Antiseptic with metronidazole

You will need:

  • Salicylic alcohol – 40 ml.
  • Metronidazole – 10 tablets.
  • Boric acid solution – 10 ml.
  • Levomycetin – 10 tablets.

Grind the tablets and mix with other ingredients. Use in the same way as the composition from previous recipe. Don't forget to shake the mixture before use.

Excellent anti-acne lotion


  • Streptocide (powder) – 7 g.
  • Solution salicylic acid 2% – 50 ml.
  • Sulfur – 7 g.
  • Boric acid – 50 ml.

Grind the components, dilute with alcohol solutions. Apply the anti-inflammatory and drying composition every evening to problem areas.

Mask with trichopolum


  • Baby powder - half a teaspoon.
  • Trichopolum – 2 tablets.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  • Boric acid powder - a quarter of a teaspoon.

Crush the tablets, mix the components of the mask, dilute with peroxide until the consistency of sour cream. Apply acne treatment to problem areas. It will sting a little, but this is a normal reaction.

Do not wash off the mask; carefully remove the dried composition after 15 minutes. Carry out the procedure in the evenings every other day. Inflammation and pimples will go away quickly.

Important! All mixtures are bitter and caustic; be careful not to get them on your mucous membranes. Use prepared formulations with great caution. Immediately remove any mixtures that accidentally come into contact with your eyes or mouth and rinse the right places plenty of water.

Increased secretion of sebum by glands in the skin leads to the appearance of acne. The drug from the pharmacy - boric acid for acne - disinfects and cleanses the skin well. The antiseptic does not cause an addictive effect, so it can be used for a long time both individually and as part of talkers (mixtures of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs). These drugs are used to combat acne on the face and body.

Traditional acne remedy: boric acid

This colorless crystalline substance entered the medical practice as antiseptic about 150 years ago. At that time, doctors highly appreciated the antimicrobial properties of boric acid. Another advantage is that the drug has no foreign odor, no taste.

When ingested, this acid acts as a poison. Lethal dose for a child it is about 5 g, for an adult from 15 to 20 g.

Powdered acid is sold in pharmacies in paper bags (10 and 25 g). Used to prepare the alcohol solution of the same name, ointment and soap. Aqueous solution Prepare immediately before using skin treatment products.

Boric acid dissolves in ethanol. Alcohol solutions with a concentration of active substance of 0.5; 1; 2; 3; 5% have strong antiseptic properties. Boric alcohol is used for acne, pyoderma, and also as a ear drops. The method of use is very simple, and the results of the treatment will become noticeable in a few days.

A mash with boric acid has an effective effect on areas of inflammation in the skin. You can prepare it yourself or purchase it at a pharmacy.

According to reviews, boric acid remains a popular remedy for acne. There are several reasons for this: availability, ease of use, the ability to combine with antibiotics and other medications, herbal extracts. But this acid is not safe, long-term use can accumulate and negatively affect processes in the skin.

Modern dermatology and cosmetology has strong antimicrobial agents, and the use of boric acid for acne is reduced. For reasons of toxicity and low efficiency, this substance is prohibited from being used as an antiseptic for children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Features of the effect of boric acid on the causes of acne

The problem of combating acne becomes relevant in adolescence. Those who use boric acid against acne should not expect to achieve immediate results, just an hour or two after using the product, because it mainly acts on one of the causes of acne - pathogenic microorganisms. Meanwhile, acne or acne is a multifactorial disease of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

The main changes during the development of acne:

  • impaired exfoliation of dead epidermal cells;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • allergic reactions.

Used to cleanse the face of germs borax soap for acne wash. This procedure reduces the active secretion of sebum and the proliferation of microbes. This remedy should not be abused. Dryness and flaking of the skin and redness may occur.

Beginning boric acid treatment may be marked by an increase in the number of pimples. This is how the remedy begins to act on hidden infection. Then the skin is gradually cleansed.

Use of boric alcohol

It is easier to get rid of a few pimples on the skin using external remedies. initial stage acne disease. At running forms acne requires taking oral antibiotics and retinoids, using ointments with these active ingredients at least three months.

The use of boric alcohol in the treatment of acne:

  • cleanse the skin (wash or shower);
  • wet the cotton pad alcohol solution boric acid;
  • wipe acne areas once a day for a week;
  • take a break, then use the product 2-3 times a week for preventive purposes.

Many are switching to making homemade mash, lotions and ointments using medications from the pharmacy. Such products are inexpensive and excellent disinfectants. skin, get rid of acne.

Application of talkers:

  1. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Shake the product before each use.
  3. Apply the mash using a cotton swab only to pimples.