Ideal bt schedule. Examples and explanation of the basal temperature chart during pregnancy. When to start measuring basal temperature

Anovulatory schedule let's say 1-2 times a year even in completely healthy women. In other cases, we are talking about a hormonal disorder. You should immediately visit a doctor to begin timely treatment.

For endometritis

By analyzing basal temperature, you can identify the presence of a disease such as endometritis. Normal at the beginning of a new cycle the temperature should drop. If during menstrual flow an increase in BT occurs and remains at this level, then this is a clear symptom of the presence of the disease.

Along with this, the appearance of other symptoms of the disease is noted. These include the following:

  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Feeling worse.
  • Cycle disruption.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Uterine bleeding.

It is not recommended to determine deviations from the BT schedule yourself. This should be done attending physician. Treatment is prescribed based on the results of tests and other studies.

A graph based on temperature measurements helps girls identify the day of ovulation. In addition, with its help you can promptly notice deviations and suspect some kind of disease. Let's look at what a typical basal temperature chart is with examples and interpretation for a normal cycle, when pregnancy is detected, and in some pathologies.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

Many girls, when drawing up a basal temperature chart, make comparisons with examples on forums, which is not always correct, because everyone’s body is individual. In addition, you need to remember that the temperature is influenced by many factors, and therefore the lines are different for everyone and contain atypical “jumps” and dips.

Therefore, first of all, you need to study the rules for taking measurements so that the result is reliable:

  • Use one thermometer. Do not alternate electronic with mercury.
  • Take measurements first thing after waking up. You need to prepare everything in the evening (thermometer, a piece of paper for writing) so as not to even get out of bed. Do not make sudden movements, maintaining a calm state as much as possible.
  • The testing time should be the same every day.
  • Avoid heavy physical activity, taking hormonal medications, drinking alcohol while planning pregnancy, try not to be nervous, because All these factors affect the temperature and can distort the graph.
  • You need to conduct observations for several months to identify your standards and learn to decipher them.

As we have already mentioned, temperature is affected by various deviations from the normal rhythm of life, illness, stressful situations, flights, climate change, etc. Therefore, in the schedule you need to make notes about the presence of some situation on a specific day. This will allow you to exclude irrelevant indicators during decryption. By the way, sexual intercourse can also change the temperature. After it, the body returns to normal only after 10-12 hours.

Basal temperature chart with examples and explanation

Normal schedule with two phases

Considering a typical, normal basal temperature graph and an example of constructing a curve, the following points should be noted:

  1. The first few values ​​taken during menstruation do not play a special role.
  2. It is necessary to draw a line that will be the average of the first stage. Normally, about 6 days should have the same values ​​(a deviation of 0.1°C is considered normal). If there is a “leap”, but there is an explanation for it, this day is simply not taken into account.
  3. On the eve of ovulation, there is a drop from the average value by 0.2-0.4°C. This lasts 1-2 days.
  4. The moment the egg appears is marked by a sharp increase in temperature - by 0.4-0.6°C. Before this jump, you can draw a vertical line that indicates ovulation.
  5. After ovulation, there is a slow increase in temperature or a constant stay at elevated values.
  6. 3-5 days before menstruation there is a decline - 0.1°C daily or more sharp - 0.2°C in two days, for example.

Anovulatory schedule

Every girl can have a cycle without egg maturation. It's normal if it happens once a year. In case of more frequent or constant absence of an egg, you need to consult a doctor and identify the cause of the pathology in order to prevent infertility.

On the graph, the anovulatory period is characterized by the following features:

  • There are no drops in the middle of the cycle. This means that the cell did not appear.
  • In the second part the temperature is almost at the same level as in the first. This shows the absence of progesterone produced after the cell exits.

If the line is in the same plane all the time, ovulation has not occurred. Without it, fertilization is impossible, and therefore it is necessary to visit a doctor, observing such a picture for the second time. There is no need to delay in order to receive treatment in a timely manner.

Basal temperature charts during pregnancy (examples)

What does the graph show during pregnancy?

Charts of basal temperature during pregnancy, examples of which can be considered below, are somewhat different, because conception occurs, which cannot but affect the indicators. The changes on the graph are shown as follows:

  • The first phase occurs similarly to the previous cycles.
  • After a sharp jump (ovulation), a rise in temperature is observed, which lasts more than 14 days. The absence of a decline 3-5 days before the expected menstruation clearly indicates a new condition.
  • A confirmation of the girl’s condition is the implantation sinking by 0.2-0.3°C. It occurs approximately 7 days after the cell is released and lasts 1-2 days. Afterwards the line returns to higher values.

Implantation decline is not noticeable in every girl, and therefore maintaining a constant elevated temperature is considered a more relevant confirmation of pregnancy. It remains at this level after the delay and lasts until childbirth.

If a woman is pregnant, then the elevated temperature after the day of ovulation will persist until childbirth, as in the example graph.

Examples of graphs for hormone deficiency

By looking at basal temperature charts with examples, you can identify many deviations, each of which can pose a threat to health or indicate the need for treatment.

The normal progression of processes is influenced by hormones typical for each stage of the cycle. When they are imbalanced, temperature deviations are also observed. Thus, the lack of estrogen that accompanies cell maturation is expressed as follows:

  • The line in the first part stays above 36.5°C.
  • After ovulation, the rise takes over 3 days.
  • In the second part, the values ​​are higher than normal – from 37.1°C.

In this state of affairs, fertilization is quite problematic.

Corpus luteum deficiency

Insufficiency of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone necessary to maintain fertilization and pregnancy, is detected as follows:

  • The temperature rises slowly after ovulation.
  • Before menstruation there is an increase, not a decrease.
  • The second period is less than 12-14 days.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

In any of the described cases of imbalance, a visit to a specialist is necessary. After testing for hormones, the doctor prescribes their substitutes. The intake should be carried out strictly according to the prescribed course and not cancel them on your own if you suspect pregnancy. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can cause fetal rejection.

For the first cycle, clostilbegit is often prescribed, for the second - utrozhestan or duphaston. Using stimulant drugs, the girl is more likely to note a return to normal: two phases with a temperature difference of 0.4-0.6 ° C and with obvious ovulation at their border.

If the schedule remains non-standard, with elevated readings, you need to inform your doctor. Probably, the selected dose is not suitable and you need to change the course.

Hyperprolactinemia - graph indicators

Separately, it is worth noting the atypical schedule with elevated prolactin levels. More often this situation is typical for breastfeeding women. They show the same indicators as pregnant women. The basal temperature chart during pregnancy, examples of which we have examined, is characterized by constantly high levels and the absence of menstruation.

This condition is called hyperprolactinemia. If this is a nursing mother, then there is nothing to worry about. After the allotted time, the prolactin level will decrease and the cycle will return to normal. If this is observed in a nulliparous girl, you need to visit a doctor and identify the reason for such hormone levels.

An example of a graph of basal temperature during pregnancy indicating hyperprolactinemia

Examples of graphs showing diseases

The graph, in addition to ovulation and the normal passage of the cycle, can also reveal some diseases.

Inflammation of the appendages is characterized by an increase for several days to 37°C in the first period, after which there is a decline before ovulation. The jump occurs very sharply, most often on days 6-7, and after several days there is an equally sharp decline. Sometimes such growth is mistaken for ovulation. A visit to the doctor is necessary because... With untreated inflammatory processes, the normal course of pregnancy is problematic.

Endometritis on the example of a graph

Endometritis can be identified by comparing the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.

Rules for measuring basal temperature (video)

The video describes the most popular rules for measuring basal temperature; these are the basic recommendations, if followed, you can be sure of the correct measurement.


  • If an unusual rise or fall is noticed for one day, there is no need to worry. Any deviation cannot occur as an isolated incident. Here, it is more likely that there is a violation of the measurement rules or the influence of external factors (lack of sleep, stress, colds).
  • If the readings are higher or lower than normal, but the difference between the phases is at least 0.4°C, this is a normal cycle. Simply due to the characteristics of the body, the girl’s indicators do not meet the standard.
  • If you observe the same atypical picture for more than two cycles, you need to visit a doctor. Despite the availability of graphs, he will make a diagnosis only after testing.
  • Infertility is suspected: retraction of the line in the second period, in the middle the rise is observed for more than 3 days, the difference between the average values ​​of the phases is less than 0.4°C.
  • Graphs showing the absence of cell release, cycle duration less than 21 days, length of the second phase less than 10 days, menstruation more than 5 days, delays, late ovulation should be the basis for contacting a doctor.
  • If, with normal ovulation and sexual intercourse on these days, conception does not occur for more than 2-3 months, you need to undergo an examination to identify the cause.
  • If there is a delay, high values ​​over 18 days, but a negative test, you need to urgently visit a doctor. It is possible to develop an ectopic pregnancy.

These are the conclusions for girls planning to conceive or already pregnant, who have kept or are keeping basal temperature charts, are common in the field of gynecology and are recommended by specialists

Reading time: 9 minutes.

There are many different ways to help women get pregnant. The article explains what it is and how to measure it to determine the day of ovulation.

But all doctors unanimously insist that using the indicated method requires a scrupulous and responsible approach. It is advisable to use it in cases of special need, when other methods have been tried and have not yielded a positive result.

What is it?

Body temperature changes due to many factors. It could be:

  • physical activity;
  • stressful situation;
  • fight of the immune system against infections;
  • heat.

BT is measured immediately after waking up, because at this time the body is not influenced by external factors. Keeping a graph of basal temperature allows you to determine the onset of ovulation and the most favorable days for conception.

During ovulation, the temperature rises slightly - by 0.25-0.5°. This is the main sign that the best time has come for future motherhood and the female body is ready for the release of the reproductive cell.

Pay attention! If a woman is sick or is in a very hot climate, the temperature rises and measurements cannot be reliable.

How to measure correctly

There are certain rules to accurately track temperature changes:

  1. It is necessary to measure your body temperature in the morning immediately after waking up - every day at the same time. A woman must lie down. Before this, sleep should last at least 6 hours.
  2. There are rectal and vaginal measurements of BT, but you can also monitor readings in the mouth. It will be worse if the described method is used for measurements in the armpit.
  3. It doesn’t matter which thermometer you choose – electronic or mercury. The main thing is to use only it, without changing it to others.
  4. To draw any conclusions, you need to build a graph for at least 3 months in a row. It is important to decide what data is considered normal for you, and then count their changes from this.
  5. You need to hold the thermometer for at least 5 minutes.
  6. It is advisable to start collecting information from the first day of your period.

While measuring basal temperature, you should avoid:

  • alcohol;
  • sedatives or sleeping pills;
  • long trips, heavy flights;
  • hormonal drugs.

Important! During this period, try to monitor your health so that chronic diseases do not make themselves felt, and also minimize overwork and bad mood.

How to make a schedule

Before you build lines based on the information provided, you need to fill out the table daily.

Step 1. Vertically in the first column indicate the date of temperature measurements.

Step 2. Under the date in the second line, write the day of your menstrual cycle on which this date falls.

Step 3. In the third line from the bottom, indicate your basal temperature for that day.

Step 4. Leave the fourth line for notes. For example: today there was a late bedtime or on such and such a day there was strong discharge. It is necessary to record everything that entails any changes and fluctuations in temperature.

It is best to start keeping records from the beginning of your period. For each subsequent month there is a new schedule. The most convenient way to make changes is in a regular notebook in a box. Each cell is a new day (horizontally). Vertically, it is worth drawing graduations in increments of 0.10. You can highlight the line corresponding to 37°.

Before drawing conclusions about the patterns of your body, it is important to know the norm.

  • starting from the first day of menstruation and until the cell is released, BT will be below 37°;
  • During ovulation, the lowest temperature can be observed;
  • basal temperature should be as low as possible during the first phase of the menstrual cycle. On the eve of ovulation, the rate drops to a minimum. After the egg matures, the follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which produces the important hormone progesterone. As a result, BT increases.

The results of the constructed curves help determine the most favorable days for conception.

Interpretation of curves on the graph

By the presence of images and its subsequent decoding, you can learn about the true problems associated with the patient’s reproductive system.

  • it is necessary to determine the difference in average measurements in the first and second phases of the cycle. If it is less than 0.4-0.5°, it means that the egg does not mature;
  • a weak or not fully matured egg can cause a decrease in temperature 3 days before menstruation;
  • if measurements in the first phase are significantly higher than in the second, this is a consequence of a lack of estrogens (female sex hormones). If the data, on the contrary, is low, it means that the corpus luteum does not perform its function in full;
  • a decrease in the second phase of the cycle (less than 12-14 days) indicates an immature egg or its weakness;
  • Inflammation of the appendages can be indicated by an increase in temperature in the first phase for several days to 37°. Further on the graph a decline is visible. In this case, it is very difficult to determine the presence of ovulation;
  • in the case when, instead of a decrease in BT during menstruation, it increases, chronic endometritis can be assumed, which serves as an indicator of infertility;
  • in the absence of discharge and the duration of the second phase is more than 18 days, pregnancy is possible. If the temperature is also elevated, there is a risk of miscarriage.

Pay attention! Normally, every woman has several annovulatory menstrual cycles throughout the year. In this case, the described graph does not look two-phase, but with alternating increases and decreases in temperature.

Types of curves

There are 5 types of curves:

  1. There is an increase in the mercury column by 0.4° in the second phase for 12-14 days. The temperature drops before the onset of menstruation and the onset of ovulation. Such a curve may occur in women with a normal two-phase menstrual cycle.
  2. The increase in indicators in the second part of the menstrual cycle is weakly expressed (increase within 0.2-0.3°). The cause may be estrogen-progesterone deficiency.
  3. The mercury drops just before menstruation and there is no premenstrual drop. The luteal phase is characterized by a shortening of up to 10 days.
  4. There are no changes over the entire menstrual period. This curve is observed in patients with annovulation.
  5. Body temperature fluctuates chaotically throughout the menstrual cycle from high values ​​to small ones with a large amplitude. This may indicate estrogen deficiency.

Fertility days

The fact that ovulation has already occurred can be determined by a jump in temperature of at least 0.2°; it rises to an average of 37-37.3°. What is important is not what marks were on the thermometer on the day of ovulation, but rather the difference between the temperature in the preovulation period and the so-called “day X”.

For each woman, indicators that are measured rectally or vaginally may differ from the optimal figures, because the calculation is carried out individually. But, if the deviations are too significant or, conversely, practically unnoticeable, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Important! On the days when the egg just leaves the follicle, the temperature decreases. During the period of ovulation itself, the numbers remain at a given level. And only after ovulation days the curve begins to rise upward.

To illustrate in numbers the temperature method for determining ovulation, you can give an example of a graph without deviations:

  • approximately from the middle of the cycle the temperature remains at 36.8°;
  • on the day when you see a decrease of 0.2 -0.4° - ovulation occurs. It can reach 36.6°;
  • the mercury column has risen to 37° and can maintain its position until the onset of menstruation;
  • a high mark (37°), which lasts more than 12 days, may indicate that conception has occurred;
  • There should be no sudden surges during ovulation; otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

approximate graph of changes in basal temperature

Thus, the basal changes, first falling, and then stably maintaining a level of up to 37 degrees.

What can affect BT?

The temperature curves shown on the graph can be influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Less than 6 hours of sleep.
  2. Taking oral contraceptives.
  3. Sexual intercourse on the eve of measurement.
  4. Stress and strong feelings.
  5. Chronic diseases.
  6. Excessive physical activity.
  7. Long journeys and climate change.

Reference! In the table that you fill out after the measurements themselves and before building the graph, you must make any notes regarding the above factors. Even if there was diarrhea, this may also be the reason for changes in the digital designations in the table.

Method of contraception

If your periods come at the same time, you do not have diseases of the reproductive system, and you have measured your basal temperature for 3 months, then this method can be used as contraception. Then you will have to abstain from sexual intercourse 5-7 days before ovulation and until 6 days after it.

There is a theory about how “dangerous days” can occur. To do this, you need to draw a conditional line on the graph that intersects the symbol 37°. From the day when the instrument shows 37°, you need to count 6 days ago and 6 days ahead. With a 28-day cycle, the egg is released on the 14th day. Such figures are taken on the basis that sperm can live in the uterus for up to 6 days, waiting for fertilization.

  • 14-6 = 8 days from the start of menstruation is a dangerous moment;
  • 14+6= 20 days from the start of menstruation may be the last dangerous day in the cycle.

Based on this, in order to avoid pregnancy, sex can be had on days 1-7 from the beginning of menstruation, and after on the 21st day of the cycle.

Important! Construction and accounting of the basal schedule for those girls for whom the day of intersection of the line with 37° constantly changes in different months; a method of contraception of this kind is not effective. Similar nuances may arise if the menstrual cycle is shortened.


Basal temperature measurements are influenced by many factors discussed above. Sometimes a lack of a tenth of a degree leads to a stressful situation. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using this method to determine the day of cell release, excluding only the most necessary cases. Other methods that are more gentle on women’s emotions and experiences have long been known, some of which allow you to determine the day of ovulation, while others can be used as contraception.

Literature used

  1. Obstetrics and gynecology: diagnosis and treatment. Study guide. In 2 volumes. DeCherney A.H., Nathan L. 2009 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.
  2. Clinical recommendations. Obstetrics and gynecology. Savelyeva G.M., Serov V.N., Sukhikh G.T. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  3. Women's reproductive health. Guide for doctors. O.A. Transplant. 2009, M.: Medical Information Agency LLC.
  4. Gynecology. National leadership. Kulakov V.I., Savelyeva G.M., Manukhin I.B. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  5. Gynecology from puberty to postmenopause: Practical. guide for doctors / Ed. Academician RAMS, prof. Aymazyan E.K. 2006 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.
  6. Gynecological endocrinology. Ovsyannikova T.V., Prilepskaya V.N., Serov V.N. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.

Conception is impossible without ovulation - every modern girl who is preparing to become a mother knows this. If pregnancy does not come as quickly as the spouses want, doctors recommend having sex more “targeted”. Namely during the period of ovulation. To find out on what day the egg leaves the follicle, the method of measuring BT (basal temperature) is suitable.

During ovulation, the basal temperature is half a degree higher than before it. And this is a great tip for those who are planning children. The basal temperature chart, if compiled correctly, will tell you in detail about what is happening deep inside the female body. So how to determine ovulation by basal temperature? Is this technique accurate?

What is it

First, let's try to figure out what ovulation is and what significance it has for planning the conception of a child. Ovulation is the release of a complete female gamete (egg) ready for fertilization from the ovary and its penetration into the cavity of the fallopian tube. Without the implementation of this process, pregnancy does not occur.

In the complete absence of ovulation, doctors have to tell the patient about infertility. The release of the egg from the ovarian follicle occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, that is, 14 days after the start of the last menstruation. This information gives partners the opportunity to plan effective sexual intercourse and calculate the most suitable time for it.

How to catch her

Naturally, determining ovulation by basal temperature is far from the only way to “detect” the release of an egg. Modern medicine has a whole arsenal of methods. The following are especially popular and trusted:

  • an ovulation test, which can be purchased at your local pharmacy. It allows you to quickly diagnose ovulation by determining increased titers of luteinizing hormone in the urine (its amount increases approximately one day before the expected release of the sex gamete). That is, with a positive test, the follicle is about to burst, and conception is possible;
  • Ultrasound monitoring of the condition of the ovaries (ultrasound) allows the doctor to assess the size of the follicles and thus predict the likelihood of ovulation (a follicle measuring 20-24 mm is considered mature);
  • tests for hormone levels. LH, FSH, progesterone, and prolactin are especially important. But the list is compiled by the doctor personally for each patient; there are no universal lists;
  • measurement of basal temperature throughout the calendar month. This method makes it possible to find out when ovulation occurs and whether it occurs at all, about the approach of menstruation, and even about the onset of pregnancy.

We measure BT according to all the rules

How to determine ovulation at home? One of the methods for calculating the day of egg release is measuring basal temperature.

Experts warn that before measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation, you should not have sexual intercourse with your partner at night (you can do this in the evening, before bed) or drink alcoholic beverages the day before. It also makes no sense to conduct research while taking COCs or sedatives, after severe stress, ARVI, and the like.

How to read a chart

There is not enough information on how to correctly measure basal temperature and draw up a chart. You also need to learn how to interpret the results obtained.

From the first day of menstruation, the follicular phase begins. Normally, at this time, basal temperature can vary from 36.1 to 36.90 C.

Approximately 12-18 hours before ovulation, characteristic changes appear on the basal temperature chart. The temperature drops slightly - by 0.2-0.50 C, which indicates the readiness of the follicle to release a mature egg from its cavity. However, sometimes there is no such “recession” on a full-fledged “healthy” chart. Perhaps the reason is that the decrease in temperature did not occur in the morning when you measured BT, but, for example, in the afternoon or evening. Or it’s simply a matter of the individual characteristics of your hormonal levels.

The probability of getting pregnant at this time is quite high. Moreover, even if sexual intercourse took place a couple of days before. Indeed, according to scientists, the lifespan of male reproductive cells (spermatozoa) ranges from 24 to 72 hours.

What should be your basal temperature during ovulation? When the egg is released and the second (luteal) phase of the cycle begins, BT rises. This is due to the fact that with the release of the egg, the corpus luteum of the ovary begins to synthesize the hormone progesterone. Its production is associated with the release of heat, which affects the rectal temperature on the day of ovulation. During the release of the egg, the chances of getting pregnant are estimated to be highest.

It happens that BT jumps sharply, in one day, for example, from 36.3 to 37.2. But - an important nuance - the basal temperature during ovulation does not necessarily immediately reach 37 degrees; sometimes the increase is smooth. During the release of the egg, the BBT rises by at least 0.4 degrees, and in the following days it can rise even more. For example, in the first phase the temperature is 36.3-36.4, on the day of ovulation it rises to 36.8, and after a couple of days it reaches a level of 37 and above. And this is also the norm.

Values ​​of 37-37.5 degrees are maintained throughout the entire second phase of the menstrual cycle. A couple of days before the next bleeding, the temperature in the rectum usually drops slightly.

Graphs with a flaw

Based on what basal temperature is characteristic of a woman during ovulation, one can judge her fertility. That is, whether she is capable of producing eggs for fertilization. There are several scheduling options that should alert you and your healthcare provider.

Anovulatory cycle

In the case when the temperature does not rise with the onset of the second phase, doctors tend to talk about. This does not always indicate infertility. Every woman experiences such cycles from time to time. You need to be wary if such a picture is observed constantly.
Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

There is a rise in temperature, but it is insignificant. This indicates a lack of “female” hormones. Conception is problematic.
High BT in the first phase

The schedule is monotonous, BT is slightly increased throughout the entire cycle. This condition may be associated with hormonal disorders and inflammatory diseases.

There can be many reasons for “wrong” graphs. These are inflammatory processes of the female genital area, scleropolycystic ovarian disease, hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders in the body. Or perhaps this is just a temporary phenomenon - due to stress, fatigue or some kind of concomitant illness. In any case, you need to consult a doctor.

The reasons for immediately contacting specialists should be:

  • graphs in which the basal temperature is monotonic, that is, it remains stably low throughout the entire cycle;
  • graphs in which body temperature after ovulation rises slightly, but remains below 37.00 C or sharply decreases 3-4 days after the probable entry of the egg;
  • the duration of menstruation is more than 7 days;
  • graphs with persistently high rectal temperature;
  • charts with unclear or late ovulation;

Why the BT chart can “lie”

Before measuring basal temperature, it is worth talking about the disadvantages of this technique. Here are the main ones:

  • you have to keep a chart regularly, note daily what the temperature was in the anus;
  • You need to wake up at a specific time every day to measure your basal temperature to determine ovulation;
  • the ineffectiveness of the technique during colds, hormonal disruptions, stress, and taking sedatives;
  • to draw any conclusions, records must be kept for at least three months;
  • a ban on night sex and drinking alcohol even in minimal quantities;
  • difficulties in determining basal temperature indicators associated with your lifestyle. For example, if you work a night shift, go to a city with a different time zone, etc., your schedule gets thrown off.

Therefore, modern gynecologists consider this diagnostic method only auxiliary. They do not diagnose or prescribe treatment based solely on a schedule.

Despite this, women around the world continue to trust this technique. It makes it possible to plan pregnancy by measuring rectal temperature. This is perhaps the simplest and most convenient way to determine the onset of ovulation.

In addition, it allows you to assess the normal course of the hormonal cycle, the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy, or suspect the presence of diseases associated with female reproductive disorders.

Obstetrician-gynecologist answers

- We really want a child. What should your basal temperature be after ovulation? By all indications, my egg release was on the twelfth day, BT rose to 37, but then suddenly began to decline. For five days it was 36.6-36.7, and then it jumped again to 37.1. Was it embryo implantation? There is a lot written about this on the Internet...

- It’s possible. However, the BT method is quite unreliable; the temperature is influenced by many factors. I recommend buying a special test or doing folliculometry.

— My BT is “jumping.” On the eleventh day of the cycle - 36.2, on the twelfth - 36.9. But then it dropped to 36.7. So did the egg come out of the follicle or not?

- Don't panic. There are more reliable diagnostic methods than charting. For example, folliculometry. This is an ultrasound examination that is performed in the middle of the cycle at intervals of two days. The doctor will find out whether there is ovulation, whether the ovaries are working properly and will receive many other important information.

It is possible to calculate the date of ovulation using the method of plotting basal temperature with great reliability. Women planning pregnancy or those who want to avoid it without the help of contraceptives can find out this day using a thermometer.

What should be the basal temperature during ovulation, how to decipher the BBT chart and the features of its measurement - read in this article.
Many people know that pregnancy is possible in the middle of the monthly cycle, but in order to avoid errors, it is necessary to take measurements of basal temperature throughout the entire monthly cycle, or better yet, several. Measurements begin to be taken from the first day of the cycle.

Rules for measuring BT during ovulation

  1. At what time should I measure?
    Measurements must be taken after 4-5 hours of rest, preferably always at the same time of day, without getting out of bed and having a thermometer at hand.

  2. How to measure?
    Both mercury and electronic are suitable for measurements. However, a mercury thermometer is more accurate.

  3. Where to measure?
    Basal temperature during ovulation is most accurate when measured in the anus. You can also measure BBT in the vagina or mouth. However, having selected the measurement area, you cannot change it when constructing the BT graph. Take out the thermometer, holding it by the upper tip, carefully, without changing the temperature readings.

  4. Features of measurement.
    In order to get an accurate result, you should not make any physical effort or sudden movements when measuring. Even shaking a mercury thermometer can affect the change in basal temperature. Therefore, prepare everything you need in advance and immediately after waking up, take measurements and write them down in a notebook.

How to read a chart to determine ovulation?

In order to determine ovulation by basal temperature, it is important to correctly record temperature readings and draw a chart correctly, otherwise the whole point of building a chart is lost.

Before the egg matures, the temperature will fluctuate between 36.6-36.9 degrees. The middle of the monthly cycle is characterized by a decrease in degrees. If the thermometer showed a temperature of 36.8 for several days in a row, and then 36.6, then we can say that this is the beginning of ovulation in the body.

For a few more hours after ovulation, the temperature will be around 37 degrees and slightly higher. Typically, BT increases performance in the second phase of the cycle by about 0.4 degrees.

Normal hormonal levels and the proper functioning of the female reproductive system give rise to elevated temperatures until the beginning of the next period.

If pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature is elevated throughout the first trimester.

Basal temperature chart during ovulation

The most important indicator on the BBT chart is the ovulation line. On the day of ovulation on the chart, the basal temperature should take the lowest values.

Temperatures will rise over the next few days. The difference between the midline and the values ​​of three days after ovulation should be no less than 0.1 degrees in two days and no less than 0.2 degrees in one of the two days.

If you draw a graph correctly before ovulation, you can draw an ovulation line. This line shows days of possible successful conception.

If the accuracy of the graph is in doubt due to external factors that influenced the temperature readings, you need to apply the “rule of the finger”. It is necessary to exclude temperature values ​​where there are deviations from the previous one by more than 0.2 degrees. These days do not need to be taken into account, but this method will be correct if the overall schedule is drawn up correctly.

What should be the basal temperature during ovulation?

If no peaks are noted on the BBT chart, that is, the temperature did not rise above 37, then the cycle is considered anovulatory - without ovulation. This is a completely natural phenomenon, and there are several such cycles per year. However, if the graph for several months in a row presents the same curve without peaks, you need to see a doctor so that he can prescribe tests; with such indicators, infertility is possible.

If after ovulation the second half of the cycle lasts less than 10 days, this indicates a lack of progesterone.

If BT continues to remain close to 37 at the end of your period, this may also indicate a hormonal imbalance.

If by the beginning of menstruation the temperature does not drop, but is at 37 or higher, this indicates inflammatory processes in the uterus or a general infection.

Sharp temperature measurements in both phases of the cycle indicate hormonal imbalances.

Errors in measurements may be due to violation of the measurement rules given above. If a woman drank alcohol the day before, had sexual intercourse, or takes contraceptives, the accuracy of BT measurement will be impaired.

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