Social project accessible environment for people with disabilities. Project “Accessible environment for people with disabilities. Intermediate successes of the regions

The strength of the state, in addition to a powerful army and modern weapons systems, is largely determined by concern for citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. Government support is extremely important for disabled people who in everyday life have to solve many problems and overcome difficulties. It is intended to help low-mobility categories of the population government program« Accessible environment", developed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

For her implementation255 billion rubles were allocated from the budget. It was initially assumed that the program would operate until 2020. However, already at the beginning2018 The program was extended until the end of 2025. IN2018 year to create "accessible environment"it is planned to spend 52 billion rubles. The program is financed from the federal and municipal budgets on the principles of co-financing.

State program "Accessible Environment"» meets the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which the Russian Federation signed in 2008. Subsequently, the Government twice more, in 2015 and in2018 year, returned to this topic.

The primary tasks "Accessible environment"is an accessibility assessmentfor disabled peoplerehabilitation, information, government, medical services; infrastructure of buildings, transport, creation and coordination of the regulatory framework, as well as "accessible environment" for people with disabilities- wheelchair users and people with limited vision and hearing.

The main goal of the program is "Accessible environment“What remains is the inclusion of as many disabled people as possible in a full life in society. Also of priority are the issues of adaptation and employment of disabled people, creating conditions for the education of disabled children in regular schools. Onofficial websiteprogram, all interested citizens can find information about the international legal framework for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities and familiarize themselves with a map of accessibility of facilities throughout the country. The hotline number is indicated on the main page of the site. By calling it, you can get answers to questions regarding medical and social examination and re-examination, social protection andrehabilitationdisabled people. On the main pageofficial websiteThere is an online chat - a convenient form for obtaining information of interest.

The social program has three large sections:

1. “Ensuring conditions for the accessibility of priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups.”

All buildings and structures, doorways, elevators must be equipped appropriately so that a person with disabilities when visiting medical institutions, dispensaries, clinics, cultural institutions,shops, authorities could feel completely independent and independent. Unimpeded accessibility and comfortable visiting must be ensured for all citizens without exception. On urban public transport, people with disabilities should be provided with conditions for independent use of vehicles - a lowered floor level of buses and trolleybuses with retractable ramps for wheelchair users to enter and exit. "Accessible environment"involves the use of special technical devices - special, video enlargers, and specially equipped ones.Online stores"Accessible environment"enable people with disabilities to purchase necessary goods at affordable pricespricesand without leaving home.

  • 2. “Improving the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and rehabilitation of disabled people.”

  • Since the main purpose of creating " accessible environment" is the inclusion (adaptation) of people with special needs in society, then the efforts of this state program are aimed at leveling differences between people. All people should have the opportunity for vocational training, employment, and improved quality of life. Therefore, the state encourages business owners to create jobs for disabled people. Disabled children should have the opportunity, subject to certain conditions, to attend regular comprehensive schools and kindergartens. Parents, teachers and educators need to conduct special lessons and explanatory conversations with children about attitudes towards people with disabilities. Disability is not an obstacle to communication between people. Specially trained teachers and sign language interpreters are involved in working with disabled children.
  • 3. “Improving the state system of medical and social examination.”

  • It is necessary to control: the activities of medical and social examination institutions, ensure the purchase of special, modern equipment for the treatment of people with disabilities in medical institutions, and also monitor the quality of treatment standards for people with disabilities. Medical services For different groups disabled people must be accessible and free.

Rehabilitation measures play a major role in the social adaptation of disabled people.Rehabilitation of disabled peopleis the process of restoring the everyday, social, professional skills and abilities of disabled people. The construction of new rehabilitation centers, their technical equipment, provision of disabled people in need with prosthetic and orthopedic products, improvement of the quality of service and professional training for working with disabled people still remain one of the main tasks of the “Accessible Environment”.

It should be noted that, along with the federal program, each constituent entity of the Russian Federation has adopted its own regional program “ Accessible environment”, designed to take into account regional characteristics in the needs of people with disabilities. So, in Moscow a complex for training Russian Paralympic athletes called “Tennis Park” was created, and in the Tver region, active equipping of cultural centers with the necessary equipment continues, so that all people can spend their leisure time as conveniently as possible.

Society and authorities need to support and develop the program for introducing a barrier-free environment, since every person deserves to live in comfortable conditions.

It has been proven that the infrastructure of Russian cities is not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, and therefore you can rarely meet them on the streets, despite the fact that there are about 15 million people with disabilities in the country - this is 10% of the total population of the country. That is why the authorities approved the federal program Accessible Environment for Persons with Disabilities for 2016-2020.

In what time frame will the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities be implemented 2016-2020

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is responsible for the implementation of the program. development, participate in the program of the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Sports and Housing Construction.

It is assumed that the program for adapting infrastructure to the needs of people with disabilities will operate from 2011 to 2020. The program will be carried out in stages:

  1. The first stage will be the preparation of laws (2011-2012) to regulate the project.
  2. The second stage will be the formation of a material base - the construction of rehabilitation centers, additional equipment of public places with devices for the use of disabled people, technical equipment of buildings, etc. (2013-2015).
  3. At the third stage, the basic objectives of the program will be implemented (2016-2018).
  4. At the final, fourth stage, the authorities will sum up the results of the work and develop a further development plan (2020-2020).

For what purpose was the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020 organized?

401 billion rubles have been allocated from the country’s budget and extra-budgetary funds for the implementation of the program.

The main objective of the program is to help people with disabilities integrate into society and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The project will be implemented through achieving the following goals:

  • increasing the transparency of the work of medical and social examination specialists, as well as increasing the objectivity of decisions made during a medical examination;
  • increasing accessibility for people with disabilities to rehabilitation and habilitation services (training new skills), ensuring access to education and work;
  • creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities who are forced to move in wheelchairs to the most necessary services and infrastructure facilities of the settlement.

To implement all plans, the program was divided into subprograms.

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: First subprogram

It is expected that 35 billion rubles will be spent on the first subprogram.

According to the conditions of subprogram No. 1, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Providing Russian TV channels with sign language interpretation and subtitles.
  2. Organizing cultural events specifically for people with disabilities.
  3. Financing of institutions that increase the level of development of Paralympic sports and adaptive physical culture.
  4. Providing assistance to children with disabilities in obtaining an education. Educational institutions are equipped with special equipment and child psychologists are hired.
  5. City transport is equipped with ramps with a retractable system for moving a wheelchair. New buses with lowered floors are being produced.
  6. Bus stops and traffic lights are equipped with devices that provide sound.
  7. Modernization of the building taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. Design of new structures with elevators, ramps, additional banners.

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: Second subprogram

The cost of Subprogram No. 2 is 33.5 billion rubles.

Within the framework of subprogram No. 2, the following activities will be carried out aimed at ensuring the availability of rehabilitation services:

  1. Assessing the needs of people with disabilities. Creation of production with the help of which specialized devices would be manufactured.
  2. Easing the tax burden for business managers who are ready to hire people with disabilities.
  3. Inviting disabled people to vocational training courses if they have lost the opportunity to work in their specialty.
  4. Conducting new school lessons, the purpose of which is to form an adequate attitude towards children with disabilities.
  5. Opening and equipping new medical clinics, the activities of which will be aimed at prosthetics and reconstructive surgery, as well as general rehabilitation (medicines, sanatoriums).

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: Third subprogram

The authorities allocated 103 billion rubles for the latest subprogram No. 3.

The government believes that increasing the objectivity of medical and social experts can be achieved by carrying out the following activities:

  1. Anti-corruption by equipping institutions with video surveillance, audio surveillance, and electronic queues.
  2. Organization of public councils at the main bureau of medical and social examination, which would discuss the unethical behavior of specialists.
  3. Advanced training of ITU experts.
  4. Ensuring effective interaction between ITU bureaus at various levels.
  5. Ensuring the operation of a system for independent assessment of the performance of ITU bureau specialists.
  6. Purchase of diagnostic equipment for the ITU Bureau.
  7. Rethinking the criteria by which disabled groups are established.
  8. Development of more modern methods of conducting medical examination.

The company "Unlimited Possibilities" offers its clients the service: "Project development under the Accessible Environment program." We will try to cover the answers to the main questions in this article.

Why do we need a project on “Accessible Environment”?

To help people with disabilities. Often they cannot even simply drive up to the building, let alone freely navigate and move around inside. Things that an ordinary person does without thinking may be completely inaccessible to a person with disabilities. A high-quality project under the “Accessible Environment” program will provide everything so that people with disabilities of all categories can move freely around the facility. Among other things, modern building and legal standards require that the building or territory be equipped according to the “Accessible Environment” program.

Who should do an Accessibility project?

All design decisions are carried out only by qualified design engineers with experience in this field and knowledge that is based on visual, tactile and sound methods of marking space. An ordinary person who has superficial knowledge on this issue will not be able to foresee all the nuances. For example, too wide a distance between the handrails of a “made from the heart” ramp will make it very inconvenient for wheelchair users, because when lifting, they are often pulled up on the handrails by hand. And there are a lot of such nuances.

How are Accessible Environment projects developed?

The development of the project takes place in several stages:

1. Data collection.
2. Visit of a specialist to the site (if necessary).
3. Development and approval of technical specifications.
4. Coordination of the pre-design solution.
5. Development of design documentation.

6. Coordination of project documentation with state supervisory authorities.
7. Transfer of the project to the customer.

What documents are used when creating a turnkey project?

The development of the project under the “Accessible Environment” program occurs strictly in accordance with current building codes and regulations and takes into account all the nuances of existing SNiPs and GOSTs, including the use of the Braille system. In particular, we are guided by the set of rules SP 136.13330.2012 "BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. GENERAL DESIGN PROVISIONS TAKEN INTO ACCESSIBILITY FOR LOADED POPULATION GROUPS."

What to do if our object does not exist yet and is only “on paper”?

So much the better, because then we have a real opportunity to improve the premises as much as possible according to the “Accessible Environment” program, provide for everything or almost everything and, if necessary, “tweak” the design solution in advance.

What if our building is not suitable for people with disabilities?

Unfortunately, this is common. A huge number of buildings were built and put into operation without taking into account the Accessible Environment program. High porches without ramps, narrow corridors and staircases, complex stairs, cramped elevators, standard bathrooms that are not easy for a healthy person... - all these are the realities of our lives. But even such objects can be improved: put a button for calling help at the door, a folding ramp to the stairs, equip the room with mnemonic diagrams, light beacons, and so on. There is always something you can do.

How to order a project using the “Accessible Environment”?

To order an accessible environment project from our company, or call any of the phone numbers listed on the website.

As many as 9% of the total population of Russia, which is almost 150 million, have the status of disabled people, and a considerable part have been disabled since childhood. The state is trying to adapt and integrate these people into modern society.

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In 2008, the government initiated the development of the “Accessible Environment” program, which should perform inclusive functions regarding disabled people in Russia.

It was extended until 2020, and accordingly, is valid in 2019. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” is in 2019.

General information

The inclusion of disabled people in a society of healthy people involves not only the development of a reconstruction plan, but also rehabilitation programs that involve the improvement of the health of people with special needs.

In addition, the program also involves the purchase of special equipment for health and educational institutions, which will allow a disabled person to exist without problems in the most ordinary and frequently visited public places.

The program also involves the creation or reconstruction of rehabilitation centers, and now maternal capital can be used for the needs of disabled children.

But at the final stages, the results are monitored and analyzed. Based on the results of the work done, future policies regarding persons with disabilities will be determined.

The government appointed the Russian Ministry of Labor as the executor of the program, which has the right to coordinate the work of other structures, for example, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Education and Social Security.

What is it (official website)

The website of the “Accessible Environment” program provides an opportunity for people with disabilities and all those interested in changes to familiarize themselves with international regulations on the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, as well as the conditions of the inclusive program.

In addition, if a disabled person wants to find an object accessible to his needs, which is equipped with all the necessary conditions and services, he can use the object accessibility map, which works throughout Russia.

Having selected a specific subject of the Russian Federation, you need to determine the type of institution the person is interested in, and if he is looking for a specific place, he can enter its name and check the level of adaptation.

Photo: official website of the state program Accessible environment

If a person is not satisfied with something, he has questions or suggestions, he can call the hotline, where there are operators who promptly inform on any issues.

Using the site will be comfortable for visually impaired people, because in its header there is a button that activates a special mode.

In addition, people who do not have disabilities, but communicate or live with such citizens, can learn the basics of sign language, a video course for which is also available on the website. The resource is available here.

How many parts is the set of activities from 2011-2020 divided into?

The adaptation program for people with disabilities is divided into several parts, according to the years, each of them involves solving any problems or carrying out activities that should improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.

Period Tasks
2011-2012 Creation of a legislative framework that allows both the implementation of the necessary measures provided for by the program and the resolution of the issue of attracting investments in specific objects in need of finance
2013-2015 Preparation of material resources, financed from the federal budget. Activities include the preparation of rehabilitation centers, the acquisition of technical means for them, as well as special equipment for institutions in the healthcare sector and educational institutions
2016-2018 During this period, the main objectives of the program must be implemented, and the degree of implementation of all stated goals and priorities must be monitored. This stage also involves adjusting the departments responsible for the work, as well as the performers
2019-2020 Information about the work done is collected, as well as interim results are summed up and analyzed. It is working with information that allows you to think through plans to create conditions for people with disabilities in the future

What problems should the project solve?

The “Accessible Environment” project was conceived for the full integration of people with disabilities into society, so that they:

  • felt like full-fledged people;
  • did not feel rejection or misunderstanding from other people.

Among the tasks, it can be noted that, first of all, it is planned to change the attitude towards services in Russia, so that any services can be used equally successfully by both healthy people and disabled people.

In addition, the program should create conditions for people with disabilities to receive medical care free of charge in full, like the rest of the population.

Disabled people must be provided with jobs, and for this program it is necessary to think through the issues of their training, advanced training, as well as the creation of special conditions at their future place of work.

In addition, “Accessible Environment” should increase the objectivity of commission members when a disabled person undergoes a medical and social examination.

Legal basis

The state program “Accessible Environment”, the document of which is an order of the Russian Government in 2008, was developed on the basis of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into force in 2006.

It soon became clear that it would not be possible to work through the entire program within the established time frame, and in order to make this possible, as well as improve the quality of the changes, the Government issued two more corrective documents.

This is Government Order 1365 of 2014, as well as Resolution number 1297, which came into force at the end of 2015.

Main aspects of the state program Accessible environment for people with disabilities

The state program has certain aspects that stipulate what the authorities need to do to adapt people with disabilities, as well as what should be relied on when determining priority tasks.

So, the program has the following aspects:

Revision and addition of legislative norms Regarding improving the standard of living and its quality for people with disabilities, for example increasing subsidies
Infrastructure development For people with disabilities
Collection and study of citizens' opinions Regarding the inclusion (adaptation) of people with disabilities
Increasing the number of social facilities Persons cared for by disabled people
Training of specialists For work by physically disabled people
Encouraging people with disabilities to work with government agencies
Employment People with needs
Procurement for medical institutions Special equipment

Existing routines

The state program “Accessible Environment” in education and other areas is a fairly capacious and complex project.

Therefore, it was divided into separate segments to not only make the objectives more specific, but also to simplify reporting and discussion.

To do this, we created three subprograms that specialize, although similar, but slightly different points:

Subroutine Details
Improving government services for people with disabilities Creating all conditions for free access to authorities, increasing the level of service in government institutions. The task is also to identify problems of people with disabilities that can be solved both at the federal and local levels
Improving the adaptation of people with disabilities Encouraging the production of equipment and household items, as well as introducing incentive laws
Improving the quality of medicine Refinement and approval of more objective assessment criteria for the procedure for medical confirmation of disability, as well as monitoring the quality and efficiency of assistance to such people

Who provides the financing?

In the process of implementing the program for people with disabilities, both federal and local budgets are used, that is, there is a financing scheme in which funds are allocated whenever possible and without placing an excessive burden on one source.

There are also special rules that are used to allocate federal funds:

Implementation procedure

“Accessible environment” - program , aimed at improving the quality of life of disabled people and low-mobility groups of the population of the Russian Federation. Implementation accessibility programs takes place both at the federal and regional levels. Read more about the program in our article.

Prerequisites for the “Accessible Environment” target program for people with disabilities

Preparation of the principles of state target program "D"accessible environment" for people with disabilities took place in 2008-2011. In parallel with the process of developing this important document for people with disabilities, in 2008 the Russian Federation signed (and in 2012 ratified) the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by a Resolution of the UN General Assembly in 2006.

The increased attention paid by the state to the problems of people with disabilities at the beginning of the 21st century is no coincidence. By the time the development of the program began, the number of disabled people in the Russian Federation, especially among children, had increased greatly: almost 9% of Russians were officially recognized as such, and about 30% of them were people of working age. The number of children who were recognized as disabled from birth was growing at an alarming rate.

Thus, a huge segment of the population actually found themselves excluded from public life due to various barriers - both physical and psychological - that stand in the way of people with disabilities who want to actively participate in the life of society. In order to eliminate these barriers, it was created "Accessible Environment" program.

Unlike targeted assistance programs for people with disabilities, the state program aims to improve the quality of medical care and the life of this category of citizens as a whole, as well as to provide them with the same opportunities in all areas of life as people who are not disabled.

Program parameters and tasks

In order to implement the concept accessible environment program divided into two stages. The first stage, the implementation of which was planned for 2011-2012, consisted of preparing the necessary regulatory framework, conducting consultations and studies, as well as developing the technical and instrumental means necessary to carry out the second stage. The second stage was planned for 2013-2015, but later the program was extended until 2016.

The total amount of budget funds planned for the implementation of the program also increased - from the initial 46.89 billion rubles. up to 168.44 billion rubles. In addition, some adjustments were made to the program during its implementation, the latest of which date back to February 2015.

Accessible Environment Program has 2 subroutines:

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  • “Ensuring the accessibility of priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups”;
  • “Improving the mechanism for providing services in the field of rehabilitation and the state system of medical and social examination.”

The tasks solved during the implementation of the program are:

  • assessing and increasing the level of accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities,
  • providing equal access to rehabilitation means and services for all people with disabilities,
  • modernization of the work of the state system of medical and social examination.

Also among the objectives of the program is the formation of a friendly attitude towards people with disabilities.

The interests of people with disabilities are also taken into account in other federal target programs. For example, the Federal Target Program “Promotion of Employment” provides compensation to the employer for organizing a workplace for a disabled person. As of 2015, the amount of such compensation averages 66.2 thousand rubles. Thus, support for people with disabilities and the creation of an accessible (barrier-free) environment will continue at the federal level even after the end of the federal "Accessible Environment" program.

Analysis of the implementation of the “Accessible Environment” program

By 2016, it is planned to increase the quality of life of people with disabilities in a number of parameters (a total of 9 parameters - target indicators of the program). Each of them has an initial value and a final target, the achievement of which is planned by 2016.

Current data on target execution "Accessible Environment" program can be found on the website “Federal Target Programs of Russia” (, where the “Programs” section provides the basic data of the program and the planned values ​​of target indicators for each year of its implementation. Reports on the values ​​of target indicators and the implementation of planned budget funds are also published annually.

The implementation of the first stage of the program in a number of areas was delayed until the end of 2013. At the beginning of 2015, cash execution of the budget plan for "Accessible Environment" program amounted to 8.49 billion rubles - this figure is much less than the planned expenditure of budget funds. It should be noted that the second stage of the program is being implemented with the participation of regional budget funds, and the implementation of the budget depends on the activity of officials and the public at the local level.

Regional programs to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities

The implementation of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” is carried out at the expense of extra-budgetary funds and funds from the federal and regional budgets. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation are responsible for 40% of the program's financing, but the possibilities for financing social programs are different for all regions. This significantly hinders the implementation of planned activities, since for the implementation of federal programs, regions receive budgetary allocations from federal funds only subject to their own investments (and in proportion to their size).

Regions that actively participated in the implementation "Accessible Environment" program, according to reports, there were: Astrakhan, Irkutsk, Omsk, Voronezh, Samara, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk regions, Khabarovsk Territory, as well as the Altai Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia, Sakha (Yakutia), Udmurtia.

It should be noted that a number of constituent entities have adopted their own programs to implement the concept of an accessible environment both for the period of validity of the federal target program and for the period following the year of its end.

However, the main thing in the concept of an accessible environment for people with disabilities is not to forget about their needs when implementing any initiative - both public and private. In this regard, the experience of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is very indicative, the regional programs of which, even if not targeted at the needs of people with disabilities, still take into account the interests of this group of the population.