Pain in the left hypochondrium is an alarm signal. Pain in the left hypochondrium anteriorly

If pain appears under the left hypochondrium, you should consult a specialist to find out the real reason this state and choose the most effective way to eliminate it. The pain cannot be ignored. Any unpleasant sensations, especially on the left side of the body, where many important organs are located, must be analyzed.

Organs of the left hypochondrium

What does pain in the left hypochondrium on the side mean? In this area there are nerve endings, large vessels, lymph nodes, muscles, certain organs, subcutaneous tissue - all of them can be a source of sharp, stabbing and pulling pain in the left hypochondrium.

Let us list the organs of the left hypochondrium:

  • left lung;
  • left diaphragm area;
  • pancreas;
  • left ovary in a woman;
  • flexure of the colon;
  • fundus of the stomach;
  • left kidney;
  • heart and mediastinum.

In order to accurately diagnose the cause of pain in the left hypochondrium, it is necessary to evaluate the clinical picture of the malaise, conduct laboratory and instrumental research methods, on the basis of which to draw appropriate conclusions.

Pain in the left hypochondrium: causes

Let's look at the main causes of pain in the left hypochondrium.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

To diseases cardiovascular system include:

  • Cardiomyopathy. The disease is characterized by pain in the left hypochondrium in front and under the breast, chronic fatigue, arrhythmia with increasing physical activity.
  • Myocardial infarction. In this case, pain in the left hypochondrium radiates to the scapula, shoulder, neck and left arm. The condition is accompanied by nausea and pain in the left hypochondrium, low-grade fever, fever, increased heat transfer body, darkening of the eyes.
  • Ischemic disease. It is characterized by acute stabbing pain in the left hypochondrium, during which it is difficult to breathe, tachycardia, and nausea.

Stomach diseases

All pathologies of the stomach are often accompanied by shooting pains in the left hypochondrium, so-called lumbago. These include polyps and. Of course, when various diseases the nature of the pain can vary: for example, with gastritis, pain in the left hypochondrium occurs during eating and has a burning character; with an ulcer, the pain is aching, with accompanying dyspeptic disorders and loss of appetite.

Pain in the left hypochondrium when walking or running can be both a symptom of gastritis and physiological state caused by poor warm-up or excessive physical exertion.

Pancreatic diseases

Diseases of the pancreas include:

  • Pancreatitis. This pathology is characterized by constant mild pain in the left hypochondrium. Pain may intensify at night and after eating.
  • Cancerous tumor. Pancreatic cancer is characterized by a sharp, stabbing pain in the left hypochondrium. The intensity of pain depends on the stage of the cancer process.

Spleen diseases

The spleen is responsible for filtering the blood, purifying it from harmful substances - toxins, breakdown products of medications, etc. If the spleen is damaged, severe twitching pain occurs in the left hypochondrium. If an organ ruptures, the pain becomes unbearable.

Also, pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by the following factors:

  • overeating and tendency to constipation;
  • alcoholism;
  • internal organ injuries;
  • diaphragm hernia.

All of the above reasons can threaten human health. If pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, it is necessary to be examined and receive appropriate medical advice.

Types of pain

The nature of the pain helps in diagnosing a specific disease.

Dull and nagging pain

Dull nagging pain in the left hypochondrium occurs due to chronic pathologies of the digestive tract, such as gastritis,. Their diagnosis is complicated by the similarity of the clinical picture with other diseases, so a number of diagnostic tests are required.

Sharp pain

Sharp point pain in the left hypochondrium, which has a “dagger” character, requires assistance emergency care. Causes of acute stabbing pain: rupture of the spleen, rupture of the left kidney, perforation of the stomach wall and perforation of the loop small intestine.

It's a dull pain

Aching pain is observed in indolent inflammatory diseases: duodenitis and colitis. If it is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, most likely we're talking about O . Pressing sensations with pain in the left hypochondrium are usually a symptom of such serious heart pathologies as angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, pre-infarction state and heart attack.

Throbbing pain

Most often, throbbing pain in the left hypochondrium indicates pancreatitis. The condition is accompanied by vomiting mixed with bile, bloating, increased body temperature, swelling of the extremities and excessive sweating. The patient takes different positions to relieve discomfort.

Differences in pain by mechanism of occurrence

The mechanism of formation of pain is important for a specialist who determines pathology and problems in the organ system.

The following mechanisms of pain formation are distinguished:

  • Referred pain comes from damaged organs localized in another part, for example: osteochondrosis, liver disease, pleurisy.
  • Visceral pain occurs from the inside, usually due to intestinal spasms or problems with gastric motility, usually accompanied by flatulence and intestinal colic.
  • Peritoneal pain associated with irritation of the abdominal organs, for example, with a stomach ulcer. Pain in the left hypochondrium intensifies with breathing and sudden movements.
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium anteriorly requires the exclusion of infarction and intestinal colitis, most often indicating diseases of the spleen and stomach.
  • The cause of pain in the left hypochondrium behind is the pathology of the left kidney, the pain is constant and intense. If kidney disease is excluded, suspicion falls on osteochondrosis of the spine in the thoracic and lumbar region.
  • Girdle pain in the left hypochondrium usually indicates the presence of inflammation in the pancreas.


Treatment for pain in the left hypochondrium depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms present.

When an acute condition develops, first of all therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating pain and then eliminating the cause of the pathology in a hospital setting. If a person knows that he has a chronic disease, then he should be able to independently eliminate acute attacks pain before contacting a doctor. To do this, he should always have available medications recommended by his doctor, especially when it comes to heart disease, stomach ulcers and intestinal problems.

Symptomatic treatment of pain in the left hypochondrium should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Any methods of self-medication can distort the symptoms of the disease, aggravate its further course, and cause a number of complications, including life-threatening ones. Therefore, you cannot rely on the advice of friends, treatment instructions offered by the media. It is important to find out what pain in the left hypochondrium means by taking a necessary tests and undergoing a full examination.

Any pain that occurs in the left hypochondrium is a serious reason to visit a doctor. Treatment usually begins with a visit to a general practitioner, who, based on identified symptoms, refers the patient to a specialist - a gastroenterologist, nephrologist or cardiologist.

During initial examination The doctor excludes reasons such as:

  • splenic rupture;
  • appendicitis;
  • kidney rupture;
  • volvulus;
  • heart attack and pre-infarction condition.
Depending on the cause and severity of the disease, treatment may include:
  • medicines;
  • physical therapy;
  • massage;
  • physical therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

With modern oncological tensions, such signs of ailments as constant dull aching pain in the left hypochondrium, aggravated by physical activity, aversion to certain foods, persistent anemia and low-grade fever, stomach pain, loss of appetite, stool disorders, should alert a person, especially in the elderly age. Oncological diseases are dangerous due to their asymptomatic course. initial stage. Therefore, if you experience any persistent pain in the hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of this condition and carry out timely treatment.

Useful video about the causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

Pain in the left hypochondrium anteriorly is a symptom numerous pathologies. On the left side of the human body there are important organs - intestinal loops, stomach, pancreas, heart, one lung and kidney, spleen. The appearance of pain under the left ribs will indicate negative processes in these organs.

To diagnose the disease, the doctor needs to identify all the symptoms and conduct various examinations. In this case, it is possible to identify the causes of the appearance of the painful symptom.


If we consider the symptom from the pathophysiology side, then the sign indicates disturbances in the blood supply to some organs on one side or another, changes in tissue trophism, nerve endings, swelling, etc. Pain in the left hypochondrium in the front most often has the following causes:

  • swelling of nearby organs;
  • poor blood supply;
  • injuries;
  • disruption of the mucous membrane of hollow organs;
  • after operations on organs located in the left hypochondrium on the right.

Since important organs are located on the left side of the human body, very serious diseases can develop, with serious complications. Therefore, pain acts as a signal for the progression of such ailments:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • blood cancer;
  • inflammation of the diverticulum;
  • colitis;
  • cardiopathy.

Most often, pain in the front is a sign of pathology of the spleen or inflammation of the stomach tissue. When the syndrome shifts closer to the center, the patient may have diseases of the stomach, gallbladder and duodenum.


The painful symptom has different character manifestations, which also indicates the formation of a particular pathology. Based on the strength of the sign, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. Pains are of this type:

  • piercing;
  • dagger, cutting, sharp;
  • stupid;
  • aching.

Pricking pain syndrome may occur during intense physical exertion. It occurs very often in absolutely healthy people. It indicates that the person has insufficient physical fitness.

When pain occurs physical stress, then this does not indicate serious pathologies. However, if a person has heart problems, then the symptom will only become more intense. If a healthy person has pain on the left, you can take a big breath, press on sore spot. Then you need to lean forward and repeat this procedure several times. This first aid will relieve the unpleasant feeling and help you quickly return to training.

TO physical exercise You should never start immediately after eating food. Food should be given several hours to be absorbed and digested. Otherwise, when training, a person may feel double pain on the left side.

Acute severe pain occurs when inhaling after an injury, fall or organ damage. This symptom indicates severe internal injuries that threaten life.

If the patient has a diffuse attack under the left rib, then this signals a chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, cholecystitis, gastritis and pancreatitis. The disease is identified through laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Dull pain also occurs with blood diseases, autoimmune and systemic diseases, sepsis and infections.

Aching syndrome is a sign of colitis or duodenitis. If the symptom is accompanied by nausea and a gag reflex, then this indicates the appearance of an ulcer in the stomach and duodenum. Painful sensations also occur with the following ailments:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • angina pectoris;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • arterial thrombosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • neoplasms.

Clinicians also divide pain according to the mechanism of its occurrence:

  • reflected - the syndrome passes from other organs;
  • visceral – appears when the intestines contract or the stomach malfunctions;
  • peritoneal - arise in other organs, and radiate to the left anterior part.


Pain is not the only symptom, which indicates all of the above pathologies. Depending on accompanying symptoms the doctor can determine this or that ailment. Quite often, the painful syndrome occurs along with the following indicators:

  • heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • vomit;
  • broken stool;
  • dyspnea;
  • fever;
  • pallor or redness of the skin.

In medicine, symptoms of pain have been identified. They are divided into three criteria:

  • visceral – cramping, aching, dull attacks;
  • localized – acute or sharp in nature, worsens with breathing, movement and stress;
  • radiating - arise in other organs and radiate to the left anterior part.


If such an unpleasant symptom is detected, the patient should definitely seek the advice of a specialist. To diagnose the disease, the patient can seek help from a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, traumatologist, cardiologist, neurologist, or infectious disease specialist.

Establishing a diagnosis takes place in several stages:


Sharp, aching, dull or any other pain in the left hypochondrium appears serious illness, which points to various diseases. In this regard, at the first sign of a symptom, the patient needs to seek the help of a doctor and conduct a full examination of the body. Delayed visit to the doctor can lead to death.

If pain occurs rarely, for example, during physical activity, then doctors allow you to eliminate the symptom yourself. For quick therapy, you are allowed to take painkillers or antispasmodics, which will alleviate the condition.

If pain in the left hypochondrium is accompanied by other symptoms - vomiting and nausea, then it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Treatment of serious pathologies folk remedies undesirable. However, if you consult a doctor, sometimes it is allowed to add various herbal decoctions to the main medications:

  • the patient can drink rosehip tinctures or 1 gram of royal jelly per day;
  • for stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers, it is allowed to consume lemongrass seed powder half an hour before meals, fresh unsalted water after boiling potatoes;
  • A decoction of hawthorn, birch buds, motherwort, and chicory helps with heart problems.


Conduct preventive measures It is worth it to all people, but preventing an unpleasant symptom is especially important for older people. Since older people are much more likely to develop problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys.

To avoid acute symptom, severe pathologies and consequences should be followed simple rules maintaining a healthy and active image life:

  • take place regularly medical examination;
  • follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • At the first pain attacks, seek specialized help.

In addition, as part of a healthy lifestyle, you need to reconsider your diet, give up bad habits and actively develop.

Pregnant women, namely in the first trimester of pregnancy, should be especially wary of the appearance of such a symptom. If pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in the left hypochondrium can be a symptom of a number of diseases and pathological conditions. In a person, on the left under the ribs there is the spleen, pancreas, part of the stomach, the left part of the diaphragm, the upper pole of the left kidney and intestinal loops, so for the correct diagnosis of the disease it is important to know the nature of the pain and its localization, the dependence of pain on food intake and other factors.

What can hurt in the left hypochondrium?

Pain in the left side under the ribs can be caused by organs, nerve endings and organs located in the neighborhood located in this area. The source of pain can be:

  • pancreas (the left part of this organ is located in the left hypochondrium);
  • stomach (the bottom of this hollow organ is adjacent to the ribs);
  • colon (in the left part of the abdomen in the subcostal region there is a loop of transition from this part of the intestine to the descending part of the large intestine);
  • spleen;
  • left side of the diaphragm;
  • left lung and pleura;
  • heart and mediastinum (reflection of pain from the chest organs);
  • left kidney and ureters (the upper pole of this organ is located in the area under the ribs);
  • left appendages of the uterus in women (pain of a radiating nature);
  • ribs, muscles and nerves located in the left hypochondrium.

Pain in the left hypochondrium can occur both in the upper part (closer to the ribs) of this area and in its lower part. Determine the disease in each specific case using this nonspecific symptom difficult even for a doctor, so it is important to know the nature of the pain and the degree of its intensity.

Types of pain in the left hypochondrium

Painful sensations, according to their characteristics and mechanism of occurrence, are divided into:

  • Visceral. This type of pain can be cramping or aching, occurs with spasms of the stomach or intestines, and manifests itself when the motility of these organs is impaired or they are stretched muscle fibers. May transmit to nearby organs.
  • Peritoneal. They have a clear localization, are distinguished by constancy and intensity, appear suddenly and last quite a long time. long period time, subside gradually. This type of pain is caused by irritation of the peritoneum. Develops when structural changes organs (perforation of a stomach ulcer, etc.) and accompanies a pathological condition called “ acute stomach"(peritonitis, acute pancreatitis).
  • Reflected. They develop due to the irradiation of pain that arose as a result of the pathology of an organ distant from the location of the pain. Pain may radiate to the left hypochondrium if there is pulmonary diseases(left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy).

According to the nature of the pain, pain in the left side under the ribs can be:

  • Sharp, cutting. It occurs suddenly, is intense, is associated with life-threatening situations, and therefore requires calling an ambulance (it is a symptom of splenic rupture, perforation of the stomach or intestinal wall, rupture of the renal pelvis). Acute pain in the left hypochondrium when inhaling is a sign traumatic injury internal organs as a result of an accident or fall.
  • Dull, spilled. Dull pain in the left hypochondrium that has been present for a long period indicates the presence of a chronic disease (pancreatitis, gastritis, etc.).
  • Aching. Constant aching pain on the left under the ribs is a sign of a sluggish inflammatory process (colitis or duodenitis). Exhausting aching pain in this area in the presence of vomiting indicates a stomach ulcer. Frequently occurring pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and pre-infarction conditions.
  • Stabbing. It can occur during intense physical activity, passes quickly and is observed even in absolutely healthy people. Stitching pain on the left under the rib, which intensifies with coughing and deep breathing or is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is a sign of inflammatory diseases. This type of pain can occur with diseases of the spleen, intestines, heart and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In order to speed up the process of identifying the cause of pain, it is important to take into account indirect manifestations of pain. When describing pain in the left hypochondrium, you need to indicate:

  • when did the pain begin?
  • how the process developed;
  • what is the nature of the pain under the rib;
  • duration of pain;
  • pain intensity;
  • reasons for strengthening and relief;
  • where does the pain go (irradiation).

Helps to establish the cause of pain and its location (pain can occur under the last left rib in the front, back and side).

Pain in the left hypochondrium anteriorly

Pain under the left rib in the front occurs when:

  • . At chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract pain during palpation intensifies. An acute inflammatory process is characterized by sharp, severe pain.
  • Diseases of the spleen. The pain can be sharp or dull and pressing, depending on the nature of the disease.
  • Heart diseases. The pain is burning or stabbing in nature.
  • Lesions of the diaphragm, pleura and lung. The pain is sharp, rapidly growing, aggravated by deep breathing, coughing and turning.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder with its atypical localization (the pain is aching in nature).
  • Diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system.

Diseases of the digestive system

The causes of pain in the left hypochondrium in front can be:

  • Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which in the acute form of the disease is accompanied by intense pain, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, fever, chills and vomiting with bile (vomiting may be indomitable and may not bring relief). The stool acquires a mushy consistency, particles are present undigested food. If inflammation affects the head of the pancreas, obstructive jaundice may develop. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by dull, aching pain in the left hypochondrium, which intensifies with dietary errors. May be shingles in nature. There is bitterness in the mouth, heaviness in the upper abdomen, nausea, and possible vomiting. With pancreatitis, pain can radiate to the lower back, be constant or paroxysmal.
  • Pancreatic tumors. The appearance of tumors in this organ in the later stages of the disease is accompanied by prolonged and intense pain in the left hypochondrium and in the center of the abdomen. The pain intensifies if the patient lies on his back, so he is forced to take a semi-bent position.
  • Acute duodenitis (inflammation duodenum), which is accompanied by bursting, paroxysmal pain in the stomach area, radiating to the area of ​​the lower left rib (may radiate to right hypochondrium or be of a shingles nature), nausea, rumbling and bloating, bitter belching or vomiting with bile, intestinal disorders and general weakness.
  • Duodenal ulcer, in which severe pain occurs in the left side of the epigastrium several hours after eating, radiating to the left hypochondrium. Pain occurs when you feel hungry, as well as at night. Heartburn, sour belching, vomiting and constipation are observed. When pressing, there is pain in right side epigastrium.
  • Gastric ulcer, in which pain in the upper abdomen and left hypochondrium can be different character(dull, aching, sharp, burning). It occurs when you feel hungry and at night, and lasts for a long period of time. May occur immediately after eating or long after eating. Accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and noticeable weight loss.
  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). Dull, aching pain in the left side under the rib that occurs after eating is characteristic of gastritis with low acidity. Accompanied by a tendency to diarrhea and decreased appetite. Vomiting relieves the patient's condition. With normal and high acidity, heartburn is present, pain occurs several hours after eating, and is felt under the ribs closer to the center.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper intestinal loops (colitis), which is accompanied by a dull, aching pain that intensifies when walking. Pain under the rib and in the navel area is accompanied by increased gas formation, stomach rumbling, and diarrhea is often present.

Intense, sudden, dagger-like pain is a symptom of a perforation of a stomach ulcer. This life-threatening condition is accompanied by general weakness, sudden pallor, and possible loss of consciousness. A patient with these symptoms requires emergency hospitalization.

If there is constant pain in the left side under the ribs, and the pain is in no way related to eating, it is necessary to exclude tumor diseases of the digestive organs.

Spleen diseases

If the left side hurts under the ribs in front, the cause may be diseases of the spleen:

  • Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), which is observed in infectious, autoimmune and myeloproliferative diseases, hematological disorders and metabolic disorders (most often causes this pathology infectious mononucleosis). Accompanied by pallor of the skin, decreased appetite and performance. At inflammatory nature disease, body temperature rises to febrile levels, severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are observed. The pain in the left hypochondrium is sharp and cutting in nature. Non-inflammatory pathology is characterized by normal or subfebrile body temperature, intoxication is mild or absent, moderate pain is characterized by a dull pressing or aching character.
  • Spleen abscess, which develops as a result of infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases of other organs, injuries and bruises. Accompanied high temperature body, fever and enlarged spleen. The pain intensifies with deep inspiration and can be felt in the shoulder and left side of the chest.

Heart diseases

Pain in the left side under the rib in front occurs when:

  • Cardiomyopathies. This is a group of diseases characterized by structural and functional changes in the heart muscle in the absence of arterial hypertension, pathology of the coronary arteries and lesions of the valve apparatus. May arise from an unknown cause (idiopathic or primary) or develop due to various diseases(secondary cardiomyopathy). The disease is accompanied increased fatigue and increased heart rate. The nature of the pain is aching, stabbing or pressing.
  • Coronary heart disease. The disease is caused by a disruption of the blood supply to the heart muscle as a result of damage to the coronary arteries. Manifested by aching, pressing or burning pain varying degrees intensity. Painful attacks last from 30 seconds to 15 minutes, are provoked by emotional factors or physical stress, go away on their own at rest, and are quickly relieved by taking nitroglycerin. Accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, there may be a feeling of burning and heaviness in the chest, and possible nausea. The pain may radiate to the scapula and left arm.
  • Myocardial infarction (gastrological form, which occurs in 2-3% of cases), in which necrotic processes affect the lower or infero-posterior part of the left ventricle of the heart. This life-threatening condition is accompanied by acute pain in the left hypochondrium, rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing. The feeling of heaviness under the heart spreads under the left rib and shoulder blade, into the neck and into the left arm. There may be a burning sensation in the chest area, profuse sweating, nausea, vomiting, severe hiccups and diarrhea. There is a puffiness of the face, a pale bluish tint to the skin and lips. If these symptoms appear, immediate emergency care is required.

Respiratory diseases

Pain in the left side under the ribs in front occurs when it irradiates from the retrosternal space with:

  • Lower lobe left-sided pneumonia. The pain is dull, mild, aching, intensifies when coughing and can become stabbing in nature. Accompanied by a dry cough, a slight increase in temperature, severe weakness, increased sweating, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and symptoms that resemble ARVI (headache, etc.).
  • Left-sided pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane that covers the lungs). It can be primary (the inflammatory process develops directly in the pleural cavity) and secondary (the infectious process spreads from the lungs). When fibrin protein falls out on the surface of the pleura, a dry form develops of this disease, and if there is any accumulation in the pleural cavity biological fluid(serous, purulent or hemorrhagic exudate) an exudative form of pleurisy develops. With dry pleurisy, there is increased sweating, rapid shallow breathing, increased temperature, pain in the left hypochondrium with persistent coughing, turning the body and bending over. Patients try to lie on their side, trying to reduce the pain that occurs when coughing. Exudative form accompanied by aching pain, a feeling of heaviness and squeezing in the chest, pallor of the skin and limbs, and a forced position of the body. The neck veins swell, the affected half of the chest with breathing movements lags behind, the intercostal spaces protrude. Relief comes from the intervention of a specialist who pumps out the collected fluid.
  • Cancer of the left lung with metastases affecting the pleural cavity and adjacent organs. Accompanied by impaired appetite and digestion, sudden weight loss, decreased immunity and lack of oxygen.

Pathologies of the diaphragm

It hurts under the left rib and with pathologies of the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities (diaphragm). Pain can be caused by:

  • Diaphragmatic hernia. This defect (hernial opening) can be congenital, traumatic or neuropathic. Through the hernial opening, the cardiac part of the stomach or its fundus, and sometimes intestinal loops, penetrate into the chest cavity. Small hernias are asymptomatic, but if large hernial sacs form, the patient experiences bloating, heartburn, sour belching, persistent cough, burning sensation in the chest and rapid heartbeat after eating. The pain is dull, aching, constant, and may be accompanied by nausea. If the stomach or intestines are pinched, the left hypochondrium hurts intensely, vomiting, stool retention occurs, and the general condition worsens. If a diaphragmatic hernia is strangulated, urgent medical attention is required, as this condition is life-threatening due to the risk of developing peritonitis.
  • Relaxation of the diaphragm. With this pathology, the diaphragm becomes thinner and moves into the chest cavity along with the adjacent peritoneal organs. It can be congenital or acquired (develops as a result of damage to the phrenic nerve), total or limited. On the affected side, the lung is compressed, and volvulus of the stomach or splenic flexure of the colon is possible. With left-sided relaxation of the diaphragm, the symptoms coincide with diaphragmatic hernia, the right-sided one is asymptomatic.

Neurological diseases

Lesions of peripheral nerves can cause sharp pain in the acute stage of the disease and aching pain in the chronic course of the disease.

Pain under the left rib in front with intercostal neuralgia, which occurs when the nerves passing between the ribs are damaged or compressed.

Intercostal neuralgia can be:

  • radicular (occurs when nerve roots are pinched in the spine);
  • reflex (occurs when muscles spasm in the intercostal space);
  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

It is not life-threatening, but the pain is intense, stabbing or burning. Pain increases with inhalation, physical activity, coughing or sneezing, and can radiate to the arm, epigastric region, collarbone, lower back or under the shoulder blade.

A distinctive feature of intercostal neuralgia is the presence pain points responsive to palpation of the intercostal spaces. The disease is accompanied increased sweating, loss of sensation at the site of nerve damage, muscle twitching, swelling and change in skin color in the affected area.

Stitches in the left side under the ribs due to irritation of the nerve passing in the area of ​​the last rib (the pain resembles hepatic colic). The cause of intercostal neuralgia can be injury, uncomfortable position of the body or its sharp turn, osteochondrosis, hypothermia, etc.

Pain on the left under the ribs in front can occur during vegetative crises - paroxysmal states non-epileptic nature, which manifest themselves as polymorphic autonomic disorders. These conditions are not associated with heart pathologies, but are symptomatically manifested by increased heart rate, arrhythmia, increased sweating, anxiety and panic, trembling of the limbs, a feeling of pressure in the chest, as well as pain in the stomach and under the left rib. The pain can be dull, sharp, stabbing, aching, or encircling, but usually the patient is not able to determine its exact location. Subjective symptoms in this disease do not correspond to objective studies (severe organic pathology not detected).

A rare cause of pain in the left hypochondrium is abdominal migraine, in which painful spasms in the left rib and abdomen are accompanied by paleness of the skin, nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps are possible abdominal wall.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine

The cause of pain on the left side under the ribs may be:

  • Osteochondrosis thoracic spine. This degenerative-dystrophic disease develops with incorrect posture, deterioration metabolic processes in tissues and improper distribution of load on spinal column. Changes in intervertebral discs thoracic vertebrae cause compression of nerve fibers, which leads to pain. The pain can be mild and long-lasting or sharp and sharp, causing difficulty breathing and limiting muscle movement. Pain can be felt in the interscapular region, in the left half of the chest, in the area of ​​internal organs and along the intercostal nerves. Osteochondrosis is accompanied by numbness in the affected area and decreased mobility in the thoracic region.
  • Fibromyalgia, which is diffuse, predominantly symmetrical musculoskeletal pain of a chronic nature. Can affect any part of the body. The affected area has increased sensitivity, the body feels stiff after waking up, swelling and increased fatigue are observed, temperature surges, convulsions and spasms are possible.
  • Tietze syndrome. This rare pathology is characterized by the development of aseptic inflammation of the costal cartilages (left or right, several cartilages may be affected at the same time). It manifests itself as local pain, which intensifies when you press on the affected area and take a deep breath. The pain increases over time, the pain radiates to the forearm and shoulder on the affected side, and in most cases is permanent. There are periods of exacerbation and remission.
  • Rib injuries. When one or more ribs are fractured on the left side, there is sharp pain, aggravated by breathing movements, pale skin, difficulty breathing, hemoptysis (in case of rib fractures, internal organs in the sternum area are affected), shortness of breath, weakness, fever and cyanosis of the skin in the affected area. A crack in the rib is accompanied by excruciating pain in the affected area, which intensifies with inhalation and coughing, there is anxiety, shortness of breath, a feeling of suffocation and fatigue, and there is swelling and blue discoloration of the tissue in the area of ​​injury. A rib bruise is accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues in this area and pain, which intensifies with coughing, inhaling and movement.

Pain in the left hypochondrium behind

Pain under the left rib behind occurs when:

  • Kidney diseases. The pain is pronounced and has a paroxysmal character.
  • Retroperitoneal hematoma, which develops with abdominal injuries. The intensity of pain varies, the pain intensifies with movements of the hip joint.
  • Diseases of the spleen. It can be acute when the integrity of this organ is violated and painful when its tissues become inflamed or die.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis.

Kidney diseases

If it hurts on the left under the rib and behind, and the pain is paroxysmal in nature, you can suspect renal colic.

With renal colic pain:

  • occurs suddenly;
  • very intense, acute, paroxysmal;
  • does not subside at rest (the patient cannot find a position in which it will be easier for him);
  • radiates to the lower back, spreads along the ureter, can radiate to the groin area, to the external genital area and to the inner thigh;
  • accompanied in many cases by pain in the urethra and frequent urination;
  • lasts from several minutes to several days.

After the attack has stopped, a dull pain remains in the lower back, but the patient is able to return to a normal lifestyle.

Retroperitoneal hematoma

If there is pain on the left under the ribs in the back, and the patient has recently had serious injury, there may be a retroperitoneal hematoma (limited accumulation of blood). This hematoma can form when organs are damaged genitourinary system, esophagus, pancreas, rectum.

The pain syndrome causes compression of the surrounding tissues by the hematoma (the more blood is shed, the more intensely the tissues are compressed and the more intense the pain is). Signs of acute blood loss may be present (low blood pressure, increased heart rate, pallor, weakness, thirst, dizziness and fainting).

Since this condition threatens the patient’s life, urgent hospitalization and additional examinations are necessary, and, if necessary, emergency surgery.

Spleen diseases

Pain under the left rib from the back can occur with:

  • Traumatic damage to the spleen and disruption of the integrity of the tissue of this organ. Sharp pain felt in the lower part of the peritoneum (on the left) and in the area of ​​the scapula, accompanied by pale skin, decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, and unquenchable thirst. Cold sticky sweat appears.
  • Splenic infarction. A nagging pain radiates to the lumbar region of the back and intensifies with inhalation, sweating increases, blood pressure decreases, pallor, nausea, vomiting, and thirst appear.
  • Splenic cyst. When a relatively large cavity is formed in the parenchyma of the spleen, which is delimited by a capsule and filled with fluid, a dull, constant pain occurs in the left hypochondrium in the back area, which radiates to the scapula and left arm (a small cyst is asymptomatic). There is itching of the skin (hives may appear), belching, nausea and vomiting may occur, and the general condition worsens. The cyst can be congenital or form after a heart attack or abscess of the spleen. Also, a cyst occurs when affected by pork tapeworm, echinococcus, as a result of operations on the spleen and when it is traumatically damaged.

Dull pain in the back and left under the ribs occurs when:

  • inflammatory processes in the body, since the spleen as an organ immune system participates in the fight against various diseases;
  • formation in the spleen of benign and malignant tumors(accompanied by decreased activity, loss of appetite and increased temperature).

Respiratory system diseases

Back pain under the left rib can cause:

  • Dry left-sided pleurisy. Pain is felt when breathing or coughing and can affect the chest area, neck or radiate to the shoulder. It intensifies when trying to make any movement, is intense, and has a stabbing or cutting character.
  • Oncological process in the left lung. Excruciating and persistent pain that does not respond to pain relief occurs when a tumor grows into the pleural tissue (tumors that do not affect the pleura do not cause pain, regardless of their size). The disease is accompanied by shortness of breath, followed by a cough that can last several hours, and an increase in body temperature.
  • Pneumothorax is an accumulation of gas in the pleural cavity that occurs when the lung is damaged and causes its tissue to collapse. Pneumothorax leads to a displacement to the healthy side of the mediastinum, compression of its vessels, drooping of the dome of the diaphragm and circulatory disorders and respiratory functions. It can occur spontaneously (after strong physical exertion, etc.) or as a result of injury. The pain on the affected side is piercing, radiates to the arm, neck and behind the sternum, intensifies when coughing, inhaling and with any movement. The severity of the resulting shortness of breath depends on the degree of collapse of the lung. There is pallor of the skin, a dry cough is possible, and there may be a fear of death.

Heart diseases

Pain in the left side of the back under the ribs can be:

  • Atypical manifestations of myocardial infarction (ischemic necrosis of part of the left ventricular muscle, which is caused by blockage coronary artery). Persistent, wave-like sharp pain can last from 15-20 minutes to several hours. The pain radiates to the left arm (there is a tingling sensation), neck, shoulder girdle, jaw, is localized in the interscapular space mainly on the left.
  • A consequence of dry pericarditis, which is inflammation of the pericardial sac (pericardium). May be infectious, rheumatic or post-infarction, manifests itself as dull pressing pain in the area of ​​the heart, giving off to left shoulder blade, shoulders and neck. Pain in most cases is moderate, but severe pain, reminiscent of an angina attack, is also possible. Pain with dry pericarditis gradually increases, lasts from several hours to several days, is not relieved by nitroglycerin, and intensifies with deep breathing, coughing, swallowing, and changing body position. There is shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness, chills, dry cough.

Attack of pancreatitis

Pain in the left side of the back in the hypochondrium can be caused by an acute form of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, which does not have a clear clinical picture and can be accompanied by various symptoms.

The severity of pain in the pancreas affects the severity of pain and the location of pain.

Constant, intense pain in the left side of the back occurs when:

  • damage to the tail of the pancreas (affects the lumbar region and chest);
  • general damage to the organ, necrosis of its tissues or the development of edema (the pain is severe, has a girdling nature and affects the abdominal cavity and back).

In acute pancreatitis, the following are possible:

  • nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • bloating;
  • intoxication causing dehydration;
  • hemorrhagic spots of a bluish or yellowish tint on the left side wall of the abdomen;
  • spots in the navel area.

With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, back pain is moderate, reminiscent of pain in diseases of the spine.

Spinal diseases

Pain in the left hypochondrium of the back can cause osteochondrosis of the thoracic or lumbar region. With this degenerative disease, as a result of compression and irritation of the nerve roots, discomfort occurs in the ribs, both from the back and in the sternum.

Aching pain intensifies with movement, physical activity, staying in one position for a long time, or with hypothermia. Accompanied by muscle weakness and a feeling of numbness in the upper extremities.

Pain in the left hypochondrium on the side

Pain in the left side under the ribs occurs when:

  • An increase in the size of the spleen, which occurs with various infectious diseases (infectious mononucleosis, etc.). Unbearable, sharp pain occurs with tuberculosis of the spleen (in this disease, the spleen is so enlarged that it can be felt in the right side of the peritoneum).
  • Chronic pancreatitis. Pain in this disease of the pancreas does not have a clear localization; it is cramping and of varying degrees of intensity. They usually occur half an hour after eating, as they are associated with the consumption of provoking foods (spicy, fatty, fried).
  • Shingles, which is associated with damage to nerve endings. Painful sensations on initial stage the diseases are aching in nature, then the pain becomes acute and rashes appear on the skin in the affected area.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis). It can be acute or chronic, accompanied by aching, dull pain that becomes intense and paroxysmal when the ureter is blocked by a stone. General weakness, fever, chills, loss of appetite are observed, nausea and vomiting are possible.
  • Inflammation of the ureters (urethritis). It occurs in acute and chronic form, can be infectious and non-infectious, gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal. Accompanied painful urination and discharge from the urethra.
  • Ulcerative colitis - chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the large intestine, which manifests itself as moderate cramping pain in the left side of the abdomen, frequent diarrhea, false urge to defecate, fever, loss of appetite and weight, weakness and joint pain (not all symptoms may be present).
  • Obstruction of the large intestine, which develops due to mechanical or functional reasons. It manifests itself as spastic sharp pain in the abdomen, which is first localized in the left side and then spreads to the entire abdominal area. Accompanied by vomiting, nausea, bloating, constipation and gas retention.
  • Inflammations of the genitourinary system, which cause sexually transmitted infections.

Pain on the left side under the ribs can occur with injuries to this area, as well as with inflammation of the ovary in women.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in women

Pain in the left hypochondrium on the side, closer to the lower abdomen, in women can be caused by:

  • Adnexitis (salpingoophoritis) is an inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which is caused by various types of bacteria that enter these organs through the bloodstream or sexually. The disease is characterized by sharp, spasmodic or dull and aching pain in the lower abdomen, which extend to lumbar region. There is a rise in temperature, chills, failure menstrual cycle, heavy discharge, pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse.
  • Torsion and rupture of the left ovarian cyst. With torsion, severe pain is localized in the lower abdomen, is characterized by aching or pulling, is accompanied by an increase in temperature, a drop in blood pressure, and a violation general condition body, vomiting is possible. When a cyst ruptures, the pain becomes intense, radiates throughout the abdomen and rectum, nausea and vomiting occur. These conditions require emergency medical attention.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, which can manifest itself as a rupture of the fallopian tube during the 6th to 10th week of pregnancy ( early stage ectopic pregnancy is no different from normal pregnancy clinical signs). At 5-8 weeks, aching, cutting or cramping pain may appear on the affected side, which becomes almost unbearable if the fallopian tube ruptures. When blood enters the abdominal cavity, pain spreads to the epigastric region, shoulders and anus, urination and bowel movements are painful. With large blood loss, pallor appears, decreased blood pressure, weak rapid pulse and loss of consciousness. This condition requires urgent hospitalization.
  • Allen-Masters syndrome is a disease that causes rupture of the uterine ligaments (can occur after a complicated birth or after an abortion). It manifests itself as periodic stabbing or cramping pain in the left side, which sometimes radiates to the anus, accompanied by increased fatigue, painful periods and an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the proliferation of cells in the inner layer of the uterine wall (endometrium) outside the endometrial layer. Manifested by menstrual irregularities, stabbing pain in the affected area, pain during sexual intercourse, heavy discharge during menstruation, infertility.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in a child

Pain in a child under the left rib can be caused by:

  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). Acute form in children it is accompanied by severe pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, salivation and dry mouth. In the chronic course of the disease, the pain is moderate, loss of appetite, intoxication and indigestion are observed.
  • Appendicitis (in most people the appendix is ​​on the right, but sometimes the pain radiates to the left side abdomen, abnormal location of the organ is also possible).
  • Coprostasis (accumulation in the intestines feces), which occurs with constipation of various etiologies (organic, functional, nutritional, endocrine, conditioned reflex and medicinal). There is abdominal pain (the child cannot pinpoint its location), bloating, pain during bowel movements, and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. May cause intestinal obstruction.
  • Volvulus is a violation of intestinal patency due to constipation, trauma, strangulation, adhesions, hiatal hernia, which is often found in young children. With this pathology, periods of rest in the child alternate with attacks of sudden pain. During an attack, the baby cries and presses his legs to his stomach. The body temperature rises, vomiting appears, and mucus or blood may appear in the stool. This condition requires urgent medical attention.
  • Inguinal hernia strangulation. An inguinal hernia is a pathological but painless protrusion of the hernial sac in the groin that enlarges with walking or crying and disappears with rest. The strangulation is accompanied by sharp pain, the hernia cannot be reduced into the abdominal cavity, and the area of ​​the protrusion is tense. With further development of the pathology, intestinal obstruction develops, which is accompanied by bloating, failure to pass gases and vomiting. The child requires urgent medical attention.

Which doctor should you contact for pain in the left hypochondrium?

Since not only the spleen, but also other organs are located on the left under the ribs, and the pain can be radiating, it is very difficult to independently determine the cause of the pain.

If pain appears in the left hypochondrium region, you must contact a therapist, who will listen to the patient’s complaints and conduct an initial examination, and then tell you which specialist you need to contact in a particular case.

The therapist may refer the patient to:

  • if you suspect diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis);
  • a cardiologist if you suspect heart disease (cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction);
  • if you suspect infectious diseases(infectious mononucleosis, etc.);
  • for diseases of the spleen;
  • if pleurisy and pneumonia are suspected;
  • to a neurologist if intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis are suspected;
  • to a traumatologist if rib injuries are suspected;
  • an oncologist if the presence of malignant processes is suspected;
  • surgeon for conditions requiring emergency medical care (splenic rupture, etc.)

Indications for urgent hospitalization are:

  • suddenly appeared sharp, acute pain in the left hypochondrium;
  • aching constant pain that does not subside within an hour;
  • stabbing pain that occurs when moving and does not subside within 30 minutes;
  • dull pain accompanied by vomiting of blood or undigested food particles;
  • any pain that is accompanied by pallor, rapid heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, dizziness and difficulty breathing.

Pain in the left side under the ribs is a serious syndrome that should not be ignored under any circumstances. Painful sensations - normal reaction the body to injury, physical overload, sudden movements, physiological changes, for example, during pregnancy. But, besides this, they can talk about more serious hidden phenomena that occur in the body. Pain syndrome can be associated with an inflammatory process or with pathologies of internal organs and systems. When identifying the main cause that caused painful spasms, it is important to take into account their nature, duration and exact location. If pain occurs, an examination of the body is necessary.

Character of pain on the side under the ribs

Depending on the characteristics of the pain and the situations in which it manifests itself, you can guess which doctor you should see to make an accurate diagnosis.

  • Stitching pain in the left side under the ribs, if they occur after serious physical activity, such as long running, walking at an accelerated pace, jumping, intense aerobic and strength exercise, do not pose a serious danger at all and occur in almost all healthy people. Typically, pain in this case is associated with insufficient warming up before exercise or with too intense movement. Without a good warm-up lasting at least 15-20 minutes, the body cannot prepare for a strong acceleration of blood circulation. Of course, there is no danger in this, but there is no benefit either, so if such a situation arises, you need to stop doing the exercise, relax your arms and shoulders, and start deep breathing and during maximum exhalation, press on the painful area, bending forward, repeat this procedure several times, after which it is possible to continue playing sports. It may also start to sting on the side during cardio exercise if exercise occurs after a recent meal. After eating, you need to wait at least two hours, since the digestive system is loaded with digesting food, which is where pain occurs.
  • Dagger, cutting, sharp pain in the left side under the ribs, which occurs unexpectedly and is not associated with physical activity, requires immediate medical intervention. It may be a symptom of rupture of the renal pelvis, spleen, perforation of small intestinal loops or stomach walls. In addition, such pain syndrome can be caused by the abdominal variant of the myocardium or acute.
  • Severe pain after injury, in the event of its aggravation during inhalation, which appears after a fall, blow or car accident, may indicate the presence of severely damaged internal organs, which can be life-threatening. With this type of acute pain you need urgent help doctors
  • Dull pain in the left hypochondrium, if it sometimes worries for a long period of time, is also a reason for concern, because it can be caused by sluggish chronic pathology of organs digestive system. In such a situation, a person may be sick, etc. To determine the presence of pathology, you need to visit, undergo various examinations, take tests, and do an ultrasound.
  • Aching pain in the left side under the ribs may be a symptom of slow-flowing or duodenitis, but if a feeling of nausea and vomiting is added to this symptom, this may indicate a gastric ulcer. When nagging pain is not associated with the food system, it may indicate diseases such as a pre-infarction condition, ischemic heart pathology, etc.

Causes of pain in the left side under the ribs, depending on the location

When there is pain in the left side under the ribs in front, this often indicates an illness related to the spleen or stomach. In this case they do differential diagnosis with diseases such as myocardium, upper intestinal loops, myositis. If pain is shifted closer to the center, this may be due to a combination of pathologies of the stomach and gallbladder or duodenum.

With pain localized in the back, the left kidney is often affected; to diagnose this pathology, you need to do an ultrasound and donate urine and blood for analysis. In addition to kidney disease, pain in this place can be caused by palpation of the paravertebral processes.

If you experience girdle pain, this may be a symptom of a pathology in the pancreas - pancreatitis. During attacks of this disease, a sign of the initial stage of the inflammatory process is severe burning pain, passing from the back to the anterior abdominal wall, which subsides a little when bending forward in a sitting position.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium and symptoms of possible diseases

According to statistics, pain under the ribs on the left is one of the most pressing reasons for visiting medical institution. But it is not always caused by heart disease. This area contains many organs, nerve fibers, lymph nodes, blood vessels and muscles; if their normal functioning is disrupted, pain appears. As already mentioned, pain varies depending on the disease; it can ache, pinch, be sharp or cutting, strong or tolerable, constant or periodic with bouts of exacerbation, but any of its manifestations requires immediate reaction and actions. Let's consider the pathologies that can cause pain in the left hypochondrium and what additional symptoms need to pay attention.


The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ, which is located above the stomach. Pain under the ribs on the left, which occurs constantly and is aching in nature, may be a consequence of the development of a disease in this organ. Of course, the spleen is not one of the organs without which it is impossible to live, but any deviations from it normal operation may cause severe discomfort. An increase in the size of the spleen can lead to its rupture and severe pain. The following symptoms indicate a splenic rupture:

  • bluish skin in the navel area;
  • nausea;
  • occurrence ;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness.

What can cause a breakup:

  • injuries and bruises;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • bearing a child and labor.

Cardiovascular system

Pain due to problems with the heart and blood vessels has different manifestations: they can be dull, sharp, piercing, stabbing, pressing, pulsating, burning and radiate to the area of ​​the shoulder and shoulder blade on the left side. Almost all heart diseases cause a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, so a person quickly gets tired, has difficulty breathing, and often the burning sensation and nausea become unbearable. At the moment of myocardial infarction, a person’s heart begins to beat intensely and he lacks air; the pain is localized in the left side. Added to the described symptoms is that the person sweats a lot, hiccups and vomiting are possible, the face and lips become pale and take on a bluish tint, the pain in this case is concentrated in the upper left hypochondrium. When these symptoms appear, a person needs urgent hospitalization with intensive care.

Intercostal neuralgia

It is characterized by pain under the shoulder blade and in the lumbar region of varying strength and duration from sharp and short-term to aching and prolonged. This disease begins due to pinched nerve endings, which can occur with sharp turns of the body, inhaling too deeply, coughing for a long time and forcefully, or during intense exercise. Additional symptoms are a feeling of general weakness and malaise, pain in the head.

During pregnancy

If there is a nagging pain syndrome under the ribs in a woman in position, you should make sure that there are no pathologies such as pancreatitis, as well as a threat or ectopic pregnancy. In other cases, pain may occur due to displacement of internal organs or compression of the ureter and renal pelvis by an enlarged uterus. Also increased activity fetus may cause pain. To relieve tension, the “kitty cat” exercise helps, which temporarily reduces compression by changing position.

Pay attention! In case of acute, sudden pain that lasts more than 15 minutes, with increasing intensity, which is accompanied by bleeding, weakness and dizziness, prompt medical attention is necessary.

Endocrine system

Pathological processes in the pancreas are often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, a bitter taste in the mouth and belching, and the pain is girdling in nature and decreases after taking medications containing enzymes. If therapy is not started in time, the disease can become chronic, which, in addition to acute pain in the left hypochondrium, is manifested by general intoxication of the body, edema, and elevated body temperature.

Symptoms of cancer in the gland for a long time may not manifest itself, but when the neoplasm becomes impressive in size, a strong bursting pain is felt on the left side under the ribs, and the skin and eyes become yellow, as with.

Digestive system

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pain from the left side and abdomen often disturbs a person and appears mainly after a meal.

  • presence of intoxication;
  • state of weakness and malaise;
  • increased sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting.

With colitis, rumbling occurs, digestive disorders occur, pain in this case occurs in attacks, manifests itself in the form of spasms and colic and can spread to nearby areas. With a peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, a person feels a sharp dagger pain, which begins after eating food, becomes unbearable, radiates from the back, is accompanied by high fever and the occurrence of intoxication. If these symptoms occur, immediate hospitalization is necessary and surgical therapy, since this condition seriously threatens human life.

Respiratory system

In left-sided cases with pleurisy, a dull, mild pain is felt in the left side under the ribs. When inhaling and exhaling deeply, coughing, or making sudden movements, the pain becomes more intense and is accompanied by tingling. The patient also experiences shortness of breath, rapid breathing, bluish color of the nasolabial triangle, hyperthermia, relief occurs after the person lies down on the left side.

Spinal diseases

Pain syndrome that appears in the left side under the ribs at the back when walking may be a consequence of diseases of the spine: intervertebral hernia. In case of uncomfortable body postures, after waking up or physical activity the pain often gets worse.

Problems with the spine can cause pain in the left side


At gynecological diseases in females, the pain is usually localized in the lower abdomen, but sometimes there may be a sudden, stabbing pain in the groin, radiating under the ribs in the left side, which with most likely may indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Other symptoms are:

  • the appearance of intoxication;
  • an increase in temperature that cannot be brought down by medications;
  • the appearance of uterine bleeding;
  • low arterial.

If the listed signs are present, the injured woman requires urgent hospitalization and surgical care.

Treatment of pain in the left side under the ribs

If you experience any pain, you immediately want to take a painkiller. Many people try to drown out the pain and put off visiting a doctor, not taking the body’s calls seriously. To relieve pain, you can drink nitroglycerin, but these medications provide only short-term relief. In case of constant pain, as well as incessant attacks, it is important to immediately see a therapist, who, based on data on the location, the nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms, will refer you to a specialist. Further examination and treatment are carried out by surgeons, gastroenterologists, traumatologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and neurologists.

Important! In the event of sudden acute pain or pain lasting more than an hour, it is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible in order to hospitalize the patient, since there is a high probability that he will need surgical intervention.

In the presence of serious pathologies, for example, myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis or splenic rupture, you need to undergo treatment in a hospital. In all other cases, therapy can be carried out at home under the supervision of the attending physician.

Many people experience pain on the left side under the ribs. This common symptom does not occur on its own, but is always a consequence of some pathological process in the body or a simple deviation from the physiological norm. Character painful sensations, duration, their degree of expression, associated symptoms depend on the root cause. Familiarize yourself with the main factors in the development of pain in the hypochondrium, the principles of their diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

What is pain on the left under the ribs?

Painful sensations localized on the left in the area of ​​the ribs and under them are not specific. They can signal diseases of internal organs and the nervous system. When diagnosing, their precise localization and determination of their nature can help to detect and differentiate serious systemic pathologies ( oncological diseases, injuries, chronic inflammatory processes). Pain under the ribs can be dull, sharp, pulling or throbbing, accompanied by other symptoms associated with the underlying disease:

  • dyspeptic manifestations;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pale skin;
  • rise in body temperature;
  • chills, etc.

Why does my left side hurt under my ribs?

You should not ignore the pain and burning sensation in the left side, even if these unpleasant symptoms have passed completely, because may indicate serious pathologies that require treatment. Meet following reasons soreness:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • lymphomas;
  • malaria;
  • inflammation of the visceral peritoneum;
  • perforation (hole) in hollow organs;
  • chronic myeloid leukemia;
  • kidney infections;
  • stretching renal pelvis;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • thoracic intercostal neuralgia;
  • ischemic colitis;
  • splenitis, splenomegaly, splenic rupture;
  • vegetative crises;
  • myocardial infarction, pericarditis, angina pectoris;
  • compression of organs during pregnancy.


Pain on the left under the ribs in front is provoked by chronic sluggish inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, unpleasant sensations occur regularly and last a long time. Feeling strong burning sensation in most cases indicates chronic pancreatitis. If the pain in the front is constant and intensifies after eating, then this may indicate gastroduodenitis, sometimes the presence of a tumor.


Most doctors associate pain in the left hypochondrium with pathological disorders of the functioning of the heart. This syndrome can also signal other diseases: intercostal neuralgia, acute renal failure, significant enlargement of the spleen. There is no clear reason that will help to immediately determine the main diagnosis based on the location of the pain, so pain under the left rib requires consultation with a specialist.

From behind from the back

If the patient does not have pathologies that cause discomfort in the left back of the back, then the pain is a consequence of hypothermia, eating fatty, spicy or salty foods, or excessive physical activity. Reasons that cause pain symptoms include:

  • neuralgia;
  • bronchopulmonary lesions;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pathologies of the esophagus.

After eating

If immediately after finishing a meal the left stomach hurts, this is a consequence of developing gastritis. The severity of symptoms varies depending on the acidity of the stomach and the degree of pathological changes in the mucous membrane. Additionally, patients note a burning sensation in the esophagus, heartburn, belching, sour taste in the mouth, diarrhea. In the absence of timely treatment, peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, and pancreatitis develops.

Stitching pain

A tingling sensation on the left during physical activity indicates ischemia ( insufficient blood supply) organs and tissues due to poor warm-up. The body did not have time to adapt to the increased blood circulation. This condition is not a pathology, so unpleasant stabbing sensations during training should not cause concern. The pain in this case goes away quickly and has no consequences. It must be remembered that if the stabbing pain turns into a dagger pain without obvious reasons, then this may signal the development of serious pathologies:

  • left-sided pneumonia;
  • malignant neoplasm in the lung, stomach, intestines;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infectious pleurisy;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • myositis;
  • inflammation of the left side of the diaphragm.


Pain on the left front of a pulling nature signals sluggish duodenitis or colitis. As a rule, clinical picture includes vomiting, nausea, digestive disorders. If there are no signs of gastrointestinal diseases, heart problems are suspected: angina pectoris, ischemic disease, myocardial infarction, defects. A nagging pain, followed by a sharp, burning pain below the ribs, indicates intestinal perforation or thromboembolism of the abdominal vessels.


Painful sensations of a periodic nature are rarely associated with pathological conditions, more often this is a consequence physiological characteristics human body. This symptom occurs during physical activity, heavy lifting, or in a certain body position. Sometimes patients note periodic pain when visiting a bathhouse or sauna, after a heavy meal. Typically this condition does not require specific treatment, but you should undergo examination to exclude the presence of diseases.


The appearance of severe throbbing pain in the left hypochondrium and slightly above indicates the development of acute pancreatitis or pancreatic necrosis. Additionally, the patient experiences vomiting of bile, digestive problems, increased body temperature to subfebrile and febrile levels, and constant aching pain in the epigastric region. As a rule, this condition develops within half an hour after eating food (especially fatty or spicy).

When inhaling

If, when inhaling, there is pain in the left hypochondrium, first of all, the presence of a subdiaphragmatic abscess is suspected. The nature of the symptom is intense, more acute in nature, decreases in a sitting or lying position and intensifies with sudden movements, sneezing, coughing. If there is severe intoxication of the body, the patient complains of fever, weakness, and sore throat. Less commonly, the cause of pain when inhaling is injury, peritonitis.

When pressed

Aching pain in the left hypochondrium in front, which intensifies when pressed, signals intestinal obstruction, inflammatory process. With this condition, additional symptoms are noted: bloating, constipation, bad breath, coated tongue. Vomiting, nausea, belching, heaviness in the abdomen, and symptoms of general intoxication of the body are also characteristic. Sharp pain in the left side under the ribs or below in most cases is a consequence of a ruptured spleen. At the same time, other signs of intra-abdominal bleeding are observed:

  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • tension or weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • pale skin;
  • weakness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • cold sweat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills.

During pregnancy

Natural cause The occurrence of discomfort and pain during pregnancy is the growth of the fetus. IN last trimester it actively increases in size in the uterus, pushes, turns over. Pain associated with the child's movements is usually sharp, short-lived, and sometimes intensifies when inhaling or exhaling. You can alleviate the condition by doing breathing exercises by lying in a warm bath or taking a more comfortable position.

Prolonged pain that a woman notes in the left hypochondrium may be a signal of exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the symptom is often caused by left-sided pneumonia, diaphragmatic hernia and pathologies of the spleen. Pain in the hypochondrium can be due to renal colic, spasm of the abdominal arteries, intestinal infarction, and flatulence.

Girdle pain in left side

Sharp or aching pain in the left side, which then radiates to the upper back, under the left front rib, indicates the development of inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), exacerbation chronic gastritis or duodenal ulcer. The main difference between these pathologies is additional burning sensations, sometimes pulsations in the epigastric region. If the pain intensifies over time, then peritonitis is suspected.


If you regularly feel pain or tingling in the left side under the ribs, you should seek help from a physician at the clinic, who will conduct a general examination and prescribe laboratory tests. instrumental studies:

The results of the examination will help to identify the immediate cause of pain in the side and determine further treatment tactics. Additionally, consultation with more specialized specialists may be required: traumatologist, surgeon, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, etc. If a sudden sharp pain in the left side under the ribs, you should immediately seek help at the hospital, because the symptom may be caused by rupture or perforation of an organ, bleeding, or other condition requiring emergency medical intervention.


To eliminate pain under the ribs, you need to take a horizontal position, relax, open the window and remove constrictive clothing. Some medications will help stop the attack:

  • antispasmodics (Drotaverine, No-Shpa);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Nurofen);
  • analgesics (Analgin).

Remember that in case of severe sudden pain, accompanied by vomiting, nausea, dizziness, pallor, fever, you must immediately seek help from specialists. In some cases, emergency surgery is indicated to eliminate the cause of the pain syndrome. Indications for surgical intervention may include:

  • organ rupture;
  • peritonitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • ulcer perforation;
  • internal bleeding any etiology.