Pain in the left hypochondrium. Pain in the left hypochondrium - causes and diseases

The appearance of pain on the side, if it is localized on the left side, should be a signal for an immediate visit to the doctor. You can’t hope for chance and ignore it, especially if the pain bothers you repeatedly and is severe. Pain on the left side under the ribs is a symptom of serious problems in the body, since such important organs as:

  • lung,
  • heart,
  • stomach,
  • spleen,
  • pancreas,
  • one of the kidneys and the ureter,
  • loops of the small and large intestines.

It is almost impossible to figure out on your own which organ is giving a distress signal, especially since the pain can be reflected, and its source can be located in a completely different place.

Types of pain according to the nature of manifestation

To make it easier to understand the source of pain, you should remember a little about the school anatomy course and imagine what is in the left hypochondrium. If you mentally divide the abdomen into anatomical regions, which are usually called quadrants, then the desired area will be in the upper left quadrant, immediately below the ribs.

Based on the nature of the pain, the time of formation and the actions or events preceding it, it is possible to determine the approximate area of ​​the lesion and immediately contact the right specialist.

Aching pain

If there is constant pain in the left side, and the source is felt immediately under the ribs, the nature of this pain is pulling and aching. Moreover, it does not go away, but persists constantly - in this case the picture is very similar to developing colitis or duodenitis. If the pain syndrome is accompanied by single vomiting and a constant feeling of nausea, a gastric ulcer should be suspected.

In addition to organ diseases digestive system, such pain can occur with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Summarizing all the above reasons, we can say that pain on the left side in the hypochondrium is a symptom of such pathologies as:

  • heart disease;
  • , duodenitis, ulcerative colitis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis;
  • infectious diseases of the spleen or traumatic injury;
  • neoplasms of organs in this area;
  • diaphragm injury or hernia food opening diaphragms;
  • on the left side, pleurisy, other pulmonary pathologies, exciting bottom part left lung.
Stitching pain on exertion

The appearance of an attack of pain during significant physical activity should not cause great concern; most likely, this is the result of insufficient preparation of the body for training. For example, if there is a sharp stabbing sensation in the side while running, fast walking, jumping or performing other exercises, then the reason lies in too sudden a transition from calm state to intense exercise.

The body simply did not have time to adjust to the new rhythm, and increased blood movement can provoke pain in the left hypochondrium. Before starting an intense workout, you need to do a preparatory warm-up for 10-15 minutes. If a person does not suffer from heart pathologies, for example, cardiomyopathy, then there is no need to be afraid of an attack of pain. It is enough to interrupt your classes, relax, take deep breaths several times, and normalize your breathing rhythm.

A simple technique for relieving such pain helps. You need to take a deep breath, and as you exhale, press your hand forcefully on the place where the pain is concentrated, and at the same time lean forward. Two or three such receptions, and everything will pass as if it never happened.

Besides this, important role the depth of breathing plays a role. The habit of breathing shallowly does not allow the diaphragm to fully expand, which negatively affects general health. Quite often sudden attack stabbing pain occurs while performing physical exercise started without warming up or immediately after a heavy meal.

If a person has eaten, he must wait at least an hour and a half so that the gastrointestinal tract has time to unload and does not create additional stress, which, together with the doubled speed of blood circulation, causes trouble.

Acute pain in the left hypochondrium after injury

In the event that after an unsuccessful fall, a strong blow or an accident you feel a strong sharp pain while inhaling, injury to internal organs may have occurred, and this condition can be very dangerous.

Dagger cutting sharp pain

The appearance of an attack of sharp, unbearable dagger pain on the left under the ribs, and for no apparent reason, is a reason for an emergency call emergency care. If the attack occurs suddenly and is not associated with physical activity, then most likely the lining of some internal organ has ruptured. This condition threatens internal bleeding or diffuse peritonitis. In this case, minutes count, so there is no time to have fun with home methods - you need to immediately call specialists for help.

Dull pain

A condition where pain in the left hypochondrium is constant, not pronounced, should be a cause for serious concern. The pain feels dull and spreads throughout the peritoneum. In the vast majority of cases, this means a chronic disease of any of the organs of the digestive system located in this area.

The condition is not urgent, but also urgent. It is imperative to be examined by a gastroenterologist so as not to miss a critical condition.

Classification of pain by mechanism of occurrence

Pain syndrome of the left hypochondrium is also distinguished by the mechanism of its formation. For a specialist, this is an indicator that clarifies the pathology and determines a damaged organ or a problem in the system. There are:

  • Referred pain– this type of pain occurs from suffering organs located in other parts, for example, liver pathologies, osteochondrosis, pleurisy.
  • Visceral pain– pain arising from the inside due to pathological spasms of the intestinal muscles or impaired gastric motility. This type of pain syndrome occurs against the background of stretching of muscle fibers, caused by colic.
  • Peritoneal painpain syndrome, caused by irritation of the peritoneum due to diseases such as perforation or stomach. This type of pain intensifies during deep breathing, intense or sudden movements. The pain feels sharp, sharp, cutting.
Pain in the left hypochondrium in front

In the case where the pain is localized in the left hypochondrium in the front, the suspicion is of pathology of the spleen or the anterior wall of the stomach. With such a picture of symptoms, doctors need to rule out myositis or colitis of the upper parts of the small intestine.

In the event that pain in the front affects not only left side, but are also localized closer to the center, concomitant pathology of the gallbladder or twelve is assumed duodenum.

Pain on the left and behind

If there is pain in the left hypochondrium at the back, it means you are suffering left kidney. Usually the pain is quite pronounced and constant. In addition to kidney pathology, a similar type of pain occurs with osteochondrosis of the lumbar or thoracic. Kidney diseases are determined by ultrasound diagnostics and clinical analysis urine. And problems of the spine are shown by x-rays, although an experienced specialist can identify them by palpation.

Girdle pain on the left side

The nature of the pain is localized in the left hypochondrium with transition to abdominal wall through the back, can only indicate an inflammatory process in the pancreas. The main symptom of pancreatitis is burning pain in the left side under the ribs, covering the body in a circle. The attack subsides a little if the patient takes a forced position, sitting with the torso slightly tilted forward.

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Intercostal neuralgia

Neuralgic pathologies have a wide range of symptoms. Pinched nerve endings and roots cause both localized and referred pain of the following nature:

  • Shooting, burning, dull, sharp or piercing pain in or under the ribs on the left side.
  • Increased pain occurs when changing body position, coughing, sneezing, or even taking a deep breath.
  • During an attack, the patient feels stabbing pain in the chest area on the left side. The pain syndrome is accompanied by hyperhidrosis, hyperemia or pallor of the skin, and muscle spasms.
  • The pain intensifies significantly when trying to press on the chest area, between the shoulder blades or along the spine.

Pain with intercostal neuralgia is felt not only in the left side under the ribs, but also in the lumbar region and under the left shoulder blade. Attacks of pain occur at any time of the day and continue long period and are not relieved by any painkillers.

Spleen diseases

The spleen is a small but very important internal secretion organ. It is a very sensitive blood filter, the largest node of the lymphatic system and the largest conglomerate of endothelial tissue. Despite the fact that it can be quite difficult to recognize the enlargement of this organ upon palpation, especially in people with excess body weight, its special location is close to the surface, which allows you to quickly recognize the disturbances by a pain signal.

The causes of spleen diseases are:

  • infectious lesions,
  • hemolytic anemia,
  • immune complex disorders,
  • injuries,
  • infiltration,
  • tumors.

Problems with this organ always have a clear effect severe symptoms, among which, in addition to pain in the left hypochondrium, are noted:

  • headaches and muscle pain,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • increase in liver volume,
  • signs of general intoxication and sore throat.

Traumatic injuries are the most painful to the spleen. If, when receiving a blow or falling, its shell ruptures, then pain on the left side is accompanied by bluish discoloration of the skin, localized in umbilical region, radiating pain to the back and under the shoulder blades.

Diseases of the stomach and pancreas

The dietary habits imposed by the modern food industry have caused an incredible surge in various diseases digestive system. Of these, the stomach and pancreas took the brunt of the attack.


The epithelial lining of the stomach is an acutely sensitive organ. She does not tolerate the influence of other people's irritants well and reacts sharply to them. And since today’s food products, for the most part, are oversaturated with chemicals, preservatives and dyes, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) in the modern world is a more common disease than syphilis in the 16th century.

The main manifestations of gastritis are:

  • pain in the epigastrium and left hypochondrium,
  • nausea and frequent vomiting,
  • heartburn, feeling of heaviness and pressure from the inside,

The development of gastritis is accompanied general weakness, increased irritability, impaired sensitivity in the limbs and clear signs dyspepsia, among which constipation will be replaced by diarrhea.

Gastric ulcer

The formation of an ulcer on the wall of the stomach is expressed in symptoms similar to those of gastritis. The pain appears mainly after eating and is accompanied by severe heartburn, nausea, and often vomiting. The patient is constantly plagued by sour belching, loss of appetite and, as a result, pathological weight loss.

Pathologies of the pancreas

The most common disease of the pancreas is pancreatitis. This is an inflammatory process in the tissues of this organ, accompanied by severe pain in the left hypochondrium, spreading to the entire left side, epigastric region and lower back.

Pancreatitis quickly takes on a chronic form, when the pain becomes moderate, closer to aching and dull, and the pathological process inside becomes irreversible.

Gastrointestinal tumors

Malignant tumors are particularly insidious because long time it is impossible to recognize their formation. Even laboratory tests, in addition to specific markers, cannot always show the real picture.

Therefore, any deviations from normal condition, be it general malaise, loss of appetite, anemia unknown etiology, diarrhea or should be the reason for thorough examination. If pain syndrome appears against the background of general discomfort, then a visit to the oncologist can no longer be postponed. Moreover, today cancer is not a death sentence. Modern techniques make it possible to cure this disease if treated in the early stages of tumor development.

Pathological conditions of the diaphragm

A pathology such as a hiatal hernia can cause characteristic left-sided pain. The diaphragm separates the abdominal organs from the organs respiratory system. The connection between the esophagus and the stomach is carried out through a special hole in the diaphragm, equipped with a sphincter, which does not allow food to penetrate back into the esophagus. The weakening of the muscles of this opening leads to the fact that not only part of the stomach contents is thrown back into the esophagus, but also upper sections the stomach penetrates through this opening into the chest cavity. In this case, the person not only has pain on his left side, but also has constant heartburn, nausea, etc.

Factors contributing to the development of diaphragmatic hernia are:

In the event that in open diaphragmatic hole The tissues of the upper section of the stomach are pinched, the pain takes on a sharp, acute character with localization in the left hypochondrium.

Pathologies of the cardiac system

Belly on the left side in the hypochondrium with problems of cardiac activity is characterized by an aching character and is always accompanied by severe shortness of breath even without any load. In addition, with cardiac pathologies there is tachycardia, burning and heaviness in the chest, and sometimes nausea. If the movement of blood in the coronary artery is disrupted, the cause of pain in the left hypochondrium is coronary heart disease.

In addition to ischemia, a similar symptom accompanies diseases such as:

  • cardiomyopathy,
  • hypertension,
  • angina pectoris.

This disrupts the functioning of the heart muscle, valve apparatus and blood vessels. As a result, the structure of the heart muscle tissue changes dramatically, which is manifested by rapid fatigue and pain on the left side during movement and at rest.

Pain after eating in the left hypochondrium may be the result of the most various violations, deviations from the normal functioning of the body, and even diseases. It is for this reason that you should never ignore the signals from your body that tell you that certain processes in the system are not working as they should.

Pain in the left hypochondrium indicates possible dysfunction of the heart and stomach, pancreas and spleen, but now we will highlight a separate type of pain - pain in the left hypochondrium after eating. Pain in the left hypochondrium can also be different in nature: cutting, dull, sharp and spasmodic. It is very important to understand how the pain syndrome manifests itself and how severe the pain is, since information about this will give the doctor the opportunity to correctly diagnose and begin treatment.

Now read carefully and remember what such pain can lead to, what are the symptoms of some diseases associated with it, and also find out how to diagnose and treat it. And then be sure to consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

The most common causes of pain under the ribs on the left side after eating can be:

  • Eating habits. Many fast food lovers complain of this type of pain after eating. This is due to the fact that when preparing French fries or fried pies, the oil in which these dishes are cooked, in order to save money, is changed very rarely. And when used for the third or even fourth time, the vegetable oil begins to turn into poison, releasing harmful carcinogenic substances. This effect can be seen even with the naked eye by looking into a deep fryer at any kiosk. The oil begins to change color from transparent yellow to dirty brown, or even black. For this reason, those who like to eat on the go most often suffer from peptic ulcers, and some of them know first-hand what stomach cancer is.
  • Alcohol abuse. Not a single meal is complete without “one hundred grams”? Then this may be one of the reasons for pain after eating. In moderate doses, alcoholic drinks can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, but the dosage should not exceed fifty grams of vodka, cognac or one hundred grams of wine, in large doses alcohol not only clouds your mind, but also rapidly destroys healthy cells in the body, terrorizes the pancreas and takes away your vital resources.
  • Overeating. Excessive love To delicious food can lead not only to obesity, but also to pain after eating. When a person overeats, the walls of his stomach begin to stretch, which leads to pain. Control the amount of food you can eat at one time, and you can not only get rid of the unpleasant heaviness in your stomach, but also save yourself from gaining excess weight.
  • Injury. Often, the result of pain after eating under the left rib can be a previous physical injury. A bruise, a blow, a conflict or simple carelessness can forever provide you with pain syndromes after any meal. As a result of exposure to strong physical force on the body, hematomas, micro-tears and cracks are formed inside, which disrupt the normal painless functioning of the internal organs.

Now let's move on to more serious reasons pain after eating in the left hypochondrium:

Based on the above reasons for the appearance of pain in the left hypochondrium after eating, we can conclude that determining the type of pain is very important so that the diagnosis is correct and the treatment is effective. Therefore, further we will talk directly about the symptoms of pain:

  • A dull aching and debilitating pain syndrome after eating under the ribs on the left is a clear sign such serious illnesses such as gastritis, stomach cancer and peptic ulcers. These disappointing diagnoses are also determined by the accompanying symptoms of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and bitter belching. Especially cancerous associated symptoms: sudden weight loss, depression, yellowness of the facial skin and whites of the eyes, as a sign of intoxication, as well as a sharp dislike for certain foods, weakness and impaired performance.
  • Severe acute pain after eating in the left hypochondrium, leading to loss of consciousness, is a sign of pancreatitis and abuse of fried food and alcohol, this is also one of the signs peptic ulcer duodenum. This pain can spread to left shoulder blade or back.
  • Stitching pain appears as a result of dysfunction of the diaphragm and manifests itself as a consequence of previous injuries. It is often accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting.

You should always remember that any pain has its root cause, and only an experienced specialist can determine it. The initial examination is always carried out by a general practitioner, and after diagnosis he refers the patient to a doctor for examination narrow specialization. Depending on the cause of the pain, the patient may be referred to the following specialists:

  • Gastroenterologist.
  • Oncologist.
  • To the surgeon.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • To the traumatologist.

After the patient has decided on the specifics of the disease, the specialist doctor must make a final diagnosis, which is made in four stages:

  • Questioning the patient, or as professionals call it differently, anamnesis. As a result of the survey, the doctor should receive detailed information past, chronic and hereditary diseases of the patient.
  • Palpation is a method of examining a patient using tactile contact.
  • Diagnostics of the skin, integument and mucous membranes, as well as eyes and tongue.
  • Laboratory examination during further hospitalization.

Nothing will protect your internal organs, such as the lungs, heart, spleen and pancreas, better than left hypochondrium, since this is a reliable shield given to us by nature. Disease of these organs has a very bad effect on general work body, so their treatment does not require delay. And the best solution when the above symptoms appear is to visit a doctor in a timely manner.

It is highly not recommended to treat someone who has a disease on their own, but you can relieve the pain syndrome before the doctor arrives or before transportation to the hospital with the help of:

  • No-spa - take strictly according to the prescription: two tablets no more often three times per day.
  • Nitroglycerin: take one tablet under the tongue or three drops of liquid nitroglycerin per piece of refined sugar.

If the pain from painkillers has gone away, this is not a reason to give up on it. Because she will definitely come back again. Very often, acute pain requires immediate surgical intervention. For example, an ulcer may open. In any case, you cannot take risks, but be sure to seek medical help.

When your doctor has already diagnosed and prescribed you drug treatment, you can begin to help your body accept treatment better. Folk recipes will help you with this. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting to use herbal mixtures and decoctions, make sure that you are not allergic to certain ingredients medicinal fees, to additional treatment It didn't hurt you. We bring to your attention several proven traditional medicine recipes that will help cope with pain in the left hypochondrium, not only after eating, but also for a longer period:

The following will help in the fight against gastritis:

  • Mix in equal parts medicinal herbs: common yarrow, calendula flowers and St. John's wort herb. To get an infusion, pour two tablespoons of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Take one hundred grams each time half an hour before meals.
  • Propolis tincture will help cure gastritis at home. Dissolve ten drops of propolis tincture in one hundred grams of water and take half an hour before meals. Propolis tincture is such an effective remedy that it is even used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The following will help in the fight against ulcers:

  • You should drink a glass of cabbage juice four times a day for six weeks. It helps better than any medicine. You can, of course, replace it with fresh tomato or sea buckthorn juice, but it’s still not the same.
  • Mumiyo - fast-acting and effective medicine for stomach ulcers. Take 150 milliliters of mint decoction and dissolve five grams of mumiyo in it. Take one teaspoon before breakfast and before bed for ten to fifteen days.

The following will help in the fight against pancreatitis:

  • Calendula tincture will improve the condition of the pancreas if you take it one teaspoon every day.
  • Tincture of echinacea and eleutherococcus root helps well against pain due to pancreatitis.
  • Grind one hundred grams of barberry and pour one liter of alcohol or vodka, let it brew for 1 week and drink one teaspoon daily.

Pain syndrome and its causes are the result of the patient’s lifestyle, bad habits and behavior. To prevent pain from appearing in the left hypochondrium after eating, you need to eat right and healthy image life. No fast food can give you as much pleasure as you get from delicious homemade food. Bad habits such as nicotine and alcohol are not only the causes of pain - they are nails in the coffin of your health! If you want to live a long and happy life, you shouldn’t artificially shorten it. Take care of your nerves so as not to get an ulcer. After all, all our experiences and stress primarily affect the stomach.

If you have already been diagnosed, you must strictly follow the treatment and follow a strict diet prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, a relapse of the disease may occur, which will lead to very disappointing consequences.

If pain appears in the left hypochondrium, this can be a symptom of many diseases. Among them there are both deadly and relatively harmless diseases. We will tell you in detail what pain in the left hypochondrium may indicate, what it can be like, and what should be done if it suddenly appears.

What can hurt in the left hypochondrium?

The left hypochondrium is where quite a few organs are located. Therefore, the reasons for the pain that appears there may be different. It must be remembered that here are the intestinal loops, stomach, spleen, left kidney, pancreas, ureter and left side diaphragm. Each of these organs, in case of inflammation, can provoke pain. It is very important to establish the exact cause of the pain. It is impossible to do this on your own, so you should consult a doctor. He will hold necessary research and make the correct diagnosis. In this case, the doctor must determine what symptoms bother the patient, how long the pain lasts, and what its nature is. For example, aching pain in the left hypochondrium can be a symptom of gastritis, and severe and girdling pain can be a symptom of acute pancreatitis. IN mandatory are also appointed laboratory tests. In addition, you may need X-ray examination, ultrasound, etc.

If the left hypochondrium hurts, then it’s time to listen to your body. But don't get upset right away. It is quite possible that the cause of this pain is quite harmless. But you can’t do without consulting a doctor, because many pathologies can provoke such pain. Let's look at the main causes of pain in the left hypochondrium.

Pain in the left hypochondrium: causes

Pathologies of the diaphragm

Among the pathologies of the diaphragm, the leading cases are diaphragmatic hernia. Diseases that directly affect her condition may also develop. The peculiarity of the pain in this case is that it is permanent. In this case, such pathological processes occur. The diaphragm has an opening for the esophagus. He is surrounded by dense muscle fibers. At various pathologies they may weaken. This causes the lumen of the esophagus to expand significantly. The diaphragm, as is known, separates chest cavity abdominal Due to the expansion of the lumen, part of the stomach may exit into the chest cavity. In this case, its contents are thrown into the cavity of the esophagus. This is what provokes constant pain. It is dull, aching in nature and is accompanied by nausea and heartburn.

There are several reasons for the development of a diaphragmatic hernia. The most common of them are obesity, excessive physical activity, and pregnancy. Age-related changes can also lead to a diaphragmatic hernia. In old age, muscle tone decreases significantly and the hole in the diaphragm can expand. In this case, such an unpleasant phenomenon as pinching of the stomach occurs. Because of this, the pain may become stronger and more acute. It becomes sharp, cutting.

Intercostal neuralgia

If there is acute pain in the left hypochondrium, this may be the result of intercostal neuralgia. However, many people immediately associate it with heart disease. It seems that the heart hurts, but in fact the reason lies elsewhere. Intercostal neuralgia is directly related to pathological compression or pinching of the intercostal nerves. This is a rather painful process. Most people feel a shooting sensation severe pain under the ribs and in the chest area. It is very piercing, because many people think that they have experienced serious problems with heart. The nature of the pain changes over time. If at first it is sharp and burning, then over time it can become aching or dull. Then it again turns into a sharp or burning sensation.

It is possible to determine that the cause is in the intercostal nerves by several signs:

  • The pain becomes stronger when sneezing, coughing, inhaling, and also when a person changes the position of his body;
  • Muscles in the rib area may twitch;
  • Redness may appear;
  • But pallor may also appear;
  • Sweating;
  • There is irradiation of pain in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium;
  • When pressing on certain areas on the back, chest, between the ribs, and also along spinal column, the patient also experiences pain.

In this case, pain may also be observed in other areas - in the lower back and under the shoulder blades. Such pain can bother the patient at any time of the day or night. They are quite long lasting. In those areas where muscle fibers have been injured, the patient may feel a characteristic numbness.

Another clear sign that the pain is not associated with the heart, but with the intercostal nerves, if the pain goes away while stretching the intercostal muscle fibers. To do this, the patient simply needs to start left hand behind your back and touch your neck. At the same time, the chest is stretched, muscle fibers and pinched nerves straighten out, and the pain subsides for a while.

Appendicitis (acute)

This condition is dangerous, as appendicitis can rupture. This will inevitably lead to peritonitis, which is a deadly threat. Therefore, when pain appears in the left hypochondrium, it is important to immediately exclude this diagnosis. In acute appendicitis, the patient feels pain in the left side, in the epigastric region, near the navel. In addition, he is bothered by a feeling of bloating, distension, and quite severe colic. Temporary relief comes only after that. How the patient will have a bowel movement or pass gas. Then the pain returns and even worsens. Pain is especially noticeable during physical activity, walking, and inhaling.

If these symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. It's better to call an ambulance. You shouldn't risk your health and life. If you delay and wait for the pain to go away on its own, you can wait for your appendix to rupture!

Heart diseases

If the pain in the left hypochondrium is aching, it can warn of the development of heart disease. Heart disease can very often provoke pain in the left hypochondrium. Their symptoms:

  • Aching pain in the left hypochondrium;
  • Shortness of breath, which is observed not only during exertion, but also when the patient is at rest;
  • Heaviness in the chest area;
  • Tachycardia;
  • A burning sensation behind the sternum.

All of these symptoms signal potentially dangerous and even fatal heart disease. It is very important that the patient receives qualified medical care as soon as possible. You need to call an ambulance immediately. If a heart attack occurs, immediate administration of certain medications is required. How quickly the patient will be provided with medical care, will directly depend on how the disease develops in the future, as well as the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Very often, such symptoms are a sign of coronary heart disease. This affects the vital coronary arteries. Because of this, the blood supply to the myocardium is disrupted. Ischemia begins to develop.

Another reason for such sensations is cardiomyopathy. This term is used to refer to a number of heart diseases. What they have in common is that the function of the heart muscle is impaired. It is quite difficult to diagnose, since the patient does not have an increase in pressure, he has not previously suffered from heart disease, and he does not have pathology of the valve apparatus. The danger of cardiomyopathy is that the structure of the heart muscle itself changes. Because of these dangerous pathological changes, pain appears in the left hypochondrium.

Another obvious symptom cardiomyopathy - the pain becomes stronger after performing physical activity. And such patients also feel severe weakness and get tired quickly. This is very dangerous disease, which can lead to irreversible changes in the myocardium. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should immediately consult an experienced cardiologist.

Spleen diseases

A special feature of the spleen is that it is located very close to the skin. If any pathological processes occur in it, it reacts to them quickly enough. In such cases, the following pathological processes are observed:

  • the spleen enlarges (splenomegaly);
  • pain syndrome is observed;
  • muscle pain appears;
  • lymph nodes enlarge;
  • fever develops;
  • a sore throat may appear;
  • headaches;
  • the liver may become enlarged;
  • symptoms of general intoxication are observed.

Several infectious diseases lead to this. One of the most common is mononucleosis. Many people don't know what important functions The spleen performs this in our body. But it is responsible for three important processes at once:

  1. filters the blood (the spleen is the thinnest of all filters in our body);
  2. participates in the immune process (this is the largest lymph node);
  3. performs a phagocytic function (the spleen is the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue).

As you can see, the role of the spleen is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, in case of development pathological processes spleen, the body suffers quite a lot. Infectious diseases are especially dangerous. They are able to quickly destroy the tissue of this delicate organ and prevent it from performing its usual functions. Often the spleen enlarges in infectious and immune diseases, due to the development of hemolytic anemia. In this case, the patient feels pain in the left hypochondrium area.

Also, the spleen can be enlarged due to pathologies of its development, with the appearance of tumors, infiltration, as well as various kinds injuries. By the way, it is the spleen that is most often injured when falling or strong impact. In this case, the person feels a sharp, sharp pain. Particular attention should be paid to it, since severe and acute pain can warn of mechanical rupture of the spleen. This diagnosis can be confirmed by radiating pain to the back area, as well as severe bluishness of the skin in the area near the navel. It indicates that a lot of blood has accumulated in the umbilical area. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance, as this condition is very life-threatening.

Acute pyelonephritis

During an attack acute pyelonephritis There is also severe pain in the left hypochondrium area. The left kidney is located at the top of the lower back. If this is the reason, then the pain is localized precisely in this area of ​​the back, and also radiates to the area of ​​the left side.

The main symptoms of acute pyelonephritis:

  • sharp pain in the left side of the lower back, which can radiate to the side;
  • increase in temperature;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • urination is impaired;
  • sweating increases;
  • Sometimes nausea and vomiting are observed.

Pyelonephritis develops in several stages. On early stage in its development it is very reminiscent infectious disease. But if you have any unpleasant sensations, then it’s worth doing additional tests to exclude pyelonephritis. If an increased number of leukocytes, as well as pathogenic microorganisms, are found in the urine, then a diagnosis of “acute pyelonephritis” can be made.

In this case, the patient is prescribed complex treatment and a strict diet. Fatty, spicy, fried foods, coffee and alcohol are necessarily excluded from his diet.

Pain in the left hypochondrium can be a symptom of other pathologies of the kidneys, as well as the urinary tract:

  • cystitis;
  • congenital anomalies of kidney development;
  • nephroptosis;
  • lumbar or pelvic dystopia;
  • urolithiasis.


Although this is not a dangerous disease, its symptoms are very unpleasant. The cause of the development of osteochondrosis is pathological lesion connective tissue. But this is precisely what they consist of intervertebral discs. They are responsible for normal functioning not only our spine and skeleton as a whole, but also for the condition of internal organs and systems. With the development of osteochondrosis, the nerve endings that come out of the spinal canal. This leads to radiculopathy. In this case, the person suffers from severe pain and stiffness of movement.

If the pathology affects the discs located closer to the chest, then the person feels pain in the chest, closer to the spine. Often this pain radiates to the left hypochondrium. So, the symptoms of osteochondrosis:

  • pain in the chest area, closer to the spine;
  • pain may radiate to the left hypochondrium;
  • There is an increase in pain during inhalation, as well as when performing certain movements.


This disease is also not fatal, but it poses a potential threat due to its possible consequences. These include the development of ulcers and even stomach cancer. Therefore, at the first symptoms of gastritis, you should consult a gastroenterologist and begin comprehensive treatment. A gentle diet will not be superfluous, as well as fractional meals. Gastritis is a very common gastrointestinal disease. We can say that this disease is a consequence of the development of globalization. There is a shortage of truly high-quality food in the world. We increasingly prefer inexpensive products, which are replete with dyes, stabilizers, taste improvers, preservatives and other “delights” of civilization.

Lead to the development of gastritis poor nutrition, fatty and spicy foods, processed foods, constant stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, alcohol abuse, smoking, bacterial infection, etc. all this has an extremely negative effect on the general condition of the gastric mucosa. She is very sensitive, so the slightest irritant can negatively affect her.

Gastritis can be detected by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • belching;
  • feeling of squeezing, heaviness in the stomach;
  • pain in the left hypochondrium, which is aching in nature;
  • dry mouth;
  • pallor;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • appetite decreases;
  • there is a burning sensation in the stomach;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

All these symptoms appear after eating.

Peptic ulcer

This disease has quite unpleasant symptoms. Moreover, it is dangerous due to its possible complications. If a stomach ulcer is not treated, the patient may bleed. The symptoms of peptic ulcer disease are almost identical to gastritis. Therefore, it is very important to consult a gastroenterologist. An experienced doctor, after listening to the patient, examining him and receiving test results, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer can vary in intensity. Everything will depend on how severe and long the disease lasts in a particular patient, and whether treatment has been undertaken. In this case, the patient often experiences

  • pain in the left hypochondrium area;
  • belching sour;
  • heartburn; he loses his appetite;
  • begins to lose weight.

Pancreatic diseases

Severe pain in the left hypochondrium may be the first alarm signal, which warns of the development of acute pancreatitis.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis:

  • sharp and severe girdling pain;
  • temperature rises;
  • vomiting appears;
  • particles of bile are visible in the vomit;
  • there is a bitterness in the mouth;
  • stool may become lighter in color;
  • urine, on the contrary, darkens.

In acute pancreatitis, the pain is particularly intense. It is so strong that a person cannot straighten up. But with chronic pancreatitis, the pain will not be acute, but aching. It intensifies after a large meal. It is very important to consult a doctor immediately, since such severe pain may be the result of the development of a malignant neoplasm. Since the pancreas is a very small organ, it is quite difficult to discern a tumor in it. Therefore, often with diagnosis malignant neoplasms problems arise. In addition, at an early stage they do not make themselves felt at all by any symptoms.

Other reasons

There are a number of other reasons that can trigger the development of pain in the left hypochondrium:

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • development of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disease gynecological nature(cyst, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation fallopian tubes, ovaries);
  • diseases of men (epididymitis, orchitis, vesiculitis, prostatitis);
  • diseases and injuries of the spine;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (fibromyalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis).

If such pain occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. You should be especially wary if the pain appears regularly and does not go away for a long time. It is important to make a correct diagnosis.


It is always better to prevent the onset of pain than to later look for its cause and waste time on treatment. First of all, medical examination will help prevent the occurrence of such pain. It needs to be done regularly and thoroughly, then you will be able to detect possible problems with health at its best initial stages their development. Take the time to visit your doctor at least once a year, even if you do not have any health problems. He will conduct a thorough inspection and will be able to warn of possible threats.

It is especially important to have regular checkups as you get older. Over the years, the body loses its ability to recover, and its tissues lose elasticity. This may lead to the development all kinds of pathologies. After 50 years, the risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiac pathologies increases. Well, if pain has already appeared, then you should not ignore it and let the development of the disease take its course. Remember that pain in the left hypochondrium can be a symptom dangerous pathologies and even cancer!

Nowadays medicine has reached such a level that almost any disease can be treated. Of course, the success of therapy will directly depend on what stage of development the disease is at. The more advanced it is, the worse it will respond to treatment. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

And to prevent pain under the left rib, you should follow the rules of a healthy diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. This is due to the fact that it is very often provoked by erosive processes specifically in the gastrointestinal tract. If you have bad habits, try to give them up. It is also important to trust modern medicine and doctors. Properly carried out medical examinations will help you avoid many problems.

There can be many reasons for pain in the left hypochondrium area. Only a specialist can determine the exact cause. And even the doctor will need not only the results of the examination and the patient’s subjective complaints, but also the results of blood, urine, stool tests, and sometimes X-rays and ultrasound. Just by putting correct diagnosis you can choose the right and effective treatment.

The left hypochondrium contains the spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestinal loops (as, indeed, everywhere else in the abdomen) and the left side of the diaphragm. Thus, pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by damage and disease of these organs.

Due to the fact that the stomach and duodenum are located in this area, pain in the left hypochondrium may appear on an empty stomach or, conversely, after eating. Pain syndrome may also be associated with heart pathology.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

Pain in the left hypochondrium may be associated with the spleen. The spleen lies very close to the surface of the body. The main job of the spleen is to remove red blood cells from the blood after they have lived normally for 120 days.

It captures them, destroys them, after which their components pass into the bone marrow, where new blood cells are formed. In a number of diseases, the spleen enlarges, its capsule stretches, and this causes pain. Because the spleen is located close to the surface of the body, it is susceptible to rupture.

Causes of splenic rupture can be injuries and diseases such as infectious mononucleosis. With this disease, the spleen becomes enlarged in size and has a soft consistency. And all this increases the likelihood of its rupture.

Sometimes an enlarged spleen ruptures on its own. A telltale sign of a splenic rupture, in addition to pain and tenderness in the corresponding area, is bluishness of the skin around the navel (due to the accumulation of blood). Pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by the stomach.

Anything that irritates the stomach lining causes (stomach inflammation) or functional dyspepsia, may cause pain. More often this pain is aching in nature, often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. Antacids prescribed by your doctor will provide assistance. In general, only a doctor can tell you exactly what you have.

Pain in the stomach can also occur with peptic ulcers, gastritis and. Having completed a series laboratory research and examinations (including endoscopic), the doctor will finally diagnose you and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the left hypochondrium (upper left quadrant) may be associated with. The diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, has an opening through which the esophagus passes on its way to the stomach.

Pain in the left hypochondrium may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Which doctors should I contact for pain in the left hypochondrium?

Questions and answers on the topic "Pain in the left hypochondrium"

Question:Out of nervousness, I lost 9 kg in 4 months. After that, I had a constant feeling of discomfort in the left hypochondrium. It was as if something was bothering me there. This does not depend on food intake. Moreover, when I lie or sit in a certain position, I don’t feel anything. And when I walk or stand, it aches and interferes. Constant feeling of anxiety and restlessness. A large nodule was discovered on the thyroid gland; I did not have an examination. Bye. Pressure jumps. And a low pulse, although usually high. I take Normiten and Glucomin. What could it be? And who among the doctors can I approach to at least make a diagnosis, in what direction to work, I’m scared and anxious from not understanding what is happening to me.

Answer: To check, you need to go to a general practitioner, get a chest X-ray, get tested and have your thyroid gland checked by an endocrinologist.

Question:Hello! A 70-year-old man is lying sick. Group 1 disabled person after a traumatic brain injury. He has pain under the ribs on his left side. The general practitioner said it was intercostal neurogia. You need to apply ointments. Nothing helps him. The doctor says that he is old. What to do?

Answer: Pain in the left hypochondrium can be a manifestation of many diseases, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, diaphragmatic hernia and many other pathologies. This pain may be associated with an enlarged spleen. Try to change your spouse's diet, you need to switch to fractional meals (frequent but small portions), be sure to eat slimy porridges and soups daily, you need to exclude fatty, fried foods, and spices. For more accurate diagnosis, you need to perform fibrogastroscopy and ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Question:I am worried about a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium 10-15 minutes after eating. I can’t move - it grabs me like that. I wait until he lets go and immediately run to the toilet with diarrhea. But recently (after taking a certain amount of alcohol) I began to feel completely unwell, weakness appeared, temperature up to 37.5, pain in the joints and trembling, it’s already the 3rd day, and I haven’t felt sick. A rash also appeared on the lips and chin. Why should I not eat at all now? Unpleasant feeling in the mouth. There is no feeling of hunger, but I eat so as not to faint. I am 26 years old, weight 63 kg, I had an operation to remove the gallbladder laparoscopically due to the presence of stones. I drink and smoke.

Answer: You should definitely consult a general practitioner who will prescribe the necessary tests and determine the cause of your symptoms.

Question:Good afternoon I have been suffering from pain under my left rib for a month. The pain radiates to top part back and heart. It starts to hurt in the morning and mainly when turning the body. During the day there is no such pain. I visited the doctor 3 times. They did an ultrasound. Conclusion: "Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas. Kinking of the gallbladder. Stones in right kidney"The urine tests were not very good. Urates ++, Bacteria++. They treated me for pyelonephritis. I took: nolicin 400 mg 2 times a day, no-spa 2 tablets 3 times a day, canephron 2 tablets 3 times a day The pain hasn’t stopped. I don’t know where or what doctor to go to anymore. good advice. Thank you!

Answer: In the left hypochondrium there is the spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestinal loops (as, indeed, everywhere in the abdomen) and the left part of the diaphragm. In a number of diseases, the spleen enlarges, its capsule stretches, and this causes pain. Pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by the stomach. Anything that irritates the stomach lining, causes gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) or functional dyspepsia, can cause pain. Pain in the left hypochondrium (upper left quadrant) may be associated with diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, has an opening through which the esophagus passes on its way to the stomach. Pain may be a consequence of intercostal neuralgia, herpes zoster, or rib fractures. Even now you have at least three reasons for pain: “Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas. Inflection of the gallbladder.” Examination: FGDS, fluoroscopy of the esophagus with contrast, chest radiography, blood amylase, urine amylase, bilirubin, AST, ALT, ECG.

Question:My mother is 82 years old, she hasn’t gone to the toilet without laxatives for quite a long time, about 5 days ago she had a stomach ache on the left side under the ribs, it hurts to turn around and lie down, when going to the toilet a cloudy liquid comes out, there is almost no stool. What could this be and which doctor is best to see?

Answer: Good afternoon First of all, you should contact a surgeon! And immediately!

Question:Hello. I have had periodic pain under my ribs in the heart area for several years now. Without any visible reasons, suddenly, a sharp pain pierces me, I can’t move, it’s terribly painful to take a breath, I can only exhale in small portions until I begin to turn white from suffocation (though I’ve now learned to quietly “breathe” through the abdominal cavity - I can already hold on), then it slowly moves away. I saw a therapist, they sent me for a cardiogram - everything was normal, they prescribed pills to reduce my heart rate (my heart beat 110 or more beats per minute in a state of absolute rest), but nothing else. Now, with the pain, there is no feeling of paralysis, I can’t just straighten up, and the pain itself has become longer and more frequent. Please tell me what this could be and how to deal with it? Thank you very much.

Answer: Hello. In this case, you are dealing with radicular pain syndrome and its typical manifestations, suddenness of occurrence, connection with the act of breathing. It is very correct that you were sent for an ECG, thereby ruling out gross heart pathology. In this case, first of all, you need to contact a neurologist and establish the cause of the pain - it may be associated with pinched root, the presence of a cold component, etc. And only after the pain syndrome has been eliminated can you contact a cardiologist to adjust your heart rate and eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Question:Hello! Please tell me which doctor is best to see for my symptoms in order to establish the correct diagnosis? For 5 days now I have had a pain under my left rib somewhere in the depths (it feels like), I can’t really feel it, it doesn’t hurt when I press it, and today two more symptoms have been added: the urine has become brown, dark in the morning, and in the evening, after urinating, burning in the urinary tract. I’m very concerned, because I’m only 29 years old and I lead a healthy lifestyle, we’re raising two children, and here it is. Thanks for the answer!

Answer: Good afternoon. Urgently contact your therapist. You need an examination: general blood test, urine test, blood biochemistry.

Question:Hello! I am 23 years old. I almost always worry about daily pain in the left hypochondrium. About a month. Sometimes sharp (a couple of times even in my sleep), but mostly aching. There is also belching, it seems that food is asking to come out! They say it's stomach problems. At the same time, pimples regularly appear on the forehead - this is also said to be a consequence of stomach problems. They write that it is necessary to exclude acute fatty foods etc. But I almost never use this. I've been trying to stick to a healthy diet for several years now. Well, on average, something like a breakdown happens once a month, but this is very rare. IN lately I started eating fiber. Is it still the stomach or are there other possible reasons? Who should I go to for an appointment?

Answer: Good afternoon You should contact a gastroenterologist. First of all, it is necessary to exclude gastroduodenal diseases.

In the front part of the abdomen under the ribs there is digestive tract, consisting of a stomach with mucous walls, pancreas, liver with gall bladder, small and large intestine. It is worth noting that not only these organs can get sick. Pain may be felt in the hypochondrium area on the left due to the sternal space, from the lower abdomen. Also, pain in the side can be the result of pinched nerves or spasmed muscles. Therefore, if the pain does not go away for a long time over 4-6 hours and intensifies with a deep breath or after eating, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible.
If acute unbearable pain occurs, which manifests itself in the form of intoxication, fever, severe sweating, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. So that you can understand what awaits you in case of delay, below we will consider the types of pain that signal the presence of various diseases.

At the moment there is a pulling, stabbing, sudden, sharp, burning, dull, aching, throbbing pain. For the necessary diagnosis, a specialist must take into account minor manifestations.

These characteristics include:

  • Character;
  • Duration of pain;
  • Reasons for relief;
  • First appearance;
  • Development;
  • Intensity of painful sensations;
  • Reasons for strengthening;
  • Irradiation;

A patient who is able to correctly describe the nature of the pain that has arisen under the ribs significantly helps the doctor identify the causes of the disease, which speeds up the process of making a diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment.

Stitching pain

Stitching pain in the left hypochondrium in front in most cases appears after or during heavy physical exertion- running, jumping, other exercises during training, fitness, gymnastics. It may appear even after a quick step. If these unpleasant sensations pass quickly, then they are most likely not terrible symptoms. Even healthy athletes There may be a stabbing pain in the left side. The reasons for its occurrence are too sudden or excessive movements that a person begins to perform without warming up. A good warm-up should last more than twenty minutes, otherwise the human body may not have time to adapt to sudden increases in blood circulation and pain will occur.

If this unpleasant symptom appeared, you need to stop, take a deep breath. Then you should lower your arms and shoulders and breathe deeply. If the painful sensations persist, then you need to straighten up, then, at the moment of exhalation, press the palm of your hand on the site of pain and sharply bend forward with your whole body. Repeat this movement two or three times. Only after the pain disappears can you continue physical exercise.

Except physiological reasons, discomfort in the side can be caused by stretching of the splenic capsule. From this organ diverges large number trabeculae. They contain veins, nerve fibers, and arteries. Also present lymphatic vessels. These connections are usually called the supporting contractile apparatus. It is able to withstand large increases in volume, but if the spleen begins to enlarge rapidly, the result will be various damages or inflammatory processes, then pain may occur under the ribs, and stretching of the spleen capsule also occurs, which is also called splenalgia. In this case, a person may feel both stabbing and throbbing pain.

Stitching pain also occurs with myeloid leukemia. This disease belongs to chronic forms of leukemia, which is tumor disease hematopoietic systems. Characterized by rapid growth and the proliferation of mature granulocytes, which are one of the types of leukocytes, while the number of other leukocytes sharply decreases. Why this disease occurs is still not clear. The main symptom is a disturbance in the structure and composition of the chromosomal apparatus. Such a disease can be either genetic and transmitted to descendants by inheritance, or acquired under the influence of mutagenic factors. Often the development of the disease occurs due to exposure chemical carcinogens or radioactive substances. In myeloid leukemia, the tumor process affects numerous bone marrow sprouts. In this case, the person feels a stabbing pain under the ribs or just below the abdomen. The main form of treatment is restorative therapy, in which patients must be under constant medical supervision.

Burning, sharp, sharp, sudden pain of high intensity

If pain under the ribs occurs after eating, this may indicate the development of pancreatitis.. This type destroys the disease The patient feels severe pain in the left side. Reasons of this disease lie in blockage of the pancreatic ducts, which disrupts the production of necessary enzymes and hormones of pancreatic juice. During digestion, enzymes “eat” themselves, thereby digesting their own tissue.
The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Persistent pain in the side or under the ribs;
  • Reduction of body weight by more than 50%;
  • Fatigue;
  • Frequent diarrhea;
  • Nausea, vomiting;

The pain may intensify with palpation of the abdomen. The appearance of pus is very dangerous. External symptoms appear as a jaundiced or bluish tint of the skin.

For acute pancreatitis, sharp, unexpected intense pain in the left side, usually after a fatty or fried meal, takes the patient by surprise and requires urgent hospitalization. In case of chronic course diseases of aching pain, which also intensifies after eating, especially a large meal. Treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and proper nutrition.

If a burning, severe pain appears under the ribs, along the spine, which intensifies when pressing on the back or chest area, when moving or walking, after sneezing or inhaling, then this indicates intercostal neuralgia. This disease is caused by compression of the nerves located between the ribs, and, in addition to pain, is accompanied by muscle twitching and increased sweating. May also turn red or pale skin. Treatment of the disease consists of physical therapy, painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.

Sharp and sharp pain that occurs after a blow may indicate a ruptured spleen, which manifests itself in contusion, one-stage and two-stage rupture, damage to the parenchyma. This type of disease is very dangerous due to heavy bleeding into the abdominal cavity and requires urgent surgical intervention.

The risk of rupture increases significantly with an enlarged spleen, which is facilitated by various concomitant diseases or infections. In addition, the enlargement of the organ is also accompanied by pain on the left, which is dull or aching in nature, which can radiate to the left shoulder or left shoulder blade. Treatment consists of eliminating the disease that caused inflammation of the spleen, surgical method rarely used.

If severe pain in the left side is not associated with actions or food, then it may indicate the development of such a serious disease as pancreatic cancer.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Severe pain in the side and lower abdomen;
  • Colic in the lumbar region;
  • Yellowing of the eyes;
  • Darkening of urine;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Indigestion;
  • Weight loss;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Enlarged abdomen on the left;

The disease can be diagnosed using ultrasound. The causes may be different. The disease spreads in the body through tissues, blood and lymphatic system. The disease is treated using the Whipple procedure, detailed resection, pancreatectomy, palliative surgery, endoscopic stent, and chemotherapy.

Pain under the ribs in children, especially infants, indicates development. The disease manifests itself in the form of severe inflammation of the intestines. Pouch-like protrusions, similar to a hernia, begin to form in the intestinal wall. Intestinal contents can get stuck in them. Because of this, bacteria multiply. The diverticulum begins to become inflamed. Patients complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen, most often on the left. Their temperature rises, diarrhea or constipation begins. Due to the growths appears heavy bleeding. If a person experiences discharge, blood in the stool, on linen or toilet paper, then it is necessary to find out why this is happening. In 10% of cases, such symptoms indicate diverticulitis. The patient must undergo a colonoscopy, laparoscopy, or X-ray examination of the intestines. Treatment of the disease should be carried out in a hospital in the proctology department.

Aching, pulling, dull pain

This kind discomfort may occur after eating, as well as on an empty stomach. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • Gastritis is one of the most common diseases. It is a severe inflammation of the mucous membrane. Appears with improper diets, including spicy and rough foods, dry food, and strong alcoholic drinks. May be asymptomatic. But most often, patients feel aching pain, nausea, and weakness. This disease is treated with medications that restore acidity and the gastric mucosa, and diet.
  • Stomach ulcer represents defects that form on the mucous membrane. Stress can lead to various muscle spasms, blood vessels, as a result, the nutrition of the stomach begins to be disrupted, and it becomes vulnerable to gastric juice, or rather to the hydrochloric acid it contains. The patient feels severe pain in the upper abdomen, which most often worries at night or during attacks of hunger. The main methods of neutralizing the disease are diet and taking medications that protect the gastric mucosa. If this disease is not treated, then one of the terrible complications There may be perforation of the ulcer, which causes severe stabbing pain, reflex vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, and weakness. It can only be removed surgically.
  • Duodenitis is a severe inflammation of the duodenum, manifested by aching pain in the upper abdomen or side, especially when you want to eat. The reasons for the development are varied. Most often, this disease develops in childhood due to improper location of the duodenum and weakness of the hormonal apparatus, but it can develop against the background of other inflammatory diseases of the duodenum. There is an acute and chronic form diseases. In the first case, treatment should be carried out in a hospital, in the second, it is necessary to follow a diet and take a number of medications (choleretic, enveloping, etc.)
  • Diaphragmatic hernia develops due to a defect in the diaphragm. Organs can penetrate from the chest cavity to the abdominal cavity or vice versa. At x-ray examination Most often this disease is found in patients complaining of pain in chest and heartburn. The causes may be anomalies, injuries, age, impaired innervation, chronic diseases. If a hernia is strangulated, acute pain may occur, which requires urgent medical attention.
  • Unpleasant pain may occur when flatulence– increased accumulation of gases. It is observed when overeating, eating fast food and other foods that cause increased gas formation. The main cause of the development of the disease is a violation enzyme system. Treatment consists of correcting the diet, restoring motor disorders, eliminating the biocenosis, and removing accumulated gases.

Aching, pulling, dull unpleasant sensations are not always associated with food. The reasons for the appearance may be the following diseases:.

    • Colitis is Manifested in the form of inflammation. It occurs with severe pain symptoms in the lower abdomen of an aching or dull nature. Diagnosis should include a stool examination. Treatment should be prescribed taking into account the etiological form.
    • Bowel cancer is malignant tumor on the intestinal mucosa. It manifests itself in the form of bursting and aching pain, upset stool, and weakness. The reason may be genetic predisposition, inflammatory diseases, wrong diet.

The disease in the first stages may be asymptomatic, so it is taken running form, which makes surgery (the only way to treat this disease) less effective. According to statistics, only 30% of patients lived more than 5 years after surgery performed at stage 4 of the disease, and 99% - if intestinal cancer was in stage 1.

Not in all cases the patient can determine the cause of the discomfort, which is why it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Basically, if you experience aching, pulling, dull, non-sharp or sharp pain, you should go to a therapist. The specialist will prescribe tests and diagnostics. Depending on the type of pain and the results obtained, a primary diagnosis will be determined and then the patient will be referred to a specialist. Thus, a gastroenterologist treats ulcers and other stomach diseases. If you have diseases of the heart muscle or pain in the chest, you should consult a cardiologist. When found endocrine diseases- see an endocrinologist. Inflammation of the lungs and diseases of the respiratory tract are treated by a pulmonologist.

In this article, we examined the most typical situations of pain in the left hypochondrium in front. But it is worth noting that each organism may have its own characteristics. For example, organs may be displaced relative to their physiological position. In this case, an uncharacteristic reflection of unpleasant sensations will occur, and then the pain may indicate the presence of inflammation of the appendix, diseases of the genitourinary area and other pathologies. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should not delay examinations, but immediately contact a professional doctor.