Why do you dream about the exact time in a dream? Interpretation of the “time” symbol in a dream. Why do you dream about time according to Loff’s dream book?

why do you dream about time

If you looked at the time by the clock, thanks to your competitors you will not be able to get what you wanted.
To look at a broken watch - at the moment your emotions prevail over your mind, so you cannot soberly assess the situation.
Steal a watch - your ill-wishers will gossip about you and do harm in every possible way that the opinions of others about you have changed for the worse.

time according to dream book

Determining the time by the clock - a misfortune will overtake you, which will be easier to survive if you turn to God.
Watching the time on another mechanism means you need to think carefully about your previous actions and relationships with others.
Hearing a clock ticking in a dream means your life will be full of problems and this period will drag on for a long time.

time according to dream book

If in a dream time passed faster than in reality, it means that in reality you are surrounded by bustle and haste.
However, if time moves slower, then you risk missing out on important moments in your life.

time in a dream

The watch is a symbol of male power.
For a man to see how in a dream he gives a girl a watch, it means in reality he will take the initiative by inviting the fair sex to enter into sexual relations with him.
Breaking a man's watch means you may have problems with potency.
Winding a watch for a man means that you may have a penchant for same-sex love.
For a girl - a passion for self-satisfaction.

time in a dream

If in a dream you dreamed of a specific time that remained in your memory even after sleep, then you should definitely remember these numbers well, since they are important information and are associated with a certain future event in your life.

dreamed about time

If in a dream you dreamed of daytime, then this is a favorable sign that will soften other unfavorable images, if any.
If you dreamed about a too long night, then you will have to face an unpleasant person.
Evening time of day means that the troubles are over, and a bright streak begins in your life again.
Seeing a clear sunny day means that you will meet a new person, while a cloudy and gray day means troubles and obstacles in business.

time in a dream what is it for

Late evening - you have no time left to realize your goals.
A bright sunny day is a favorable sign.

The most detailed description: “dream book of being late for the train but on time” - all from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

It often happens that in dreams we experience situations that are a reflection of our inner experiences. One of the most common stories is being late for a train.

Generally speaking, this is a consequence of fear of a future event that may elude us for various reasons. We will try to consider the main dreams on the topic "late for the train".

You can also use specific details to determine what exactly caused your dream, what exactly caused such a plot from the subconscious.

Perhaps you planned an important meeting with your friend, spending time together, but work, household chores and similar things lead to the fact that you subconsciously you are afraid that you will not be able to devote due time to friendship. Try to understand yourself, analyze your emotions yourself. Surely you have recently were planning something, but for some reason you’re not sure if you can deliver what you promised.

If such dreams annoy you, try to discuss possible meetings with friends, try to take things more simply. Severe anxiety is determined precisely by the feeling that you might look bad in the eyes of your friends.

Morning in dreams is usually closely associated with work, business and official meetings.

Fear of losing your position, as a rule, is clearly revealed precisely in such scenes where the train becomes an attribute of punctuality. If you are late and then feel shame and embarrassment, then this is a consequence vague anxiety before losing the job that serves as the foundation of your life.

Such a dream is an analysis of already experienced events. The train that you almost missed speaks of your recent anxiety about a certain occasion where you were afraid of making a mistake. Hidden experiences are preserved, intensified, and then manifest themselves in the subconscious in the form of such stories. Once you identify the problem, you can immediately get rid of it. from internal contradictions, so try to remember exactly what event you were worried about that caused doubts.

It happens that sometimes you see an event or activity that you are interested in, but you cannot attend it. The anxiety and anger this causes fully manifest themselves in the plot when you can’t get on the train. Depending on the details, this may point to specific causes. Perhaps someone is deliberately not letting you onto the train. It could be an ill-wisher, interfering with you in real life. Or the train doors are closed. In this case the reason is impossibility itself access what you want. This is one of the most frequent stories . Dreams of this kind speak of regret due to missed opportunities, a desire to restore previous relationships with friends, relatives, and colleagues. Minor and minor quarrels

can lead to a deterioration in communication, and attempts to return to the previous state seem to result in dreams where you are unsuccessfully trying to take that missed opportunity or person. Remember which train you were trying to catch? . Its details may hint you about specific events or people. Perhaps, through associations, you will guess what exactly caused your dream. For example, massive locomotive means an important aspect of your life, studying somewhere, a position you wanted to get, and crowded carriage

may mean a certain circle of people with whom you have lost contact. If you dream about just such a plot, it means that you are worried that your family life will not go the way you want it. Being late can mean fear that the desires you had will not be fulfilled. Minor grievances and anxieties

worsen the condition and manifest themselves in dreams, where you and your husband lose the opportunity that you had planned. Try to determine exactly how late you were. Was it an accident or the fault of your partner, maybe it was a consequence of your behavior? The answer to such questions will reveal what exactly scares you. If it's your husband's fault You probably hold a grudge against him because of unjustified expectations. If it is some external event

, then you are worried that external conditions will not allow you to live in the comfort that you dream of. Such stories often dream about someone who planned a certain event but it was not carried out due to external circumstances . Somewhere you made enough efforts, but fate led to the fact that you still did not get what you wanted, which manifested itself in dreams with such a plot. A train that left ahead of time indicates dramatically changed conditions. You couldn't adapt to them

, did not expect this, which led to disappointment, doubts, and dissatisfaction.

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Being late for a train in a dream means that the sleeper will soon have to leave his comfort zone, thus giving him a chance to discover a new side of himself.

If the dreamer watches the departing train, then this reflects his timidity and slowness, which will lead to problems in achieving the goal.

  • Depending on the action:
  • missing the train and catching up with it is a chance to change your life for the better;
  • being late and running away is in reality trying to correct the consequences of your own mistakes;
  • the train left without the dreamer (not on time) - in reality you will soon need to make an important decision;
  • to catch up at a run and not catch up - the sleeper will have the opportunity to discover a new side of himself, but he will neglect it;
  • rushing and collecting things - excessive pedantry, lack of spontaneity in life;
  • to be late and cry a lot - the dream indicates that the sleeper is too emotional and responsible;
  • catching up by car - to a meeting with an official who will help solve problems;
  • being late because of someone means that envious people will appear at work and will try in every possible way to undermine the dreamer’s authority;
  • to be in time at the last moment - the dreamer will have to make a serious decision, and he will make the right choice;
  • fear of being late - the sleeping person is a very punctual person and any changes are exciting for him;
  • jumping on a departing train - successfully overcome self-doubt;
  • being late with a child means that the family lacks the dreamer’s attention;

catching up on another train - the person will have a chance to correct the situation.

  • Depending on who is dreaming:
  • for a girl - loss of faith in her own strength;
  • for a woman - her current relationship does not bring her any satisfaction;

for a man - to problems in business and conflicts with management.

  • Depending on what you are late for:

by train - fear of being late for an important event.

If you dreamed of being late for a train, it means that the dreamer is paying too much attention not to the main problem, but to secondary ones, and therefore is deprived of a unique opportunity to immediately change his life for the better.

if you missed the train in a dream

Being late can be dreamed of as a symbol of carelessness and lack of punctuality, says a modern dream. If the dreamer actually has such qualities, then the subconscious mind reminds of this in a dream, calling for composure.

As a rule, every checked dream book says that being late for a train in a dream is a bad sign. Interpretation can concern both the personal and business spheres. Since the symbol is dual (it speaks not only about circumstances, but also about personal qualities), the dreamer will have to intuitively pay attention to the problematic area of ​​life. The dreamer himself will decide what to give preference to, but if such dreams come, then the general attitude towards life requires attention.

The dream book created by an American psychoanalyst says that being late for a train in a dream means missing out on important opportunities in reality.

Miller's interpretation may concern not only career growth and financial opportunities. There may also be situations in relationships that require quick decisions, and if you are late with this, the outcome may turn out to be too sad.

  • Hurrying to pack your things for fear of missing the train - this is a dream you dream about if you lack spontaneity in a too measured life. And, despite your pedantry, you always have this thought in your head: “an important event will take place without me”
  • Running in order to jump on the train means you are delaying an important decision.
  • He dreams that he had to catch up with a departing vehicle - for a young man - difficulties in carrying out instructions from his superiors. If in a dream a girl had to catch up with a train, but she did it on purpose to avoid the trip, then you will have to experience what you are so opposed to. You need to express your opinion in front of your interlocutor, no matter how scary it may seem.
  • To run and make it to the transport on time from a dream because it fell behind is extraordinary luck. Circumstances that required increased stress from you will resolve themselves, which you will be very happy about.

If you were in a hurry to pack your things

The dream book created by German psychotherapists is based on pansexual and aggressive symbols. Such an interpretation is difficult to take literally, although there is a rational grain in them, especially if you additionally use another dream book.

  • Being late, running as fast as you can means experiencing sexual dissatisfaction. This is what one dreams about when a person feels that he is not getting enough of something.
  • Running in order to jump into the last carriage from a dream is an attempt to return an old sexual relationship.
  • I dreamed that I had to catch up along the platform - trying to use the last opportunity to correct the situation.
  • Hurry, frantically look for things, run to a taxi or other transport - you shift all responsibility for your own dissatisfaction to your partner, and you do not understand what this can lead to. But his reluctance to participate in this process pushes him away even more. You risk being left alone with your own claims.
  • A girl who is often visited by the thought “the train left without me,” not only in a dream, but also in reality, should talk about her feelings to her partner more often, otherwise dissatisfaction will become chronic, and the relationship will be irrevocably damaged. If this is not the first time you have dreamed about this, you should be more attentive to your partner.

Dreams in which a person is upset or regrets that an action/event took place without his participation are not accidental. As a rule, the dreamer experiences such feelings not only in a dream. This may be due to several reasons:

    Pedantry - a person experiences a constant fear of not being on time, being late, or missing out. These moments are painful for him and may be related to childhood traumas or gestalt. In any case, if the situation in a dream is repeated often and is too traumatic, it is important not to look for a dream book, but to deal with your own feelings. Catching up with transport from a dream, running as fast as you can means wasting effort on trifles.

Disorderliness - the dreamer is used to being late not only in a dream and knows exactly what this leads to. The situation is too familiar not to be repeated in a dream. Lifestyle leaves its mark on night dreams. And if such situations play into his favor, well, this is simply a reflection of reality, and a dream book is not needed here.

  • Indecision - similar situations happen to people who are opposed to the trip, but cannot express their opinion out loud. They prefer that “everything will be decided without me,” so they delay in answering and do not want to take the initiative. For a girl, such a dream can mean difficulties in choosing. But if she doesn't do this, she could be behind for the rest of her life. For her, catching up with a departing vehicle from a dream is the same entertainment as enjoying a movie while lying on the sofa. It is worth revising your life guidelines as soon as possible.
  • The train is dreamed of as a symbol of time. Cars are certain segments - this can be either a completed stage or a new one. To have time to jump into any of them means to get into the chosen segment of your own free will, realizing that “no one can do this except me.” What the decisive leap will lead to is not important, the main thing is to have time to make a decision.

    Being late or missing your time means understanding that it is wasted. Catching up with any transport from a dream is a symbol of the desire to catch up. If efforts are in vain, this can cause depression, difficulties in communication and planning for future life.

    Being late is an unpleasant event, no matter how you look at it. But it’s one thing to be late for work or a meeting, and quite another to be late for the train, which, unlike colleagues and acquaintances, will not be in a position to delay the flight.

    The appearance of a train in a dream is an event no less significant and worthy of attention, especially if for some reason you had to be late for it.

    Depending on the circumstances, being late for a train can have completely different interpretations and omens:

    • Often, the image of a train in a dream represents an opportunity that has appeared in the dreamer's life. A person who is late for a train in a dream does not have a strong enough character to make a strong-willed decision and take - or not take advantage of - this opportunity, or due to some circumstances is forced to postpone his decision.
    • Left in a dream with a missing ticket in hand, it is important to pull yourself together as soon as possible and regain control over the course of your own life, so as not to unwittingly become a captive of external circumstances.
    • It happens that in a dream you have to “catch up” with a departing train, that is, run after him along the rails, looking after the last car. In such a dream, a person often becomes a “led” figure, unable to cope with the failure that has befallen him. It is quite possible that the same thing happens to a person not only in a dream, but also in reality, in everyday life.
    • If a person who is late for a train in a dream ultimately manages to jump into the train while it is moving, most likely, an opportunity has opened up in his life or will soon open up to him to make his life better, which requires a risky step on his part. The dream warns that this step should not be abandoned due to external circumstances alone. It is best in this case to show determination until the very end, and, quite possibly, recklessness will be rewarded with a successful turn of events.
    • Miss the train and find out that it has already left long ago, not having time to see him even from afar is a good sign. Such a dream usually foreshadows unexpected joy, success in your personal life or career advancement.
    • Run after the train, not letting it out of sight, but at the same time unable to catch up with it, run next to it- a bad omen. This usually means that the dreamer has been thinking a lot about death and other sad events in his life lately. This dream reflects anxiety and foreshadows failures that threaten the dreamer if he continues to instill in himself such ideas.
    • For a man to be late for a train in a dream- a harbinger of temporary failures in your personal life. However, in this case there is no need to be upset; it is much better to arm yourself with patience and remember that the key word here is “temporary”.
    • Wanting to get on a train in a dream, but not making it on time- a sign of an acute desire to bring something new into your life, some changes or joyful events.

    Having such a dream while getting ready to travel is not a pleasant omen. The best thing in this case is, if you don’t cancel the trip completely, then at least double-check your luggage and don’t be lazy to look at your watch again.

    Being late in a dream is in most cases a bad omen, but this does not mean that such a dream carries tragic events with irreparable consequences. If you pay attention to it in time and look at your life from a different angle, you can avoid failures and return to your usual path of peace and well-being.

    Transport seen in a dream is regarded by psychologists and interpreters as confident movement towards a set goal and the prospect of a quick trip. The train is no exception. You can figure out why you dream of being late for a train based on the feelings the dreamer experiences, as well as the details of the dream.

    The interpretation of the dream of being late for a train is multifaceted. Such a dream warns that changes are about to happen to you, but you do nothing to let them into your life. If in a dream you are catching up with a train, then you subconsciously know that the solution to current problems in life lies within you.

    If in a dream you were able to catch up with a train, then in real life you will have good opportunities to solve problems. However, if in a dream you felt obvious joy from having caught up with the train, in real life you will face disappointments, most likely related to personal relationships.

    To give a more accurate interpretation, you should try to remember what the train was like. There are several possible options:

    • Commodity - soon a person will get tired of his usual life, he will get bogged down in everyday life and routine.
    • Passenger - to serious changes in life.
    • Electric train - to troubles, problems and disappointments.

    The color of the carriages also plays a role in the interpretation of the image. If you dreamed of a bright or multi-colored train, then some situation will greatly excite the dreamer or dreamer. If it is black, it will upset, disappoint or upset. And if he’s white, he’ll infuriate you and put you in an awkward position.

    What the train looked like is also important:

    If the vehicle was moving slowly, the person will have to make a lot of effort to realize his plan, but the chances of success are high. If you do it very quickly, it will be very difficult to achieve what you want; there is only one try.

    According to Miller, being late for a train in a dream is a sign that in real life you are also late for something. If in a dream you are worried about missing the train, then in reality you may also feel anxious about matters related to your well-being.

    From a psychological point of view, if you are late for a train in a dream, then this is a sure sign that not everything is going smoothly in your personal life. Most likely, there are some problems in your sex life. A person who dreamed of being late for a train does not enjoy caresses in his intimate life.

    In cases where it was not possible to remember the appearance of the transport, you should pay attention to the terrain, the situation, the plot of the dream:

    In cases where a dream about being late for a train occurs on the eve of a trip in reality, you should be more careful. Perhaps something will not go according to plan. You should be more punctual, take care of your things, and not be frank with strangers. The dream carries a warning meaning: problems will overtake you by surprise.

    For girls, missing a train in a dream means a desire to leave their current partner for another. Perhaps the girl’s subconscious reminds her that she needs to leave old relationships if they do not bring any satisfaction.

    Anyone who dreamed that I was late for the train should try to remember what feelings he felt from this delay. If it was sadness, then in reality feelings of joy and positive emotions await him. If in a dream you felt that being late for the train was the only solution to avoiding a trip you didn’t want to go on, then in real life expect some disappointments.

    The most important thing in interpreting a dream is to remember your own actions. They are of key importance in the interpretation of the image:

    A dream in which trains, railroads, carriages or rails are endless means illness. It can mean simply feeling unwell, and serious illness. We are also talking about psychological health. Perhaps it is not the dreamer himself or the dreamer who will suffer, but a loved one, relative, friend, other half.

    A dream in which you had to be late for a train more than once - much to your chagrin. An image in night dreams means that a person will either try to change something and not get results, or will miss some good opportunity. Attempts to improve one’s life will be in vain; the person will remain in the same position.

    Many people have happened to be late for a train in a dream. This is a kind of push from the subconscious, suggesting that you need to take control of life into your own hands.

    Esotericist Tsvetkov interprets a dream in which a person is late for a train as follows. The directly running carriages are months, and the train is time. You are upset about being behind the train in a dream, but in reality you are just upset about wasting time. You yourself know what we are talking about, and you probably have your own solution to current problems. The main thing is not to sit idly by, but to act.

    If you dreamed that you were late for the train on Saturday, then this means that you avoided a dangerous adventure. If you dream on Sunday that you were late for the train, this is a sign that the danger has passed, perhaps the unpleasant illness has gone away and will not bother you anymore. What does it mean to be late for the train in a dream if such a dream came to you on Tuesday or Wednesday? This is a sign from above that you need to expect trouble.

    There shouldn’t be any upset over the fact that you were late for the train: the dream book tells you not to hang your nose. Remember that dreams reflect opposing emotions and feelings. If you are upset about being late, you will receive good news.

    A person who has a dream about being late for a train should think about his emotional state. The dream indicates overexertion, stress, dissatisfaction or sadness and indicates that you should reconsider your life position, goals or plans.

    Dreamer or dreamer those who missed the train in their dreams try to escape from the current life situation in reality, albeit unconsciously, but subconsciously. Perhaps the reasons lie in fear of the near future.

    In most cases, a dream about being late for a train has a negative interpretation. It can be interpreted from a positive side only if a person experienced positive emotions in a dream - this means that the situation will soon change for the better, changes are coming, some unexpected events will occur.

    Seeing yourself on a train is a period of life filled with what surrounds you in a dream; for example, a lot of luggage - there will be a long period of worries and worries about loved ones;

    The longer the train, the more carriages, the longer the period of life.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

    The clue to how to correctly unravel the vision lies in the day of the week on which the departing train is dreamed of.

    1. Monday is an emotionally intense day, characterized by a violation of internal harmony. Dreams on Monday night do not come true, being just a game of the subconscious, but they may indicate the need to reconsider goals and methods of achieving them.
    2. Visions on Tuesday night call for active action and initiative. Unplanned work trips are likely, which could lead to career advancements.
    3. Dreams about being late for a train on Wednesday night foreshadow business negotiations.
    4. Thursday is a productive and bright day of the week. Under the influence of Jupiter, favorable omens increase and negative ones weaken. The dreamer should devote himself completely to work in order to soon achieve significant results.
    5. On Friday night, prophetic visions. If the dreamer did not experience anxiety when he was late for the train, success in business and profit will soon await him. But with a negative emotional background, the meaning of the dream is opposite, and a person can lose a significant amount of money.
    6. The image you dreamed about on Saturday suggests upcoming difficulties on the way to getting what you have planned.
    7. On Sunday night, a departing train indicates the need for active action or a new approach to solving problems.

    The speed of the train is also important in solving the dream. An express train that is gaining momentum indicates the dreamer’s inability to realize his talents in real life, but a change of job or hobby will correct this. A slowing train means skillful resistance to ill-wishers and a justified risk.

    Train - Seeing a train means melancholy.

    A leaving or coming train is a harbinger of a period of melancholy and sadness.

    Getting on the train means changes await you.

    Seeing yourself on a train is a period of life filled with what surrounds you in a dream.

    For example, a lot of luggage - there will be a long period of worries and worries about loved ones; The longer the train, the more carriages, the longer the period of life.

    Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

    Are you afraid that you are late for a freight train in your dream? The circumstances themselves will develop in such a way that you will relieve yourself of the burden of overwhelming responsibility.

    Seeing trains stupidly passing by without even stopping means: the chosen path of development (possibly spiritual) is initially a dead end.

    Did you dream that you had to catch up with a departing carriage at night? The dream book predicts: the actions of others will literally throw you into a stupor.

    Traveling on a train means living a normal life.

    Missing the train is a hidden reluctance to change.

    We don’t travel that often in reality, but we more than exceed the norm in our dreams.

    But how alarming and restless are our trips in our dreams.

    We are sometimes late for the train, sometimes we cannot get on it for some reason.

    We lose luggage, tickets, and have a bunch of other troubles.

    The train moves along the rails, personifying our journey in life along the established track.

    The wheels are spinning and it seems impossible to turn away from the usual path.

    However, our unconscious rushes about in search of new solutions and new paths.

    Traveling on a train means a familiar life, submission to circumstances.

    To be late for the train is to miss a chance, to avoid change.

    Entering the carriage means returning to normal life.

    Getting out of the car means change, responsible work.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

    Why do you dream if you happen to be late for a train, but manage to board it at the very last moment? You can achieve what you want, but you need to hurry.

    If you happened to see a train leaving the platform, but having time to jump onto the step in a dream, it means that you will miraculously avoid the approaching danger.

    Sometimes the interpretation of a dream is literal. Being late, but having time to jump into open doors, means: at the decisive moment you will be able to do something risky, and then very quickly and without any problems you will come to success.

    The train is news. If you dream of a train, then the road disappears.

    To be late for the train - beware of troubles; to travel on the train - promotion, satisfaction.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

    A moving train means passing time or an important journey, an invitation to somewhere.

    Getting on the train means starting new things.

    Freight train - change for the better.

    Passing by - to unfulfilled hopes.

    Getting out or jumping out of a train means there is some danger on the way to realizing your plans.

    Or a perspective in business. For example, the situation is unclear (night).

    Morning, dawn- youth, hope, new beginnings.

    Day- maturity, stability in business.

    Early evening- the middle of life, an indication of the completion of affairs.

    Late evening, night- old age, failure in business.

    D. Loff's Dream Book

    Time and time mysteries- can represent a difficult element when interpreting a dream. Since dreams come to us as phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One dream may appear to occur in real time: twenty minutes of events in the REM cycle; another dream- may take place in a series of edited scenes taking place over several days, weeks, years or an immeasurable period of time; another dream- may turn out to be completely outside of any time bounds.

    One way to determine the movement of time in a dream- simply imagine scenes of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way- think in a dream about numbered objects and associate their numbers with the time frame of your life.

    If the clock in your dream shows 5:15- it can be a time, a date or time elapsed between two ages; in the latter case, perhaps five and fifteen years.

    Sometimes temporary riddles- upset and surprise, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe the periodically repeating cyclical structure of life, remember the time when maturity and self-awareness manifested themselves, how long the transition period took. This way you can understand many things. Sometimes the temporal aspect can influence the emotional environment of the dream; it is likely that a dream in “real time” will have a different emotional connotation than a dream in “scattered time.”

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Time- need for clarity.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Modern universal dream book

    Time in a dream- does the dream mean that you also don’t have enough time for everything? There is only one solution: set the clocks back five minutes and the lunar calendar.

    If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn your bed linen inside out.

    Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

    The time that was in a dream is not a reflection of real, life time. But such a dream has very interesting interpretations. It may mean that:

    • you don't have enough time;
    • they steal your time;
    • you are not managing your time correctly and you should learn how to organize your day;
    • you are afraid of falling behind the times;
    • you feel like your time is being taken away, etc.

    Miller's dream book: why do we dream about time?

    Did you have a dream about a watch? Time may be associated with this mechanism. Having seen a similar dream one night, analyze how you dreamed about this clock. Miller's dream book will help you:

    • watch - efforts will be nullified by competitors;
    • to break - loss;
    • breaking glass is a symbol of the fact that you are imprudent, careless and prone to rash actions;
    • if you steal a watch, it means that your rivals want to undermine your reputation.

    Vanga's dream book will tell you why you dream about time

    If you remember the dream well, then try to remember its details. For example, if you determined the time by a watch that does not have a dial, then this dream may be a harbinger of danger that can only be survived by turning to God for help. A person who sees a clock in a dream and hears it ticking should prepare for the fact that life will not get better soon. Determining time using an ancient mechanism means that it is time for a person to think about the past.

    Why do you dream about time according to Loff’s dream book?

    Few people know what his last dream meant, since its details were not remembered. But it is very important to pay attention to all the subtleties of the dream in order to interpret it correctly. Especially if you dream about details related to time. For example, you dreamed about some time, say 06:12. It is worth noting that this can be either a symbol of some important date, or age, and, of course, the time itself, which is worth remembering.

    Time according to Freud's dream book

    According to Freud's dream book, watches symbolize masculinity.

    • If in a dream a man offers a lady a watch, then in reality he will offer her sexual contact.
    • Broken - problems with potency.
    • Starting with a key means a tendency towards same-sex relationships (for a man), a tendency towards self-satisfaction (for a woman).

    Time according to Nostradamus

    A wristwatch is a symbol of lack of time. Most likely, you will not have time to realize your intentions. But a watch without a dial is a harbinger of danger. An event will happen soon that will upset you. Hearing the clock “go” means someone relative or close person needs protection or help.

    Tsvetkov's dream book will tell you why you dream about time

    You can easily learn about the nature of time by remembering how fast the hands on the clock moved. For example, if the arrows moved very quickly, then this means that you are in a hurry. And if, on the contrary, it’s slow, it means you risk missing something, not being on time, so you should hurry.

    Hasse's Dream Interpretation: why do we dream about time?

    Winding up your watch means getting ready to do routine work.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about time?

    The huge tower clock speaks of change - the collapse of the old and the construction of a new way of life.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

    Dark evening time is the darkness of life.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Psychological dream book

    Time of day - can indicate a stage in the life of the sleeper.

    Sunset - can talk about leaving active life, about the desire to hide from it.

    Sunrise - a feeling of optimism, awakening, youth.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

    To see a dream about Time (days) – The time can be indicated by a clock or signs of nature. The time of day indirectly reflects age or perspective in business. For example, the situation is unclear (night). Morning, dawn - youth, hope, new beginnings. Day - maturity, stability in business. Early evening is the middle of life, an indication of the completion of affairs. Late evening, night - old age, failure in business.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Dream book of catchphrases

    TIME – “time is money”, “time does not wait”, “wasting time”. “Being behind the times” - vanity, haste, fears, anxieties; be old-fashioned. “Have a lot of time” - peace of mind, have time for everything; “to gain time”, “to pass away, kill time”, see add. watch.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Idiomatic dream book

    “Time is money”, “time doesn’t wait”, “wasting time” - you need to act faster; “to fall behind the times” - vanity, haste, fears, anxieties; to be old-fashioned; “to have a lot of time” - peace of mind, to be on time in everything; “to gain time” - you will be lucky; “pass away, kill time” - do not waste your strength in vain.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Online dream book

    The dream book interprets time as clues of fate that you should pay attention to; this could be a moment in the day or a season of the year.

    Morning dawn in a dream is a symbol of cheerfulness and fullness of strength.

    I dreamed about the moment when the sun rises from the horizon - some new achievements await you.

    The dream in which you saw noon means that you are now at the peak of your success, your position will not be shaken.

    If you dreamed about a certain time of day, this could be a symbol of your age, or a harbinger of the development of your affairs.

    Seeing the evening in a dream means bringing some plans to completion, but if dusk is gathering or night has fallen

    You dream of the sun setting behind the horizon - you want peace, you want to get away from the hustle and bustle.

    If in a dream you have a huge amount of time, you really want it, or you are fluent in the skill of self-organization.

    If you dreamed that there was a time machine in front of you - in life you try to avoid caring about someone, avoid responsibility, dream a lot and live in your own world.

    Time on the clock - a dream can be prophetic, and you saw the time when some grandiose event will happen, a moment of great joy.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Universal dream book

    Time in a dream - does the dream mean that you also don’t have enough time for everything? There is only one solution: set the clock back five minutes and forget about it.

    If you dream that you still have a lot of time ahead, the dream is either a reflection of your desire, or it indicates that you have learned to organize yourself.

    People often say: time is money - is your dream related to this saying? Do you have an abundance of both money and time, or do you lack both? And one more thing: your dream may simply indicate that you need a break.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Dream book of symbols

    The time of day, year - most often, emphasizes the literal meaning of what is happening in the dreamer’s life: “winter” - stagnation, inaction, stagnation (freezing), alienation; “spring” - awakening, activity, flourishing, good progress, successful undertaking; “summer” - maturity, busyness, vacation time (rest and relaxation); “autumn” - result, fruits, results, gifts, reward, decline, withering.

    Late evening time of the day may mean that it is too late (to change or do anything).

    The more sunlight in the sleeping space, the better. However, occasionally the symbolism of very large, significant tragic events can be accompanied by the emission of intense light, which indicates inevitable karmic consequences sent “from above”, for edification, as punishment (from God). “Night, darkness, gloom” - indicates the hopelessness of the situation in reality, hopelessness; “light, day” - luck, clarity of goals and thinking; “morning” is a good start, auspiciousness, the reality of opportunities and plans.

    Sometimes a dream itself keeps attention on some place, detail, action. At the same time, time seems to freeze in the process, “scrolls” - thereby the dream emphasizes the special duration of what the designated fixation represents. For example, “running in a dream” and at the same time additionally “getting stuck”, slowing down, freezing in place - indicates the duration of interference and problems, considering that “running in a dream” in general means interference and difficulties. “eating in your sleep” with fixation on the chewing process has a similar effect: minor troubles, scrolling (chewing) receive additional reinforcement. Moreover, such a temporary elongation of an event will not necessarily be associated with the length of daytime (real) time, but, more often, it happens in internal, subjective perception. On the contrary: the speed, instantaneousness of events and various transformations indicates suddenness, unexpectedness, suddenness, transience of phenomena and feelings of a person sleeping in reality.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

    Primary elements - wood, earth, water, fire. Elements - wind, humidity, cold, heat. Emotions - anger, joy, thoughtfulness, fear, unattainability. Organs - liver, spleen, kidneys, heart. Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars. Explanation and interpretation A dream bears the imprint of the day to a greater or lesser extent: our behavior regarding the world during the day, combined with a general life outlook, is reflected. The expanded opportunities that existed during the day (to open one’s arms to the world) or the limitations of perception (to observe the world through the narrow slit of a visor of preconceived opinions) are repeated at night at their core: impressions change externally, but emotionally duplicate the sensations that arose during the day. Usually people set themselves a goal: life goal, for a year, for a day, for an hour... Achieving/non-achieving a daily (or larger) goal is reflected in dreams by the image of a sense of distance. Distance is the separation/separation of a person from a real-life goal. It is no longer space that separates the result of achievement, but the time required to overcome it. Therefore, the feeling of space in a dream is often (almost always) associated with the feeling of time (enough - not enough). However, each person lives, as it were, inside - in a capsule of his own internal time. A person creates processes (deeds) and relationships around himself, trying to subordinate everything to his internal rhythms. When independently setting deadlines for achieving a future goal, everyone proceeds from knowledge of their past tested capabilities, even if they are partially convinced of their limitations. Thus, by realizing past possibilities to achieve a future goal, a person already limits himself - creates obstacles between himself and the goal. In addition, the philosophical categories of space and time are interconnected (outside this connection they are invisible) by the idea of ​​one’s own speed of movement. Space and time create their own speed of movement/perception and immediately, although invisibly, begin to actively impose them on their human creator (philosophical categories live in full correspondence and mutual transformations of yin and yang). After all, man, creating the concepts of time and space, gave them as a creator his strength - energy and weakened. This is the second serious limitation in achieving the goal of overcoming space and time: any human weakness gives them power over the creator. Next, a simple quantitative law comes into play: what will be more - right or wrong? Strengths or weaknesses?.. A person who is open to the world and free from bias will, of course, receive more correct information and will achieve his goal faster and more likely. The world is stronger than the creatures of mind, space and time. To feel distance and space acutely in a dream - distance-yin is able to accept/accommodate everything from a needle to the universe - all ten thousand entities on earth. Perceiving distance in a dream means realizing your own attitude to the world around you, your distance or proximity from it: Distant objects (people, mountains - panoramic landscape/image) and a slow rhythm of perception combined with the fact that the picture is not getting closer - lack of self-confidence and fear of the goal. Distance in a dream is not at all a sign that the goal is far from the observer; on the contrary, the observer is moving away from the goal, since he does not have the inner strength to achieve it. If a picture in a dream rapidly approaches the observer (sometimes he runs towards it) to extreme proximity and fusion (enter the picture and begin to perceive it as reality) - overcoming one’s own fears and self-limitations. Merging with a goal destroys the heightened and always unfavorable (unhealthy intensity of emotions and the limit of possibilities) feelings of perceiving space and time as something separate from a person. Merging with a goal is merging with the world in which it exists: one becomes the world and the world becomes him. This harmonious state of mind means overcoming all negative emotions. And since the world is fundamentally whole, sharp restrictions disappear and cease to interfere: a goal is not a goal, I am the world, I am time, space, and so on. The last dream option is very favorable and promises success in all areas. To see images of your past in any of the dream variants with a sense of space (a distant image or a close one with the dreamer entering the picture) - in this case, the acute sense of time cannot disappear, since it is impossible to merge with the past. Moreover, in the morning there may be a break from reality: a craving to return to a dream, to the past. In this case, it is necessary for the mind to clearly understand that the dream came for the sake of correcting something in the present and future (some important information was forgotten in the past). Only in this case will the past merge with the present and future, feeding them with energy. Returning to the past is physically impossible for a person - it means stopping forward movement and death. The dream is favorable to the extent that you can understand its meaning and use the information received.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

    Afternoon - masculinity, femininity. Middle age, the border of individuation.

    Certain hours of the day mean a certain age. So, 10.30 ten and a half years old, etc. The memory of the events of this age is important.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Dream book of the 21st century

    A clear sunny day in a dream promises you a new acquaintance in reality; a grey, gloomy and rainy day promises losses or obstacles in business.

    If in a dream events develop during the daytime, this is a good sign, even if other symbols have a negative interpretation, unlike those events that occur early in the morning or at night.

    Too long a night in a dream - means meeting an unpleasant person.

    Evening in a dream and all events associated with the evening are a good sign, promising you a turn of affairs for the better, an end to troubles.

    Why do you dream about time?

    Loff's Dream Book

    Time and time riddles can be a difficult element when interpreting a dream. Since dreams come to us as phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One dream may appear to occur in real time: twenty minutes of events in the REM cycle; another dream - may occur in the form of a series of edited scenes occurring over several days, weeks, years or an immeasurable period of time; another dream may turn out to be completely outside of any time bounds.