Course work "Use of multimedia presentations in dow". Creation and use of multimedia presentations in working with preschool children

  • Evdokimova Vera Evgenievna



Annotation scientific article on public education and pedagogy, author of the scientific work - Evdokimova Vera Evgenievna

After the entry into force of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, aimed at developing an inquisitive, active, emotionally responsive child who has mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers, teachers and specialists of preschool institutions in their professional activity increasingly combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies. It is the use information and communication technologies in the educational process of a preschool educational institution and this article is devoted. An example of creating multimedia presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (some features described in this article may not be available in other versions of this program). The presentation provides techniques for working with various objects (images, autoshapes), applying animation to them using triggers, controlled buttons and actions. The creation of the interactive feed “What does a cat eat” is described in detail. Similar multimedia presentation will allow the teacher to simulate various situations in the surrounding world, while developing the creative and cognitive abilities of children preschool age, arousing interest in the subject being studied.

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Using ICT to create a multimedia presentation for preschoolers

After the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standards in Russia for preschool education, aimed at developing an active, emotionally responsive means of communication and ways of interaction with adults and peers, child educators and experts in preschools are increasingly combining traditional teaching methods and modern information technology. The article is dedicated to the information and communication technologies usage in the educational process on the example of creating a multimedia presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. The article illustrates the possibilities of working with different objects, subjecting them to animation. Detailed instructions for creating interactive film “What cat eats “ is provided. Multimedia presentation will allow the teacher to simulate different situations of the world, while developing creative and cognitive abilities of children of preschool age, causing interest to the subject.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Use of ICT when creating a multimedia presentation for preschool children”

V.E. Evdokimova

Using ICT to create a multimedia presentation for preschool children

Evdokimova Vera Evgenievna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Informatics of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Shadrinsk State pedagogical institute» (Shadrinsk, Russia)

After the entry into force of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, aimed at developing an inquisitive, active, emotionally responsive child who has mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers, teachers and specialists of preschool institutions in their professional activities are increasingly combining traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies. It is the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of a preschool educational institution that this article is devoted to. An example of creating a multimedia presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 is provided (in other versions of this program, some of the features described in the article may not be available). The presentation provides techniques for working with various objects (images, autoshapes), applying animation to them using triggers, controlled buttons and actions. The creation of the interactive feed “What does a cat eat” is described in detail. Such a multimedia presentation will allow the teacher to simulate various situations in the surrounding world, while developing the creative and cognitive abilities of preschool children, arousing interest in the subject being studied.

Key words: information and communication technologies, multimedia presentation, interactive presentation, animation.

Using ICT to create a multimedia presentation for preschoolers Evdokina Vera, PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and Methodology of ICT, Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute (Shadrinsk, Russia) After the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standards in Russia for preschool education, aimed at developing an active, emotionally responsive means of communication and ways of interaction with adults and peers, child educators and experts in preschools are increasingly combining traditional teaching methods and modern information technology. The article is devoted to the information and communication technologies usage in the educational process on the example of creating a multimedia presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. The article illustrates the possibilities of working with different objects, subjecting them to animation. Detailed instructions for creating interactive film "What cat eats" is provided. Multimedia presentation will allow the teacher to simulate different situations of the world, while developing creative and cognitive abilities of children of preschool age, causing interest to the subject. Keywords: information and communication technologies, multimedia presentation, interactive presentation, animation.

Today, new demands are placed on the upbringing and training of the younger generation not only in the school system, but also in preschool education. Informatization of preschool education involves the creation of a unified information educational space of a preschool educational institution and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process.

The relevance of the use of information and communication technologies is due to the social need to improve the quality of education and upbringing of preschool children. ICT significantly expands the capabilities of teachers and specialists in teaching and educating preschool children. On the one hand, information and communication technologies allow teachers to actively use various software products, technical multimedia tools, and the Internet when developing integrated classes and project activities; on the other hand, as a means interactive learning, ICTs make it possible to stimulate children’s cognitive activity in mastering new knowledge.

Most often, teachers who create interactive educational resources use Microsoft PowerPoint. This program allows you to create both linear and interactive multimedia presentations. A linear presentation is a sequential change of slides, interactive, also called a guided presentation, based on the use of hyperlinks and controlled buttons. Unlike a linear presentation, an interactive presentation can consist of one or several slides, depending on the didactic task.

Interactive multimedia presentations allow you to present information conveniently and effectively. They combine dynamics, sound and images - factors that hold the child’s attention for the longest time, since the simultaneous impact on two organs of perception (hearing and vision) makes it possible to achieve a greater effect. Thus, multimedia presentations facilitate the process of perception and memorization of information by children with the help of bright images.

Presentation for preschoolers is thematic selection images without description or with brief

descriptions. When creating multimedia presentations, the principles of early development methodology are used, which implies that short-term viewing of images of objects helps the child not only remember the object itself, but also broaden his horizons. Visualization of information in game form arouses great interest in children, and movements, sound, animation attract and hold the child’s attention for a long time.

You can teach a child using presentations from an early age, but when creating such information products, you should pay attention that the number of images should be small, and the pictures should be voiced in a clear voice, with good pronunciation. Teachers can use multimedia presentations in individual conversations with children and in group classes on familiarization with the outside world, mathematics, literacy, etc.

This article will discuss the settings of an interactive multimedia presentation for preschool children on the topic “Getting to Know Pets,” created in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. The presentation consists of one slide and contains several didactic tasks:

1) a story about the structure of a cat’s body;

2) a story about cat cubs;

3) didactic game “What does a cat eat.”

The teacher can use these tasks independently of each other in classes and in individual work with children.

Let's start creating a presentation by choosing a background, for this in PowerPoint program On the Design tab, select the theme (background) you like. If the background does not suit the presentation, you can add your own background (any image). To do this, on the Design tab, in the Background group, select the Background Styles command, and then the Background Format line. In the dialog box that opens, find the line Picture or texture and in the list that opens, click the File button, specify the path of the selected background image and click the Apply to all button. After these steps, the picture will become the background for all created slides.

Once we have decided on the presentation background, we can start adding objects (images, autoshapes, sound).

The presentation discussed in this article uses images of a cat and a kitten from visual aids for teachers,

speech therapists, educators and parents “Pets” and “Cubs of Pets”. Images added to the presentation must have no background, as the background will distract children's attention, so the drawings were pre-processed in Adobe Photoshop.

Also, to create a presentation, you will need additional images that reflect what the cat eats, for example, a jug of milk, a piece of meat, dry cat food in a bowl, bread, fish, mushroom. Such images can be found in Yandex.Images, on sites created for educators and children's specialists educational institutions, or in visual aids for children from the series “ The world around us" Special attention should be paid to the fact that all images used in the presentation must be selected and designed in the same style.

After selecting the images, we think about the structure of the presentation, in what sequence to present information about the cat to the children, and how the images will be arranged on the slide.

Since the presentation consists of one slide, we add ready-made images to the presentation, overlaying them on top of each other (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Placing images on a slide

After the images are placed on the slide, you can begin setting up the animation of the first didactic task - a story about the structure of a cat's body. Animated movements will act as an assistant to the teacher in the story. To do this, you need to add an autoshape to the slide, for example Down Arrow (green arrow in Fig. 2), which is located on the Insert tab on the Illustrations ribbon in the Shapes group.

Rice. 2. Autoshape “Down Arrow”

Draw an arrow above the cat's head. To move the arrow across the screen, we apply animation to it. This can be done in the following way: select the arrow and on the Animation tab, in the Animation group, select the appearance of the Entrance shape and the Fade effect.

Once the arrow appears on the presentation slide, it will need to move around the cat's head, so next step will add a path to move the arrow. To do this, on the Animation tab, in the Animation group, find the line Other movement paths and select Circle.

When demonstrating a presentation, the arrow should not be visible; it appears when the teacher needs it (when talking about parts of a cat’s body). The movement of the arrow is associated with its appearance on the screen, so you need to select the start time of the animation and its duration. This can be done on the Animation tab in the Slide show time group in the Duration row. Set the duration to 1 second. The teacher can set the duration of the animation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children of a certain age (1-5 sec.).

After the arrow has completed its path, outlining the cat's head, it should disappear from the screen so that after it the next arrow appears, pointing to the animal's body.

To hide the arrow, you should do the following: in the animation area, in the line indicating the movement of the arrow in a circle, click on the flag that is located with right side line (it will appear when you highlight the arrow on

slide). When you click on the flag, a context menu opens, in which we select the Effect parameters line. After clicking on this line, a dialog box will open with three tabs: Effect, Time, Text Animation.

On the Effect tab, in the After animation line, select the Hide After animation command.

As noted above, for further work we will need another arrow. So that this arrow does not differ from the previous one, it can be copied. When you copy the first arrow, its animation is also copied, so you should either remove this animation and add new settings, or simply change the settings. Let's consider both methods.

So we copied the arrow and pasted it into the slide. Without changing the animation parameters for now, let's move the arrow to right place, while stretching the circle so that the cat’s body fits into it. Two arrows and two movement paths appeared on the slide.

The difference between the animation of the second arrow and the first will be that its appearance will begin after the first arrow has completed its animation. The duration of movement of the second arrow should be longer - 7 seconds, since it takes longer to circle the body than the head.

After the animation, the second arrow, like the first, should be hidden so that it is not visible on the screen when demonstrating the presentation.

The next arrow should point to the cat's tail. To customize the animation of the third arrow, you can copy the second arrow or add the first arrow from the clipboard.

We leave the animation settings for the appearance of the third arrow on the screen unchanged, but delete the movement path and add new settings: Bob’s movement path, movement duration 4 seconds. After setting up the animation, this arrow, like the previous ones, should be hidden.

Draw the cat's paw (fourth arrow). Its appearance does not differ from the previous arrows, the time of movement

set to 2 seconds, movement path Custom path, Straight line. This arrow, like the previous ones, should be hidden.

All that remains is to draw the ears on the cat’s head. To do this, copy or paste the arrow from the clipboard again. But you should pay attention that the ears are drawn separately, that is, each ear needs its own arrow; we will call them the fifth and sixth arrows, respectively.

So, setting the fifth arrow. Its appearance also does not differ from the appearance of the previous arrows (Fade, After the previous one, duration 1 second). We select the Custom path for the arrow, since with its help we can draw the cat’s ear along the contour. Start of movement - Together with the previous one, duration - 0.25 seconds.

The sixth arrow (second eye) is adjusted in the same way.

As a result, the presentation slide will depict a cat and six arrows, indicating the paths of their movement (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Arrow placement on the slide

After a story about the structure of a cat’s body, you can start talking about its cubs, and, for example, after the question “What is the name of the cat’s cub?” An image of a kitten may appear on the screen.

For children to better perceive information, the image of a kitten can be animated. To do this, select the image and apply the following settings: appearance on the screen, select Departure, direction of movement - Right. The movement of the kitten will be carried out by clicking on the image of the cat, which will be the trigger for the movement of the kitten. A trigger, or “hot zone,” is an object on the slide that, when clicked, animates other objects on the slide. Using triggers in a presentation gives the lesson a playful feel and makes the presentation interactive.

To create a trigger, select the image of a kitten and in the Advanced Animation group select the Trigger button, then the On Click command and then from the drop-down list select the desired object (in our case it is a cat). But the fact is that in this list the objects are called the same - picture (picture) and they are assigned only numbers (in the sequence in which they were added to the presentation) - picturel, picture2, etc. Therefore, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, you need to find Arrange and select the Selection Area line. The Selection and Visibility panel opens, allowing you to rename the Cat object. Once the image is renamed, it will be easier to find in the group of suggested triggers.

After the trigger is added, you can configure further animation of the Kitten object - the animation duration is 4 seconds. After setting up the animation according to the conditions of the didactic task, the image of the kitten can be hidden or left on the screen.

In order to hold the attention of preschoolers, you can add a sound effect to the slide, for example, a purring cat or kitten. To do this, in the Insert menu in the Multimedia group, select the Sound command, and in the window that opens, indicate the path to the sound file (it must be in the same folder as the presentation). After adding, the Work with Sound menu will appear, where you can change sound settings.

For didactic game“What does a cat eat” you can use an interactive feed, which is a sequential change of images based on the action (click on a trigger) of the teacher. The interactive feed uses food images placed at the top of the slide. In this presentation these

objects are arranged in two rows of three in a row, one row is in the foreground.

To start moving all the images, we need a trigger, for example an arrow; in the program it is called Patch 5. Place the arrow in the upper left corner of the slide and turn it in the direction in which the tape will move (Fig. 4). To make the arrow less noticeable and not attract the attention of children, you can mute its color. To do this, on the Drawing Tools tab, find the Shape Fill command and select the line No fill or a weak fill color.

Rice. 4. Trigger "Patch"

Next we work with the images of the first row. Each image in the interactive feed should appear and disappear from the screen. The tape begins to move from the first image of the top row. Select this image (in this case, a drawing of a jug of milk) and apply animation to it: appearance Fly out, direction of movement Right, start of movement By click, duration of movement - 3 seconds.

The animation settings for the second and third images of the first row are made in the same way as the first image, only the settings for the start of movements change, namely, the movement begins after the previous one.

Then, when all the images have appeared on the screen, you should apply an animation for them to disappear from the screen. In the presentation in question, all three images will disappear simultaneously after the Exit -Random Stripes animation. To do this, the first image (a jug of milk) is selected and the animation Start by clicking on the trigger Patch 5 is applied to it, the animation duration is 2 seconds. The same settings are applied to the next two images, only we select the beginning of the movement Simultaneously with the previous one.

The second row of product images is configured in the same way. As a result, all objects and their animation actions with settings on the presentation layout will look on the slide as in Fig. 5.

We should not forget that when demonstrating the created presentation, the slide will contain only the image of the Cat, the trigger for the interactive ribbon and the sound icon, which can be made invisible using the settings of the Work with Sound menu (Fig. 6). The remaining objects will appear on the slide when the teacher solves a specific didactic task.

Thus, having considered the basic techniques for creating a multimedia interactive presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, we can conclude that such presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of the child’s perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also in associative form in the children’s memory.

Rice. 6. Objects shown on the slide at the beginning of the presentation

The use of new unusual techniques of explanation and reinforcement in a playful form develops children's voluntary and involuntary attention. ■

Sources used

1. Acquaintance with the outside world and speech development: Pets [Text] / Visual aid for teachers, speech therapists, educators and parents. -M.: Gnome. - 2007. - 31 p.

2. Acquaintance with the outside world and speech development: Baby domestic animals [Text] / Visual aid for teachers, speech therapists, educators and parents. -M.: Gnome. - 2007. - 16 p.

3. Images from Yandex.Pictures [Electronic resource]: Access mode: http://images. yandex.ш/?шnfo = ww-1349-wh-664-fw-1307-A>458^-1. - 03.03.14.

The article was received by the editor on February 4, 2014.

Dear readers! On the pages of the magazine “Modern Preschool Education” you will find up-to-date information about innovative educational methods, modern technologies of preschool education, lesson notes and much more. Leading experts in the field of preschool education are working on the magazine. The creative editorial team makes every effort to make it interesting and useful for everyone who cares about the issues of educating preschoolers. We also count on your help, we hope that you will share your experience, participate in our discussions, and suggest topics for discussion.

“ICT in the work of preschool educational institutions” - Multimedia method of presenting information. Use of multimedia presentations. The use of computer slide presentations in the learning process. Possibility of individualization of training. Multimedia presentations. What is the need information technology. Experts identify a number of requirements.

“Organization of educational activities in preschool educational institutions” - Ideal GCD. GCD lesson. Types of motivation GCD. Principles educational activities. Participation of all children. GCD criteria. Features of the organization of GCD. Features of children's development. Innovative technologies. Conversation. Pupil. Basic forms of educational activities. Observation. New approaches to organizing educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

“Development of preschool education” - Cooperation and interaction with parents. Preschool educational institution. Preschool education. Indicators of the specific activities of preschool educational institutions of different types. A new approach to organizing the pedagogical process. Changes in the forms and methods of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils. Multifunctional, developing system.

“Innovations of preschool education” - Project implementation stages. Workers training programs. Project name. Innovations in preschool educational institutions. Project method in preschool educational institutions. Innovative project for kindergarten. Magic astronomy. Innovation. Preschool education – traditions and innovations. Project work plan.

“Technologies for teaching preschoolers” - The role of an adult in the game. Classification of children's games. Movable and sports games. Gaming technology. Technologies used by teachers. Personality-oriented technologies. Technologies for preserving and promoting health. Information Technology. Corrective technologies. Types of projects. Developmental technologies.

"The Role of Preschool Education" - Skills. Agreement. Social infrastructure. Bilingual private kindergarten. Individual approach. Preschool education. The role of non-state subsidiaries. Job growth. Economic arguments. Walking distance problem. Investments and nurseries.

There are a total of 15 presentations in the topic

Municipal preschool educational institution No. 106

"Kindergarten for care and health improvement"

“Use of presentation multimedia technology in preschool educational institutions”

(consultation for teachers)

Prepared by:

Bikmamatova Svetlana Aleksandrovna,

PDO (choreographer) of the highest

Kemerovo, 2017

Target: Improving the quality of education through the active introduction of presentation multimedia technology into the educational process.

In recent years, there has been a massive introduction of information and computer technologies into preschool education. The process of informatization in preschool institutions is determined by the requirements of a modern developing society, where the teacher must keep up with the times and use new technologies in upbringing and education.

In the context of modernization of the education system, new problems and tasks appear that teachers will have to work on solving. One of the problems is the decline in preschooler’s motivation to learn. What is the best way to solve this problem?

Now the winner is the educator and teacher of additional education who makes the course of direct educational activities visual, entertaining, bright, interesting, emotional, and memorable. That is, the material should contain elements of the extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, which arouse interest in preschoolers in the educational process and contribute to the creation of a positive emotional learning environment, as well as the development of thinking abilities. We are talking about the use of presentation multimedia technology.

Since it is multimedia technologies that have advantages over traditional classes. Multimedia involves simultaneous use various forms presentation of information: audio - video images, text animation. Thus, acting through the auditory and visual channels, multimedia creates conditions for receiving and assimilating information.

IN Multimedia preschool educational institutions technologies can be used in the form of:

Most teachers can do all this, since it does not require in-depth knowledge of computer technology. The teacher can create a film or presentation, taking into account the characteristics of his students, the goals and objectives set for a particular lesson. Such computer products, as a rule, arouse interest among children due to the realistic and dynamic image, the use of animation, and the computer itself is very attractive to most children. Many parents know how difficult it is to tear a child away from him. And if there is interest, then there is a desire to study.

Another plus is the possibility of distance learning for parents. Parents would like to be involved in the development of their children at home. However, they often do not know what exactly to do with the child, or do it methodically illiterately. The main problem is the lack of knowledge among parents in choosing educational computer games that could be appropriate for age and individual characteristics children. The problem can be solved by offering parents CDs with activities or multimedia presentations. The topics of presentations can be different: mathematics classes, virtual visits to art galleries, acquaintance with nature, rules of safe behavior at home and on the street. Thus, a child who missed for various reasons large number classes, can receive necessary knowledge Houses. To help parents, you can also provide a list of recommended computer games (game mathematics, a journey through fairy tales, a fantasy game, etc.), which should indicate the name of the game, its brief description (goal, objectives, age characteristics) and a link to the Internet address.

1. A presentation is rarely complete without visual aids. Their task is to make the speech convincing. Proper Use These tools will significantly enliven the presentation and fix the material in memory.

2. It is advisable to use visual aids only when they can enhance the impact of the statement.

3. When demonstrating slides and addressing students, it is best to stand to the left of the screen (as viewed from the audience). Due to the fact that we read from left to right, listeners will first look at the teacher, and then turn their gaze to the right to the screen where more information is presented. detailed information.

4. The teacher will look natural if he sits at a slight angle to the children's audience. You can take a “stronger” position by completely turning around to face the preschoolers.

5. By quickly looking at the image (object), you can use a gesture with your left hand to attract the children’s attention to it. The gesture should be very short. Then you should turn around and address them again.

6. If the projection equipment is temporarily turned off or there is a break in the slide show, it is advisable to move to the center of the room and continue the presentation.

7. If the use of visual aids is no longer intended, it is recommended to stand half-turned to the children to the left of the equipment and continue the lesson.

8. Don't:

- speak with your back to the children;

– block the displayed image;

– allow the medium used to play main role in the presentation;
– provide handouts during the presentation.

Practice has shown that, provided that multimedia presentations are systematically used in the developmental process in combination with traditional methods training, the effectiveness of work on developing the cognitive abilities of preschool children increases significantly.

Tatyana Vozmishcheva
Article “Use of multimedia presentations in working with preschoolers”


« Using multimedia presentations in working with preschoolers»

Considering modern life, the education system makes new demands on the upbringing and training of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that help expand the capabilities of the teacher, and the use of new methods of presenting information in the educational process.

Computer-based learning is a new way of learning modern child preschool age. One of its varieties can be considered usage information and computer technologies, firmly included in all spheres of human life.

The use of ICT, which accompanies overcoming intellectual passivity, contributes to an increase in emotional uplift and an increase in the volume of acquired knowledge of children. preschoolers, increasing motivation and cognitive activity, as well as the effectiveness of educational activities. Works foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, E. N. Ivanova, N. P. Chudova, etc.) confirm the feasibility use ICT in the development of cognitive abilities. The relevance of introducing ICT in preschool The establishment is also due to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Today, ICT is an integral part of the learning process preschoolers. For children of the new generation, this is accessible and familiar, and also convenient for a modern teacher.

Educational activities in kindergarten have their own specifics. Direct educational activities should be emotional, bright, with the use of large illustrative material, with using sound and video recordings, highly dynamic, which contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children. All these are the capabilities of computer technology with its multimedia.

Of greatest interest are multimedia electronic educational resources (EER, allowing for polysensory influence, using both the visual channel (text, photo, video, animation, and auditory (audio recordings). These include computer presentations.

The term " presentation" means performance, demonstration. Multimedia presentation is a combination of computer animation, graphics, video, music and sound, organized into a single environment. As a rule, it has a plot, script and structure, organized for easy perception of information. Purpose of computer presentations- convey to target audience complete information about the object presentations in a convenient form.

Forms use of presentation depend on the content of the activity and the goal that the teacher sets in joint activities adults and children, during direct educational activities and regime moments.

Widely used presentations in the Microsoft program Power Point, developed for lexical topics, for projects, holidays, various events, used both from Internet resources, recycled, and our own, copyrighted ones.

Determining the child’s readiness to learn and use of knowledge(readiness for school) provides educational activities organized with the use of a computer, highly dynamic, promoting the development of children's memory, imagination, creativity, effective learning of material, increasing the child's interest in independently solving the problem posed to him, and developing cognitive ability.

The computer not only demonstrates phenomena and objects, but also recreates the necessary auditory situations, which can significantly increase the creative and intellectual potential of children and consolidate acquired knowledge. However, being an additional source of information, the teacher should not be replaced by a computer, only its addition is possible.

Visual material used in presentations, slide show, allows the teacher to build an explanation in direct educational activities logically, scientifically, influencing three types of memory children: visual, auditory, motor. Movement, sound, animation attracts the child’s attention for a long time and helps to increase children’s interest in the material being studied, which can be considered step by step, returning to what has been covered and dwelling in more detail on issues that cause difficulties.

At presentation development It is necessary to provide the child with reliable information about the world around him, select tasks in accordance with the child’s age, taking into account the zone of his current and immediate development, build from simple to complex.

Using too small, blurry photographs, or photographs overloaded with unnecessary details, contributes to the child’s development negative emotions. Illustrations should be large and realistic, evoking positive feelings in the child.

Content presentations must be mobile and quickly change in accordance with the level of development of children, and have an educational orientation. It must be remembered that the computer is a powerful new tool for intellectual development children. This requires careful organization use computer for educational purposes in preschool institutions, both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole, in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of SanPin.

When creating presentations there is a need to know and take into account some of the features of children’s visual perception and attention. For presentations the most preferable is a plain background that does not distract attention preschoolers from the content of the slide, calm colors that do not irritate the eyesight. Light achromatic colors, yellow, yellow-green, green, contribute to the least eye fatigue. Moderate usage special effects help keep the child’s attention on the computer screen, increase interest, and create a positive emotional mood. Overindulgence can have the opposite effect. special effects: some effects are uncomfortable to perceive and tire the eyesight, children quickly become satiated and tired, and the lesson is delayed. To maintain health during using presentations It is necessary to carry out physical exercises, dynamic pauses and eye exercises.

Application of educational presentations helps to open up new educational opportunities, increase the efficiency of the child’s learning and development process, and support educators in a state of constant creative search.

Thus, it is safe to say that the application multimedia presentations is modern technical means, with the help of which education work, learning and comprehensive development of the child’s personality becomes more diverse and effective.


1. Gabdullina Z. M. "Skill Development work with a computer for children 4-7 years old"- Volgograd, 2010;

2. Kalinina T.V. Management of preschool educational institutions. "New information technologies in preschool childhood» - M, Sfera, 2008.

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When working with preschoolers, the use of multimedia technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern means video technology) allows me to simulate different situations and environments. Game components included in multimedia programs activate cognitive activity my students and enhance their learning of the material. Using a computer in preschool educational institution possible and necessary, it helps to increase interest in learning and develops the child comprehensively.

Modern computer technologies provide enormous opportunities for the development of the educational process. Also K.D. Ushinsky noted: “Children’s nature requires clarity.” Now these are no longer diagrams, tables and pictures, but a game closer to children’s nature, even if it is scientific and educational. The clarity of the material increases its absorption, because All channels of perception of children are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional.

Multimedia – is a means or instrument of cognition in various classes. Multimedia contributes to the development of motivation, communication skills, acquisition of skills, accumulation of factual knowledge, and also contributes to the development of information literacy.

Multimedia such as slide, presentation or video presentation already available for a long time. The computer is now capable of manipulating sound and video to achieve special effects, synthesizing and playing sound and video, including animation, and integrating it all into a single multimedia presentation.

Reasonable use of visual teaching aids in the educational process plays a role important role in the development of observation, attention, speech, thinking of preschoolers. In classes with children, teachers use multimedia presentations, which make it possible to optimize pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels cognitive development, and significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching activities.

In working with parents multimedia can be used when decorating visual material, when carrying out parent meetings, round tables, mini-teaching councils, workshops, talk shows, surveys. The use of ICT allows you to diversify communication, increase the interest of adults in receiving useful information about raising children.

When holding teacher councils Teachers' reports are supplemented with multimedia accompaniment. Presentations for reports include both text accompaniment and videos, diagrams and charts.

Using multimedia presentations

Any basis modern presentation– facilitating the process of visual perception and memorizing information with the help of vivid images. The forms and place of use of a presentation (or even a separate slide) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

  • implementation of polysensory perception of material;
  • the ability to demonstrate various objects using multimedia projector and a projection screen in a many times enlarged form;
  • combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information children receive from educational literature;
  • the ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible to the intact sensory system;
  • activation of visual functions and visual abilities of the child;
  • computer presentation slide films are conveniently used to display information in the form of printouts in large font on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, arouse keen interest in the child, and are wonderful visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to good results of the lesson. Thus, the use of multimedia presentations in classes in mathematics, music, familiarization with the outside world ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually identifying the signs and properties of objects; methods of visual perception, examination, and identifying qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal elements in the objective world are formed. signs and properties, visual attention and visual memory develop.

Thus, the use of computer technology makes it possible to optimize the correctional pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with developmental disorders and significantly increase the efficiency of any activity.

In addition, in the process of conceiving and creating new tasks for correctional and developmental classes using a computer and a multimedia projector, the teacher’s creative qualities are developed and improved, and his level increases. professional competence. The desire of an adult to diversify children’s activities, to make classes even more interesting and educational, takes them to a new level of communication, mutual understanding, and develops personal qualities children, contributes to excellent automation of the skills acquired in the classroom at a new communicative stage of pedagogical and correctional influence. Thus, informatization of education opens up new ways and means of pedagogical work for educators and teachers.

Computer, multimedia tools are tools for processing information that can become a powerful technical tool for teaching, correction, and a means of communication necessary for the joint activities of teachers, parents and preschoolers.

Using interactive equipment when teaching older preschoolers mathematics, music, and fine arts, it helps to consolidate and clarify specific mathematical content, helps to improve visual-effective thinking, translates it into a visual-figurative plan, and forms elementary forms logical thinking, develops a sense of color

The term "interactivity" comes from English word inter action, which translated means “interaction”. Interactivity is a concept used in the field of computer science and communication. The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten allows expanding the creative capabilities of teachers and has a positive impact on positive influence on different sides mental development older preschoolers.

Using the interactive whiteboard helps develop in children: attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking and speech, visual and auditory perception, verbal and logical thinking, etc. Developmental activities using it have become much brighter and more dynamic. Interactive equipment allows you to draw with electronic markers. For precise definition Ultrasonic and infrared technologies are used to locate the marker mark on the board. Using one of the electronic markers included in the kit, a teacher or child can highlight or underline the necessary information, which additionally attracts attention to it. To remotely control the operation of Windows applications, you can also use an electronic marker that replaces a mouse. Currently, there are many simple and complex computer programs for various areas of cognition of preschool children.

A lesson with one subgroup, including children’s activities at the blackboard, educational conversation, games, eye exercises, etc., lasts from 20 to 25 minutes. In this case, screen use should be no more than 7-10 minutes. At the same time, the main goal of the teacher is not to learn this or that computer program with children, but to use its game content to develop memory, thinking, imagination, and speech in a particular child. When working with an interactive whiteboard, teachers primarily proceed from the long-term plan, topic and goals of the lesson. Next, we look at how to make the most of your interactive whiteboard data. Thoughtful preliminary work is required: drawing up didactic tasks, drawing up slides necessary for conducting the lesson. It has been experimentally established that when presenting material orally, a child perceives and is able to process up to 1 thousand in a minute. conventional units information, and with the “connection” of the visual organs, up to 100 thousand such units. An older preschooler has better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when he is interested, when the material being studied is clear, bright, and evokes positive emotions in the preschooler.

What skills are needed to use an interactive whiteboard: · Basic knowledge of computer structure · Work in programs: Word, PowerPoint · Practice of working on the Internet (for searching images, ready-made presentations and training programs).

So, let's consider the versatility of computer technology as a teaching tool with wide demonstration capabilities - using the example of composing stories based on pictures.

  • Task 1. This task can be completed in 3 ways. 3-4 pictures are displayed on the screen, representing a connected story. (1 – beginning, 2 – continuation, 3 – end) Children simply describe the events depicted in the pictures. In this case, each picture acts as the next chapter.
  • Task 2. Children are offered only one picture. The teacher asks the question: What happened before this? what could happen after? After the statement, a true story is offered and all the pictures are displayed on the screen.
  • Task 3. The teacher shows pictures on the screen that follow each other not according to the plot, but in a mixed up sequence. Children must arrange these pictures in order and then compose a coherent story.

This is the most difficult version of the work, which requires the child to have developed logical thinking to a certain extent. Next we will look at an example using 4-x. pictures.

Another example of the possibility of students working in dialogue mode during speech development classes:

Task 1. The toys are mixed up, the guys need help, they name what exactly they gave to Zoya and what to Sasha. (On the interactive board there is an image of a boy and a girl, toys)


  • “Whose toy?” Zoya doll. Sasha's robot.
  • "Greedy" My plane. My pyramid.
  • “Pick up, name, remember” What can you do with toys at home (in a store, in kindergarten)? Look, touch, choose, buy.

Task 2. “Let's help mom” It is necessary to arrange the food in appropriate dishes. Bread in the bread bin, sugar in the sugar bowl, milk in the milk jug.

Task 3. The next task introduces children to wintering birds: “Look and name


  • "Say it in one word"
  • “The magpie has white sides, which is why it is called the white-sided one.”
  • “Who gives the voice?”

The positive point is that the use of ICT is aimed at incorporating all analysis systems into operation.


  1. elements of visual-figurative;
  2. theoretical thinking
  3. The vocabulary is actively replenished.

The results of the lessons conducted using a computer program, in this case PowerPoint, give positive dynamics in the development of children's speech.

PowerPoint presentations mean brightness, clarity, accessibility, convenience and speed of work. At the same time interactive equipment used in working with children of senior preschool age with unconditional compliance with physiological-hygienic, ergonomic and psychological-pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms and recommendations.

Using Internet resources and software such as e-books, multimedia encyclopedias, provide both teacher and student access to a large amount of new information, which traditional form(on paper) is practically impossible to implement. For example: Poems for kids; ABC for the little ones, etc. In their work, educators can use programs that they work in the form of presentations.

The use of information technology in classes on speech development in preschool educational institutions makes it possible to overcome the intellectual passivity of children in the classroom and makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions teachers. It is an enriching and transformative factor in the development of the subject environment.

And, in conclusion, the use of computer technology in the activities of a preschool teacher makes it possible to introduce innovative processes in preschool education, improve all levels of management in the field of education, expanding opportunities for access to information resources.