Children with mental retardation in a preschool institution. Organization of correctional pedagogical process in kindergarten for children with mental retardation

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with mental retardation (MDD), stages of providing them with special assistance. Organizational forms of assistance to preschool children with mental retardation, recommendations for the admission of such children to general preschool institutions.

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Raising and teaching children with mental retardation.

Topic: "Organization of special assistance for children with mental retardation in preschool institutions general type".


student of group 4KP - 21

Mironova A.A.


Bukina I.A.

Cherepovets 2008/2009 academic year year


  • Introduction
    • Conclusions
    • 2. Methodological recommendations for working with children with mental retardation
    • 2.2 Working with parents
    • Conclusion
    • List of used literature


Improving the education system in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” requires the introduction into practice of general educational institutions a set of measures aimed at timely providing each child, in accordance with his age, with adequate conditions for development, formation of a full-fledged personality, and receipt of proper education.

Of particular social and pedagogical importance is the introduction into the education system of special organizational forms of active differentiated assistance to children who experience significant difficulties in mastering educational programs and in adapting to the social requirements of society in preschool and school institutions. Issues of organizing special assistance for children with delays mental development A small amount of work has been devoted to this. They touched upon the problems of integrated learning (V.V. Korkunov, N.N. Malofeev, L.M. Shipitsina), modeling of pedagogical assistance (B.N. Almazov, O.V. Almazova, V.V. Korkunov, N. N. Malofeev).

A number of foreign studies are devoted to the description of pedagogical systems (S. Kirk, D. Lerner, K. Reynolde).

In order to provide special assistance to children with mental retardation, a system of correctional and developmental education and compensatory education was created in our country. It's high quality new level organizations educational process, which allows you to satisfy the interests and educational needs of a particular child, take into account his individual abilities, provide a complete education and maintain health.

The purpose of the study is to study the features of organizing special assistance for children with mental retardation in general preschool institutions.

Object of study: features of the organization of special assistance

Subject of research: features of the organization of special assistance

children with mental retardation in general preschool institutions.

Research objectives:

1. Study of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the peculiarities of organizing special assistance for children with mental retardation in the conditions of general preschool institutions.

2. Identification of the features of working with children with mental retardation in the conditions of general preschool institutions.

Research methods:

1. Study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and special literature on the research problem.

1. Organization of special assistance for children with mental retardation in general preschool institutions

1.1 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with mental retardation

Mental retardation (MDD) is a violation of the normal pace of mental development, as a result of which a child who has reached school age continues to remain in the circle of preschool and play interests.

B.I. Bely, T.V. Egorova, V.I. Lubovsky, L.I. Peresleni, S.K. Sivolapov, T.A. Fotekova, P.B. Shoshin and other scientists note that preschoolers with mental retardation have a lag in the formation of perception, insufficiently developed visual analytical-synthetic activity. When solving problems of finding identical images, they do not take into account subtle details of drawings and experience difficulties in perceiving more complex versions of object images.

Indicative research activities in children with mental retardation are not sufficiently developed: they do not know how to examine an object, and for a long time they resort to practical ways orientation in its properties, do not exhibit indicative activity. They have a reduced speed of performing a number of perceptual operations, which leads to poverty and poor differentiation of images and ideas. There is also a weak formation of sensory standards and the figurative sphere as a whole, which is manifested in the limited range of ideas, their schematic nature and elements of stereotypy. Children with mental retardation do not know how to attract and include data from life experience in the process of forming images and ideas; their dynamics of imaginative processes is reduced.

L.N. Blinova, T.V. Egorova, I.Yu. Kulagina, T.D. Puskaeva, T.A. Strekalova, S.G. Shevchenko, U.V. Ulyenkova and other researchers note that this group of children has reduced thinking activity and an insufficiently developed ability for mental operations. The development of thinking is affected by the poverty of accumulated knowledge and ideas and the low level of cognitive activity. Preschoolers do not know how to identify recognizable features of objects, analyze the shape of objects, establish the symmetry of figures, and experience difficulties when it is necessary to mentally combine, synthesize properties, navigate in space, and use the existing stock of ideas in real practical activities.

E.V. Maltseva, G.N. Rakhmakova, S.K. Sivolapov, R.D. Triger, S.G. Shevchenko, SI. Chaplinskaya identified the peculiarities of the speech of children with mental retardation: limited vocabulary, defects in sound pronunciation, phonemic processes, violation of the semantic side of the speech system, insufficient ability to correlate figurative processes with verbal components, dissociation between figurative and verbal spheres, speech inactivity, difficulties with detailed utterances, instability attention, inability to distribute it.

Uneven performance is noted. The development of observation and concentration is hampered by increased distractibility and disinhibition. There is a limited amount of memorized material and rapid loss of information. Children with mental retardation are not able to operate with memorized material and transform it during reproduction.

For motor spheres Children with mental retardation are characterized by disturbances in the voluntary regulation of movements, insufficient coordination and clarity of involuntary movements, difficulties in switching and automation, underdevelopment of fine motor acts, the presence of synkenesis, and exhaustion. Their movements are characterized by awkwardness and clumsiness. The child cannot hold a pencil for a long time; as fatigue increases, movements become imprecise, large or small.

Despite the fact that preschoolers with mental retardation have a number of positive aspects in development (the ability to use help, the preservation of many personal and intellectual qualities), the dominant features remain weak emotional stability, impaired self-control in all types of children's activities, aggressive behavior, difficulties in adapting to childhood team, fussiness, frequent mood swings, uncertainty, feeling of fear. There is a decrease in the need to communicate with peers, inadequate self-esteem, and unevenness in the formation of the motivational side of activity. Due to the rapid onset of fatigue, children cannot complete the task they have begun; they have reduced interest in the process and result of the activity, and often it is completely absent. Preschoolers with mental retardation do not know how to listen to the instructions given by the teacher in class; they want to start acting faster. However, having started the activity, they do not know where to start: violations appear already at the stage of orientation in the task. Lack of planning ability leads to unnecessary and chaotic actions. As the work progresses, children often turn to the teacher with clarifying questions, but do not adhere to the rules outlined by adults, they do not notice and do not correct the mistakes made. Their self-control is almost undeveloped, and they have an uncritical attitude towards the results of their work.

All of the listed disorders in the development of children with mental retardation have a negative impact on the formation of visual activity, including drawing. At the same time, the child’s activity is the driving force of his mental development.

1.2 Stages of providing special assistance to children with mental retardation

Systems for providing assistance to persons with various types of developmental disorders are closely related to the socio-economic conditions of society, to the state policy towards children with developmental disabilities, to the regulatory framework that determines the qualifying nature of education and the level of requirements for graduates of special education institutions.

It is widely known that children with severe mental and physical developmental disorders were the first to receive help from the state back in the mid-18th century. The end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries marked the beginning of the systematic education of mentally retarded children. And since the mid-fifties of the 20th century, children with mental retardation began to attract the attention of scientists and practitioners.

Initially, the problem of mental retardation was considered in the context of learning difficulties that arise in children school age. Educators, primarily Western ones, grouped children with learning difficulties into this group, calling them children with insufficient learning abilities or children with learning difficulties. Doctors who also studied children with similar disabilities came to the conclusion that the difficulties that children experience are associated primarily with the consequences of brain damage in the early stages of child development. Therefore, they called such children children with minimal brain damage. The occurrence of difficulties in children was considered in pedagogy and from a social perspective. These scientists saw the origins of the child’s mental retardation in the social conditions of his life and upbringing. Children requiring special education to overcome the consequences of these unfavorable social conditions were defined by them as unadapted, pedagogically neglected (in English terminology - subjected to social and cultural deprivation). In the German literature, this category included children with behavioral disorders that caused learning difficulties.

The discussion that ensued between scientists about the causes and consequences of mental retardation in children turned out to be very useful for the practical solution of this problem. All over the world, special classes have begun to open for children with this developmental disorder. This was the first stage of studying and teaching children with mental retardation.

The next stage is associated with comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical studies of underachieving students (in the Soviet Union) and children studying in special classes (in the USA, Canada, England). Already in the 1963/64 school year in the USA, in the state of California, a program of “advanced education” was adopted, providing for a year of training for children of senior preschool age who were unable or unprepared to go to a comprehensive school on time. For this purpose, special classes or groups were created in secondary schools.

In the Soviet Union at this time and in subsequent decades, the system of assistance to children with mental retardation of school age was actively developing. The problem of mental retardation in children has been extensively studied. In the studies of M.S. Pevzner (1966), G.E. Sukhareva (1965, 1974), I.A. Yurkova (1971), V.V. Kovaleva (1973), K.S. Lebedinskaya (1975), M.G. Reidiboyma (1977), I.F. Markovskaya (1993) and other scientists clarified the clinical composition of this nosology. In psychological and pedagogical research, the psychological characteristics of children, the peculiarities of the formation of their various ideas, knowledge and skills were studied (N.A. Nikashina, 1965, 1972, 1977; V.I. Lubovsky, 1972, 1978, 1989; N.A. Tsypina, 1974, 1994; E.A. Slepovich, 1990, 1990; In 1981, a new type of institution was introduced into the structure of special education - schools and classes for children with mental retardation.

Somewhat later, the country began studying children with mental retardation of preschool age. At the Institute of Defectology (now the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education), a long-term experiment was conducted to study, raise and teach children with mental retardation aged 5-6 years. Its result was the Standard program for teaching children with mental retardation in the preparatory group of a kindergarten (1989), and in 1991, the team of authors of this institute under the leadership of S.G. Shevchenko was offered a version of the program special education children with ZPR senior preschool age. Since 1990, preschool institutions for children with mental retardation have been included in the range of special (correctional) preschool institutions in our country.

Over thirty years of studying children with the pathology in question in domestic science and practice, a theoretical basis has been formed, the main methodological approaches to organizing education and training have been determined, and experience has been accumulated in providing correctional and pedagogical assistance to preschool children with mental retardation in a specialized kindergarten.

This entire period can be called the second stage of scientific and methodological understanding of the problem of mental retardation in children. His achievements in our country can be considered the development of a generally accepted etiopathogenetic classification of mental retardation, an understanding of the need for variable psychological and pedagogical support for children in this category, and the accumulation of experience in solving organizational and methodological issues that arise in the process of raising and teaching children with mental retardation of different ages.

We associate the third stage of providing assistance to children with mental retardation with the beginning of the 90s. XX century. It was at this time that a whole direction of work arose in scientific circles, associated with increased attention to the problems of early diagnosis and correction of deviations in the psychophysical development of the child. Numerous studies over these years make it possible to finally build a system of correctional and developmental assistance for children with mental retardation not “from above,” as we saw at the previous stage, when researchers seemed to “descend” to preschool children from the problems of school education, but “from below,” when researchers strive to understand the patterns of heterochronic ontogenesis of a child, to compare the paths of child development in normal conditions and in pathology, identifying the optimal strategy and tactics for triggering compensatory mechanisms.

1.3 Organizational forms of assistance to preschool children with mental retardation

Currently in Russia there is a system of types and types of state and municipal educational institutions, providing the opportunity to choose one or another form of education.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” as amended by Federal Law No. 12-FZ dated January 13, 1996, an educational institution is an institution that carries out the educational process, i.e. implementing one or more educational programs and (or) providing maintenance and education of students (pupils).

The Ministry of the Russian Federation has approved a list of types and types of educational institutions (dated February 17, 1997, No. 150/14-12), among which there is a type - Preschool educational institution (PSE) and various types of PSE, in which correctional pedagogical education is carried out:

a compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction in the physical and mental development of pupils;

kindergarten for supervision and health improvement with priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures;

a combined type kindergarten, which may include general developmental, compensatory and health groups in various combinations;

child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and improvement of all pupils.

Children with mental retardation attend mainly compensatory and combined preschool educational institutions, as well as short-term groups for children with developmental disabilities. In these institutions, groups for children can be created for both correctional and developmental purposes, as well as advisory or diagnostic groups. In addition, preschool groups are organized for them at boarding schools for children with mental retardation and at the Kindergarten - Primary School complexes. On an outpatient basis, children with mental retardation receive assistance in centers for medical, psychological and pedagogical support, centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction, and in other institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance.

Combined preschool institutions have proven themselves well. They have both specialized preschool groups - diagnostic, correctional - and mixed ones, in which children with various developmental disabilities are brought up, including preschoolers with mental retardation. Since there are relatively many children with this disorder in the pediatric population, such groups are easily completed. But there should be no more than a quarter of the group’s composition of children with developmental delays. Their presence in the group activates all correctional and developmental work as a whole. And for children with mental retardation, the example of their peers is significant, which for them, with properly organized pedagogical work, is a guideline and a standard to follow.

At an early age, these children are observed by doctors and psychologists at children's clinics or in habilitation centers for young children.

Analyzing the current situation in Russia in the field of social and pedagogical assistance to persons with disabilities, we can highlight innovative directions in its strategy:

the formation of a state-public system of social and pedagogical assistance (the creation of educational institutions, social services of the state and public sectors);

improvement of the process of social education in the conditions of special educational institutions based on the introduction of variability and different levels of education, continuation of the educational process outside the framework of a special school and beyond school age, depending on the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of the child;

creation of fundamentally new (interdepartmental) forms of institutions for the provision of social and pedagogical assistance (permanent psychological, medical and social consultations, rehabilitation and medical, psychological and social centers, etc.);

organization of early diagnosis and early assistance services in order to prevent developmental disorders and reduce the degree of disability;

the emergence of experimental models of integrated learning (inclusion of one child or group of children with disabilities in an environment of healthy peers).

1.4 Recommendations for the admission of children with mental retardation to preschool educational institutions

By decision of the PMPC, children with mental retardation are sent to a specialized preschool institution or group. The main medical indications for admitting a child are:

ZPR of cerebral-organic origin;

ZPR according to the type of constitutional (harmonic) mental and psychophysical infantilism;

ZPR of somatogenic origin with symptoms of persistent somatic asthenia and somatogenic infantilization;

Mental retardation of psychogenic origin (pathological personality development of a neurotic type, psychogenic infantilization);

ZPR due to other reasons.

Another indication for admission to preschool institutions is pedagogical neglect due to unfavorable microsocial conditions of upbringing.

Under equal conditions, first of all, children with more severe forms of mental retardation - cerebral-organic origin and other clinical forms complicated by encephalopathic symptoms - should be sent to these institutions. In cases where the final diagnosis can only be established during long-term observation, the child is admitted to a preschool institution conditionally for 6-9 months. If necessary, this period may be extended by the PMPC.

Contraindications for admission to preschool institutions and groups of this type are the presence of the following clinical forms and conditions in children:

mental retardation;

organic, epileptic, schizophrenic dementia;

severe impairment of vision, hearing, and musculoskeletal system;

severe speech disorders: alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, stuttering;

schizophrenia with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere;

pronounced forms of psychopathy and psychopath-like states of various natures;

frequent convulsive paroxysms requiring systematic observation and treatment by a neuropsychiatrist;

persistent enuresis and encopresis;

chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, digestive organs, etc. in the stage of exacerbation and decompensation.

If the above violations are revealed during the child’s stay in a preschool institution or in a group for children with mental retardation, the child is subject to expulsion or transfer to an institution of the appropriate profile.

At the end of the child's stay in preschool institution or a group for children with mental retardation, taking into account the updated diagnosis and prospects for further development, determined on the basis of dynamic observation, the issue of his education at school is decided. Based on the decision of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution, documents are drawn up on the transfer of the child to a school (or class) for children with mental retardation, in the case of compensation for deviations - to a comprehensive school, and in some cases, if there is evidence for this (specified diagnosis) - on referral to special school of the appropriate type.

Based on the “Recommendations for the admission of children with mental retardation to preschool institutions and special-purpose groups,” which were approved by the Ministry of Education on November 26, 1990, two age groups are formed: senior - for children aged 5-6 years and preparatory - for children 6- 7 years old. However, in recent years, groups have been opening in Russia in which children are provided with assistance, starting with early age. In such institutions, a junior diagnostic group is opened for children aged 2.5 to 3.5 years, followed by three age groups - middle, senior and preparatory. Taking into account life and production needs, it is allowed to complete the group with children of different ages.

1.5 Psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation and its role in organizing assistance to children with mental retardation

An important place in helping children with mental retardation now occupies a permanent psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC). It solves children’s problems at the interdepartmental level, combining the efforts of specialists from various departments: healthcare, education and social protection of the population. In the course of their work, PMPC specialists conduct a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination; individual and group counseling for children and parents; individual and group sessions, psychotherapeutic and social psychological trainings; thematic seminars for specialists working with children with developmental problems. They are the ones who determine the type and forms of education for problem children, and develop individually oriented programs of pedagogical, psychological, social and medical assistance to children.

The PMPK necessarily includes the following specialists:


doctors: psychiatrist, neurologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, therapist (pediatrician);

special teachers: speech therapist, oligophrenopedagogist, teacher of the deaf, typhlopedagogist, social teacher;


representatives of relevant education, health and social protection authorities.

The presence of such a number of specialists makes it possible to make the process of examining children more organized, productive, consistent, and makes it possible to conduct earlier examinations and obtain accurate results.

PMPK faces complex tasks, the solution of which requires the interaction of all these specialists. One of the most important tasks is to conduct an earlier free psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children, identify the characteristics of their development, and establish a diagnosis. Solving this problem allows you to begin timely correction and apply an individual approach to training. Such early correction helps prevent the development of the disease or its severe consequences.

At the next stage, it is necessary to solve such a problem as confirmation, clarification and change of a previously established diagnosis. It is also necessary to provide advisory assistance to parents who have children with physical and (or) mental disabilities.

The main task is to advise pedagogical, medical, and social workers on issues related to the educational needs of children, their rights and the rights of parents. It is also very important to create a data bank on the number of children with physical and (or) mental disabilities, on the structure of childhood pathology (disability).

Children are sent to PMPK at the request of their parents or at the initiative of educational institutions, health care institutions, social protection bodies and institutions with the consent of the parents. If this happens by court decision, then parental consent is not required. Parents have the right to be present during the examination of their children.

The PMPK conclusion contains the results of the examination, and it serves as the basis for sending children (with parental consent) to special educational institutions or integrated education organizations. Members of the PMPC are required to maintain the confidentiality of their conclusions.

When parents do not agree with the conclusion of the PMPK, upon their application, the state authorities of education, health care, and social protection appoint an independent examination, where parents are given the right to choose (disqualify) experts and an expert institution.

The data of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission are recorded. The personal file of the examined child, a protocol with the commission’s conclusion and recommendations for organizing education and treatment are transferred to the institution where the student is sent. Without the conclusion of a regional (district, city) PMPK, it is not permitted to admit children to special (correctional) educational institutions, expel them, or transfer them from one type of institution to another.

The final diagnosis can only be established in the process of educational work; the child is sent to a special (correctional) institution to clarify the diagnosis for a period of no more than one year. After a year, if necessary, the child is re-sent to the PMPK to determine the type of institution in which he should study.

If there is a required number of such children, diagnostic classes and preschool groups can be organized for each category of children as part of school or preschool institutions for special purposes.

IN pedagogical characteristics It is necessary to indicate not only the child’s shortcomings, but also the nature of the difficulties that the child is experiencing and what assistance was provided in overcoming them. It should also be noted positive qualities child. It is necessary to include formal data in the characteristics: number of years of schooling; information about the family, about the characteristics of the child’s cognitive activity; data on school knowledge; information about the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, personality.

Based on the survey data, a conclusion is drawn up about the nature of the deviations. A decision is made about the place of education and training. Specific recommendations are given.

The study of children includes medical, psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy examination.

The medical examination is carried out by doctors and includes ophthalmological, otolaryngological, somatic, neurological and psychiatric examinations. The diagnosis is made only by doctors. Data from the history of the child’s development, obtained by the doctor from a conversation with the mother, as well as objective indicators of the child’s condition based on medical reports, will help to choose a strategy for psychological and pedagogical examination. During the psychological and pedagogical examination, features are revealed psychological development child (time of sensitive periods of development of speech, movements, etc.); the beginning of the formation of neatness skills, self-service, communication skills with children, the state of motor skills, and the nature of play activities are revealed. It is necessary to study the personality as a whole, and not individual psychological processes.

It is necessary to determine the readiness of children for school: the level of mental development, emotional-volitional and social maturity. A child must have a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him; well-developed motor skills, voluntary attention, meaningful memory, and spatial perception are required. It is important to have the ability to regulate behavior and self-control.

Speech therapy examination is carried out by a speech therapist. It includes examination of the articulatory apparatus, impressive (phonemic hearing, understanding of words, simple sentences, logical-grammatical structures) and expressive speech (repeated, nominative, independent speech). Written speech and speech memory are studied. The speech therapist needs to identify the structure of the speech defect and establish the level of speech underdevelopment of children.

The conclusion is made by all specialists. It is important not just to make a diagnosis and write a conclusion, it is necessary to substantiate it by highlighting the main symptoms of the specified condition.

When deciding on the type of institution, there may be different situations: transfer of a child to a special institution is really necessary or properly organized work in the conditions of general educational institutions is sufficient, subject to assistance from the family. When a child has a profound decline in intelligence, and the parents are against sending them to a correctional institution, helping the parents is especially important. The doctor gives advice on health-improving activities. It is important that assistance to children from parents is adequate and has a correctional and developmental focus.

The advice of a defectologist on the use of educational measures and on establishing the correct attitude of parents towards children is useful. Sometimes there are extremes. In these families, they look at the child as sick and unhappy, they do everything for him, accustoming the child to complete inactivity. In another case, the child is presented with too high demands. Overload has a dramatic effect on his health and behavior. In other families, children are abandoned because the parents are sure that “they can’t do anything anyway.”

Recommendations for preparing a child for school are important. It is necessary to develop the qualities that ensure learning at school, to form sustainable voluntary and purposeful activity.

On the basis of PMPK, group and individual classes can be conducted with children who cannot attend preschool and school institutions. The content and methods of work in these classes are determined based on the psychophysical development of the child, age, and assigned tasks.

The most important factor stimulating the development of higher mental functions is motor development. In correctional work, along with special exercises, exercises are necessary for:

strengthening the muscles of the hand, fine motor skills of the fingers (sculpting, squeezing rubber objects, stringing buttons, shading, etc.);

development of orientation in space (determination of the right - left side, location of objects, symmetrical drawing of objects, etc.);

memory development (find presented figures, objects among others, laying out patterns from memory, repeating words, etc.);

development of thinking (drawing, modeling, applique);

correctional work should be aimed at correcting the development of the child’s entire personality.


The formation of a system for providing special assistance to children with mental retardation turned out to be a long and complex process. The result was the system of types and types of state and municipal educational institutions that currently exists in Russia, providing the opportunity to choose one or another form of education. Children with mental retardation attend mainly compensatory and combined preschool educational institutions, as well as short-term groups for children with developmental disabilities. In these institutions, groups for children can be created for both correctional and developmental purposes, as well as advisory or diagnostic groups. In addition, preschool groups are organized for them at boarding schools for children with mental retardation and at the Kindergarten - Primary School complexes.

The specifics of a teacher’s work in general preschool institutions are important in organizing assistance for children with mental retardation. It is also important to organize assistance for parents with children with mental retardation.

2.1 Recommendations for working with children with mental retardation in general preschool institutions

As the results of a comprehensive medical and psychological-pedagogical study of children conducted at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy (Research Institute of Defectology) of the Russian Academy of Education show, children with severe mental retardation are unable to successfully master knowledge in general conditions.

When teaching children with mental retardation, it is necessary to use specific correctional and pedagogical influences, combined with therapeutic and recreational activities. In this case, it is necessary to carry out an individual approach to children, taking into account the difficulties characteristic of each child.

Educational material should be presented to children in doses, in small cognitive “blocks”; its complication should be carried out gradually. It is necessary to specifically train children to use previously acquired knowledge.

It is known that children with mental retardation get tired quickly. In this regard, it is necessary to switch students from one type of activity to another. You should also use different types of activities. It is very important that the proposed types of work are performed by children with interest and emotional excitement. This is facilitated by the use of colorful visual didactic material and game moments in the classroom. The teacher is recommended to talk to the child in a soft, friendly tone and encourage him for the slightest success.

Special correctional work is also necessary, expressed in the systematic filling of gaps in children’s basic knowledge and practical experience, as well as in developing their readiness to master the fundamentals of scientific knowledge in the process of studying certain educational subjects. The corresponding work is included in the content of initial teaching of specific subjects in the form of children mastering preparatory sections for various topics.

Those educational practical activities with subjects that are provided for by teaching methods in general preschool educational institutions, in most cases, are insufficient for children with mental retardation, since they cannot fill the gaps in their practical knowledge. In this regard, the formation, expansion and clarification of elementary knowledge is organically included in the curriculum for each of the subjects studied. Such clarifying and explanatory “detailing” of educational material and preliminary preparation for its mastery should be carried out primarily in relation to the most difficult topics to master.

The methods of work used are directly dependent on the specific content of the classes. The constant task of the educator is to select methods that ensure the development of children's observation, attention and interest in the objects and phenomena being studied, etc. But even such preparatory work for the study of cognitive material and the formation of subject-specific practical actions in individual subjects is often not enough. Special correctional work is needed to enrich children with a variety of knowledge about the world around them, to develop their skills of “analytical observation”, to form intellectual operations of comparison, juxtaposition, analysis and generalization, and to accumulate experience in practical generalizations. All this creates the necessary prerequisites for the formation in children of the ability to independently acquire knowledge and use it.

Corrective pedagogical work, carried out with the aim of forming knowledge and ideas about the environment, serves as one of the means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students and increasing the level of their overall development.

In addition, it is important for the development of coherent speech in students with mental retardation. Such work contributes, first of all, to clarifying the content (semantic) side of speech in connection with the improvement and expansion of ideas and concepts and the acquisition by children of lexical and grammatical linguistic means their verbal designation. During oral statements about understandable, easily perceived life phenomena, children master various forms and components of speech (correct pronunciation, vocabulary of their native language, grammatical structure, etc.).

Educators must take into account that the speech of children with mental retardation is not sufficiently developed. This is primarily due to speech underdevelopment, expressed to one degree or another, which is noted in the majority of children with mental retardation. Children do not understand many words and expressions, which naturally makes it difficult to master educational material. Program requirements imply that students' answers in class must be correct not only in essence, but also in form. This requires that children use words with their exact meanings, construct sentences grammatically correctly, pronounce sounds, words and phrases clearly, and express themselves logically and expressively. It is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity every day to speak out about the work done, observations made, books read, etc., as well as answer the teacher’s questions about the educational material in compliance with all the basic requirements for verbal communication.

An integral part of correctional classes for children with mental retardation is the formation and “normalization” of their independent activity (subject-related, practical and intellectual) in the process of correctional pedagogical work. It is carried out during all classes and in free time. In some cases, there is a need to conduct special training sessions.

During group classes, an individual approach to each child should be taken, taking into account deviations in his development and personal and psychological characteristics. For the most effective implementation of correctional pedagogical work, the teacher-educator needs to carefully study and analyze the nature of the child’s learning difficulties, on the basis of which an individual lesson plan is developed with him.

Reliance on the positive and stronger aspects of the student’s personality becomes of great importance: activity, intact motor skills, relatively developed phrasal speech, intellectual capabilities, etc.

For the effective organization of educational (cognitive) activities of children with mental retardation, the following activities are recommended:

1). Determining the most rational educational place for the child in the classroom, which ensures constant contact between the teacher and the child and an individual approach to him in the process of educational and practical activities.

2). Individual planning of a child’s educational (and subject-related practical) activities:

1. planning the child’s practical activities, the degree of his participation in each lesson;

2. determining the amount of work performed by the child;

3. planning the assistance provided to the child by the teacher (volume and nature of individual assistance, etc.);

4. An individual approach to the child during training sessions is carried out using the following pedagogical techniques:

the method of joint actions (any part of the task or the entire task as a whole is performed by the child together with the teacher, under his guidance);

the method of partially completing a task in combination with stage-by-stage, “fractional” completion of tasks: during a training session, the child does not complete the entire task in full, but some, for example, the main part of it. A task completed completely by other children during one lesson can be completed by a child with mental retardation in 2-3 stages. Conducting individual additional classes with the child (preferably short-term).

3). Implementing a “gentle” approach to the child when organizing his educational activities:

dosing educational loads (in training sessions, during the school day), observing the necessary pauses, breaks in work (filled with performing auxiliary actions, for example, the “responsibilities” of a teacher’s assistant [group teacher], etc.);

The individual capabilities of the child and the degree of his readiness to complete educational tasks are taken into account.

the right combination of educational and gaming (subject-practical) activities; deliberate, purposeful use of game forms of work (for example, completing an educational task based on didactic game etc.). Organization by the teacher of assistance to the child from other children in the class (educational group). The appropriate forms of work are used:

work (in training sessions) in pairs with a “strong” (intellectually and verbally advanced) child who has the necessary personal qualities;

joint execution of an educational task by several children (“team method”); a child with mental retardation may be assigned to perform some simple operations or practical actions;

organization by a teacher of individual and group “care” of a child with mental retardation from other children with certain “pedagogical inclinations,” etc.

2.2 Working with parents

When working with parents, both group and individual forms of work are used.

Systematic conversations between teachers and parents for the purpose of exchanging information; recommendations to parents on the organization and content of developmental activities with the child at home, assisting the child with homework, etc. Regular conversations and consultations on the following issues:

organization of the correct daily routine;

ensuring the child’s full cognitive development, eliminating gaps in cognitive development;

classes at home to develop the child’s skills in subject-related practical activities:

achieving a strong assimilation by the child of educational material (knowledge, abilities and skills in accordance with the training program at the educational institution);

ensuring the child’s full physical development, formation; development of necessary motor skills and abilities.

discussion (at the pedagogical council, meeting of the methodological association) of issues of a differentiated and individual approach to children in the conditions of a given educational institution.

At the end of the year (at the end of a certain period of training), it is envisaged to reconsider the issue of ways and organization of further education and upbringing of the child, if necessary - re-sending the child to PMPK.

Do not neglect such a well-known type of interaction as monthly parent-teacher meetings. The effectiveness of their implementation directly depends on the level of their preparation, as well as on the importance and relevance of the topic proposed for discussion.

It is advisable to hold meetings for parents of preschoolers of all age groups 2-3 times a year, but usually meetings are held according to age groups: for parents of young children, for parents raising younger preschoolers, for parents of older preschoolers. In addition, at the beginning of the school year, it is recommended to hold a meeting for parents of newly admitted children, at which they are introduced to the general organization of work in a preschool institution, the role of parents in raising a child with developmental disabilities, and methods for enhancing the cognitive activity of children in their daily communication with parents.

The following meeting topics may be suggested for parents of young children:

1. Patterns of mental life in children of the first, second and third years of life and their influence on the subsequent development of the child.

2. Causes of deviations in the psychophysical development of the child. Possibility of their compensation through family education.

3. The culture of everyday life and its importance for the psychophysical development of the child.

4. A toy as a means of mental development of a child.

5. Emotional communication and its role in the neuropsychic development of the child.

6. Development of objective activity in young children.

7. Development of movements in young children.

8. Education of cognitive activity in young children in the process of actions with objects.

9. Speech development in young children. The role of adults in enhancing the child’s verbal communication.

10. What and how to read to a small child.

11. Child and music.

12. Little artist.

For parents whose children are at the next age stage, we can suggest the following meeting topics:

1. Features of the psychophysical development of a child of primary preschool age.

2. Story game for children. Partners and equipment for children's story games.

3. Properties and qualities of objects surrounding children in everyday life. The role of parents and other family members in expanding children's understanding of the properties and qualities of objects.

4. Development of memory in children. How to teach children to remember visual and auditory information.

5. Critical periods in the development of a child’s speech. The role of parents in the prevention of deviations in the child’s speech development.

6. Equipment for a children's corner or children's room at home.

7. Walking with children as a means of communication and developing their ideas about the world around them.

8. The role of hardening activities in raising a child. Measures to prevent colds.

9. Aggressive behavior in children. Its correction through family education.

10. Personal development of a preschool child. The role of the family in the education of moral behavior, ethical standards and personal qualities.

For parents of an older preschooler, we can suggest the following topics for parent meetings:

1. Psychophysical characteristics of a child of senior preschool age.

2. Role-playing game for a preschool child. Opportunities and place of participation of parents and family members.

3. Development of the child’s auditory perception during walks and in the process of mastering the sound culture of speech.

4. Educational games and their place in family leisure.

5. Opportunities for developing children's imagination in everyday children's activities.

6. Prevention of childhood neuroses.

7. Deviations in the behavior of children and the possibility of their correction through educational influences from family members.

8. Friends of our children. Helping parents help their children make friends.

9. Responsibilities of a preschool child around the house.

10. Preparing the child for school.

At parent meetings, it is advisable to show fragments of video recordings of classes conducted with children, accompanying them with comments from specialists, and give specific examples from the lives of children in the group. At the same time, you need to remember that a preschool employee can praise a particular child, but a negative fact is always reported without indicating the child’s last name and the real participants in the event.

Individual consultations can provide significant assistance to parents.

Individual counseling involves:

joint discussion with parents of the progress and results of correctional work;

analysis of the reasons for insignificant progress in the development of certain aspects of the child’s mental activity and joint development of recommendations for overcoming negative trends in his development;

individual workshops on teaching parents joint forms of activities with children (mainly various types of productive activities, articulatory gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, educational games and tasks).

An important condition for working with parents whose children have mental retardation is the formation in them adequate assessment the mental state of their children in terms of readiness for schooling. Individual work at this stage is of an advisory and recommendatory nature, with a focus on the form of education that corresponds to the child’s level of development.

Active forms of working with parents have proven themselves well, such as: workshops; thematic consultations; psychological trainings; "School for Young Parents" and others.

Seminars and workshops are actively used. They are usually devoted to a single problem. The free form of their conduct presupposes, however, the active participation of parents who are interested in the issue brought up for discussion.

Thematic consultations usually cover issues of correctional technologies that can be used by parents at home. During such consultations, for example, specific methods for developing children’s attention, methods for comparing objects, and methods for developing children’s visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking are discussed.


Thus, the system of types and types of state and municipal educational institutions currently existing in Russia provides the opportunity to choose one or another form of education.

General kindergartens solve complex socially significant problems aimed at creating conditions for the integration of a child with mental retardation into society, developing adequate ways for him to enter society and providing the child with the volume of ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for further education and training.

Children with mental retardation attend mainly compensatory and combined preschool educational institutions, as well as short-term groups for children with developmental disabilities.

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Question: Hello! On September 1, my daughter (2 years old) and I began attending a short-stay group in one of the DSs in the South-Eastern Administrative District. The group is positioned as an adaptation group for children from 2 to 3 years old.

It turned out that the same group would be attended by a 5-year-old boy with a large
mental retardation (mental retardation),
as a result, very, very
behaving inappropriately (read, sometimes simply aggressively). Absolutely
it is clear that this fact does not suit absolutely all other parents
children - 2 years old for obvious reasons:
- a huge difference in physical parameters (height and weight), which is dangerous in
joint games;
- due to the desire at this age to imitate and copy older ones,
our young children do not model the best behavior
“special” child;
— in this case we are no longer talking about any adaptation of 2-year-olds,
since none of the mothers would risk leaving their child without their
supervision for a minute in this group, especially as planned
initially, over time - for 3 hours... and so on.

A joint appeal from parents on this issue to the head of the children's school - nothing
did not give: “A child with mental retardation will attend this group because he
the level of development corresponds to 2 years of age” (???).

My question is this:
— are the actions of the DS administration legal in this case?;
— Shouldn’t parents of children entering the country have been notified initially?
into the group, and such an unusual composition?;
- if, nevertheless, some violations of regulatory standards can be traced here
documents, then to whom and where, referring to what legislative
sources, contact us to resolve this problem?

Best regards, Olga Mayorova.

Irina Gileta, lawyer, answers:

Good afternoon, Olga.
It is quite obvious that the administration has violated preschool institution basic norms of legislative acts designed to regulate the activities of kindergartens.

In accordance with paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008, kindergartens or groups in them can have different directions: general developmental, compensatory, health-improving or combined. I will decipher two concepts for you: “compensating orientation” and “combined orientation.”

In compensatory groups, qualified correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development and preschool education of children with disabilities is carried out in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, developed by it independently on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program preschool education and federal state requirements to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and capabilities of children.

In combined groups, healthy children and children with disabilities are educated together in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, developed independently by it on the basis of an approximate basic general education program for preschool education and federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program for preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and capabilities of children.

Let me draw your attention to the fact that in the group of combined orientation there may be healthy children and children with disabilities. The latter does not include children with mental disabilities! This is a completely different category of children. Therefore, even if the head of the kindergarten refers to this possibility, keep in mind that this link does not apply to your case.

Accordingly, answering your second question, I can only say that there can be no prior warning to parents of children about “unusual” things, because such actions by the administration are illegal.

I advise you, firstly, to talk again with the manager with references to the relevant standards that are given in the answer. Warn her about your right to contact the education department/administration of the relevant district of your city with a complaint about the actions of the kindergarten administration.

Or you can immediately contact the mentioned body or the prosecutor’s office to protect your violated rights.

Correction and development program for working with children with disabilities

Description: I present to your attention a correctional and developmental program for working with children with mental retardation in a preschool educational institution. This material will be useful to educators, educational psychologists, and senior educators.
1. Target section
1.1. Explanatory note.
1.2. Goals.
1.3. Tasks.
1.4. Principles.
1.5. Description of the contingent of children.
1.6. Planning the result of mastering the result (pedagogical and psychological targets)
1.7. Timing and main stages of implementation.
2. Content section.
2.1. Psychological and pedagogical support for children (diagnosis, correction, prevention)
2.2. Psychological and pedagogical support for teachers (diagnosis, correction, education and consultation)
2.3. Psychological and pedagogical support for parents (Diagnostics, correction, education and counseling)
3. Organizational section.
3.1. Conditions for the implementation of the program.
- creation of a subject-development environment
- software and methodological support
- interaction of specialists (PMPk)
-network interaction (PMPC, clinic, Vesta, KDN, guardianship and trusteeship, etc.)
- Diagnostic minimum (methods, protocols, forms)
- Plan of correctional and developmental activities aimed at developing the processes of intellectual and emotional activity of children with mental retardation
- Educational activity planning system

Target section

1.1 Explanatory note
The Federal State Educational Standards for children with disabilities are considered an integral part of the federal state standards of general education. This approach is consistent with the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees all children the right to compulsory and free secondary education. A special educational standard should become a basic tool for realizing the constitutional rights to education of citizens with disabilities.
Children with disabilities can realize their potential only if they start on time and adequately organized training and education - satisfying both those common to normally developing children and their special educational needs, determined by the nature of the disorder in their mental development.
Special standards are based on the principles of agreement, consent and mutual obligations of the individual, family, society and state. The Federal State Educational Standard is a regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation that establishes a system of norms and rules that are mandatory for implementation in any educational institution where children with disabilities are educated and raised.
Today one of current problems is the implementation of psychological support for children with disabilities in a preschool educational institution.
Currently, there is a differentiated network of specialized educational institutions directly intended for organizing the education and training of children with disabilities. It includes, first of all, compensatory preschool educational institutions, special (correctional) educational institutions for students with disabilities.
In addition, in recent years in Russia the process of integrating children with disabilities into the environment of normally developing peers has been developing. Current legislation currently allows for the organization of training and education of children with disabilities in regular preschool educational institutions, compensatory preschool educational institutions, as well as “other educational institutions that are not correctional (general educational institutions).”
Children with disabilities- these are children with disabilities. Children whose health condition prevents them from mastering educational programs outside of special conditions of education and upbringing, i.e. These are disabled children or other children under the age of 18 who are not recognized as disabled children in the established order, but have temporary or permanent deviations in physical and (or) mental development and need to create special conditions for education and upbringing. The group of preschoolers with disabilities is not homogeneous; it includes children with various developmental disorders, the severity of which may vary. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children with mental development disorders and, as a result, experiencing learning difficulties. Among preschool children, there is a group that, in terms of their psychophysical development, lags slightly behind their peers. Until an accurate diagnosis is established, such children are classified as children with special educational needs, namely, the category of children with mental retardation (MDD). In providing conditions and opportunities for the development and education of children with mental retardation, a special role belongs to the educational psychologist. Speaking about the work of a psychologist, we mean not only psychological assistance, support for children experiencing difficulties in learning, namely psychological support for children at all stages of education, the result of which should be the creation of conditions for the development of the child, for him to master his activities and behavior, for the formation of readiness to life self-determination, including personal and social aspects.
Psychological support for preschoolers with mental retardation is considered as a process that includes strategy and tactics professional activity psychologist, aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the integration of children with mental retardation into society. It should be aimed at the formation of higher psychological functions that are experiencing deficits in development (perception, attention, memory), the formation of a system of social behavioral skills, productive forms of communication with adults and peers, based on partnerships.
The key areas of work of a preschool psychologist with children with mental retardation are diagnostic, correctional and developmental work; preventive and advisory work with teachers and parents raising children of this category.
1.2 Target
overcoming deficiencies in the development of children with mental retardation, forming the basis for education in a comprehensive school
1.3 Tasks
1. Teach the child to understand his own emotional state, express his feelings and recognize the feelings of other people through facial expressions, gestures, and intonation.
2. Activate the strength of the child himself, set him up to overcome life’s difficulties.
3. Develop higher mental functions.
4. Instill social behavior skills.

1.4 Principles
1. Integrity – taking into account the relationship and interdependence of various aspects of the child’s mental organization: intellectual, emotional-volitional, motivational.
2. Structural - dynamic approach - identifying and taking into account primary and secondary developmental deviations, factors that have a dominant impact on the child’s development, which makes it possible to determine compensation mechanisms that affect the learning process.
3. Ontogenetic approach - taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.
4. Anthropological approach - taking into account the age characteristics of the child.
5. Activity – widespread use of the child’s practical activities during classes.
6. Accessibility – selection of methods, techniques, means that correspond to the child’s capabilities.
7. Humanity - any decision should be made only in the interests of the child.
8. Optimism – belief in the possibility of a child’s development and education, an orientation towards a positive result of training and upbringing.
9. The unity of diagnosis and correction - monitoring the dynamics of development is important for determining the ways and methods of correctional work at various stages of training and education.
10. The principle of implementing an activity-based approach to education and training - success in correctional work can be achieved provided that it is based on the leading activities of age. For preschoolers this is a subject-based activity and role-playing game. Therefore, children with mental retardation should be taught and raised by playing with them.
11. Accounting for leading activities. For a preschool child, such an activity is play. During the game, he has many questions, which means he feels the need for verbal communication. The speech therapist gets involved in the game and, unnoticed by the child, helps him overcome his speech disorder. For schoolchildren, the leading activity is educational. The entire speech therapy program is built on this basis. However, game moments also remain. Everyone loves to play, even adults. We also use speech games when working with adults. After all, everyone knows: “You have to have fun studying in order to study well.”
12. The principle of development, which involves analyzing the process of the emergence of a defect (according to L.S. Vygotsky)
13. Relationships between speech development and cognitive processes; mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification) and other mental processes and functions;

1.5 Description of the population of children.
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of senior preschool age with mental retardation
Mental retardation is a state of mild intellectual disability of different origins and clinical manifestations, characterized by a slow pace of mental development, personal immaturity, mild impairments of cognitive activity and the emotional-volitional sphere.
The main reason for this lag is mild organic lesions of the cerebral cortex. The term “delay” emphasizes the temporary (discrepancy between the level of mental development and age) nature of the lag, which is overcome with age the more successfully the earlier adequate conditions for the learning and development of children in the category under consideration are created (V.I. Lubovskoy).
Lebedinskaya K.S., Pevzner M.S., Shevchenko S.G. and others identify the following main forms of mental retardation.
ZPR constitutional origin (psychophysical infantilism). The causes of this form are hereditary factors (predisposition to longer periods of physiological and psychological “maturation”), mild pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, debilitating diseases of the period of early development.
With psychophysical infantilism, children are characterized by an infantile body type, childish facial expressions and motor skills, and infantile mentality. The emotional-volitional sphere is at the level of younger children; play interests predominate. Children are suggestible and not independent enough. They get tired of learning activities very quickly.
ZPR of a somatogenic nature. The cause is frequent somatic diseases of a debilitating nature.
The immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere in such children is noted even in preschool age, manifesting itself in the form of increased sensitivity, impressionability, fear of the new, excessive attachment to loved ones and pronounced inhibition in contacts with strangers, up to the refusal of verbal communication.
Mental retardation of a psychogenic nature (psychogenic infantilism). It is typical for children brought up in conditions unfavorable for mental development, causing “mental deprivation.” During infancy, sensory deprivation occurs as a result of a lack of emotional sensory stimuli. In early and preschool age cognitive deprivation, as a result of a lack of incentives for the development of prerequisites for intellectual activity. These are distinguished by their poor vocabulary. Violation of the grammatical structure of speech, difficulty concentrating, remembering, fragmented perception, weakening of mental activity. As a result of overprotection, hypoprotection at the age of 1 to 7 years we can encounter social deprivation. Most children with hypoprotection are raised in families that abuse alcohol, drugs, mentally ill parents, etc. they are conflict-ridden, irritable, impulsive, and lack a sense of duty and responsibility. With overprotection, children experience selfishness, egocentrism, lack of independence, inability to deal with difficulties, lack of hard work while overestimating their abilities, capriciousness and willfulness.
ZPR of cerebral-organic origin (organic infantilism). The most complex and specific form, resulting from organic brain failure in the early stages of development. Unlike oligophrenia, mental retardation is caused by later brain damage.
With this form there is immaturity of both the emotional-volitional sphere and cognitive development. Organic infantilism manifests itself in emotional-volitional immaturity, in the primitiveness of emotions, weakness of imagination, and the predominance of gaming interests. Disorders of cognitive activity in children are mosaic in nature. Partial impairment of cortical functions causes secondary underdevelopment of the most complex, late-forming functional systems.
Thus, in terms of their level of knowledge, children with mental retardation will not be able to master the school curriculum well in the future without prior preparation.
These children have a learning disability. During training, they form sedentary connections that are reproduced in an unchanged order. When moving from one system of knowledge and skills to another, these children tend to use old methods without modifying them. The inability to subordinate one’s activities to a set goal is combined with difficulties in planning one’s actions and lack of self-control. All children have a decrease in activity in all types of activities. These children do not strive to use the time allotted to complete the task and make few judgments in the conjectural plan until the task is solved. In mental activity, a decrease in cognitive activity is expressed in the weak dependence of children’s activities on the set goal, the substitution of a simpler and more familiar goal, and difficulty in finding a general way to solve a number of problems. Low cognitive activity is especially manifested in relation to objects and phenomena located outside the circle where the adult directs it.
In children with mental retardation, there is no change in leading activity, i.e. replacing gaming with educational activities. According to psychologist L.V. Kuznetsova, the motivational sphere of these children does not represent a homogeneous formation in the form of a predominance of only play motives. Only a third of the children have a clearly expressed gaming motivation.
Summarizing the described data, we can draw the following conclusions:
- in children with mental retardation, among the many characteristics inherent in them, the general underdevelopment of personality comes to the fore: emotional immaturity, insufficient ability for voluntary activity, very low cognitive activity, especially undirected, spontaneous, etc. The intellectual underdevelopment of these children is largely due to the listed factors.
However, it is worth noting that children in this category have fairly high development potential and show relatively good learning ability. Thus, with the help of a teacher, they complete tasks much better than on their own. This fact is very important both for diagnosing mental retardation and for a positive prognosis in the education of such children.
For children with mental retardation, it is very important for their development to have a psychologically comfortable environment that excludes overstrain, exhaustion, persistent negative experiences and mental trauma; special developmental work of the entire teaching staff.

1.6 Planning the result of mastering the program
Intellectual readiness for school has been formed: curiosity has been developed, a desire to learn new things, a fairly high level of sensory development, as well as figurative representations, attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, i.e. all mental processes have been developed.
Arbitrary behavior formed:
- Ability to understand and accept the tasks and suggestions of an adult.
- The ability to make decisions and apply knowledge in certain life situations.
- Ability to organize a workplace.
- Ability to complete a job and achieve results.
Moral and ethical ideas about the organization of communication with each other have been formed:
- timely use of words of gratitude;
- ability to understand the mood of others;
- ability to listen to the interlocutor.

1.7 Timing and main stages of program implementation
No. Stages of the program Timing of the program Ways to implement the program
1. Organizational September-October
Studying is normative – legal framework and psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem
Program development
Identifying the problem, selecting diagnostic material and identifying the level of development of children
2. Practical October - May Introduction and implementation of the program
3. Final May Diagnostics will determine the correctness of the selected technologies to resolve the identified contradictions 2.1 Psychological and pedagogical support for children (diagnosis, correction, prevention)
Diagnostic direction.
For the success of raising and educating children with mental retardation, a correct assessment of their capabilities and identification of special educational needs is necessary. In this regard, a special role is given to psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics, which allows:
promptly identify children with mental retardation;
identify the individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child with mental retardation;
determine the optimal pedagogical route;
provide individual support for each child with mental retardation in a preschool institution;
plan corrective measures, develop corrective work programs;
assess the dynamics of development and the effectiveness of correctional work;
determine the conditions for raising and educating the child;
consult the child's parents.
As sources of diagnostic tools, you can use the scientific and practical developments of S. D. Zabramnaya, I. Yu. Levchenko, E. A. Strebeleva, M. M. Semago and others. Qualitative analysis involves assessing the characteristics of the child’s process of completing tasks and mistakes made based on a system of quality indicators.
The following qualitative indicators characterize emotional sphere and child behavior:
characteristics of the child’s contact;
emotional reaction to the examination situation;
reaction to approval;
reaction to failures;
emotional state while performing tasks;
emotional mobility;
communication features;
reaction to the result.
Qualitative indicators characterizing the child’s activity:
presence and persistence of interest in the task;
understanding instructions;
independence in completing a task;
nature of the activity (purposefulness and activity);
pace and dynamics of activity, features of regulation of activity;
organization of assistance.
Qualitative indicators characterizing the characteristics of the cognitive sphere and motor function of the child:
features of attention, perception, memory, thinking, speech;
features of motor function.
The diagnostic area of ​​work includes initial examination, as well as systematic stage-by-stage observations of the dynamics of the child’s development in the process of correctional work.
A teacher-psychologist performs tasks to determine the current level of development of the child and the zone of proximal development, identifying the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, the personal characteristics of the child, the characteristics of his interpersonal interactions with peers, parents and other adults.
In accordance with the developmental characteristics of the child and the decision of the council of the educational institution, the psychologist determines the directions and means of correctional and developmental work, the frequency and duration of the cycle of special classes. The most important task is the development of individually oriented psychological assistance programs or the use of existing developments in accordance with the individual psychological characteristics of a child or a group of children as a whole.

Correctional and developmental direction.
When organizing correctional work, the program provides for compliance with the following necessary conditions:
the relationship between the correction of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination) and the development of speech in preschool children;
familiarization with the outside world and communication, with classes in rhythm, music, physical education;
carrying out speech therapy sessions at any stage over the speech system as a whole (phonetic-phonemic, lexical and grammatical);
maximum use of various analyzers (auditory, visual, speech-motor, kinesthetic) during correction in preschoolers with mental retardation, taking into account the peculiarities of inter-analyzer connections characteristic of these children, as well as their psychomotor skills (articulatory, manual, general motor skills).
The program makes it possible to provide developmental education for children, the comprehensive development of their intellectual and volitional qualities, and makes it possible to form in children all mental processes and personal qualities such as creativity, curiosity, initiative, responsibility, and independence.
The volume of educational material is calculated in accordance with age-related physiological standards, which helps to avoid overwork and maladaptation of preschoolers.
The main directions of correctional and developmental work of a psychologist with children with mental retardation who are in conditions of educational integration are:
development of the emotional and personal sphere and correction of its shortcomings (through art therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, music therapy, aromatherapy, relaxation therapy, etc.);
development of cognitive activity and purposeful formation of higher mental functions;
formation of voluntary regulation of activity and behavior;
formation and development of social skills and socialization.
Psychological classes with children in content should not copy training programs for defectology, where the main emphasis is on the development and correction of the cognitive sphere.
To date, special (correctional) educational programs have been developed for preschoolers with mental retardation, which are implemented in compensatory and combined types of institutions. But, unfortunately, there are no programmatic and methodological materials that reveal the content of the correctional and pedagogical process with the named category of children in educational institutions.
The basis of developmental psychocorrectional work is the program developed by E.A. Strebeleva. The works of: Kataeva A.A., Sirotyuk A.L., Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O., Boryakova N.Yu., Soboleva A.V., Tkacheva V.V. are also used. Technologies of psycho-gymnastics and developmental kinesiology of A.L. are used. Sirotyuk, M.V. Ilyina.
Work is being carried out in the direction of correcting the emotional, personal, moral sphere of pupils - elements of fairy tale therapy. Authors used in fairy tale therapy: O.N. Pakhomova, L.N. Eliseeva, G.A. Azovtsev, folk tales, Orthodox tales, parables.
In the process of implementing the correctional work program, correctional and developmental programs are used to solve problems of mutual understanding between children and adults, develop communication skills with peers, and correct typical emotional and personality disorders(fear, anxiety, aggression, inadequate self-esteem, etc.), to facilitate children’s adaptation to preschool.
The condition of children with mental retardation and their individual characteristics are extremely variable, and therefore psychological support programs must be individualized.

2.2 Psychological and pedagogical support for teachers
Psychological and pedagogical correction of professionally significant qualities of a teacher’s skills and abilities, and their improvement.
Teacher-psychologists constantly provide advisory assistance to teachers on working with children with mental retardation. The pedagogical effect in solving correctional problems largely depends on the interaction of specialists and teachers in all areas of correctional and developmental activities. For children with mental retardation joint activities of all specialists and teachers, the preschool educational institution is built on the basis of complementing and deepening the influence of each of them.
The following forms of interaction are effective:
interchange of diagnostic data to select optimal forms and methods of working with children with mental retardation,
monthly coordinated planning of the activities of teachers and specialists, in connection with problems in mastering individual routes for children with mental retardation,
fulfillment by the teacher of individual tasks of a teacher-psychologist, speech therapist and teacher-defectologist, mutual attendance at classes to correct the most effective forms and methods in working with children with mental retardation.

Psychoprophylactic work to relieve psycho-emotional stress among educators.
Developing teachers’ sustainable motivation for self-improvement, deepening professional self-awareness through special games and exercises, increasing teachers’ professional self-esteem.
Familiarization with techniques of self-government and self-regulation of emotional states in order to prevent and overcome the possible consequences of mental stress, maintaining optimal level mental states and their application in practice.

Advisory, educational and preventive direction
Work in this area provides assistance to teachers in the upbringing and education of children with mental retardation. The psychologist develops recommendations in accordance with the age and individual-typical characteristics of children, the state of their somatic and mental health, conducts activities that help improve the professional competence of teachers and include parents in solving correctional and educational problems.

2.3 Psychological and pedagogical support for parents

The goal of working with parents is to create an atmosphere of emotional comfort and respect in the family, in which the child can make the most of his own development potential.
Working with parents, the specialist helps them:
1. Overcome:
fixed irrational ideas from the past;
denial of the child’s real condition;
fixation on the child’s lost health;
blockade of positive scenarios-expectations;
distorted perception of others and oneself due to negative experiences;
blockade positive emotions and detachment;
symbiosis with the child, loss of one’s individual boundaries;
fixation on the past;
maladaptive defensive behavior;
individual and role regression;
separation from other family members;
feelings of guilt, inferiority;
2. Be aware and understand:
connection of your ideas, perceptions, feelings, behavior;
the rights and needs of your inner “I”;
the work of psychological defense, its adaptive and maladaptive significance;
3. Allow yourself:
accept new adaptive ideas;
simulate a realistic development scenario for the child, other family members, and the family as a whole;
directly perceive reality;
express your feelings and express your ideas;
accept the child and other family members.
4. Strengthen your autonomy:
develop skills of assertiveness (self-affirmation);
optimize ways of functioning (develop skills in situation orientation, identifying tasks, choosing the optimal solution, planning, control);
master self-regulation skills.
Psychological and pedagogical support for the family of a child with developmental problems includes several forms of work:
diagnostics of child-parent relationships;
joint classes of specialists with children and their parents, in which parents learn how to interact with their child;
individual parent consultations upon request;
thematic lectures, round tables on general issues of child development and upbringing;
parent meetings;
training sessions for groups of parents on correcting parent-child relationships based on diagnostic results.
In general, the tasks of working with parents can be considered informing them about the child’s illness, resolving psychological problems associated with it, abandoning maladaptive ideas and behavior, teaching skills effective interaction with the baby and other family members.
Joint sessions of specialists with children and their parents make it possible to involve the family in the process of support, having previously achieved a certain level of awareness among its members that there is no normal interaction between them.
Individual consultations with parents are in demand when interaction with a specialist in the presence of the child is not enough to change the situation in the family for the better. In such cases, relatives need help to understand the complex interweaving of family problems. To provide an opportunity to understand the nature of negative and positive intrafamily processes, to find resources for adaptation to the child’s developmental characteristics and for stabilizing family life. When consulting parents, the specialist tries to work with their internal resources, helps them accept the child’s illness and restore a sense of life. At the same time, he has to look for his own unique approach to each adult, using various combinations of psychotechniques.
Working with a group of parents has its benefits. Here optimal conditions are created for discussing problems, expressing feelings, showing empathy, relieving tension, sharing experiences, getting to know different points of view, receiving feedback - reactions to expressing one's ideas, to increase parental competence and accessing one's own resources. In a group it is easier to overcome loneliness and despair, feel support, find hope, and show altruism. At the same time, the specialist needs to carefully select parents into groups according to their readiness to participate in the work and the nature of the problems that concern them.
Thematic lectures and round tables are convenient for conducting psychological education, supporting the discussion of exciting topics, and working on expressing feelings.
As part of targeted training, parents are given the opportunity to learn some useful skills and approaches to solving their own and interpersonal problems.
Group work with 6-10 participants with a total number of meetings from 4 to 8 for two hours once a week seems optimal. The success of the group is facilitated by clear internal regulations and their compliance.
It is also important to create and properly design an information stand for parents, which allows you to promptly inform all parents about upcoming events, introduce them to the latest literature for parents, and also provide advice on various issues of education.

3. Organizational section
3.1 Conditions for the implementation of the program:
Creation of a subject-development environment
Currently, when organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions, special attention is paid to creating a favorable subject-development environment, since in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, approaches to organizing the education of preschool children have changed.
The construction of a subject-development environment makes it possible to organize both joint and independent activities of children aimed at their self-development under the supervision and support of an adult. In this case, the environment performs educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, and communicative functions. But most importantly, it works to develop the child’s independence and initiative. In the free activity of children, in the conditions of a created subject-developing educational environment, each child is ensured to choose an activity based on his interests, allowing him to interact with peers or act individually.
In the real educational process, the implementation of educational areas (educational content) is ensured by the organization of activity centers, the creation of which takes into account the interests and needs of the child as much as possible, and provides the child with the opportunity to advance in his development.
Enrichment and meaningful integration of the activity centers of the subject-development environment, which has a versatile activation potential, promotes the active inclusion of the child in the educational process, is one of the significant psychophysiological mechanisms for transferring games into educational activities in order to form intellectual, personal, physical qualities, cognitive, social motivation of the child to development, self-realization.
The subject-spatial environment in the group (in the office) corresponds to the basic principles: transformability, multifunctionality, variability, accessibility, safety and the especially difficult to ensure principle - saturation.
Therefore, as part of the implementation of the principle of “transformability”, in order to ensure the possibility of changing the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, the changing interests and capabilities of the child, there are movable boxes, light shelving, containers, and modules.
As part of the implementation of the principle of “multifunctionality”, which provides the opportunity to use objects that do not have a rigidly fixed method of use, there are: light children's furniture, soft modules, screens, educational panels...
As part of the implementation of the “variability” principle, in addition to modern teaching aids, for independent games and interest-based activities there are: didactic toys (matryoshka dolls, pyramids, inserts..); large and small plastic and wooden construction sets, cars, strollers, dolls, doll furniture, books for viewing; for independent artistic and aesthetic activities: easel, special furniture in the corner for artistic and aesthetic activities and a set visual arts: albums, paints, brushes, plasticine, stencils; equipment for experimental activities: for playing “supermarket”: carts, cash registers, construction modules...; for the game “beauty salon”: children’s furniture, sets of materials; for the game “clinic”: a set of children’s furniture, attributes for playing hospital, “steamboat”, “plane”, “driver” - large cabinet modules. Also children’s furniture for playing “family”: table, chairs, “electric stove”, “TV”, “sofa”, “chairs”, “wardrobe”, “mummering corner”..
For the development of movements there is: a sports corner in a group, balls, soft sports equipment: large balls, ring throwing, badminton, skittles, jumping ropes, a set of soft sports modules, attributes for performing general developmental exercises: gymnastic sticks, flags...
To organize direct educational activities, there are materials for visual activities: crayons, brushes, paints..., constructive activities: sets of small wooden, plastic construction sets for each child, Kuisner sticks, Dienes blocks; for musical activities: musical instruments: wooden spoons, rattles, tambourines, maracas... For speech development There are: children's books, anthologies, paintings, board games for the development of speech and fine motor skills. For cognitive development: maps, models of the structure of the human body, handouts for FEMP.

Software and methodological support
1. Zhuchkova G.N. “Moral conversations with children” (classes with elements of psycho-gymnastics) Ed. "Gnome and D", 2000. The program is aimed at children of senior and middle preschool age. It represents a successful combination of moral conversations with a variety of games, psycho-gymnastic exercises and sketches. It will help the development of emotional and motor spheres, the formation of ethical ideas in children. The exercises in this program will help in acting out stories, in liberating and uniting children in groups, and in improving the creative abilities of preschoolers.
2.S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, I.G. Toporkova, S.V. Shcherbinin “Tests for preschool children” “Moscow, ROSMEN 2006” “Developing attention, perception, logic.” Classes in this program for children 5-6 years old are aimed at developing the child’s visual and auditory perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, as well as graphic skills, fine motor skills, and hand coordination.
3. K. Fopel “From head to toe” Moscow, Genesis 2005. This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.
This manual contains games and exercises that help a child become aware of his body and form a holistic positive image of it. Games promote the development of dexterity, coordination, harmonious movements, teach children to concentrate and relax, and cope with stress.
4. K. Fopel “Hello, legs!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.
This manual combines games and exercises specifically designed for leg training. They will help children learn to run and jump, climb and crawl, walk silently, feel their feet and knees, and coordinate movements.
5. K. Fopel “Hello, hands!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.
This manual contains games and exercises specifically designed for hand training. They will help children learn to throw, catch, perform subtle manipulations with objects, feel their fingers, hands, shoulders, and coordinate movements.
6. K. Fopel “Hello, little eyes!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.
This manual contains games and exercises that help train the eyes and develop visual perception generally. They will help children learn to subtly differentiate visual information, manipulate moving objects, correctly estimate distance, and navigate in space.
7. K. Fopel “Hello ears!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.
This manual contains games and exercises that promote the development of auditory perception, musical ear and sense of rhythm. They will help children learn to listen carefully, subtly distinguish sounds, perform movements according to a pattern, and move spontaneously to music.
8. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. The program “Let's live together!” Moscow, ed. Genesis, 2007 The purpose of this program is to help children adapt to the conditions of kindergarten. It is built on the basis of play exercises aimed, first of all, at ensuring a psychologically comfortable stay for a child in a preschool institution. All classes have a common flexible structure filled with different content.
9. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. Program “I’m Angry, I’m Afraid, I’m Happy!” Moscow, ed. Genesis, 2007 The goal of the program is the emotional development of children. It is built on the basis of play exercises aimed, first of all, at ensuring a psychologically comfortable stay for a child in a preschool institution. All classes have a common flexible structure filled with different content.
10. Pylaeva N.M., Akhutina T.V. “School of Attention” is a method of developing and correcting attention in children aged 5-7 years. This technique is intended to prepare so-called children for school with problems that manifest themselves in a lack of organization of attention, inability to plan and control their actions, inability to successfully follow the teacher’s instructions, listen to a task to the end, distractibility and confusion during its implementation, and, hence, a decrease in motivation. This program is an assistant in developing the ability to plan and control their actions in children.
11. “Program of neuropsychological development and correction of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”, author. A.L. Sirotyuk
12. “Diagnostics and correction of attention: program for children 5-9 years old”, author. Osipova A.A., Malashinskaya L.I.
13. “Training program for adaptation of children 4-6 years old to the conditions of a preschool institution “Let's live together!” “
auto S.V. Kryukova
14. “Training program for the emotional development of preschool children” ed. S.V. Kryukova
15. “Program for the formation of voluntary regulation”, author. N.Ya. Semago
16. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide. – M.: Genesis
17. Artsishevskaya I.L. Psychologist's work with hyperactive children in kindergarten. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008.
18.I – You – We. Social-emotional development program for preschoolers. O.L. Knyazeva. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2003.
19. Wenger A.L. Psychological counseling and diagnostics. Practical guide: In 2 books. – M.: Genesis, 2007.
20. Alekseeva E.E. What to do if a child... Psychological assistance to families with children from 1 to 7 years old. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008.
21.Bavina T.V., Agarkova E.I. Children's fears. Solving a problem in a kindergarten: A practical guide. – M.: ARKTI, 2008.
22. Volkovskaya T.N., Yusupova G.Kh. Psychological assistance to preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004.
23.Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. Child psychology. Mental development of a child before entering school. – M.: A.P.O., 1994.
24.Diagnostics in kindergarten. Content and organization of diagnostic work in a preschool educational institution. Methodical manual. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004.
25. Egorova M.S., Zyryanova N.M., Pyankova S.D., Chertkov Yu.D. From the life of preschool children. Children in a changing world: – St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2001.
26.Kostina L.M. Methods for diagnosing anxiety. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002.
27. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Diagnosis and development of the personal sphere of children of senior preschool age. Tests. Games. Exercises. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006.
28. Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. A popular guide for parents and teachers. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.
29. Kulagina M.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N. Developmental psychology: Complete life cycle human development. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2001.
30. Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V. The work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution: a methodological manual. – M.: Iris-press, 2005.
31. Mirilova T.V. Emotional development of the child. Junior and middle groups. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”, 2010.
32.Peresleni L.I. Psychodiagnostic complex of methods for determining the level of development of cognitive activity: preschool and primary school age. – M.: Iris-press, 2006.
33. Workshop on developmental psychology: Proc. Manual / Ed. L.A. Golovey, E.F. Rybalko. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002.
34. Rogov E.I. Handbook for a practical psychologist: Textbook. – M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2001.
35. Sevostyanova E.O. Classes on developing the intelligence of children 5-7 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.
36. Semenaka S.I. Social and psychological adaptation of a child in society. – M.: ARKTI, 2004.
37. Smirnova E.O., Kholmogorova V.M. Interpersonal relationships of preschool children. – M.: Humanite. publishing center Vlados, 2003.,
38.Sharokhina V.L. Correctional and developmental classes in the younger group. – M.: Prometheus; book lover, 2002.
39. Shirokova G.A., Zhadko E.G. Workshop for a child psychologist. – Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2008.
40.Electronic manual: Diagnostic work in preschool educational institutions. – Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.
41.Electronic manual: Complex classes. Planning, lesson notes, didactic material. – Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2009.
42. Model program “Preparation for school of children with mental retardation / Under the general editorship. S.G. Shevchenko.
43. Program of compensatory preschool educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities. Correctional and developmental training and education / E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva/
44. Semago M.M. Psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of a child. - M: Arkti, 1999.
45.Psychocorrectional and developmental work with children
/ Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M.: Academy, 1998
46. ​​Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. – M., 2000.
47.Catherine Maurice, Gina Green, Stephen K. Luce. Behavior modification classes for autistic children: a guide for parents and professionals / Transl. from English Kols E.K. //Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism: A Manual for Parents and Professionals/Edited by Catherine Maurice, Cina Green and Stephen C. Luce/School Greek Boulevard, Auslin, Texas, 1996
48. Mamaichuk I.I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. – St. Petersburg, 2004. – 400 p.
49. Mamaichuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help from a psychologist for a child with mental retardation. – St. Petersburg, 2004. – 352 p.
50. Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R. Autism: age characteristics and psychological help. – M.: Polygraph service, 2003. – 232 p.
51. Petrova O.A. Developmental activities for preschool children with hearing impairments. – St. Petersburg, 2008. – 50 p.
52. Plaksina L.I. Development of visual perception in children with visual impairments. – M., 1998.
53. Plaksina L.I., Grigoryan L.A. Contents of medical and pedagogical assistance to children with visual impairments. – M., 1998.
54. Prikhodko O.G. Special Education persons with musculoskeletal disorders/Special pedagogy. – M., 2000.
55. Fomicheva L.A. Development of visual perception and acquaintance with the outside world//Training and correction of the development of preschool children with impaired vision: Methodological manual. – St. Petersburg, 1995.
56.Boryakova N.Yu. Steps of development. Early diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children. Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Gnom-Press, 2002. (Correctional and developmental education and education of preschoolers with mental retardation)
57.Brin I.L., Demikova N.S. and others. On the medical, psychological and pedagogical examination of children with autism. - M.: “Signal”, 2002.
58. L.M. Shipitsina, I.I. Mamaichuk. Cerebral palsy (problems of psychodiagnostics, correction, training, raising children, their social and pedagogical integration). - M., 2001
59.LebbyKumin. Formation of communication skills in children with Down syndrome.
60.P.L.Zhiyanova, E.V. Field. A child with Down syndrome (organizing activities with the child). – M., 2007
61. A.V. Semenovich. Neuropsychological correction in childhood (method of replacement ontogenesis). – M., 2007
62. E.A. Alyabyeva. Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten. – M., 2003
63.O.V.Zakrevskaya. Grow up baby. A system of work to prevent delays and correct deviations in the development of young children. – M., 2008
64.Development of basic cognitive functions with the help of adaptive play activities. /A.A. Tsyganok, A.L. Vinogradov, I.S. Konstantinov (Center for Curative Pedagogy). – M., 2006

Interaction of specialists (PPk)
In order to identify the special educational needs of children, a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination is carried out, the task of which is to identify the nature of the pathology, its structure, degree of severity, individual characteristics of manifestation, establish a hierarchy of identified deviations, as well as the presence of preserved links.
Based on the data obtained by each specialist, at the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PPk) of the preschool educational institution:
a collegial decision is made,
recommendations are made about the child’s educational route, taking into account his individual capabilities and characteristics, including for teachers,
plans are being developed for joint correctional activities of specialists and educators,
Interim monitoring of the dynamics of children's development, their success in mastering the basic and individual correctional development program is analyzed, where changes are made if necessary.
At the end of the school year, at a council, we will discuss the results of the correctional and developmental education of each child based on dynamic observation, and draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the chosen educational route.

Cooperation with the territorial PMPK of Aksai.

In order to timely identify children with mental retardation, conduct their comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination and prepare, based on the results of the examination, recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organizing their education and upbringing, as well as confirming or changing previously given recommendations, systematically submit lists of pupils with mental retardation, compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics for them at the city PMPK. Based on the recommendations of the PMPC, provide advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children with mental retardation, teachers of preschool educational institutions on the issues of education, training and correction of developmental disorders of children with mental retardation.


Diagnostic minimum (methods, protocols, forms)
1. Methods for studying the cognitive processes of preschool children:
- Psychodiagnostic kit Semago N.Ya., Semago M.N.
- Diagnostic examination Early and early preschool age development, edited by N.V. Serebryakova.
- Psychological diagnosis of developmental disorders in children of preschool and primary school age L.M. Shipitsyna.
- Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of preschool children E.A. Strebeleva.
When examining, take into account poorly developed speech, a decrease in the volume of not only active, but also passive dictionary. Therefore, for such children, use non-verbal techniques. When assessing a child’s intellectual capabilities, take into account indicators such as the ability to accept and retain a task in memory, think about upcoming actions, evaluate the result, and switch from one task to another. Thus, in the final assessment of the results of the examination of children with certain deviations in psychophysical development, rely on qualitative assessment criteria when performing tasks: adequacy, criticality, learning ability, understanding of instructions and the purpose of the task, switchability.
Adequacy is the child’s emotional reaction to the fact of the examination (adequacy of behavior).
Understanding the instructions and purpose of the task.
- accepts the task immediately and acts in accordance with its content, but the result may be different (for children with normal mental development);
- accepts the task, begins to act, but then loses it and does not complete the task (for children with mental retardation);
- the content of the task is not realized; the child voluntarily manipulates the material that is in his possession (for children with mental retardation);
In case of incorrect completion of a task, the diagnostic indicator is criticality - the ability to find and correct one’s mistake.
Criticality options:
- the child independently checks his performance of the task, understands his successes and failures (for children with the norm);
- the child does not conduct an independent check, but starts searching if he is told (for children with mental retardation);
- errors are not searched for independently; they are corrected when they are pointed out (for children with mental retardation and developmental disabilities);
- the child is not able to correct the mistake even if they explain what it is. He does not understand that he did not complete the task, so he is not upset (for children with mental retardation);
The following levels of learning ability are considered important in diagnosis:
- high - high sensitivity to the help of an adult, a small number of hints for completing the task. Pronounced activity of orientation in new conditions, transfer of learned methods of action to similar tasks. Speed ​​and ease of learning new concepts and methods of activity, high performance, perseverance, lack of fatigue.
- low - closeness to adult help; pronounced passivity in new conditions, non-use of old knowledge; inertia in new learning situations; slow pace of work, exhaustion, fatigue, absent-mindedness.
- Switching options:
- free independent switching from one method of execution to another with an understanding of the differences in tasks (for children with the norm);
- switching after attention is drawn to the sameness of the task (for children with mental retardation);
- switching does not occur and after explaining the differences in tasks to the child, the actions remain stereotypical (children with LD).

2. When selecting basic correctional methods, take into account the leading type of activity of preschoolers:
- active, role-playing games;
- communication games, games and tasks to develop arbitrariness and imagination;
- psycho-gymnastic games.
In combination with gaming methods, use body-oriented and relaxation methods.
A positive result of corrective action is provided by the use of new information technology, computer techniques, the use of biofeedback simulators (BFB) “Vega” and “Breath”. The developed correctional and developmental classes help train students’ self-control skills, develop logical thinking, imagination and psychological relief.
In order to prevent psychological overload, conduct a study of the emotional, personal and energetic characteristics of the child ( Color test M. Luscher, processed by K. Shiposh).
These surveys help me identify children who need relaxation interventions.
To relieve psycho-emotional stress in children, organize classes in sensory room. During classes in this room, fatigue and irritation are relieved, children calm down, and restore emotional balance.

Scheme of psychological and pedagogical examination of children with mental retardation
Child’s passport details: age, last name, first name, patronymic.
Medical history: state of health, hearing, vision, data from a neuropsychiatrist, information about early development, previous diseases.
Social conditions for the development of children: material and living conditions, professional affiliation of parents, conditions of education and training.
Studying the level of cognitive activity of children: attention (stability, arbitrariness, volume), perception (holistic, differentiated), memory (memorization, reproduction), thinking (visual and logical forms), imagination (arbitrariness, productivity).
Studying the level of speech activity of children: the sound side of speech activity (sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing and perception), the semantic side of speech activity (dictionary, vocabulary and grammar).
Studying the level of the emotional-volitional sphere: emotional stability, emotional excitability, strength of emotions, emotional regulation, activity (motor, intellectual, communicative, creative).
Study of personal characteristics: adequacy of self-esteem, critical thinking, planning and self-control, arbitrariness.
Studying the level of communicative development of children: contact, features of communication and interpersonal interactions, status position in the group.

Card of psychological examination of a child with mental retardation
Information about the child: last name, first name, date of birth, date of admission to kindergarten.
Information about the family: mother, father, family composition.
Mother's age during pregnancy.
How did the pregnancy proceed?
Features of the child at birth.
Features of child development in the first three years of life.
State of sensory functions.
Head injuries. Are you registered with a doctor?
Data from psychological and pedagogical studies.
1. Perception.
Formation of ideas about color and shape of objects.
The ability to differentiate according to basic characteristics.
2. Attention.
Stability (methodology of S. Liepin).
Switchability (Pieron-Ruser test, Bourdon test).
Level of development of voluntariness (test “Forbidden words”).
3. Memory.
The method of indirect memorization is the technique of A.N. Leontyev.
4. Thinking.
Ability to compare.
Ability to generalize.
Speech therapist data.
1. State of sound pronunciation.
2. Phonemic development (phonemic hearing, sound analysis).
3. Dictionary (active, passive).
4. Coherence of speech (dialogue, monologue).
5. Level of speech development (1, 2, 3, appropriate for age).
Features of the emotional-volitional sphere.
The predominant emotional background of the mood.
Are sharp fluctuations moods.
Psychological and pedagogical conclusion. Program for kindergarten “Use of twisting elements in working with preschoolers in kindergarten”

Olga Vladimirovna Budanova,


Municipal preschool educational institution of a combined type "Kindergarten "Zernyshko"

Balashov, Saratov region


In recent decades, one of the most pressing problems has become the significant growth of children with disorders of mental and somatic development. A special place among these children is occupied by children with mental retardation (MDD).

ZPR is a special type of mental development of a child, characterized by the immaturity of individual mental and psychomotor functions or the psyche as a whole, formed under the influence of hereditary, social-environmental and psychological factors.

ZPR occurs, as a rule, due to the fact that unfavorable environmental factors lead to disruption of the rate of development of the youngest parts of the nervous system. In most cases, symptoms are reversible.

Possible causes of mental retardation in children:mild intrauterine lesions, mild birth injuries, endocrine disorders, chromosomal aberrations (according to the latest data, per 1000 newborns there are 5-7 children with chromosomal abnormalities), severe gastrointestinal diseases in the early stages of a child’s life, prematurity, twinning, parental alcoholism, mental diseases of parents, pathological character traits in parents, postnatal diseases of an inflammatory and traumatic nature, asphyxia.

Since mental retardation has varying degrees of severity, not all children with this disorder need specially organized conditions of upbringing and education.

In milder cases, when competent training of parents is carried out in a timely manner, there is outpatient and psychological-pedagogical support for the child, contact is established with a preschool institution, and it is possible to raise the child in a general education preschool institution. However, even in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific educational needs of the child.

Firstly, we must take into account that a child with developmental disabilities cannot develop productively without a specially created and constantly supported situation of success by an adult. It is for a child with mental retardation that this situation is vital. An adult needs to constantly create pedagogical conditions under which the child can transfer learned methods and skills to a new or newly meaningful situation. This remark applies not only to the child’s practical world, but also to the interpersonal interaction skills being developed.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the needs of a preschool child with mental retardation in communicating with peers. These psychological needs can be realized in a group of peers. Therefore, when working with children of this category, individual work should be carried out in parallel with collective activities.

In preschool childhood, communication, object-based, playful, visual, constructive and labor activities underlie the emergence of all psychological new formations and the formation of the child’s personality as a whole. However, in mentally retarded children in early and preschool age, activity is formed with delay and with deviations at all stages of development. Not a single type of children's activity arises in a timely manner, which is intended to become a support for all mental development in a certain age period. Consequently, such activities cannot serve as a means of corrective influence on the development of a mentally retarded child. The formation of all types of children's activities occurs in compensatory preschool educational institutions in special classes, and then is transferred to the free activities of children. Long-term studies have proven that only through targeted training do children with intellectual disabilities develop all types of childhood activities.

Correctional pedagogical work with children with mental retardation is based on modern approaches to the organization of successive connections between the preschool and primary levels of the system continuing education. In a preschool institution, this work is carried out by specialist educators, defectologists, and speech therapists.

Educational activities take into account the state and level of development of the child and involve correction in various areas:

Teaching gaming activities and its development;

Familiarization with the outside world and speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic education and development;

Formation of correct sound pronunciation;

Familiarization with fiction;

Development of elementary mathematical concepts;

Labor education;

Physical education.

Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. identified the main directions and tasks of correctional pedagogical work, which contribute to solving the problems of the step-by-step formation of methods of orientation and research activities, ways of a child’s assimilation of social experience:

Sensory education and attention development;

Formation of thinking;

Formation of elementary quantitative concepts;

Getting to know your surroundings;

Development of speech and formation of communication abilities;

Literacy training (development of manual motor skills and preparation of the hand for writing, teaching basic literacy).

The success of correctional pedagogical work with a child with mental retardation in a preschool educational institution is ensured by many components, among which pedagogical interaction with the family plays an important role.

The specifics of organizing educational activities for children with mental retardation are found in the structuring of the material and the methods of its presentation.

The construction of the content of the curriculum in the system of correctional and developmental education is carried out on the basis of the following criteria:

Reliance on the child’s life experience;

Focus on internal connections in the content of the material being studied, both within one subject and between subjects;

Strengthening the practical orientation of the material being studied;

Identification of essential features of the phenomena being studied;

Necessity and sufficiency of the volume of material being studied;

Introduction to the content of educational programs of correctional methods for enhancing cognitive activity.

An important element of correctional pedagogical activities with preschoolers is individual and group work to correct individual developmental deficiencies. This refers to special classes, with the aim of not only increasing the general, intellectual level of development, but also solving specific problems of a subject focus: preparation for the perception of difficult topics curriculum, closing training gaps, etc.

For correctional and developmental education, it is very important to create a positive emotional attitude of the child towards classes. Classes with children are conducted by a special education teacher with a group (10 people) or in subgroups (5 - 6 people), in the first half of the day. Subgroups are organized taking into account the current level of development of children and have a flexible composition. Classes in subgroups alternate with work organized by teachers. The special education teacher conducts dynamic monitoring of the progress of each child, records the results of the examination of children in protocols, which helps him plan individual correctional classes aimed at the development of individual mental functions and operations.

Thus, the main task of the correctional pedagogical work of a preschool teacher with children with mental retardation is to increase the level of mental development of the child: intellectual, emotional, social.

When planning educational activities with children with mental retardation, educators set such tasks as: ensuring the protection and promotion of the child’s health; correction of negative development trends; stimulation and enrichment of development in all types of activities (cognitive, play, productive, labor); prevention of secondary developmental disorders and learning difficulties at the initial stage.

The unity of these tasks will ensure the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental education of children in preschool educational institutions and the preparation for school of children with mental retardation.


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