Sample characteristics of a teacher of a junior group at the PMPK. Pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child at PMPK (sample)

Ainura Akmatova
Pedagogical characteristics per child preschool age on PMPC (sample)

Description: This material will be useful for preschool teachers.

Pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child

MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 000 compensatory type"

Child's full name Ivanova Maria Ivanovna

Maria has been attending kindergarten since September 2016. The adaptation period went quite well: I didn’t get sick, I quickly got used to children and adults. Currently, he enjoys going to kindergarten, although parting with his mother in the morning is still accompanied by tears. During the day, from the very first days, he does not part with his “friend” Gosha (a small blanket; he does not let go of his “friend” under any pretext, even when playing with children. Gosha takes main role and a function in the game. When playing with children, he does not use speech; he uses gestures and facial expressions as a means of communication. For all his peculiarities, he very easily and quickly establishes contact with his peers. When communicating with a teacher you already know, with whom you spend time directly, it is also easy to come into contact; unfortunately, for example, with a teacher who suddenly came as a substitute, the connection is selective, often it is practically impossible to establish it. The child may become suddenly ill.

In play activities, he assigns himself the main role, can independently organize a role-playing game, a dramatization game, can regulate play relationships between children, and does not need special help from adults. He pays great attention to noisy and active games, preferring to play exclusively with friends. Conflict situations in the game are resolved only by crying, and may resort to forceful methods. Toys are used in accordance with their functional purpose. In the game he takes the position of an organizer, less often a performer, and uses sign language in communication.

Interest in educational activities is active, unfortunately, the mother brings the child to kindergarten after completing classes, or at the end of them. Maria reveals herself well in individual communication. In the rare classes she attended, for example: on familiarization with the environment, she can show objects, domestic and wild animals, vegetables, fruits, transport. Shares information with educators about his family, in “his own language.” She answers the teacher's questions actively, but her speech is not understandable for children, she uses gestures, and begins to explain using her fingers. Over the course of the year, I learned to pronounce individual words, mostly the names of two or three peers. The overall sound of speech is unintelligible. Full understanding of spoken speech. Coherent speech is babbling. Dictionary – absence of words, replacing them with facial expressions, gestures, onomatopoeia.

In classes on productive activities (modeling, appliqué, drawing) he does not particularly need the help of an adult. Technical skills are very well developed, crafts are expressive and original, he draws beautifully based on a model, and sometimes shows independent creativity. In physical education classes, the girl is very active and strives to do the exercises well. Temporal and spatial representations are not formed.

The child's CGN and self-care skills are independent.

A general characteristic of behavior is that he often exhibits excessive mobility. Follows the daily routine according to established rules. Reacts adequately to an adult’s remark and approval.

She is selective in communicating with her peers, and mostly plays in a group of 2-3 people. Tries to complete the work he has begun and does not disrupt the sequence of actions. Help from adults is readily accepted. The child's attention is unstable and short-term. He doesn't notice his defect.

The mood with people she knows is always cheerful. Maria's mother is interested in the development and upbringing of the child, but does not always try to follow all the teachers' recommendations.

Head of MKDOU - Petrova Anna Petrovna

Teachers: Sidorova Inessa Ivanovna

Kuznetsova Daria Vladimirovna


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Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler 1. General information about the child: a) ___; b) normal, proportional physique; pale skin; expressive face;

Characteristics of the child

Full name child, year of birth, entered group ______ year, did not attend other kindergartens. Raised in a complete family.

The child had a hard time getting used to the new environment, the adaptation period was interrupted frequent illnesses. Over the course of the entire year, he attended kindergarten for a total of two months.

program junior group kindergarten the child learned at a level below the age norm. Self-care skills are not sufficiently developed: he cannot dress himself, eats selectively, and often refuses food. During classes, he accepts the learning task selectively, has difficulty understanding simple monosyllabic instructions, and when working with handouts, the child is often distracted and begins to play (construct from it). He can count, but cannot remember numbers. Has no idea about the relationship between numbers and quantities. During speech development classes, the answers are unclear. It is difficult to perceive assigned tasks, does not remember the sequence of actions well, and copies the behavior of hyperactive children.

Full name selects games by age. Loves to build a variety of buildings using all types of construction kits. He chooses quiet games, avoids noisy group games, and likes to study alone. In collective games he takes the position of a follower. Guys love to play with him and often involve him in role-playing games, but it is difficult for him to cope with the assigned role. The child easily switches from one type of activity to another and is able to complete the game without the help of a teacher.

Speech by full name inarticulate, so when communicating she is met with surprise and misunderstanding from her peers. Does not enter into conflicts, expresses protest by silence, and can sit alone on a chair for about half an hour.

Full name He himself realizes that he doesn’t speak like all the guys, so when he encounters misunderstanding, he becomes silent and steps aside. The boy is very open, kind, non-conflict, positive, smiling.

Parents are familiar with the characteristics: ___________/______________/




Starikov Alexander Andreevich. Born 01.10.1996, lives in the State Budgetary Institution KO “Yurginsky Orphanage-Boarding School”, studies in the deep-mental program retarded children 1 year of study.

Received in June 2012 from correctional VIII schools species, Tashtagol, Kemerovo region. The child's status is OBP.

The adaptation period was slow and difficult. The teenager doesn't have enough full volume knowledge about the surrounding world. Knows information about himself, his mother’s name and patronymic. Experiences difficulties in establishing simple cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena of reality. General motivation is social. Educational and cognitive motivation is poorly developed. Attention is unstable, often distracted, the amount of attention is insignificant. He understands educational instructions, but cannot work on them independently. Cannot independently find and correct errors in his work. It is difficult for Sasha to express his elementary judgment, to draw a simple logical conclusion. Fine motor skills are well developed and there is no difficulty in navigating through notebooks for counting and writing. Follows daily routine.

Self-service skills have been developed. The pace of activity is fast and meaningful.

He is calm in class and participates during class. Can answer the question posed. Understands learning objectives. The ability to exert volition is reduced, and often does not complete the work started. Sasha does not have sufficiently developed skills to master educational material Mastering program material:

In counting - he has mastered ordinal and quantitative, counting backwards and in pairs within 10, knows and recognizes numbers. writes them down in a notebook, correlates numbers with the number of objects, understands the relationship between numbers within 10, establishes equality and inequality of groups of objects, knows geometric figures and sees them in shapes environment correctly names the parts of the day, knows the seasons, distinguishes between time concepts, recognizes the right and left hand, denotes in words the position of an object in relation to itself. Counting operations with numbers are performed using an abacus.

In writing and reading - can copy from the board, printed cards, copies sentences, short stories, can independently divide words into syllables, perform word transfer, gives characteristics of consonant sounds, reads, reading technique is very low, memorizes poems and immediately forgets them, retells texts, answers questions content questions.

From the surrounding world - knows and names wild and domestic animals, their characteristics, similarities and differences. Can independently name wild and cultivated plants. Distinguishes between garden and vegetable crops.

In terms of object-productive activities and visual arts, he copes with the program in full: he draws, sculpts, cuts, and constructs various three-dimensional crafts from paper well. His work is exhibited both indoors and throughout the city.

Labor skills are instilled: involved in work in the garden, work as a janitor, loader, and household work. The attitude towards work is not always conscientious; laziness is often observed.

By nature, the boy is calm, sociable, makes friends with the guys, but is often a provocateur conflict situations. He is tactful and polite with adults. Bad habits eradicated.

Educator: Pisarevich L.A.

Tell me how to write a psychological profile for a 5-year-old child for the PMPK. The child has communication problems.

Natalya Berdennikova Student (176), closed 8 months ago

Marina******* Sage (11965) 4 years ago

Approximate scheme for compiling a psychological and pedagogical profile for a preschool child

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the pupil(s) of _____________ group_______________ya/s

1. General information about the child:

Child's full name

Date of birth Home address

Date of admission of the child to the preschool institution from which he entered (from family, from another preschool educational institution). were there long interruptions in visiting? preschool, for what reasons

2. Family characteristics

Full name of parents, year of birth, place of work

Family composition: complete, single-parent, large, presence of brothers and sisters

Who is involved in raising the child (mother, father, grandmother, others)

Is enough attention paid to the child’s upbringing and education?

3. Features appearance child: (posture, gait (motor awkwardness, clumsiness), gestures, facial expressions, presence of drooling, etc.)

4. Somatic health (rarely gets sick, often gets sick colds, has

chronic health problems, poor eating, difficult and restless sleep)

5. Characteristics of the child’s cognitive sphere:

5.1 Characteristics of attention: (select the appropriate option (one or more))

During classes, cannot be attentive and concentrate on something for a long time

Constantly distracted

Able to concentrate on any task for a long time, diligent and careful in completing tasks

what kind of attention predominates: voluntary or involuntary


5. Characteristics of perception: (select the appropriate option (one or more)) Perception of shape: - correlates objects by shape

identifies geometric shapes by word

has no idea about shape (does not distinguish a circle from a square) Color perception: - recognizes and names primary colors

distinguishes colors (distinguishes by word)

no idea of ​​color Perception of size: - correlates objects by size

No idea of ​​size

Familiar with the concepts: long-short, most

5.3. Memory characteristic: (select the appropriate option (one or more)) remembers slowly and forgets quickly remembers quickly and forgets quickly

It's hard to memorize poems

retelling the content of a fairy tale, story, introduces fictitious borrowings (something that is not in the text)

concentrates on secondary objects without catching main idea content

Predominant type of memory: visual, auditory

5.5. Characteristics of thinking: (select the appropriate option (one or more))

Poor understanding of the essence of spatial relationships (left, right, in front, behind, above, below, from, under, above, etc.)

- (does not) carry out the simplest classifications (by pattern or word by for various reasons(who lives where? Who flies and who runs? etc.

Galina Rakova Enlightened (40961) 4 years ago

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

Full name of the child, 06/08/2006

Raised in a complete family.

Both parents work.

There are 4 people in the family.

Housing conditions: favorable.

There is a younger sister in the family.

Parents pay enough attention to raising their son; there is a prosperous microclimate in the family.

Andrei entered kindergarten from home, adapted well to the group, but suffered a lot and often from colds.

The child has a violation of sound pronunciation.

Parents are interested in developing correct speech in their son: they listen to the advice of teachers, correct speech errors, and study a lot.

I am interested in the classes and have mastered all sections of the program. In communication with children and adults he is active and friendly.

Can play with a group of peers, loves leading roles.

Prefers role-playing and action games. Quickly switches from one type of activity to another.

Self-service skills have been developed.

Daytime and night sleep- the norm.

Educator. _____________________

Source: describe communication problems in your own words. This is how we do it.

Sample characteristics for PMPC

Characteristics of the student

1 "____" class


Full name ____________________________, ______________ year of birth, living at street address __________________________________, has been studying at this school since September 1, _______. Before school, I attended the MDOU Kindergarten ____.

Lives in a single-parent family (mom and dad are divorced, currently live with a partner, have a second child). The family is registered with the KDN, PDN. The family is dysfunctional, the mother is currently coded, there are breakdowns.

The girl is sociable, level mental development short, she is often distracted in class and distracts her neighbors. ______________ is very inattentive, cannot understand the task the first time, most often she can only copy from the board or copy from classmates.

When conducting pedagogical diagnostics scored 5 points out of 21 possible. I couldn’t convey the shape of a figure, I made mistakes in a task with spatial representations, I couldn’t solve the problem of finding the remainder. Does not know how to compare sets based on the number of elements (regardless of counting skills). Phonemic hearing impairments and inability to determine the number of sounds in a word were revealed.

During the school year, she is passive in class, often distracted by extraneous things (leafing through a textbook, sorting pencils out of her pencil case). Attention is unstable, memory is poor. Fine motor skills are poorly developed, but _________________ is left-handed. There is no desire for good grades.


Oral counting is slow, counts with fingers.

Does not know how to format work, briefly write down a task, does not orientate himself in space (notebook)

Does not understand the terms “sum”, “difference” and the names of components when adding and subtracting

Cannot solve problems, either simple or in two steps.

Cannot understand the mechanism for subtracting and adding single-digit numbers within 20 and passing through ten.

Russian language:

Skipping, replacing letters when writing

There are a lot of errors on the rules “Unstressed vowel at the root of a word”, “Paired consonants in the middle of a word and at the end”, “Choosing a capital letter”

Cannot independently complete the “Deformed Text” task - divide a set of words into sentences, indicate the boundaries of sentences, compose sentences from words.

Reading is syllabic, for a very long time I could not learn to read, I read by letter. There were a lot of additional individual lessons with the teacher, but there was no practice of reading skills at home.

Characteristics of the child for submission to the institution’s PMPK


for a pupil of the municipal educational institution "Xxxxxxxxxx"

Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx.

Xxxxx (xx.xx.xx birth date) has been attending municipal educational institution “Xxxxxxxxx” since 2005. In the 2008-2009 academic year, the boy attended classes in a preparatory correctional speech therapy group.

General level development - average.

Mental processes:

  • · volume and concentration of attention and perception, switchability from one task to another, arbitrariness of attention - in general, at an average level, when distracted, he more often returns to the interrupted task, less often - as the teacher notes
  • · level of visual-figurative thinking - average, uses visual analogies; intuitive-visual analysis and synthesis - difficult (help is used situationally) makes transferring a simple algorithm of actions to another situation
  • · abstract, verbal-logical thinking is very poorly developed: speech antonyms are used with the help of situational opposition; speech classifications are carried out according to unimportant features in speech analogies - does not understand the connection between words; experiences significant difficulties when completing sentences
  • · visual memory volume - average, auditory memory - weak, volume long-term memory - intermediate level.

Motor area:

  • · general motor skills are developed within the age norm (level - below average), general muscle hypotonia is observed
  • · manual motor skills have improved: he began to draw strokes more accurately, draws images independently, prints plot pictures, writes letters, writes his name, simple words, however, the volume and accuracy of movements are still insufficient; when copying, the composition is simplified
  • · in a state of oral praxis: does basic articulatory gymnastics exercises (precision, volume, activity of movements are slightly reduced, instability of the tongue muscles in static conditions, minor synkinesis of the lower jaw are observed).

Speech development:

  • · very often in spontaneous speech there is a lack of clarity in speech production: in situations of excitement or emotional stress omissions of syllables, partial nasalization of the voice, lexical agrammatisms are observed
  • · minor violation auditory-pronunciation differentiation of oppositional sounds in syllables
  • · in sound pronunciation - softening of the sound L (due to reduced tone of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus)
  • · minor improvements in the sound-syllable structure: omissions and replacements of sounds and syllables in multi-frequency words and phrases are still frequent
  • · possesses the simplest skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis
  • · vocabulary at an intermediate level, the passive vocabulary is wider than the active one, makes simple generalizations, has difficulty selecting antonyms
  • · in spontaneous speech - phrases of up to 5 - 7 words: simple, common, with complication, occasionally - agrammatic in stories based on plot pictures, identifies 2-3 parts, reveals micro-topics mainly sequentially, briefly, quite accurately, expressive means rarely used, sometimes there are lexical and structural agrammatisms retelling - close to the text
  • · lexical and grammatical skills are not yet sufficiently developed: there are difficulties in the formation of relative, qualitative, possessive adjectives, some prefixed verbs; unstable errors in the formation of plural nouns of the Genitive case, rarely used plural nouns Nominative case, diminutive form of nouns in the agreement of nouns with numerals in the use of prepositional case constructions
  • · in impressive speech: has difficulty differentiating prefixed verbs, understanding complex prepositional-case constructions, complex comparisons, inversion, constructions in the instrumental case, multi-part instructions, abstract concepts, figurative and hidden meaning, sentences with complex lexical and grammatical structure
  • · reads simple words and phrases (when reading, errors of an optical and undifferentiated nature are observed)
  • · writes his name in block letters, takes simple words from dictation, copies printed words (errors are often observed: omissions and substitutions of letters based on optical characteristics).

Mental development.

  • · Consciously counts up to 20, tens up to 100, the composition of the number - on a visual basis, with a little guiding help from the teacher.
  • · From geometric shapes knows circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
  • · Knows primary and shading colors.
  • · Knows the concepts: up, down, forward, backward, right, top left, bottom left (etc.).
  • · Uses time concepts - today, now, yesterday, tomorrow, parts of the day, seasons, days of the week, months.
  • · From the quantities he independently distinguishes “big - small”, height, length; in a situation of choice, he determines width, thickness.
  • · Works fiction does not always listen attentively, answers questions according to the content, sometimes with a little help from the teacher.
  • · Cognitive interest and performance depend on the complexity of tasks and their understanding. For simple tasks cognitive activity and performance is high, with complex tasks- the boy is not able to hold a goal for a long time, shows an unexpressed desire to achieve results and overcome difficulties, uses external means of mobilizing volitional efforts (closes his eyes, grabs his head, turns away, lifts his legs on a chair). Thus, the limitation of the zone of proximal development is revealed.
  • · Motivation to learn depends on understanding the task material; unstable interest in the final result is manifested.
  • · Nature of activity - reproductive, productive, uses guiding, pointing, teaching assistance.

Communication, features of gaming activities:

The boy is sociable, prefers to play with children in a group, and enjoys participating in plot-related activities. role playing games, in outdoor games he worries if for some reason one of the children does not want to play with him, he tries to solve this problem on his own.

Emotional-volitional sphere:

  • · there is a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere: impulsivity, getting stuck on inappropriate reactions (most often tearfulness), motor disinhibition
  • · the boy’s energy resource (vegetative coefficient) - in general, by good level optimal performance - provided that the task is understood and the loads correspond to the child’s capabilities when mental activity becomes more complex - observed after 8 minutes sharp drop productivity, manifestation of lethargy, inertia, fatigue
  • · in diagnosing the level of motivation to schooling an immature position is visible: external motivation predominates ( play activity at school, communication with children) in the prognosis - if expectations are not met, then there may be a reluctance to attend school.

Speech therapy conclusion: OHP (III level): exit from sensory alalia.

Nadezhda Lebedeva
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child of senior preschool age referred to the PMPK commission

I present to your attention an example of writing psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a child of senior preschool age.

Real characteristics given(F.I. baby, date of birth.

Visits MBDOU "Bell" (full name preschool) since September 2014. Before entering kindergarten child was brought up in a family.

The family is complete, prosperous, where parents pay attention to the girl’s development and listen to the recommendations of teachers.

Mother: Full name, father: Full name. Relationships between family members are good. The girl is provided with everything necessary conditions For normal development. Parents made no complaints about speech and behavior baby.

The adaptation period was painful. Child He came to kindergarten calmly and easily endured separation from his relatives. The difficulty was that the girl did not make contact with adults or peers; she answered all questions with a nod of her head.

General physical development corresponds age. He has no chronic diseases and rarely suffers from colds.

The girl is neat, neat, and always takes care of her appearance.

The level of development of general motor skills corresponds to age, movements are coordinated.

When examining fine motor skills, he performs movements by imitation; difficulties are observed in switching from one movement to another. The leading hand is the right.

Involuntary attention has been formed. The general level of development of voluntary attention is lower age norm.

Knows basic colors and plane shapes (does not name, but points with a finger). The perception of the body diagram and its parts has been formed.

The idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day and seasons has been formed (based on pictures).

Thought processes and speech were not examined, since the girl does not communicate with teachers.

He masters the training program in all sections, but does not respond verbally. Productive activities are especially difficult. IN educational activities behaves calmly, perceives the task at hand; Shows no interest in classes. Can engage in the same type of activity for a long time, and brings the job he has begun to completion only with the help of a teacher. Slowly switches from one type of activity to another, you have to additionally focus on this. He reacts calmly to the teacher’s comments, sometimes he can become upset, become withdrawn, and refuse to complete a task or assignment.

Until recently, the girl did not play with children, she just sat next to them. Recently, the girl began to communicate and play with children. However, he prefers to play silently. Easily connects to role-playing games, completes the role, follows the rules of the game. In collective games he takes the position of a follower.

Self-care skills formed: can independently use toiletries, wash, dress and undress, use a spoon and fork. Sometimes refuses food (usually from breakfast). The girl quickly falls asleep and sleeps peacefully. Performs work tasks and instructions from adults willingly and diligently.

Until now, the girl was not sociable and withdrawn. IN at the moment started communicating ( last week, but only with children. Always calm, follows the rules of behavior at home, in kindergarten, and in public places.

Passive in various types activity, not proactive. He enters into relationships only with close relatives. Follows the teacher's instructions, but does not engage in dialogue.

Head of preschool educational institution ___

Teacher ___

Teacher- psychologist ___

Speech therapist ___

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “Characteristics of a child’s readiness for schooling” Senior preschool age is a period of learning about the world of human relationships, creativity and preparation for the next, completely new stage.

Characteristics of the child CHARACTERISTICS of the visitor middle group No. 3 name of the institution MB preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 221” of a combined type. Content.

Consultation for educators “Pedagogical characteristics of a child’s readiness to start school” Readiness for schooling can be defined as the holistic psychophysical and personal development of a child, which ensures his success.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a group of preschoolers of mixed ethnic composition Currently, the migration of peoples on the territory of the Russian Federation has intensified. This is especially noticeable in megacities. However, also on the periphery.

Pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler for undergoing a medical examination before entering school Pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler for undergoing a medical examination before entering school (full name) from *** year of birth, resident.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment General speech underdevelopment – ​​complex speech disorder, in which children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence are noted.

Probably in every school there are children with low level developmental people who cannot master the material curriculum. As a rule, learning problems arise even in elementary school. While the child is attending grade 1 or grade 2, you need to help him. If you do nothing, the situation will only get worse in the future.

To find out the origins of the problem and develop practical ways to solve it, it was created. In order to send a child to PMPK, the class teacher must apply for this and prepare a special description of the student for PMPK.

The decision to send a student to the commission is made by school staff. They prepare a document drawn up in a certain form.

The work is performed by the class teacher or a representative of the administration educational institution. A completed description of a student at the PMPK is not just a list of the child’s shortcomings, but a detailed picture of his condition. The nature of the difficulties, the measures taken to eliminate them, and the student’s reaction are described.

Information should not be exclusively negative. In the sample, the characteristics of the student at the PMPK must be indicated positive qualities schoolboy.

Student characteristics template for PMPC

The presentation is written according to plan:

  • Title of the document.
  • Personal data.
  • Story preschool development.
  • General impression of the student (characteristic of his awareness of his environment, performance, memory and attention).
  • Level of development of educational skills (grades in basic subjects, problems arising when studying mathematics, features of reading, speech).
  • Individual characteristics of learning (speed of learning new concepts, actions when independent work).
  • Features of behavior and emotional sphere(communication with classmates and teachers, relationships with parents).
  • Conclusion.
  • Signatures class teacher, director. Seal.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student are written in a free style. The main thing is reliability and simplicity of presentation. On our website you can download samples ready-made characteristics child at PMPK.

Drawing up characteristics for preschool pupils.

Drawing up characteristics for pupils is an integral part of the work of a preschool teacher. The need to write arises when registering a child in speech therapy group or to a logo center, at the request of specialists or doctors, and in other cases. This is an important and responsible matter. After all, the characteristics must be comprehensive and objective. Its purpose is to reveal those features of the child that are not always revealed during examination by PMPC members or doctors. The examination of specialists is limited in time; an unusual environment can distort the child’s actual knowledge and skills. Experts have developed approximate characteristics of a child. As a rule, it should reflect:

1. General information about the child.

2. Physical development.

3. Interaction with the team.

4. Educational activities.

5. Labor activity.

6. Characteristics of cognitive activity.

7. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere.

8. General and special abilities.

9. Temperament.

10. Character.

11. Psychological and pedagogical conclusions.

When writing a characteristic for a preschooler, it is very important to rely on the educational program and draw conclusions according to the child’s fulfillment of the goals and objectives of this program. And another very important addition. Behind all this, this particular child must be visible, you need to choose such words that characterize the person so that, without knowing the last name, another teacher can tell who it is about.

In accordance with my profession, in my practice I often encountered complex children; their characteristics should have helped in deciding the future place of the child’s upbringing and education, in tracking the dynamics of development or clarifying the diagnosis. Knowing how many difficulties teachers experience in this work, I offer several examples of characteristics. I will be glad if they are useful to you.

Psychological and speech therapy characteristics of the pupil

The boy has a proportional build and good appearance. Eye contact accessible, but already during the initial examination showed characterological traits. When the pyramid was presented to him, he scattered the rings and tore off the stick. Switching him to another type of activity caused aggression.

Egor attended kindergarten from the age of 2. But I never got used to the kindergarten regime, the group teachers and the children. The child came to the group crying and after a while became distracted. But the organization of his activities in accordance with the regime moments caused violent aggression. The kid took the children's toys, lay down on them, and pushed away everyone who wanted to get closer. He actively resists - he bites, screams, tries to hit him in the face, be it an adult or a child. Favorite activity is running in circles with a car, or jumping from high objects.

Individual work with a baby is currently only possible with food stimulation (nuts). The duration of classes is very unstable. This can be 30 minutes (computer, and sometimes a complete refusal of activity with tears and aggression. Lotto “Paired pictures” is laid out, a picture is found by word. The child’s knowledge of color and shape is at the level of comparison. Using the “hand in hand” method it is possible coloring pictures, cutting out simple shapes.

Knowledge about the environment is limited. The child’s mother was actively involved in the process of educating her son, expanding his vocabulary and knowledge about the environment, but the boy’s performance was extremely low and had an unstable episodic nature. Attention is distracted, concentration is low. The results are still insignificant.

The child’s active vocabulary consists of some onomatopoeias and vocalizations that even the child’s mother cannot relate to a specific object.

As a rule, a boy, when trying to get adults to communicate, remains silent, clenching his teeth tightly. Onomatopoeia appears in moments of emotional revival.

Self-service skills have not been developed. The child does not try to dress himself, but at the first opportunity he takes off his shoes and clothes.

Contact with the child is difficult.

Teacher's signature

Psychological and speech therapy

Psychological and speech therapy

Psychological and speech therapy


Child from 1st pregnancy, first birth. The pregnancy proceeded with toxicosis and threat of termination at 22 weeks. Mom suffered a herpetic infection (static treatment, pyelonephritis. Delivery at term, Apgar score 8/8 points. The severity of the condition in the maternity hospital was due to tonic convulsions at 3 d/g, prolonged apnea, hypotension, hyporeflexia. Was treated in the pathology department newborns within a month. Early psychomotor development (according to the mother): babbling and babbling in accordance with age. In the period from 9 months to 9 months, the first words appeared. year, then speech development was interrupted. At the age of 3.5 years, there were 10 babbling words in the active dictionary. Short phrase from 4 years old. Initially consulted by a speech therapist at 2 years old (D-z: ZRR). We started studying with a speech pathologist at the age of 4.

Ignat is a friendly, pleasant-looking boy who is often distrustful and fearful in unfamiliar surroundings.

Does not immediately come into contact with children and adults. In relationships with children he is passive, always in secondary roles or in an observing position.

In the game he acts more often by imitation.

Favorite entertainment is cartoons and computer games. At the same time, the boy falls into extreme excitement; twitching of the facial muscles and blinking of the eyelids intensifies. Emotional excitement is relieved only after a few hours.

A child’s understanding of speech at the everyday level. Cannot always follow two-step instructions. Repeated repetition with demonstration of action is necessary.

The active vocabulary has expanded somewhat due to everyday subject and verbal vocabulary. It became possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. Ignat's independent statements contain simple, uncommon sentences. At the same time, there are gross errors in the use of grammatical structures, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, and there is confusion case forms. The passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verbal vocabulary associated with the work activities of adults, the flora and fauna has not been formed.

The boy learned primary colors, shading at the level of comparison.

Observed gross violations syllable structure and sound content of words. Ignat shows insufficiency in the phonetic aspect of speech ( large number unformed sounds).

In individual lessons, the boy is not diligent enough, his attention is unstable and distracted. There is a rapid loss of interest, accompanied by twitching of the facial muscles.

During frontal classes, he is very dependent on the behavior of other children.

Since he mainly acts by imitation.

Articulatory motor skills are not sufficiently developed. Experiences difficulties in adopting and maintaining an articulatory posture, switching from one exercise to another; increased solitation is observed.

Speech is unclear, blurred, and not always understandable to others.

Involuntary attention is formed, but the volume of visual and auditory attention is reduced.

The volume of voluntary attention is also significantly reduced, and there is a violation of distribution and switchability. Resistance is insufficiently developed and is characterized by rapid exhaustion.

It is not enough to differentiate between the right and left sides.

All types of memory are significantly reduced. He has difficulty remembering small quatrains. Visual-figurative thinking at an average level. The boy shows no interest in laying out plot pictures or cubes on his own. Constructs from matches according to a model with the help of a teacher. Based on the model, with the help of the teacher, he lays out large puzzles of 6 parts.

Doesn’t generalize in words, excludes, often finding it difficult to explain the choice.

Ignat has mastered quantitative counting up to 10. He does not know the reverse. Does not perform counting operations.

Fine motor skills are not sufficiently developed, the pencil is held uncertainly, the pressure is weak, and the task is carried out sloppily.

The specification is given for presentation at the place of request.

Teacher's signature

Psychological and speech therapy

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child of senior preschool age sent to primary medical education.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschool child sent to primary medical education.

Full name Born. G.

The child attends the senior speech therapy group of MBDOU No.....

Family composition: complete family, mother - full name, education - higher, length of work - ... ., position - ... .; eldest child – son: Full name, …. born, student ... class MBOU secondary secondary school No.... city...

The family is socially prosperous, the moral situation is satisfactory. Style family education– democratic (built on relationships of trust and consent, where the interests of the child are taken into account). Created for the successful development of a child favorable conditions for games and activities.

The boy experiences slight difficulties in speech development (pronunciation of some sounds - pronounces all sounds correctly in isolation). Difficulties are temporary. The child has next levels development:

Artistic and aesthetic development (intermediate level)

formed: - skill and interest in listening works of art(reads poetry expressively, participates in dramatizations); - visual skills, the ability to convey images of the surrounding reality in a drawing based on own observations, - insufficiently developed: skills of working with scissors; - does not always move rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

Physical development ( high level) – corresponds age norm. Egor participates in games - competitions and games - relay races.

Cognitive - speech development (intermediate level)

The child has a sufficient supply of vocabulary images, uses synonyms and antonyms in speech, and masters forms of inflection. The boy makes up well simple sentences and distributes them by homogeneous members. Rate of speech: moderate, speech – intonation and expressiveness. The sounds are formed, but the pronunciation is playful and free speech activity not yet secured. Egor is familiar with letters and has developed the skill of reading syllables with completed letters; knows how to compare and classify objects according to different signs; skills have been developed about the time of year, changing parts of the day, the order of the days of the week, etc.

Social and personal development (high level)

The preschooler has well-developed communication skills, emotional responsiveness, and imitation. He is well acquainted with the rules of behavior, forms of communication, is responsive, able to sympathize and care for others. He is happy to carry out work assignments, knows how to get things done, and has self-service skills.

The boy demonstrates the following skills in productive activities: - owns in different ways modeling (can sculpt animals, birds, various items) ; - creates compositions using appliqué technique; - knows how to draw with different materials based on representation and from life. It is not always possible to depict objects and phenomena in motion, symmetrical cutting.

The reaction to failures is adequate: makes efforts to overcome difficulties. When working with a child, educators and speech therapists use individual, differentiated approach, as well as working with parents to overcome speech difficulties in the child’s development.

Egor knows how to manage his behavior, willingly responds to demands and comments; can ask for help, navigates the environment. The nature of the activity is stable, works with interest.

State of cognitive processes:

Perception is age appropriate. Visual and auditory perception not broken; is oriented in the perception of spatial relationships; a complete image of the object is formed - he assembles cut-out pictures independently; is well oriented in time concepts.

Memory predominates: visual, auditory, motor. Voluntary and involuntary memorization is well developed.

Verbal and logical thinking is formed and corresponds to age. Visually-effective thinking correlates with visually-imaginative thinking.

The cognitive imagination is formed, the child builds an image by supplementing actions with various details. Creative imagination is manifested in role-playing games. The attention is steady.

Speech development: vocabulary corresponds to the norm, the grammatical structure of speech is formed, coherent speech is logical and consistent, phonemic hearing, sound and syllabic analysis correspond to the norm; sound pronunciation is formed, but not fixed.

The boy is calm, balanced, non-conflict, active, independent, kind, affectionate, neat and thrifty; timidity manifests itself in unfamiliar surroundings. Relationships with peers and adults are friendly, communication is easy and quick.

Learning ability, program material and the child’s interest in acquiring knowledge at a high and average level. Psychological and pedagogical indicators correspond to age.

Manager ___