Matinee for Mother's Day in the senior speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution. Scenario. Scenario for Mother's Day in kindergarten senior group

On the eve of Mother's Day in younger group Kindergarten teachers and children prepare entertainment for mothers and grandmothers. For festive scenario It’s better to choose simple numbers that the youngest kindergarten students can easily remember and learn. IN concert program you can include poems about mom, fun thematic competitions with the participation of the “heroes” of the occasion and children. The main goal of such an event is to develop respect for the mother in children and “instill” family values. And, of course, having fun together helps to establish positive emotional contact between children and parents. We suggest using our video ideas and creating an original script for Mother's Day in kindergarten– with competitions, poems, skits and songs. Happy creativity!

An interesting scenario for Mother’s Day in the junior group of kindergarten - “My Mommy”

According to the scenario, a matinee in a kindergarten begins with a greeting from the presenter, who then introduces the participants and announces the numbers. During the performance, the little “artists” sing songs and recite poems dedicated to their mother by heart. Usually, the scenario for Mother's Day includes fun children's competitions and quizzes to determine the winner. For example, excellent option On Mother's Day for the younger group there will be a competition “Craftwomen” with the participation of mothers and children - two pairs. During the entertainment, the participants of these small teams compete to see who can thread the most pasta or large beads onto a string. Kids give finished crafts to their mothers or grandmothers.

All children love to play with cereals - pour them in their hands, from one container to another, and make applications and other crafts from such bulk materials. Such activities contribute to the development fine motor skills, as well as the child’s creativity. Therefore, we invite teachers and children of the younger group to hold a “Cinderella” competition as part of the scenario for Mother’s Day in kindergarten. At the heart of this competition is everyone famous fairy tale about the hardworking Cinderella, who was forced by her evil stepmother to separate the peas from the lentils (they can be replaced with large beans). The Cinderella team that completed the task faster than its opponents is declared the winner.

At a Mother's Day matinee with the younger group of kindergarten, you can learn the “Dance of the Little Ducklings” - the video shows this simple and catchy children's dance. If desired, the “ducklings” can be joined by their mothers and grandmothers.

At the end of the festive matinee, children give their mothers gifts made with their own hands especially for Mother's Day.

A fun scenario for the holiday “Mother’s Day” in the younger group of kindergarten - a dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

The idea of ​​staging a popular folk tale- one of the most “win-win” options for a holiday scenario in kindergarten. For example, on Mother’s Day you can act out the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and in the role fairy tale characters Children of the junior group of kindergarten and their parents will perform. The plot of a famous children's fairy tale can be “rewritten” in a modern manner, and the ending can be made “happy” - Kolobok ran away from all the animals and returned home to his grandmother and grandfather.

What dance to prepare for Mother's Day in the junior group of kindergarten? The video shows the most interesting ideas for a holiday scenario that can be “woven” into the entertainment program of the event.

Mother's Day holiday in the middle group of kindergarten - ideas for script, video

As a rule, children middle group kindergarteners already have some skills and knowledge. Therefore, the task of educators is to guide and expand the social and communicative qualities of children, as well as identify their creative talents. Usually Mother's Day in kindergarten takes place according to a pre-approved “traditional” scenario. However, you can add interesting “notes” to the holiday program - and Mother’s Day will be remembered for a long time by participants and spectators. With the help of our ideas, you can diversify the festive scenario for Mother’s Day, and some “details” can be gleaned from the videos.

Original script for Mother's Day in the middle group of kindergarten

Games and competitions on Mother's Day for children in the middle group of kindergarten always lift the spirits of everyone present. We propose to include in the festive scenario the original “Golden Hands” competition - for little “princesses” and their mothers. To do this, you need to first stock up on beautiful scarves, scarves, and bows. According to the terms of the competition, each mother must create an outfit for her daughter from “available” materials. The winner is the mother who created the most charming image.

Dances and skits for Mother's Day in the middle group of kindergarten

You can learn a lyrical dance with middle school girls for Mother's Day - the video shows this touching and beautiful performance.

On Mother's Day, a cheerful festive atmosphere always reigns in kindergarten. After all, “on stage” are the most beloved daughters and sons, who prepared a fiery surprise for their mothers and grandmothers on their holiday - the dance “Stomp My Foot”. Come on, let's stomp!

In the script for Mother's Day, you can include funny humorous scenes performed by little actors. Such funny productions will require preliminary rehearsals, but the result is worth it - the young artists will definitely cause a storm of applause!

Mother's Day in the senior preparatory group of kindergarten - ideas for script, video

Pupils of the senior or preparatory group kindergarteners are already considered preschoolers. As a rule, when drawing up a script for Mother's Day or other holiday for such children age category from 5 to 7 years old you can use more complex dance numbers, skits and competitions. We have selected several for you interesting ideas for the Mother's Day scenario, which will create a unique festive atmosphere at the kindergarten matinee. In the video (below) with the performance of children from the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, you will find original options for the scenario for Mother’s Day.

Mother's Day in kindergarten - ideas for competitions

Fun competitions for Mother's Day in kindergarten are an obligatory part of the entertainment program. In the scenario for a senior or preparatory group, it is appropriate to include several competitions in which both children and mothers can take part. So, the competition-game “Guess the Fairy Tale”: the presenter reads a poem or asks a question “in prose”, and the participants’ task is to guess the fairy tale and the character. Another fun competition for children's party in honor of Mother's Day - “Find your child”, when the mother is blindfolded and the children stand around her. How to find your baby by touch? For humor and to complicate the task, children can exchange details of clothing.

Scenario for Mother's Day in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten - dances, skits, videos

When drawing up a script for Mother's Day, we also pay attention to dances and thematic scenes. So, you can alternate funny and fiery dances with lyrical numbers. Watch our videos - and you will definitely have a couple creative ideas to celebrate Mother's Day in kindergarten.

Mother's Day in kindergarten - bright, touching and happy holiday, and also a great occasion for children and parents to get together. To this important event In kindergartens, holiday matinees are prepared, the scenarios of which include dances, songs, competitions and other entertainment. Here you will find original ideas for scenarios for Mother's Day in kindergarten: for junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups. And the video shows original performances kindergarten students - we are sure that from these sources you will get a lot of ideas for a holiday scenario. Happy Mother's Day and have fun!

Sofia Simak

Holiday scenario« Mother's Day» V senior group.

Children enter the decorated hall to the music.

Leading. Dear mothers, dear grandmothers! Dear women! This autumn evening we dedicate to you! Happy Day Dear mothers!

Let this one the holiday will be bright,

May the winds bring you joy,

Let sorrows go away, dreams come true,

May they always give you smiles and flowers!

Song "Guests have come to us".

Child. From the bottom of my heart, in simple words

Let's friends, let's talk about mom.

We love her like a good friend

Because she and I have everything together,

Because when things get tough for us,

We can cry at our own shoulder.

We love her because sometimes

The wrinkles in the eyes become stricter,

But it’s worth confessing

The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.

For always being straightforward and straightforward

We can trust her with our hearts.

And simply because she is our mother

We love her dearly and dearly!

Leading. Guys, which of you has the most beautiful mother?

Children. I have!

Leading. And who has the most kind mother?

Children. I have!

Leading. Who has the best mother?

Children. I have!

Leading. Guys, do you love your mothers?

Leading. Let's all tell them about it together!

Children. Mom, I love you!

Leading. Who warms with love,

Everything in the world succeeds,

Even play a little?

Who will always console you,

And he washes and combs his hair,

Will he kiss you on the cheek?

Children. My dear mother!

Child. My mom is the best!

If it hurts me,

Mom with a kind hand,

Soothes pain

And brings with it peace.

And when the toys are new

I rejoice loudly

Smiles with me

My dear mother!

Child. Our mother is no better

There is no one kinder, more tender,

Let us become obedient forever,

And congratulations mothers.

Leading. Mother…. There are no more precious words in the world!

Whatever path you take,

Mom's love shines over her,

To help you in difficult times.

Song "It's good to be with mom".

Leading. Mother…. What a native and close word!

This is the most best word in the world. Now our boys will say the nicest and most kind words to our mothers. (The presenter shows and places a sun circle on the flannelgraph.)

Imagine that the sun is our mothers. Give them the most kind and tender words (children take one ray of light in their hands and apply it to the sun, while saying a kind word).

This is how good it turned out and radiant sun. After all, a mother is like the bright sun in a family.

Child. Let the wind carry with it

What I will reveal to everyone I:

In the whole world, in the whole world

My mom is the best!

Child. Mom can do it without shame

Give a medal "hero of labor"

All her deeds cannot be counted:

There’s not even time to sit down -

She cooks and washes.

Reads a fairy tale at night.

Leading. And now we’ll play, encourage our mothers,

May their smiles make you clear

It will make us happier!

Let's check how moms are carefully read fairy tales to children.

1. She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandfather and grandmother. (mouse).

2. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (7 kids).

3. While eating rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya).

4. Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She looks for them, calls them, and sheds tears along the way. (Fedora).

5. The duck knows, the bird knows,

Where Koshchei death lurks.

What is this item?

Give me a quick answer, my friend. (Needle).

Leading. These are how great our mothers are! Everyone knows and remembers fairy tales.

“It’s so cool to be a mother of two boys.

And this is clear to anyone without words.

Being a mother of girls is certainly not the same.

There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, lotto...

There are fluffy skirts and toe-length braids...

God gave me... two boys.

I will learn all car brands with them,

And they will older – all types of their tires.

They will grow up and enlighten me,

How it works starter, cardan and jack.

Without them, I might not have known anything.

Why do you need a jigsaw? Should I kiss?

Why do we need a vice? To squeeze someone?

Bearings - what are they? With spikes of something...

There is so much that could pass by...

But this is happiness - two guys, two sons..."

Leading. Only mom understands

Even if you're wrong.

Only mom hugs

Becoming relatives to everyone in the world.

Once upon a time our mothers were restless, cheerful girls,

who loved to play different games. We invite them to remember their childhood and feel small again girls: take part in our competitions.

Games with balloons.

1 competition. "Funny slalom".

(a large scarf is pulled between the players, one edge rises, depicting a slide. To the music, the players roll the ball down, preventing it from falling to the floor. Then the opposite edge rises, the game continues until the music ends).

2competition. "Funny Penguins".

(walk holding the ball between your legs).

Leading. And now let our mothers rest and listen to our poems.

Child. I braided my hair myself this morning

You go to sleep, my mommy, I’ll sit quietly,

I have a big bear: "Quiet teddy bear, don't cry"- I told him sternly.

You see, mommy, I’m tired!

Child. My mother is a very important and serious person.

Well, the most glorious one in the house

He'll cook us lunch.

My dear mother

Reads fairy tales to me

I’m still not asleep at all, but my mother is falling asleep.

Leading. Our mothers teach us to be wise, give advice, take care of us, protect us, look after us. Let's see how beautifully our mothers can dress up their children.

3 competition. "Pigtails".

(Moms and girls are participating. Within 3 minutes you need to do your daughter’s hair using 6 elastic bands).

4 competition. "Playing noise instruments".

(moms are given noise instruments to play Russian folk music).

Leading. Guys, you know that a grandmother is also a mother - father’s or mother’s, so today we congratulate our dear grandmothers and give them our dance.

Child. My grandmother and I old friends

How good my grandmother is!

He knows so many fairy tales that he can’t count them

And there is always a new one in stock.

Dance in couples with handkerchiefs and spoons.

Leading. Beautiful mothers- there are many of you in the world,

You look into your eyes openly and directly...

No matter how far the road takes us,

We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often...

And a kind mother forgives all this.

A beautiful mother forgives all this,

Without bending stubbornly under the load of worries,

She performs her duty patiently...

Every mother is beautiful in her own way,

With my love maternally beautiful!

Song "Mother and Motherland".

The mother of the child reads a poem.

"Take care of your children,

Don't scold them for their pranks,

The evil of your bad days,

Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired

I can’t cope with her,

Well, your son will come up to you or your daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

This happiness is a short moment,

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will flash by

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

Let your children please you with success,

Grandchildren give kindness and attention! Happy day Mothers!

Leading. May everyone be yours day will be filled with male care and support. Warmth of the family hearth, health, love and understanding! All that's left to say is one: don’t forget to take care of your parents mothers!

(Children and adults go to tea party group) .

Scripts published on our project will help you celebrate Mother's Day in kindergarten or school. The form of the holiday can be a concert, games or competitive program, meeting evening, sports and entertainment event, theatrical composition. This section contains scripts for different age groups, which can serve as a basis for developing your own script.

Scenarios for events and matinees "Mother's Day"

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 8207.
All sections | Mother's Day. Holiday scenarios

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day" Holiday scenario« MOTHER'S DAY Leading 1 : Kind day, dear friends! Today we have gathered to congratulate you on the upcoming Happy Mother's Day all our mothers and our grandmothers. This is very important and important holiday on earth. Leading 2 : Today they want to please you with their...

Entertainment for the Day mothers"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" (for 2nd junior group) Target: To instill in children a sense of love and respect for their mothers. Tasks: 1. Raise kindness in children, attentive, attitude towards mother, desire to help her, to please her. 2. Contribute to the creation of warm...

Mother's Day. Holiday scenarios - Summary of the scenario for Mother's Day in the senior group "Grandmothers from Fairy Tales"

Publication “Scenario summary for Mother’s Day in the senior group “Grandmothers from...” Summary of the script for Mother's Day in the senior group Topic: “Grandmothers from fairy tales” Cheerful music sounds. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Leading. Today is a wonderful holiday, and the children have prepared a surprise for their mothers. 1 child. Moms! We congratulate you with all our hearts, we wish you good health....

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the concert “For dear mother with the doll Katya” in the second junior group Concert for dear mothers Children enter to the music and line up in a semicircle. Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests and guys, I am very glad to see you in our hall. Congratulations on Women's Day on March 8. I wish you all joy and fun. On the 1st of March, spring begins. The sound of drops can be heard everywhere...

Sports festival “Mom, Dad and I are friends with skis” for the preparatory group. objectives: 1Improve skiing skills acquired in classes 2develop children's endurance, agility, coordination of movement 3instill a love of winter sports in adults and children 4...

Scenario for mothers' holiday "Hen and Chicks" The hall is festively decorated. Part of the hall is decorated in the form of a poultry yard (here the “Chicken” skit will be played out), and the other part, with a carpet, in the form of a green lawn (here children will play games. A chicken appears with a sad look. An adult plays the chicken. Chicken: - Where are my ...

Mother's Day. Holiday scenarios - Spring matinee in the first junior group “Magic flower for mothers”

Goal: To create a festive mood in children and parents on the eve of the March 8 holiday. Objectives: -to develop in children such qualities as kindness and care; - cultivate love and respect for your mothers and grandmothers; -develop activity, independence and creativity....

A holiday with parents in a mixed-age group dedicated to Mother's Day. Goal: to teach children to be caring, gentle, affectionate towards their mother and loved ones; Objectives: - to make children want to do something nice for loved ones; -give gifts, say kind words; -learn...

I'll whisper in your ear,
So that no one overhears us,
You are my best friend
It's not sad and easy with you.
I congratulate you, mother,
I wish you love and joy.

Mother's Day is the best
We congratulate all mothers.
Good luck to you, health,
And joy without end!

My mom can do everything:
Knits, sews, cooks,
And he also cherishes me.
Mom and I are very good friends.

With whom will I share the most important things?
Who will I tell all my secrets to?
Only the one I call “Mom”
The only one in the world
My dear mommy,
You are an island of light and goodness.
I wish you with all my heart,
May you bloom like a rose!

Thank you, mommy, for your concern,
Thank you for coming home from work,
In your hands, straining, you hold a package,
And it contains a sea of ​​delicious sweets for me.

I will smile tenderly at my mother,
I will always cling to her sincerely,
And I will give her happiness,
After all, I love her very much!

The holiday is the best,
The holiday is not simple,
He is cheerful, in charge,
With a kind soul,
Because mom
Everyone needs
Because he loves
She is the most!

I'm proud of you and I adore you,
While I'm in the garden, I miss you,
I breathe and admire you,
I always enjoy your care!

Mom and I do everything together
And we can’t sit still,
We build, sculpt, create,
We play and sing songs.

I'll draw the sun for mom,
And many colorful flowers,
I love my dear mother
So strong that words are not enough!

Looks at me tenderly
My dear mother,
I know he loves me very much
And it will always be with me.

Celebrating Mother's Day
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
We don't upset mom
We are in a hurry to help her with everything.

Let's collect our toys
Let's put the clothes in the closet,
Let's dance joyfully,
Let's sing a sonorous song.

Who reads me a fairy tale?
Who will kiss me?
Everyone in the world knows this:
This is my mom.

Mom has a lot of troubles,
There are too many household chores,
I will grow up quickly
To help her with everything.

The kindergarten did not disappoint
Mom gathered all the beautiful ones.
We shout to the whole country:
- Mom, I love you!

For tenderness, warmth, care,
For all the hard work,
For being kind and attentive to us,
We congratulate all mothers on Mother's Day!

On Mother's Day we will tell you a poem,
Dear ones, our dear mothers!
We promise not to upset you,
Help in the kitchen and around the house,

Don't play around, don't be naughty,
Don’t throw toys anywhere,
Be obedient from morning to night
And always love you deeply!

You are my sunshine, dear mother,
A ray of light, my dear,
My heart, its rhythm, knock
And a wonderful fairy tale - voice and sound!

My mom is like a princess
The most beautiful
In the educational process
Very fair.
He will scold you, he will regret you,
He will warm you with his affection.

Everyone loves my mom -
Adults and children
Because there is no kinder
Her in this world.



“Combined kindergarten No. 37 “Lukomorye”

"My dear mother

I love you very much"

Festive program, dedicated to the Day mothers in the older group.

Prepared and conducted:

Senior group teacher

Grivastova O.V.

Korolev 2015

Purpose of the event:

    introduce children to the public holiday “Mother’s Day”;

    to cultivate in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards their mother, the desire to help her, to please her;

    develop a culture of behavior at a public event;

    develop expressive speech and artistry;

    promote team unity between children and adults.

Preliminary work:

    manufacturing wall newspapers “This is my MOM”

    learning poems and dances for the holiday:

    preparation for tea party “Our mothers are not simple, they have golden hands”:

    making the film "Let's Talk About Mom"

    group design

DANCE: “WITH BALLS” /at the end of the dance the balloons are given to mothers/


Good evening, we say to you. It is no coincidence that we gathered today on this November evening, in our cozy group. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother’s Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.


Girl: Who came to me in the morning?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Who said “it’s time to get up!”?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!
Girl: Who managed to cook the porridge?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Should I pour some tea into my glass?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!
Girl: Who picked flowers in the garden?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Who kissed me?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!
Girl: Who loves laughter as a child?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Who is the best in the world?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Leading : Dear mothers, the guys have prepared a film for you called “Let's Talk About Mom...”. Let's see it.


Leading : These touching words were spoken sincerely, with all my heart.

Leading : So that our mothers never lose heart and are always joyful, let's invite them to dance

Children and mothers perform the “Cheerful” dance

Presenter: Our tambourines, our spoons

More fun than harmonicas!

How do we start playing them?

I just want to dance!



From the heart

In simple words

Today, friends

We'll talk about mom.

Now I give the floor to our children.

1 child

We won't forget this day
We honor this day sacredly,
We dedicate these lines
To my dear mothers.

2 child

Mom - this means tenderness,
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!

3 child
Mom is a bedtime story,
This is the morning dawn
Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!

4 child
Mom is the green of summer,
This is snow, an autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

5 child

There are many mothers in this world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom.

6 child

One day I told my friends:

There are many kind mothers in the world,

But I won’t find it, I guarantee

A mother like mine!

7 child

Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

8 child

You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are more valuable.

9 child

Moms, we love you very much,
You are no closer and dearer,
We sincerely congratulate you,
Our good mothers!

11th child:

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart.

Every year to be more and more beautiful,

And scold us less.

Children present gifts (the song “Mom, always be by my side” is played)

Leading: Not only children prepared for this holiday, but also their mothers. Look how many interesting and tasty things moms have prepared and want to treat you to.

Children and guests are invited to tea.