Original speech by the head teacher on September 1. Speech by the school principal at the first bell

Thousands of years ago, the great Julius Caesar said: “Knowledge is power!” And today is Knowledge Day - an important, expected and very exciting holiday for every child and adult. Surely there is no person in Russia who cannot remember the day of his First Bell, the first ceremonial line in his life, the first teacher, the first school friends with whom he once started long haul in adult life. This glorious day is celebrated by first-graders, graduates, and students. After all, now they are starting a new one academic year, and the welcome line for Knowledge Day is a great start for him. And the best start to any series, as you know, is a congratulatory speech on September 1 from teachers, parents, principal and school administration. Our article today is dedicated to her.

Solemn speech from the school director at the line on September 1

On the long-awaited day of September 1, every child in the country begins to completely new time: first-graders take their first steps into the world of knowledge, high school students discover the next stages of knowledge of the depths earlier famous sciences and new items. On this glorious autumn morning, the doors of all city and village schools are open to new inhabitants. Teachers are looking forward to meeting their future students, parents are excited to see off the children into the arms of a friendly team, the school director mentally repeats the solemn speech at the assembly on September 1, for fear of forgetting or missing out on something very important and necessary. After all, he is the head of everything educational institution, supervisor pedagogical process, the “father” of all newly-minted schoolboys and schoolgirls. A ceremonial speech from the school principal at the assembly on September 1 is an integral part of the holiday, its official beginning or a beautiful end.

An example of a solemn speech by a school principal for a festive line on September 1

Dear friends!

Congratulations to all students, parents and employees of the education system on the beginning of the new school year!

The bell will ring, and a new great educational life will begin in classes, auditoriums, educational workshops, and scientific laboratories. Knowledge Day is perhaps the only holiday that affects the entire population of our huge country. I wish all the children exciting journeys into the world of knowledge and excellent friends for life, parents - a keen interest in knowledge and success in the studies of their children, teachers - grateful students and new heights in the art of teaching.

For many, September 1st begins New Year, new school year. May it lead to new knowledge and discoveries that will surely bring success, happiness, luck and professional growth. Learn and live passionately! Happy new school year!

Congratulatory speech on September 1 from the administration and deputies

Along with the solemn speech of the school director at the assembly on September 1, a significant role is played by the congratulatory and parting words of the administration and invited deputies of the city or village council. In their addresses, speakers certainly mention the past academic year, but do not forget about the coming one. A typical congratulatory speech on September 1 from the administration and deputies consists of the following elements:

  1. A solemn address to the present teachers, parents, first-graders and senior students;
  2. A brief description of the reason for which the ruler was assembled;
  3. A few phrases about the school, student statistics, student success at city and regional Olympiads (competitions, competitions);
  4. Briefly about the help of deputies, sponsorship and patronage;
  5. Congratulatory and parting words to actual and potential students;

Read an example of a congratulatory speech from the school administration and deputies at the assembly on September 1 in the next section.

Text of a congratulatory speech from deputies and school administration on September 1, Knowledge Day

Dear friends!

On this day, schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, universities, academies and institutes will open their doors wide for their students, in whose lives new stage in knowledge of the surrounding world and society.

Implemented by the Government Russian Federation priority areas of development Russian education and the national project “Education” create new opportunities to ensure accessibility and quality of education, and improve the level of training of specialists. The stability and prosperity of our country in the third millennium will depend on them.

With a special sense of gratitude, I address our teachers, educators, teachers, whose selfless work evokes deep respect from the entire society. Innovative areas of activity of Russian teachers in the field of improving the quality of education and informatization environment, the development of international cooperation deserves special attention.

Dear friends!

I cordially congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, I wish you all good health, patience, creative success in all your undertakings for the benefit of our Russia.

Teacher's welcome speech on September 1

Any welcoming or congratulatory speech on September 1 carries an important message, and its essence depends directly on who the speaker is: the school principal traditionally congratulates everyone on the beginning of the school year, parents wish students success and inspiration, first-graders are happy, graduates are sad, and teachers They encourage the guys to be friendly, patient and hardworking. Of course, the text of the speech does not need to be prepared in advance, but simply stated impromptu “from the heart.” But it’s better to sketch out at least the main idea. Otherwise, the teacher’s welcoming speech on September 1 may turn out to be drawn out, crumpled, and chaotic.

An example of a welcoming speech from teachers to schoolchildren and parents on September 1

So this amazing day came, which, after a hot summer, brought all the students together again. Each of you spent it differently interesting summer, you managed to miss each other and, of course, gain the strength that is so necessary for studying. I hope this year is successful for you. For some it will be the first and unforgettable, for others it will be the last and extremely eventful, touching and exciting. In any case, today I sincerely want to congratulate each of you on the first day of school and wish you perseverance, effort, dedication, patience and success. And finally, I want to wish you never to give up. No matter how treacherous life may seem, know how to achieve your goal and defend your opinion. Happy Knowledge Day, my dears! The school has already opened its doors and, with its usual cordiality, is waiting for you!

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new academic year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day when the first school bell rings after a long summer break. Over the summer, the students had a rest and matured, and managed to miss their teachers and classmates. The teachers went on vacation and saved a lot interesting ideas for engaging lessons. We all have to once again plunge into the whirlpool of school life, full of bright events and impressions.

Today I wish everyone present that the coming year will bring everything that is planned. Let your plans come true and your dreams come true. Believe in yourself, work hard on your tasks, don’t get discouraged when faced with difficulties - and you will succeed!

Beautiful speech from parents on Knowledge Day on September 1

Both children and parents are preparing for Knowledge Day. Particular attention is paid appearance children, their morale, neat wardrobe and the presence of all the necessary attributes of a schoolchild (briefcases, stationery, sports uniforms, etc.). But it’s not just clothes and hairstyles that play a role in preparing for the start of the school year. It is important not to forget to make beautiful speech parents on Knowledge Day on September 1. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to publish memoirs. Just a couple of kind lines with wishes and parting words are enough to express your support for the students and gratitude to the teaching staff.

And if it’s difficult to write your own parent speech for Knowledge Day, use our beautiful preparations for September 1!

Text of a congratulatory speech from parents to schoolchildren on Knowledge Day on September 1

Dear friends!

With great pleasure, I congratulate everyone present on the Day of Knowledge, September 1! The long summer holidays are behind us, during which we all had time to rest properly. And now, with renewed vigor, we are ready to start studying and working. Today I would like to wish schoolchildren to easily and enthusiastically master new subjects and gain new knowledge. I would like teachers to treat their work with soul and inspiration, because only you are able to ignite a thirst for learning in your students, only you can develop in them the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in modern world. I hope that the coming school year will be interesting, eventful, full of new victories and achievements - and I suggest that we all together make it just like that!

Our dear first-graders! Today is your first day of school - the first holiday of knowledge! You are all so elegant and solemn.

Of course you're nervous about joining new world, we, your parents and teachers, are worried. Together we have a long journey ahead of us - 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends await you ahead, good grades, many pleasant, unforgettable minutes.

At school you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, get necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but, I want to tell you, this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing school can teach you is the ability to think and find solutions on your own. complex tasks, analyze, ability to sympathize, empathize. I wish you that the first school year, and all subsequent years after it, will be like one of the chapters of an amazing book, full of miracles and new discoveries.

The ceremonial speech on September 1 is a great start not only to the holiday line-up, but also to the entire academic year. And for this start to be successful, it is better to compose and thoroughly rehearse the text of the speech in advance. Or use ready-made templates congratulatory speech on the Day of Knowledge from the director, school administration, teachers and parents.

Dear guys! Dear parents, colleagues, guests!

I am glad today to welcome everyone to the threshold of our beloved gymnasium!

With all my heart I congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge! September 1 is a holiday dear and close to each of us. The school is buzzing like evidence. And we are glad to meet each other. After all, here we all feel like a big and friendly school family. I sincerely wish that you feel at home here. Know that everyone here loves you, is waiting for you and will always come to your aid.

Our schoolchildren have become a year older! I wish all students not to lose interest in new knowledge. I wish you perseverance and success in your studies, excellent grades, true friends, a fun and eventful life in the coming school year!

Happy, proud, adults are our children – 11th graders, future graduates. Remember, further fate in your hands, minds and hearts. Don’t waste time, make your choice, pay maximum attention to the most necessary school subjects, take the Unified State Exam and enter universities. In the meantime, live a full school life and remember the minutes of your passing childhood.

Dear first graders! Welcome to our school country! Feel free to get acquainted with this amazing world knowledge and discoveries. A bright school class and the kindest and fairest first teacher are waiting for you. Let the lessons be not boring, the books interesting, and school friendships strong!

Dear parents and grandparents, accompanying their children to school with joy and excitement! Happy holiday to you too! May your children please you more often, and may you have patience. Please be around your children more often! May you always have enough time, money, warmth, love and energy!

I would like to say especially warm congratulations, words of gratitude and appreciation to the teachers today. It is you who help to comprehend science and gain knowledge, reveal new things to students, and explain incomprehensible things. You give your love, set an example in everything, help schoolchildren understand the meaning of life and happiness. Your talent, patience, responsibility - an indispensable condition successful student learning. May you have new plans, new successes and achievements ahead! Good health to you!

The gymnasium is ready for the start of the school year. We meet you guys in clean, cozy classrooms. School staff and parents carried out repairs. Thanks to parents for financial support! Good luck to everyone who enters the hospitably open doors of our gymnasium today! Good luck!

Dear guys! Dear adults!

Allow us today to send our school ship called “Yasenovskaya Gymnasium No. 2” on an exciting journey through the Land of Knowledge.

For you, dear first-graders, let this journey be the most exciting, brightest and most fabulous. I wish you lasting knowledge, new discoveries, reliable friends. School uniform, presented to you by our state, let it become an example and model for everyone. Starting from this school year, a school uniform (dark bottom and light top) is mandatory for everyone. It disciplines and helps make studies successful. I wish all the children new victories, records, achievements, good and excellent grades this academic year. For you, dear 11th graders, let this journey be the most unique and unforgettable. Remember, your future fate is in your hands. Don’t waste time, make your choice, pay maximum attention to the most necessary school subjects, take the Unified State Exam and enter universities. In the meantime, live a full school life and remember the minutes of your passing childhood.

Health to teachers, strength of spirit, decent salary, faith in yourself and in your students. To all parents, patience, understanding, support. To the guests of the holiday of peaceful skies, well-being in the family, prosperity. Well, for all of us - sunlight, tailwind and 7 feet under keel. Good luck, Happy Knowledge Day.

Please accept from the director
You will soon have a speech on Knowledge Day:
I wish you success
New knowledge, new meetings,
You are an excellent student
Let the lessons be a joy,
All tests
You deliver exactly on time!

Allow me from the heart
Congratulations to you guys.
The day of knowledge has arrived
And the school is glad to see you all.

Director's speech
I hope it cheers you up..
Good luck in your studies,
High fives for everyone in the diary.

Persistence and aspiration
Always go forward
The soul reaches out to something new,
And absorb it avidly.

Our dear students and respected teachers, I greet you and everyone present on this wonderful day. The school is once again opening its doors to new knowledge and exciting travels, and I want to wish these travels to be the most unforgettable and, of course, fruitful. I wish you guys determination, great achievements, excellent performance, high goals and an optimistic attitude for the new school year. And to you, our dear teachers, strong endurance, a lot of energy, understanding, always a good start to the day and special thanks to you for your clear mind, good nature and for being with us. And so, I solemnly open the new academic year and have a good journey through the land of knowledge.

I'm glad to meet you
On the threshold of the school
Knowledge Day welcomes you
With your cheerful call.

We are the new school year
We start with you
I wish that all year
We were friends.

To the director's office
They didn’t call me
And they received it from me
You have certificates and medals.

First place for school
I would like to borrow
And to you, students,
Become excellent students.

Good afternoon my guys,
There are too many of you to count,
But you came with one purpose,
Gain knowledge here.

The school opens its doors
Invites you to a lesson
encourages you to study,
The bell will ring soon.

Knowledge is never enough
And I picked up your enthusiasm,
The director congratulates you,
And our friendly team!

Our children are dear,
We meet you again
You will enter the autumn day
To your beautiful, bright classroom.

I want to wish you success
And high fives only to you.
Feel free to move towards your goals
And to your cherished dreams.

Let the A's only fill
School, your plump diary.
Bright, good impressions
And good, smart books.

I wish that your efforts
Aspirations and beginnings
Quickly led to success
And they helped us achieve our goals.

Let the matter be argued quickly,
Studying is more fun
And your school road
It's flowing little by little towards the end!

I am the creepy Barmaley - the school director,
And they will always scare you with me!
But I'm not scary, I'm simple, cheerful,
Although sometimes I have to scold you!

Let's agree right away
That you will have to accept the rules,
And obey all orders,
Then there is no need to call your parents!

And we will be friends and have fun,
And sometimes arrange holidays,
You will study diligently
And together we can solve any issue!

On behalf of the director on Knowledge Day
I hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
We wish everyone great success and goodness,
Let your studies be full of joy.

Work hard every day,
In studies, sports and business - you are not lazy.
On the day of knowledge I wish you to achieve a lot,
And only “excellent” grades for everyone.

Happy Knowledge Day, parents, children.
The school house will reopen.
We will celebrate this day with you
A cheerful, cheerful call.

The path to knowledge is long and difficult,
But it is important not to go astray.
So let there be patience,
To go further and further.

Today I hasten to congratulate
I am both children and adults.
And I want to wish everyone
So that knowledge is strong.

Let them help you
Making the world more beautiful
Let your dreams come true
And let there be a holiday and a feast.

Wonderful years of study
Let them remember you with joy,
Let sorrows and adversity
Your spirit will never be broken.

The first day of autumn always marks the beginning of a new school year, and to start it on a good and positive note, a wonderful holiday was created - Knowledge Day. This is a great opportunity for teachers to wish their students good luck, patience, bright victories and set them in the right mood. However, schoolchildren expect these words not only from teachers, but also from head teachers, because thanks to them the educational process is structured competently and professionally, and under their sensitive guidance any problems are solved. Especially for you, dear head teachers, we have prepared wonderful congratulations and parting words that will help your students with even more positive mood join the learning process and look forward to the first high grades in your diaries.

Solemn speech of the head teacher on September 1

Hello, our dear students! The warm and sunny summer holidays have flown by unnoticed, autumn has come into its own, which means that the school is once again opening its welcoming doors for its students. But not only comfortable desks and the trill of a bell await you ahead. Opens its arms to you huge world, full of new knowledge, discoveries and sciences. You, some for the first time, and some again, will plunge into the previously unknown secrets of your favorite subjects and plunge into the exciting whirlpool of new disciplines. I hope that this year and the journey of knowledge ahead will be bright, interesting and unforgettable for you. I am sure that our dear first-graders will find within the walls of the school not only attention and warmth from the teachers and us, the head teachers, but also strong and sincere friendship. And I would like to wish future graduates to spend this academic year richly and profitably, looking confidently into the future.

The day of knowledge has arrived, which means a new and busy academic year begins. The time is over summer holidays and I really hope that for you, our dear students, they were bright and filled with unforgettable events. However, you shouldn’t be upset about the past summer, because no less interesting and memorable discoveries await you ahead. Your favorite school desks and colorful textbooks are already waiting for their students, and teachers with all their love and patience are ready to help you move to the land of knowledge and science. I hope that the transition from relaxation to the educational process will be smooth and easy, and that the knowledge gained will help you achieve your dreams. I am sure that our dear first-graders will love school and their teachers, and future graduates will successfully pass all school tests and plunge into the new adult world with a bright head.

Hello, dear guys! I am very glad to see you again within the walls of our school, I am pleased to watch your happy smiles and shining eyes, filled with the expectation of new discoveries and intriguing secrets. The new academic year promises to be busy and interesting. Ahead of you is getting to know new subjects and gaining important knowledge. I am sure that our respected teachers will do everything in their power to make your studies easy and calm, so that every morning you get up and eagerly run to your first lesson, and your confidence in yourself and your knowledge grows stronger every day. I wish you all to successfully master all the sciences that you have to study, get a lot of pleasant impressions both within the walls of school and outside it, and successfully move towards your cherished dream and goal. I hope that the Day of Knowledge and the next academic year will become another important step for you on the path to the desired success.

Dear guys! I am very glad to see you today so happy, tanned, smiling. I hope that the summer holidays helped you gain strength, energy and positivity. I am sure that you miss your native school walls and your favorite teachers. The coming school year will be an important chapter for each of you in the still incomplete book of life. It depends on you what it will be like, however, I am sure that every page will be filled with bright moments, interesting discoveries and memorable events. I am sure that the knowledge that you will receive will be useful to you in other chapters of your life book and will become an important springboard on the path to the fulfillment of your cherished desires. To each of you, our dear students, I, as the head teacher, want to promise that your teachers and I will do everything in our power to convey to your bright minds all the necessary knowledge, and each lesson will become special and amazing.

Today has come one of the most exciting and pleasant holidays in the life of every student - the day of knowledge. Our dear first-graders were especially looking forward to it. Soon you will sit down at your school desks and immerse yourself in incredible world sciences and disciplines that will become the beginning of a new life for you. Your teachers and I will try to make this process easy and interesting for you, so that the thirst for knowledge always burns brightly in your eyes, and your love for the subjects you study remains for many years. Among the students standing here there are those for whom this school year will be the final one and they will leave the school walls, entering a new adult world. I hope that you will successfully cope with all the tests and pass your final exams with excellent marks. I wish you all, our dear students, good luck in your studies, great patience and only positive grades. May the coming school year be a time of victories and achievements for you.

Today is a beautiful autumn day, marking the beginning of the school year. Knowledge Day is a wonderful holiday that symbolizes a smooth return to the world of school knowledge and science. Today you will immerse yourself in your favorite subjects and begin to make new discoveries, and your teachers will help you with this. I would like to wish you, our dear students, that the knowledge that you receive this school year will become a reliable basis for new skills and impressions, that the lessons will be easy and interesting, and that your diaries will only please the eye. positive ratings. I hope that for those of you who are crossing the school threshold for the first time, mastering the subjects and sciences that they contain will become a pleasant and exciting experience, and school will invariably be a second home. I wish you to successfully overcome all the challenges of this academic year and have many reasons to be proud of your achievements.

Hello, dear students! Today is the day of knowledge, which means that the school corridors, quiet during the summer holidays, will come to life again and be filled with cheerful children's laughter, and new textbooks and notebooks will be placed on the desks as usual. We have an incredible and busy academic year ahead, full of surprises, bright victories and important achievements. We, with our respected teachers, always strive to be not only teachers for you, professionally performing their work, but also good friends, always ready to help and support. Therefore, you can always contact us for advice or with a request. I hope that today, like the entire academic year, will be fruitful, exciting and useful.

Today is a very important and responsible day in the life of every student - the day of knowledge. It symbolizes the onset of a new school year, and for our dear first-graders it will be the beginning of a bright and unforgettable stage in their lives. School is not only a place for gaining knowledge, it is a second home where friends are waiting, and beloved teachers strive to create an atmosphere of warmth and trust. We strive to turn the lesson into fabulous trip, filled unexpected discoveries And interesting finds. And today I want to invite you to go on a journey through this country and with all my heart I hope that it will be fascinating, fascinating and full of meaning for you. Let all the knowledge you acquire play its special role in your life and bring only benefits.

Our dear students! I am very glad to see you rested and happy today. Each of you feels excitement and enthusiastic interest in your soul in anticipation of the upcoming new school year. My dear teachers and I will try to do everything in our power to maintain this interest throughout school year and bring a lot of important and exciting things into your life. I hope that each subject will become dear to you in its own way, and that the knowledge gained will help you on your way to achieving your cherished goal. I wish you to look forward boldly, be confident in yourself and strive to achieve new heights, including in the school world.

Today we celebrate a wonderful event in the life of every student - the day of knowledge. It's like the first chapter in a wonderful book called a new school year. I think that each of you has already decided for yourself what content you will fill its pages with. I hope this will be a book of success and important achievements, consisting of many stories of great victories and interesting discoveries. I promise you that our dear teachers and I will try to make each chapter rich and exciting, and its writing easy and interesting. May your every school day be filled with joy, pleasant worries and sunny smiles, and may your achievements become a real reason for pride. I would like to wish you that you always feel the support of your family and friends, and that the attention and warmth of your teachers become another reason to come to class.

Honor and praise to the school director,
He always creates comfort in the temple of knowledge,
He has no holidays, no rest, no sleep,
He gives himself completely to school life.
We sincerely congratulate you on September 1,
We wish you optimism, endurance, patience,
May life always give you joy,
All the best to you, peace, happiness and goodness.

School is your second family,
You give her all your care,
To make students feel comfortable,
You must weigh the pros and cons a hundred times.

Long and happy life We wish you
Let the school year not bother you with problems,
May you have enough strength for everything.

You are always intelligent, wise and serious,
You give yourself completely to your work,
Like a good plowman of a golden field,
You sow knowledge in the fall, and reap the harvest in the spring.
Today is September 1st, congratulations,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
Let all problems be solved easily,
Let everything be fine in your personal life.

The school principal has a lot of worries,
He must calculate everything in advance,
So that the educational process goes well,
The director's word must carry weight.
Congratulations on September 1st,
We wish you success in your work,
May luck always accompany you,
Let life flow like a full river.

We see you very rarely,
You caring owner whole school,
Wise teacher - director,
A kind mentor to all children.
Today is September 1st, congratulations,
We wish you inspiration in your work,
Let the problems go away like melt water,
May the Lord always protect you.

You are strict, fair, sensitive,
Wisdom has made my temples gray,
Either seriously, or with a joke,
You always reach out to your students.
On September 1st, please accept congratulations,
Let your mood be great
Let things go well at school,
Let the family live in love and prosperity.

It’s not for nothing that we call school our second home,
We always feel comfortable in it,
The school director is just a master class,
He always takes care of us like a father.
Let me congratulate you on September 1st,
I wish you a lot of happiness and health,
Express my deep gratitude to you,
Live without worries and never lose heart.

Believe me, you are the best director in the world,
You have done so much for us and your school,
And we love you very much and respect you greatly for this,
We are all, from the little ones to teachers.
We wish you guys, year after year again,
They ran to you, under the falling leaves of golden September,
So that they honor and call your school the coolest,
Of course, I always thank you for all this.

To root for everything in the world with your soul,
Give your whole life, and delve into all questions,
So that your children get everything they need,
And they were able to recognize the main goal of life.
Thank you for everything, our dear director,
We love you and are grateful to the point of tears,
We have no idea where you feed your strength,
To drag such a heavy, exorbitant load.

All this - rulers, holidays, checks, teacher councils,
They have been ringing cheerfully for you for many years now,
The walls of this school have become like family to you,
Where in every tile there is light of special knowledge.
To teach generations what can become more beautiful,
Are you used to devoting yourself entirely to work?
Only you know how important it is not only to teach letters,
But there is also peace in the area, a simple life to experience.

This day is easy and very sincere,
To make your head spin in new joy,
Today it’s so sincerely solemnly melodious,
Sincere words of our verse are floating towards you.
May you be rewarded for all your efforts,
For your kindness and spiritual bright light,
And may everything you plan always succeed,
Patience to you, health and happiness for 1000 years.

You are not just our director - you are our own mother!
You are beautiful in any form,
And it’s so hard to find words worthy for us,
What can decorate you even more today?
You are not just a boss, you are also an administrator,
Manager, talented teacher and caretaker,
Judge, adviser, girlfriend, not a dictator at all,
So boldly and easily, she carries the school cart.

At the beginning of autumn, our school is so bright, beautiful,
And every class is bathed in the morning sun,
All of Russia rests on women like you,
And the school, of course, depends only on you!
So may good luck always accompany you,
And everyone the year goes by for you it’s like a festive moment,
Today we congratulate you on the first of September,
And then the festive bell appeared.