Scenario of the graduation party for children of the preparatory group “Journey to fairy-tale planets. Graduation in kindergarten. Scenario "Journey to the Past"

Ved. - Well, friends, the hour we have been waiting for has come!

We gathered for the last time in this cozy room.

Preschoolers rush here in the morning to say goodbye to kindergarten,

We greet them with smiles, applause for them, friends!

Here they are, our stars!

(children-graduates enter to the music of “Little Country”)

Reb. There are different holidays throughout the year and today is our holiday -

We will soon become first-graders; we are saying goodbye to the garden now.

Reb. The sun, a cheerful ray, joyfully knocks on the windows

And today we are proud of an important word – graduate.

Reb. Our parents came to our party

And they look at us with excitement

As if they saw everything for the first time

The children have grown up now.

Song of the music director's choice.

1 Reb. – Each of us is a star today!

Anyone will envy - yes!

2 Reb. - Let's walk along the starry path together,

Let's gather a constellation of graduates!

Song "Lighting up the stars." The children sit down.

(“Space picture”: Planet Earth is slowly approaching the audience, forests, meadows are visible, children are in the meadow)

Ved. There is one Garden Planet in this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds,
Only on it alone do lilies of the valley bloom in the green grass,
And the dragonflies just look at the river in surprise...

There is no other planet where every child is happy,
Together with my mother, like a rocket, rush to kindergarten in the morning.

There are toys and friends - there are countless things for preschoolers to do!
Teachers will meet them there - it’s good that they exist!

Reb. There is a wonderful planet here for all your answers

Here is a game of fun, a fairy tale, a dance, a song, even a dance,

Friends live here together, what is that planet's name?

Reb. That planet is not on the map or in outer space

If you come with us, you will end up on that planet

Everyone is glad to find themselves on the planet kindergarten

Reb. There is water on it, food, clean air always here

We rush from dads and moms to that planet in the morning.

Reb. Hello, children's planet, you are warmed by the warmth of hearts

On that planet the people live very happily.

Ved. Today is a holiday on the children's planet - our children go to school

And in honor of the graduates, we will organize a parade of planets for the whole world

Reb. Let's organize a children's star ball so that everyone sings and dances

I read poetry, painted portraits... no more talented than children

Video series “Constellation of graduates”

Presenter: A beautiful melody fills the hall,

Invites children into the world of magic.

After all, there is a smart person living in the world, good friend,

I’ll tell you a secret: Astrologer is a master of all sciences.

Look, he's coming towards us...

((Astrologer enters to the music, holding a beautiful box decorated with stars.)

Stargazer: Greetings, friends! I'm in space, as always.

I count the ringing blue stars. This, my friends, is my job.

I’m flying, I’m counting... but these days, honestly, I’ve lost count-

Everywhere now there are lights, lights... It’s as if the stars have wings.

Today the stars burst into the house in a cheerful flock and start dancing

They are bright lights at our holiday.

Dance: "Star Fantasy".

Stargazer: I look at the stars in the night sky,

I'll tell you everything about the secrets of the stars.

I took a few stars with me,

There are already too many lights in the sky!

Today I will call everyone stars,

And shine in a fairy tale and here, in reality!

You guys are stars, shine brighter!

Friends, merge with the rays of lights!

The parents' faces shine with happiness,

And everyone will be proud of your success!!!

(Opens the box.)

Astrologer: I want to give you magic stars with letters on them. If you make an enchanted word from them, you will find yourself in the world of different sciences.

(Looks into the box and is surprised.) Where are they? Stars, respond!!!

(Words in recording)

Stars: Yes, yes, yes! We hear you

Guess where we are now?

Stargazer: We don't know! Where can I find you?

Stars: The guys and I decided to play,

We must look for us in different fairy tales!!!

Presenter: Dear Astrologer, how do we get into a fairy tale?

Astrologer: I’ll give you my magic cloak, it will help you get into any fairy tale! You just need to say the spell: “Magic cloak, help, take us to a fairy tale!” (Gives the cloak to the Presenter.) I wish you good luck! (Leaves.)

Presenter: I’m putting on a magic cloak, I invite you guys.

Come quickly and say the spell!

(Children approach the Leader.)

Take us to a fairy tale!!

Presenter: I think there is someone else in this forest...

Guys, come, let's listen.

The recording shows the singing of birds, the sound of a stream, and suddenly the Nightingale the Robber peeks out and whistles, crawls out and screams, the children run away to their places).

Presenter: How did you scare us, who are you?

Nightingale-R: As if it’s not clear! Nightingale I am a robber!

I sit on an oak tree and scare everyone who passes by

And I’ll whistle to the whole forest! (whistles)

Presenter: Why are you doing this?

Nightingale: What else to do?

Presenter: Our guys will tell you about this. They are still in kindergarten and they are having a lot of fun here.

A song about kindergarten.

(The Nightingale quietly takes out a rope, throws it over the children and begins to tie them up.)

Nightingale: I need such smart, good children. I'll take them all for myself. Will you live in the forest with me and tell me interesting stories.

Presenter: Nightingale the Robber, let the children go. They definitely need to go to school!

Nightingale: Why do you still need this school?

Presenter: Everyone wants to know in the world

Curious children.

Child: Why is the sun shining and looking through my window?

Why does the moon rise and then everything is dark?

Child: Why does the bird fly?

Does a star sparkle in the sky?

To know everything, everything in the world!

Nightingale: Well, okay, I’ll untie.... Only if you know so much will you become pale, thin, sickly...

Host: What about you, Nightingale, our children are very strong, athletic, we do exercises in the morning. Look at this.

Children do aerobics.

Nightingale: You, of course, are great, but in my forest it’s still better.

But I just don’t understand, what are you doing in my fairy tale?

Presenter: We are looking for magic stars. They scattered into fairy tales.

Have you seen any?

Nightingale: Something sparkled in the foliage of the oak tree... (saw)

But I’ll keep these stars for myself!

Presenter: Shame on you! After all, if we don’t collect all the stars, we won’t get to the land of knowledge!!!

Nightingale: Are there any squiggles on the stars!?

Presenter: These are not squiggles, these are letters.

Nightingale: And the children know them?

Presenter: Yes, they know.

Children can stand up and show all the letters

Nightingale the Robber, don’t yawn,

Remember the letters!

Game "Letters are worried."

(children make up the words “alphabet” and “primer”)

Nightingale: Okay, I'll give you the stars.

You are nice girls and boys.

And I’ll climb the oak tree again and watch,

If anyone passes by, I will scare you!

(Whistles and runs away. The curtain closes. Children name the letters on the stars: A, Z)..

Presenter: We found the first two stars and we read the letters on them.

Presenter and children: Magic cloak, help,

Take us to a fairy tale!!!

Presenter: Oh, who are you?

Vasilisa the Wise: We are Vasilisa the Wise!

Presenter: Who, who-o-o?

1 Vasilisa the Wise: Vasilisa the Wise!

Presenter: Where are you from?

2 Vasilisa the Wise: From a fairy tale.

Presenter: Wow!!! And teach us some wisdom.

3 Vasilisa the Wise: Yes please! But anything with a song is more fun. Can you sing a funny song?

1 Vasilisa the Wise: You have mastered this wisdom. Let's move on to the next one.

(singing) Let's do a good job,
We need to do a calculation
Where to multiply, where to add,
Honor to arithmetic.

Children give the correct answer.

2. May beetles lived in a clearing by the river,
Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

3. He gave the ducklings a hedgehog and ten leather boots.
Which of the guys will answer how many ducklings were there?

4. Once a neighbor friend came to the bunny for lunch.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate three carrots each.
Who's counting, clever guys, how many carrots have been eaten?

Vasilisa praises the children. Addresses parents:

Why is our gallery silent? The task for you is:

Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, two tits.

Two swifts and five eels, how many birds can you answer quickly?!

2 Vasilisa the Wise: Well done! Here's another piece of wisdom!

Game “Be careful!” To the music, children run around in all directions, Vasilisa the Wise says any number from one to five, and the children, accordingly, must stand either one at a time, or in pairs, or in threes, etc.

3 Vasilisa the Wise: Well done! You know arithmetic. What are you doing in our fairy tale?

Haven't you seen them?

Vasilisa the Wise: We saw it. Yesterday they fell from the sky, we will gladly give them to you.

(Vasilisa gives the stars and leaves. On the stars are the letters: N, I)

What fairy tale has more stars...

A magic cloak will help us with this.

Guys, hurry up and say the spell!

Presenter and children: Magic cloak, help,

Take us to a fairy tale!!!

(The music of Baba Yaga with a broom sounds, screams, threatens.)
Baba Yaga: Where are you going, cursed one? I told you - stand! You dared to disobey me, the mistress!

Leading. What's happened?

Baba Yaga. What's happened? Yes, my hut is on chicken legs
completely out of hand! I've seen enough of all kinds of dances on TV, and from morning to evening, give her a lamp, or a macarena, or this rap. Then suddenly ballroom dancing she wants to learn to dance, but then she got it into her head to learn pop dance. Well, what can you do? I no longer have the strength to fight her! And now I ran off to the dance. What should I do?
Presenter: Grandma, don’t make noise. Our guys will be able to help you! It’s impossible to count how many different dances they danced within the walls of their own kindergarten. They'll dance for you
CHILDREN (in unison): “Cool.”
The “Cool” dance is performed.

Baba Yaga: Ay, well done! Great! Pleased grandma!

So, kids, are you ready for school? Smart, delicious... Oh, what am I talking about? Yes, I remembered the happy years... Do you want a surprise?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: (spreads a rope on the floor) And for a surprise you need your parents to stand on this rope.

Attraction “Rope” To the music, adults walk around a rope placed on the floor, at the end of the music they stand on the rope, whoever does not fit in, leaves the game, each time the rope is folded in half, in four, etc.

Baba Yaga: What are you doing in my fairy tale?

Presenter. We are looking for magic stars. They scattered into fairy tales.

Haven't you seen them?

Baba Yaga: See - I saw them, but I forgot where they were. (Looks in pockets, etc., finds. There are letters on them: I, N). You need it yourself, but oh well, take it.

Presenter: So we also found two stars and we read the letters on them.

(looks at the screen.)

Presenter: The children got all the letters mixed up. What word is written here?

Ved.: Look, guys, in the night sky

They promise us happiness and good luck!

Ved.: The star swayed, fell off, flies...
Like a hot fire burning in the middle of the night!
They flew off like a parade of stars!
May our dreams be illuminated by falling stars!

Boy: I dream of becoming a great geneticist,
To solve the problems of old age!
And in the new century of the new millennium
Give immortality to a person!
Girl: I dream of becoming an architect,
Build a city without corners.
I am now making my dream come true:
At home I draw from circles.
Boy: I dream of becoming the head of the CENTRAL BANK,
To surprise the whole world in Russian:
Buy a ticket to a distant planet,
(takes a ticket out of his pocket)
And take mom into space on a plate!
Girl: Eh, I should make a blockbuster of our days for posterity!
If only there was film, and a more colorful film!
We firmly declare to everyone that the time will come -
We will win the Oscar, let Nika wait!
Child: I want to be just good person,
May we march merrily in step with the coming century!

Child: Look, guys, in the night sky
Suddenly a swarm of stars lit up!
The stars in the sky shine so brightly,
They promise us happiness and good luck!

Host: Oh, I don’t want to, friends,

We must part with you!

But this day called us all

Perform a farewell waltz...

Girl: Farewell waltz, a little sad, it’s not easy to spin in it

Waltz farewell, farewell, in a light prom dress

Boy: Dear guests, we are dancing the waltz for the last time for you.

Farewell waltz.

Child: Today we are leaving you

It’s sad for all of us, needless to say,

We gathered in this hall for the last time,

To thank you for everything.

Child: For your work and for your affection,

For great and honorable work,

That they didn’t spare their health

And they put all their effort into our kindergarten.

Child: Thanks to everyone who taught us,

Who fed us and who treated us,

And to those who simply loved us...

All: Bow to you and thank you!

Song: “It’s a pity to leave”

The astrologer runs in

Stargazer: Wait, I was almost late.

I hurried with gifts to the farewell ball

The stars whispered a secret to me, as if here at graduation

A new constellation of talents was born this day.

Let me not be a wizard, but only an astrologer

For your happiness and good luck, I will give you a surprise - here

(brings in a bunch of gel balloons with stars with the names of the graduates’ children attached.)

In parting, I wish you all that a star will grow from every star.


Dance “Clouds are floating across the sky” (at the end of the dance, children release the balls and sit down)

1st teacher. On the road, girls, on the road, boys,

Walk the ladder of knowledge more boldly.

Wonderful meetings and good books,

There will be steps on it.

2nd teacher. What do you wish, dear guys?

You go to school to study and make friends!

May your life be filled with dreams

And love our Russia with all my heart.

Presenter. And now comes the most solemn part of the holiday. You will be awarded the very first diplomas in your life in memory of your kindergarten and your friends.

Presentation of diplomas.

prepared by Musical director Anna Anatolyevna Rozhchenko Municipal preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten No. 73

Position: music director of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 73 combined type" Telman village, Moscow region.

Description. I propose a scenario for a graduation party in kindergarten. The material will be useful to music directors and preschool teachers.

Goal: Creating an emotionally positive holiday atmosphere and conditions for a positive sense of self for children at the stage of finishing kindergarten and transitioning to school.


  1. Identify and reveal the creative and performing abilities of children and adults.
  2. To form and develop in children a sense of emotional well-being and self-worth in the children's team.
  3. Create an atmosphere of cooperation between children and adults, kindergarten and family.

Progress: The teachers come out first and say, the children are getting ready.

Presenter 1: How beautiful our hall is, how elegant and bright!

It's like he's welcoming guests of honor.

Presenter 2: And the guests are relatives, beloved children,

Who have become a little more mature!

Presenter 1: He saw a lot, our music hall,

And the laughter of children resounded more than once,

Presenter 2: Today he will give us a farewell ball,

The last surprise is in store for you!

Presenter 1: Today we start the holiday,

We invite children to the music hall.

Presenter 2: So, meet - here they are:

The best graduates! The leaders move apart.

Children's Musical Outing.

Children: - Once upon a time there were 100 children,

Everyone went to kindergarten.

Once - the child is very noisy!

Two – the child is the smartest!

Three - the child is the bravest -

Everything was done, said and done!

5, 17, 26 – there are countless talented people here!

Yes because! No need to explain!

These are just children from our kindergarten.

Our talents were revealed here.

We are singers and musicians,

We are artists, dancers

And a little bit of actors.

Host: Who is talented and smart?

ALL: Well, of course, it's us!

1Child: Greets us warmly

Beautiful, bright room!

Welcome, friends,

To our graduation party!

2nd child: Today we are graduates.

Farewell to our kindergarten!

Our mothers will buy us diaries,

Textbooks, notebooks.

3rd child: Let’s take new briefcases

And with bright flowers

We'll go to school for the first time,

And our mothers are with us.

4th child: Today we are graduates,

No longer preschoolers.

Fun calls await us

And new guys.

5th child: We will go to an unfamiliar class

Along the school corridors.

Farewell to our kindergarten, we have

We will remember you with a smile.

6th child: We’ll sing goodbye

We give this song to everyone.

Let this song be on a summer day

Flying around the world!

Song “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

7. We must part ways today

It's a shame about the kindergarten.

But we grew up big

I need to get ready for school.

8. How old is the cheerful garden?

He received you and me.

It was a home for children.

We became friends.

9. That would be great

Look ahead.

After all, I really want to know.

What awaits us at school?

1Ved: Guys, you want to look into the future and find out what awaits you

ahead? I think the stars will tell you about this.

2Ved: Can stars really speak?

1Ved. Of course, you just need to be able to listen.

All the stars will tell you sensibly,

Everything in life will be new for you,

Guys, we'll have to work hard.

And I'm doing great at school.

But this will happen a little later,

Now an unusual guest will come to you.

Dance of the Stargazers.

(astrologer enters)


I am an astrologer from a mysterious country,

You will ask the stars and the moon about me.

This country is unusual in space.

In the glow of a bright, bright light,

Name "School" she wears.

But, guys, how can we get there?

The land of kindness and the land of beauty,

You can get there on the wings of your dreams.

And I guessed from the faces of the guys,

They want to go to school sooner.

Let the meeting with school and class

This will be their finest hour for everyone.

Let their guiding star shine.

Tell me, astrologer, quickly,

Are there any guiding stars in your country?

In my country there are different stars,

Green, and yellow, and red,

There are warm stars and cold ones,

And there are, among other things, guidebooks.

I took a few stars with me,

There are already a lot of lights in the sky.

(baby stars run out)

Dance of the Stars


1I have five rays

Rays of lights.

To always give you

Bright light, because I'm a star.

2We were all sitting in heaven.

Together with a thousand friends.

And they sparkled and shone,

And then they suddenly fell.

3Don't just watch,

And make wishes,

It's not every day that we come here

A star falls from the sky.

10 Child: We want to go to school quickly,

We want to open the door of knowledge.

It will be interesting for us at school,

After all, school is an amazing place!

We only dream of getting straight A's!


The planet of knowledge is far away,

It's not that easy to get there:

May you always have success in your studies,

May your guiding star shine!

Each star has its own name.


1 child - My star is hard work.

2nd child - My star is effort.

3reb-And mine is attention.

My 4th child is curiosity.

5th child - Mine is friendship.


Feel free to go to school

Try to be diligent!

We will fulfill all your wishes

And goodbye to the guys,

Let's say - space is calling you,

On the first fabulous flight.

The astrologer and the stars leave.

If you want to go into space,

So, you'll be flying soon,

The first in the world will be yours

Friendly children's crew.

Space music sounds in the background

2Ved: Dear guys, parents, employees and guests! We invite you to take a space cruise on a spaceliner, only on our ship and only now you can meet unique space planets and phenomena.

1Ved: We hope you are all comfortably accommodated on our spaceship? Then fasten your seat belts, turn off your mobile phone, and tune in to a state of complete weightlessness.

2Ved: Our flight is dedicated to our graduates - graduate -2018. Each of them is a star in its own way. And all together they are a bright constellation!

1Ved: So, the flight begins! Let's count everything together:

10, 3. 2. 1. start! Let's fly!

Song. "To the Stars"

Children float in zero gravity.

1 child

It's so cool in space, stars and planets

They float slowly in black weightlessness.

2 child

It's so cool in space, sharp rockets

They rush here and there at great speed.

3 child

It seems that our dream is real

How many adventures await us ahead!

4 child

If only we could all visit together one day

In that starry, amazing, magical country!

5 child

Fast comets are waiting for us,

Distant planets await us

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

6 child

We will overcome all obstacles,

And we will get everything we need.

Will never deceive

Guiding Star.

Presenter: Here is the first planet. We're landing. But for some reason no one is visible here. Whose planet is this?

Robot enters the hall.

Robot: This is Robot Planet. It's called Zhelezyaka. Danger! Danger! The Space Pirates have arrived again. I'm sounding the alarm! I'm sounding the alarm!

Presenter: No, we are not pirates. We are children from planet Earth.

Robot: What are children? What is Earth?

Presenter: The Earth is very beautiful planet. Our home is there, our friends live there.

Robot: What is it "Earth" ?

Presenter: And we’ll tell you about it now.

Composition "Our home is the earth"

Robot: It's good that you arrived. I'll show you the Robot Planet. We are strong, brave, we can do everything. Stay tuned. We will make robots out of you too, we will be friends and dance. Look, I'll teach you.

Robot dance. (boys)

Presenter: No, there is no need to make robots out of our children. And we won’t be able to dance to such music.

Robot: What kind of music do you play?

Presenter: Listen.

Robot: I can’t do that, but I really, really want to be friends with you.

Presenter: Okay, if you want to be our friend, then please tell me where the planet of knowledge is?

Robot: I can’t just say that. I'm not programmed that way.

Presenter: What do you want?

Robot: You should play with me.

Presenter: What do you like to play?

Robot: In numbers.

Game "Guess the number" .

Robot: Well done. Here's a computer - an index of intergalactic systems. Farewell. (leaves)

Presenter: Well, let's continue on our way. Let's take off! (against the background of music) We fly past the constellation Ursa Major. I see another planet. Let's land! I wonder if anyone lives here?

The Little Prince enters the hall

Ved: - Oh, who are you and where did we arrive?

Prince: Ask the sun, ask the comet,

I- little prince on a magical planet.

My planet of beauty and kindness.

The planet where children's dreams blow.

Guys, do you like to dream?

Ved: Yes, our guys also dream, but what will they tell you about now? Listen here!

Music is playing. Children stand on dots.

Reb:. The years will fly by quickly

Kindergarten is over,

Then we'll finish school

Life will be fun.

Today we will dream

Choose your own job.

Child (puts on glasses):

  • I dream of becoming a great geneticist

To solve the problems of old age!

And in this 21st century

Give immortality to a person.

All: - But why?

Reb: - Because since childhood

I want to know:

Is it true or is it a lie?

Why do parrots live 200 years?

Reb. (Takes out a drawing)

I dream of becoming an architect

Build a city without corners.

I am now making my dream come true:

At home I draw from circles.

My house is completed, there is not a corner in it.

Mom, a dream has come true!

You can no longer do it the way you did before, loving,

Put me in a corner!..

Reb. (adjusting his tie, making an important appearance):

Maybe I should become a deputy?

Anyone can be this.

I'll drive with a flashing light

And divide the budget among everyone.

Reb puts on a leather cap:

And I dream of becoming a taxi driver,

Move around the city quickly

Know all the streets, boulevards, alleys

And deliver passengers to the train faster.

Reb. puts on a chef's hat:

I will become a skilled cook

I will prepare all your dishes deliciously.

Dumplings and shish kebab, okroshka and salad,

Everyone will be happy to taste my sushi.

Reb. I really dream of performing in the circus,

They will recognize me on all the posters,

15 tigers in the arena!

I'll be on shift at Zapashny's!

Reb. I'll run for president

I will receive gifts

I will rule the country

Increase everyone's salary!

Reb. Good for the President

And I will become a banker.

I will make money

As all fakirs can.

Reb: Are you guys interested?

Only fame and salary.

And I have my own dream,

She has simple beauty.

I want to become a teacher

Let everyone be surprised.

After all, from kindergarten and school

That's where it all begins.

Children come to the garden

Both an artist and a banker,

And then they find themselves,

To conquer the whole world!

Prince: I see that you children are growing up good and friendly.

And for this you need to thank your parents and teachers. They put a lot of effort into preparing you for school. Tell them "Thank you"

Children. Thank you.

Reb. The teacher has a job -

This is such a concern!

I need to wipe my nose

Songs to sing and dance

Comb, kiss,

Feed and rock.

Reb. He laughs, he cries,

This one chases everyone with a stick.

Try and follow

Keep everyone safe.

Reb. Our teachers are relatives,

They replaced the children's mother.

Did you find words like this,

So that we don't feel lonely.

Reb. Have you read fairy tales?

And they were able to make friends with everyone in the group.

We have become quite big now,

We will come to visit the kindergarten

Reb. Let's talk today "goodbye" ,

We will all go to school in the fall.

We love you very much and goodbye

Let's sing a song about you now.

Song "Thank you for everything"

Rush to the planet of knowledge.

Prince. It's time for me to go. There are things waiting for me on my little star planet. Goodbye! Have a nice trip.

The prince leaves the music of flight..

Ved: And here is the planet closest to us... Guys, where did we end up?

Nehochukha and Nemogukha come out:

Together: Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, who came here?

Oh, how funny!

Where are you from? who are they?

Presenter: These guys are graduates of kindergarten No. 73. We are looking for a planet of knowledge. Who are you?

Together: We are the ones you love very much,

Repeat day and night.

Nekhochukha: I am a minister - Nekhochukha,

Nemoguha: I am the minister - Nemoguha,

And arrived on the planet "Caprisulia" , and we are just right for our planet

We are looking for the queen. Stay with us, you will be like the great Unwanted, like the glorious Unable.

Presenter: No, our guys want to go to school and Kaprizulia is not suitable for them at all.

Nehochukha: What is school?

Is this some kind of toy?

Ignorant: Or a big pillow?

Ved: No, no. Listen to what school is.

Child: Back to school soon! Back to school soon!

The classroom will open its doors for us.

And with your cheerful call

He will invite us to study.

We will enter our spacious classroom,

And good grades

Receive in lessons.

Song "What they teach at school"

Nehochukha: Now I understand what school is.

Nemogukha: But this is not for us. We love to have a great time, have fun, and be capricious.

Capricious: I don’t want to go to school!

Reluctant: Girl, who are you?

Kaprizulya: Yes, I’m grandma’s granddaughter.

Ill-woman: Look, ah, what a (admiringly)

And it’s already quite big!

Kaprizulya: Well, what else to study,

I'm not used to working!

Presenter: Well, what are you going to do?

Capricious: I want to be a queen!

Presenter: To become a queen,

There is a lot to know.

There's a lot to learn

Don't be rude and don't be lazy.

And then maybe it’s true

You will become a queen too.

Kaprizulya: Well, we got it together again,

"There's a lot to learn!"

I don’t want to and I can’t!

I will become a queen!

Reluctant: Here is the queen's throne,

You will sit on it! (places him on the throne)

Illness: Don’t work, don’t study,

Don't dance or sing songs

Together: You will be on this throne,

You'll sit all your life! (sit down next to you)

Reluctant: What a joy ha-ha-ha!

Ill-woman: She can’t go anywhere!

Together: Got a queen

Without effort, without difficulty! (fall asleep)

Capricious: I don’t want to, stop sleeping

You should play with me.

Nehochukha and Nemogukha begin to play get-together themselves.

Capricious: What about me?

Reluctant: But you can’t. You're the queen. (They fall asleep again)

Capricious: I can’t help it, stop sleeping

Should you help me (pushes).

I want ice cream! I want some cake!

(Negochukha and Nemogukha take out the cake and begin to eat it themselves)

Capricious: So will you eat for me?

Unwilling and Unable: Yeah...

Caprisulya (bored): Oh, how boring it is here

Sing a song to me now.

I don’t want to: I don’t want to sing songs! (yawns)

I can't help myself: I can't sing songs! (waves away)

Together: We are used to living without anything to do,

Sing it yourself if you want.

Kaprizulya: That's the news itself,

I can't do it alone.

Caprisulya: I am from these lazy people,

I'll probably get bored here!

Presenter: Guys, let's help our Caprisula and dance together.

Dance "Top, Clap"

Kaprizulya: Look, I see the guys there!

Have fun, don't be sad!

My teacher is right

What should I study?

Don’t want to: Don’t even think about it!

Well, why do you need to study?

Illness: We will teach the queen

And sit back and be angry!

Capricious: I’ll leave you as soon as possible,

And I’ll hurry to the guys.

And I won't be lazy

And I’ll forget about rudeness!

Educator: That's good! Come on guys, let's move on quickly so that no more troubles happen to us. Goodbye planet Caprisulia.

1 teacher: Guys, there is very little left, the planet of Knowledge is already ahead. (music) What's happened? There are some problems with our spaceship, it seems that it is rapidly flying to the side, we are being pulled somewhere!

Dance of the Black Hole.

Black Hole: Stop! Stop! Who are you to fly in my sky without asking me permission? You see, I caught everyone, and they fly here, ruining my mood!

1 ved: We are brave travelers. We are flying to the planet of Knowledge.

Black Hole: Well, no. It’s just that even satellites don’t fly past me. I am the Black Hole Kadabra, I am sucking everyone in.

Ved 1: Ah, that’s it! Then, we have to disappoint you, dear. We guys are brave, dexterous, skillful. We are not afraid of your threats.

Black Hole: I want to tell you that nothing will work out for you! I have closed all the portals and you will not be able to fly away until you complete my tests. And if you fail, I will take you prisoner and you will remain here forever.

1st lead: Don’t take us prisoner, the children need to go to school. Guys, we will try and complete all the tasks, right? (Yes.)

Black hole: We'll see about that later. If you complete the task, I’ll let you go, but if you don’t, I’ll leave you here. So, I open my first ball...

Mathematical problems.

1 Seven funny little bears

They rush into the forest for raspberries.

But one of them is tired

I fell behind my comrades.

Now find the answer

How much will be ahead?

2. There are five little mice along the way

They rush to school happily.

And under everyone's arm

One textbook at a time.

How many new books

In diligent mice?

3. A rooster flew up onto the fence,

Met two more there.

How many roosters are there?

Who has the answer?

Black Hole: Yes, I see you are great,

All of them are sages.

Well, never mind, bring the next ball, the next task...

If the children are careful,

Thrifty and neat

They will complete my task

I'll show you the way to say goodbye.

Contest "Pack your briefcase" .

Black hole: (Opens the third ball) I see that you are really well prepared for the flight to the land of knowledge. But it is impossible to get to that planet without friends, very loyal and strong.

Presenter: The most faithful and strong friends of our children are, of course, their parents. Look for yourself, and we went to the planet of knowledge together.


The years have passed quickly -

The kindergarten is behind.

You have become quite big

It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler,

You are going to first grade!

Congratulations guys

Let your dreams come true!

We wish you victories,

Life is fabulously beautiful.

Let the green light burn

In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Dance with moms "First-graders"

Black Hole: Well, I couldn’t keep you, my spell is broken, and now fly away quickly, and don’t come to me. (Leaves)

1Ved. Our flight moves forward,

The planet of knowledge awaits us!

Reb. Hello school, planet of knowledge,

You are a magical country!

Kindergarten, goodbye!

We need school now!

Reb. There will be no time for laziness at school,

There I am in a new country

Affairs and knowledge and skills

I will begin the journey.

Reb. Our good garden! Very soon

We will step beyond your threshold.

We wish you happiness and joy

To everyone who helped us grow!

Reb. We won't forget your hands

Their gentle warmth.

We learned the word here "Friend"

AND "happiness" And "good"

Reb. Thanks to those who were with us,

Who gave us a fabulous, kind childhood.

All: Thank you!

Reb. We grew up big

We're going to first grade!

Today, goodbye

We will dance for you!

Reb. Spring waltz, farewell waltz

Waltz last graduation

In this hall, goodbye

Let it whirl around you and me.

Alumni Waltz.

Our kindergarten staff

From noisy and loving children

Please accept this award

Smiles from the heart and these flowers!

Children give flowers to employees.

Response from teachers

Educator2: Today I would like to say a lot,

But, unfortunately, cannot be expressed in words,

How hard it is for us to say goodbye

With our guys - graduates!

Teacher 1:

We would like to wish you, dear guys,

Learn, grow, meet new friends.

We will always be very proud of you,

Walk the stairs of life boldly!

The floor is given to the head, parents, presentation of diplomas and gifts.

may be different. Today we bring to your attention a kindergarten graduation scenario called “Balloon Journey.” There are also poems by famous authors, but most of the plot was invented by music directors and teachers. The kindergarten graduation script was sent by Olga Popova, published for the first time.

So, let's go on a hot air balloon trip!

Kindergarten graduation scenario BALLOON TRIP


— For some reason the hall became silent,
There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes.
Let the audience remember them now:
Flirty and mischievous
A little daring and stubborn
The most playful of children,
Unique, dear,
And everyone is loved in their own way, and equally dear.

Meet them!

Children enter, the presenter announces: Graduates of school No. 369 - 2009...


“It’s impossible to contain my excitement today.”
The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered.
Today we see off our dear children!


- And mothers look with excitement
For yesterday's preschoolers.
And dad’s gaze warms,
And my brother winks.
Even grandma stealthily
She brought a handkerchief to her eyes.
From now on her dear grandson will be a schoolboy!

We ourselves are out of excitement
Forgot all the poems.
We were just preschool children,
And now – students!

“Preschool child, preschool child!” -
I can hear it almost from the cradle,
Only from tomorrow
Don't call me that:

I'll get up early tomorrow
And in the morning I’ll become a “school kid”!
Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!

Are you on your way today happy
You see off preschool children.
Goodbye to our fairy tales,
Our merry round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!

Our favorite kindergarten
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students...

All: - Hello!

Song "Hello 1st grade."

An adult runs in to the music, covered in cameras, video cameras with a microphone and a newspaper in his hand.

Correspondent: - Are you really late? How so! While in the government I was reporting on the meeting on exit from economic crisis, missed the graduation party in your kindergarten!

Leading: — Don’t worry, dear correspondent, our holiday is just beginning. Look at our graduates! To happy parents!

The correspondent clicks the camera in different sides:

- Well, everything is fine!
I'm a cheerful correspondent
I want to take you to school!
I'll connect my microphone,
I'll interview you!

Graduates will answer questions.

1. What do you want to become?
2. What do you wish for your teachers?
3. Would you like to work in a kindergarten as an adult?
4. What do you like to do? - Dance! -Can you even show me?

Ballroom dance.


- We can also show
And we're moving great!
We learned to dance
And it's so wonderful!

Dance "Aqua" (correspondent filming).

Correspondent: — I continue the interview.

5. What do you wish for your friends?
6. What good will you do when you grow up?
7. Would you like your children to go to this kindergarten?
8. What do you think you will remember in 10 years from the life of kindergarten?


- With tender sadness, “Goodbye!”
Let's tell the group we are dear.
We never parted with her,
Only on the weekend!

The builders were here
Doctors and tailors.
In our bedroom hundreds of times
We rested during a quiet time.

The table was set for dinner,
Studying etiquette
And they drew in albums
House, trees and sunrise!

And more than once during leisure hours,
Sitting quietly on the carpet,
We visited with the book
In a good fairyland.

In September other children
A new one will come to the group,
Well, we'll close the doors:
Great things await us!


Correspondent: — Thank you for the most interesting interview (shakes hands) And now a moment of attention! A photo for memory! Smile! I'm filming! I'll quickly print a photo and give you a surprise! Have fun! I'll stop by again! (runs away)

Presenter 1 : — It’s so good that our guys want to go to school, to be educated people, learn a lot of interesting things. While you were growing and gaining strength and knowledge in kindergarten, we rejoiced at your successes together, performed together at holidays, played and sang together. Where have we visited during this time? We visited Fairy Tale, Autumn, Sunny, and Santa Claus. And today the most difficult journey is to the land of Knowledge. But how to get there?

Presenter 2:

- The balloon is bursting into the sky,
And now, friends, you have to
Give you a test,
To test your knowledge.
Who will find the answer now?
He will take flight.



- The balloon is obedient to us,
It just begs to fly.
And the cheerful departure team is looking forward to it!

A child's cry sounds.

Leading: - Oh, guys, it seems we have problems. Can you hear? The balloon took us back 4 years ago, when your mothers brought you helpless little ones to kindergarten, do you remember that time? Want to see how it was?

Dance “Sponges with a bow” (2 ml. gr.).


— The kids congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts today!
Go to first grade with confidence, big things lie ahead!

You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart
In order to reach you, we must stand on our toes.

We may be small today, but we will grow up soon
And we will also follow you into first grade!

We envy you a little: you are almost schoolchildren.
And we sincerely wish you a good journey! (prep. children give the kids balloons)


— The windows are lit until late in the evening,
Parents prepare their children for school.
What worries them at a late hour?
Well, let's take a look at the apartment now!


— My daughter will soon go to school, she will go to first grade.
I wonder how she will behave there?


— I remember the first time my daughter was in kindergarten without us
I was sad and bored, I even cried...


- First time for all babies
It's hard in kindergarten without us.

Girl (approaches her parents):

- Mommy, don't be afraid! Dad, calm down!
I'll go to school with confidence, we were taught in kindergarten
Don't be timid and don't be shy,
And try to help your friends.
And in all your affairs be no worse than others!

Presenter: - Well, friends, let's continue our journey.

Song "We are flying above the clouds."

Sound effect.

Presenter 1: “There’s something wrong with our balloon again, it seems that it’s rapidly losing its gained altitude, some kind of weight is pulling us down!”

Deuce appears (laughs).

Presenter 2: — That's the thing!

— A “Two” appeared, with a “One”
They also want to fit into a balloon!

Presenter 1: - Wait, wait, don’t rush, you’re no good for us! We won’t let you in, get out!


- Look at them, they’re know-it-alls for me too!
Every student knows that at school I am the mistress!

The guys read A. Barto’s poem “Calls”.

I recognize Volodin’s marks without a diary
If a brother comes with three, three bells ring.

If suddenly a ringing starts in our apartment,
This means that he received a “5” or “4” today.

If he comes with "2", I hear from afar
Two short, hesitant rings are heard.

Well, if it’s one, he knocks quietly on the door.

Two: - Hooray! Hooray! This is my friend!

Leading: - Well, anything can happen in school life.


Leading: - Well, we love to play.

Game “You, my friend, are the only one left.”

Two: - That's how many friends I have now, lazy, poor students!

Leading: - Well, well, that’s how it is, deuce, children, do we need it?


- What are you, what are you, of course I need it!
I’m lovely, everyone’s amazed, I’m all beautifully curved,
I decorate the diary, since you are a bad student,
Without me, you are neither here nor there.
I am Deuce - super, I am a star!
It's always easy to study with me,
You just need to be lazy more.


- No, we won’t need Deuce!
I think you yourself know...


- No, aunty, you don’t understand.
You probably have a fever.
Look at my figure!
What a neck, what a head!


- Yes, the neck is long, but the head is empty!
This one is not suitable for studying.


- I cannot bear such an insult!
Guys, I want to ask you: will you take me to 1st grade?

Leading: — The guys don’t need you, understand? Happy journey, and forget the way to us!

Two: “They don’t want to be friends with me, so so be it!” (He leaves, grabbing “5”, scattering “2”, “1” around the hall.)

Presenter 1: — Oh-hey! Our balloon falls, quickly throw 1 and 2 overboard! Guys, it seems we’re still in trouble. Deuce took all our A’s, how can you go to school without them? What to do? Who should I turn to for help?

Presenter 2: “I think a professional detective will help us.”

Presenter 1: - Great idea!

Music sounds and a detective enters.

Detective: - Well, I don't have much time. I have a lot of clients! What problems?

Leading: - We have children...

Detective: - Everyone has children. What's missing?

Leading: - Dear Detective! Our A's have disappeared, they were kidnapped by Deuce. And the kids can’t go to school without them.

Detective (writes down): - So, guys, school, an A, a D. Are we going to look for a deuce?

Leading: - We don’t give a damn about Deuce!

Detective (writes down): - I don't care about the deuce. Signs.

Presenter: - Who, deuces?

Detective: - I don’t care about the deuce, the signs of the five. What is she like?

Leading: Guys, help me describe the top five.

Game "Put out a five from the tape."

The detective repeats and writes down what the children say.

Detective: - Okay, everyone stay in their places.

He examines the hall and those present with a magnifying glass.
- I think I'm on on the right track. Luck is coming! But the point is will go faster, if I have assistants.

Dance of the Detectives.

The detective and the boys find fives, give them to the presenter, she thanks them and shakes hands.

Girl with an A:

- Here is the lazy Unity,
I don't want to deal with someone like that!

I don’t even like the number “two”
I can barely stand the number “three.”

Oh yes, she’s four smart, but she’s not the most beautiful in the world.
The most beautiful number is five,
I wish I could always get it!

Presenter: - This is ()’s modest desire to be an excellent student. And now () they will tell us about their desires.

Song "Three Wishes".

- Let's continue the celebration, I suggest dancing!

Dance "Malinka"

Presenter: - Well, everything has been settled, the A's are with us, the D's have been driven away, we can continue the journey. Take your seats, guys.

Song "We are flying above the clouds."

Presenter: - Of course, traveling is great, especially when there are so many reliable friends nearby and you can play together. I suggest the game “Come on, count.”

Game “Come on, count.”

— Why do we love our cheerful kindergarten so much?


- Because it’s wonderful there
Very, very interesting.
And, of course, everyone knows
There are no more friendly guys!

The guys read the poem “Friend” by V. Bredis.

We really need a friend in our lives,
Life is more fun for us with a friend.
Next to him in any cold
We are getting warmer.

A good friend will console us,
Will calm you down in difficult times,
Will amuse you with a good joke,
He can make us laugh.

Friendship sincere and honest
We all need to cherish
Because, as you know,
We can't live without friends!

The guys read L. Chadova’s poem “My Friend.”

Will he come with me to my first grade? best friend Maxim.
We sit next to him in a group at lunch.
We are bosom friends, we have known each other for a hundred years,
We are never apart, neither in the garden nor at home.

They brought us to the nursery together - we were kids,
And we ourselves didn’t know how to hold a spoon correctly.
We will sit next to each other at a desk in September, as if in a garden.
I won’t let my friend down in anything at school

The guys read L. Chadova’s poem “School Friends.”

Together with a friend we will enter
For the first time in first grade

And we’ll sit at the desk next to each other
There will be two notebooks nearby,

We will learn at school
What is 5+5?

When we are schoolchildren, we will certainly be the best.
Well, get C grades only as a last resort!

Song "A friend is with us."


- Let the school become your home, like your own kindergarten,
And the sky above our heads will be peaceful!

Dance "Stork on the Roof".

Presenter: - Well, take your seats!

Song "We are flying above the clouds."


- Finally, it seems, at home, is everyone alive and well?
Well, then we need to continue saying goodbye to kindergarten!


- The bell called us all,
It's time to say goodbye
Oh, how I don’t want to, friends,
We have to leave the garden!

The girl on her dad's shoulder walks around the hall - the bell rings.

Correspondent: - Am I late? Are you still here? I have a surprise ready, only first I need to interview your parents, but before answering my questions, listen to a poem about yourself and think about it.

Poem by M. Schwartz “If you are parents...”.

If you are parents -
Caresses, praisers.

If you are parents -
Farewells, lovers.

If the permitters
Buyers, givers.

Then you are not parents,
Simply amazing!

And if you are parents -
Grumblers, angry people.

And if you are parents -
Scolders, shamers.

It's not vacationers who go for a walk,
Dog baners...

You know, parents,
You are just crocodiles!

Correspondent: - Just don’t worry, I’ll help you. After my question, you will take the note and read it.

The child will soon go to school,
School life is coming for you.
It will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And now we’ll tell our fortunes in front of everyone here,
Today we will find out what will happen to families...

1.Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if child 2 gets it?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first-grader to school? (uncle, aunt, mom, dad, neighbor, the whole family, cat Murzik, grandfather, grandmother...)

Correspondent: - Well, we can say that the responsibilities are distributed. And now comes my promised surprise. (A comic wall newspaper with photographs of children or personalized medals with photos: Miss Charm, Mr. Politeness, Miss Attentiveness, Mr. Gallantry..)

Children around the hall.


- Well, that's all! Goodbye my kindergarten
With you, childhood is leaving little by little,
I will save childhood memories,
I’ll take some of them with me on the road.

We are our own good kindergarten
We will not stop loving
And yet we say goodbye
After all, we have become big!

Everything passes, but I'm a little sorry
That a page of childhood is closing,
Everything is ahead, but only to kindergarten
We will never return!

Song "We went to kindergarten."


- Farewell to everyone who loved us,
Taught me to play, write,
Sculpt, and dance and sing,
Helped me become smarter!

We will not forget your hands, their gentle warmth.
We learned the word “friend” here.
And “happiness” and “good”!

Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!
All. Bow to you and thank you!

They give flowers to employees.


- The farewell moment is coming,
We ask you: do not forget us!
Together with us the waltz is sad, as if
Our last, our farewell waltz!



- We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

The children are leaving along the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school: Good morning!

Teachers' song.

Leading: - And now the most solemn moment of our holiday. You will be awarded the very first diplomas in your life in memory of kindergarten and...

Congratulations to the manager.A word of thanks to parents.Launching “Desire” balloons into the sky.


Journey to the Planet "School»

Solemn music sounds and the presenters come out.

Presenter 1. We're having fun as always

We came to the holiday on this day.

But why on your faces

And the children suddenly became more mature?

Presenter 2. Yes, this is just the last ball

For our preschoolers in our favorite hall.

Presenter 1. We've been waiting for this day for four years,

But somehow he came right away.

And the lilac blossomed for them

Like it has never bloomed before.

Presenter 2. For some reason the hall became silent,

There is a little sadness and sadness in the eyes

Let the audience remember them now:

Presenter 1. Flirty and mischievous

Presenter 2. A little daring and stubborn

Presenter 1. The most playful of children,

Presenter 2. Leisurely, dear,

Presenter 1. And everyone loved in their own way,

Presenter 2. And equally relatives.

Presenter 1. Meet them

Presenter 2. Our graduates.

Children come out with balloons.


Moms look with excitement

For yesterday's preschoolers.

Dad's gaze is warming,

Brother winks.

Even grandma stealthily

She brought a handkerchief to her eyes.

Will be a schoolboy from now on

Her dear grandson.

We ourselves are out of excitement

Forgot all the poems.

We were just preschool children,

And now the students.

Our beloved, our beautiful

Our wonderful kindergarten.

Are you on your way today happy

You see off preschool children.

Goodbye, our fairy tales,

Our merry round dance,

Our games, songs, dances,

Goodbye! School is waiting!

Our favorite kindergarten

You will be remembered forever.

We will send you from school

From excellent students

All. Hello!

Children perform a song (any song, at the discretion of the muses). ruk-la)

There is a wonderful planet

Here are all your answers.

Here is a game, fun, a fairy tale,

Dance, song, even dancing.

And on that wonderful planet

Wonderful people.

He is cheerful and funny

Noisy, joyful and glorious.

We will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet the rays of the eyes,

Where are the sunny dreams, where are the starry paths,

Where you can hear laughs and sadness in the songs.

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,

Here fairy tales come to visit in reality.

Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles.

The planet of childhood flies under the sail of dreams.

And we are just a little sad,

After all, time cannot be turned back.

And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road.

Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Goodbye, country of Kukland,

Funny Fiction!

Let's fly to the school planet

On a starship.

Children perform a song (by choice of muses. ruk-la)

Presenter 1. So the cheerful, carefree years have flown by, spent in a happy, amazing planet"Kindergarten". Ahead of you awaits another, and no less amazing and unique planet called “Scholaria”. Planet of knowledge, notebooks, globes and books! Do you want to go on a trip?

Presenter 2. Then please take your seats on the starship, fasten your seat belts, we are leaving. Attention: 5-4-3-2-1-start!

The sound of the engine is heard, then it stalls.

Presenter 1. What's happened? Is it really ours? interplanetary spacecraft broke? How will we get to the planet “Scholyaria”? After all, we ourselves do not yet know how to repair rockets.

Presenter 2. And the guys really need to get to this planet. Who will help us? Guys, what do you think?

Children's answers.

Enter to the musicFixies(senior group children)

Nolik. I am Nolik. Do you guys recognize me? We met in a cartoon, in a magazine. I often play with Dim Dimych and I help Simka fix appliances.

Simka. I'm a little fixie named Simka.

I will replace the spring in any device.

I also make sure that these boys -

Dim Dimych and Nolik were not too naughty.

We know you need help. In order to fix the problem, we need a Helper.

Dance-game "Helper» (from disk "Fixies» )

Leading. I think everything is fine now. And since there is no reason to be sad, we will dance.

Dance "You-dysh» (from disk "Fixies» )

Presenter 1. Well then. Take your seats, we're leaving. 5-4-3-2-1- start!

Zthe sound of the engine, then the flight music

Presenter 2. Our flight is going well. All navigation systems work. We are approaching some planet. Fasten your seat belts and we'll sit down.

Presenter 1. Yes, this is the planet “Nostalgia”. I ask everyone to tune in to the wave of memories. Do you remember the first time you came to kindergarten?


Year after year, five years in a row

We came to kindergarten.

And draw and dance,

We learned the roles.

Board and chalk and pencil,

And watercolors and gouache.

It's just like at school.

We will remember how we played

And there were so many things to do here.

How we drew with you

And the forest, and the mother, and the stream.

We came here in ruins,

The parents kept groaning:

“So stupid...

Well, how can you live without us?

Presenter 1. You came to us as little kids, cute and funny. You didn’t know how to do much, played pranks, asked thousands of questions.

Presenter 2. Just like these kids. Children of the younger group enter to the music.

Will educate. Kids congratulate

Thank you today from the bottom of my heart!

Go to first grade with confidence,

Big things ahead!

Reb. 1. You are already quite big,

You are beautiful and smart.

So that we can reach you,

You must stand on your toes.

Reb. 2. Let us be small today,

But we'll grow up soon.

And also after you

We'll go to first grade.

Reb. 3. We envy you a little:

You are almost schoolchildren.

And we sincerely wish you

Bon voyage!

Children give graduates a gift.

Reb. prepare. gr. We accept congratulations

We want to dance with you.

We'll take all the kids

Let's start a dance with them.

Kids dancing with graduates

Reb. ml. Gr. And when you go to first grade,

Will you take all the toys with you?

Reb. preg. gr. (comes out, holding a doll in his hands):

Katya, Katya, goodbye,

How I love you!

But now in education

I'm giving it to the new mother.

You see, they bought me books,

It's time for me to go to school.

Be good, be exemplary

Can't argue with a new mom

And she probably got you

Will try to save.

Reb. preg. gr. Dear, good, little ones,

We have no time to play with dolls and bears.

But still we want one last time,

Dance with the toys now.

Children dance with toys. The kids are leaving.

Leading. And it's time for us to move on.

Flight music sounds, then the virus signal.

Enter the Virus.

Virus. Ha ha ha! Look what you want! Get to the planet "Scholaria". And I will stop you from doing this, you won’t succeed.

Leading. Who are you?

Virus. I - computer virus Anti-Void, created specifically to disable on-board computers and more.

How nice it is that today

I will do a lot of evil!

And computer memory

I'll turn it into complete chaos!

I'll mix everything! I'll break everything!

I'll ruin everything! I'll destroy everything!

I also destroy information and all knowledge in the heads of children and adults!

How many fingers are there on a hand? (5)

What about two? (10)

Exactly – 10? Let's count!

1,2,3,4,5 – on one,

10,9,8,7,6 – to another!

There are 11 fingers in total. You think badly!

Leading. No! Our children count very well.

Virus. Let's check it now.

Five baby bears

Mom put me to bed.

One can't sleep alone

How many people have good dreams? (Answer: 4.)

Group of baby ducklings

They want to swim and dive.

Six sailed away

The two dived deep.

Three yellow-eyed daisies,

Two cheerful cornflowers

The children gave it to their mother.

How many flowers are in the bouquet? (Answer: 5.)

May beetles lived in a clearing near the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

The hall is festively decorated, two teachers enter:

All those present are greeted.

Children are invited one by one - a boy, a girl. Children come in and stand on both sides of the teachers. On one side there are girls and on the other there are boys.

1 led.

Look at your children

They are not a year old, and not two anymore.

You gave them into our hands,

Barely babbling words.

2 ved.

But the years passed, and everything happened -

Both joy and sorrow.

Resentment, and sometimes deception

They slipped into a quarrel.

1 led.

But we weren't going to sleep

We tried to educate them.

They were given love and care,

They thanked us!

2 ved.

We've been waiting for this day for five years

But it came somehow right away.

And the lilac blossomed for you,

Like it has never bloomed before.

1 led.

Bouquets, music, poetry

And the hall is bright with smiles -

All this for you, graduates,

Today is your last ball.


Song "We went to kindergarten"

Our garden is a magical ocean,

We went sailing for five years,

We know it was given for luck,

And we always loved him!

There are so many different rooms here,

Like in an ocean of ships.

We are without barriers and without prohibitions

We set sail quickly.

We learned what friendship means,

What does it mean to protect the weak?

That you need to be brave and dexterous,

And we need to help adults.

They explained to us that nature

We must all protect together

That, approaching the seventh year,

We must solve examples.

We recognized the letters and syllables,

We can sing and dance,

We know how sternly they will look

When we start getting mischievous.

We often remember the group,

The cribs are gentle warmth,

How we watered the flowers

And grain was poured into the birds!

How can you forget your friends?

We walked along the same path to the garden.

What a pity that we won't be here -

We became strong friends with them!

But time cannot be turned back -

Now the moment of farewell has come.

We love kindergarten very much

And we say to you: “Goodbye!”

Song "Kindergarten" sat down in their places.

1 led.

Attention! Dear graduates, dear teachers and parents! We invite you to take a space cruise on the Mechta spaceliner.

1 child How many stars are there in the blue sky?

Is there life in another universe?

How can we find out?

2 reb. And that’s what I want, guys

Even for an hour, right now

Fly into space with friends

To Venus or Mars!

3 reb. And see how it is on Mars

Martians live

What do they eat for breakfast?

What are the songs about?

4 children Well, then let's fly!

All doubts are gone!

Let's turn on our imagination

Hey guys, follow me!

Today we will take a space cruise, the duration of which is 5 stellar years of kindergarten life.

Children's laughter is heard, everyone is surprised, there is a knock on the door - kids from the nursery group, accompanied by a teacher, enter the hall.

2 ved.

Oh, look, mourners have come to see us. The kids came to see you off on your space cruise and congratulate you on your transition to first grade.

1- We have come to you today

Conduct to first grade.

2- Promise not to be lazy

Excellent study in everything.

3- How will you go to first grade?

Remember us at school.

4- Congratulations, congratulations

With the transition to first grade.

1 led. Thank you very much for your congratulations.

Graduates give the kids balloons.

2 ved. So, we ask those seeing you off to leave our spaceliner. We're leaving. Let's start the countdown.

All in chorus: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - START!

The light goes out.

Cosmic music plays, during which the girls get up to dance.

Dance of the Stars and the Moon.

After the dance, a siren or alarm music sounds.

Ved. Oh, guys, where are we? Some unknown planet, look, these are probably the local inhabitants of this planet.

Alien dance (boys)

The Little Green Man enters with a briefcase behind his back. The briefcase is made of whatman paper rolled into tubes. The legs have green flippers.

Z.Ch. So, I bought a briefcase, a pen, pencils, paints. What else do I need to prepare for school? (pays attention to the sitting children, hides). Oh, who are they? Mommy, these are aliens who came to take over our planet, so somewhere here I had a laser slingshot (searches).

Ved. Wait, Little Green Man, don’t shoot at us with a laser slingshot, we won’t harm you, come to us, we want to meet you.

The little green man comes out, carefully.

Hello, Green Man!

Z.Ch. Hello, white men!

Ved. Tell me what planet we arrived on, our spaceliner crashed, we need help.

Z.Ch. you have arrived on the planet Mars. And that you weren’t sitting at home. Where did you come from, what planet did you come from?

Ved. We are from planet Earth!

Z.Ch. This is the first time I’ve heard about such a planet, it’s probably terribly boring and uninteresting there, since you came here.

Ved. Why, Green Man, our planet is wonderful, we just decided to go on a space cruise, gain new impressions, but due to an accident we were forced to make an emergency landing on your planet. And the guys will sing you a song about our planet, and you will understand how good it is.

Song with soloists “Colorful Planet”

Z.Ch. Yes, your planet is truly wonderful.

Ved. Little green man, what's behind your back - a spacesuit or what?

Z.Ch. Where? Oh, this is my briefcase, I’ll soon go to Mars school, I’ll learn to read, count, and write. Although I already know how to do that.

Ved. And our children are also going to school.

Z.Ch. What is your school like?

Ved: We will sing a song about her and you will understand everything.

Song "First things first"

Z.Ch. I see, where are your briefcases, have you prepared them?

Ved. We'll check this now.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

They play with the Little Green Man, he collects completely different objects, for example a frying pan, a screwdriver, cabbage, a pistol, etc.

Ved. Little green man, you said you can read. Read what is written here?

Z.Ch. reads: “back to school soon” - on the contrary, “uloksh in oroks”

Ved. Wait, maybe you’re reading something wrong, but try again.

Z.Ch."uloksh in oroks"

Ved. You're reading it the other way around!

Z.Ch. Nothing is the other way around, I read everything correctly.

Ved. Well, that means on your planet it’s customary to read this way - from right to left.

Z.Ch. Yes, you completely confused me - from right to left, from left to right - I don’t understand anything!

Ved. Don't worry, we'll teach you now. Guys, let's show how we earthlings can form words.

A child (or three) reads the poem “ABC”:

Thirty-three sisters,

Written beauties,

Live on one page

And they are famous everywhere.

A, B, C, D, D, E, F -

They rolled up on a hedgehog,

Z, I, K, L, M, N, O -

Together we climbed out the window,

P, R, S, T, U, F, X -

Saddled a rooster

C, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I -

So they are all friends!

It's very bad to live in the world

For those who are not familiar with them.

They live on the same planet

And they always stand side by side.

Game "Make a word"

Ved. Again you got everything mixed up. Guys, what is the best rating?

Children. FIVE!

Ved. Why explain, we’d better sing for you.

Song "1, 2, 3"

Z.Ch. And I know very much interesting game, here on Mars all the children love to play it, this game is called “Funny Counting”

Game "Fun Counting"

To play you need two sets of numbers from 1 to 10 in two colors. They are distributed to all children. Everyone dances to cheerful music. The music stops: the children must line up in two teams - the numbers are in order. Who's faster? You can repeat the game with your parents.

Z.Ch. I was so happy that I wanted to dance.

Ved. Very good idea!

Get up in our cheerful circle

Start dancing with us!

Dance "We are together"

Z.Ch. How fun you dance, I really liked it. Now I will teach all Martians this dance.

Ved. Little green man, you are probably tired. Sit down, relax, and the guys will read you poems about our school.

Poems about school.

Tatar song.


Ved. Well, no matter how much we would like to part with you and your wonderful planet, it’s time for us to return to Earth. School and first grade are waiting for us! Little green man, maybe you can help fix our spaceliner.

Z.Ch. Well, I'll try, they say I have a talent for repairing all kinds of space technology.

Z.Ch. takes a screwdriver, stands behind the children and “fixes the spaceliner.” The sound of a car starting up sounds.

Z.Ch. Everything is ready, you can safely go, mere trifles - this tiny meteorite (shows a small pebble) stuck in the exhaust pipe.

Ved. Thank you very much, Little Green Man, you saved us! Let's say goodbye.

Appropriate music plays, everyone waves to Z.Ch.

Ved. Goodbye, Little Green Man!

Z.Ch. Farewell White Men, happy journey to you! Leaves.

Dance "Childhood"

1 Ved. So we have returned from our space cruise to our home planet Earth. And now we want to thank all those who led our children throughout all five stellar years of kindergarten life! .

Our children have been surrounded all these years by caring, enthusiastic, hardworking and cheerful people, whom the wonderful kindergarten “Ryabinushka” deserves. .

And now allow me to open the ceremony of presenting the “GRADUATE-2008” award

2 Ved. Specialists and staff of the Ryabinushka kindergarten took part in the “GRADUATION-2008” competition. The winners were determined in 14 categories.

The names of all the laureates will be announced today, but everything has its time.

And now the first nomination is “A penny saves the ruble.” (Supervisor)

A poem is read, a diploma and a gift are presented.

1 p: Our supply manager and storekeeper

I'm not used to sitting idle,

Knows everything in detail,

Glory and honor to you!

1 Vedas . The second nomination is “It doesn’t get any cleaner.” (Laundress)

2 p: White sheet

Apron and scarf.

You will go around the whole white light -

You won't find a better laundress!

2 Ved. The next nomination is “Finger-licking good.” (Kitchen)

3 p: Dear chefs,

Always feed tasty food.

Look at us -

These cheeks are simply classy!

1 Vedas . What do you think is most valuable to a person?

2 Ved. Of course, children's health.

1 ved . The next nomination is “You Live Healthily.” (Doctors)

4 p: Medical staff

He kept us healthy

And vaccinations and green stuff -

A child's best friend!

2 ved. The fifth category is “Advanced Thought”. (Methodist)

5 r: Our methodologist all day

Sitting at the computer

According to the “program” so that from the cradle

Growing up a talented child!

1 led. There is an opinion that man descended from a bird.

2 ved. Why?

1 led. Because the bird sings, and the man sings too.

2 ved. So, the nomination is “It’s fun to walk with a song.” (Music worker)

6 r: Together with our musician

We sang sonorous songs,

We had fun, danced,

Laziness was not given free rein.

2 ved. So, the next nomination is “Our home is Tatarstan”. (Tatar language teacher)

7 r: To be patriotic at heart

We were able to reach great heights

Language of the Tatar people

You help to comprehend!

1 led. To be strong and healthy, you need to love physical education .

Eighth nomination - “In a healthy body healthy mind». (Head of Physical Culture).

8 r: Energetic athlete

Teaches you to run and jump,

Or somersault on the mat,

Or hit the target!

2 ved. Ninth nomination - “Speak correctly.” (Speech therapist)

9 r: The speech therapist is trying

He works with us

The letters are all in a row now

I'm glad you go!

1 ved: Tenth nomination - “Mental healer” (Psychologist)

10 RUR: For questions and tests

We will find the answer we need,

The psychologist prepared us -

This is true, no doubt!

2 ved. Nomination eleventh - “No Bast” (Castlemaid)

11 r: Sews scarves and bed sheets

Embroiders and stitches

And a costume for Grandma - Yozhki

He will make it for us right on time!

1 led. You can say “your mom” or “my mom.” What do you call a mother who has so many big and small and even adult children that she can’t count them?

2 I lead. Peter Pan would call her Everyone's Mother.

1 led. So, the twelfth nomination is “Mother of All.” (Manager)

12 r: And our manager

We'll remember at school

It's not very easy

Give your heart to children!

1 led. Good word"assistant":

Will help you collect toys

Will help the guys undress

He will quietly put you to bed.

2 ved. Nomination thirteen - “Support and support”. (Nanny)

13 r: Our dear nanny,

You replaced our mother,

It's a pity that we can't see you

Take it with you to first grade!

1 led. Do you remember the first time you brought your baby to kindergarten? How worried we were about how he would be doing without his mom and dad?..

2 ved. The next nomination is “My Second Mother”. (Educators)

14 r: Thanks to the teachers

For affection and warmth

We had fun with them

Cozy and bright.

2 ved. The award ceremony has come to an end. We thank the high-ranking jury, guests and nominees.

1 led. On next year new laureates of the “GRADUATE-2009” award will appear. The music will start playing again, and there will be a lot of flowers. And today's graduates, rushing to school, will say: “This is my kindergarten!”

Dear guys, good luck to you in everything, and may the Milky Way of your life be strewn with stars! And if it gets difficult, remember that your parents and teachers are always next to you, who will come to your aid in any difficult moment.

Word from the principal and parents. Presentation of gifts.

Necessary attributes for the holiday:

1. Costume for the Little Green Man (hat with antennas, green turtleneck, silver vest, trousers)

2. Headbands with antennas, green or silver gloves for “aliens” boys.

3. " briefcase" made from rolled-up Whatman paper for Z.Ch.

4. 2 briefcases for the game “Build a briefcase” (contents for them)

5. A large water pistol of bright phosphorescent color - a “laser slingshot”.

6. 2 sets ( different colors) letters from 1 to 10 for the game “Fun Counting”

7. Stars (shiny) on a stick for girls (one at a time).

8. Mask for the “month”.

9. A poster or from individual letters “BACK TO SCHOOL SOON”.

10. Letters for the game “Make a Word”.

11. Screwdriver, pebble.

12. Musical instruments for the dance “We are together.”

13. Diplomas for kindergarten teachers

14. Framed portraits of teachers made by children.