Unusual and incredible. The most incredible facts in the world. The Deep Blue computer beat a human at chess

The new children's book from National Geographic contains many interesting facts that many of you probably didn't know about. By the way, the book is called “5000 amazing facts (about everything) 2.” If you need to show off your intelligence in a company or start some kind of debate or conversation, these interesting facts can help you. Replenishing our stock of erudite.

(Total 50 photos)

1. In 1889, Queen Margaret of Savoy of Italy ordered the first pizza delivery.

2. In Japan you can buy eel flavored ice cream.

3. In Portugal it is considered indecent to write in red ink.

4. Although rarely seen in the wild, the bobcat is the most common wild cat species in North America.

5. A cat's tail contains almost 10% of all the bones in its body.

6. A gecko's feet have millions of tiny fibers that stick to surfaces with the help of a special chemical bond, which allows these reptiles to climb walls and hang on just one finger.

7. The word "astronaut" comes from Greek words that mean "star" and "sailor".

8. The calcium in our bones and the iron in our blood came from the ancient explosion of huge stars.

9. The Nile crocodile can hold its breath underwater for up to 2 hours while waiting for prey.

10. Jellyfish in English are called jellyfish - literally “jelly fish”, but in fact they are not fish, because they have no brain, no heart and no bones.

11. The Chinese giant salamander can grow up to 1.8 m in length, making it the largest salamander in the world.

12. According to studies, people prefer blue toothbrushes more than red ones.

13. People used to think that if you kissed a donkey, your toothache would go away.

14. Scientists say that the best time to take a nap is between 13:00 and 14:30 because that is when the drop in temperature in our body makes us sleepy.

15. Due to changes in the speed of the Earth's rotation over time, during the era of dinosaurs, a day consisted of only 23 hours.

16. Hummingbirds' wings can beat 200 times per second.

17. There are more than 1,200 water parks in North America.

18. A seahorse can move its eyes in the opposite direction - to find food in the water and notice predators in time.

19. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, the sidewalk needs to be heated to 70°C.

20. A group of jellyfish is not called a flock, a school, or a herd. It's called relish.

21. The mass of the Sun is 99.8% of the total mass of the Solar System, and its diameter is 109 times greater than the diameter of the Earth - the Sun can accommodate 1 million Earth planets.

22. There is no ice on only 1% of Antarctica.

23. The biggest wave ever ridden on a surfboard was as tall as a 10-story building.

24. A team of beagle dogs, used at 21 airports in the United States, help customs officers find and prevent about 75,000 illegal items from entering the country a year.

25. Some apples can weigh almost as much as 2 liters of milk.

26. Corn is grown on all continents except Antarctica.

27. Unlike most fish, seahorses are covered with bony plates rather than scales.

28. Every day you lose from 50 to 100 hairs.

29. The second name of the armadillo - “armadillo” - means “armored baby” translated from Spanish.

30. The world's smallest fruit - the achene - is the size of a tiny ant.

31. New Jersey has the most shopping centers.

32. Komodo dragons can eat 2 kg of meat in less than a minute. Extra fat is stored in their tail.

33. Not all moons are dry and dusty like ours. For example, Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean beneath an icy crust.

34. Some Viking leaders were buried with their ships.

35. Clouds constantly cover about 60% of the Earth.

36. All monkeys laugh when you tickle them.

37. Spotted hyenas can digest skin and bones.

38. The length of the quill of African porcupines is 3 pencils.

This article presents an assortment of products that you probably didn’t know about before.

However, there may be facts here that are familiar to you. But, as you know, “repetition is the mother of learning.” So enjoy reading!

Here are the most interesting facts about everything.

  1. Every day, 12 newborns fall into the hands of the wrong parents due to the fault of medical personnel.
  2. 99% of the total mass of the solar system is in.
  3. There are 32 muscles in a cat's ear, thanks to which the animal can move it in different directions.
  4. Surprisingly, without a head, a cockroach can live for another 2 weeks!
  5. In Taiwan, scientists have developed dishes made from wheat. Therefore, after eating the main course, you can safely eat the plate.
  6. In order for a tanker loaded with oil to come to a complete stop, it must brake for 20 minutes.
  7. With its half-meter tongue, it can clean its own ears.
  8. A giraffe can live without water longer than .
  9. A person busy with any activity loses about 4 liters of fluid per day.
  10. Interestingly, the weight of the smallest bird is less than a coin (see).
  11. 95% consist of . This is why they are so transparent.
  12. And this is a very interesting fact. A jet plane has to use 4000 liters of fuel to take off!
  13. The record holder is Charles Osborne, who suffered from this disease for about 6 years.
  14. An interesting fact is that a mole is able to dig a 9 m long tunnel in just one night.
  15. A funny incident happened in Indiana: authorities arrested him for smoking in a public place.
  16. According to scientific research, they can experience orgasm within 30 minutes.
  17. The law allows women to divorce their spouses if they refuse to give them money.
  18. An interesting fact is that sharks are the only animals that can blink with both eyes.
  19. so sensitive to the presence in water that they can detect one gram in 100 thousand liters.
  20. When a skunk senses danger to its life, it can spread a stinking odor within a radius of 10 m. It is perhaps the most unpleasant-smelling animal.
  21. In 1845, a very interesting law was adopted. According to him, a person attempting to commit suicide would face hanging.
  22. An interesting fact is that 25% of Los Angeles is occupied by vehicles.
  23. slept on stone pillows. I just wonder why?
  24. It is believed that the average person laughs 15 times a day.
  25. Iguanas can swim underwater for half an hour.
  26. It's funny, but his eye is larger than his brain.
  27. Among animals, only armadillos suffer from leprosy.
  28. Armadillos always have only 4 children, and all of them are born of only one sex.
  29. Did you know that babies are born without kneecaps? They are formed only 2 years after birth.
  30. If a Barbie doll were 175 cm tall, then her proportions would be as follows: 39-23-33 cm; despite the fact that the generally accepted ideal is the ratio 90-60-90.
  31. When bats fly out of caves, they always turn left.
  32. In the tiny state of Nauru, the main export product is poultry manure.
  33. Chewing gum contains rubber.
  34. Camel milk does not sour or curdle.
  35. can make about 100 different sounds, and no more than 10.
  36. Every year, people buy food for dogs and cats totaling $7 billion. This is one of the most interesting facts.
  37. Did you know that people always sleep with one eye open?
  38. A duel is officially permitted, provided that both duelists are blood donors.
  39. The most famous scientist of the 20th century could not speak clearly until he was 9 years old.
  40. Before sitting down to compose his compositions, he dipped his head in ice water.
  41. Giraffes do not have vocal cords.
  42. Incredibly, hair grows before your eyes!
  43. According to the law, a student can end up in prison for cheating on exams.
  44. Half of Kentuckians who marry for the first time are teenagers.
  45. Due to the lack of gravity, astronauts are physically unable to cry. The most interesting thing is that the need for this still arises periodically even in .
  46. You can buy wigs for dogs.
  47. Once upon a time, the law prohibited citizens from keeping dogs.
  48. There was a time when residents were prohibited from slamming car doors.
  49. In Kansas, people are prohibited from fishing with their bare hands.
  50. It has been scientifically proven that a person cannot sneeze with his eyes open. Although many probably continue to check this statement.
  51. When Kotex began, it produced bandages, not personal care products.
  52. The Great One is the creator of scissors.
  53. Every second, 100 lightning strikes can be seen in the world. The most interesting thing is that they are not amenable to statistics, since their nature has not yet been studied.
  54. In fact, banknotes are not made of paper, as many people believe, but of cotton. That's why they don't spoil for so long. By the way, .
  55. An interesting fact is that more people die in donkey riding than in plane crashes. We have already talked about.
  56. Out of two billion people, only one manages to live to be 116 years old.
  57. U have.
  58. Scientists have long noticed that they produce much more milk when classical music is played.
  59. Did you know that most of the dust in homes comes from dead skin cells?
  60. Most lipsticks contain fish scales.
  61. Few people know that 25% of all human bones are in his legs. We told you all the most interesting things about the human musculoskeletal system.
  62. Only half of American citizens know that the sun is a star.
  63. have been the same size since birth. But the ears and nose grow until death.
  64. Dynamite contains peanut extract.
  65. Surprisingly, the clumsy ones can jump up to 2 m in height. By the way, read about and watch the most terrible footage of this ritual.
  66. If you give deer bananas, they will happily eat them.
  67. Scientists managed to prove an interesting fact. It turns out that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.
  68. Sigmund Freud was terrified of ferns.
  69. Slugs have four noses. This is probably someone who knows how to “breathe deeply”!
  70. Interestingly, a cat falling from the 20th floor is more likely to survive than if it fell from the 10th.
  71. It takes the average person 7 minutes to fall asleep.
  72. The author of the electric chair was a simple dentist. Still, there is something sadistic about them.
  73. Among all mammals, only elephants cannot jump. Pay attention - you will learn a lot of new things.
  74. Greens hear sounds thanks to holes located on their hind legs.
  75. One day, an employee of one enterprise, passing by the radar, noticed that the chocolate in his pocket had melted. Thanks to this ridiculous accident, the microwave oven was invented.
  76. Muhammad is the most common name on the planet.
  77. The Greek hymn consists of 158 verses, but it is very difficult to find those who know them by heart ().
  78. The penguin is the only bird that can swim, but cannot fly.
  79. The donkey's eyes are placed in such a way that all 4 legs are always in its field of vision.
  80. Among only the praying mantis can turn its head.
  81. The first bomb dropped during World War II killed only one elephant.
  82. The expression in chess “Checkmate” translated from Persian means “the king is dead.”
  83. There are approximately the same number of chickens on the planet as there are people.
  84. Tigers not only have striped fur, but also their skin itself.
  85. To free yourself from the jaws, you should “simply” press your fingers on his eyes. The most interesting thing is that you are unlikely to remember this fact if you fall into a crocodile’s mouth.
  86. They have this strange pathology where they are born with two heads. But the most interesting thing is that both heads of the mutant snake behave not like one animal, but like two: they fight for food, snatching prey from each other.
  87. All windmills rotate counterclockwise, and only in Ireland the opposite happens.
  88. A man's heart beats slower than a woman's.
  89. There are about 300 bones in a baby's body, but as they grow older, only 206 remain (more on that).
  90. The human heart beats about 100,000 times per day.
  91. Well, friends, this ends our list of the most interesting facts. Of course, much more could be written, but it is unlikely that anyone will even read these to the end.

    If you have read all 90 facts, write in the comments which one you found most interesting.

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On our planet there are heaven and hell, seamounts that make the Himalayas look like toys. In this land there are cities whose area is larger than Austria or Belgium, and states that do not have an official capital. The strangest, most interesting and surprising facts about the world are included in today's selection.

Chongqing is called the second capital of China, and it is famous for the fact that it occupies an area larger than the whole of Austria or Belgium. The metropolis is home to 30 million people - a number that makes it the absolute record holder of the planet.

And this is not the limit, because Chongqing is growing and expanding. The city cannot even be called beautiful - narrow, cramped streets, piles of ugly buildings, gloomy alleys, dozens of automobile factories and chemical plants. In Chongqing, the same number of houses, buildings, bridges and other structures are built in a year as in 20 years in Moscow.

Perhaps in a few years the appearance of the largest metropolis will change, because old neighborhoods are being actively demolished, and modern skyscrapers are rising in their place. But this is unlikely to make Chongqing any more comfortable.

Countries without railways

There are many such states not only in Asia, but also in Europe. In Iceland, the transport infrastructure is well developed - passengers are served by buses, planes, ships, but there are no railways here.

In Qatar, where the population exceeds 800 thousand people, there is also no railway connection. It is absent in Guinea, Bhutan, Nepal, and Afghanistan.

This list also includes the European countries Liechtenstein, Malta, and Andorra. They, like Iceland, occupy a small territory. Land in the states is expensive, there is a shortage of it, and the terrain is mountainous, so the construction of railway lines is impractical.

There are no trains in the Caribbean islands, with the exception of Cuba. It is the only island in the region where a railway is built.

E, O, I, Yu

These are not vowel letters of the alphabet, but names of cities. E is located in France, on the coast of the Bresle River. It is home to about 8 thousand inhabitants. The indigenous population is called Eys.

In Lofoten, Norway, tourists can hear one local inviting another to go fishing in O. This is not a joke, but an unusual name for a fishing village. It comes from the word "A", which in Old Icelandic meant "river".

Mentions of the settlement date back to the mid-16th century. It attracts tourists not only with its short name, but also with the museums of fish and the history of the village that operate here.

Ypsilonians - this is what the residents of the French commune I, located 100 km from Paris, call themselves. Its population is less than 100 people, but even in such sparsely populated places of our world there are amazing facts.

Yi, for example, has a sister village with the unpronounceable name Llanwirepullgwyngillgogerychverndrobullllantysilyogogogoch. One can only guess how clients pronounce it when they order tickets at train stations.

8 thousand people permanently live in the Swedish city of Yu. The medieval town is popular among travelers, because most of its buildings are wooden. And these are not only residential buildings, but also churches and public institutions.

It seems that residents are satisfied with short names, although the authorities of the countries periodically raise the topic of their possible renaming. They believe that the renaming will make it easier for users to find information of interest on the Internet.

The resort to which they usually send

In the southwestern part of Mexico there is a beautiful resort with pristine coastline. It stretches for almost 4 km along the Pacific coast. The beach areas are wide, sandy, and secluded bays are created especially for lovers. They are protected from the wind by green hills and a transparent blue sky.

In this resort location, anyone can buy a villa or condominium apartment with stunning views from the windows. A 2-room apartment costs 30-40 thousand dollars. This place is called Nahui and looks very picturesque.

Nauru is a country without a capital

This state can be walked around in 2 hours - length 6 km, width 4 km. Nauru is located on the coral island of the same name in western Oceania and is considered the only country in the world that does not have an official capital. The compact territory is divided into districts.

The first people appeared in Nauru more than 3 thousand years ago. When Captain Firn discovered the island in 1798, it was already inhabited by 12 tribes. They had no idea about the political system and way of life, they survived by fishing, growing coconuts and knew how to do without the benefits of civilization.

Today the tiny country is barely surviving - tours to the island are not popular due to the lack of local color, high humidity and heat of 40-42 degrees. Nauru is located almost on the equator. The state of the ecology is deplorable - over the decades that phosphorites were mined here, instead of soil, a “lunar landscape” remained.

The longest mountains are at the bottom

Sometimes, to find the most amazing facts in the world, you need to go down to the ocean floor. In our case, to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, which the Mid-Atlantic Ridge divided into two almost equal parts - western and eastern.

The mountain range under water is a world record holder for the longest. Its length is 18 thousand km, its width is almost a thousand km, and its height is small for mountains - at the peaks it does not exceed 3 km.

While studying the relief of the mountain range, scientists discovered an interesting pattern: the further away from the rift valley, the older the basalt rocks. Their age was determined by archaeologists and geologists - 70 million years.

Mississippi changed direction

In 1811, an earthquake occurred in New Madrid, and in 1812, another occurred in the town of Missouri. Seismologists estimated the power of the elements at 8 points on the Richter scale.

Those earthquakes were the most powerful in North America - as a result, huge areas went underground, and new lakes formed in their place. The Mississippi River changed course in a short time and flowed in the opposite direction. Its waters formed the Kentucky Bend.

There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia

They were there before, but they dried up. During rains, dry river beds fill with water, but this water is stagnant and there is no flow in it. The Saudis are careful about fresh water.

In total, there are 17 states in the world that do not have a single river. In addition to Saudi Arabia, the list includes Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, UAE, Monaco, Vatican and others.

There are no rivers in Monaco and the Vatican, because the territory of the states is small, there are no channels from which they could appear.

Sea without shores

The Sargasso Sea is the only one that has no shores. It is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and poses a mystery to humanity. The fact is that the water in the Sargasso Sea has unique properties that are not typical for ocean waters.

The weather here is calm all year round and the sea is never stormy. For this property, the reservoir has gained notoriety as a ship graveyard. In the Middle Ages, sailing ships could not navigate when there was calm. The sailors were also unable to row with their hands - numerous algae got in the way. So, waiting for a fair wind, entire teams died.

This line is considered the longest railway in the world. The Great Siberian Road, as it was called in Tsarist Russia, connects Moscow and St. Petersburg with the largest cities in Siberia and the Far East.

The railway route stretches for almost 9.3 thousand km and crosses 3901 bridges, which is also an absolute record.

UFO exists

The fact of its existence was recognized by Chile, Italy and France. But Japan came first. This happened on April 17, 1981. The crew of a Japanese cargo ship saw a disk rise into the sky from the ocean waters. It glowed blue.

Taking off, the UFO stirred up such a powerful wave that it completely covered the ship. After this, the luminous plate circled over the ship for about 15 minutes, sometimes moving quickly, sometimes hovering in the air.

Then the UFO went into the water again, and the second wave damaged the ship's hull. Following the incident, the Coast Guard press officer officially stated that the atypical damage was due to a collision with a UFO.

Uganda is the youngest country

Experts predict that in 2100, 192.5 million people will live in Uganda.

It is curious that half of the residents are children and teenagers under 15 years old. Uganda is considered the youngest country on the planet.

Hell and Heaven on earth

Anyone can see what Hell looks like. True, for this you need to come to Norway and get to the city of Trondheim. From there it is 24 km to Hell.

Norwegian Hell has its own train station, shops, and a blues music festival every September. The village inherited its unusual name from the Old Scandinavian word “hellir”, which is interpreted as “cave”, “rock”. But local residents prefer the meaning of the homonym – “luck”.

Earthly Paradise is located in Great Britain, 80 km from London. It is permanently home to 4 thousand people. This compact town is built on a hill. Previously, it was surrounded by sea water, but now, when there is no sea, only 3 rivers remain.

Paradise is an ancient city; the first mention of it is in sources dating back to 1024. The amazing thing is that its ancient streets, alleys, fortresses, houses, windows, roofs have been preserved almost in their original form. Rai has several charming cafes and shops where you can enjoy delicious coffee, tea and desserts. There is a complete feeling that time has turned back - to the 16-17th centuries.

which can be found underwater

A group of amateur speleologists discovered a river in Mexico, along the bed of which water streams flowed slowly, and trees, moss and other plants grew along the banks... in general, a river, like a river. The researchers probably thought the same thing until they realized that they were underwater at a depth of 8 meters.

Incredibly, the river actually flows underwater. This occurs as a result of the fact that river water is a mixture of salt water and hydrogen sulfide, which is denser than sea water, and, therefore, settles at the bottom, forming a kind of boundary separating the underwater kingdom from the river flowing along its bottom.

The discoverers of the underwater river said that when they floated above it, they had the feeling that they were soaring in the air, flying over an amazing world invented by the imagination of a brilliant science fiction writer.

Below you can see a stunning photograph of this place, taken by one of the members of the research team, Anatoly Beroschin:

Unfortunately, hydrogen sulfide is extremely toxic, and therefore, if fish swim there, it is only upside down. However, this does not mean that it is lifeless! The waters of the underground river are significantly warmer than the marine environment above its surface, which has become a decisive factor for hundreds of thousands of heat-loving species of mollusks that have adapted to life in the toxic waters of the underground river.

There are a huge number of underground rivers and lakes in the world, with sandy bottoms and rocky shores. Even though they are much warmer than their environment, scientists have given them the controversial name “cold seeps.”

Even more surprising is that waves also run along the surface of the rivers flowing under the sea waves. You can verify this by watching this video, which became the first evidence of the existence of underwater waves:

You, most likely, have already seen a stunning photo of the “Great Blue Hole”, which ufologists behind their backs call the landing site of little green men.

For many people, this hole evokes associations with a giant hole dug by an overly intelligent prehistoric creature that decided to wait out the meteorite bombardment that destroyed all the dinosaurs. But in fact, this is a natural geological formation, akin to those that have recently been appearing here and there on the body of our long-suffering planet with periodic consistency. A striking example is the sinkhole that appeared in Guatemala in 2010, which swallowed up an entire residential area.

The “Great Blue Hole” gapes like a lacerated wound on the body of the Caribbean Sea, 60 kilometers from the eastern shores of Belize.

According to experts, the Great Blue Hole was originally an ornate chain of limestone caves formed during the last Ice Age. Then the sea level was much lower, so the sinkhole appeared only several hundred years later, when the sea level rose and the caves collapsed as a result of flooding.

Today, the Great Blue Hole is a giant natural well with a diameter of 305 meters and a depth of 124 meters.

The discoverer of the sea 'hole' in 1972 was our old friend, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who included it in his list of the 10 best places for diving.

And in 2010, the “blue abyss,” as divers call the “Great Blue Hole,” attracted the attention of the world famous freediver Guillaume Nery, who decided to find out what was at its bottom and dived to a depth of 124 meters without scuba gear.

We watch the mesmerizing free fall of Guyom Neri into the darkness of the most picturesque sinkhole in the world:

Sometimes it seems that these arthropods have occupied the entire planet and the only way to hide from them is to lie down on the seabed, in the literal sense of the word. However, even there you run the risk of encountering spiders, and I don’t mean Japanese spider crabs or other sea creatures similar to these terrible creatures.

Indeed, there is a species of spiders that breathe air, but despite this, they spend most of their lives under water. And they do this with the help of natural scuba gear - a small air bubble placed in a cocoon.

Silver spiders or water spiders (lat. Argyroneta aquatica) weave special bell-shaped cocoons underwater, into which they place air bubbles delivered from the surface at the tips of their abdomens. Thanks to this, the spider can stay underwater until it needs to rise to the surface to replace the bubble that has exhausted its resource with a new one.

The ‘diving’ cocoon is the silverfish’s nest, where the predator can while away its free time from hunting. However, this arthropod does not need an air-filled cocoon at all in order to navigate the sea. The hairs of the silverfish's abdomen are covered with a special fatty substance, thanks to which tiny air bubbles are retained between them, which are the main sources of oxygen for these creatures.

As you can see from this cute and not at all scary photo published in the New York Times, the abdomen of an underwater spider lying in ambush at the bottom of a reservoir is actually covered with thousands of air bubbles:

The silverfish gets its name from these tiny bubbles, which make its abdomen appear silver underwater.

And finally, a few more interesting facts about these spiders.

Serebryanka, like any other bloodthirsty killer, loves to hang trophies in her lair, which are the corpses of the creatures she has killed.

Despite the small size of this spider (an adult male is only 15 mm in length), its bite, although not poisonous, is extremely painful.

The ‘diving’ cocoon of a female underwater spider is much larger than that of a male and can reach the size of a walnut. This is due to the fact that the female, among other things, lays eggs in the cocoon.

Some underwater forests of kelp (this is such a delicious, delicious algae, better known to lovers of healthy food as seaweed) grow to truly incredible sizes and in their density can only be compared with the impenetrable equatorial jungle.

In a matter of days, kelp can grow from a 45-meter depth to the surface of the water surface.

Incredible but true, every day kelp grows 0.6-0.8 meters in length. Now imagine for a second what would happen to our world if these organic tentacles, greedy for photosynthesis, chose not the depths of the sea, but the land!

Such forests are widespread throughout the world. Just don’t try to eat the kelp that you discovered while exploring the local stinking river, because... The name seaweed came for a reason, and this plant can only be found off the coast washed by the waters of the Japanese, Okhotsk and Caribbean seas.

Forests of algae... “Phi,” you say, “And what’s wrong with that: that’s why they are algae, to grow under water!”

Logical, my wise friend!

But don’t rush to close the page, because... Next on our list of the most unusual things that can be found underwater are forests of the most real trees!

As you all know, trees need oxygen to live, which they cannot get under water unless they acquire gills.

Hmm, by the way, an excellent idea, even despite its delirium, which in the “hands” of a skilled science fiction writer can turn into an artistic masterpiece of about 20 volumes, telling the story of a race of intelligent trees with gills living under water, who decided to exterminate people after learning that they make paper products for sanitary and hygienic purposes from their close-minded counterparts that grow on land.

In general, you get the idea: not a single normal tree can grow under water! However, it may well end up there already in full bloom. For example, during the construction of hydroelectric power stations, entire forest areas are often flooded!

Let's take a closer look at the 400-meter Kaindy Lake, located in Kazakhstan, which is only 30 meters deep.

The trees originate at the bottom of the lake and rise upward, breaking through its dark waters.

From a geological point of view, this lake is very young, it was formed only in the last century, and the reason for this was landslides of limestone rocks, after which water flooded the resulting crater.

In the winter months, Lake Kaindy is covered with a crust of ice, which does not stop many daredevils and beauty hunters from visiting the underwater forest.

Until a certain point in time, such trees were safer under water than on land and could calmly rot away their lives, without fear that one fine day they would be cut down by the hand of a tipsy woodcutter.

But everything changed with the invention of the underwater robot “Sawfish”, which, under the guidance of an experienced operator, can ‘knock down’ up to 10 underwater trees in an hour.

This unmanned underwater vehicle, capable of diving to a depth of 60 meters, having identified a victim, saws off the trunk, which, with the help of an air cushion pre-attached to it, rises to the surface.

What could be tastier than fish! And beer has nothing to do with it: now we will talk about birds, which, in their desire to feast on herring, or some other fish, fall onto the surface of the water with the grace of an ax. For example, a bird with the proud name cormorant.

But you already knew that! More than once or twice you have seen on TV birds that dive under water and a moment later appear on the surface with prey.

However, you could hardly even imagine that cormorants are capable of diving to a depth of 30.5 meters and staying under water for more than 4 minutes!

Oddly enough, creatures as far removed from the underwater kingdom as cormorants have several adaptations that allow them to feel comfortable underwater: a transparent nictitating membrane, which serves as a natural analogue of diving glasses, a throat pouch that plays the role of a scuba tank, and the absence of external respiratory holes.

Cormorants can often be found at depths of 25 to 30.5 m, where they, raking their wings, imposingly swim between schools of fish and shock local sharks with their presence.

Often, while “walking” along the bottom of the sea, you can stumble upon the ruins of ancient cities.

And this is not surprising, because in the last 100 years alone, sea levels have risen by more than 26 meters.

Here are a few examples of cities resting on the seabed:

And 110 kilometers from the eastern shores of Taiwan are the Yonaguni Islands, the main highlight of which are the underwater ruins of an ancient artifact, which is more than 8,000 years old.

The artifact consists of multi-ton slabs laid on top of each other at the right angle.

Many experts claim that this incredible structure is part of the continent of Mu (the hypothetical sunken continent of the Pacific Ocean, which became the cradle of life and the mother of all world cultures), but archaeologists argue that the neatly laid out slabs appeared as a result of a series of inexplicable geological processes.

There are only 5 underwater museums in the world. The largest of them is rightfully considered the National Marine Park, which is located at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, not far from the Mexican resort city of Cancun, popular among tourists.

The museum's exposition consists of 480 concrete sculptures, the main task of which is to distract tourists' attention from the coral reefs, which are annually attacked by visiting vandals.

The filling of the “National Marine Park” with exhibits took place under the direction of the famous sculptor Jason de Caires Taylor, who had a hand in creating the world’s first underwater sculpture park, located in Granada, Spain.

Made from pH-neutral concrete, the museum’s statues were instantly favored by mollusks and the mosses and algae that grew on them, which has a beneficial effect on both the maintenance of the coral reef ecosystem and its further development. Over time, the statues will begin to become overgrown with corals, and their original appearance will change.

“In just 5-10 years, this park will look like it has been sitting on the seabed since dinosaurs ruled the Earth,” says Jason de Caires Taylor, proud of the fruits of his labor.

Ice stalactite (also called brinicle - from the English brine icicle, which in translation sounds like a sea icicle) is an amazing, but by no means rare, natural phenomenon that originates in the subglacial waters of the World Ocean. The formation of ice stalactites occurs when ultra-cold water currents from the surface break through the ice crust and penetrate into the warmer marine environment.

When an icicle hits the ocean floor, it begins to unravel its ice networks, from which not a single living creature can escape alive.

And the most courageous explorers of the deep sea will be able to look into the face of the abyss of the Pacific Ocean, the bottom of which is the deepest point on planet Earth.

Yes, you understood correctly, now we will once again talk about the Mariana Trench, which extends 10,971 meters deep into our planet.

The creatures living at such depths are not able to survive in areas with lower pressure, so they would literally be torn apart if you tried to bring them to the surface.

Humanity has been successfully navigating the expanses of near space for more than 50 years, but it has descended to the bottom of the Mariana Trench only once, and that was back in 1960. Therefore, we can only speculate about all the mysteries and secrets that this depth conceals.

And finally, a video of ice fishing under the ice. If you don’t understand what’s wrong here, then I’ll tell you a secret that eccentric fishermen, dressed in float suits (something like a life jacket), perform all their actions under water, standing upside down on the ice.

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Our world is full of miracles. Sometimes we don’t even realize how many interesting things surround us. And sometimes it happens that we often hear about this or that thing, but we have never seen it in reality.

We are in website decided to lift the veil of secrecy and spy on something that few have been able to do.

1. Gutenberg Bible

This book, also known as the 42-Line Bible, is considered to symbolize the beginning of printing in Europe. The publication was published by Johannes Gutenberg in the first half of the 1450s.

According to historians, the Gutenberg Bible had a circulation of 185 copies - 150 on paper and 35 on parchment. 48 have survived to this day, most of them incomplete.

2. Alcatraz

The most famous prison in the world, from which it is impossible to escape, this is how Alcatraz entered world culture, literature and history. Located on the island of the same name in San Francisco Bay. Now the prison has been disbanded, and the island can be visited by tourists.

Looking at the photo, you might think that this is just a sanatorium from the last century. If you don't look too closely, of course.

3. The Dark Side of the Moon

This side of the Moon cannot be seen from Earth. But you can see it in a photo from space. On the far side of the Moon there are two seas - the Sea of ​​Moscow and the Sea of ​​Dreams, as well as the largest lunar craters.

4. The Deep Blue computer beat a human at chess

In 1997, this chess supercomputer beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov. After this, people worried: what if now robots completely displace people from the planet? But looking at the photo, you can’t tell that Deep Blue can threaten us with taking over the world.

5. Liter plastic bottle

You will be surprised, but before heating and inflating, a plastic bottle looks like this.

6. Mona Lisa

In fact, it is not nearly as majestic as it is shown on television. The original is in the Louvre, and it is quite small in size - the height of the painting is 77 cm, the width is 53 cm.

7. Paving slab laying machine

This machine is capable of replacing a number of workers. In one motion she lays out a wide sidewalk path.

8. Sunset and solar eclipse that occur simultaneously

Many people dream of watching a solar eclipse. But not everyone was lucky enough to see a solar eclipse and sunset over the sea at the same time.

9. Appendix

What do we know about this part of the body, other than that it sometimes becomes inflamed and is removed? So, a healthy appendix is ​​an appendage of the cecum, similar to a pink worm. It has the shape of a cylinder with a length of 6–12 cm and a diameter of 6–8 mm. If it becomes inflamed, it swells several centimeters and becomes blood red.

10. Snake skin

Admire what a snake's shed skin looks like. Looks like a work of art.

11. Penates

According to Roman myths, the Penates are the guardian gods of the hearth. They returned to their native lands from hunting, war, after hard work. Usually a family had two penates and their images decorated the hearth. So we always rush to our homeland, to our home.

12. Warm floor

This is what heated floors look like at the installation stage.

13. A million flowers

Each pixel in this picture is different in color.

14. US-Mexico border in the Algodon sand dunes

The American-Mexico border fence is a structure made of narrow, tall elements that can rise and fall with the ever-changing sand dunes.

15. Curly chicken

Lush curls from nature are a pleasant gift. Just look at this beauty!

16. Guest house “Hang Nga”, or “Crazy House”

This is what a guest house looks like in Da Lat, Vietnam. Resembles a huge tree with design elements in the shape of mushrooms, animals, caves and a giant cobweb.

17. Cemetery of unsold cars

Millions of cars around the world will never meet their buyers. After all, new models are coming out, but people refuse to buy old ones at that price.