Psychological health of teachers. Teacher's psychological health

Recently, the problem has become particularly acute nervous overstrain, fatigue, irritability, etc. various manifestations teachers' stress.

Stress- general tension in the body that occurs under the influence of an extreme stimulus. Stress is called the disease of the 20th - 21st centuries

Let's look at the main signs of stress:

    physical (insomnia, pain in the chest, stomach, back, headaches, dizziness, tics, chronic fatigue, frequent colds, etc.);

    emotional (excessive aggressiveness, increased excitability, depression, impulsive behavior, memory and concentration problems, nightmares, irritability, etc.);

    behavioral (constant search at home various diseases, loss of interest in one’s appearance, stamping one’s foot or tapping one’s finger, increased smoking, etc.);

Many of the conditions listed above are minor irritants at first, but become worse over time and can lead to serious illnesses under stress.

Almost any situation in teaching can become a potential source of stress. How intense it will be and lead to serious stress symptoms depends on our perception.

Let's consider stressful situations:

    disorganization and, as a result, incorrect distribution of time, lack of time to complete some tasks, haste;

    conflict with the director or colleagues;

    insufficient qualifications;

    feeling overloaded with work, fatigue;

    too much responsibility.

Three professional areas are at risk for the most stressful situations: healthcare, law enforcement and education.

The psychological discomfort of the teacher has great value for his health – physical, mental, professional.

Psychological discomfort occurs when:

    physical and psychological stress of work, constant evaluation by various people;

    high level of responsibility;

    tendency of aggressive attitude on the part of parents and students.

Working with people, and with children in particular, requires great emotional investment.

This means not only physiological factors related to working conditions: physical inactivity, increased load on the visual, auditory and vocal apparatus, etc. It's about first of all, about psychological and organizational difficulties: the need to be “in shape” all the time, the impossibility of choosing students, the lack of emotional release, large number contacts during the working day, etc.

Each specialist on the path to professionalism goes through a number of stages (the stage of adaptation, self-actualization and creative transformation). Each of these stages is associated with certain problems in the professional development of teachers. At the stage of adaptation to one’s profession, difficulties of a methodological, psychological or social nature usually arise.

The stage of self-actualization in the profession is associated with crises of competence, with a state of discomfort, anxiety, fear of solving new problems, and a discrepancy between one’s professional level and the expectations of others.

The emotional resources of a person who finds himself in such a situation can gradually be depleted, and then the body and psyche develop various mechanisms protection. Unfortunately, under the influence heavy loads and the requirements of the profession, the teacher often does not use psychological knowledge in practice. Children suffer when they find themselves in an unfavorable nervous environment, and the teacher also suffers, paying for everything with psychosomatic and neuropsychic diseases.

The psychological health of teachers is a necessary condition for the health of children, because The teacher’s main instrument is his psychological interaction with the child, and the teacher’s personality is the main factor in the teacher’s work, determining the professional position of teaching activity and pedagogical communication.

An effective means of preserving the psychological health of teachers is the use of methods of self-regulation, reflection, and recovery. This is a kind of safety precaution for professionals who have numerous and intensive contacts with people in the course of their work. professional activity.

To protect yourself from stress, you need to learn how to manage stress, relax, and relieve tension. You need to learn to recognize the signs of stress and its symptoms in yourself. And then, by acting correctly, you can prevent the occurrence of the disease. Today we will get acquainted with useful psychological, therapeutic, relaxation exercises from the experience of our school, which, dear teachers, will help you maintain good psychological shape, overcome stressful situations, relax, and have a positive attitude towards professional activities.

    You can reduce teaching stress if:

    Do not stop self-education, improve your professional skills.

    Plan periods of rest, at least short-term.

    Be aware of new ideas. Using the same materials year after year inevitably leads to boredom and emptiness.

    In every stressful situation, try to find something positive. Imagine the positive results of what is happening, without dwelling on the negative ones.

Of course, the misfortunes of loved ones, social disasters, failures at work, and one’s own mistakes cannot but upset a person.

Great wisdom is contained in the saying: “Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change, patience to accept what I cannot change, and intelligence to distinguish one from another.” .

E.B. Popkova, educational psychologist, MBOU "CDK", Novouralsk

The article is based on seven years of work experience on the problem of health psychology of teachers. The paper presents studies of the state of psychological health of teachers. The emphasis is on the practical activities of psychologists to preserve and strengthen the health of teachers. Some results on the effectiveness of the work performed are presented.

This report is the product of the seven-year experience of work on the issues of the teachers, health psychology. It includes the research of the condition of the teachers, psychological health. The main focus has been made on the practical activity of psychologists aimed at preserving and improving the teachers, health. There are some efficiency results of the work.

Key words: psychological health, mental health, stress, professional competence.

The key words are: the psychological health, the mental health, stress, the professional competence.

Over the past three decades, the problem of preserving the psychological health of teachers has become especially acute. In accordance with the provisions of the Concept of Federal State educational standards general education second generation, modern schools are faced with the task of developing personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities aimed at developing children's ability to learn. In this regard, society’s demands on the personality of the teacher and his role in the educational process are increasing.

The teacher needs to master competence associated not only with orientation in information flows, but also in the space of human relationships that form its basis. A modern school is waiting for a teacher who combines both didactic skills and the mastery of pedagogical communication. The specificity of teaching work is that the teacher takes responsibility for the quality and result interpersonal communication with students. The views and ideals of the teacher not only directly influence their own choice of behavior, but also leave an imprint on the minds of children, forming the “mentality” of the class, which, in turn, affects the hierarchy of their life values.

In theory teacher education the set of professional requirements for a teacher is called differently: “ qualification characteristics", "professiogram of personality", " professional readiness", "professional competence". An analysis of the literature on this topic shows that, despite the differences in terminology, the authors agree on the presence of three components or levels in the structure of competence (theoretical, practical, personal). Many authors define the leader as a personal level.

In psychology, the personal level is inextricably linked with the concept of “psychological health.” Psychological health (term by Dubrovina I.V.) is “the spiritual well-being of a person, which is a condition for the harmonious development, creative activity and self-realization of the individual, a guarantor of its integrity and safety as a measure of a person’s influence on a person and on himself, awareness of the value of his own existence.” Psychological health determines the nature and direction of personal activity: whether this activity will be aimed at positive self-development or self-destruction of oneself or another person.

The concepts of “mental health” and “psychological health” should be distinguished. Psychological health acts as the highest level of mental health; mental health creates the foundation for psychological health. In the apt expression of B.S. Bratusya “a person can be mentally healthy, but personally ill.”

What is the state of psychological health of teachers?

To study the state of psychological health of teachers by specialists from the municipal budgetary educational institution For children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance from the Center for Diagnostics and Consultation (MBOU "CDK"), a study was conducted among teachers of one of the schools in the Novouralsk urban district. The survey involved 54 people, teachers with different experience in teaching, teaching different subjects.

Three main factors influencing the state of psychological health were studied: personal, communicative, and organizational.

Under organizational factor refers to the level social development professional team: cohesion, mobility, positive development prospects, emotional climate.

Under personal The factor is understood as the level of psychological culture in matters of regulating one’s psycho-emotional state, responsibility in matters of health, the ability to have a positive self-perception, and to be active in the present moment.

Under communicative The factor is understood as the ability of teachers to carry out effective communications, the ability to understand and accept others, the ability to choose a constructive strategy and tactics in resolving conflict situations.

For diagnostics personal component, we used the test by Subbotina L.Yu. “Can you handle stress?” .

Diagnostic goals.

  1. Define general level psychological culture of teachers, manifested in the ability to cope with stressful situations.

  2. Identify the level of development of personal responsibility for the events that happen to them.

  3. To identify the measure of teachers’ activity, i.e. the ability to live in the present moment.

  4. Determine the subjects’ ability to set life goals and plan.

  5. To explore the extent to which teachers are capable of positive self-acceptance.

  6. Identify the ability to understand and accept another person.
Research results. Most high rate in the question: “Do you have strong beliefs and goals in life?” 80% of teachers answered in the affirmative.

Meanwhile, more than 70% of teachers do not know how to plan their expenses, rationally organize their time, sleep properly, play sports, have lunch on time, etc. One can positively evaluate the fact that almost no one (95%) in this team smokes or enjoys alcohol.

34% of teachers are active in the present moment, ready for change, accepting life in all its manifestations:

  • they find time to relax (60%);

  • they have many friends and acquaintances (80%);

  • they share pressing problems and questions with them (60%);

  • talk about their business to colleagues (50%).
However, teachers practically do not allow themselves to go to the theater and cinema (95%) or sleep during the day (53%). This also suggests that teachers do not always positively accept themselves and their interests.

  • 46% of teachers can be called purposeful people who comprehend individual existence and understand the meaning of their life and activities.

  • 51% of teachers are capable of understanding and accepting another person:

    • 59% of teachers have a fairly calm family life;

    • 80% have many friends and acquaintances;

    • Almost all teachers (96%) have a friend who is ready to help in any difficult moment, which suggests that teachers themselves are always able to come to the rescue.
Analysis of the diagnostic results indicates a contradictory attitude towards themselves, their destiny: teachers have a meaningful attitude towards their lives and activities, they know how to see the future, set goals, have strong convictions, but at the same time they show enough low level responsible for what is happening to them today, are passive in using and understanding the ways of self-regulation of their states. This indicates a low psychological culture of teachers. This is evidenced by general results testing:

  • 47 people (76%) find it difficult to cope with stressful situations;

  • 2 people (4%) are not able to get out of stressful situations on their own; they need the help of specialists and medicine;

  • 10 people (18%) cope with stress on their own.
For research communicative component, we used the Questionnaire by K. Thomas “Strategies and tactics of behavior in a conflict situation.”

Objectives of the study.

  1. Determine teachers' preferred ways of resolving conflicts.

  2. Identify problem areas in resolving conflict situations.

  3. Identify the level of conflict competence of this teaching staff.
Research results.

  • 35.8% of teachers prefer compromise ways to resolve conflicts;

  • 30.2% - base their relationships on subordination, prefer authoritarian direction;

  • 6.9% - avoid acute conflict situations, move away from the problem;

  • 3.8% - more often use compliance and liberality;

  • only 18.2% choose cooperation as the most optimal way to solve problems.
According to experts, to optimize your behavior in a conflict, it is recommended to use all five tactics - confrontation, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and concession - depending on the specific conditions. The diagnosis defines the so-called “golden path of diplomacy”, indicating wisdom and skill in resolving controversial issues.

The strategy and tactics of behavior in conflict chosen by the teacher influence the formation of the style of pedagogical communication. K. Levin, experimentally comparing the attitude to work and behavior of children under different leadership styles, noted that with an authoritarian style, hostile relationships are formed between group members and a reluctance to work arises; with liberal – there is no satisfaction from work; in a democratic one, warmth and friendliness in behavior arise, the ability to create, originality of decisions, pride and collectivism, and responsibility increase. .

According to our data, in the teaching staff studied, only 23.2% of teachers demonstrated their results within the framework of a democratic working style.

Such data indicate the relevance of measures to increase conflict competence as a component of the psychological health of teachers.

To study organizational factor i.e. At what social level of development of the group is this teaching staff located? The methodology of A.S. Chernyshev was used. “Scheme of psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the group.”

Diagnostic goals.

  1. Determination of psychological climate.

  2. Study of the level of development of the teaching group as a team.
Research results.

  • The psychological climate is defined in the zone of favorable development;

  • 62.5% determine that the development of the team is in the stage of cooperation (symbolically a “flickering beacon”), i.e. in the team, compromise relationships predominate in building business relationships, allowing conflict situations to be resolved in civilized forms through mutual agreements and concessions;

  • 15.6% determine that the development of the teaching group is in the collective stage (symbolically a “burning torch”), i.e. the teaching staff is a cohesive group with common goals and objectives; a democratic management style predominates, implying mutually respectful cooperation in resolving conflict situations;

  • 18.8% determine that the development of the teaching group is in the stage of association (symbolically “soft clay”), i.e. goal-oriented or subject-oriented interaction between teachers is characterized by inconstancy: one part of the group strives for interaction, the second avoids active participation; authoritarian direction prevails;

  • 3.1% determines that the pedagogical group is in the stage of diffusion (symbolically a “sand placer”), which is characterized by avoidance of cooperation even in cases where the situation and circumstances not only facilitate, but also require the interaction of participants to achieve common goals.
Thus, the following signs can be noted in most team members: joint activities How:

  • focus (striving for a common goal);

  • motivation (interested and effective relationships);

  • integrity (internal unity of all subjects of the collective).
However, such a level of development of the team is achieved through compromise decisions, which involves a search for middle positions when the interests of both parties are not fully revealed. Compromise strategies can be united by the collective concept of “dialogue,” which implies a tendency toward cooperation manifested in a given team and its transition to a higher level of development.

Thus, the data from the study of three main factors influencing the state of psychological health allow us to draw the following conclusions.

1. This pedagogical study group is at a fairly high level of social development, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the team, i.e. Organizationally, the group is quite united, mobile and has positive prospects. This indicates positive impact organizational factor.

2. Teachers have a fairly low level of psychological culture in matters of regulating their psycho-emotional state, are often irresponsible in matters of health, and are not always capable of positive self-perception and activity in the present moment. What indicates instability to stress and negative impact personal factor.

3. Teachers undoubtedly have the skills and experience to implement effective communications, are capable of understanding and accepting others, but in resolving conflict situations they do not always choose a constructive strategy and tactics, i.e. the communicative component is insufficiently represented.

Thus, many aspects of the psychological health of teachers remain problem areas and require their own understanding and decision. According to the author, the seminar-workshop “Psychological health as a component of a teacher’s professional competence” developed at the MBOU “CDK” helps to improve professional competence and preserve psychological health.

This practice-oriented seminar was developed based on the “Five Steps to Relieve Stress” program by N. Samoukina. .

The workshop seminar implemented a harmonious combination of different forms of work: an information-theoretical block, dialogues with the audience, diagnostics, a business game, which allows you to effectively include everyone present in an active discussion of the problem. In addition to the seminar, teachers are offered the “Five Steps” training program, designed for 5 days of practical work. Thus, a comprehensive, deeply thought-out system of working on the psychological health of teachers has been created.

In the period from 2006-2013, 310 people were trained under the seminar program, among those who participated in the work: school directors, head teachers, teachers, psychologists, social educators.

For the first time, the seminar was held as part of the city August Pedagogical Forum. Activities on the problem of psychological health were carried out with staff from 13 schools and five preschool educational institutions.

To study the effectiveness of the work carried out, a survey of participants was used.

Psychological health of the teacher’s personality. Maturity of the teacher's personality. Psychological time and psycho-age status as indicators of the health and maturity of a teacher’s personality. Psychosomatization and deviations of the teacher’s personality. Psychological stability of a teacher.

Psychological health of the teacher’s personality

The teaching profession can rightfully be classified as a “risk group” profession. The point is that when working with people, whether it be children, their parents, adults (students) and other subjects educational process, the teacher needs to preserve, maintain and strengthen his somatic and mental health. This, in turn, will have a positive impact both on the subjects of the educational process themselves, and on its quality and efficiency.

Talking about health, I would like to cite the thesis of V.E. Kagan, who pointed out that “a comprehensive characteristic of health is like a horizon, but each person imagines what health is and is able, one way or another, to correlate his current state with this idea.”

In the Russian language dictionary the word health means “correct, normal activity of the body; this or that state of the body."

Health- a state of equilibrium (balance) between the adaptive capabilities (health potential) of the body and constantly changing environmental conditions.

Health- “physical and mental state of integrity, integration, stable functioning of all organs and development of internal processes that contribute to human life.”

Heartfelt healthy person - this is the one who lives by love, reason and faith, who respects life - both his own and his neighbor.

Health- this is a balance between various aspects of a person’s personality (subpersonalities) (R. Assagioli).

Health- this is a balance between the needs of the individual and society, which is maintained by constant efforts (S. Freiberg).

Health is a process of personal life in which reflexive, emotional, intellectual, communicative and behavioral aspects are balanced (N.G. Garanyan, A.B. Kholmogorova).

As T.I. points out. Chirkova, the ambiguity of the term “psychological health” is due to the fact that it “seems to connect” two practices: medical and psychological. What is important is that in both cases The interpretation of the term “health” contains two approaches:

First- health as the absence of disease.

Second- health as the presence of such qualities as “fullness of life manifestations”, “mental and physical well-being”,

“the natural state of the body, characterizing its balance with the external environment”, “the state of optimal life activity of the subject”, “the presence of prerequisites and conditions for comprehensive and long-term activity in the field social practice”, “quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human life”, etc.

Psychological health indicator, according to A.V. Tolstykh - “this is the focus of all types and forms of human activity on positive, creative interaction with the world, not only adequately balancing it with the environment (homeostatic adaptation), but above all - creatively constructive” [cit. from: 2].

Healthy man there is someone who, under strictly defined general living conditions, performs strictly defined work to the maximum, produces viable offspring and can, within certain limits, adapt to new living conditions [cit. from: 2].

Healthy man there is someone who is able to maintain age-appropriate stability in conditions of sudden changes in the quantitative and qualitative flows of sensory, verbal and structural information [cit. from: 2].

  • 1. Medical assessment health. It is expressed in a clinical diagnosis - psychiatric for a neuropsychiatric or behavioral disorder, and somatic for a physical illness.
  • 2. Subjective personal representation of one’s physical and (or) mental state, integrally expressed in self-assessment of health.
  • 3. The individual’s perception of the adequacy of his functioning in the main social roles, assessed by the level of satisfaction and holistically manifested in overall life satisfaction (subjective well-being, happiness, positive affect).

Word "happiness"- the most meaningless and meaningless of human words. There is no criterion or measure of happiness, and there can be no comparison between the happiness of one person and the happiness of another (N.A. Berdyaev).

As components of well-being L.V. Kulikov describes the following:

  • social well-being- personal satisfaction with one’s social status, interpersonal relationships;
  • spiritual well-being- a feeling of involvement in the spiritual culture of society, awareness of the opportunity to join the riches of spiritual culture (satisfy spiritual hunger). This is also an opportunity to accept certain higher values ​​and freely follow them, to experience spiritual unity with another person, a certain community of people or all of humanity. For spiritual well-being, it is important to advance in understanding the essence and purpose of man, a fairly complete awareness of the meaning of life;
  • vital (bodily) well-being- good physical well-being, bodily comfort, a sense of health, satisfying physical tone;
  • psychological well-being (mental comfort)- coherence of mental processes and functions, a sense of integrity, internal balance.
  • 4. Adaptation of a person to the social environment, which may include self-assessment indicators, but is usually determined by objectified assessments from other people in his immediate social environment. The study of the level of adaptation and case studies are also used.

Adaptation- adaptation of the structure of the body, its organs and cells to environmental conditions, aimed at maintaining homeostasis (biology); adaptation of the senses to the specifics of the influencing stimuli for their better perception and protection of receptors from overload. Social adaptation- the process of an individual’s active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment, as well as the result of this adaptation. It has two types: active and passive. Active type - active influence on social environment; passive - passive acceptance of goals and value orientations groups .

5. Self-rated health- used to obtain data about the physical (somatic) health of an individual. Its adequacy as a measuring instrument is characterized by agreement with the clinical judgment of the physician.

Based on the above, it is legitimate to conclude that in the concept health the “objective and subjective” components of the teacher’s personality are laid down. Objective aspects health is something that can be measured, something that is amenable to an external observer. Subjective component represents an “internal picture of health”, in which “health and illness are not opposed, but are compared in such a way that the concept of illness characterizes not the quantitative, but the qualitative aspect of health, and the internal picture of illness appears as special case internal picture of health."

According to V.A. Ananyev, internal picture of health- this is “a set of intellectual descriptions (ideas) of human health, a complex of his emotional experiences, sensations and behavioral reactions". The internal picture of health is:

  • self-awareness and self-knowledge of a person in conditions of health;
  • a certain psychophysiological space where a person is able to assess his biological, socio-psychological and spiritual capabilities;
  • knowledge of one’s capabilities and the ability to use true reserves and untapped potentials within oneself.

Motivation- this is a set of factors that support and guide, determining the behavior of the subject; set of motives; an impulse that causes the activity of the subject and determines its direction; a system of processes responsible for inducing activity and maintaining it at the level required by the subject.

TO healthy style motivation factors life include:

  • 1) knowledge of what behaviors contribute to our well-being and why;
  • 2) the desire to be the “master” of one’s life, the belief that healthy behavior will produce positive results;
  • 3) a positive attitude towards life - a view of life as a “holiday” that should be enjoyed;
  • 4) developed sense self-respect, knowing that you are worthy, enjoying the best that life has to offer. A healthy lifestyle is impossible without formation of an internal picture of health suggesting.
  • 1. Awareness and identification of one’s own internal dynamic state of homeostasis, identification of oneself with the image of a healthy psychosomatic whole.
  • 2. Awareness of emerging signs of any persistent disturbance of homeostasis, i.e. indication of indicators of pre-illness, harbingers of a deviating state in the dynamic process of health.

In the context of this work, we will adhere to the position

V.A. Ananyev, according to which, health- dynamic balance of functions of all internal organs and their adequate response to environmental influences. Imbalance, inadequate response of the body to factors external environment represent a disease. A person is a “carrier” of health. Health- the process of maximum natural life expectancy with high quality of life, optimal working capacity and social activity.

Adhering to the position of V.A. Ananyeva, we believe that healthy image life can and, in our opinion, should be revealed through development anthropological ideal. For this it is necessary unlocking potential(personal competencies) person: potential of the mind, potential of the will, potential of the feelings, potential of the body, social potential, creative potential, spiritual potential.

  • 1. Mind Potential(intellectual aspect of health). This is a person’s ability to develop intelligence and be able to use it; the ability to acquire knowledge and put it into practice. The main task of a person is not to suffer from his own knowledge, but to learn to adapt this tool for his own improvement and the improvement of others.
  • 2. Will Potential(personal aspect of health). This is a person’s ability to self-realization; the ability to set goals and achieve them by choosing adequate means.

Will- this is a person’s ability to act in the direction of a set goal, overcoming certain (internal or external) obstacles.

The absence of a goal, as well as its achievement, can act as risk factors in the development of depressive states. “There are two tragedies in life: setting a goal and not achieving it, and setting a goal and achieving it.”(O. Wild).

  • 3. Potential of feelings(emotional aspect of health). Emotional competence- this is a person’s ability to congruently express his feelings, understand and non-judgmentally agree with the feelings of others. The ability to eliminate (exclude) feelings of guilt, fear, self-doubt - special quality of a mature personality(V.A. Ananyev).
  • 4. Body potential(physical aspect of health). This is the ability to develop the physical component of health, to “realize” one’s own physicality as a property of one’s personality. Healthy physicality is spontaneous, natural bodily behavior, body stability, integrity of body perception, the ability to receive sexual pleasure, acceptance own body. This potential includes nutritional competence, sexual competence:
    • nutritional competence- orientation in choosing the regime, forms, and content of nutrition towards one’s own bodily preferences, and not those imposed by the mass media fashionable diets; it is knowing the needs of your own body;
    • sexual competence- this is improving oneself in the field of sexual knowledge and skills.

According to V.A. For Ananyev, being sexually healthy means:

  • be capable of enjoying and controlling sexual and reproductive behavior in accordance with social and personal ethics;
  • be free from fear, shame and guilt, false beliefs and other factors that suppress sexual response and disrupt sexual relationships;
  • not have organic disorders, diseases and “deficiencies” that interfere with sexual and reproductive functions.
  • 5. Social potential(social aspect of health). Social competence is determined by:
    • a person’s ability to optimally adapt to social conditions;
    • desire to constantly improve the level of communication culture, social intelligence, communicative competence;
    • gaining a sense of belonging to all humanity.
  • 6. Creative potential(creative aspect of health). A person’s ability to be creatively active, the ability to creatively express oneself in life, going beyond the limits of limiting standard knowledge. Creative competence presupposes:
    • the ability to think outside the box and solve any life problems through developed trust in the creative part of one’s personality;
    • learn to generate original ideas, without being afraid to “overturn” the boundaries established by someone, to give a completed form to the products of one’s thinking.
  • 7. Spiritual potential(spiritual aspect of health). Spiritual competence is the ability to develop a person’s spiritual nature, to express and embody the highest values ​​- to do good, to defend justice, and not to declare these virtues. Spirituality resembles a sprout, which for many is littered with “trash of social wisdom” .

To summarize, let us pay attention to the fact that, according to V.A. Ananyeva, good general condition health- is “always a harmonious balance of physiological, mental and social aspects human personality. Health means the integrity of the individual."

However, speaking of psychological health, it is more appropriate to use the term healthy (mature) personality, since by definition psycho And logo cannot describe health. The next paragraph will be devoted to a description of the characteristics of a mature personality.

Pedagogical activity is included in the group of professions with a large presence of factors of mental tension. It is replete with many not only positive, but also negative emotions when teachers communicate with students. This is also due to the fact that mainly teaching teams women, and therefore they experience increased emotional excitability, infection of emotions from each other, including negative ones. In addition, the mental makeup of people who have chosen the teaching profession is weak. nervous system, low emotional stability, a tendency to feel guilty, anxiety, low resistance to stress - contributes to the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases in them.

The dynamics of changes in the integral characteristics of the personality of teachers with different years of work experience in school is as follows: in the first 10-15 years of work, there is an increase in indicators of competence, focus, flexibility, then the trend changes to the opposite: for teachers with work experience of 15-20 years or more, a sharp decrease is typical all indicators. The period of stagnation is determined by a decrease in the exponent social adaptation a third of teachers reach the level of patients with neuroses. Therefore, one of the central tasks of the education system is to preserve professional health teachers.
Mitina L. M., 2008. P. 31.

According to G. A. Vinogradova (1999), 97% of teachers, regardless of age, suffer from various psychosomatic diseases. Among them, the “leaders” are hypertension and hypotension (two out of every three people), neuroses, osteochondrosis (every second) and stomach ulcers (one out of fifteen). The peak of the disease occurs before the age of 30 years.

The occurrence of these diseases leads to changes in the psyche, behavior and affects the effectiveness of teaching activities. For example, mental disorders related to hypertension(memory impairment, mood swings, fatigue) can lead to difficulties in relationships and conflicts with students, their parents, and work colleagues.

As R. M. Khusainov (2006) revealed, more than 80% of teachers at the stage of professional maturity experience constant fear before possible troubles. At the same time, depending on age, certain specificities in negative experiences appear.

Teachers aged 31-40 years old feel acutely dissatisfied and often complain of fatigue. At the age of 41-50, teachers are acutely aware of the daily costs of the profession, deeply experience disappointment from the results of their work, and cannot move away from them for a long time. There is a growing feeling that others are happier than they are. Teachers over 50 have the highest levels of anxiety.

High quality pedagogical work This is usually achieved by increasing working hours. With such intensification of work, the best teachers who have achieved mastery in their field are most overloaded. In his work, a teacher must perform more than a hundred functional responsibilities. Pedagogical activity is closely related to communicative overload. Only with students of different ages the teacher speaks 6-10 hours a day. In 45 minutes of working time, on average, a teacher makes more than one hundred demands on students. Studies have shown the dependence of the influence of communication overload on teachers on their age and experience. Thus, among teachers with up to 3 years of experience, 8.3% suffer from overload, and among teachers with more than 18 years of experience - three times more - 24.2%. The resulting shortage of energy resources leads to a breakdown in the individual’s adaptation processes and contributes to the emergence of persistent states of maladjustment both in professional activities and outside of work life. Teachers (73.6%) note disturbances in the emotional sphere, manifested in decreased mood, irritability, anxiety, and increased sensitivity; 91.1% of teachers note the presence of diseases or disorders of various organs or systems of the body. More than 80% of teachers at the stage of professional maturity experience fear of possible troubles.
Osnitsky A.V., 2001. P. 539.

Teachers with 10-15 years of experience experience neuroticism, a decrease in empathy (it becomes equal to the norm for men), and increased dominance, as a result of which they become authoritarians (Alekseeva E. E., 2000). Increased emotional tension at work leads to problems in raising your own children. E. E. Alekseeva analyzed the system of raising her own children by 136 female teachers and found the following: “The most frequent type inharmonious upbringing is indulging in hyperprotection caused by educational insecurity (they raise other people’s children confidently and insecurely their own!), as well as a preference for childish qualities (fear of children growing up when they will not be able to cope with them!), feminine qualities, which contributes to mental infantilism and negatively affects development of boys. Female teachers demand from children, regardless of gender, behavior that is more natural for girls rather than boys” (p. 166). Indeed, the saying that a shoemaker himself is without boots is true.

Studio lesson scenario

on the topic: “Psychological health of teachers as necessary condition psychological health of children."

Equipment: sheets with a set of pictograms, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, Whatman paper, laptop, relaxation music, task cards, two balls, chalk, blackboard, “Memos”.

For several days of the studio, conduct among teacherssurvey:

Dear Colleague!

In the coming days, I invite you to attend a studio class dedicated to the psychological health of teachers.

To make our meeting interesting and useful for you, please answer a few questions.

Thank you!

School psychologist.

Teacher's questionnaire (full name) _____________________________.

Answer each question by selecting only one answer option.

1.When choosing a profession, teachers guided you:

a) family continuity;

b) love for children;

c) the opportunity to realize one’s maximum potential;

d) opportunity to make a career;

e) the opportunity to realize one’s own views on education;

f) the desire to be a teacher “from childhood”;

g) chance;

h) other: ________________________________________________________________.

2. Having worked as a teacher for __________ years, what I value most in my profession is:

a) the opportunity to see the results of your work;

b) professional communication;

c) the need and opportunity to acquire new knowledge;

d) working hours (short working hours, long vacation);

e) other: ___________________________________________________.

3. The most difficult thing for me in my work is:

a) the fact that the result of my work depends not only on me, but also on other circumstances;

b) the fact that you have to spend a lot of your personal time on work;

c) the need to constantly restrain one’s emotions, the professional “nervousness” of a teacher’s work;

e) other: _______________________________________________________.

I . Prologue.

Participants are invited to continue speaking:

“For me this quarter was...”

“For my students this quarter was...”

Analyzing the results of this exercise, the psychologist focuses on the common difficulties of teachers and students (fatigue, lack of time, overload...).

II . Etude.

The presenter offers the participants two balls of different colors (for example, red and blue), which are passed around the circle with different sides. The one who received the red ball continues the statement: “Lately at work I have been happy...”, followed by the one who received the blue ball continues the statement: “Lately I have been sad at work...”.

The presenter records the participants’ statements on the board, distributing them into two columns: positive and negative. (Instead of recording, you can use a weight on the scales, and the bowls are filled one by one.) The presenter draws the participants’ attention to the “inevitability” of negative factors in the professional activity of a teacher and the need to preserve the physical and psychological health of a professional teacher. Upon completion of the exercise, the topic of the studio lesson is formed.

III .Explication (information-formative part).

The psychologist introduces the participants to the results of the teacher survey.

Teachers' answers were distributed as follows(in descending order):

1.Motive for choosing a profession:

The desire to be a teacher “from childhood” - 7 people;

Family succession -1 person;

Love for children - 1 person;

Opportunity to realize one’s maximum potential – 1 person;

Randomness – 1 person;

Other: love for your subject – 1 person;

Other: the opportunity to realize oneself both in work and in family life – 1 person.

2. The most attractive aspects of the profession:

Opportunity to see the results of their work - 8 people;

Professional communication – 2 people;

Working hours (short working hours, long vacation) – 2 people;

The need and opportunity to acquire new knowledge – 1 person;

3. The most difficult aspects of the profession:

The fact that the result of my work depends not only on me, but also on other circumstances - 10 people;

The fact that you have to spend a lot of your personal time on work -1 person;

The need to constantly restrain one’s emotions, the professional “nervousness” of a teacher’s work – 1 person.

Next, the psychologist suggestsexercise “Coat of Arms of Teachers” , reinforcing a positive image of the profession’s vision. Instructions: each participant receives a set of pictograms (Appendix 1), from which they must select three symbols associated with the teaching profession. Then the participants unite in groups of 3-5 people, whose task is to choose a single symbol and come up with a motto for it (the shape and color of the coat of arms chosen by the group can also have meaning). Each group presents its own coat of arms, which is pasted onto a sheet of Whatman paper. Analyzing the coats of arms, the presenter draws attention to the fact that most of them have the shape of a shield. At the same time, he talks about the need for professional protection of a person working in the field of adult-child communications, once again recalling the theme of the studio. Summing up this part of the studio, the presenter emphasizes that the teacher must master the elements of self-regulation and auto-training.

The next part of the studio is devoted to getting acquainted with direct and indirect ways of responding to the situation of a student’s deviant behavior, which is considered as a condition for maintaining psychological health.

For many teachers, the problem is the high level of empathy, which similar situations leads to an emotional explosion and rapid “burnout.” To solve this problem, the ability to “maintain a state” is very important: not to be surprised by anything, to maintain an emotional-volitional mood (self-respect), to be able to look at yourself from the outside, not only to listen, but also to hear.

Methods of protection:

1. Substitute color vision - with your “inner” gaze, see the dynamic movements of bright color spots, ornaments, and geometric shapes.

2. Formation of an emotionally significant image - mental immersion in a “corner of calm”; for auditory learners this can be a memory and “internal” listening to a favorite melody, for visual learners it can be the idea of ​​a pleasant landscape, for kinesthetic learners it can be a feeling of movement while walking, etc.

3. Listening and stopping the “wave of irritation” - the ability to “hear” the degree of change in personal anxiety, try to understand its causes and apply methods of stopping (for example, an internal order or instruction).

4. The “but I...” technique - in which, in response to a stated claim, the teacher builds a logical chain (“Yes, that’s true, but I can, I feel...”).

IV . Correction is the practical part.

In the practical part of the studio, participants practice acquired defense skills. To do this, they are again divided into subgroups and given cards describing a typical problem situation in school life. On back side cards – possible options solutions to the described problem. He can choose one of them or offer his own solution.

Examples of tasks and solutions.

3. The student spits on the floor...

V .Reflection.

The psychologist asks a question, summing up: “Why do different teachers choose different styles of behavior in the classroom?” Analyzing the participants' responses, he says that a lot depends on what kind of person the teacher is: what he is afraid of, what he believes in and how sincere he is with himself. There is a very capacious concept with which you can talk about all this. This is the concept of self-worth, which each of you has. Self-worth is how much you consider yourself worthy of the respect, attention and love of others, regardless of the results and successes that you currently demonstrate.

Next, you can read a quote about Virginia Satir’s self-worth: “A person whose self-worth is high creates around himself an atmosphere of humanity, responsibility, compassion and love. Such a person feels important and needed, he feels that the world has become better because he exists in it. He trusts himself, he is able to ask others for help in difficult times, but he is confident that he is always able to make independent decisions and take deliberate actions. Only by feeling his own high value is a person able to see, accept and respect the high value of other people. A person with high self-worth inspires trust and hope. He does not use rules that contradict his feelings. At the same time, he does not follow his experiences. He is capable of making choices."

In conclusion participants are invitedexercise "Gift" , aimed at optimizing interpersonal relationships in a team of teachers, forming a team of like-minded people.

Instructions: each participant uses gestures to depict an object that he would like to give to his neighbor on the left, and the neighbor must guess what it is.

In the final speech, the psychologist thanks all participants and invites them to the next meeting, and also distributes “Memos”. (Appendix 2).

Appendix No. 1.

Appendix 2


I . Direct and indirect ways of responding in a situation of student deviant behavior.

1. Direct methods of judgment - “you’re right”, “you’re wrong”.

2. Value judgments – “bad”, “good”.

3. Indirect methods - counter question, “psychological stroking”, active listening, I-message, You-message, “for many children your age it is typical...”, switching to meaningful activity, “glass gaze” technique.

II . Ability to “maintain state” : not to be surprised by anything, to maintain an emotional-volitional attitude (self-respect), to be able to look at yourself from the outside, not only to listen, but also to hear.

Methods of protection:

1. Substitute color vision – with your “inner” gaze, see the dynamic movements of bright color spots, ornaments, and geometric shapes.

2. Formation of an emotionally significant image – mental immersion in a “corner of calm”; for auditory learners this can be a memory and “internal” listening to a favorite melody, for visual learners it can be the idea of ​​a pleasant landscape, for kinesthetic learners it can be a feeling of movement while walking, etc.

3. Listening to and stopping the “wave of irritation” - the ability to “hear” the degree of change in personal anxiety, try to understand its causes and apply ways to stop (for example, an internal order or instruction).

4. Technique “but I...” - in which, in response to a stated claim, the teacher builds a logical chain (“Yes, that’s true, but I can, I feel...”).

1. The student behaves demonstratively rudely...


2.The child angrily tears leaves from indoor plant


3. The student spits on the floor...


4. The student lies to justify his bad deed...


1. The student behaves demonstratively rudely...

The value judgment is “good.”

2. A child angrily tears leaves from a houseplant...

Indirect method “I am a message” + direct method of judgment “you are wrong”.

Solution options: reduce emotional intensity, lead to mental balance (“I can understand you, but you didn’t plant this flower...”, “Each person is responsible for his own actions...”).

3. The student spits on the floor...

Indirect way “You are the message”.

Solution options: remove the halo of the “offending hero” (“You probably have increased salivation, should you see a doctor...").

4. The student lies to justify his bad deed...

Counter question.

Solution options: initiate self-awareness through counter questions (“What do you think, can you be trusted…”).


1.Rodionov V.A., Stupnitskaya M.A. “Interaction between a psychologist and a teacher in the educational process.” Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2001. (Series: “Practical psychology in school”).