Exercises to develop the sixth sense. How to quickly develop intuition: rules and exercises

Humanity is facing drastic changes. Is it possible to correctly navigate the rapidly developing world, the powerful information flow and become successful?

To resist the development of stress, depression, and cope with the avalanche-like flow of information, you need to learn to select important and necessary information and apply it according to your intuitive feelings. This is how a person realizes himself, creating his own successful life.

Each of us, guided by intuition, time and time again makes extremely successful decisions - at first glance, logically inexplicable. But more often than not, the habit of calculating everything inclines us to do the opposite. So the whole problem of intuition is to understand: the sixth sense exists, you just need to give it the right to vote.

The action of the right hemisphere is often identified with the manifestation of intuition. That is why in this state the most possible decisions and actions are taken and, what is especially important, physical strength and psychological tone are quickly and effectively restored.

The left hemisphere is rational, logical. Using two hemispheres simultaneously, we realize those “supernatural” abilities inherent in every person by nature from birth. We have no doubt about the rationality of using a pair of eyes, hands, feet, ears, but we don’t even think about the fact that our brain practically does not use the right hemisphere, which is responsible for intuition and creativity, in its work.

By developing our imagination and using visualization, we activate the right hemisphere, while simultaneously developing intuition and enriching our decisions with elements of the subconscious. When we act according to our sixth sense, we always achieve the greatest success.

Why, exactly, do we need to use such a range of our abilities? In life, we are guided by the correctness, logic of actions and actions, we try to do everything correctly - “as it should.” But who needs it? We try not to think about the fact that our deepest, innermost, intuitive desires remain unclaimed. However, gradually feelings of dissatisfaction with life accumulate and lead us to disappointment, loss of meaning in life, loneliness, and depression.

Is it possible to change this scenario? Of course, you just need to make friends with your intuition. After all, she always helped you, making her way through feelings, emotions, sensations. Your first reaction - “yes - no”, “I want - I don’t want”, “I like - I don’t like” - this is a hint from your intuition regarding the importance of this or that event for you personally, your development, your happiness, your success.

How to develop intuition

  1. Learn to listen to your inner voice, which is not so weak. Have you noticed that before making any decision you felt a strange warmth, or tingling in your fingertips, or some kind of digestive process? And immediately after that, the right path seemed to appear by itself. These subconscious signals are your intuition.
  2. Such body signals do not always work. It is not enough to understand them; you also need to call them upon request. Try to practice. Ask yourself some simple question and wait for the voice of intuition. As soon as you feel those same physical sensations, perform some simple action, for example, click your fingers or rub your palms. If you train often, then to confer with your inner voice it will be enough to do the same action - snap your fingers or rub your palm against your palm.
  3. Practice making guesses and predictions. Moreover, do not try to think about the fate of the fatherland. Guess what your colleague will be wearing in the morning, for example. Don't take this exercise seriously. His task is to free intuition from the filter of logic. Over time, you will see that your predictions are beginning to come true more and more often.
  4. Listen to yourself. The easiest way to do this is when choosing food. Before you eat something, ask yourself whether you are hungry enough, whether you want to eat this particular product. Will it benefit you or give you a good mood?
  5. Before you get an intuitive answer to a question, learn to ask it correctly. It’s best when it involves a monosyllabic “yes-no” answer. The question must be asked in the affirmative, although you may not be at all sure of the correct answer. Don’t ask yourself should I move on Tuesday,” tell yourself “I’m moving on Tuesday” and listen to your feelings. Does your intuition like this fact?
  6. When you get an answer using your feelings, you don’t need to weigh the pros and cons, so logic comes in and filters out intuitive decisions. But intuition should not be the ultimate truth... Sometimes it is better to leave some decisions to logical thinking. In this case, you must be aware of all the factors, conditions and risks of the enterprise. If there is any ambiguity in the question, it is better to trust the right hemisphere.

Inner voice - someone believes him, and someone does not even believe in his existence. Intuition for many people remains a kind of strange property, close to clearly fantastic telepathy or levitation. But, in fact, every person can develop a sixth sense. You just need to put effort into it.

Physical control

The first step towards development is to link your intuition to certain physical sensations. The subconscious gives us clearly discernible clues - but most people miss them, being in a constant stream of internal dialogue. Spend the entire day understanding exactly how your intuition “talks” to you. Write down on paper what feelings you felt anticipating something that later came true.

Turn on the telepath

Now that you already have a clear understanding of the physical sensation of insight, you need to learn how to turn it on at will. Ask yourself a simple question and focus on the desired part of the body. Feeling the familiar sensations, clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Repeat the exercise day after day - one day, it will be enough for you to simply squeeze your hand to start the entire mechanism.

Disabling templates

The next exercise is aimed at liberating consciousness. Spend the whole day trying to guess events. What is the waiter's name? What will the boss wear to work? Where will this dog turn? Don't be afraid of mistakes. Our task is to relax and tune the brain to the desired work. A month of such practice will accustom your consciousness to connect the guessing process in the “background” mode - and you will be surprised at the rapid progress.

Morning workout

You'll need to get up a little earlier than usual to get this little workout done. Ten minutes will be enough. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Let images and fragments of thoughts wander chaotically. Take a notepad and try to transfer all this nonsense onto paper. In the evening, re-read the notes and compare them with the events that happened during the day. Have you discovered any strange coincidences? That's how it should be. Over time, there will be more and more coincidences.


Again, we pick up the notepad and start the association game. Choose ten words and write your own association for each. When you finish, start again, trying to find other associations for the same words. Gradually, logical chains will give way to obvious nonsense - this is our catch. Analyze what you receive carefully; a phrase like “forest wolf” may well signal an imminent job loss.

Inner voice - someone believes him, and someone does not even believe in his existence. Intuition for many people remains a kind of strange property, close to clearly fantastic telepathy or levitation. But, in fact, develop a sixth sense every person can do it within himself. You just need to put effort into it.

Physical control

The first step to development is to connect your intuition to certain physical sensations. The subconscious gives us clearly discernible clues - but most people miss them, being in a constant stream of internal dialogue. Spend the entire day understanding exactly how your intuition “talks” to you. Write down on paper what feelings you felt anticipating something that later came true.

Turn on the telepath

Now that you already have a clear understanding of the physical sensation of insight, you need to learn how to turn it on at will. Ask yourself a simple question and focus on the desired part of the body. Feeling the familiar sensations, clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Repeat the exercise day after day - one day, it will be enough for you to simply squeeze your hand to start the entire mechanism.

Disabling templates

The next exercise is aimed at liberating consciousness. Spend the whole day trying to guess events. What is the waiter's name? What will the boss wear to work? Where will this dog turn? Don't be afraid of mistakes. Our task is to relax and tune the brain to the desired work. A month of such practice will accustom your consciousness to connect the guessing process in the “background” mode - and you will be surprised at the rapid progress.

Morning workout

You'll need to get up a little earlier than usual to get this little workout done. Ten minutes will be enough. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Let images and fragments of thoughts wander chaotically. Take a notepad and try to transfer all this nonsense onto paper. In the evening, re-read the notes and compare them with the events that happened during the day. Have you discovered any strange coincidences? That's how it should be. Over time, there will be more and more coincidences.


Again, we pick up the notepad and start the association game. Choose ten words and write your own association for each. When you finish, start again, trying to find other associations for the same words. Gradually, logical chains will give way to obvious nonsense - this is our catch. Analyze what you receive carefully; a phrase like “forest wolf” may well signal an imminent job loss.

When making decisions, many of us are guided solely by logic. Alas, there are situations when logic is simply powerless: there is not enough information. And then intuition comes to the rescue. But if someone has naturally developed intuition, then some simply do not notice the signs of fate. But this skill can be developed.

Intuition is the ability to perceive information from the surrounding world using the so-called “sixth sense”. All people by nature have this property, but not everyone knows how to use it: much more often we listen to the voice of reason. But in vain! Would you like to learn?

Women are more susceptible to suggestion than men, they fall into trance states more easily, and therefore the opportunities to use the “sixth sense” are more accessible to them. It was the fair sex who in ancient times acted as pythias (fortune-tellers), and subsequently successfully practiced as mediums during spiritualistic séances, entering into communication with spirits.

Parapsychologists are convinced that women by nature have a special energy that allows them to feel more subtly... It is not for nothing that mostly women became witches, and this gift was inherited through the female line. As for psychologists, they are sure that women simply have more developed intuition and the so-called “sixth sense”.

To determine how developed your visionary gift is, mentally answer a number of questions:

1. Do you often have prophetic dreams?

2. Do you have premonitions of certain events, and in what form do they manifest themselves?

3. Do you sometimes feel what is happening with your family or friends at the moment?

5. Have you ever, looking at another person, suddenly realized what will happen to him in the near future?

Here they are, signs of fate, or manifestations of intuition:

1. Premonitions are familiar to everyone: for example, at school you knew for sure that you would be called to the blackboard today. And when you went to the exam, you learned one single ticket, and that’s what you got! We often anticipate events that happen to our loved ones.

Do you want to perfect your premonition technique? We take a deck of cards and, without looking, listening only to the “inner voice,” we arrange the first ten into two piles: red and black suit. Do the exercise several times with breaks of 2-3 hours.

Another exercise. Standing at a bus stop, try to guess the number of the nearest bus. Or leave the coin, trying to guess whether it came up heads or tails. Over time, the hit rate will become higher...

2. Remember your main successes and failures in life. How did you feel the day before? Most likely, success was preceded by feelings of inspiration and confidence: “I can do everything!” But if you were destined to fail, you could not get rid of an incomprehensible despondency and apathy, although you persuaded yourself that “everything will be all right.” These premonitions are the “sixth sense”.

Let's say you have business negotiations coming up. Imagine yourself from the outside: here you are entering the office, greeting your partners... How do you feel? Joy? Excitement? Boredom? If you feel uncomfortable, it is better to cancel the appointment or reschedule it for another day. Or accept the impending defeat. You are not ready to win yet.

3. If you are walking or driving somewhere and something is bothering you, change the route, reschedule the meeting, or don’t go there at all. After some time, check to see if any emergencies have happened in this place.

4. But you should buy new things based on intuition only if the desire to have this or that thing literally does not allow you to live. Don't confuse your inner voice with your desire to follow fashion or your passion for spending money!

5. Pay attention to “accidental” clauses. For example, you recommend to your colleagues a person about whom you know only by hearsay: “They say he is a wonderful sadist!” You meant to say “specialist”! But the subconscious revealed something completely different...

6. It happens that as soon as we talk about some event or person, you commit some erroneous action: you stumble or drop a cup of tea... Think about it: maybe these are signs indicating a hidden danger?

Do the following exercise. Within 10-15 minutes. track the flow of thoughts that come into your head. Let them flow freely, without tension, as if without your control. Take a look and grab the necessary “information”.

7. What about signs of fate? Let's say you've been proposed to for marriage. You turn on the radio, and from there it sounds: “Don’t marry him!” Or you open a newspaper and the phrase catches your eye: “A good deed won’t be called marriage!”

However, you shouldn’t see encrypted messages in everything. Set aside a strictly defined time for them - say, from 18.00 to 19.00 on Tuesday. Whatever you see or hear during this period, analyze the information received and draw conclusions. But under no circumstances focus on negative “signals.”

Remember: higher powers are simply warning you about possible developments, and not passing judgment!

How to develop your sixth sense?

Logic is powerless. Experience won't help. Intelligence will not save you.

Do you remember that feeling of confidence in victory when buying a lottery ticket? Surprise when you knew who was calling you before you even picked up the phone? When have you felt what exactly your loved one is thinking about? When have you made a completely illogical, but the only right choice?

What did you trust in these moments? What told you what to do? Intuition!

How to develop intuition?

Six ways:

1. Come on, guess!

Try to guess upcoming events. Develop this ability in yourself. While standing at a stop, try to determine which route will arrive first. Guess what the weather will be like tomorrow.
Think about what might challenge you at work this week. Before you look at your cell phone screen during a call, try to guess who is calling you. Or, having found out who it is, try to guess the reason for his call, his mood, how your interlocutor will react to your words. Remember your predictions and compare them with what happened in reality. If your answer was incorrect, then remember if the correct thought flashed through your mind, which you, confused by logic, were afraid to voice to yourself.

2. Listen to yourself

Our body perceives hundreds of factors and events surrounding us, but our brain is designed in such a way that it displays only what is important from its point of view, otherwise we would simply choke in the flow of information. But, however, everything that happens around us is deposited in our subconscious and often affects our body. It happens that nothing has happened yet, and you start to get nervous, your palms sweat, your heartbeat quickens, your stomach turns, etc. No wonder: what the mind considered unimportant, your subconscious considered worthy of attention and began to send signals. Know how to listen to yourself, believe yourself.

3. Disable logic

We have already said that our logic, the framework through which we view the situation, often prevents us from making the right decision. We reach a dead end only because we cannot look at the problem from a different angle. And sleep or meditation removes these obstacles, and the solution seems to come by itself. So before making an important decision, you should get a good night’s sleep, and if you don’t have time for this, then you should try to calm down and try to get rid of the problem, look at it from the outside, through someone else’s eyes. Meditation can help you with this. Close your eyes for a few moments and transport yourself to a place where you are absolutely comfortable and calm. Try to feel the smells, the warmth of the sun on your skin, clearly imagine everything that surrounds you - grass, flowers, sand, waves, the shape of clouds... Forget for a moment about the problem and think about your own peace of mind, remember something very good. And then try not to think about anything at all, give your brain a moment of silence. And the solution will come by itself.

4. Give thanks

One of the secrets of making the right choice is the right attitude towards the problem. Set your mind to expect the best result, the more often you will achieve it. Blues or lack of faith in your strengths and in the generosity of higher powers prevent the full potential of your intuition from manifesting itself. Make your choice: learn to find something positive in any circumstances. Are you in a stressful situation? Immediately ask yourself three questions: what good can be found in this situation? What needs to be done? How can you get pleasure from correcting this situation? Find a grain of something for which you can be grateful to the universe, even in a difficult moment in life. Believe me, after sincere gratitude, the right decision will come to you.

5. Listen to your ancestors

Our psyche and our consciousness include not only our life experience, but also the experience of our ancestors, the experience of many generations of people who have already faced similar problems and made decisions, right and wrong, paving the way for you, their descendant, with their victories and mistakes . All you have to do is listen to their advice. Try, relax, to listen to what is happening in the depths of your subconscious, what advice is coming from there.
Sit cross-legged and place your palms open on your knees. Close your eyes and repeat 10 times (the number of fingers on your hands): “My mind is open to the experiences of my ancestors.” When casting a spell, move your fingertips one at a time, opening channels of subtle energy. The decision may come immediately, or it may come at the end of the day or even in a dream.

6. Learn to think without thinking

Think back to how you solved your last problem. You may have tried to logically think about ways out of the everyday crisis, but still the main questions that pulsated in your mind were two: “Why am I doing this?!” and “How can I cope with this?!” As the famous joke says, “you can’t sell an elephant with such a mood.” Calm down, divide the question into its individual tasks, clearly formulate them, starting with the words “how”, “when”, “where” and... forget it. Specific questions have been posed to your subconscious, and it will slowly but surely look for the correct answer. Just don't disturb him with your panic. Go to a cafe, sit in a warm fragrant bath, watch a melodrama and forget about your problem for a few hours. And the answer will come to you on its own.