How to draw a decoration for the New Year. Drawing New Year's patterns with a brush - Description of the process with photos. We use ready-made stencil templates

The Russian winter is often called an artist, and this is true - can anyone really repeat the fantastic patterns painted overnight by frost? It’s these snowy pictures that occupy all the glass that bring the New Year’s feeling. And yet, year after year we try to compete with the winter cold, painting windows with watercolors, stained glass and acrylic paints, gouache, and toothpaste. Perhaps soon you too will want to draw pictures on the windows for the New Year 2018, dedicated to the Dog . How to do this and what to draw on glass at home, school or kindergarten? We will help you decide on the choice of window decorations - here you will find the necessary templates and stencils, as well as master classes on their use with examples in videos and photos.

Beautiful drawings on windows for the New Year: stencils for 2018 Dogs

Since the coming year passes under the auspices of the animal, which every minute proves its devotion and loyalty, many will want to decorate their houses with images of dogs. These can be paintings on the walls, plush toys nestled comfortably on beds and sofas, plates with pictures of puppies, slippers in the shape of funny dogs, etc. If you want to create beautiful designs on your windows for the New Year, you will find stencils for 2018 Dogs on this page .

A selection of templates and stencils for the Year of the Dog

Let the New Year be dedicated to the Dog - does this exclude the possibility of painting traditional frosty patterns on the windows? Of course, professional artists and naturally talented painters will not need any improvised means to help decorate glass. Others can download free templates to help them apply beautiful designs to their windows in preparation for the New Year. You will find a selection of stencils for 2018 Dogs here.

Patterned drawings with toothpaste on windows for the New Year: examples in photos and videos

Drawing on glass is a real pleasure for many people. Indeed, a window can become an ideal “canvas”: if something doesn’t work out, the image can always be washed off with water, and the working surface will again be ready to accept another masterpiece created with your own hands. Of course, none of the artists will ever be able to repeat the paintings woven by the bitter frost, but you can try to do it. For example, what is stopping you from making patterned drawings with toothpaste on the windows for the New Year, examples of which you will find in photos and videos under this text?

Master class on painting with toothpaste on glass

If you want to paint patterned designs with toothpaste on your windows in preparation for the New Year, take advantage of this master class and examples of finished glass painting works in photos and videos.

So, start drawing snowflakes.

Multi-colored children's drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 in gouache: photos of finished works

Of course, everyone associates winter with the color white. But how bright everything else seems against a snow-white background! For example, multi-colored children's drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 in gouache, photos of the finished works of which you will find on this site, may even remind you of summer. Indeed, why not depict the July heat on the “January” glass? And yet, most of us, especially children, choose a winter theme, drawing red-breasted bullfinches, the Snow Maiden in a blue outfit, green fluffy Christmas trees, orange tangerines, colorful candies...

Examples of gouache drawings on windows

It's great when your child himself wants to help you prepare for the New Year and decorate the house for the winter holidays. Invite him to engage in creativity and fine arts. Multi-colored children's drawings on your windows, made in gouache for the New Year 2018, will become the best room decor. Look at the photos of the finished works and invite your son or daughter to draw one of the proposed options or apply your own design to the glass.

Frosty drawings on windows for the New Year with paints: examples of ready-made patterns

It is unlikely that anyone will object to you if you say that no one can make patterns on windows better than frost itself. And yet, most of us, preparing for the winter holidays, make frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints. It is enough to look at examples of ready-made patterns to understand how beautiful it is. Would you like to try decorating your home in the same way?

How to draw a frosty pattern on a window - Master class with step-by-step steps

In order to draw unusual frosty patterns on the windows for the New Year with paints (you will find examples of ready-made patterns below), you first need to prepare everything you need. Prepare paint (you can take toothpaste), brush, sponge and start creating a small masterpiece.

  1. Dilute toothpaste or white gouache to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Dip a sponge into the solution, remove excess liquid from it and begin to cover the windows with “frost” by pressing the sponge to the glass and sharply removing it from the window.

  2. After the base of the design has dried, cover its surface with patterns drawn with a brush.
  3. Wait again until the almost finished drawing dries, and again blot it with a sponge dipped in white paint or toothpaste.

  4. You can scratch a clear pattern on the paint that has not yet dried (do this with the back of the brush).

  5. On the top of the windows, you can depict a starburst by applying snowflake patterns to the glass and filling the space around them with paint applied with a dishwashing sponge.

  6. Doesn't the drawing resemble the frost's New Year's efforts?

What to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten - Master class with photos

In all kindergartens, December is especially looked forward to - the children know that Grandfather Frost himself will definitely come to visit them with his granddaughter Snegurochka, give gifts to the most obedient children, and fulfill someone’s wishes. You need to be properly prepared to welcome such long-awaited guests. Preschool children should find out from the teacher what they can draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten. A master class with photos will help the children cope with the task (with the help of adults, of course).

How to decorate a New Year's window - children's drawings

If the children do not yet know what to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten, a master class with photos (you will find everything on this page) will help them cope with the creative task from the teacher.

  1. Before you start creating a New Year's window, prepare toothpaste, brushes, a toothpick, a foam rubber or sponge brush (required!), and image stencils.

  2. Dip a foam brush into toothpaste or white paint and paint fir paws on the windows.

  3. In order to give the branches a snowy volume, “stick” the painted branches with a foam brush.

  4. After waiting for the drawing to dry, draw needles on the branches with the reverse side.

  5. Now you can draw Christmas tree decorations hanging from a spruce tree.

  6. Once you glue or draw the snowflakes, you're done!

What can you draw on the window for New Year 2018 at school: photo and video examples

New Year is celebrated in every home and, of course, in all institutions. By the time January arrives, the walls of the premises are decorated with “winter” decor - garlands, tinsel, balloons and glass balls. What can you draw on the window for New Year 2018 at school? Photos and video examples of finished work completed by teachers and schoolchildren will answer this question.

Examples of New Year's drawings on school windows

What and with what can you draw on the window for the coming New Year 2018 at school so that the drawing can be washed off later? In the photo and video examples you can see that the images are applied with fairly intense, thick strokes. Will such beauty be washed off after the winter holidays? Of course, unless you use oil paints. Gouache, watercolor, toothpaste are washed off with hot water and detergent.

What to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018: Video and photo examples

If you plan to clean the windows from drawings immediately after the end of the New Year holidays, use easily washable paints for glass work that do not leave marks or streaks - watercolors, toothpaste, gouache. As a last resort, use acrylic paints - they can also be washed off. Well, what is it possible to paint on glass with stained glass, almost indelible paints for the New Year 2018? Watch our video and photo examples of work.

Examples of works for the New Year using stained glass paints

For the winter holidays, you can prepare unique gifts for your family and friends - using the glass painting technique, create with your own hands originally decorated wine glasses, framed pictures, even simple jars painted with unusual patterns. If you have not yet chosen what to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018, the video and photo examples posted on this page will give you ideas.

How to paint patterns on a window for the New Year with a brush at home

If you want to prepare “correctly” for December 31 and all subsequent winter holidays, learn how to paint patterns on a window for the New Year with a brush at home and decorate your home with amazing designs. If the resulting images are to the liking of all household members, the curtains can be removed from the windows - this will give the apartment a truly New Year’s look.

Drawing New Year's patterns with a brush - Description of the process with photos

Having learned how to draw amazingly varied patterns on a window for the New Year using an ordinary brush, you will be surprised: you have everything at home to immediately start working.

Having carefully studied the photo and video materials of the master classes, which tell about the drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018, according to the Eastern calendar, passing under the sign of the Dog, depict in gouache, acrylic or watercolor paints and a brush Santa Claus, frosty patterns, the Snow Maiden, cheerful puppies and etc. Use the stencils downloaded for free from our website and decorate your home, school or kindergarten with a wonderful window painting. Give your loved ones souvenirs related to the New Year theme, painted with stained glass paints.

After all, windows are the original eyes of your home, they are always in sight, and through them you can convey to the whole city what your mood is now and give a piece of your joy to passers-by.

To decorate your window, you don’t have to buy stickers in special stores; it’s much better to make them yourself, so you’ll get into the spirit of the New Year even more. There are a huge number of ways to decorate a New Year's window. Below we have made a selection of the most original, and at the same time simple window decors. After all, you can easily and quickly create a fairy tale for the New Year, giving it to others.

The simplest and most inexpensive window decoration is snowflakes cut out of white paper. But how to glue them to glass? We’ll talk about this now; by the way, glue is not suitable for such an activity. And you will need regular baby soap, they need to soap the sponge and wet the snowflake well. Such stickers are not only easy to remove after the New Year holidays, but the glass can be simply wiped with a rag.

And if you use snowflakes of different sizes, you can create an original composition, for example, construct an openwork Christmas tree.

Snow in a can

It is not necessary to use snowflake stickers; with the help of special snow in a spray can you can also decorate a window for the New Year. First you need to cut out a snowflake, then you need to moisten it with water and stick it on the window, then spray artificial snow on the glass and peel off the snowflake. The original decor is ready!

Drawing with toothpaste

An excellent window decoration for the New Year will be drawings made with toothpaste. To do this, just dilute it a little with water, and the paint is ready. Decor is applied in two ways:

Method one. Take a small piece of foam rubber and roll it into a tube, it will be a kind of brush. Squeeze a little toothpaste into a saucer, dilute it with water, now dip the foam into the mixture. And with the same dipping movements, draw spruce branches on the glass. When the paste is dry, use a toothpick to make Christmas tree needles.

You can buy stencils with animals or flowers, attach them to the window, and using the same foam rubber and toothpaste solution, transfer the drawings to the window. Or you can simply cut a circle out of paper, and use the resulting hole in the sheet to create a New Year's ball on the glass.

Method two. You need to take a cut out snowflake, moisten it with water and stick it on the window, then take diluted toothpaste and a brush. Using a toothbrush, apply the solution in a splashing motion. When the paste dries a little, you need to peel off the snowflake. The result will be amazing decor for the New Year!

You can decorate a window not only with stickers and toothpaste; it’s also great to paint with a regular bar of soap. If you don’t have the skills of an artist, you can use soap to outline figures on a stencil, snowflakes or themed stickers. Are you good at drawing? Use your imagination, create original curls or patterns.

Snowballs made from threads

In addition to snowflake stickers, the window can be decorated with real three-dimensional snowballs, which are easily made from thread. For this decor you will need:

  • several spools of thread (after all, snowballs don’t have to be white);
  • glue;
  • air balloons.

We inflate the balls so that they are small in size, then we wrap them with thread. You can make dense snowballs, or you can make openwork ones; to do this, leave spaces between the threads. Next, you need to coat the threads with glue, after the glue dries, the balloon inside needs to burst.

These balls can be placed on the windowsill, or you can glue fasteners to them and hang them from the cornice. And if you connect the snowballs together, you get a very original garland.

Foam snowfall

Another original decoration for your window for the New Year will be real snow made from foam balls. For such creativity, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a piece of foam;
  • fishing line;
  • a needle with a wide eye.

First you need to crumble the foam into small balls. Next, insert the fishing line into the needle and start stringing the balls. To make the foam garland look more original, it is better to leave large spaces between the foam grains. The threads will hold their shape better if you spray them with regular hairspray. The fishing line with balls is glued with tape to the cornice. From the street, this New Year's decor looks simply incredible!

Figures made from PVA glue

Original New Year stickers can be made from regular PVA glue. This glue is safe, and the stickers can be used more than once. The decor turns out to be translucent, it does not interfere with the view from the windows, and in the evening it is beautifully colored by street lighting. In the evening, the glue figures acquire a special shimmer.

To make such stickers for the New Year, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • PVA glue;
  • various stencils;
  • thin files for papers;
  • paint brush;
  • medical syringe without needle.

To avoid staining the stencil with glue, you need to put it in a file. Next, fill the figure with PVA, it is best to put it into a syringe, it will be more convenient. A little advice: choose large figures without complex details. Next, you need to dry the drawings; after the glue has dried, it can be easily removed from the file. Now all that remains is to carefully place the stickers on the window.

If suddenly during the work the glue spreads a little and the drawing becomes smeared, then it’s not a problem. After drying, the figure can be easily adjusted using nail scissors. And with a glue gun you can draw, for example, snowflakes right on the window.

Christmas decorations

Christmas tree balls suspended on satin ribbons can be an excellent decoration for the New Year. It is better to take small multi-colored balls, tie thin satin ribbons to them and attach them to the cornice. From the street, such an unusual garland of colored Christmas tree decorations will look very original.

Garland of colorful cones

Such a garland will become the most beautiful and unique decoration for a New Year's window. To make decor from pine cones, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • several pine cones;
  • thin wire or thick fishing line;
  • multi-colored paint;
  • newspaper sheets.

Attach a wire or fishing line to the pine cone, this is done so as not to get your hands dirty when you dip the pine cones into the can of paint. And then you need to hang the pine cones on the same line to dry. By the way, it is not necessary to immerse them completely in paint; it is enough to paint only the top.

To prevent dripping paint from staining the floor or furniture, you need to lay down newspaper. When the cones dry, you can make a whole composition out of them. String a few pine cones onto a wire and attach them to the cornice. Passers-by will definitely appreciate such stunning window decor.

Christmas tree made of hangers

Probably the most unusual decoration for your window will be a Christmas tree made from simple clothes hangers. You will need:

  • several green hangers;
  • thin wire;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • braid.

Using wire, connect the hangers in the shape of a Christmas tree, decorate it with various toys and balls. Attach the finished Christmas tree to the cornice.

We showed you that making New Year's decor for your window is very easy and quick. The main thing is a little imagination, patience and free time.

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There is nothing more interesting than trying on the role of Frost and easily turning even the most severe design into a Christmas fairy tale! Arm yourself with scissors, paper and a cutter, download from us stencils for decorations on windows for the New Year and enjoy the reaction of unsuspecting household members! Today the site’s editors have prepared a lot of interesting stencils for you and will tell you how to use them.

We selflessly decorate windows for the New Year using intricate or simple stencils

Magical window decoration for the New Year using stencils and drawings

To start decorating the window, you need to decide whether it will be a surprise for the rest of the family, or whether they will take part in it. If you want to surprise your loved ones, then it is better to do carving in splendid isolation. Well, perhaps let the cat and dog be silent witnesses. And if you want collective work, then the kids will be of little use, except to hold the stencil while you climb onto a chair.

Windows are decorated in several ways:

  • download a ready-made stencil on the Internet or take and transfer a picture to paper;
  • draw by hand what you want;
  • draw using a stencil on the windows with paint or toothpaste.

The choice of topics is great; for 2019, a wide variety of stencils are already offered:

  • snowflakes themselves are beautiful, but if you create a composition from them, it will be especially wonderful;
  • the images of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are an integral part of the New Year, so they can take a worthy place on the window;
  • the next year of the Pig may be displayed on the window in the form of a symbol - the silhouette of an animal;
  • New Year's toys and bells;
  • fir tree or fir forest;
  • various animals, including horses and deer, which are a symbol of the holiday;
  • angels will be appreciated by those who anxiously await Christmas and believe in miracles;
  • snowmen will immediately bring with them a winter mood;
  • houses and snowy towns.

In the photo in the article you will see multi-original and simple stencils.

Cutting out beautiful figures using a stencil from paper figures for windows for the New Year

The first way to decorate windows is to cut out figures from a New Year's stencil, which is easy to download and print. There are many different options for windows, varying in complexity and pattern of shapes.

Decals are another way to decorate windows for the New Year

You can do it this way: any children’s coloring book contains interesting figures. If you take tracing paper and transfer the shape you like onto paper, you will have an excellent basis for a stencil. To finalize the template, you will need to think about where to make additional slots.

Drawings for windows for the New Year: an interesting use of artistic abilities of any level

Drawings on New Year's windows are created using stencils and coloring compounds. You can use gouache as paint, or simply dilute toothpaste with a small amount of water, and, using an unnecessary toothbrush, spray the resulting composition onto the template. In this case, you need a slightly different stencil, the opposite one. How to get it? Easily! A regular template for windows is cut out of paper, but the remaining part is usually thrown away: this should not be done, since this is a ready-made template for painting!

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Tips for decorating windows using templates

To prepare a window for the New Year, you do not need a special master class. This is actually an easy job and a lot of fun. What is suitable for creating templates: any paper, including whatman paper, foil. As a cutting tool, there is nothing better than a dedicated cutter.

In the absence of a cutter, use an ordinary stationery knife. The template itself is cut out with comfortable sharp scissors.To create a stencil, you will need a black or blue felt-tip pen (well, you can take any bright color, as long as you like it), and a soap solution.

How to cut a stencil without compromising your health and your table

New Year's stencils for cutting out windows are placed on a large wooden board, otherwise you will have to buy a new table - the cutter can seriously damage the surface.

Try rotating the cutter on paper: you need to understand how to hold the handle so that it is comfortable to cut, it is not difficult. In the absence of a knife and cutter, small nail scissors are best.

Handle cutting objects carefully and cut away from you.

How to glue a stencil onto glass

Double-sided tape will do a poor job in this matter: yes, it will firmly stick the protruding pieces (that’s what carved paper stencils are called), and so tightly that then you will have to study the article on how to remove tape from glass. Instead, there is a gentle method: soap solution.

We place the picture in the chosen place and lubricate the window with a fairly thick solution. If you overdo it with water, the paper with small details will get wet, and this will ruin the composition.

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Selecting suitable stencils for New Year's windows

The best holiday winter stencils will tell you how to decorate your windows for the coming New Year. The large window allows you to place a whole show of the forest, houses, sleigh with Santa Claus and reindeer and with a clear moon at the top.

Templates of different letters of the inscription “New Year” for cutting out of paper for windows

New Year's decorations for windows made of paper can be in the form of a lettering inscription. The only disadvantage of placing letters is that from the street they will be displayed in a mirror form. But if the windows of the fifth floor are decorated, then the minus becomes insignificant.

Cozy New Year's stencil pictures for windows in the form of houses and villages

It’s not at all difficult to cut out an entire village or a separate house on a window for the New Year. Even a palace is within the reach of those who crave the special royal appearance of a window opening.

Advice! If you cut out the snowdrifts under the houses and cover them with shiny confetti, it will be even more beautiful.

Paper stencils for decorating windows: and now she came to us dressed up for the holiday

The tree has always symbolized New Year's celebrations. And it will also look elegant on the windows.

New Year's paper stencils for windows: Christmas tree decorations on glass

We offer beautiful templates for New Year's window decorations: an interesting solution, because the balls have different patterns and can become an excellent decoration.

Stencils for window decorations for the New Year: snowflakes, month, stars

New Year's templates for cutting out onto windows also come in the form of funny figures of the month, stars, and snowflakes. Snowflakes are placed as they decrease towards the center of the window.

Vytynankas in the form of candles, angels and bells: the light and ringing of the Christmas night

The New Year will pass, Christmas will come. Usually, Russian families make one decor for both holidays. If the family is a believer, they want to decorate the room in a special way. For this purpose, you can cut out beautiful angels.

For lovers of New Year's themes, protrusions in the form of candles and bells are suitable.

Paper templates for decorating windows in the form of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Traditional Father Frost and Snow Maiden do not always stand under the tree, guarding gifts: today they have the right to settle on the window either in the form of solid figures or as masks.

New Year's paper templates for the window: a snowman is visiting us

Among the templates and New Year's pictures for windows, one cannot fail to mention snowmen. Funny winter guests will add zest to the children's window.

Vytynankas in the form of deer

Deer remain a favorite theme not only for children, but also for adults. As a child, everyone wanted to see Santa Claus fly in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Vytynanka in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a pig

The year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming, so it’s worth placing a cute piglet in the form of a protruding piglet on your window.

Other animals as New Year's stencils for windows

Even after placing a piglet on the window, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of sticking other beautiful animals there.

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New Year is the time when you want everyone to take part in preparing for the holiday and feel the magic of the approaching fairy tale. By deciding to decorate your windows for the New Year, you will not only prepare your home for the holiday, but also share your festive mood with others who will see the result of your work. We have prepared some simple and bright decor ideas.

Choose: what do you like best?

LED garlands and candles

Every year, the tradition of decorating windows with glowing garlands embraces more and more people. On New Year's Eve, the gray high-rise buildings of residential areas are transformed: here and there, multi-colored windows light up, sparkling with lights.

A modern New Year's garland is more than a cord with multi-colored LED lamps. Even if it is one-color, a garland can become the main element of New Year's decor: light bulbs can cast fancy shadows through openwork ones, fixed nearby or covered with ordinary paper cups, reminiscent of small home lampshades.

You can not only decorate the windows for the New Year, but also add a touch of romance or even mystery to the interior with the help of lit candles. Candles can be the same in color and size or, on the contrary, vary in shape, but form a single composition in the overall style of the interior.

DIY garlands

There is plenty of room for realizing your fantasies - a creation for windows.

You can create original hanging decorations from whatever you have on hand. Garlands made with:

Drawing with gouache

You can decorate windows for the New Year using paints. The wide surface of the window glass allows you to depict entire scenes with several characters against the backdrop of New Year's landscapes. For painting, it is better to use gouache - compared to other paints, it lays on the glass in a dense layer and is easily washed off afterwards.

Even small children can paint windows for the holiday. They can draw the whole picture themselves or color what the adults have marked on the glass. If you plan to draw a small picture, you can print out a suitable image, temporarily attach a sheet to the outside of the window and trace the contours of the image, so that you can then color them yourself or with your children.

New Year 2020 is the year of the Rat. Children will appreciate an unusual idea if the funny Rat can become one of the many New Year's characters painted on the windows on the eve of the holiday.

Window decoration with balloons

It is impossible to imagine a New Year's interior without traditional Christmas decorations - Christmas tree balls. Multi-colored or plain balls, attached to the cornice at different heights, will look floating in the air during the daytime, and after dark they will become an original festive accent in the interior.

Volumetric paper decorations

You can decorate windows for the New Year using plain white paper. Hand-drawn stencils or printed paper silhouette templates just need to be cut out and mounted on the window (or placed on the windowsill). This could be the outline of a snow-covered fairytale forest or a cozy tiny village with caps of snow on top of small houses.

Windows can be decorated with paper folded into three-dimensional figures. To do this, just use one of the many schemes for creating New Year's.

Window cutouts

The amazingly beautiful New Year's decorations glued to the glass will create the impression that nature itself tried to decorate the windows for the New Year - the filigree openwork nets of figures cut out of paper really resemble patterns frosted over in the cold.

Numerous photos of paper decorations will help you decide how to decorate your window and choose the appropriate pattern among.

How to decorate a windowsill?

Before decorating the window space, you should move traditional pots with indoor plants from the windowsill. This will not only have a beneficial effect on the plants themselves (as it will relieve them of the dry air of the radiators), but will also help create a green foliage-free background.

Anything can serve as material for creating a composition:

Even the most ordinary glass jars with artificial snow poured inside or a twisted garland included will become an original New Year's decoration for windows.

Ready-made stickers

You can decorate windows for the New Year not only by creating something yourself. For those who do not like to wash off drawings or traces of glued decorations from glass after the holiday, using store-bought stickers would be a suitable idea. It doesn’t take time to create these decorative elements; you just need to choose and purchase the option you like. Most stickers are disposable, but can be saved and used for next year. To do this, after the holidays are over, you need to carefully remove the sticker and stick it back to the sheet in which it was sold.

Our cool stencils and templates will help you decorate your home in an original way for the New Year 2019. Simple pictures with mittens, snowflakes, ornate patterns, as well as images of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the coming year - Pigs - will help create a real festive atmosphere. You can use the stencils and templates we have selected for cutting out windows for the New Year 2019 to decorate glass with plain paper and to draw thematic pictures with toothpaste or powder.

Beautiful stencils and templates for the window for the New Year of the Pig 2019 for cutting - A4 format

To decorate your windows in an original way on the eve of the upcoming holiday, we recommend viewing examples of our stencils in A4 format. In this collection you will find many cool pictures with neat patterns. Stencils with a snowman, bunnies, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus are ideal for printing and cutting out on A4 sheets for a cool window decoration for the New Year 2019.

A selection of stencils and templates for the Year of the Pig

We recommend printing the pictures we have selected on thick paper for the convenience of drawing patterns and pictures with toothpaste on glass. You can cut out the bunnies themselves, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and other drawings using either a stationery knife or thin scissors (for example, manicure scissors). To make it easy to transfer the template to glass, we recommend securing the paper with tape.

Video example of drawing on windows using stencils with toothpaste

The video we have selected will help you prepare correctly for drawing pictures on glass to decorate your home for the New Year. With its help, you will learn all about the technology of cutting stencils from paper and transferring drawings to windows. For work, you can use either toothpaste diluted with water or tooth powder diluted to a paste.

Themed stencils for cutting out for the New Year of the Pig 2019

It’s not only New Year themed pictures that will help you easily prepare for the coming 2019 Pig. For our readers, we have selected cool stencils with pigs, piglets and wild boars. Original pictures with pigs can be combined with each other or drawn in different parts of the window to be decorated. Simple stencils for cutting will help you decorate all the windows in your house in an unusual and original way for the New Year of the Pig 2019.

Cool stencils with pigs

Using our templates, you can make many different pig designs. The selected pictures are suitable for drawing on glass with toothpaste or powder. You can also cut out cute pigs from the suggested pictures and transfer them to the windows using a spray with artificial snow. Then the images of pigs on the glass will turn out to be more voluminous and unusual.

Unusual stencils for the New Year of the Pig 2019 - a selection of pictures and templates with pigs

You can use the cool pig stencils we have selected to draw the symbol of the New Year 2019 on glass with toothpaste. But also in our collection you will find interesting templates for simple cutting on paper. This symbol of the year can be glued to glass or attached to walls and doors. Also, if you wish, you can complement the finished stencils with different patterns and cut ornate ornaments on the pig itself.

Stencils and templates with pigs

Our pig stencils are ideal for cutting out by children and adults: they do not include complex elements, so even kids will enjoy working with them. Moreover, after printing the blanks on pink or yellow paper, you can make original crafts with the symbol of the coming year to decorate your entire home. You can easily make funny window garlands and unusual paper pendants from cute pigs.

Christmas tree: a simple paper template for the New Year (can be printed)

Beautiful templates with Christmas trees are ideal for cutting out: without such original pictures it is impossible to imagine New Year's glass decoration in the house. Therefore, we have created a separate selection of stencils with Christmas trees for you. The selected drawings are perfect for creating New Year's panoramas or beautiful glass framing. Such a composition will definitely create a real festive atmosphere. To do this, you just need to choose the most suitable templates with Christmas trees and, on New Year's Eve, print them on paper, then cut them out and transfer them to glass.

A selection of templates with Christmas trees

You can use beautiful templates with Christmas trees either individually or to create unusual compositions on glass. For example, with their help you can make a picture of a snow-covered forest. You can also use our Christmas trees to create a simple frame around the New Year's symbol - the pig. Or you can place a pig on the glass against a background of distant Christmas trees.

Original template made of paper on glass for the New Year of the Pig

For a simple and quick window decoration for the Pig New Year 2019, we recommend that you use the paper stencils we have selected. All you need to do is print out simple templates and carefully cut out the extra parts from them. Next you will need to glue the paper to the glass, after wetting it with soapy water. The simple pictures are perfect for cutting out by both adults and children.

A selection of original templates

The stencils and cutting templates we have selected will help you decorate your home very beautifully and festively. Pictures with deer, angels and Santa Claus are ideal for decorating glass in a children's room. But we recommend moving the large “Happy New Year” inscription to the window in the living room. Also, under it you can place the symbol of the year itself - a cute pig. Please note that the template with the inscription should be printed on 2 sheets of A4 paper or on one A3 sheet. On one A4 sheet it will turn out small and compressed.

The best stencils Patterns for the window for the New Year (can be printed)

Instead of the usual snowflakes or the pig symbol of 2019, you can decorate your windows for the New Year using stencils with patterns. We have selected the best examples of ornate patterns, as well as images of animals, complemented by cool curls. Such stencils are quite difficult to cut, but the resulting pattern looks very beautiful and unusual. At the same time, with the help of corner patterns, you can not only decorate the glass in an original way, but also emphasize the image of a pig, a Christmas tree and any other design depicted in its central part.

Stencils with patterns

To cut out the stencils we have selected with small pictures, figured snowflakes, and deer, we recommend using thin scissors. Cutting complex patterns with a stationery knife will be quite inconvenient. Also, to make it easier to transfer the design to the window, you should print it on very thick paper: even after getting wet, it will retain its shape and due to this, the picture will not smear when the sheet is peeled off.

The most beautiful stencils and templates Snowflakes for the window in the New Year

It is impossible to put up a New Year's window decoration without beautiful and filigree snowflakes. For you, we have created a selection of very unusual and quite simple templates that even children can work with. You just need to print out the stencils with snowflakes we have selected on paper, and then start cutting them out. If you wish, you can simply glue the cut out pictures to the glass. The stencils and snowflake templates we have selected are suitable for original decoration of windows for the New Year at home, in a kindergarten or school.

A selection of New Year's stencils and templates with snowflakes

In our collection of snowflake stencils you will find many blanks for cutting. Cool templates can be combined with each other. You can also print some of them in larger or smaller sizes. This will help you decorate glass in an unusual way with snowflakes of different sizes. You can decorate your home, kindergarten or school using our stencils by making full-fledged pendants or garlands of snowflakes for windows. Such decor, created using simple stencils, will help you easily create a festive atmosphere.

How to draw snowflakes on windows using patterns for the New Year (video)

The master class we have selected will help you learn how to easily and simply decorate glass for the New Year holidays. It shows step by step how to use toothpaste to make beautiful and unusual frosty patterns on glass and transfer the snowflakes themselves. We have also selected a useful video for you on making three-dimensional snowflakes. For this work, you can use any of the stencils and templates we have selected.

Using our stencils and templates for cutting out windows for the New Year 2019, you can decorate your home in an original and festive way. Collections of pictures are suitable for decorating glass with paper and for drawing beautiful patterns using toothpaste or tooth powder. Collections with Christmas trees, snowflakes, and mittens will help create a festive atmosphere, but also in the collections you will find many thematic stencils and A4 templates for printing the symbol of 2019 - the pig.