Scenario of the Easter competition program for children. Scenario of a game program dedicated to the celebration of Easter. Competition for the most unusual, beautiful egg

And now the days of strict fasting and exhausting preparation for the great holiday of Easter are behind us. Your home shines with cleanliness, smells of flowers and the incomparable aroma of freshly baked Easter cake. The house will soon be filled with festive sounds, the twitter of long-awaited meetings, joyful children's laughter and the grace-filled, uniting everyone: “Christ is Risen!” Relatives who will soon gather in your home after a long separation will probably find something to talk about and remember. And if, suddenly, ridiculous silent pauses arise, you can always fill them with fun entertainment that smells so sweet of childhood! And, of course, fragrant plum pie, egg salad and many other inimitable delicacies!

Invitations Decor Costumes
Games Treats Gifts

Easter entertainment, which I'm sure you've been thinking about for many days, should, first of all, be unobtrusive. Let’s say that your devout Aunt Lisa, at over sixty years old, is in no way able to take part in “Egg Bowling” (where you need to run quickly and “shoot” accurately). But she will be happy to outdo everyone in the “Easter Quiz” (where you need to sit still and know all the nuances of the Easter service and the history of the holiday). And her grandson, Mishka, will really enjoy the Easter relay race, but he knows absolutely nothing about the nuances of the Sunday Liturgy. Choose games and fun for the holiday so that all guests can (and want!) to participate in them. Well, as always, I will offer you several possible options!


To begin with, I’ll say a few words about music. It should certainly (in the background) accompany your holiday. Of course, for such a solemn event as a family dinner on the day of Great Easter, majestic church works and hymns, as well as classics, are best suited. Take “Iolanta” by Tchaikovsky, “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi, and other playful spring compositions.

Among other things, oriental motifs, for example, “Cherry Blossom” and, of course, ethnic Russian folk rock and simply traditional folk songs, will sound great in unison with your joyful spring laughter.

The combination of such directions will (don’t even doubt it!) be interesting to everyone. The older generation of the family will become familiar with the musical preferences of young people, and vice versa, the young will learn how the “Cossack Circle” can sing and what chorales are.

Well, now - a few words about the promised fun!


Game 1. “Easter Bowling”

Participants: everyone is interested.

Props: several hard-boiled eggs of different colors.

Rules: This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. A white (unpainted) egg is placed in the middle of the room (lawn). All participants stand a few steps away from the egg. The task of each of them is to roll their egg as close to the white one as possible. The participant whose egg is closest to the center wins.

Game 2. “Easter Race”

Participants: children and young people (active game).

Props: plastic eggs (cups), cocktail straws.

Rules of the game: all participants stand at the starting line. The goal is to get the egg (a cup turned upside down) to the finish line as quickly as possible. Younger participants are allowed to simply roll the egg with a straw, while older participants can make the task more complicated. Let them push the “Easter cup” or egg with the force of their breath (you need to blow into the straw). The winner is awarded applause and sweet prizes!

Game 3. “Spring Relay”

Participants: young people.

Props: large plastic eggs.

Rules: all participants stand in a circle. The first one squeezes an egg between the neck and chin and tries to pass it in this way to the next participant. It is prohibited to touch the trophy egg with your hands. If the egg falls during the transfer, the participant who unsuccessfully tried to pass it leaves the game. The most dexterous one wins, as always!

Game 4. “What’s in the basket?”

Props: a large box decorated with Easter drawings or a real wicker basket, small items (sweets, eggs, hairpins, paper clips, balls, toys, etc.).

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: everyone who wants to participate is allowed to take one item from the basket (box). But! You need to name it without taking it out of the box and without looking at it. You just need to guess by touch which Easter gift you got. If the answer turns out to be correct, the gift belongs to the participant; if not, it is returned back to the basket and the game continues.

Game 5. “A pair for each creature”

Props: cards with animal names (so that the name of one animal is repeated on two cards).

Participants: everyone with a sense of humor (at least 6 people).

Rules:“God, before the universal flood, allowed Noah to take a pair of each creature on his ark”... So you can start a game, the essence of which is that all participants must recognize their own kind as quickly as possible, run up to him and take his hand. At the beginning of the game, participants take one card from the hands of the presenter and read the name of the animal whose habits they will have to imitate. At the command “start!”, everyone must show in an accessible form what animal they have reincarnated into. Those who were unable to show the recognizable, characteristic features of their animal and did not create a pair leave the game.

Game 6. “Capture the Easter Egg”

Participants: children (at least 8 players).

Props: 8 Easter eggs.

Rules: The game is best played outdoors. All participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives 4 eggs, which must be placed at the same distance from each other on two opposite sides of the lawn (playing field). These are team fortresses. On the command “march!” members of each team must get to the enemy’s castle by any means and take his eggs. But this must be done in such a way as not to be caught by opponents who will try to win back their eggs! The game continues until the leader blows his winning whistle.

Game 7. “Easter bunnies”

Props: rope or scarf for each pair of participants.

Participants: everyone who is not deprived of a sense of humor (in pairs).

Rules: couples stand side by side to each other. Their legs and arms (which touch each other) are tied. The task is to bring the chocolate Easter eggs to the other guests (who are on the opposite side of the room) in such a hobbled state. The couple that completes the task the fastest retains the proud title of the “Easter Bunny.”

Game 8. “Naughty Basket”

Props: baskets with Easter treats.

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: carry the basket on your head from one end of the playground to the other so that it does not fall and its contents do not spill onto the floor. For older participants, the task can be complicated by adding an obstacle course.

In addition to active outdoor games, offer your dear guests several options for creative joint projects.


Easter IQ Quiz

Participants: older people.

The essence: in Easter themed quiz. All participants need to ask questions related to Easter. For example, how long does the Easter Liturgy last or how to calculate the date of next Easter?

This fun is dangerous because it can turn into a theological dispute. Therefore, I would advise, when choosing questions for the quiz, not to focus on purely church and religious aspects (let the meaning of Christianity remain in everyone’s soul), but to take lighter and funnier questions, for example, “what is the difference between the Easter bunny and the Easter chicken? ", or "Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

While adults are looking for answers to the tricky and meaningful questions of the Easter quiz, invite the children to assemble an original egg puzzle or arrange a competition among them for the most beautiful Easter egg.

Props: paints, varnish, unpainted eggs, tassels, beads.

Essence: Draw your vision of the holiday on the egg. Choose colors and patterns so that you can later explain why such a choice was made. The author of the most interesting and unusual idea receives a prize.

Props: plastic plates, scissors, colored paper, glue, buttons, etc.

The essence The competition is to assemble any Easter symbol from available materials in 15 minutes: a bunny, a chicken, a pysanka, a basket, an Easter cake, etc.

When the most creative “Easter miracle” takes its honorable, prominent place in the festive hall, you can invite guests to a festive meal!


On this day there should be a lot of baked goods on the table. Hot, steaming. This is a symbol of the presence of the Holy Spirit at the festive table. Pies, donuts, buns, cheesecakes - joyful Easter abundance!

Oh yes, don’t forget to make juicy curd paska with candied fruits and dried fruits! After all, there is an opinion that this particular product is truly a Russian national paska in the full meaning of the word!

(Sounds recording of bell ringinginviting guests to gather in a circle)

Hostess: Hello good people, dear guests. I congratulate you on the brightest and most joyful holiday - Easter. Let the bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun.

(Russian folk song sounds“It’s like crossing a bridge, a bridge.”Children sing along).

Hostess: In Russia, Easter was called Great Day, Bright Day. The peasants believed that the sun shines on Easter. And many tried to watch for this moment. The children even addressed the sun with a song:

Sunshine, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, go for a ride,

Red, dress up!

Young people climbed onto the roofs to meet the sun. Easter was a very big holiday that lasted a week, and this whole week was filled with various games, entertainment, and visiting. At Easter, it was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ, christen ourselves and exchange colored eggs. On Easter, everyone (men, boys, boys) was allowed to ring the bells, so there was a continuous ringing of bells, maintaining a joyful, festive mood. And how many games there were! Here, for example, is such a game.

1. "Egg Race"

To play you need 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons.

Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a tablespoon on which a colored egg is placed. The goal is to run a certain distance (marked by a flag or pin), turn around and pass the spoon to the next participant without dropping the egg. You can make the task more difficult by holding the spoon in your mouth instead of your hand! The team whose players complete the task faster wins. Chocolate eggs can be prepared as prizes for the winners.

Presenter. Easter would not happen without swings: in almost every yard they were set up for children, and in a traditional place - on the village square or the nearest pasture - poles were dug in ahead of time, ropes were hung, boards were attached - public swings were erected. Everyone was swaying.

Near the swing, something like a village club was formed: girls with sunflowers, women with children, men and boys with harmonicas and talyankas crowded here from morning to night. Some just looked and admired the fun of others, others had fun themselves. The leading role was occupied by the girls, who tirelessly rocked with the guys. Swaying, they said sentences.

1st girl. I'll swing high

I'll see far away

Where does my brother walk?

Rolls a red egg.

2nd girl. On holy week

We hung swings.

First you'll sway

Then you'll get married.

3rd girl. There is a swing on the mountain,

I'll go swing.

I'm going for a walk this summer

I'll get married in winter.

Leading. The youth celebrated in the open air: boys and girls danced, danced in circles, started games on the lawns, outside the outskirts, in forest clearings, at the end of the village street. A young singer came out into the middle of the meadow and, with the help of others, began a song, inviting all the fellows present. Then the girls were called in the same way. After that, holding hands, they formed a circle, which moved in one direction or the other, and sang.

(Children form a circle and sing the round dance song “We have already sown flax”).

2. “We have already sowed lenok” (round dance)

We have already sowed, sowed flax,

We have already sowed, sentenced,

They nailed them with chebots:

Turned from side to side

You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,

You succeed, my little white lenok,

Len, my flax,

White linen.

We weeded, weeded the flax,

We weeded, sentenced...

We tore, we tore flax...

We washed, we washed the lenok...

We ruffled and ruffled the flax...

We've been crushing, we've been crushing flax...

We were spinning, we were spinning flax...

We've been weaving, we've been weaving flax...

The song is performed lively, at a fast pace, they stand in a circle and depict the actions that are sung about - sowing, weeding, tearing... etc. To the words “You succeed, succeed, Lenok...” they straighten up, hold hands, stand in a circle, stamp their feet (right-left, left-right foot in the rhythm of the quarter beats in the song). At the words “Flax, my flax...” they stop and sing slowly, seriously, as if conjuring flax.

Presenter: Did you dance? let's play another game. For centuries, a favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. This game was arranged like this: they installed a wooden or cardboard “skating rink” and cleared a flat area around it, on which they laid out colored eggs, toys, and simple souvenirs. The playing children approached the “skating rink” one by one and each rolled their own egg. The prize was the object that the egg touched. This is how fun it used to be. Well, you and I will play differently. Two or more players play. You need to untwist your Easter egg at the same time. Whoever's egg spins the longest wins. The winner will take the losers' eggs.

3. "Spin the egg."

Presenter. On Easter, there was a custom to make wishes while standing in church during matins - the morning service. The girls, of course, asked for grooms. They also played hide and seek at Easter. One of the adults would go out into the garden early with a large bag of gifts, and return empty-handed... Where did it all go? This is where the turn of the young treasure hunters comes. On a festive Sunday morning, as soon as they opened their eyes, they were already running into the garden. We quickly divided into teams and off we went! Who will find the most gifts? Who is more dexterous? We have prepared a surprise for you too. Gifts are hidden in the hall. Teams are given 3 minutes to search for them. Who will find the most hidden gifts? Let's start!

Presenter: One of the oldest and kindest traditions is to release birds into the wild in honor of the Great Day. “Look at the sky as the bird sings as it flies away. Let it go!” - the uncle taught little Pushkin. Already an adult Pushkin writes:

In a foreign land I observe sacredly

Native custom of antiquity:

I'm releasing the bird into the wild

On the bright holiday of spring.

I became available for consolation,

Why should I grumble at God?

When at least one creation

I could give freedom!

Presenter. For Easter, each family collected and painted 100-200 eggs in onion skins. They were distributed to children who came to receive Christ. On the first day of the holiday, the whole family broke their fast with them. After the festive breakfast, a new game... The children have Easter eggs in their hands - it’s a shame to just eat them... Come on, who has the stronger one? Knock knock! A cracked testicle means you lose. Here's to laughter, children's sorrows and joy! Well, let's try it with you!

4. "Clinking eggs"

Pupil: Made us laugh many times

Russian dance "pereplyas"!

How much daring, enthusiasm,

How much joy there is in your eyes!

Come out boldly, friend!

Dancers, join the circle!

Pupil 2: Have fun getting down to business

So that everything around sings.

Let no one sit still

At least give a little more detail.

Everyone dances a merry dance to the cheerful fast folk music.

5. "Dance"

Leading: Oh, how great you guys are. How great they danced. Now, let's check your power supply. Who has the strongest lungs? Now you will need to blow these eggs down the groove with the power of your breath. Members of both teams stand opposite each other, and whoever manages to blow an egg onto the other side wins.

6. "Blow the egg"

Leading. Guys, you are my dear guests, do you know what words people from ancient times used to say on Easter Day instead of “Hello?” That's right, one said, “Christ is Risen,” and the other answered him, “In truth, He is Risen!” This is how it has been with us since then.

You and I, oh, how much fun we had today. You have learned a lot about Easter. Easter is a time of joy, a celebration of victory over death, sorrow and sorrow. I wish you to maintain a bright and joyful mood for a long time, may your soul be filled with love, kindness and hope. Thank you for coming to us today, for being active and cheerful. Well, now goodbye, Christ is Risen!

Ikryanova Svetlana Evgenievna
Thematic game program “Easter is a great holiday”

Progress of the event.

Child reads a poem:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining from heaven!

The dark forest has already turned green,

Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - it's time for miracles,

The spring is babbling - Christ is risen!

There are no brighter words in the world -

"Truly Christ has risen!"

Presenter: Dear guys! Today we celebrate the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Easter considered the main Christian holiday, the reason for which was the saving suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Presenter: Guys, do you know what the word " means Easter"? The word comes from the Hebrew - “passing.”

Presenter: Week before Easter called passionate. Great Thursday reminds us of the last communion. On Friday, Christ was crucified on the cross, his body was placed in a cave. IN Great Saturday the Holy Fire descended on the Holy Sepulcher, signifying the Resurrection of Christ. On the third day, at night, Jesus Christ came to life. The Angel of the Lord commanded to tell all the disciples about this.

Presenter: In the old days Easter people organized folk festivals, games, danced in circles, walked around the courtyards, which was reminiscent of Christmas caroling.

Presenter: And also on Easter was played"hide and seek". One of the adults would go out into the garden in the morning with gifts and hide them. When the children woke up, they ran to look for him. Do you want to play? Gifts are hidden in the room. Who will find more? Let's start!

Presenter: The ringing of bells echoed throughout the village, because in holiday Anyone could call them. The children loved to hum song:

Sunshine, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, go for a ride,

Red, dress up!

Presenter: A swing was installed on the square. The guys rocked the girls until they said the name of their groom. At this time the swings were singing choruses:

On holy week

Have fun with the swings,

First you'll sway

Then you'll get married.

Presenter: On the Day of Light Easter It was supposed to treat everyone you met with eggs and greet them with the words “Christ is Risen!” In response, it was also customary to give a treat and say “Truly He is Risen!” People believed that within 40 days from Easter to Ascension, Christ himself descends to earth and walks through the cities. People gave food to the poor because one of them could have been Jesus himself.

Presenter: The egg is considered a symbol of new life, rebirth. According to legend, the first Easter Saint Mary Magdalene presented the egg to the Roman emperor; the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. Red is the color of the blood of Christ.

Presenter: Also on Easter accepted“beat with eggs”, hitting the opponent’s egg with the blunt or sharp end of a boiled colored egg. The winner is the one whose egg is not cracked. Shall we play?

Presenter: Many traditions Easter celebrations have survived to this day. On Clean Thursday, people clean up their apartments, paint eggs, and on Good Friday, houses are filled with the smell of baking Easter cakes and cottage cheese. Myself holiday begins with a solemn service. But the tradition is to paint on Easter eggs in Rus' have long roots. There are several ways to color (show example):

Presenter: Krashenki - in the old days they used natural ones dyes: onion peels, plant juices, vegetables. Today food coloring is used.

Presenter: Krapanki - first a boiled egg is painted, and then drops of hot wax are applied. After which, the egg is placed in paint of a different color. Once the paint has dried, the egg is dipped in hot water. The wax melts in it and an original pattern is formed.

Presenter: Pysanky are a whole work of folk art. Their painting uses images of plants and animals, geometric shapes.

Presenter: Now we will color you too easter eggs. (Leaflets with painted eggs are handed out. The child must color them, you can draw a pattern on them or make an applique.)

Presenter: Easter entertainment was games with colored eggs. Let's play with you too. (You can select some games, and if the children are not very tired, then play them all)

Presenter: "Egg rolling." For skating, I prepared a special “red” slide, which we will install on the floor. You will throw colored eggs one at a time, and the one whose egg rolls further will win. If the launched egg touches the already launched eggs below, then the player will take them too.

Presenter: "Bowling in Russian." Prizes are placed around the perimeter of the table (sweets, chocolates, kinder surprises, small toys). Your task is to use your egg to knock out the thing you like. We'll take turns riding. Everyone will receive the prize they win. The game will continue until you win all the prizes.

Presenter: "Spin the egg." Two or more play players. You need to simultaneously promote your Easter Egg. Whoever's egg spins the longest wins. The winner will take the losers' eggs.

Presenter: Rolling eggs towards each other. Another game with Easter eggs. Play on a smooth floor or table. Two players stand opposite each other and roll the eggs towards each other. One speaks: “Christ is risen!”, another replies to him: "Truly risen!" The eggs should collide with each other. Whoever's egg breaks loses and gives it to the winner.

Presenter: So, Easter is a time of joy, celebration of victory over death, grief and sadness. I wish you to maintain a bright and joyful mood for a long time, may your soul be filled with love, kindness and hope.

Now let's have a tea party!

Publications on the topic:

Game program “We celebrate the summer holiday, we celebrate Children’s Day” Game program “We celebrate the summer holiday, we celebrate Children’s Day” Presenter: Hello, friends! Hello all those who have a hundred.

Children come in to the music and stand in a semicircle. Children recite poems. To the music, Little Brownie Kuzya runs in with a chest. Kuzya: Oh, I didn’t have time.

Game program “Fun exams or a childhood holiday” Scenario "Fun Exams" or CHILDHOOD HOLIDAY Songs from the repertoire of the group "Barbariki" are played, the children are seated in the hall. Tutatama: Get it.

i]Author: Oksana Yurievna Berezovskaya, teacher of the MKDOU, Toguchinsky district, Ttoguchinsky kindergarten No. 1 of a combined type Description.

Concert and game program “Easter Holiday” Children enter the hall and sit down. Presenter: To the chanting of Easter prayers and to the ringing of bells, spring flies to us from distant, midday regions.

Explanatory note.docx

Yurchenko Oksana Sergeevna

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Children and Youth Center" of the Industrial District, teacher-organizer

“Bright Holiday – Easter” (festive educational and game program for children and parents)

The main goal of the program is to introduce children to the history of the Russian people, their customs and traditions, to foster a sense of love for their Motherland, and to strengthen family relationships through joint creative leisure.

Preparatory work:

1. Selection of musical accompaniment.

2. Selection and preparation of poems with children.

3. Children and parents prepare posters with sayings.

4. Preparation of costume elements.

5. Preparation of props.


The wall is decorated with a rustic window decoration. In front of the window there is a table / samovar, painted bowls with sweets, baked goods, colored eggs /, above the table there is an “Easter wreath”.

The tables in the hall are decorated with bowls of green grass and Easter eggs.

List of used literature:

    Petrov V.M., Grishina G.N., Korotkova L.D. Spring holidays, games and fun for children. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 1998.

    ABZATS-K LLC. Merry holiday (Scenarios and advice) - Novosibirsk: LLC "TETRA - 99", 2001.

Event script.docx

Characters: presenter, Shershunya (brownie).

Music sounds with bells ringing.

Leading: Christ is risen, good people!

(The audience responds to the greeting.)

The bright holiday of Christ has come again - Easter. Beloved by everyone, long-awaited. A line of people goes to church, according to an ancient custom, to bless the Easter meal: Easter cakes, Easter cakes, eggs.

Do you have Easter cakes in the house? What about the dyes? Have you been to church?

(The audience responds.)

Nothing, I think those who didn’t go to church also celebrated Easter: the whole family gathered to celebrate Christ, look into each other’s eyes, and laugh. Taste the treats. Am I right?

(The audience responds.)

She set the table with colored cakes, Easter cakes and other foodstuffs. While I was talking to you, the paints disappeared from the table! Apparently, Sheshunya, the brownie is playing some mischief. He loves to do this, he will play and give it away, but now he is hiding somewhere. Maybe you can help me call him?

(The audience responds.)

You just need to call him in a whisper: Sheshunya!

The audience repeats three times: “Sheshunya!” following the leader, but Sheshunya does not appear.

Leading: I remembered! You have to knock.

He leans towards the floor and knocks. Brownie Sheshunya appears.

Brownie Sheshunya: What was your name? I'll return the dyes. I'll play a little and give it away. Don't be afraid... I'm bored, so I'm having fun.

Leading: Just think, the eggs are colored. And I have so many beautiful Easter eggs that you can’t take your eyes off them! What other ones do children have!

(Takes out several Easter eggs from his pocket and addresses the audience.)

Show me who has what kind of Easter eggs?

Sheshunya looks at the raised hands with Easter eggs. He runs around the hall, amazed.

Brownie Sheshunya: Wow, there are so many of them around! Oh! Which! And I only have painted ones. It’s okay, I’ll run now and take everyone’s Easter eggs...

He tries to take away the Easter eggs, but no one gives them. Returns to the presenter.

Leading: Yes! You can't play any games with just one testicle. I suggest

you win testicles from the guys. For example, you can slide them down

go for a ride, organize a “top” competition and paint a fight!

Brownie Sheshunya: Let's play!

Leading: Well, guess what, you don’t even know how to play!

Brownie Sheshunya: Or maybe you can teach me?

Leading: Let me first tell you about the symbol of the holiday.

According to ancient belief, an egg is our whole world, the whole Universe. “Before the birth of white light, the world was shrouded in pitch darkness. There was only Rod – our Ancestor – in the darkness. Rod – Spring of the Universe, Father of the gods. At the beginning the Rod was enclosed in an egg, He was an ungerminated seed, He was an unopened bud. But the imprisonment came to an end. Rod gave birth to Love - Mother Lada. The family destroyed the prison with the power of Love, and then the world will be filled with Love. And He gave birth to the kingdom of heaven, and under it He created the heavenly things. I cut the umbilical cord with a rainbow. He separated the Ocean, the blue sea, from the heavenly waters with a firmament of stone. He erected three vaults in the heavens. He divided Light and Darkness, Truth and Falsehood. The sun came out of His face... The bright moon - from His chest... The frequent stars - from His eyes... The clear dawns - from His eyebrows. Dark nights are from His thoughts...

Violent winds - from the breath... Rain, snow and hail - from His glory... Thunder and lightning - His voice... The heavens and all under heaven were born for Love...

The race was born by itself and will be born again... The race is what was and what is to come, what was born and what will be born..."

Brownie Sheshunya: This is how it was among the Slavs...

And according to Christian rites, the white egg turned red after the resurrection of Christ. Mary Magdalene brought a white egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius with the news of the resurrection of the God-Man. He didn’t believe it, but before his eyes the egg turned scarlet. Since then, the painted egg has been a symbol of Easter.

Leading: People have come up with a lot of games with paints.

For example, they competed to see whose egg would spin the longest. On command, children and adults spin their paints. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

(The game is going on.)

For many centuries, the favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. To play, you need a wooden or cardboard “skating rink”. Whose egg rolls further is the winner.

(Rolling eggs.)

Leading: Here's another game. There are prizes on the table: whistles, toys, dolls, candies. The task of the players is to use their egg to knock out the thing they like. You need to take turns riding. Let's start! Each player receives the prize that he knocked off the table with his egg. The game continues until all the prizes are won.

(Children and adults win prizes.)

The brought eggs are laid out on the table and covered with caps. There are also hats on the table with nothing under them. Then the hats are moved around the table. One of the participants in the game is outside the room at this time. They call him and ask: “Where are you soaring the coki?” The driver raises his hat and, if there are dyes there, takes them for himself. The game continues until the paints are taken apart. Whoever is luckier will take home a whole cap of eggs.

(Game with hats.)

They also played hide and seek at Easter.

One of the adults went out into the garden early in the morning with a large bag of gifts, and returned empty-handed...

"Children and Youth Center"

Industrial district

« Bright holiday - Easter"

(holiday educational and game program

for children and parents)

Yurchenko Oksana Sergeevna,

Municipal budget educational

institution of additional education for children

"Children and Youth Center"


Barnaul, 2012

Scenario for children in elementary school “Celebrating Easter”

Leading. Hello, dear guys! You are welcome! We open Easter, the holiday begins!

Parsley. Look outside. Winter has gone into the gray distances, and the long-awaited spring has come. Nature began to wake up from sleep, the green forest rustled in the distance, and the sun was shining from the heavens. And along with spring came Easter .

Children sing the song "Easter Spring".

A bell is heard ringing.

Student (reads a poem by S. Yesenin).

Easter announcement

The dormant bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The blows came

To the blue skies

Hidden behind the river

White moon

She ran loudly

Frisky wave.

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

The ringing stops.

Leading. Guys, when they told you “Christ is risen,” what should you answer?

Children. Truly risen!

Parsley. Guys, let's welcome spring and invite Easter.

Game "Spring Gate"

All the guys are divided into two groups (it doesn’t matter how many people there will be in each group). They follow the leader's instructions.

Parsley. Several guys will build a gate (the guys who will build the gate come out): stand in a chain, hold hands and raise them up, you will get a lot of small gates that either close or open.

The guys raise or lower their hands according to the leader’s gesture: wave with their left hand - the gate opened, wave with their right hand - the gate closed.

Now I’ll ask all the other guys to come out. You will be children of spring. Run, walk, play in the clearing, and as soon as the gate opens, quickly run to the other side. The one who did not manage to cross waits for the gate to open.

Game “How a stream turns out”

Leading. In spring, the birds sing, the sun gets warmer, the snow melts, and streams appear. And streams appear from droplets. Children of spring, turn into small drops in the clearing. The gate moves to the side.

So each droplet has found a place for itself in the clearing and is basking in the sun, looking out for another droplet. And so it connected with another droplet, with a third, and these are no longer droplets, but streams.

To the music of the drop, the guys scatter in different directions and move one by one. At the presenter’s signal: “The droplet is increasing!” the guys become pairs and continue to move around the stage. At the next signal, threes of guys are formed, etc. At the end of the game, you get one big stream.

Leading. Guys, take the bells and ring them so that you can hear the streams running.

The guys are ringing the bells.

Game "Mountain Streams"

Parsley. The largest streams form in the mountains. They are called mountain rivers. The guys who built the gates will now raise the mountains. And our big stream will turn into many mountain rivers.

The mountain guys, holding hands, form a large circle. All rivers are inside the circle. While the music is playing, the stream guys are trying to break through the mountain. The music stopped. The one who has passed through the mountain joins the “mountain”. Thus the mountain grows larger. The game continues until 2-3 children remain.

Leading. Spring has come, the streams are babbling, but the sun is not visible. Guys, let's wake up the sun. Let's all shout together: “Sunny, sunshine, come out quickly, be kinder to us!”

Everyone calls the sun. A girl comes out dressed as a sun, holding an Easter egg in her hands.

Sun. Hello guys. Happy Easter to you. I wish everyone happiness and treat you to an Easter egg.

The sun hands the egg to Parsley.

Parsley. What is this thing - an egg? What's inside?

Leading. The egg is a symbol of hope, a symbol of new life. One of the legends says that our planet also emerged from an egg. From the bottom of the egg, Mother Earth was formed, and from the top, the vault of heaven. From the yolk a red sun appeared, and from the white - a clear moon and stars.

Parsley. What an interesting legend! But why is the egg red?

A chicken girl runs out. Calls the chickens.

Hen. Chick, chick, chick. My children, get ready. I'll tell you a wonderful story now.

The chickens run out and sit in a semicircle near the hen.

Hen. My great-grandmother told me this story. This happened a very long time ago. Mary Magdalene took a white round egg and gave it to the Roman king Tiberius for Easter. At the same time, she said: “Christ has risen,” and explained that Christ rose from the tomb, like a chicken that hatches from this egg. The king took the gift, thought for a moment and replied: “I won’t believe it until I see the miracle myself. It’s like a testicle turning from white to red.” The egg seemed to hear the king’s words. It glowed bright red in his hands. Tiberius was frightened: “This is a miracle of miracles! I won't argue with you. Christ is truly risen!”

Chickens(running). Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

All together. Christ is truly risen!

Parsley. Let's play.

Easter Egg Competition

Each participant paints an egg using paints and a brush. The winner is the one with the most beautiful egg.

Competition "Roll the Egg"

Each player takes a boiled colored egg. The shell color should not be the same. Players roll an egg. Whoever's egg rolls farthest wins.

Relay race "Running with an egg"

Two teams with the same number of guys participate. Each team is given a spoon and a boiled egg. You need to put the egg in a spoon and run a certain distance with it - back and forth. The egg is then given to another member of the team, and he goes on his way. The team that doesn't drop the eggs and finishes the relay first wins.

Leading. Let's play. And now I ask you to eat colored eggs with Easter cakes at the table and celebrate Easter.